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- SameGame for Windows 95/98/NT
- t h e u l t i m a t e t i m e w a s t e r
- You can make your own skins and use them with SameGame.
- This file contains information about how you do it.
- 1. Create a folder in the SameGame directory. The name
- of the folder will be the name shown in the skin selector.
- 2. Design your skin. Look at the pictures in the default
- folder and figure out how to cut your images.
- 3. Create a file called samegame.ini in the folder. This
- file positions all the elements. See ini file variables
- below for details.
- 4. The icon shown in in the skin selector is 32x16 pixels
- and should be named sm_icon.bmp. Make a nice one.
- 5. Test your skin.
- 6. If you're satisfyed, send the url and a short
- skin desciption to samegame@tjerngren.net and your skin
- will be added to the download list.
- [squares]
- BASE <name of skin this is based on>
- - all files missing in current skin is taken from
- this skin.
- SQUARES <number of squares in squares.bmp file>
- OFFSET <x>,<y>
- - offset if grid has a border.
- [images] - bg.bmp always loaded first and used
- as background.
- - hex red green blue. Color to treat as invisible
- when showing graphics. Invisible is valid from
- the position it's used and until replaced with
- other invisible color.
- GRID <x>,<y>
- - This is the area the game is played on.
- <name> <x>,<y>
- <name> corresponds to <name>.bmp and indicated
- what file to load. <x> & <y> is coordinates where
- to place the image.
- The following names have special meaning and a
- special format :
- The image should contain two images side by side,
- one for normal and one for when it is pressed.
- About shows the about dialog box with the
- possibility to change skin to something else.
- Minimize and Close do just that. Hiscore shows the
- high-score dialog and newgame starts a new game!
- [entryfields]
- LEVELFONT <commaseparated list of fontnames to use to view level>
- LEVELSIZE <size of font for level>
- LEVELCOLOR <color (0x0 hex format) for level>
- SCOREFONT <commaseparated list of fontnames to use to view score>
- SCORESIZE <size of font for score>
- SCORECOLOR <color (0x0 hex format) for score>
- SCORE <x>,<y>,<w>,<h>
- - position and size of area to display score.
- LEVEL <x>,<y>,<w>,<h>
- - position and size of area to display level.
- FONT <commaseparated list of fontnames to use to view level and score>
- SIZE <size of font for level & score>
- COLOR <color (0x0 hex format) for level & score>
- BITMAP <0x0 hex color of background>
- The file "numbers.bmp" is always loaded and should
- contain all numbers from 0 to 9 in that order and
- all numbers should be of the same width.
- [audio]
- LEVEL <filename>
- - sound to play when a level is cleared.
- GAMEOVER <filename>
- - sound to play when the game is over.
- REMOVE <filename>
- - Played when some bricks are removed.
- CYCLE <filename>
- - sound to play when player cycle colors.
- NEWGAME <filename>
- - sound for when newgame is pressed.
- STARTGAME <filename>
- - This is played when the program is started.
- QUITGAME <filename>
- - Played when SameGame is closed.