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- ## G o l d W a v e ## ## v4.26 ##
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- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Table of Contents
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.0 GoldWave Features
- 2.0 Installation, Uninstall
- 3.0 Important Additional Notes
- 4.0 Shareware, Copyright & Distribution, Warranty
- 5.0 Contacting the Developer
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.0 GoldWave Features
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- GoldWave is a sound editor, player, recorder, and converter
- for Windows. You can use it to make sounds for website,
- answering machine messages, or even record your own
- CDs (when used with CD Recorder software).
- Features:
- * Multiple resizable sound windows with time axis, amplitude
- axis, and "Overview" box.
- * Independent left/right channel editing and viewing
- * Detailed zoom to magnify to a sub-sample level for
- accurate editing
- * Vertical (amplitude) zooming
- * Direct editing with the mouse
- * Standard editing functions: undo, cut, copy, paste,
- trim, mix, delete
- * Fast 'Copy to' command for dividing a file into sections
- * Intelligent editing that automatically converts
- sampling rates, bits, and channels when copying and
- pasting to different file formats
- * Configurable storage: direct-to-disk or RAM
- * Tool bars for editing, zooming, opening files, and effects
- * Over 50 bitmapped tool buttons
- * Status bar with configurable time and range displays
- * Standard effects: echo, volume, reverse, envelope shaping,
- panning, filters, resample, transpose, doppler,
- dynamics, noise reduction, flange, parametric EQ,
- time warp, and more
- * Ability to save preset paramaters and shapes for effects
- * Independent and resizable Device Controls window with
- oscilloscopes, LED meters, and controls
- * Play, pause, stop, rewind, fast forward, record,
- volume, balance, and speed controls
- * Realtime playback during rewind and fast forward
- * Realtime amplitude, spectrum, spectrum bar, or
- spectrogram oscilloscopes
- * Flexibility to choose playback/recording devices
- * User configurable play control
- * Configurable recording options: loop, countdown timer,
- level activated, monitor
- * Support for WAV, OGG, VOC, IFF, AIF, AFC, AU, SND, MP3,
- MAT, DWD, SMP, VOX, SDS, AVI, MOV, as well as the ability
- to open RAW files as 8-bit, 12-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit,
- mu-Law, A-Law, ISDN A-Law, IEEE floating point,
- ASCII text, Dialogic ADPCM
- * Ability to set and describe reference/cue points
- * Expression evaluator for any type of sound generation
- and manipulation
- * Complete help on all commands
- * Shareware, with no features disabled!
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- 2.0 Installation, Uninstall
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- 2.1) Installation
- If you downloaded the self-installing version, simply run
- the program.
- If you downloaded the zip version, create a new
- "GoldWave" folder, such as:
- C:\Program Files\GoldWave
- and unzip or copy all files into that folder. Create a short
- cut to the "goldwave.exe" program file in the folder.
- 2.2) Uninstall
- If you installed the self-installing version, you can use
- the Windows "Add/Remove Programs" feature under Control Panel.
- To manually uninstall, delete the following files from your
- Windows folder:
- express.eqx
- gwpreset.ini
- goldwave.ini
- Delete the GoldWave folder. Other files are listed in
- section 4.0.
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- 3.0 Important Additional Notes
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- 3.1) Windows 95 or later is required to run this version.
- 3.2) Video display must be configured for 16-bit colour for
- best results. If you experience any lock-ups during recording
- or playback, update your video driver and your sound card
- driver.
- 3.3) For MPEG Layer 3 support (mp3) you must have the Windows
- Media modules installed. Installing the new version of
- Media Player will add these modules to your system. To save
- MP3 files, either BladeEnc.dll or Lame_Enc.dll needs to be
- installed in the GoldWave folder.
- 3.4) Updates for GoldWave can be downloaded from the GoldWave
- website:
- http://www.goldwave.com
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- 4.0 Shareware, Copyright & Distribution, Warranty
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- 4.1 Shareware
- -------------
- GoldWave is a shareware program. To register and encourage
- further development, please follow the directions in the
- ORDER.DOC file included with this program or see GoldWave
- Help for additional information.
- 4.2 Copyright & Distribution
- ----------------------------
- GoldWave ("the package") includes the following software
- and documentation:
- GOLDWAVE.EXE GoldWave application file
- GOLDWAVE.HLP GoldWave help
- GOLDWAVE.HTM GoldWave manual
- EXPRESS.EQX Evaluator expressions
- GWPRESET.INI Effects presets and shapes
- ORDER.DOC Order form (in MS Word format)
- README.TXT Important notes/information
- WHATSNEW.TXT A list of new features
- The package is copyright (C) 2002 by GoldWave Inc.
- You may copy and distribute the package through web and ftp
- sites. Only the unmodified "zip" or "exe" file may be
- distributed or copied.
- You are prohibited from:
- charging a fee or requesting donations for the package;
- renting the package;
- defeating shareware limits or using unauthorized passwords;
- distributing/including the package in commercial products;
- modifying or reverse engineering the package.
- The package may be distributed on CD-ROMs in the case where
- download sites issue CD-ROMs of their collections.
- The package may be distributed on cover and companion CD-ROMs
- associated with magazines and books.
- GoldWave is a trademark of GoldWave Inc.
- All other trademarks/registered names acknowledged.
- 4.3 Warranty
- ------------
- The package is provided as is, without warranty of any kind.
- GoldWave Inc. shall not be liable for damages of any kind.
- Use of this software indicates you agree to this.
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- 5.0 Contacting the Developer
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Website: http://www.goldwave.com
- Please refer to GoldWave Help for further information.