home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ( MP3PRO
- ( MP3PRO
- . Typ = MP3PRO
- . Version = 1.0
- . UpdateUrl = http://update.ejay.com/mp3pro/mp3pro_updatedemo
- )
- )
- ( CDDB
- ( CDDB
- . Typ = CDDB
- . Timeout = 16000
- ( Server
- : www.freedb.org
- : www.mp3station.pxd.com
- )
- )
- )
- ( Window
- ( W_MainScreen
- . Typ = Window
- . Center = true
- . Width = 799
- . Height = 611
- . StartWidth = 800
- . StartHeight = 600
- . MinWidth = 800
- . MinHeight = 600
- . Title = eJay MP3 PRO
- . Resize = true
- . Animate = false
- . Timeout = 3000
- . Visible = false
- . Scale = off
- . BorderMask = db/main/main.msk
- ( Save
- . Control = PY_Options
- )
- ( Startup
- . Bitmap = startup.bmp
- . Sound = startup.wav
- . Color = 0xFFFFFF
- . Label = -
- . X = 540
- . Y = 250
- ( Font
- . Size = 24
- . Name = Tahoma
- )
- )
- ( Impressum
- . Bitmap = startup.bmp
- . Sound = startup.wav
- . Color = 0x000000
- . X = 33
- . Y = 310
- ( Font
- . Size = 13
- . Name = Tahoma
- )
- ( Text
- : G. Anderson, D. Anker, C. Bauer, A. BΣurle, K. Birke, S. Braun, M. Colli, A. Dickenson, D. di Nisio,
- : E. Duerden, T. Drewling, O. Eberdt, H. Ewert, D. Frederick, D. Frⁿh, V. Gietz, M. Gminder, R. Gravenstein,
- : W. Gruel, B. Hansen, N. A. Hart, M. Heber, O. Heinzel, T. Hohenstatt, S. Kania, W. Kern, M. KrΣnzle,
- : V. Kwauka, B. Mirwald, U. M÷llhoff, K. Nadj, T. Peichl, D. Pursanidu, F. Preissinger, J. Raths,
- : H. Rietschel, S. R÷ssler, A. Sabbathi, B. Schempp, H. Schmitz, J. Sch÷pf, D. Scott, J. Settelmeier,
- : F. Siepert, J. Strang, C. Tapal, A. Tell, B. Throll, A. Thumm, M. Uttenweiler, N. Wallasch,
- : T. Wendlandt, H. Werner, S. Zach, J. Zechner
- : MP3 Encoders GOGO/LAME are licensed under the terms of LGPL
- : ⌐ 1999 PEN@MarineCat, shigeo, www.sulaco.org/mp3
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ( WindowSizer
- ( WS_001
- . Typ = WindowSizer
- . Size = b
- . X = 763
- . Y = 577
- . Width = 7
- . Height = 11
- . QuickTip = Resize
- . Cursor = CUR_SCALE_NWSE
- ( Events
- : MouseUp
- : MouseDown
- : MouseMove
- )
- )
- ( WS_002
- . Typ = WindowSizer
- . Size = h
- . X = 494
- . Y = 600
- . Width = 20
- . Height = 10
- . QuickTip = Resize
- . Cursor = CUR_SCALE_NS
- ( Events
- : MouseUp
- : MouseDown
- : MouseMove
- )
- )
- ( WS_003
- . Typ = WindowSizer
- . Size = h
- . X = 262
- . Y = 600
- . Width = 20
- . Height = 10
- . QuickTip = Resize
- . Cursor = CUR_SCALE_NS
- ( Events
- : MouseUp
- : MouseDown
- : MouseMove
- )
- )
- )
- ( Database
- ( Database
- . Typ = Database
- #. Start = S_Burn
- . Start = S_Main
- . QuickTipTime = 1000
- . PythonDebug = true
- ( Load
- : db/general/stdgui.txt
- : db/general/icons.txt
- : db/general/dialog.txt
- : db/general/scrollers.txt
- : db/general/picturebox.txt
- : db/general/message/message.txt
- : startup.txt
- )
- ( Szene
- . S_Audio = db/audio/audio.txt
- . S_Animator = db/animator/animator.txt
- . S_Explorer = db/explorer/explorer.txt
- . S_Info = db/info/info.txt
- . S_Main = db/main/main.txt
- . S_Coverprintmain = db/coverprintmain/coverprintmain.txt
- . S_Burn = db/burn/burn.txt
- . S_Edit = db/edit/edit.txt
- . S_Grab = db/grab/grab.txt
- . S_Options = db/options/options.txt
- . S_Radio = db/radio/radio.txt
- . S_Qual = db/qudewa/qudewa.txt
- #
- # Dialog-Szenen
- #
- . S_Diaprint = db/diaprint/diaprint.txt
- . S_Progress = db/progress/progress.txt
- . S_Fade = db/fade/fade.txt
- . S_Search = db/search/search.txt
- )
- )
- )
- ( Texte
- ( T_Texte
- . Typ = Texte
- ( DemoVersion
- . Type = Information
- . Header = $L_H_DEMO_VERSION
- . Text = $L_T_DEMO_VERSION
- )
- ( DemoBurn
- . Type = Information
- . Header = $L_T_DEMO_BURN
- . Text = $L_H_DEMO_BURN
- )
- ( DemoWelcome
- . Type = Information
- . Header = $L_H_DEMO_WELCOME
- . Text = $L_T_DEMO_WELCOME
- )
- ( RenameError
- . Type = Information
- . Header = $L_H_RENAME_ERROR
- . Text = $L_T_RENAME_ERROR
- )
- ( NewFolderError
- . Type = Information
- . Header = $L_H_NEW_FOLDER_ERROR
- )
- ( NoEncodings
- . Type = Information
- )
- ( Encodings
- )
- ( DeletePlaylist
- . Type = Question
- )
- ( OnlineQuery
- . Type = Question
- . Header = $L_H_ONLINE_QUERY
- . Text = $L_T_ONLINE_QUERY
- )
- ( CDCopyError9
- . Type = Information
- . Header = $L_H_COPY_ERROR9
- . Text = $L_T_COPY_ERROR9
- )
- ( CDCopyError10
- . Type = Information
- . Header = $L_H_COPY_ERROR10
- . Text = $L_T_COPY_ERROR10
- )
- ( CDCopyError11
- . Type = Information
- . Header = $L_H_COPY_ERROR11
- . Text = $L_T_COPY_ERROR11
- )
- ( CDWriteError9
- . Type = Information
- . Header = $L_H_WRITE_ERROR9
- . Text = $L_T_WRITE_ERROR9
- )
- ( CDWriteError10
- . Type = Information
- . Header = $L_H_WRITE_ERROR10
- . Text = $L_T_WRITE_ERROR10
- )
- ( CDWriteError11
- . Type = Information
- . Header = $L_H_WRITE_ERROR11
- . Text = $L_T_WRITE_ERROR11
- )
- ( BurnError10
- . Type = Information
- . Header = $L_H_BURN_ERROR10
- . Text = $L_T_BURN_ERROR10
- )
- ( BurnError11
- . Type = Information
- . Header = $L_H_BURN_ERROR11
- . Text = $L_T_BURN_ERROR11
- )
- ( BurnError12
- . Type = Information
- . Header = $L_H_BURN_ERROR12
- . Text = $L_T_BURN_ERROR12
- )
- ( BurnError13
- . Type = Information
- . Header = $L_H_BURN_ERROR13
- . Text = $L_T_BURN_ERROR13
- )
- ( BurnError14
- . Type = Information
- . Header = $L_H_BURN_ERROR14
- . Text = $L_T_BURN_ERROR14
- )
- ( BurnError15
- . Type = Information
- . Header = $L_H_BURN_ERROR15
- . Text = $L_T_BURN_ERROR15
- )
- ( BurnError16
- . Type = Information
- . Header = $L_H_BURN_ERROR16
- . Text = $L_T_BURN_ERROR16
- )
- ( BurnError17
- . Type = Information
- . Header = $L_H_BURN_ERROR17
- . Text = $L_T_BURN_ERROR17
- )
- ( BurnError20
- . Type = Information
- . Header = $L_H_BURN_ERROR20
- . Text = $L_T_BURN_ERROR20
- )
- ( BurnInsertCD
- . Type = Information
- . Header = $L_H_BurnInsertCD
- . Text = $L_T_BurnInsertCD
- )
- ( BurnTooBig
- . Type = Information
- . Header = $L_H_BurnTooBig
- . Text = $L_T_BurnTooBig
- )
- ( CDCopyBox
- . Type = Information
- . Header = $L_H_COPY_BOX_PREP
- . Text = $L_T_COPY_BOX_PREP
- )
- ( BurnBox
- . Type = Information
- . Header = $L_H_COPY_BOX_PREP2
- . Text = $L_T_COPY_BOX_PREP2
- )
- ( NoCDDBFound
- . Type = Information
- . Header = $L_H_NO_CDDB_DATA
- . Text = $L_T_NO_CDDB_DATA
- )
- ( BurnPlaylistEmpty
- . Type = Information
- )
- ( RecordAsWav
- . Text = $L_T_REC_WAV
- )
- ( RecordAsMp3
- . Text = $L_T_REC_MP3
- )
- ( ArchivPathDialog
- )
- ( ExplorerPlay
- )
- ( NotWorking
- . Type = Information
- . Header = eJay MP3PRO
- . Text = $L_T_NOTWORKING
- )
- ( ProgressFinished
- . Text = $L_T_FINISHED
- )
- ( EndOfDemo
- . Type = Information
- . Header = eJay MP3PRO
- . Text = $L_T_END_OF_DEMO
- )
- ( DownloadUpdate
- . Type = Question
- . Header = eJay MP3PRO
- . Text = $L_T_UPDATE
- )
- ( WaveEdit1
- . Type = Information
- . Header = eJay MP3PRO
- . Text = $_L_T_SHORTMARK
- )
- ( WaveEdit2
- . Type = Information
- . Header = eJay MP3PRO
- )
- ( WaveEdit3
- . Type = Information
- . Header = eJay MP3PRO
- . Text = $L_T_SHORTWAV
- )
- ( WaveEdit4
- . Type = Information
- . Header = eJay MP3PRO
- . Text = $L_T_NOTDELETE
- )
- )
- )