home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 2 Notation '{0}' has already been declared
- 3 Attribute '{0}' has already been declared declared for element '{1}'
- 4 Encoding ({0}, from XMLDecl or manually set) contradicts the auto-sensed encoding, ignoring it
- 5 Element '{0}' was referenced in a content model but never declared
- 6 Element '{0}' was referenced in an attlist but never declared
- 9 Expected comment or CDATA
- 10 Expected an attribute name
- 11 Expected a notation name
- 12 Repetition of individual elements is not legal for mixed content models
- 13 Bad default attribute declaration
- 14 Expected default attribute declaration, assuming #IMPLIED
- 15 Attribute list syntax error
- 16 Expected equal sign
- 17 Duplication attribute name
- 18 Bad ID, '{0}', for xml:lang attribute
- 19 Expected an element name
- 20 Must start with an XMLDecl
- 21 Comments must start with <!--
- 22 Invalid document structure
- 23 Expected a 'version=', 'encoding=', or 'standalone='
- 24 Bad XML version string
- 25 Unsupported XML version, '{0}'
- 26 Unterminated XML decl
- 27 Bad XML encoding declaration, '{0}'
- 28 Bad standalone declaration
- 29 Unterminated comment
- 30 Processing instruction name expected
- 31 Unterminated processing instruction
- 32 Invalid character (Unicode: 0x{0})
- 33 Unexpected text before root element
- 34 Unterminated start tag, '{0}'
- 35 Expected an attribute value
- 36 Unterminated end tag
- 37 Expected type (CDATA, ID, NMTOKEN, ..), for attribute '{0}' of element '{1}'
- 38 Expected end of tag '{0}'
- 39 Expected tag name, comment, PI, or other markup
- 40 Not valid after content
- 41 Expected comment
- 42 Expected comment or processing instruction
- 43 Expected whitespace
- 44 No root element in DOCTYPE
- 45 Expected quoted string
- 46 Expected public id
- 47 Invalid character in public id (Unicode: 0x{0})
- 48 Unterminated DOCTYPE declaration
- 49 Invalid character in internal subset (Unicode: 0x{0})
- 50 Expected CDATA section
- 51 Invalid initial name character
- 52 Invalid name character
- 53 Unexpected whitespace
- 54 Invalid character in attribute value (Unicode: 0x{0})
- 55 Expected a markup declaration
- 56 Text declaration not legal here
- 57 Conditional section in internal subset
- 58 Expected parameter entity name
- 59 Unterminated entity declaration, '{0}'
- 60 Invalid character reference
- 61 Unterminated character reference
- 62 Expected entity name for reference
- 63 Entity '{0}' was not found
- 64 Unparsed entitty references, '{0}', not valid here
- 65 Unterminated entity reference
- 66 Recursive entity expansion
- 67 Partial markup in entity value
- 68 Unterminated element declaration, '{0}'
- 69 Expected content specification expression for element '{0}'
- 70 Expected asterisk
- 71 Unterminated Content model
- 72 Expected system id
- 73 Expected system or public id
- 74 Unterminated notation declaration
- 75 Expected ',', '|', or ')' characters
- 76 Expected '|' or ')' characters
- 77 Expected ',' or ')' characters or close parenthesis in content model of element '{0}'
- 78 Expected enumeration value for attribute '{0}'
- 79 Expected | enumeration separator, or closing paren
- 80 Unterminated entity literal
- 81 There are more end tags than start tags
- 82 Reference to external declaration in standalone document. Entity={0}
- 83 Expected an open parenthesis
- 84 The attribute '{0}' is already used in element '{1}'
- 85 A '<' character cannot be used in attribute '{0}', except through <
- 86 A leading surrogate character was not followed by a legal second character
- 87 Expected ']]>' to end a conditional section
- 88 Expected INCLUDE or IGNORE here
- 89 Expected [ to follow INCLUDE or IGNORE
- 90 Expected a TextDecl here: <?xml ....
- 91 Expected a XMLDecl here: <?xml ....
- 92 Unexpected end of entity {0}
- 93 A PE propogated out of the int/ext subset, discarding extra text
- 94 An extra ] character was found an ignored
- 95 PE refs are not allowed inside markup in the internal subset
- 96 An entity propogated out of the content section into Miscellaneous
- 97 Expected to be followed by a numeric character value
- 98 Expected an open bracket ('[') here
- 99 The sequence ']]>' is not allowed in character data
- 100 Illegal sequence '--' in comment
- 101 Unterminated CDATA section
- 102 Expected NDATA
- 103 NDATA is not legal for parameter entities
- 104 Hex radix character refs must use 'x', not 'X'
- 105 '{0}' has already been set. Ignoring redundant setting
- 106 The XMLDecl strings must be in the order: version, encoding, standalone
- 107 External entities cannot be referred to from attribute values
- 108 The XML or Text decl must start with '<?xml ', not '<?XML '
- 109 Expected a literal entity value or PUBLIC/SYSTEM id
- 110 '{0}' is not a valid digit for the indicated radix
- 111 The input ended before all started tags were ended. Last tag started was '{0}'
- 112 The content model for element '{0}' is ambiguous
- 113 Nested CDATA sections are not allowed
- 114 The prefix '{0}' has not been mapped to any URI
- 115 The start and the end tag were in the different entities
- 116 The main XML document cannot be empty
- 117 CDATA is not allowed outside the root element
- 118 Only numeric character entities or special character entities are legal here
- 119 Got an unexpected trailing surrogate character
- 120 No processing instruction starts with 'xml'
- 121 The XML or Text declaration must start at line/column 1/1
- 122 The 'version=' string is required in an XMLDecl
- 123 The 'standalone=' string is only allowed in the main XML entity
- 124 When namespaces are enabled, a name can have only one colon character
- 125 When namespaces are enabled, the colon cannot be the first or last character
- 126 Colons are not allowed in this name when namespaces are enabled
- 127 A system exception occured during processing
- 128 An exception occured! Type:{0}, Message:{1}
- 129 Unexpected end of file exception. Message: {0}
- 8194 The index is beyond the array bounds
- 8195 The new size is less than the old one
- 8196 The index given was beyond the max attribute index
- 8197 The passed AttTypes value is not known
- 8198 The passed DefAttTypes value is not known
- 8199 The bit index was beyond the set size
- 8200 The buffer manager cannot provide any more buffers
- 8201 The passed buffer was not found in this manager's pool
- 8202 The pointer has not been set
- 8203 The binary operation node had a unary node type
- 8204 The content type must be mixed or children
- 8205 PCDATA nodes are not valid here
- 8206 The {0} operation is invalid for the spec type
- 8207 The unary operation node had a binary node type
- 8208 Unknown content model type
- 8209 Unknown content spec type
- 8210 The element stack is empty
- 8211 The element stack index given was beyond the stack top
- 8212 The element stack was already empty when a pop request occured
- 8213 A parent operation was requested, but only one element is on the stack
- 8214 The enumerator contains no more elements
- 8215 Could not open file: {0}
- 8216 Could not query the current file position
- 8217 Could not close the file
- 8218 Could not seek to end of file
- 8219 Could not seek to required position in file
- 8220 Could not duplicate the handle
- 8221 Could not read data from file
- 8222 Could not reset file to beginning
- 8223 Could not acertain the file size
- 8224 Could not determine base pathname of the file
- 8225 Parse may not be called while parsing
- 8226 A DOCTYPE was seen but the installed validator does not understand DTDs
- 8227 Could not open DTD file '{0}'
- 8228 Could not open external entity '{0}'
- 8229 The end of input was not expected
- 8230 The hash modulus cannot be zero
- 8231 Hashing the key returned an invalid bad hash value
- 8232 The key '{0}' could not be found in the hash table
- 8233 Could not create mutex
- 8234 Could not close mutex
- 8235 Could not lock mutex
- 8236 Could not unlock mutex
- 8237 Could not destroy mutex
- 8238 Error on {0} NetAccessor. Msg: {1}
- 8239 The element {0} already exists
- 8240 Hashing the key returned an invalid bad hash value
- 8241 The passed id is not valid for this pool
- 8242 The modulus value cannot be zero
- 8243 The indicated reader id was never found
- 8244 The auto encoding enum has an unknown value
- 8245 Could not create a converter for encoding: {0}
- 8246 Could not decode first line of entity: {0}
- 8247 End of input was hit in the middle of a multibyte sequence
- 8248 Invalid second byte of a UTF-8 character sequence
- 8249 Invalid surrogate character found in UTF-8 data
- 8250 The current transcoding service does not support source offset information
- 8251 EBCDIC files must provide an encoding= string
- 8252 The primary document entity could not be opened. Id={0}
- 8253 Unbalanced start/end tags found, cannot continue
- 8254 The call to scanNext() is illegal at this time
- 8255 The index is past the top of stack
- 8256 The stack is empty, cannot access members
- 8257 The target buffer cannot have a max size of zero
- 8258 The given radix is not supported. Use 2, 8, 10, or 16
- 8259 The target buffer is too small to accept the results
- 8260 The start index is past the end of the string
- 8261 Could not write to standard err
- 8262 Could not write to standard out
- 8263 Could not write to console
- 8264 String pool id was not legal
- 8265 The block of XML data could not be transcoded
- 8266 Could not create a default transcoder
- 8267 The maximum size to xlat is larger than the declared block size
- 8268 Got an representable code point for encoding {0}
- 8269 A source character was not in the code point set for encoding {0}
- 8270 The URL was not correctly formed
- 8271 The URL used an unsupported protocol
- 8272 Unsupported URL protocol: '{0}'
- 8273 Only localhost is supported at this time
- 8274 No protocol prefix present
- 8275 Expected // after protocol
- 8276 % must be followed by two hex digits
- 8277 Unterminated host component
- 8278 The passed index is past the end of the vector
- 8279 The element id was invalid
- 8280 When reusing the validator, no internal subset is allowed
- 8281 The passed recognizer encoding was not known
- 16386 Unknown element '{0}'
- 16387 Attribute '{0}' not defined
- 16388 Notation '{0}' was referenced but never declared
- 16389 Root element different from DOCTYPE
- 16390 Required attribute '{0}' was not provided
- 16391 Element '{0}' is not valid for content model: '{1}'
- 16392 ID attributes must be #IMPLIED or #REQUIRED
- 16393 This type of attribute cannot have an empty value
- 16394 Element '{0}' has already been declared
- 16395 Element '{0}' has more than one ID attribute
- 16396 ID '{0}' has already been used
- 16397 ID attribute '{0}' was referenced but never declared
- 16398 Attribute '{0}' refers to an unknown notation '{1}'
- 16399 Element '{0}' was used in the DOCTYPE but never declared
- 16400 Empty content not valid for content model: '{0}'
- 16401 Attribute '{0}' is not declared for element '{1}'
- 16402 Attributes of type ENTITY/ENTITIES must refer to an external, unparsed entity
- 16403 Attribute '{0}' refers to an unknown entity '{1}'
- 16404 Not enough elements to match content model : '{0}'
- 16405 No character data is allowed by content model
- 16406 Attribute '{0}' does not match its defined enumeration or notation list
- 16407 The values for attribute '{0}' must be names or name tokens
- 16408 Attribute '{0}' does not support multiple values
- 16409 Attribute '{0}' has a value, '{1}', that does not match its #FIXED value, '{2}'
- 16410 Element types cannot be duplicated in Mixed content models