01011 = An error occured while processing file "%1":\n\n%2.
01012 = An error occured while scanning file "%1":\n\n%2.
01013 = An error occured while encoding file "%1". Filename and path can't have non-english letters, L3ENC doesn't support anything except english letters and numbers.
01014 = Permission denied on "%1". Other application uses this file.
;*** WAVETRIM - ScanWave Error Codes ***
01021 = File not found.
01022 = We can not open the file.
01023 = Is not a valid RIFF format file.
01024 = Is not a valid WAVe format file.
01025 = Bad WAVe format tag detected.
01026 = Incompatible format detected, only 16 bit and 44100 or 48000 Hz stereo PCM WAVe files allowed.
01027 = The file is too small to process.
01028 = "%1" is not a valid RIFF/WAVE format file.\n\nTreat it as a 16 bit 44100 Hz file?
;*** WAVETRIM - ProcessWave Error Codes ***
01031 = We can not open the file.
01032 = We can not created the file.
01033 = ID3 tag not found.
01034 = Scan process have not been passed successfully!
10001 = Select destination folder to place specified playlist and all tracks:
10002 = Folder "%1" already exist. Continue?
10003 = Incorrect folder name
10004 = Operating system reports that the folder name given is incorrect.
10005 = Operating system still reports that the folder name given is incorrect: %1
10006 = Incorrect filename
10007 = Operating system reports that the filename given is incorrect.
10008 = Operating system still reports that the filename given is incorrect: %1. Please check the name and be sure this file isn't in use by any other application.
10009 = File "%1"\nis market as read only!\n\nContinue anyway?
10010 = File "%1"is not a valid WAVe file.\n\nReencode it to desired format?
;*** MAIN ***
32001 = Select folder:
32002 = Do you really want to delete "%1"?\n\nSure?
32003 = File operation
32004 = Renaming
32005 = Help file not found!
32006 = Decoding
32007 = Do you really want to decode all of selected files?
32008 = Nothing to view, nothing to set - LQT files are LQT files :))
32009 = Are you shure?
32010 = MP3 Encoding
32011 = Do you really want to encode all selected WAV files?
32012 = Ogg Vorbis Encoding
32013 = Do you really want to encode all selected WAV files to Ogg Vorbis format?
32014 = Enquee: %1
32015 = Scanning... %1
32016 = %1 folders
32017 = %1 files
32018 = Do you really sure you want to delete all selected folders and files?
32019 = The fodler %1 is not empty! Delete anyway?
32020 = Do you really want to re-encode all selected files?
32021 = Do you really want to encode all selected WAV files to MPEGplus format?
32022 = MPEGplus Encoding
32023 = Do you really want to rename all selected files by tags data according to template "%1"?
;*** MAIN - MENU ***
32101 = &File
32102 = &Open folder...
32103 = Re&name file or folder
32104 = &Delete file or folder
32105 = &Refresh folder contents
32106 = E&xit application and close agent
;=> Audio
32111 = &Audio
32112 = &Play
32113 = &Append
32114 = Encode to &MP3
32115 = Encode to &Ogg Vorbis
32116 = Ad&vanced Encoding...
32117 = Encode to MPEG&plus
32118 = custom user preset
;=> Compressed
32131 = &Compressed
32132 = &Play
32133 = &Append
32134 = &Decode
32135 = P&roperties...
32136 = Re-Encode to MP3
32137 = Re-Encode to Ogg Vorbis
32138 = Rename files using information tags data
32139 = Re-Encode to MPEGplus
;=> Playlist
32151 = &Playlist
32152 = &Play
32153 = &Append
32154 = &Copy...
32155 = &Rename all playlist files and update playlist
;=> Tools
32171 = &Tools
32172 = &Compress Audio CD
32173 = &Generate playlist for all audio files in the current folder
32174 = &Play all audio files
32175 = &Enquee all audio files
32176 = Rename all files by tags
32177 = Rename files from all playlists
32178 = &Options...
32179 = Show program &icon in SystemTray
32180 = Extended &Rename...
32181 = &6: Custom template
32182 = Massive ID3 tags &update...
32183 = Advanced ID3 tags update...
;=> Help
32191 = &Help
32192 = &Contents
32193 = &About
32194 = &OrlSoft on The Web
32195 = OrlSoft &MPeg eXtension on The Web
32196 = &Check fo new version
;*** MAIN - TOOLBAR ***
32301 = One folder up
32302 = Open folder (F3)
32303 = Encode
32304 = Decode (Ctrl-D)
32305 = Properties (Ctrl-Enter)
32306 = Delete (Del)
32307 = Rename (F2)
32308 = Copy playlist
32309 = Options (F12)
32310 = Refresh (F5)
32311 = Compress Audio CD (F11)
32312 = Play
32313 = Enquee
;*** COMPRESS CD ***
33001 = Audio CD compression
33002 = Input
33003 = Source WAVe files placed here
33004 = Album information (from CDDB)
33005 = Artist
33006 = Title
33007 = Year
33008 = Time
33009 = Compilation
33010 = Output
33011 = Encoding
33012 = Result files will be placed here
33013 = Read CD Info
33014 = Audio Grabber
33015 = Simulate CD
33016 = Save
33017 = Load
33018 = Start compress
33019 = Exit
33020 = Shutdown Windows and power off your PC when finished
33021 = Trim silence before encoding
33022 = Reduce audio level by 0.5db
33023 = Delete source wave files when finished
33024 = Normalize
33025 = Genre
33026 = Separately channels
33027 = Skip playlist creation
;=> custom messages
33101 = Select folder with WAVe files:
33102 = Select folder where to place result files:
33103 = Connecting to CDDB...
33104 = No audio compact disc found.
33105 = Checking information...
33106 = OSMPX CD information files (*.mxc)
33107 = Load
33108 = Save As
33109 = File "%1" exists. Overwrite?
33110 = CD Simulation
33111 = How many tracks do you want?
33112 = Track title:
33201 = copying playlist
33202 = Total:
33203 = Current:
33204 = bytes
33301 = advanced encoding
33302 = Encoding mode
33303 = Shutdown Windows and power off your PC when finished
33304 = Trim silence before encoding
33305 = Default values
33306 = Artist
33307 = Album
33308 = Year
33309 = Note that this is the default values for an artist name, an album title and a publishing year. Values in the table below will override this settings.
33310 = Encode
33311 = Cancel
33312 = File
33313 = Title
33314 = Mix
33315 = Continue encoding?
33316 = Encoding
33317 = Reduce audio level by 0.5db
33318 = Delete source wave files when finished
33319 = Normalize
33320 = Separately
;*** MP3/MPEGplus file info ***
33401 = file information
33402 = MP3 file
33403 = ID3v1
33404 = Title
33405 = Artist
33406 = Album
33407 = Year
33408 = Mix
33409 = OK
33410 = Cancel
33411 = ID3v2
33412 = Comment
33413 = Orig.Artist
33414 = Copyright
33415 = Composer
33416 = URL
33417 = Encoder
33418 = Track #
33419 = Updating file... please wait...
33420 = Remove unknown frames while updating file
33421 = Genre
33422 = MPEGplus file
33423 = TAGs information
;*** OGG VORBIS file info ***
33501 = file information
33502 = Ogg Vorbis (.OGG) file
33503 = File Information
33504 = Artist
33505 = Title
33506 = Mix
33507 = Album
33508 = Date
33509 = Extended Comments
33510 = Track #
33511 = Genre
33512 = Comment
33513 = Encoder
33514 = Add New
33515 = Remove
33516 = (double click to edit)
33517 = Name
33518 = Value
33519 = Comment
;*** AGENT ***
33601 = Open
33602 = Compress audio compact disc
33603 = Options
33604 = Exit
33605 = Language
33606 = Recent Folders
33607 = Please restart application for finalizing language change.
33608 = Default (English)
;*** OPTIONS ***
33701 = options
33702 = General
33703 = Shell extension
33704 = Load program agent when Windows starts
33705 = Trim silence while encoding and decoding files
33706 = Encoding, decoding and trim processes priority
33707 = Compressed media
33708 = Display file information
33709 = Decode file
33710 = LAME encoding
33711 = %1 kbps
33712 = VBR mode
33713 = M3U playlists
33714 = Copy playlist and its contents to a single folder
33715 = Browse folder with OSMPX
33716 = OK
33717 = Cancel
33718 = Folder
33719 = Custom rename template
33720 = Show file properties on double click
33721 = Reduce audio level by 0.5db while encoding
33722 = LAME
33723 = User preset %1
33724 = Preset Name
33725 = Command string
33726 = Delete source wav files after compress finished
33727 = Normalize audio level to
33728 = But only if Peak Level is smaller than
33729 = or greater than
33730 = WAVes
33731 = Separetely if difference is more than 0.5db
33732 = Enable ID3v2 tags support for MPEGplus files
33733 = Show encoder/decoder/trimmer windows while processing files
33734 = Delete source files after recompress finished
33735 = %1 kbps ABR
33736 = Ogg Vorbis encoding
33737 = MPEGplus encoding
33738 = Browse for startup folder
33739 = Always start in
33740 = External language file
33741 = OSMPX Language files (*.lng)
33742 = Browse for language file
33743 = Ogg Vorbis
33744 = MPEGplus
33745 = Encoding modes
33746 = Enable or disable one of encoding modes
;*** WAVETRIM ***
33801 = Formatting:
33802 = Trim silence
33803 = Normal track
33804 = First track
33805 = Last track
33806 = NON-STOP
33807 = Silence detected:
33808 = Before:
33809 = After:
33810 = bytes
33811 = frames
33812 = mins
33813 = secs
33814 = ms
33815 = secs processed
33816 = secs remaining
33817 = Scanning...
33818 = Saving...
33901 = Your computer will be powered off in
33902 = seconds
33903 = Power off immediately
33904 = Cancel
34001 = Custom user template
34002 = All files in the current folder
34003 = All selected files
34004 = Files by mask
34005 = Update playlists with new filenames
34006 = Process subfolders
34007 = extended rename
34008 = Warning! This operation can not be undone! Be sure of what you do!
34009 = Rename template
34010 = Rename
34101 = massive tags update
34102 = New tags values
34103 = Tag fields with non empty values will be written to all selected files.
34104 = Updating tags data, please stand by...
34105 = You did not select any file! Process all files in the current folder?