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- 1 *** Do *NOT* Localize any string that starts with '***'.
- 2 *** They are comments to be used by localizers to identify sections.
- 3 *** They also mark the beginning of a new 'section' within the String Table.
- 100 *** Error messages
- 101 This control can not be used as a Child, because its window handle can not be found.
- 102 Invalid Picture
- 103 The ImageList control provided is from a version of Comctl32.ocx older than 5.0. Please upgrade your Comctl32.ocx.
- 104 This container does not support the ContainedControls collection.
- 105 Index out of bounds
- 106 Element not found
- 107 The Width property is read-only if the Style property is cc3BandFixedSize. Use the MinWidth and MinHeight properties to change the Band's size.
- 108 Invalid property value
- 109 The NewRow property is read-only if the Style property is cc3BandFixedSize or the Position property is 1.
- 200 ***Standard property frame captions. " Properties" will be appended to this caption by the OLE property frame!!
- 201 Band
- 202 Default Band
- 301 (None)
- 302 (Bitmap)
- 303 *** Item 304, is added to comboboxes to provide a selection for none.
- 304 (None)
- 500 ***Begins programmatic names for Band property page. These may not need localized.
- 501 UseCoolbarCo&lors
- 502 &BackColor:
- 503 &ForeColor:
- 504 &Picture:
- 505 &UseCoolbarPicture
- 507 Fi&xedBackground
- 513 Allow&Vertical
- 514 St&yle:
- 515 &Visible
- 516 NewR&ow
- 520 &Key:
- 521 &Width:
- 522 &MinHeight:
- 523 Min&Width:
- 524 Chil&d:
- 525 Ima&ge:
- 526 &Caption:
- 527 &Index:
- 528 0 - cc3BandNormal
- 529 1 - cc3BandFixedSize
- 530 &EmbossPicture
- 531 Emboss&Highlight
- 532 Emboss&Shadow
- 533 &Tag:
- 534 Bands
- 535 ***This ends the section of programmatic names
- 550 &Remove Band
- 551 I&nsert Band
- 600 ***Begins programmatic names for Coolbar property page. These may not need localized.
- 601 &VariantHeight
- 603 &Orientation:
- 604 Fi&xedOrder
- 605 BandBor&ders
- 606 &ImageList:
- 607 &ForeColor:
- 608 &BackColor:
- 609 &Picture:
- 610 0 - cc3OrientationHorizontal
- 611 1 - cc3OrientationVertical
- 612 &EmbossPicture
- 613 Emboss&Highlight
- 614 Emboss&Shadow
- 615 ***This ends the section of programmatic names.
- 650 General
- 700 *** About box text
- 701 About Coolbar
- 702 OK
- 703 Coolbar ActiveX Control - Version 6.0 (SP4)
- 704 Copyright ⌐ 1997-2000 Microsoft Corp.