ocr: - - - ER musicmatch € - - 6 Disc 090902_1 ) ARush of Bloodt tot the Hoad by Coksplsy 551 AWhitper by Coldplay 358 Ansterdan by Coldplsy 519 Clocks by Coldplsy 507 ) Deylghe by Colplsy 527 a God Pute Snle Upon Your Face by Coldplay 4.57 a Green Eyes by Coldplay 343 a hMy Ploce by Coldplay 348 a Poitk by Coldplsy 518 a The: Sciertist by Coldplay 509 - Coldplay 5:31 Warning Signby Everything's Not Lostutel is For Living by Coldplay 7:14 B 96% (70:16 of73:20)