123 A name cannot contain any of the following characters: /\:*?\"<>|
124 Adding tracks to %s. Please wait ...
125 Albums
126 Artists
127 Genres
128 Tempos
129 Moods
130 Situations
131 Preferences
132 All Tracks
133 Library Tracks
134 Miscellaneous
135 No songs in that category.
136 My Music
137 by
138 Unknown
140 You have made changes to the Jukebox Playlist. Would you like to save as a new playlist?
141 Jukebox Playlist1
142 Saving preferences ...
143 A playlist with that name already exists. Please enter a different name.
144 %s is setup to automatically synchronize with a library from a different computer. Synchronizing %s now will replace all of the content on %s with the content from this computer's library.
145 %s is setup to automatically synchronize with selected playlists from a different computer. Synchronizing %s now will replace all of the content on %s with the content from this computer's playlists.
146 Add Track(s) to %s...
148 Resample audio files encoded at more than %s so they are downloaded at %s
149 160kbps
150 128kbps
151 96kbps
152 64kbps
153 Add Portable Device Plugin
154 Add New Playlist
156 Add Track(s) to Playlist
157 Add Track(s) to Portable Device
158 Would you like to install a new portable device plugin?
159 Yes
160 No
161 The iPod name contains one or more invalid characters. Please use a name that does not contain any of the following characters: /\:*?\"<>|
162 Download
163 or
164 Add Track(s) to %s
165 Portable Devices: %d
166 Total Space: %s, Free Space: %s
167 Playlists: %d
168 Tracks: %d, Size: %s, Time: %s
169 Sync Device to MUSICMATCH Jukebox
170 Eject Device
171 Remove Playlist(s)
172 Create Playlist...
173 Add Track(s) to Playlist
174 Enter new folder name:
175 Enter new playlist name:
176 Create New Folder
177 Create New Playlist
178 Operation cancelled
179 Artist
180 Album
181 Genre
182 Bitrate
184 Order
185 You are about to synchronize %s with selected playlists from this computer. Synchronizing %s now will replace all of the content on %s with the content from this computer's playlists. Are you sure you want to continue?
186 You are about to synchronize %s with the library from this computer. Synchronizing %s now will replace all of the content on %s with the content from this computer's library. Are you sure you want to continue?
187 Are you sure you want to remove this playlist from %s?
188 Please type a device name.
189 A newer version of %s system software is available. Would you like to download it now?
190 You are about to manually update %s, which turns off the automatic synchronization option. Are you sure you want to continue?
191 %d items selected, %s selected
192 %d item selected, %s selected
193 Jukebox Playlist
194 %s is busy. Please wait until %s is not busy before performing additional operations.
195 There is not enough space on your hard drive to perform the requested operation. Please delete unused files on your hard drive and try again.
196 Operation stopped, %s is full
197 Your %s plugin is out of date and incompatible with this version of MUSICMATCH Jukebox. Please download it from the MUSICMATCH website.
198 Unchecking this option allows synchronization to delete both audio and non-audio content and playlists from your portable device. This may result in the deletion of folders containing documents or other data. Any content that has not already been added to your MUSICMATCH Jukebox library will be deleted from your device upon synchronization. Are you sure you want to allow all content deletions?