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Text File  |  2002-03-17  |  52.1 KB  |  639 lines

  1. # VCDEasy language file (Syntax: VCDEasy_XX.lng when XX is the 2 (or 3) country code letters used by Windows)
  2. # ==================================================================================================================
  3. #
  4. # blank lines and lines starting with # are ignored
  5. #
  6. # ^ means new line character
  7. # ~ means tar character
  8. # && means &
  9. #
  10. # However, do NOT add this formating characters if original string doesn't use them
  11. #
  12. # On each line, do not modify strings before the = character, they are variable names...
  13. #
  15. #################################################################################################################################################################################
  17. [Language]
  19. Language=Greek
  20. LanguageExt=GR
  22. # GREEK Translation by vagos@iname.com
  24. #################################################################################################################################################################################
  26. [Translations]
  28. ButtonAddFileCdTree                               =┬ßδσ ┴±≈σΘ∩
  29. ButtonAddFolderCdTree                             =┬ßδσ ╓ßΩσδ∩
  30. ButtonAddFolderContentCdTree                      =┬ßδσ ╨σ±Θσ≈.
  31. ButtonAddMpg                                      =┬ßδσ MPEG..
  32. ButtonBinBrowse                                   =┼≡Θδ∩πτ
  33. ButtonBlankCdrw                                   =─Θßπ±ß÷τ
  34. ButtonBrowseLogFile                               =┼≡Θδ∩πτ
  35. ButtonBurnImage                                   =┼ππ±ß÷τ
  36. ButtonCdEject                                     =┼ε∩Σ∩≥ CD
  37. ButtonCdLoad                                      =┼Θ≤∩Σ∩≥ CD
  38. ButtonCdLock                                      =╩δσΘΣ∙∞ß
  39. ButtonCdStartRotate                               =╨σ±Θ/÷τ ═┴╔
  40. ButtonCdStopRotate                                =╨σ±Θ/÷τ ╧╫╔
  41. ButtonCdUnlock                                    =╬σΩδσΘΣ∙∞ß
  42. ButtonChapterAt                                   =╧╩
  43. ButtonChapterAtFrame                              =╧╩
  44. ButtonChapterClear                                =╩ßΦß±Θ≤∞ß ╧δ∙φ
  45. ButtonChapterEvery                                =╧╩
  46. ButtonChapterEveryFrames                          =╧╩
  47. ButtonCheckNewVersion                             =┼δσπ≈∩≥
  48. ButtonCleanLog                                    =─Θßπ±ß÷τ Log
  49. ButtonClearLocationCdrDao                         =╩ßΦß±Θ≤∞ß
  50. ButtonClearLocationVcdImager                      =╩ßΦß±Θ≤∞ß
  51. ButtonCreateFolderCdTree                          =─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πΘß
  52. ButtonDiscInfo                                    =┼∞÷ßφΘ≤τ
  53. ButtonEquidistant                                 =╧╩
  54. ButtonExecuteRip                                  =╨ß±σ...
  55. ButtonExecuteXmlBrowseBin                         =┴±≈σΘ∩ BIN
  56. ButtonExecuteXmlBrowseXml                         =┴±≈σΘ∩ XML
  57. ButtonExecuteXmlExecute                           =─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πΘß
  58. ButtonGapsDefault                                 =╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφß
  59. ButtonLocationCdrDao                              =┼≡Θδ∩πτ
  60. ButtonLocationVcdImager                           =┼≡Θδ∩πτ
  61. ButtonReadCdCreateBin                             =─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πΘß
  62. ButtonReadCdSelectBin                             =┴±≈σΘ∩ BIN
  63. ButtonRipBrowseBinNrg                             =┴±≈σΘß BIN/NRG
  64. ButtonRipBrowseXml                                =┴±≈σΘ∩ XML
  65. ButtonScanMpegAnalyse                             =┴φßδ⌡≤τ
  66. ButtonScanMpegBrowse                              =┴±≈σΘ∩ MPEG
  67. ButtonSelectBurnImage                             =┴±≈σΘß CUE/TOC
  68. ButtonStopCdTree                                  =╘σδ∩≥
  69. CheckBox2336Output                                =╫±τ≤τ 2336 bytes sector πΘß ⌠∩ CD Image
  70. CheckBoxAddPbc                                    =╫±τ≤τ Playback Control
  71. CheckBoxAdvancedMode                              =┴φßδ⌡⌠ΘΩ∩ Menu
  72. CheckBoxAnalyseMpeg                               =┴φßδ⌡≤τ MPEG ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡
  73. CheckBoxBurn                                      =┼ππ±ß÷τ
  74. CheckBoxBurnCueTocSimulate                        =┼ε∩∞∩Θ∙≤τ
  75. CheckBoxCdWriterEject                             =┼ε∩Σ∩≥ ⌠∩⌡ CD ∞σ⌠ß ß≡∩ ┼ππ±ß÷τ
  76. CheckBoxCdWriterForce                             =╒≡∩≈±σ∙⌠ΘΩτ ┼Ω⌠σδσ≤τ
  77. CheckBoxCdWriterOverburn                          =┼≡Θ⌠±σ≡σ⌠σ ⌠∩ Overburn
  78. CheckBoxCdiDefault                                =╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφ∩ ╨±∩π±ß∞∞ß CD-i
  79. CheckBoxCheckAutomatic                            =╨±ßπ∞ß⌠∩≡∩Θτ≤τ ┴⌡⌠∩∞ß⌠∩⌡ ΩßΘ ╩ßΦτ∞σ±Θφ∩⌡ ┼δσπ≈∩⌡ πΘß ═σß ┼ΩΣ∩≤τ
  80. CheckBoxCreateBin2336                             =╫±τ≤τ 2336 bytes sectors mode
  81. CheckBoxEmptySegment                              =╨±∩≤Φσ≤τ ┴ΣσΘ∩⌡ ╓ßΩσδ∩⌡ SEGMENT (╫±σΘßµσ⌠ßΘ ≤σ ╠σ±ΘΩß players)
  82. CheckBoxErase                                     =─Θßπ±ß÷τ ⌠∩⌡ CD image ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡ ∞σ⌠ß ß≡∩ ┼≡Θ⌠⌡≈Θß ┼ππ±ß÷τ≥
  83. CheckBoxExecuteXml2336Output                      =╫±τ≤τ 2336 bytes sectors mode πΘß ⌠∩ CD Image
  84. CheckBoxNextVolumeUseLid2                         =╫±τ≤τ "Lid2" πΘß ⌠∩ ┼≡∩∞σφ∩ ┴δ∞≡∩⌡∞
  85. CheckBoxNextVolumeUseSequence2                    =╫±τ≤τ "Sequence2" πΘß ⌠∩ ┼≡∩∞σφ∩ ┴δ∞≡∩⌡∞
  86. CheckBoxQuickBlank                                =├±τπ∩±τ ─Θßπ±ß÷τ
  87. CheckBoxRip2336Output                             =╫±τ≤τ 2336 bytes sectors mode πΘß ⌠∩ CD Image
  88. CheckBoxRipNoExtPsd                               =┴πφ∩τ≤σ ⌠∩ ┴±≈σΘ∩ /EXT/PSD_X.VCD
  89. CheckBoxRipNoFiles                                =╠τφ ╨ß±σΘ≥ ┴δδß ┴±≈σΘß
  90. CheckBoxRipNoSegments                             =╠τφ ╨ß±σΘ≥ ┴δδß segments
  91. CheckBoxRipNoSequences                            =╠τφ ╨ß±σΘ≥ ┴δδß sequences
  92. CheckBoxRipXmlOnly                                =┴≡∩ ⌠∩ (S)VCD ╨ß±σ ╠∩φ∩ ⌠τφ ╨σ±Θπ±ß÷τ XML
  93. CheckBoxSaveLog                                   =┴≡∩ΦτΩσ⌡≤τ Log
  94. CheckBoxScanMpegShowAps                           =─σ≥ ╨δτ±∩÷∩±Θσ≥ πΘß ⌠∩ "Access Point Sector" (≤⌠τφ ≤σδΘΣß "Log")
  95. CheckBoxShowWarnings                              =─σ≥ ╨±∩σΘΣ∩≡∩Θτ≤τ≥
  96. CheckBoxSimulate                                  =┼ε∩∞∩Θ∙≤τ
  97. CheckBoxSvcdBroken                                =╫±τ≤τ MPEGAV/ENTRYSVD ßφ⌠Θ ⌠∩⌡ MPEG2/ENTRYVCD (πΘß DVD players ╫∙±Θ≥ ╙⌡∞∞∩±÷∙≤τ)
  98. CheckBoxUpdateScanData                            =┼φτ∞σ±∙≤τ data offsets (─Θ∩±Φ∙≤τ ±∩τ≥ ⌠∩⌡ MPEG2 ∞σ ╫±τ≤τ ╩ΘφσµΘΩ∙φ ╨±∩ΣΘßπ±ß÷∙φ)
  99. CheckBoxUseCdiCfgFile                             =╫±τ≤τ ⌠∙φ ╨ß±ß∞σ⌠±∙φ ⌠∩⌡ CD-i ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡
  100. CheckBoxXmlOnly                                   =┴≡∩ΦτΩσ⌡≤τ ╠∩φ∩ ⌠∩⌡ XML ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡
  101. ClearEntryPoints                                  =╩ßΦß±Θ≤∞ß ╧δß
  102. CopyEntryPoints                                   =┴φ⌠Θπ±ß÷τ ╧δß
  103. LabelAlbum                                        =╙⌡δδ∩πτ
  104. LabelAlbumName                                    =╧φ∩∞ß:
  105. LabelApplicationID                                =ID ┼÷ß±∞∩πτ≥:
  106. LabelApplicationsLocation                         =┼ε∙⌠σ±ΘΩτ ╚σ≤τ ┼÷ß±∞∩π∙φ
  107. LabelBlankCdrw                                    =─Θßπ±ß÷τ CDRW
  108. LabelBurnCd                                       =┼ππ±ß÷τ CUE ▐ TOC ≤⌠∩ CD Image
  109. LabelCdImageType                                  =╘⌡≡∩≥ CD Image
  110. LabelCdReaderForceDriver                          =╒≡∩≈±σ∙⌠ΘΩ∩≥ ╧Στπ∩≥
  111. LabelCdTools                                      =┼±πßδσΘß
  112. LabelCdWriter                                     =CD ┼ππ±ß÷τ≥:
  113. LabelCdWriterBuffer                               =┼φΣΘß∞σ≤τ ╠φτ∞τ
  114. LabelCdWriterForceDriver                          =╒≡∩≈±σ∙⌠ΘΩ∩≥ ╧Στπ∩≥
  115. LabelCdWriterSpeed                                =╘ß≈⌡⌠τ⌠ß
  116. LabelCdi2336Files                                 =╘ß ┼≡Θδσπ∞σφß ┴±≈σΘß ╚ß ╨±∩≤⌠σΦ∩⌡φ ≤σ Full 2336 bytes sectors
  117. LabelCdiCfgFile                                   =┴±≈σΘ∩ ╨ß±ß∞σ⌠±∙φ CD-i:
  118. LabelCdiDndAndDel                                 =╒≡∩≤⌠τ±Θετ Drag'n Drop ┴±≈σΘ∙φ/╓ßΩσδ∙φ
  119. LabelCdiSupport                                   =╒≡∩≤⌠τ±Θετ CD-i
  120. LabelCdrDaoSettingsReader                         =CD ┴φßπφ∙≤τ≥
  121. LabelCdrDaoSettingsWriter                         =CD ┼ππ±ß÷τ≥
  122. LabelChapterAt                                    =─τ∞Θ∩⌡±. ╩σ÷ßδßΘ∩ ≤⌠∩
  123. LabelChapterAtFrame                               =─τ∞Θ∩⌡±. ╩σ÷ßδßΘ∩ ≤⌠∩ frame
  124. LabelChapterEvery                                 =─τ∞Θ∩⌡±. ╩σ÷ßδßΘ∩ ╩ßΦσ
  125. LabelChapterEveryFrames                           =─τ∞Θ∩⌡±. ╩σ÷ßδßΘ∩ ╩ßΦσ
  126. LabelChapters                                     =╩σ÷ßδßΘß
  127. LabelChaptersOptions                              =┼≡Θδ∩πσ≥
  128. LabelCheck                                        =┼δσπ≈∩≥ πΘß ═σß ┼ΩΣ∩≤τ
  129. LabelCommandLineArguments                         =├±ß∞∞σ≥ ┼φ⌠∩δ∙φ
  130. LabelCreateBinSpace                               =═ß ╒≡ß±≈σΘ ┴±Ωσ⌠∩≥ ┼δσ⌡Φσ±∩≥ ╫∙±∩≥ ≤⌠∩φ ─Θ≤Ω∩
  131. LabelDiscInfo                                     =─σ≥ ╨δτ±∩÷∩±Θσ≥ πΘß ⌠∩ Cd
  132. LabelEquidistant                                  =╩σ÷ßδßΘ∩⌡(∩φ) ≤σ ╔ΣΘß ┴≡∩≤⌠ß≤τ
  133. LabelEquidistantCreate                            =─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πΘß
  134. LabelExecuteXml                                   =─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πΘß σφ∩≥ (S)VCD ß≡∩ XML ┴±≈σΘ∩
  135. LabelExecuteXmlSpace                              =═ß ╒≡ß±≈σΘ ┴±Ωσ⌠∩≥ ┼δσ⌡Φσ±∩≥ ╫∙±∩≥ ≤⌠∩φ ─Θ≤Ω∩
  136. LabelFrames                                       =╩ß±σ
  137. LabelLanguage                                     =├δ∙≤≤ß
  138. LabelLanguageSelection                            =┼≡Θδ∩πτ ├δ∙≤≤ß≥
  139. LabelLeadoutPreGap                                =Leadout Pre Gap
  140. LabelLogMessages                                  =╠τφ⌡∞ß⌠ß Log
  141. LabelLogSettings                                  =Log
  142. LabelMonoSession                                  =( ╠∩φ∩ πΘß CD ∞σ σφß session, ≤ßφ (S)VCD )
  143. LabelMpegDurationInfo                             =─Θß±ΩσΘß
  144. LabelMpegScanWarning                              =╨±∩σΘΣ∩≡∩Θτ≤τ≥
  145. LabelMpegTypeInfo                                 =╘⌡≡∩≥
  146. LabelMpegVideoStreamInfo                          =╤∩τ Video
  147. LabelPBC                                          =PBC
  148. LabelProxy                                        =Proxy
  149. LabelProxyPort                                    =Proxy Port
  150. LabelReadCd                                       =─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πΘß BIN CD Image
  151. LabelRestriction                                  =╩ß⌠τπ∩±Θß ╨σ±Θ∩±Θ≤∞∙φ
  152. LabelRip                                          =┴≡∩Ω∙ΣΘΩ∩≡∩Θτ≤τ σφ∩≥ (S)VCD ─Θ≤Ω∩⌡
  153. LabelRipFrom                                      =┴≡∩:
  154. LabelRipXmlSpace                                  =═ß ╒≡ß±≈σΘ ┴±Ωσ⌠∩≥ ┼δσ⌡Φσ±∩≥ ╫∙±∩≥ ≤⌠∩φ ─Θ≤Ω∩
  155. LabelScanMpeg                                     =┴φßδ⌡≤τ MPEG ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡
  156. LabelTitleAbout                                   =╙≈σ⌠ΘΩß
  157. LabelTitleBuildRip                                =─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πτ≤σ/╨ß±σ (S)VCD
  158. LabelTitleBurn                                    =┼±πßδσΘß CDRDAO
  159. LabelTitleChapters                                =╩σ÷ßδßΘß
  160. LabelTitleHistory                                 =╔≤⌠∩±Θß
  161. LabelTitleIsoFiles                                =╘ß ┴±≈σΘß ╚ß ┼ΘφßΘ ISO 9660 Level 1 (8.3) CD File System
  162. LabelTitleLabel                                   =╩σφ⌠±ΘΩ∩
  163. LabelTitleLog                                     =╨δτ±∩÷∩±Θσ≥
  164. LabelTitleMpegScan                                =┴φßδ⌡≤τ MPEG ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡
  165. LabelTitleOptions                                 =┼≡Θδ∩πσ≥
  166. LabelTrackPreGap                                  =Track Pre Gap
  167. LabelTypeVideoCD                                  =╘⌡≡∩≥ VideoCD:
  168. LabelVolumCount                                   =╙⌡φ∩δΘΩ∩≥ ┴±ΘΦ. CD:
  169. LabelVolumNb                                      =┴±ΘΦ∞∩≥ CD:
  170. LabelVolumeLabel                                  =╧φ∩∞ß≤Θß CD:
  171. LabelWaitSec                                      =Sec
  172. PasteEntryPoints                                  =┼≡ΘΩ∩δδτ≤τ
  173. PasteXtractorEntryPoints                          =┼≡ΘΩ∩δδτ≤τ ChapterXtractor
  174. RadioButtonCreateBinFromReader                    =ß≡∩ CD ┴φßπφ∙≤τ≥
  175. RadioButtonCreateBinFromWriter                    =ß≡∩ CD ┼ππ±ß÷τ≥
  176. RadioButtonDiscInfoFromReader                     =ß≡∩ CD ┴φßπφ∙≤τ≥
  177. RadioButtonDiscInfoFromWriter                     =ß≡∩ CD ┼ππ±ß÷τ≥
  178. RadioButtonNormal                                 =╩ßφ∩φΘΩ∩
  179. RadioButtonQuiet                                  =╟≤⌡≈ß
  180. RadioButtonRipFromCdImage                         =┴±≈σΘ∩ CD Image
  181. RadioButtonRipFromCdReader                        =CD ┴φßπφ∙≤τ≥
  182. RadioButtonRipFromCdWriter                        =CD ┼ππ±ß÷τ≥
  183. RadioButtonVerbose                                =┴φßδ⌡⌠ΘΩß
  184. TabSheetAbout                                     =╙≈σ⌠ΘΩß
  185. TabSheetBuildRip                                  =─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πτ≤σ/╨ß±σ (S)VCD
  186. TabSheetBurn                                      =┼±πßδσΘß CDRDAO
  187. TabSheetChapters                                  =╩σ÷ßδßΘß
  188. TabSheetHistory                                   =╔≤⌠∩±Θß
  189. TabSheetIsoFiles                                  =┴±≈σΘß ISO
  190. TabSheetLog                                       =Log
  191. TabSheetMain                                      =╩σφ⌠±ΘΩ∩
  192. TabSheetMpegScan                                  =┴φßδ⌡≤τ MPEG
  193. TabSheetOptions                                   =┼≡Θδ∩πσ≥
  194. URLLinkCdrDaoDrivers                              =╨σ±Θ≤≤∩⌠σ±σ≥ ╨δτ±∩÷∩±Θσ≥ (ß≡∩ Internet)
  195. URLLinkCdrDaoDriversBis                           =╨σ±Θ≤≤∩⌠σ±σ≥ ╨δτ±∩÷∩±Θσ≥ (ß≡∩ Internet)
  198. ##################################### Added at version 1.0.3
  200. # ADDED:
  201. LabelLog                                        =Log
  203. ##################################### Added at version 1.0.4
  205. # REMOVED:
  206. #LabelLocationsChanged
  207. #LabelTitleMessages
  208. #TabSheetMessages
  209. #LabelMisc
  210. #TabSheetAdvancedOptions
  211. #LabelTitleAdvancedOptions
  212. #LabelTrackFrontMargin          renamed to LabelVcdTrackFrontMargin
  213. #LabelTrackRearMargin           renamed to LabelVcdTrackRearMargin
  214. #LabelMiscAdvanced
  216. # UPDATED:
  217. PasteXtractorEntryPoints                        =┼≡ΘΩ∩δδτ≤τ ChapterXtractor (RAW Data)
  218. CheckBoxXmlOnly                                 =─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πσΘß ∞∩φ∩ ⌠∩⌡ ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡ XML
  219. CheckBoxEmptySegment                            =╧ ╓ßΩσδ∩≥ SEGMENT ╨±σ≡σΘ φß ╒≡ß±≈σΘ ╨ßφ⌠ß (╫±σΘßµσ⌠σ ≤σ ∞σ±ΘΩß players)
  221. # ADDED:
  222. TabSheetNavigation                              =╨δ∩τπτ≤τ
  223. LabelTitleNavigation                            =╟ ╨±∩≤ß±∞∩πτ ⌠τ≥ ╨δ∩τπτ≤τ≥ ╩ßΦ∩±Θµσ⌠σ ß≡∩ ⌠∩ "Playback Control"
  224. CheckBoxEnableCdrDao                            =┼φσ±π∩≡∩Θτ≤τ ⌠∩⌡ CDRDAO
  225. CheckBoxEnableAspiTools                         =┼φσ±π∩≡∩Θτ≤τ ┼±πßδσΘ∙φ ASPI
  226. AspiToolsDisabledLabel                          =(┴≡σφσ±π∩≡∩Θτ≤τ ∞σ⌠ß ß≡∩ ┼δσπ≈∩ ╧Στπ∙φ ASPI)
  227. ButtonUnlockCdWriter                            =╬σΩδσΘΣ∙∞ß
  228. LabelUnlockCdWriter                             =╬σΩδσΘΣ∙∞ß CD ┼ππ±ß÷τ≥
  229. LabelCdImageOptions                             =┼≡Θδ∩πσ≥ CD Images
  230. CheckBoxCustomizeGaps                           =╨±∩≤ß±∞∩πτ ≤σ ╩σφ∩(Gaps) ΩßΘ ╨σ±ΘΦ∙±Θ∩(Margins)
  231. TabSheetPlayerOption                            =(S)VCD Player
  232. LabelTitlePlayerOption                          =┼≡Θδ∩πσ≥ ╙≈σ⌠ΘΩσ≥ ∞σ ⌠ß ┴φσεß±⌠τ⌠ß ╧ΘΩΘßΩß (S)VCD Player
  233. URLLinkCdDevicesKnownToWork                     =╨∩Θσ≥ ╙⌡≤Ωσ⌡σ≥ CD ╦σΘ⌠∩⌡±π∩⌡φ (ß≡∩ Internet)
  234. LabelVcdTrackFrontMargin                        =╨σ±ΘΦ∙±Θ∩ ┴±≈τ≥
  235. LabelVcdTrackRearMargin                         =╨σ±ΘΦ∙±Θ∩ ╘σδ∩⌡≥
  236. LabelSvcdTrackFrontMargin                       =╨σ±ΘΦ∙±Θ∩ ┴±≈τ≥
  237. LabelSvcdTrackRearMargin                        =╨σ±ΘΦ∙±Θ∩ ╘σδ∩⌡≥
  238. LabelPlayerOptionMisc                           =─Θß÷∩±ß
  239. LabelOptionsMisc                                =─Θß÷∩±ß
  240. LabelNotAvailableYet                            =─σφ ┼ΘφßΘ ─ΘßΦσ≤Θ∞∩...
  242. ##################################### Added at version 1.0.5
  244. # REMOVED:
  246. # UPDATED:
  248. # ADDED:
  249. CheckBoxFillVolumeLabel                         =╫±τ≤τ ⌠∩⌡ ╨±∙⌠∩⌡ Sequence ≤ßφ ╧φ∩∞ß ≤⌠∩ CD
  250. CheckBoxFillAlbumName                           =╫±τ≤τ ⌠∩⌡ ╨±∙⌠∩⌡ Sequence ≤ßφ ╧φ∩∞ß ≤⌠τφ ╙⌡δδ∩πτ
  251. CheckBoxEraseXml                                =─Θßπ±ß÷τ ⌠∩⌡ ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡ XML ∞σ⌠ß ß≡∩ ┼≡Θ⌠⌡≈Θß ┼ππ±ß÷τ≥
  253. ##################################### Added at version 1.0.6
  256. #LabelWait                                        =╫±oφΘΩτ ╨ß⌡≤τ ╠σ⌠ß ß≡∩ ╩ßΦσ Track
  257. #CheckBoxIncludeNumKeyForChapters                 =╫±τ≤τ ┴±ΘΦ∞τ⌠ΘΩ∙φ ╨δτΩ⌠±∙φ πΘß ╨δ∩τπτ≤τ ≤⌠ß ╩σ÷ßδßΘß (├Θß ╫±τ≤τ 'Prev' ΩßΘ 'Next')
  258. #CheckBoxRelaxAPS                                 =╫ßδß±∩≥ ╨σ±Θ∩±Θ≤∞∩≥ ⌠∩⌡ APS
  260. # ADDED:
  261. LabelWait                                         =╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφτ ╨ß⌡≤τ ∞σ⌠ß ß≡∩ ΩßΦσ Track
  262. CheckBoxIncludeNumKeyForChapters                  =╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφ∩, ╫±τ≤τ ┴±ΘΦ∞τ⌠ΘΩ∙φ ╨δτΩ⌠±∙φ πΘß ╨δ∩τπτ≤τ ≤⌠ß ╩σ÷ßδßΘß (├Θß ╫±τ≤τ 'Prev' ΩßΘ 'Next')
  263. CheckBoxRelaxAPS                                  =╫ßδß±∩≥ ╨σ±Θ∩±Θ≤∞∩≥ ⌠∩⌡ APS ≤⌠ß Entry Points ⌠∙φ ╩σ÷ßδßΘ∙φ (─σφ ╨±∩⌠σΘφσ⌠σ)
  264. LabelNavigationPlayItem                           =┼≡Θδσπ∞σφ∩ ╘∞τ∞ß
  265. CheckBoxNavigationRejected                        =┴≡∩±±Θ°τ
  266. RadioButtonNavigationPlayOnce                     =╨ßΘεσ ∞Θß ÷∩±ß
  267. RadioButtonNavigationPlay                         =╨ßΘεσ
  268. RadioButtonNavigationPlayForever                  =╨ßΘεσ ≤⌡φσ≈σΘß
  269. LabelNavigationPlayTimes                          =÷∩±σ≥
  270. LabelNavigationThen                               =╘∩⌠σ...
  271. RadioButtonNavigationWaitInfinite                 =┴≡σΘ±τ ┴φß∞∩φτ
  272. RadioButtonNavigationWait                         =┴φß∞∩φτ
  273. LabelNavigationTimeout                            =╙⌠∩ ╘σδ∩≥ ⌠τ≥ ┴φß∞∩φτ≥
  274. LabelNavigationSecondes                           =─σ⌡⌠σ±∩δσ≡⌠ß
  275. LabelNavigationKeyPressed                         =╨δτΩ⌠±ß ╨δ∩τπτ≤τ≥
  276. LabelNavigationReactivity                         =┼≡ßφσΩΩΘφτ≤τ
  277. RadioButtonNavigationReactivityImmediate          =┴∞σ≤τ
  278. LabelNavigationPrevious                           =╨±∩τπ∩⌡∞σφ∩
  279. LabelNavigationReturn                             =┼≡Θ≤⌠±∩÷τ
  280. LabelNavigationNext                               =┼≡∩∞σφ∩
  281. LabelNavigationDefault                            =╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφ∩
  282. LabelTitleCredits                                 =┼⌡≈ß±Θ≤⌠∙
  283. TabSheetCredits                                   =┼⌡≈ß±Θ≤⌠∙
  284. CheckBoxOverwriteDefaultNumeric                   =┼≡ßφσππ±ß÷τ ╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφ∙φ
  285. LabelChapterStartAtNumKey                         =╨±∙⌠∩ ╩σ÷ßδßΘ∩ (┴±≈τ) ╬σΩΘφß ß≡∩ ┴±ΘΦ∞. ╨δτΩ⌠±∩
  286. ButtonAllWait                                     =╧δß
  287. ButtonAllReactivity                               =╧δß
  288. ButtonAllReturn                                   =╧δß
  289. ButtonAllDefault                                  =╧δß
  290. ButtonAllNumericKeys                              =╧δß
  291. LabelEntryPointsWarning                           =╨±∩≤∩≈τ: ╘∩ VCDEasy Σσφ σ≈σΘ ΩßφσΘ ┴φßδ⌡≤τ ⌠∙φ MPEG ┴±≈σΘ∙φ, ⌠ß Entry Points ß≡∩ ⌠ß ╩σ÷ßδßΘß Σσφ Φß σΘφßΘ ßΩ±ΘΓ∙≥ ß⌡⌠ß ≡∩⌡ ≤≈σΣΘß≤ß⌠σ
  292. CheckBoxScanMpegShowRelaxedAps                    =╠σ ╫ßδß±∩ ╨σ±Θ∩±Θ≤∞∩ ⌠∩⌡ APS
  293. RadioButtonNavigationReactivityDelayed            =╠σ ╩ßΦ⌡≤⌠σ±τ≤τ ≤⌠∩ ╘σδ∩≥
  294. CheckBoxNavigationUseNumeric                      =╫±τ≤τ ┴±ΘΦ∞. ╨δτΩ⌠±∙φ
  296. ##################################### Added at version 1.0.7
  298. # REMOVED
  299. CheckBoxPerformComplianceChecks
  301. # ADDED:
  302. CheckBoxPerformSomeComplianceChecks               =╨±ßπ∞ß⌠∩≡∩Θτ≤τ ╫ßδß±τ≥ ┴φßδ⌡≤τ≥ ⌠∩⌡ MPEG
  304. ##################################### Added at version 1.0.8
  306. # REMOVED
  307. #CheckBoxAdvancedMode
  309. # ADDED:
  310. TabSheetXmlViewer                                 =┼∞÷ßφΘ≤τ XML
  311. LabelTitleXmlViewer                               =┼∞÷ßφΘ≤τ ⌠∩⌡ ╘σδσ⌡⌠ßΘ∩⌡ XML ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡ ≡∩⌡ ─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πΘΦτΩσ
  312. TabSheetMpegStills                                =MPEG ╓∙⌠∩
  313. LabelTitleMpegStills                              =─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πΘß MPEG ╓∙⌠∩
  314. CheckBoxDisplayXmlInColor                         =┼∞÷ßφΘ≤τ ⌠∩⌡ XML ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡ ∞σ ╫±∙∞ß
  315. ButtonStillInputBrowse                            =┼≡Θδ∩πτ
  316. ButtonStillOutputFolderBrowse                     =┼≡Θδ∩πτ
  317. LabelInputImage                                   =┼Θ≤ßπ∙πτ ┼ΘΩ∩φß≥
  318. LabelOutputImageFolder                            =╓ßΩσδ∩≥ ┼εßπ∙∞σφτ≥ ┼ΘΩ∩φß≥
  319. LabelOutputImageName                              =╧φ∩∞ß ┼εßπ∙∞σφτ≥ ┼ΘΩ∩φß≥
  320. ButtonStillGenerate                               =─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πΘß
  321. LabelStillType                                    =╘⌡≡∩≥ MPEG ╓∙⌠∩
  322. RadioButtonHigh                                   =╪τδ∩
  323. RadioButtonLow                                    =╫ß∞τδ∩
  324. CheckBoxApplyCorrection                           =┼÷ß±∞∩πτ ─Θ∩±Φ∙≤τ≥
  325. LabelAspectRatioCorrection                        =TV (─Θ∩±Φ∙≤τ ┴φßδ∩πΘß≥)
  326. LabelStillBackgroundColor                         =╫±∙∞ß ╓∩φ⌠∩⌡
  327. LabelStillQualityMin                              =┼δß≈Θ≤⌠∩
  328. LabelStillQualityMax                              =╠σπΘ≤⌠∩
  329. LabelStillResizeFilter                            =╓Θδ⌠±∩ ─Θß≤⌠ß≤τ≥
  330. ResizeNearest                                     =Nearest
  331. ResizeLinear                                      =Linear
  332. ResizeLinear2                                     =Linear 2
  333. ResizeSpline                                      =Spline
  334. CheckBoxStillNoMaximize                           =╧╫╔ ╠σπΘ≤⌠∩≡∩Θτ≤τ ╠ΘΩ±τ≥ ┼ΘΩ∩φß≥
  335. LabelStillDeleteTempFiles                         =─Θßπ±ß÷τ ╨±∩≤∙±Θφ∩⌡ ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡
  336. CheckBoxStillRecursiveDrop                        =┼≡ßφßδß∞Γßφ∩∞σφ∩ Drag'n Drop
  337. ButtonClearAllMpegs                               =╩ßΦß±Θ≤∞∩≥
  338. ButtonAuthoringReset                              =RESET
  339. LabelDatToMpeg                                    =╠σ⌠ß⌠±∩≡τ MPEG ∞σ Riff ┼≡ΘΩσ÷ßδΘΣß (.dat ┴±≈σΘ∩) ≤σ ╩ßφ∩φΘΩ∩ MPEG ┴±≈σΘ∩
  340. LabelDatToMpegSpace                               =═ß ╒≡ß±≈σΘ ┴±Ωσ⌠∩≥ ┼δσ⌡Φσ±∩≥ ╫∙±∩≥ ≤⌠∩φ ─Θ≤Ω∩
  341. ButtonDatToMpegIn                                 =┴±≈σΘ∩ DAT
  342. ButtonDatToMpegOut                                =┴±≈σΘ∩ MPEG
  343. ButtonDatToMpegRun                                =╠σ⌠ß⌠±∩≡τ
  345. #################################################################################################################################################################################
  347. [messages]
  349. "%s" analyse failed                                                =╟ ┴φßδ⌡≤τ ⌠∩⌡ "%s" ┴≡σ⌠⌡≈σ
  350. "%s" analyse succeeded                                             =╟ ┴φßδ⌡≤τ ⌠∩⌡ "%s" ┼Θ≈ßΘ ┼≡Θ⌠⌡≈Θß
  351. "%s" execution cancelled                                           =╟ ┼Ω⌠σδσ≤τ ⌠∩⌡ "%s" ┴Ω⌡±∙ΦτΩσ
  352. "%s" execution failed                                              =╟ ┼Ω⌠σδσ≤τ ⌠∩⌡ "%s" ┴≡σ⌠⌡≈σ
  353. "%s" execution succeeded                                           =╟ ┼Ω⌠σδσ≤τ ⌠∩⌡ "%s" ┼Θ≈ßΘ ┼≡Θ⌠⌡≈Θß
  354. "%s" found but it is not a version                                 ="%s" ┬±σΦτΩσ ┴δδß Σσφ ┼ΘφßΘ ┼ΩΣ∩≤τ
  355. "%s" found but the required dll "%s" is missing                    ="%s" ┬±σΦτΩσ ┴δδß ⌠∩ ┴≡σ⌠∩⌡∞σφ∩ dll "%s" ─σφ ╒≡ß±≈σΘ
  356. "%s" must be in the folder "%s"                                    ="%s" ╨±σ≡σΘ φß ┼ΘφßΘ ≤⌠∩φ ╓ßΩσδ∩ "%s"
  357. "%s" not found                                                     ="%s" ─σφ ┬±σΦτΩσ
  358. %s conflict occured                                                =╘∩ %s ╨±ßπ∞ß⌠∩≡∩Θτ≤σ ─ΘßΩ∩≡τ
  359. %s conflicts occured                                               =╘∩ %s ╨±ßπ∞ß⌠∩≡∩Θτ≤σ ─ΘßΩ∩≡σ≥
  360. %s file                                                            =┴±≈σΘ∩ %s
  361. %s file already exists... Confirm overwrite                        =╘∩ ┴±≈σΘ∩ %s ╒≡ß±≈σΘ... ┼≡ΘΓσΓßΘ∙≤τ ┼ππ±ß÷τ≥ ?
  362. %s Output File                                                     =┴±≈σΘ∩ %s
  363. %s settings                                                        =┼≡Θδ∩πσ≥ ⌠∩⌡ %s
  364. %s success                                                         =┼≡Θ⌠⌡≈Θß ⌠∩⌡ %s
  365. %s will only let you generates the^GNU VCDImager %s compliant XML file which describes the VideoCd=%s will only let you generates the^GNU VCDImager %s compliant XML file which describes the VideoCd
  366. (S)VCD                                                             =(S)VCD
  367. A CD-RW is required                                                =╫±σΘßµσ⌠σ σφß CD-RW
  368. A new version is available                                         =═σß ┼ΩΣ∩≤τ ┼ΘφßΘ ─ΘßΦσ≤Θ∞τ
  369. About                                                              =╙≈σ⌠ΘΩß
  370. Actually the exact meaning is not defined, and it is also player dependant!^NB: Most players actually ignore that value.=╙⌠τφ ╨±ßετ τ ßΩ±ΘΓτ≥ ≤τ∞ß≤Θß ⌠∩⌡ Σσφ ╧±Θµσ⌠σ, ΩßΘ σΘφßΘ σ≡Θ≤τ≥ ┼εß±⌠∙∞σφ∩ ß≡∩ ⌠∩ Player !^╒├: ╘ß ╨σ±Θ≤∩⌠σ±ß players ßπφ∩∩⌡φ ß⌡⌠τ ⌠τφ ╘Θ∞τ.
  371. After                                                              =╠σ⌠ß
  372. An "Access Point Sector", APS, is an MPEG video sector on the VCD/SVCD which is suitable to be jumped to directly=╘∩ "Access Point Sector", APS, ┼ΘφßΘ σφß≥ ⌠∩∞σß≥ ≤⌠∩ MPEG video ⌠∩⌡ (S)VCD ≡∩⌡ σΘφßΘ ┴±∞∩ΣΘ∩ πΘß ⌠τφ ┴∞σ≤τ ╠σ⌠ßΓß≤τ
  373. An empty disk is required                                          =╫±σΘßµσ⌠σ ┼φß≥ ┴ΣσΘ∩≥ ─Θ≤Ω∩≥
  374. Approximate Cd Size                                                =╨σ±Θ≡∩⌡ ⌠∩ ╠σπσΦ∩≥ ⌠∩⌡ CD
  375. At this time, only motion videos are accepted                      =┴⌡⌠τ ⌠τ ╙⌠Θπ∞τ, ╠∩φ∩ Video ┼ΘφßΘ ┴≡∩ΣσΩ⌠∩
  376. Audio Stream                                                       =╤∩τ ╟≈∩⌡
  377. Available Disk Space                                               =─ΘßΦσ≤Θ∞∩≥ ╫∙±∩≥ ≤⌠∩φ ─Θ≤Ω∩
  378. Be careful, a frame number is related to the sequence frame rate   =╨╤╧╙╧╫╟, ╧ ┴±ΘΦ∞∩≥ ⌠∙φ ╩ß±σ σΘφßΘ ╙≈σ⌠ΘΩ∩≥ ∞σ ⌠∩ "Frame Per Second (FPS)" (╩ß±σ ßφß ─σ⌡⌠σ±∩δσ≡⌠∩).
  379. Be sure that some values are not bigger than the Mpeg duration     =┬σΓßΘ∩ΦσΘ⌠σ ∩⌠Θ ╠σ±ΘΩσ≥ ╘Θ∞σ≥ Σσφ ┼ΘφßΘ ╠σπßδτ⌠σ±σ≥ ß≡∩ ⌠τφ ─Θß±ΩσΘß ⌠∩⌡ MPEG
  380. Be sure that this value is not bigger than the Mpeg duration       =┬σΓßΘ∩ΦσΘ⌠σ ∩⌠Θ ┴⌡⌠σ≥ τ ╘Θ∞σ≥ Σσφ ┼ΘφßΘ ╠σπßδτ⌠σ±σ≥ ß≡∩ ⌠τφ ─Θß±ΩσΘß ⌠∩⌡ MPEG
  381. Before                                                             =╨±Θφ
  382. Blanking the Cdrw                                                  =─Θßπ±ß÷σ⌠σ ⌠∩ CD-RW
  383. CDRDAO support is disabled                                         =╟ ╒≡∩≤⌠τ±Θετ ⌠∩⌡ CDRDAO σΘφßΘ ┴≡σφσ±π∩≡∩Θτ∞σφτ
  384. Cancel                                                             =┴Ω⌡±∩
  385. Cancel done                                                        =┴Ω⌡±∩≤τ ╧╩
  386. Cancelling                                                         =┴Ω⌡±∩φσ⌠σ
  387. Cdr Devices Scanning                                               =┼δσπ≈∩≥ ⌠τ≥ ╙⌡≤Ωσ⌡τ≥ CDR
  388. Chapters will be too closed together                               =╘ß ╩σ÷ßδßΘß ┼ΘφßΘ ╨∩δ⌡ ╩∩φ⌠ß ╠σ⌠ßε⌡ ⌠∩⌡≥
  389. Checking if CDR/CDRW is empty                                      =┼δσπ≈∩≥ ⌠∩⌡ CDR/CDRW ┴φ ┼ΘφßΘ ┴ΣσΘ∩
  390. Choose the Cd Image Type "CDRDAO TOC" instead, or change the BIN file path/name=┼≡σδσεσ ⌠∙φ ╘⌡≡∩ ⌠∩⌡ CD Image ßφ⌠Θ ⌠∩⌡ "CDRDAO TOC", τ ┴δδßεσ ─ΘßΣ±∩∞τ/╧φ∩∞ß ⌠∩⌡ BIN ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡
  391. Comma(s) and "&&" in filenames are not allowed                     =╩∩∞∞ß ΩßΘ "&&" ≤⌠∩ ╧φ∩∞ß ⌠∩⌡ ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡ ─σφ ┼≡Θ⌠±σ≡σ⌠σ
  392. Creating Cd Image file                                             =─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πΘß ⌠∩⌡ CD Image ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡
  393. DEL to remove a File                                               =DEL πΘß ┴÷ßΘ±σ≤τ ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡
  394. DEL to remove a File/Folder                                        =DEL πΘß ┴÷ßΘ±σ≤τ ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡/╓ßΩσδ∩⌡
  395. Depending on your (S)VCD player, PBC may be needed to navigate chapters=┴φßδ∩πß ∞σ ⌠∩ (S)VCD Player ≡∩⌡ ┼≈σ⌠σ, ⌠∩ Playback Control (PBC) ^╫±σΘßµσ⌠σ πΘß ⌠τφ ╨δ∩τπτ≤τ ≤⌠ß ╩σ÷ßδßΘß
  396. Do you really want to erase the Cd ?                               =╚σδσ⌠σ φß ─Θßπ±ß÷τ ⌠∩ CD ?
  397. Do you want to continue ?                                          =╚σδσ⌠σ φß ╙⌡φσ≈Θ≤∙ ?
  398. Do you want to see it ?                                            =╚σδσ⌠σ φß ⌠∩ ─σΘ⌠σ ?
  399. Do you want to see them ?                                          =╚σδσ⌠σ φß ⌠ß ─σΘ⌠σ ?
  400. Drag a file to change its position                                 =╙⌡±⌠σ σφß ┴±≈σΘ∩ πΘß φß ⌠∩⌡ ┴δδßεσ⌠σ ╚σ≤τ
  401. Duration                                                           =─Θß±ΩσΘß
  402. Editable                                                           =┼≡σεσ±πß≤Θ∞∩
  403. End offset                                                         =╚σ≤τ ╘σδ∩⌡≥
  404. Even with a 0 sec wait time, the transition between tracks may not be smooth=┴Ω∩∞ß ΩßΘ ∞σ 0 Sec ╫±∩φ∩ ╩ßΦ⌡≤⌠σ±Θ≤τ≥ ^τ ╠σ⌠ßΓß≤τ ┴φß∞σ≤ß ≤⌠ß Tracks ╔≤∙≥ ─σφ σΘφßΘ ╧∞ßδτ
  405. Existing Cd data will not be recoverable after the blank           =╘ß ┴±≈σΘß ≤⌠∩ CD ╚ß ╫ßΦ∩⌡φ ∞σ⌠ß ⌠τφ ─Θßπ±ß÷τ
  406. For example, allow to unlock the Cd Writer after a failed write    =├Θß ╨ß±ßΣσΘπ∞ß, ┼≡Θ⌠±σ≡σΘ ⌠∩ ╬σΩδσΘΣ∙∞ß ⌠∩⌡ CD ┼ππ±ß÷τ≥ ∞σ⌠ß ß≡∩ ┴≡∩⌠⌡≈τ∞σφτ ┼ππ±ß÷τ
  407. Forbidden                                                          =┴≡ßπ∩±σ⌡∞σφ∩
  408. Force execution of writing operations                              =╒≡∩≈±σ∙⌠ΘΩτ ┼Ω⌠σδσ≤τ ⌠τ≥ ┼ππ±ß÷τ≥
  409. Front margin for sequence items.^For Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0 it should be at least 15 sectors long.^Default is 30 for Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0, otherwise 0=╨σ±ΘΦ∙±Θ∩ ┴±≈τ≥ πΘß ⌠τφ ╤∩τ ⌠τ≥ ╘ßΘφΘß≥.^├Θß Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0, ╨±σ≡σΘ φß σ≈σΘ ╠σπσΦ∩≥ ╘∩⌡δß≈Θ≤⌠∙φ 15 sectors.^╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφ∩ σΘφßΘ 30 πΘß Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0 , ─Θß÷∩±σ⌠ΘΩß 0
  410. Generated                                                          =─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πτΦτΩσ
  411. Generating the (internally computed) XML file                      =─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πΘß (┼≤∙⌠σ±ΘΩτ ╒≡∩δ∩πΘ≤∞∩Θ) ⌠∩⌡ ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡ XML
  412. Generating the XML file                                            =─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πΘß ⌠∩⌡ ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡ XML
  413. Getting the Cd info                                                =╨σ±φ∙ ⌠Θ≥ ╨δτ±∩÷∩±Θσ≥ ß≡∩ ⌠∩ CD
  414. Go                                                                 =GO
  415. If the MPEG file does not have regular MPEG sequence headers throughout the file (e.g., before each GOP),=┴φ ╧δ∩ ⌠∩ MPEG ┴±≈σΘ∩ Σσφ σ≈σΘ ╩ßφ∩φΘΩ∩ MPEG sequence (≡.≈. ≡±Θφ ß≡∩ ΩßΦσ GOP),
  416. Import Chapters                                                    =┼Θ≤ßπ∙πτ ╩σ÷ßδßΘ∙φ
  417. Internal Xml Generator                                             =┼≤∙⌠σ±ΘΩτ ─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πΘß XML
  418. Invalid %s filename                                                =╘∩ ╧φ∩∞ß ⌠∩⌡ ß±≈σΘ∩⌡ %s σΘφßΘ ┴Ωß⌠ßδτδ∩
  419. IsoLength                                                          =╠σπσΦ∩≥ ISO
  420. IsoName                                                            =╧φ∩∞ß ISO
  421. IsoTreePath                                                        =╨±∩σδσ⌡≤τ ISO
  422. It is highly recommended to let "%s" as default driver             =╨±∩⌠σΘφ∙ φß ┴÷τ≤σ⌠σ ⌠∩ "%s" ≤ßφ ╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφ∩ ╧Στπ∩
  423. Kb                                                                 =KB
  424. Last Modified                                                      =╘σδσ⌡⌠ßΘß ┼≡σεσ±πß≤Θß
  425. Log                                                                =Log
  426. Mail suggestions and bug reports to                                =E-Mail πΘß ╒≡∩ΣσΘετ≥ ΩßΘ ┴φß÷∩±ß πΘß ╦ßΦτ ≤⌠∩
  427. Mandatory for 99min Cdr                                            =╒≡∩≈±σ∙⌠ΘΩ∩ πΘß 99δσ≡⌠ß CDR
  428. Mb                                                                 =MB
  429. Mpeg Information                                                   =╨δτ±∩÷∩±Θσ≥ πΘß ⌠∩ MPEG
  430. NB: Burn is not available when the output is XML only              =╒├: ╟ ┼ππ±ß÷τ Σσφ ┼≡Θ⌠±σ≡σ⌠σ ∩⌠ßφ ⌠∩ ┴±≈σΘ∩ σΘφßΘ ╠∩φ∩ XML
  431. NB: It is better to put the MPEG sequence headers in your MPEG stream rather than to force VCDImager to use this option.=NB: It is better to put the MPEG sequence headers in your MPEG stream rather than to force VCDImager to use this option.
  432. Name                                                               =╧φ∩∞ß
  433. Network files "\\server\share\..." are not allowed                 =┴±≈σΘß ─ΘΩ⌠⌡∩⌡ "\\server\share\..." ─σφ ┼≡Θ⌠±σ≡∩φ⌠ßΘ
  434. No                                                                 =╧≈Θ
  435. No Aspi Device Selected                                            =─σφ σΘφßΘ ┼≡Θδσπ∞σφτ τ ╙⌡≤Ωσ⌡τ ASPI
  436. No Cd Reader Selected                                              =─σφ σΘφßΘ ┼≡Θδσπ∞σφ∩ ⌠∩ CD ┴φßπφ∙≤τ≥
  437. No Cd Writer Selected                                              =─σφ σΘφßΘ ┼≡Θδσπ∞σφ∩ ⌠∩ CD ┼ππ±ß÷τ≥
  438. No Cd Writer/Reader found or ASPI layer not installed              =─σφ ┬±σΦτΩσ CD ßφßπφ∙≤τ≥/┼ππ±ß÷τ≥, τ ⌠∩ ASPI Σσφ σΘφßΘ ┼πΩß⌠σ≤⌠τ∞σφ∩
  439. No new version available at this time                              =─σφ ╒≡ß±≈σΘ ═σß ┼ΩΣ∩≤τ ß⌡⌠τ ⌠τ ╙⌠Θπ∞τ
  440. Non quick blank can takes up to 60 minutes                         =╟ ╧╫╔ " ├±τπ∩±τ ─Θßπ±ß÷τ " ╠≡∩±σΘ φß ΩßφσΘ ╨ßφ∙ ß≡∩ 60 ╦σ≡⌠ß
  441. Not Analysed                                                       =─σφ ┴φßδ⌡ΦτΩσ
  442. Not Available                                                      =─σφ σΘφßΘ ─ΘßΦσ≤Θ∞∩
  443. Not enough Disk Space on %s                                        =─σφ ╒≡ß±≈σΘ ┴±Ωσ⌠∩≥ ╫∙±∩≥ ≤⌠∩ %s
  444. One or more non valid chapter entry point found                    =┼φß τ ╨σ±Θ≤∩⌠σ±ß ╠τ ┼πΩ⌡±ß ╩σ÷ßδßΘß ┬±σΦτΩßφ
  445. Ordered MPEG%s Video files                                         =Video MPEG%s ┴±≈σΘß 
  446. Origin                                                             =╨±∩σδσ⌡≤τ
  447. Path                                                               =─ΘßΣ±∩∞τ
  448. Performing check for new version available                         =├Θφσ⌠σ ┼δσπ≈∩≥ πΘß ═σß ┼ΩΣ∩≤τ
  449. Please be sure that this file is not ReadOnly                      =╨ß±ßΩßδ∙, ⌠∩ ┴±≈σΘß φß ∞τφ σΘφßΘ ReadOnly
  450. Please check the filename                                          =╨ß±ßΩßδ∙, ╩ßφ⌠σ ┼δσπ≈∩ ≤⌠∩ ╧φ∩∞ß ⌠∩⌡ ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡
  451. Please enter a %s filename                                         =╨ß±ßΩßδ∙, ┼Θ≤ßπσ⌠ßΘ ⌠∩ ┴±≈σΘ∩ %s
  452. Please wait                                                        =╨ß±ßΩßδ∙ ╨σ±Θ∞σφσ⌠σ
  453. Please wait while adding the files                                 =╨ß±ßΩßδ∙ ╨σ±Θ∞σφσ⌠σ ╧≤∩ ┼Θ≤ßπ∙φ⌠σ ⌠ß ┴±≈σΘß
  454. Please wait while cancelling                                       =╨ß±ßΩßδ∙ ╨σ±Θ∞σφσ⌠σ ╠σ≈±Θ φß ┴Ω⌡±∩≤∙
  455. Please wait while finilazing the cd                                =╨ß±ßΩßδ∙ ╨σ±Θ∞σφσ⌠σ ╧≤∩ ╩δσΘφ∙ ⌠∩ CD
  456. Please wait while scanning the MPEG file                           =╨ß±ßΩßδ∙ ╨σ±Θ∞σφσ⌠σ ╧≤∩ ┼δσπ≈∙ ⌠∩ MPEG ┴±≈σΘ∩
  457. Please wait while scanning the MPEG files                          =╨ß±ßΩßδ∙ ╨σ±Θ∞σφσ⌠σ ╧≤∩ ┼δσπ≈∙ ⌠∩ MPEG ┴±≈σΘß
  458. Please, add at least one MPEG file                                 =╨ß±ßΩßδ∙ ┼Θ≤ßπσ⌠σ σφß ╘∩⌡δß≈Θ≤⌠∙φ MPEG ┴±≈σΘ∩
  459. Pos                                                                =╚σ≤τ
  460. Rear margin for sequence items.^For Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0 it should be at least 15 sectors long.^Default is 45 for Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0, otherwise 0=╨σ±ΘΦ∙±Θ∩ ╘σδ∩⌡≥ πΘß ⌠τφ ╤∩τ ⌠τ≥ ╘ßΘφΘß≥.^├Θß Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0, ╨±σ≡σΘ φß σ≈σΘ ╠σπσΦ∩≥ ╘∩⌡δß≈Θ≤⌠∙φ 15 sectors.^╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφ∩ σΘφßΘ 45 πΘß Video CD 1.0/1.1/2.0 , ─Θß÷∩±σ⌠ΘΩß 0
  461. Rigth Click to have the Popup menu                                 =─σεΘ ╩δΘΩ ≤⌠∩ Mouse πΘß ┼∞÷ßφΘ≤τ ┼≡Θδ∩π∙φ
  462. Ripping %s                                                         =┼εßπ∙πτ ⌠∩⌡ %s
  463. Same as "%s" but when pbc interpretation enabled,^then start the next disc at the second pbc list instead of the first one.=╔ΣΘ∩ ∞σ ⌠∩ [%s] ┴δδß ╧⌠ßφ τ ┼±∞τφσΘß ⌠∩⌡ PBC σΘφßΘ ┼φσ±π∩≡∩Θτ∞σφτ,^⌠∩⌠σ εσΩΘφß ⌠∩ ┼≡∩∞σφ∩ CD ß≡∩ ⌠τφ ─σ⌡⌠σ±τ ╦Θ≤⌠ß ⌠∩⌡ PBC ßφ⌠Θ εßφß ⌠∩⌡ ╨±∙⌠∩⌡.
  464. Scanning %s                                                        =┴φßδ⌡≤τ ⌠∩⌡ %s
  465. Sequence Duration and/or video type must be known, so "%s" must be checked, to have access to this=╟ ─Θß±ΩσΘß ⌠∩⌡ sequence ΩßΘ/τ ∩ ⌠⌡≡∩≥ ⌠∩⌡ Video ≡±σ≡σΘ φß σΘφßΘ ├φ∙≤⌠ß. ^├Θß φß ⌡≡ß±≈σΘ ≡±∩≤Γß≤τ ≤σ ß⌡⌠τφ ⌠τφ ┼≡Θδ∩πτ ╨±σ≡σΘ ⌠∩ "%s" ^φß ┼ΘφßΘ ┼φσ±π∩≡∩Θτ∞σφ∩ ≤⌠∩ ╩σφ⌠±ΘΩ∩ Menu.
  466. Settings                                                           =┼≡Θδ∩πσ≥
  467. Size                                                               =╠σπσΦ∩≥
  468. Start Cd device rotation                                           =┼ΩΩΘφτ≤τ ╨σ±Θ≤⌠±∩÷τ≥ ⌠∩⌡ CD
  469. Start offset                                                       =┼ΩΩΘφτ≤τ offset
  470. Start the next disc if it has the same <album-id> at the second sequence instead of the first.=εσΩΘφß ⌠∩ σ≡∩∞σφ∩ CD σßφ σ≈σΘ ⌠∩φ ΘΣΘ∩ < ┴±ΘΦ∞∩-╙⌡δδ∩πτ≥ > ß≡∩ ⌠∩ Σσ⌡⌠σ±∩ Sequence ßφ⌠Θ ⌠∩⌡ ≡±∙⌠∩⌡.
  471. Stop Cd device rotation                                            =╨ß⌡≤τ ╨σ±Θ≤⌠±∩÷τ≥ ⌠∩⌡ CD
  472. SubTree Size                                                       =╠σπσΦ∩≥ ╒≡∩÷ßΩσδ∙φ
  473. Supports Files Drag'n Drop                                         =╒≡∩≤⌠τ±Θετ ⌠∩⌡ Drag'n Drop ≤⌠ß ┴±≈σΘß
  474. Supports Files/Folders Drag'n Drop                                 =╒≡∩≤⌠τ±Θετ ⌠∩⌡ Drag'n Drop ≤⌠ß ┴±≈σΘß/╓ßΩσδ∩⌡≥
  475. The Aspi layer (required by CDRDAO) may be missing or not be installed correctly=╧ ╧Στπ∩≥ ASPI (≈±σΘßµσ⌠σ ß≡∩ ⌠∩ CDRDAO) Σσφ ╒≡ß±≈σΘ τ Σσφ σΘφßΘ ┼πΩß⌠σ≤⌠τ∞σφ∙≥
  476. The BIN filename must have no SPACE character if you want to burn it with CDRDAO=╘∩ ╧φ∩∞ß ⌠∩⌡ ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡ BIN Σσφ ╨±σ≡σΘ φß ┼≈σΘ ╩σφ∩⌡≥ ╫ß±ßΩ⌠τ±σ≥, ┴φ ╚σδσ⌠σ φß ├±ß÷τ ∞σ ⌠∩ CDRDAO
  477. The Folder "%s" is a special (S)VCD folder!                        =╧ ╓ßΩσδ∩≥ "%s" σΘφßΘ σφß≥ σΘΣΘΩ∩≥ (S)VCD ÷ßΩσδ∩≥!
  478. The check for new version available failed                         =╧ ┼δσπ≈∩≥ πΘß ═σß ─ΘßΦσ≤τ∞τ ┼ΩΣ∩≤τ ┴≡σ⌠⌡≈σ
  479. The file "%s" does not exist                                       =╘∩ ┴±≈σΘ∩ "%s" Σσφ ╒≡ß±≈σΘ
  480. The filename must contain the full path                            =╘∩ ╧φ∩∞ß ⌠∩⌡ ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡ ≡±σ≡σΘ φß ≡σ±Θσ≈σΘ ⌠τφ ≡δτ±τ ─ΘßΣ±∩∞τ
  481. The volume name must not be empty when there are more than one volumes=╘∩ ╧φ∩∞ß ⌠∩⌡ ┴δ∞≡∩⌡∞ ─σφ ╨±σ≡σΘ φß σΘφßΘ ╩σφ∩ ╧⌠ßφ ╒≡ß±≈∩⌡φ ╨σ±Θ≤∩⌠σ±ß ⌠∩⌡ ┼φ∩≥ ┴δ∞≡∩⌡∞
  482. This %s supports only                                              =┴⌡⌠∩ %s ╒≡∩≤⌠τ±Θµσ⌠ßΘ ╠∩φ∩
  483. This VCDEasy version supports only the version %s of "%s"          =┴⌡⌠τ τ ┼ΩΣ∩≤τ ⌠∩⌡ VCDEasy ╒≡∩≤⌠τ±Θµτ ╠∩φ∩ ⌠τφ ┼ΩΣ∩≤τ %s ⌠∩⌡ "%s"
  484. This file must have a size multiple of 2336 and be not empty, if you want to add it as a full 2336 bytes sectors file=╘∩ ┴±≈σΘ∩ ╨±σ≡σΘ φß ┼≈σΘ ╠σπσΦ∩≥ ╨∩δß≡δδß≤Θ∩ ⌠∩⌡ 2336 ΩßΘ φß ∞τφ σΘφßΘ ╩σφ∩, ^┴φ Φσδσ⌠σ φß ⌠∩ ┼Θ≤ßπσ⌠σ ≤ßφ full 2336 bytes sectors ┴±≈σΘ∩
  485. This frame number must refers to this MPEG sequence, not the original sequence if different=╧ ┴±ΘΦ∞∩≥ ⌠∩φ ╩ß±σ(FPS) πΘß ⌠∩ ╙⌡πΩσΩ±Θ∞σφ∩ MPEG sequence, ┴φß÷σ±σ⌠σ ≤⌠∩ " ╤∩τ Video ".
  486. This is related to the ability of some multi-disc stand-alone players to instantly start playing^the next disc once the current disc as finished playing.=┴⌡⌠∩ ┴φß÷σ±σ⌠σ ≤⌠τφ ─⌡φß⌠∩⌠τ⌠ß ≡∩⌡ ┼≈∩⌡φ ╠σ±ΘΩß multi-disc stand-alone players ^φß ╨ßΘµ∩⌡φ ┴∞σ≤∙≥ ⌠∙φ σ≡∩∞σφ∩ ─Θ≤Ω∩ ╧⌠ßφ ╘σδσΘ∙φτ ∩ ╨±∩τπ∩⌡∞σφ∩≥.
  487. This version works with                                            =┴⌡⌠τ τ ┼ΩΣ∩≤τ ╦σΘ⌠∩⌡±πτ ∞σ
  488. Tools                                                              =┼±πßδσΘß
  489. TreeSubLevel                                                       =TreeSubLevel
  490. Trying to unlock the Cd Reader                                     =╨±∩≤≡ßΦσΘß ╬σΩδσΘΣ∙∞ß⌠∩≥ ⌠∩⌡ CD ┴φßπφ∙≤τ≥
  491. Trying to unlock the Cd Writer                                     =╨±∩≤≡ßΦσΘß ╬σΩδσΘΣ∙∞ß⌠∩≥ ⌠∩⌡ CD ┼ππ±ß÷τ≥
  492. Type                                                               =╘⌡≡∩≥
  493. Unable to create                                                   =┴Σ⌡φß⌠τ τ ─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πΘß
  494. Unable to overwrite                                                =┴Σ⌡φß⌠τ τ ┼≡ßφσππ±ß÷τ
  495. Unable to perform a Cdr devices scan                               =┴Σ⌡φß⌠∩≥ ∩ ┼δσπ≈∩≥ ⌠∩⌡ CDR
  496. Used to set the amount of empty sectors added before the lead-out area begins.^Some operating systems may encounter I/O errors due to read-ahead issues when reading the last mpeg track if this parameter is not set to a value around 15.^Default is 0=╫±τ≤τ πΘß φß ╧±Θ≤∩⌡∞σ ⌠∙φ ß±ΘΦ∞∩ ⌠∙φ ╩σφ∩φ sector ≡±Θφ ╬σΩΩΘφτ≤τ ⌠∩ lead-out.^╠σ±ΘΩß δσΘ⌠∩⌡±πΘΩß ≤⌡≤⌠τ∞ß⌠ß Θ≤∙≥ ╨ß±∩⌡≤Θß≤∩⌡φ I/O ≤÷ßδ∞ß⌠ß δ∩π∙ ⌠∩⌡ read-ahead, ^∩⌠ßφ ΣΘßΓßµ∩⌡φ ⌠∩ ⌠σδσ⌡⌠ßΘ∩ MPEG track, ßφ ß⌡⌠τ τ ≡ß±ß∞σ⌠±∩≥ Σσφ σΘφßΘ ≡σ±Θ≡∩⌡ ≤⌠∩ 15. ^╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφ∩ σΘφßΘ ⌠∩ 0
  497. Used to set the track pregap for all tracks at once in sectors.^The specification requires the pregap to be at least 150 sectors long.^Default is 150=╫±τ≤τ πΘß φß ╧±Θ≤∩⌡∞σ ⌠∩ Ωσφ∩ track, πΘß ∩δß ⌠ß track ∞σ ⌠τφ ∞Θß ≤σ sectors.^╟ ╨±∩ΣΘßπ±ß÷σ≥ ß≡ßΘ⌠∩⌡φ ⌠∩ Ωσφ∩ φß σ≈σΘ ∞σπσΦ∩≥ ⌠∩⌡δß≈Θ≤⌠∩φ 150 sectors. ^╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφ∩ σΘφßΘ ⌠∩ 150
  498. Used when PBC information is present but its interpretation is disabled on the player,^when multiple volumes in album, when album name not empty, when not Vcd 1.1.=╫±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θτ⌠σ ∩⌠ßφ τ ╨δτ±∩÷∩±Θσ≥ ⌠∩⌡ PBC ╒≡ß±≈∩⌡φ ßδδß ⌠∩ ΣΘßΓß≤∞ß ⌠∩⌡≥ σΘφßΘ ┴≡σφσ±π∩≡∩Θτ∞σφ∩ ≤⌠∩ Player,^O⌠ßφ ⌡≡ß±≈∩⌡φ ≡∩δδß CD ≤σ ∞Θß ╙⌡δδ∩πτ, τ O⌠ßφ ⌠∩ ╧φ∩∞ß ⌠∩⌡ CD Σσφ σΘφßΘ ßΣσΘ∩, τ O⌠ßφ Σσφ σΘφßΘ VCD 1.1. ⌠∩⌠σ
  499. Value bigger than the MPEG duration                                =╘Θ∞τ ╠σπßδτ⌠σ±τ ß≡∩ ⌠τφ ─Θß±ΩσΘß ⌠∩⌡ MPEG
  500. Video Stream                                                       =╤∩τ Video
  501. Viewing restrictions which may be interpreted by the playing device.^The allowed range goes from "0" [unrestricted, means free to view for all], to "3" [restricted, may mean content not suitable for ages under 18].=╟ ┼∞÷ßφΘ≤τ ⌠∙φ ╨σ±Θ∩±Θ≤∞∙φ ╨±σ≡σΘ φß ╒≡∩≤⌠τ±Θµσ⌠σ ß≡∩ ⌠∩ CD player.^╟ ╘Θ∞σ≥ ┼ΘφßΘ ß≡∩ "0" [ ┼δσ⌡Φσ±ß ] ╠σ≈±Θ "3" [ ╨σ±Θ∩±Θ≤∞∩≥ πΘß ┴⌠∩∞ß ╩ß⌠∙ ⌠∙φ 18 ┼⌠∙φ ].
  502. Warning: relaxing the aps requirement may lead to non-working entry points=╨±∩≤∩≈τ: ╟ ┴≡ßΘ⌠τ≤τ πΘß ╫ßδß±∙≤τ ⌠∩⌡ APS ╔≤∙≥ ╧Στπτ≤τ ≤σ entry points ≡∩⌡ Σσφ ╦σΘ⌠∩⌡±π∩⌡φ
  503. Writing cd image file                                              =┼ππ±ß÷τ ⌠∩⌡ CD Image ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡
  504. Wrote %s Mb of %s Mb                                               =├±ß÷⌠τΩßφ %s Mb ß≡∩ %s Mb
  505. Yes                                                                =═ßΘ
  506. You can change this option only if the MPEG files list is empty    =╠≡∩±σΘ⌠σ φß ┴δδßεσ⌠σ ┴⌡⌠τ ⌠τφ ┼≡Θδ∩πτ ╠╧═╧ σßφ ^τ ╦Θ≤⌠ß ∞σ ⌠ß " Video MPEG ┴±≈σΘß " ┼ΘφßΘ ┴ΣσΘß.
  507. You entered a total of %s volumes for the album                    =┼≈σΘ≥ ΓßδσΘ ≤⌠∩ ≤⌡φ∩δ∩ %s CD πΘß ⌠τφ ╙⌡δδ∩πτ
  508. You need to restart %s in order to take the locations changes into account=╨±σ≡σΘ φß Ωßφσ⌠σ ┼≡ßφσΩΩΘφτ≤τ ⌠∩⌡ %s πΘß φß σφσ±π∩≡∩ΘτΦ∩⌡φ τ ßδδßπσ≥
  509. You will only have to drag the ..._##.img files into Toast         =╨±σ≡σΘ φß ≡ß±σ⌠σ ⌠∩ "..._##.img" ß±≈σΘ∩ ≤⌠∩ Toast
  510. and                                                                =ΩßΘ
  511. and supports                                                       =ΩßΘ ⌡≡∩≤⌠τ±Θετ
  512. by                                                                 =ß≡∩
  513. bytes                                                              =bytes
  514. not found                                                          =Σσφ Γ±σΦτΩσ
  515. or                                                                 =τ
  516. or as standalone application                                       =τ ≤ßφ ┴⌡⌠∩φ∩∞τ ┼÷ß±∞∩πτ
  517. then you must set this option to true for entrypoints to be placed at the desired positions.=⌠∩⌠σ ╨±σ≡σΘ φß ╩ßφσ⌠σ ┴⌡⌠τ ⌠τφ ┼≡Θδ∩πτ, ┘≤⌠σ ⌠∩ entry points φß ⌠∩≡∩Φσ⌠τΦτ ≤⌠τφ ╙∙≤⌠τ ╚σ≤τ.
  520. ##################################### Added at version 1.0.3
  522. # Nothing
  524. ##################################### Added at version 1.0.4
  526. # REMOVED:
  528. # UPDATED:
  530. # ADDED:
  531. Read the very good %s to understand how (S)VCD chapters works      =─ΘßΓß≤σ ⌠∩ ≡∩δ⌡ Ωßδ∩ %s πΘß φß ∞ßΦσΘ≥ ≡∙≥ δσΘ⌠∩⌡±π∩⌡φ ⌠ß ╩σ÷ßδßΘß ≤⌠∩ (S)VCD
  532. %s disabled                                                        =%s ┴≡σφσ±π∩≡∩Θτ∞σφ∩
  533. No %s                                                              =╧≈Θ %s
  534. Warning: You may experience some problems with the ASPI Tools in enabling them...^if so, send me an email=╨±∩≤∩≈τ: ╔≤∙≥ ≡ß±∩⌡≤Θß≤⌠∩⌡φ ∞σ±ΘΩß ≡±∩Γδτ∞ß⌠ß ßφ σφσ±π∩≡∩Θτ≤σ⌠σ ⌠ß ASPI σ±πßδσΘß,^ ßφ ═ßΘ, ⌠∩⌠σ ≤⌠⌡δ⌠σ ∞∩⌡ e-mail
  535. You need to restart %s in order to take the changes into account   =╨±σ≡σΘ φß Ωßφσ⌠σ ┼≡ßφσΩΩΘφτ≤τ ⌠∩⌡ %s πΘß φß σφσ±π∩≡∩ΘτΦ∩⌡φ τ ßδδßπσ≥
  536. No Cd Writer/reader found or ASPI drivers problem                  =─σφ Γ±σΦτΩσ CD ┴φßπφ∙≤τ≥/┼ππ±ß÷τ≥ τ ⌡≡ß±≈τ ≡±∩Γδτ∞ß ≤⌠∩⌡≥ ASPI ∩Στπ∩⌡≥
  537. Unlock Cd Writer after failed writing                              =╬σΩδσΘΣ∙∞ß ⌠∩⌡ CD ┼ππ±ß÷τ≥ ∞σ⌠ß ß≡∩ ┴≡∩⌠⌡≈Θ∞σφτ ┼ππ±ß÷τ
  538. Unable to perform a Cdr devices scan, you may have an ASPI drivers problem=┴Σ⌡φß⌠∩≥ ∩ σδσπ≈∩≥ ⌠τ≥ ≤⌡≤Ωσ⌡τ≥ ⌠∩⌡ CDR, ╔≤∙≥ ⌡≡ß±≈σΘ ≡±∩Γδτ∞ß ∞σ ⌠∩⌡≥ ╧Στπ∩⌡≥ ASPI
  539. (in French or English)                                             =(≤⌠ß ├ßδδΘΩß τ ┴ππδΘΩß)
  540. Front margin for sequence items.^Default is 0 for Super Video CD 1.0=╨σ±ΘΦ∙±Θ∩ ┴±≈τ≥ πΘß ⌠∩ sequence.^╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφ∩ σΘφßΘ ⌠∩ 0 πΘß Super Video CD 1.0
  541. Rear margin for sequence items.^Default is 0 for Super Video CD 1.0=╨σ±ΘΦ∙±Θ∩ ╘σδ∩⌡≥ πΘß ⌠∩ sequence.^╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφ∩ σΘφßΘ ⌠∩ 0 πΘß Super Video CD 1.0
  542. Attention: one or more chapters have the same entry point         =╨±∩≤∩≈τ: ┼φß τ ≡σ±Θ≤∩⌠σ±ß ╩σ÷ßδßΘß σ≈∩⌡φ ⌠∩ ΘΣΘo entry point
  543. To avoid this, change your chapters or relax the ASP constraints  =├Θß φß ⌠∩ ß≡∩÷σΘπσ⌠σ, ßδδßε⌠σ ⌠ß Ωσ÷ßδßΘß τ ╫ßδß±∩≤⌠σ ⌠∙φ ╨σ±Θ∩±Θ≤∞∩ ⌠∩⌡ APS
  544. CDRDAO will not accept to burn the VideoCD,^Change the Cd image type to "CDRDAO TOC" if you really want to burn it=CDRDAO Σσφ Σσ≈σ⌠σ φß π±ß°τ ⌠∩ VideoCD,^┴δßε⌠σ ⌠∙φ ⌠⌡≡∩ ⌠∩⌡ CD Image ≤σ "CDRDAO TOC" ßφ Φσδσ⌠σ φß ⌠∩ π±ß°σ⌠σ
  545. See the detailled log                                             =─σ≥ ⌠∩ ╦σ≡⌠∩∞σ±τ log
  546. NB: You may encounter burning problems...                         =╒├: ╔≤∙≥ ╨ß±∩⌡≤Θß≤⌠∩⌡φ ╨±∩Γδτ∞ß⌠ß ┼ππ±ß÷τ≥...
  548. ##################################### Added at version 1.0.5
  550. # REMOVED:
  551. #Paste supports VCDEasy, ChapterXtractor and TMPGEnc time format
  553. # ADDED:
  554. Don't show this message again                                     =╠τφ ╬ßφßσ∞÷ßφτ≤τ≥ ⌠∩ ╠τφτ∞ß ┴⌡⌠∩
  555. Don't ask me again                                                =╠τφ ∞σ ╬ßφß±∙⌠τ≤τ≥
  556. Warning: You may experience some problems with the CDRDAO...^if so, upgrade your ASPI drivers=╨±∩≤∩≈τ: ╔≤∙≥ ╨ß±∩⌡≤Θß≤⌠∩⌡φ ∞σ±ΘΩß ╨±∩Γδτ∞ß⌠ß ∞σ ⌠∩ CDRDAO...^┴φ ═ßΘ, ┴φßΓßΦ∞τ≤⌠σ ⌠∩⌡≥ ╧Στπ∩⌡≤ ASPI
  557. CDRDAO is disabled by default, as I am note sure it will work with your ASPI drivers=╘∩ CDRDAO σΘφßΘ ┴≡σφσ±π∩≡∩Θτ∞σφ∩ ≤ßφ ╨±∩σ≡Θδ∩πτ, πΘß⌠Θ Σσφ σΘ∞ßΘ ╙Θπ∩⌡±∩≥ ßφ δσΘ⌠∩⌡±πτ ∞σ ⌠∩⌡≥ ╧Στπ∩⌡≥ ASPI ≡∩⌡ ┼≈σ⌠ßΘ
  558. Go to the "settings" page to enable it                            =╨τπßΘφσ ≤⌠τ≥ "┼≡Θδ∩πσ≥" πΘß φß ⌠∩ ┼φσ±π∩≡∩Θτ≤τ≥
  559. "TV system" not found in the SmartRipper IFO information          =─σφ Γ±σΦτΩßφ ╨δτ±∩÷∩±Θσ≥ πΘß ⌠∩ "TV system" ß≡∩ ⌠∩ IFO ⌠∩⌡ SmartRipper
  560. Unknown "TV system" in the SmartRipper IFO information            =┴πφ∙≤⌠∩ "TV system" ≤⌠τ≥ ╨δτ±∩÷∩±Θσ≥ ß≡∩ ⌠∩ IFO ⌠∩⌡ SmartRipper
  561. Paste supports VCDEasy, SmartRipper, ChapterXtractor and TMPGEnc time format=╟ ┼≡ΘΩ∩δδτ≤τ ⌡≡∩≤⌠τ±ΘµσΘ ⌠∩ VCDEasy, SmartRipper, ChapterXtractor ΩßΘ ⌠∩ TMPGEnc
  562. News                                                              =╨δτ±∩÷∩±Θσ≥
  563. Home Page                                                         =╙σδΘΣß ≤⌠∩ Internet(Web)
  564. Download Page                                                     =╙σδΘΣß πΘß Download
  565. Distribution                                                      =─Θßφ∩∞σß≥
  566. Guide                                                             =╧Στπ∩≥
  568. ##################################### Added at version 1.0.6
  570. # REMOVED:
  571. # then you must set this option to true for entrypoints to be placed at the desired positions.=then you must set this option to true for entrypoints to be placed at the desired positions.
  573. #UPDATED
  574. #Used to set the amount of empty sectors added before the lead-out area begins.^Some operating systems may encounter I/O errors due to read-ahead issues when reading the last mpeg track if this parameter is not set to a value around 15.^Default is 0=Used to set the amount of empty sectors added before the lead-out area begins.^Some operating systems may encounter I/O errors due to read-ahead issues when reading the last mpeg track if this parameter is not set to a value around 15.^Default is 0
  575. # Default is 0 -> Default is 150
  576. # see bellow
  578. # ADDED:
  579. %s disabled in the %s settings page                               =%s ┼ΘφßΘ ┴≡σφσ±π∩≡∩Θτ∞σφ∩ %s ≤⌠τφ ╙σδΘΣß ┼≡Θδ∩π∙φ
  580. ASPI seems valid                                                  =╘∩ ASPI ┼ΘφßΘ ┼φσ±π∩
  581. Event Disabled                                                    =┼≡Θδ∩πτ ┴≡σφσ±π∩≡∩Θτ∞σφτ
  582. VideoCD BEGIN                                                     =┴±≈τ VideoCD
  583. VideoCD END                                                       =╘σδ∩≥ VideoCD
  584. Key                                                               =╨δτΩ⌠±∩
  585. Play                                                              =╨ßΘεΘ∞∩
  586. In relaxing the APS constraints, every sector containing an I-frame will also be regarded as an APS.^This increases the number of potential entry points.=╙⌠∩ ╫ßδß±∩ ╨σ±Θ∩±Θ≤∞∩ ⌠∩⌡ APS, ^╩ßΦσ sector ≡σ±Θσ≈σΘ σφß I-frame ≡∩⌡ σ≡Θ≤τ≥ Φß σ∞÷ßφΘµσ⌠σ ∩≡∙≥ Ωß≡∩Θ∩ APS.^┴⌡⌠∩ ┴⌡εßφσΘ ⌠∙φ ß±ΘΦ∞∩ ⌠∙φ Entry Points.
  587. Note that in all cases, you can not force a chapter entry point and being sure that the chapter will be physically at this point.=Note that in all cases, you can not force a chapter entry point and being sure that the chapter will be physically at this point.
  588. If you overwrite this default numeric keys assignment, VCDEasy will not fill/update it anymore.^...so be careful if you add some chapters to this sequence later.=┴φ ┴δδßεσ⌠σ ⌠τ≥ ╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφσ≥ ╤⌡Φ∞Θ≤τ≥ ≤⌠ß ┴±ΘΦ∞τ⌠ΘΩß ╨δτΩ⌠±ß, ⌠∩ VCDEasy Σσφ Φß ΩßφσΘ fill/update ≡δσ∩φ. ^├Θ'ß⌡⌠∩ ╨╤╧╙╧╫╟, ┴φ ╨±∩≤Φσ≤σ⌠σ ∞σ±ΘΩß ╩σ÷ßδßΘß ≤σ ß⌡⌠∩ ⌠∩ Sequence ┴±π∩⌠σ±ß.
  589. If you overwrite this default assignment, VCDEasy will not update it anymore.^...so be careful if you add some chapters or sequences later.=┴φ ┴δδßεσ⌠σ ⌠τ≥ ╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφσ≥ ╤⌡Φ∞Θ≤τ≥ ≤⌠ß ┴±ΘΦ∞τ⌠ΘΩß ╨δτΩ⌠±ß, ⌠∩ VCDEasy Σσφ Φß ΩßφσΘ update ╨δσ∩φ. ^├Θ'ß⌡⌠∩ ╨╤╧╙╧╫╟ ≤⌠∩ ßφ ┴±π∩⌠σ±ß ╨±∩≤Φσ≤σ⌠σ ∞σ±ΘΩß ╩σ÷ßδßΘß ≤σ ß⌡⌠∩ ⌠∩ Sequence.
  590. Used to set the amount of empty sectors added before the lead-out area begins.^Some operating systems may encounter I/O errors due to read-ahead issues when reading the last mpeg track if this parameter is not set to a value around 15.^Default is 150=╫±τ≤τ πΘß φß ╧±Θ≤∩⌡∞σ ⌠τφ ╘Θ∞τ ⌠∙φ ┴ΣσΘ∙φ Sector ╨±Θφ ⌠∩ ( lead-out ) ╬σΩΩΘφτ≤τ.^╠σ±ΘΩß δσΘ⌠∩⌡±πΘΩß ≤⌡≤⌠τ∞ß⌠ß Θ≤∙≥ ╨ß±∩⌡≤Θß≤∩⌡φ I/O ≤÷ßδ∞ß⌠ß δ∩π∙ ⌠∩⌡ read-ahead, ^∩⌠ßφ ΣΘßΓßµ∩⌡φ ⌠∩ ⌠σδσ⌡⌠ßΘ∩ MPEG track, ┴φ ß⌡⌠τ τ ≡ß±ß∞σ⌠±∩≥ Σσφ σΘφßΘ ≡σ±Θ≡∩⌡ ≤⌠∩ 15. ╨±∩σ≡Θδσπ∞σφ∩ σΘφßΘ ⌠∩ 150
  591. Special characters in filenames are not allowed^(GNU VCDImager known bug)=┼ΘΣΘΩτ ╫ß±ßΩ⌠τ±σ≥ ≤⌠∩ ╧φ∩∞ß ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡ Σσφ ┼≡Θ⌠±σ≡∩φ⌠ßΘ ^(┼ΘφßΘ bug ⌠∩⌡ GNU VCDImager)
  592. "%s" propagates the choice to all chapters of the current sequence=╘∩ " %s " ╨±∩≤ß±∞∩µσΘ ⌠τ≥ ┼≡Θδ∩πσ≥ ≤σ ^╧╦┴ ⌠ß ╩σ÷ßδßΘß ≤⌠∩ ≤⌡πΩσΩ±Θ∞σφ∩ Sequence
  593. Too many chapters will be created                                 =Φß ─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πτΦ∩⌡φ ╨߱ߠ╨∩δδß ╩σ÷ßδßΘß
  595. ##################################### Added at version 1.0.7
  597. # ADDED:
  598. "%s x %s" is not a valid resolution for "%s" encoded sequence     ="%s x %s" Σσφ σΘφßΘ ≤⌡∞Γß⌠τ ┴φßδτ≤τ πΘß ⌠τφ Ω∙ΣΘΩ∩≡∩Θτ≤τ ⌠∩⌡ "%s"
  599. Unknown encoding frame rate: %s                                   =┴πφ∙≤⌠∩ "Frame Rate" πΘß Ω∙ΣΘΩ∩≡∩Θτ≤τ : %s
  601. ##################################### Added at version 1.0.8
  603. # ADDED:
  604. Number of possible chapter entry points                           =╩σ÷ßδßΘß ≡∩⌡ ∞≡∩±∩⌡φ φß ─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πτΦ∩⌡φ, ╠σ≈±Θ
  605. Error while parsing the XML document.                             =╦ßΦ∩≥ ≤⌠∩ XML ┴±≈σΘ∩.
  606. So no display...                                                  =┼≡∩∞σφ∙≥ ─σφ ╓ßΘφσ⌠ßΘ...
  607. Generating the (internally computed) XML file and preparing its display=─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πΘß ⌠∩⌡ (╒≡∩δ∩πΘ≤∞σφ∩⌡ ┼≤∙⌠σ±ΘΩß) XML ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡ ΩßΘ ╨±∩σ⌠Θ∞ß≤Θß ┼∞÷ßφΘ≤τ≥ ⌠∩⌡
  608. GNU VCDImager only accepts/analyzes multiplexed program streams (video AND audio streams) and MPEG Stills=╘∩ GNU VCDImager ╩ßφσΘ ┴φßδ⌡≤τ ΩßΘ ─σ≈σ⌠σ ╠╧═╧ ╨∩δ⌡≡δσπ∞σφ∩ ≤τ∞ß Video (┴±≈σΘ∩ ┼ΘΩ∩φß≥ ╩┴╔ ╟≈∩⌡) ΩßΘ MPEG ╓∙⌠∩
  609. Check first that it is not an elementary video or audio stream only, a multiplexed program stream is required=┬σΓσ∙ΦσΘ⌠σ ╨±∙⌠ß ∩⌠Θ ⌠∩ ┴±≈σΘ∩ Σσφ σ≈σΘ ╤∩τ ╠╧═╧ ┼ΘΩ∩φß≥ τ ╠╧═╧ ╟≈∩⌡, ╨±σ≡σΘ φß σ≈σΘ ╨∩δ⌡≡δσπ∞σφτ ╤∩τ ┼ΘΩ∩φß≥ ╩┴╔ ╟≈∩⌡
  610. TV Cropping                                                       =TV ╩∩°Θ∞∩ ┼ΘΩ∩φß≥
  611. Mpeg Size (Quality)                                               =╠σπσΦ∩≥ MPEG (╨∩Θ∩⌠τ⌠ß)
  612. Final Size                                                        =╘σδΘΩ∩ ╠σπσΦ∩≥
  613. Best Initial Size                                                 =╩ßδ⌡⌠σ±∩ ┴±≈ΘΩ∩ ╠σπσΦ∩≥
  614. Output Directory                                                  =╓ßΩσδ∩≥ ┼εßπ∙πτ≥
  615. An output folder is required                                      =┼φß≥ ╓ßΩσδ∩≥ ┼εßπ∙πτ≥ σΘφßΘ ┴≡ß±ßΘ⌠τ⌠∩≥
  616. An output name is required                                        =┼φß ╧φ∩∞ß ┼εßπ∙πτ≥ σΘφßΘ ┴≡ß±ßΘ⌠τ⌠∩
  617. Unable to save the picture to "%s"                                =┴Σ⌡φß⌠τ τ ┴≡∩ΦτΩσ⌡≤τ ⌠τ≥ ┼ΘΩ∩φß≥ ≤⌠∩ "%s"
  618. Please increase the Mpeg Size [Quality]                           =╨ß±ßΩßδ∙ ┴⌡ετ≤⌠σ ⌠∩ ╠σπσΦ∩≥ MPEG [╨∩Θ∩⌠τ⌠ß]
  619. "%s" creation failed                                              =┴≡σ⌠⌡≈σ τ ─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πΘß ⌠∩⌡ "%s"
  620. "%s" creation succeeded                                           =╟ ─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πΘß ⌠∩⌡ "%s" ╨σ⌠⌡≈σ !
  621. Mpeg Still(s) creation succeeded                                  =╟ ─τ∞Θ∩⌡±πΘß ⌠∩⌡ MPEG ╓∙⌠∩ ╨σ⌠⌡≈σ !
  622. Input Picture                                                     =┼Θ≤ßπ∙πτ ┼ΘΩ∩φß≥
  623. Invalid picture file                                              =┴Ωß⌠ßδτδ∩ ┴±≈σΘ∩ ┼ΘΩ∩φß≥
  624. MV (Mpeg Video)                                                   =MV (MPEG Video)
  625. Unsupported Picture extension                                     =─σφ ╒≡∩≤⌠τ±Θµσ⌠σ ß⌡⌠∩≥ ∩ ╘⌡≡∩≥ ⌠τ≥ ┼ΘΩ∩φß≥
  626. Supports Image Drag'n Drop                                        =╒≡∩≤⌠τ±Θετ ┼ΘΩ∩φß≥ ∞σ Drag'n Drop
  627. Deleting temporary "%s" file                                      =─Θßπ±ß÷τ ⌠∩⌡ ╨±∩≤∙±Θφ∩⌡ ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡ "%s"
  628. Deleting "%s" file                                                =─Θßπ±ß÷τ ⌠∩⌡ ┴±≈σΘ∩⌡ "%s"
  629. All Supported Image Formats                                       =╧δß ⌠ß ╒≡∩≤⌠τ±Θµ∩∞σφß Format ┼ΘΩ∩φß≥
  630. Please read the VCDEasy FAQ before reporting a bug                =╨ß±ßΩßδ∙ ─ΘßΓß≤⌠σ ⌠∩ VCDEasy FAQ ╨±Θφ ∞σ ╨δτ±∩÷∩±τ≤σ⌠σ πΘß Ωß≡∩Θ∩ ╦ßΦ∩≥
  631. Do you want to see the FAQ now ?                                  =╚σδσ⌠σ φß ─ΘßΓß≤σ⌠σ ⌠∩ FAQ ⌠∙±ß ?
  632. Invalid MPEG file, seems to be a ".dat" file renamed to ".mpg"    =┴Ωß⌠ßδτδ∩ MPEG ┴±≈σΘ∩, ╓ßΘφσ⌠σ ∩⌠Θ σΘφßΘ ".dat" ┴±≈σΘ∩ ≡∩⌡ σ≈σΘ ∞σ⌠∩φ∩∞ß≤⌠τ ≤σ ".mpg"
  633. Use Cdxa2mpeg in the tools page to try to convert it to a "true" Mpeg file =╫±τ≤Θ∞∩≡∩Θτ≤σ ⌠∩ " Cdxa2mpeg " ≤⌠τφ ╙σδΘΣß ┼±πßδσΘß πΘß φß ⌠∩ ╠σ⌠ß⌠±σ°τ≥ ≤σ MPEG ┴±≈σΘ∩
  634. The files must be different                                       =╘ß ┴±≈σΘß ╨±σ≡σΘ φß σΘφßΘ ─Θß÷∩±σ⌠ΘΩß
  635. The file is not a MPEG file with Riff header [.dat file]          =╘∩ ┴±≈σΘ∩ ─┼═ σΘφßΘ MPEG ∞σ Riff ┼≡ΘΩσ÷ßδΘΣß [.dat ┴±≈σΘ∩]
  636. Only motion videos and MPEG stills (pictures) are accepted        =╠∩φ∩ Video ┼ΘΩ∩φß≥ ΩßΘ MPEG ╓∙⌠∩ (┼ΘΩ∩φσ≥) ┼ΘφßΘ ┴≡∩ΣσΩ⌠ß
  637. Ordered MPEG%s files                                              =┼≡Θδσπ∞σφß MPEG%s ┴±≈σΘß
  638. Adding MPEG Stills will be allowed in the next %s version         =┼Θ≤ßπ∙πτ MPEG ╓∙⌠∩ Φß ┼≡Θ⌠±σ≡σ⌠σ ß≡∩ ⌠τφ ┼≡∩∞σφτ %s ┼ΩΣ∩≤τ