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- 2002-05-20 - VCDEasy v1.1.1 [HOT FIX]
- * Bug fix: No more instant crash when VCDEasy starts and when there is no default printer currently selected in
- "Control Panel/Printers". Thanks to "Ro Wiijkejak", who found the reason of this crash.
- NB: You can not imagine how difficult it is to make something reliable to all users when many many users...
- There are always cases I can not test...
- 2002-05-18 - VCDEasy v1.1.0
- NB: No new main features in this version, even after 2 months without updates..., only bug fixes. Since the previous
- version I tried, without success, to find a good free host for VCDEasy distribution files, as VCDEasy has been removed
- from most of the former hosts... too many download bandwidth...! I finally decided to pay a host to make VCDEasy
- freely available to you (instead of stopping...) and started building www.vcdeasy.org
- * No more long (sometimes very long...) delays when authoring with lots of file. This was caused by color
- rendering in the XML viewer. Thanks to "Baldrick" (www.vcdhelp.com)
- * Ability to save the colored XML as RTF file (from the XML viewer page)
- * Ability to print the content of the XML viewer
- * The "Import Chapter" dialog has been slightly improved (Selecting an item "before" fills "Start Offset",
- this can help you set the "First Chapter starts at"). Thanks to "gonz0"
- * New VCDEasy license... more explicit.
- * Addition of "reset actions to defaults" in the Interactivity page
- * MPEG Stills generation via Drag'n Drop improved (Thanks to "Guido Ledermann")
- * New option: "Insert Comments into the generated XML files"
- * Requested by some users: Remember the main window position and size (easy and quick to do)
- * The CD-ROM volume label now is restricted upto 32 d-characters (instead of 20 previoulsy). "Thanks to Matthew Kanar"
- * Bug fixed: bad naming of the remaining chapters after one or more chapters deletion... there since 1.0.6...
- nobody reported...
- * Bug fixed related to numeric Key assignment. Thanks to "VicBond007" and "gonz0"
- * Italian Translation by Claudio Trevisi (Thanks!)
- * Danish Translation by J°rgen Prµst (Thanks!)
- NB: I may soon abandon/remove CDRDAO support as it seems that there are more users with CD writers support
- or ASPI problems, than users able to use burn correctly. About 90% of the emails I receive is related to
- CDRDAO troubles... To avoid removing burning support completely, I am looking for CDRDAO alternatives (with
- integrated CD devices access support and CD devices via USB support). If someone can help...
- 2002-03-21 - VCDEasy v1.0.9
- * MPEG Stills support in the (S)VCD authoring
- * Some checks about some (S)VCD limitations have been added
- * "Always on Top" added to the System Menu (Upper Left Icon) and to the Taskbar menu
- * The queued commands manager has been improved to deal with skipped commands based on context. The first
- consequence of this is that VCDEasy will now propose to erase a non empty CD-RW during authoring
- * I put the default burn speed at 4x instead of MAX, as using MAX speed may sometimes cause jurky audio/video
- * Previously used CUE files (detailled CUE files) may cause CD writing problems with some CD writers while it works
- fine with simplified CUE files ("For_Fireburner"). So I introduce a new CD Image type option to let you choose
- which cue file type to choose. Thanks to "Bondiablo" for his investigations.
- * New option: SVCD "Hacked" in the MPEG Still creation page (required for many DVD/SVCD players).
- * New option: Show the "Update scan data offsets" warning even when this update option is activated
- * Global code/events architecture re-designed
- * The "Approximate CD size" computation has been improved.
- * Display Improvements related to Windows Desktop/Font sizes
- * ListViews and TreeView Improvements
- * Spanish Translation by Algernon and FΘlix Argila Garcφa (Thanks!)
- * Croatian Translation by Raven (Thanks!)
- * Polish Translation by Cicia (Thanks!)
- * Bug fixed in the XML generation, "Reactivity" was always set to "Immediate"
- * Bug fixed in the MPEG Stills creation when single quote in filenames. Thanks to "Por Que"
- * Bug fixed in the XML generation (occured rarely). Thanks to "Magnus Johansson" and "Por Que"
- 2002-02-19 - VCDEasy v1.0.8
- NB: Adding MPEG stills to VideoCD projects requires me to modify a lot of things, so I prefer publish VCDEasy 1.0.8 now
- without beeing able yet to use MPEG stills. It will be in the next version... SO PLEASE, DO NOT EMAIL ME ABOUT THIS
- * New page added in the tools section: "Mpeg Stills Creation"...
- * The CD-i support is no more set by default as it seems that some PC DVD/CD readers cannot read the disc
- because of CD-i files
- * The display under XP has been improved
- * VCDEasy now correctly supports Windows font sizes other than "Small Fonts" (I hope this will help low vision persons)
- * A bug in reporting the execution results has been fixed
- * The "Log" and the "Xml Viewer" pages can be undocked
- * ".dat" file renamed to ".mpg" file detection (when analyze ON)
- * GNU VCDImager's Cdxa2mpeg added in the "Tools" page, so no more GNU VCDImager v0.7.11 support
- * "Reset Authoring" and "Clear all MPEG files" buttons added
- * "Xml Viewer" page added (currently only displays the last successfully generated XML code)
- * "Advance Mode" Checkbox removed (now always in "Advance Mode")
- * Greek Translation by Vagos (Thanks!)
- 2002-01-10 - VCDEasy v1.0.7
- * Bug fix: Invalid numeric keys values were generated in the XML file (Thanks to "Kaba")
- * Bug fix: APS information was lost after a "Clear All" under Chapters (Thanks to "M. Johansson")
- * Bug fix: No more "Division by Zero" when trying to make a chapter every 0 seconds...
- * I started to make some MPEG compliance checks when you let VCDEasy analyze the files
- * NB: Following a question from some users, yes you can (I hope!) create new chapters or add new sequences
- even if you already started playing with the Interactivity page, things should continue to be
- automatically updated except for the changes you made yourself.
- 2002-01-08 - VCDEasy v1.0.6
- * GNU VCDImager v0.7.11 and v0.7.12 support (Full Setup Package with v0.7.12)
- * VCDEasy now allows the user to change the PlayBack Control information (Interactivity page when PBC is ON).
- So you can change the default chapters behavior, but you can now also put and customize motion menus
- (in changing the PBC information of a sequence without chapter). A future version will contain a "menu"
- page that will help the user.
- NB: All the code related to PBC information has been rewritten... so be careful, there may be some bugs...
- * When you let VCDEasy analyze the MPEG files, VCDEasy now uses the APS (relaxed or not) information
- at chapters design time. This allows to know at design time what will be the exact entry points.
- NB: If you do not let VCDEasy analyze the MPEG files, the chapter entry points you will enter
- will be changed at Image CD generation time (VCDxBuild), so you won't be able to know at chapters
- design time what will be the exact entry points (even if you relaxed the APS constraints... see the FAQ)
- * The "Relax APS constraint" option has been moved to the "(S)VCD Player" settings page
- * When PBC is ON, and for each sequence, you can choose at which numeric keys corresponds the first chapter
- (Beginning of the sequence), so it is now easier to keep the same numbering as the DVD when wanted
- * When PBC is ON, when pressing PREV during first chapter of sequence N, you now go to the beginning of the
- sequence N-1 by default, instead of going to the last chapter of sequence N-1
- * GNU VCDImager known bug: Filenames that will be in a XML file must not contains special characters
- (non 7bits ASCII characters). So VCDEasy now checks for this.
- * Bug fixed in potential duplicated chapters check (Thanks to "Marcio Marchini")
- * Defaults Gaps and Margins button is back...
- * VCDEasy now detects ASPI layer update and automatically re-activates CDRDAO if ASPI seems now ok)
- * VCDEasy logo from an initial idea by Cyril Duboc (Many Thanks to all of you who sent to me some logos)
- * Portuguese (Brazilian) Translation by Luis Eugenio M. dos Santos (Thanks!)
- * Hungarian Translation by "csi" (Thanks!)
- * Dutch Translation by "Oermens" (Thanks!)
- * Czech Translation by Jan Kocir (Thanks!)
- * Thanks to "Por Que" and "Kaba" for bugs found in the private beta version
- 2001-12-05 - VCDEasy v1.0.5
- * I am still working on PBC interactivity, menu support, integration...
- * Import chapters list from SmartRipper via Paste (..._INFO.txt) (See chapters list's popup menu)
- * Ability to receive/display information messages and URLs when manual web version check
- * Miscellaneous things requested by some users:
- - Volume and Album names can be automatically filled in (based on the first sequence's name)
- - Some message box have now a "Do not show again" checkbox
- - option "delete the XML file when real burn successful"
- * A (rare) registry access exception has been fixed (thanks to "Pat Martin")
- * CdrDao now disabled by default but can be enabled in "settings", as "cdrdao.exe scanbus" on his own
- can crash windows on some machines (disabled by default... except if the ASPI drivers are up to date)
- 2001-11-18 - VCDEasy v1.0.4
- * PBC interactivity by user started... menu support is not far now...
- * Check for potential duplicated chapters because of ASP constraints not relaxed
- * Options reorganization to have "Options related to a project"/"Options related to the (S)VCD Player"
- * ASPI Tools are now available only when ASPI drivers are up to date (v4.60)... to avoid crash...
- * Thanks to all the persons ("Duncan Schilling", "Mike Bowen", "Alex Henriksen", ...) who help me find
- that VCDEasy crashed on some computers because of the ASPI drivers (and my ASPI tools)
- * Use system language to set VCDEasy default language (when possible)
- * "next-volume-use-sequence2"/"next-volume-use-lid2" bug in XML generation fixed (Thanks to "M.W.I. Prod.")
- * Bug when dealing with chapters in milliseconds fixed (Thanks to "dEpeChe")
- * Checkbox "Customize Gaps and Margins" added
- 2001-11-05 - VCDEasy v1.0.3
- * German Translation by Cosmotic <Captain.Cosmotic@gmx.net> (Thanks!)
- * A bug related to the Tree View refresh has been fixed
- * Option "... key 0 instead of key 1" removed as <bsn> must be in [1..99] (thanks to "Chris Bensch")
- 2001-11-01 - VCDEasy v1.0.2
- * Chapters support improvements:
- numeric keys to navigate chapters
- Copy/Paste chapters list(See chapters list's popup menu)
- import chapters list from ChapterXtractor via Paste (See chapters list's popup menu)
- ChapterXtractor's chapters list computation with begin/end offsets
- * GNU VCDImager v0.7.11 support
- Deprecated "leadout pause" option removed, new "leadout pregap" option added
- * Ability to save the log file
- * "Restriction", "next-volume-use-sequence2", "next-volume-use-lid2" VCD options added
- * "--force" option has been added for "CdrDao write"
- * Addition of the following tools: Eject/Load/RotateStart/RotateStop/Unlock/Lock
- * CdrDao integration has been improve at the user interaction level
- * You can now select Simulate and (then) Burn (if simulation was ok)
- * I moved from Delphi 5 to Delphi 6... in hoping having not too many bad surprises...
- * I changed my application's name from "VCDImager Easy" to "VCDEasy",
- 2001-09-28 - VCDImager Easy v1.0.1
- * Direct (S)VCD rip from Cd reader
- * Improvement of features enabling/disabling based on choices
- * New Tools: Blank CD, Cd Info, Unlock CD, Burn Cue/Toc, Create BIN Cd Image
- * Ability to choose the location of the console applications
- * Cd Writer/reader and Language settings have been moved to the global "Settings" pages
- * Global Settings Pages added
- * Some "Non Trivial" hints have been added on some users request
- * Hints tweaked to have longer timeout
- * Implementation of a workaround when creating a cue file to avoid CdrDao "no space" limitation
- * Eject option fixed (thanks to "Lars-Goeran Thieme")
- 2001-09-17 - VCDImager Easy v1.0.0
- * You can now burn! CDRDAO v1.1.5 is now integrated (with all write options)
- * "CDRDAO Toc" and "Toast (Mac)" cd image file format added
- * New (S)VCD options: "Leadout Pause", "Track Pre Gap", "Track Front/Rear Margins"
- * Icons in the main log have now a good display under Win98
- * NB: The two missing buttons are back...
- 2001-09-09 - VCDImager Easy v0.9.9 [HOT FIX]
- * Sorry... Hot Fix...
- I have just discovered that the "Check for new version" worked only in my (private) debugging
- mode. It should not anymore says "No new version available" if there is one...
- 2001-09-09 - VCDImager Easy v0.9.8
- * CDRDAO integration started...
- * GNU VcdImager v0.7.10 support (with its GUI related features)
- so now the progress bar is back and the log integration is better
- * VcdImager v0.7.10 CUE file format changed and is no more compliant with FireBurner
- I kept Fireburner compatibility in creating "..._for_fireburner.cue" files
- * Parses now entirely the MPEG scan information
- * VCDxRip added in the "Tools" page
- * Outlook Bar like added
- * Improvement of the main log component for better readability
- * "&" is now forbidden in filenames because it is an XML escape character (thanks to "Beretta")
- * <publisher-id> "fails A-character constraint warning" fixed
- 2001-08-31 - VCDImager Easy v0.9.7
- * Chapters creation - "Relax APS" and "Wait Time" options added
- * MPEG Files can now be analysed (but no compliance warning yet)
- * Options are now saved, via INI file
- * "Tools" page added (currently with "Scan MPEG File" and "Execute an (S)VCD XML File")
- * Dynamic Language selection
- * Check for available update
- * The GUI text for non compliant DVD players option (when Svcd) is now fixed
- * Some Hints are now used to simply the GUI
- * Improve MPEG files list performance when dealing with large numbers of files
- * Improve the information display when selecting a file in the Iso Cd Tree
- * Maximum of MPEG files fixed from 10 to 99 (Regression bug, thanks to "Chi ming Poon")
- NB: GNU VCDImager v0.6.x support is now abandoned...
- This allowed me to stop disabling lots of functionalities in the GUI
- 2001-08-10 - VCDImager Easy v0.9.6
- * Internationalisation support (and French language file available)
- * When v0.7.x, VCDImager Easy no more uses "vcdimager.exe" and "vcdxgen.exe",
- but generates itself the XML file and now uses "vcdxbuild.exe" to generates the bin/cue files.
- NB: "vcdimager.exe" is still used when GNU VCDImager is v0.6.x
- * VCDImager Easy can now be launched without GNU VCDImager. In this case, it generates only
- the GNU VCDImager v0.7.x compliant XML file which describes the VideoCd
- * "Add empty SEGMENT dir" option added (required by some players), when v0.7.x
- * Around 40% of the code have been rewritten, I may have introduced regression bugs
- 2001-07-23 - VCDImager Easy v0.9.4
- * When SVCD, Cd-i files no more added to the ISO file system (thanks to "Cor Speelman")
- * XML generation now fixed when using with GNU VCDImager 0.7.x (thanks to "Cor Speelman")
- 2001-07-20 - VCDImager Easy v0.9.2
- * First Public Version (All "vcdimager.exe" v0.6.x options are supported, "vcdxgen.exe" is used)