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- VCDEasy v1.1.0 FAQ
- =====================================================================
- Q: CDRDAO is disabled by default
- A: VCDEasy checks the status of the ASPI drivers. If it thinks they
- are not fully installed or too old, VCDEasy disables CDRDAO. You can
- manually enable CDRDAO in the VCDEasy settings page... but if you
- then experience crash or error at VCDEasy restart, you will have to
- upgrade your ASPI drivers. See below.
- =====================================================================
- Q: I keep getting a "No CD Writer Selected" on the CD Writer line.
- A: No Cd/Cd Burner Devices has been detected, the CDRDAO scan has not
- been launched or failed, surely because the ASPI drivers (required by
- CDRDAO) is not installed or does not work properly. You can check if
- the ASPI drivers is installed with "aspichk.exe" (available at
- http://www.fireburner.com/downloads.shtml). If you need to install
- them, use aspi32.exe (http://www.fireburner.com/downloads.shtml) or
- use ForceASPI 1.7 (http://www.doom9.org/software.htm , decompress it
- (with PowerArchiver http://www.powerarchiver.com/ for example),
- run DUMPASPI.BAT to backup your current Aspi layer, then run
- INSTASPI.BAT and reboot when it tells you to). After that, you may
- need to re-activate CDRDAO manually in the VCDEasy settings page.
- So also in this FAQ "Adaptec ASPI 4.7 upgrade"
- =====================================================================
- Q: When I start VCDEasy it fails, giving an unknown error ("illegal
- operation error ").
- A: This should not happen anymore since VCDEasy v1.0.4. The failure
- was due to the ASPI tools (eject/load/lock/...) when windows has only
- the 'default' ASPI layer. VCDEasy now checks the ASPI drivers and
- disable the ASPI tools if necessary.
- =====================================================================
- Q: The ASPI tools (eject/load/lock/...) are disabled.
- A: See "When I start VCDEasy it fails, giving an unknown error". To
- enable the ASPI tools, you need to make the ASPI drivers update (See
- "I keep getting a "No CD Writer Selected" on the CD Writer line").
- =====================================================================
- Q: I can see my Cd writer is the Cd writers list, but my Cd writer is
- not recognized by CdrDao or I have burning problems
- A: Your CD Writer may not supported by default by CDRDAO. Check at
- http://cdrdao.sourceforge.net/drives.html. In VCDEasy, you can go to
- the 'Setting' / 'CDRDAO' page and force a driver "Force Driver" for
- CDRDAO. generic-mmc or generic-mmc-raw often solve the problem...
- it may work... it may not work... You may directly contact the CDRDAO
- team to have more information.
- =====================================================================
- Q: I have seen a problem when you are setting chapters entry points.
- The 5 minute mark I put was in real (on my DVD player) 3 min 37...
- A: If you relax APS constraints (if your player supports...) you will
- not have this entry point change. If you do not relax APS constraints
- (default), then GNU VCDImager assigns the nearest APS - Access Point
- Sector (you asked for an entry point at 5 min, VCDImager found in the
- sequence 3 min 37 as the nearest APS). See the detailed log to see
- how VCDImager allocates the entry points. The more APS you have in
- the sequence, the smallest the difference between what you want and
- what you have will be... when you do not relax APS constraint.
- =====================================================================
- Q: Chapters fail to work in my DVD player. When I press the 'Next'
- button it skips to the next track rather than the next chapter. If I
- press 'Previous', it goes to the beginning of the current track
- rather than the previous one, no matter how many times I press it.
- A: The player surely does not support chapters when PBC [PlayBack
- Control] is OFF (the default behavior in this case is to go to the
- next video sequence when pressing NEXT). Note that this behavior may
- depends on the fact that it is a VCD or a SVCD. Try with PBC ON...
- =====================================================================
- Q: I have a bad display of the GUI
- A: Be sure to have "Tahoma" font installed on your machine or the
- display will not be good.
- (go to http://office.microsoft.com/downloads/2000/offeurofonts.aspx)
- =====================================================================
- Q: CDRDAO is no more activated by default when I first launch VCDEasy
- A: I found some Windows configuration where CDRDAO itself crashes
- (when doing a "cdrdao.exe scanbus", to retrieve the CD devices list).
- So, I now enable CDRDAO by default only when the ASPI drivers are up
- to date. But CDRDAO can still be enabled by hand in
- "Settings/VCDEasy".
- =====================================================================
- Q: When I add an SVCD compliant MPEG file produced by TMPGEnc, I get
- the following message: "Warning: consider enabling the 'update scan
- offsets' option, if it is not enabled already!". I don't understand
- why I get this option, or what will happen if I enable the option
- mentioned.
- A: 'update scan offsets' is an option for 'fixing' mpeg2 (for SVCD
- only) streams, when they have been encoded according to the Chinese
- MPEG2 specifications... (the case for TMPGEnc)
- =====================================================================
- Q: Chapters and SmartRipper - it would be excellent if instead of
- just being able to paste the chapter info from the sources you
- already have, if you could make it open and parse the info from the
- SmartRipper TXT file, since most of us use SmartRipper to begin with.
- ChapterXtractor is a nice program, but unnecessary since SmartRipper
- already gives us this info.
- A: The problem is that SmartRipper gives the entry points in Frames
- not in Seconds so if the users change the frame rate (NTSC->PAL for
- example), there may have confusion... In fact, I would like
- SmartRipper to output entry points also in seconds... Or I should get
- the original frame rate and compare to the sequence's one, then
- change from frame to seconds... See what I already put as tooltip in
- the "Create a chapter at frame" edit box...
- =====================================================================
- Q: IFO/ChapterXtractor and SmartRipper IFO text file sometime give
- different chapter entry points
- A: ChapterXtractor does IFO-parsing only, SmartRipper does
- VOB-parsing (because the IFO information may be not correct).
- NB: That is why you can not give SmartRipper an IFO file and have the
- corresponding text file. SmartRipper generates the IFO text file
- during VOB ripping.
- =====================================================================
- Q: I have no audio during SVCD playback via my home DVD Player, but
- the SVCD plays well under Windows
- A: On some DVD players, during SVCD playback the audio is only
- audible via the analog audio channel of the player, not the digital
- channel (fiber optics cable...). By setting the DVD player's analog
- audio channel selection to PCM mode instead, this overrides the
- digital audio path, and you should hear the audio
- =====================================================================
- Q: After a successful blank CDRW, when I perform a simulate or a
- burn, VCDEasy claims that the CDRW is not empty... Why ?
- A: CDRDAO, with some cd writers, needs to refresh the status of the
- inserted cdr(w). The refresh is done via Eject/Reload. So after a
- successful blank CDRW, you may need to eject and reload it before
- trying to simulate or burn. You may check "Force Execution" in the
- CDRDAO settings page instead if it works...
- =====================================================================
- Q: Shall I relax or not the APS (Access Point Sector) constraints
- A: An "Access Point Sector", APS, is an MPEG video sector on the
- VCD/SVCD which is suitable for chapter entry points. APS have to
- precede every I-frame by a GOP header which shall be preceded by
- a sequence header in its turn.
- In relaxing the APS constraints, every sector containing an I-frame
- will be regarded as an APS. This will increase the number of possible
- chapter entry points... but relaxing the APS requirement may lead to
- non-working entry points!
- Now you can choose if you want to relax or not the APS constraints...
- Note that in all cases, you can not force a chapter entry point and
- being sure that the chapter will be physically at this point.
- =====================================================================
- Q: Shall I let VCDEasy analyze the MPEG files
- A: When you let VCDEasy analyze the MPEG files, VCDEasy uses the APS
- (relaxed or not) information at chapters design time. This allows to
- know at design time what will be the exact entry points.
- If you do not let VCDEasy analyze the MPEG files, the chapter entry
- points you will enter will be changed at CD Image generation time
- (VCDxBuild), so you won't be able to know at chapters design time
- what will be the exact entry points (even if you relaxed the APS
- constraints
- See "Shall I relax or not the APS (Access Point Sector) constraints"
- =====================================================================
- Q: I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but the "Previous" and
- "Next" dropboxes are gray by default, but can be changed. The
- "Return" and "Default" dropboxes are not gray.
- A: The "Previous" and "Next" dropboxes are grayed... but then become
- white if you change the value. "Gray" means "default value", i.e will
- be automatically updated if you add later some other chapters, while
- "White" means "Overwritten"... won't be automatically updated anymore.
- In fact, it is as the Numeric Keys support but without having to check
- explicitly "Overwrite this default assignment". I wanted to avoid
- adding 3 more "Overwrite" checkboxes. NB: "Return" and "Default" have
- default values that won't be updated, so considered as already
- overwritten.
- =====================================================================
- Q: After a successful burn, I am unable to see the content of the Cd
- under windows...
- A: The "Forced Driver" may be inappropriate for you cd burner, even if
- you get successful burns. For example, using a "ACER 10x8x32" you may
- have this issue when using the "Generic-mmc", but it will work fine
- when using "generic-mmc-raw"
- =====================================================================
- Q1: The VCD disc plays fine in my CD burner, but not in my PC
- DVD/CD-ROM drive.
- Q2: From the Windows explorer, I can not copy to the hard disk the VCD
- files. I get a "Cannot copy CDI_IMAG: Invalid MS-DOS function" error
- message or explorer crashes
- A: See http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q155120
- "Windows NT 4.0 does not fully support the CD-i format".
- Even under Windows 9x/Me/2000/XP, you can still have problems if your
- CD-ROM drive is not CD-i compatible. A user has this problem with its
- PINE DVD-ROM drive. If CD-i support is useless for you, remove it!
- See: http://mujty.aexx.net/vcdeasy/
- =====================================================================
- Q: When I do Simulation then Burn, I have
- "Simulation finished successfully", then burn fail at the beginning
- with "ERROR: Cannot load/unload medium."
- A: Something avoid the eject between Simulation and Burn (maybe an
- application like DirectCD, PacketCd or InCd).Do not do both
- Simulation AND burn at the same time.
- =====================================================================
- Q: I have "Write data failed", "Writing failed - buffer under run?"
- A: Some users reported that this problem may occur when the default
- detailed CUE file is used, and seems to be solved when the "CUE For
- Fireburner" file is used.
- =====================================================================
- Q: Authoring and Burning succeeded but I have jurky audio/video,
- desynchronized audio, noise... on my DVD Player
- A: It may come from the MPEG encoding or the DVD player not fully
- compliant with the VCD/SVCD specifications... But it may also come
- from a too high burning speed (so, decrease the burning speed),
- or a CdrDao "forced" driver which seems to work but is in fact
- inadequate for your Cd Writer (so, try another forced driver).
- =====================================================================
- Q: Since I did the Adaptec ASPI 4.7 upgrade, CDRDAO fails to write or
- VCDEasy crashes... sometimes only when I have some USB devices
- plugged...
- A: Well... I do not know... You may go back to ASPI 4.6 using
- ForceASPI if CDRDAO worked before... You may contact the CDRDAO
- team... You may use Fireburner or CdrWin to burn the VCDEasy generated
- BIN/CUE files...
- =====================================================================
- Q: VCDEasy refuses to function with network files \\SERVER\PATH\FILE
- A: This limitation comes from CygWin, the UNIX emulator used by some
- command line tools... CygWin currently still does not support network
- files, VCDEasy can without problems...