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Text File | 2001-09-06 | 42.5 KB | 1,412 lines |
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- author="Henrik L├╢wenadler of The Skins Factory.com"
- copyright="©2001 Aezra, Inc"
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- onLoad="Init();"
- scriptFile="DBS.js;res://wmploc.dll/RT_TEXT/#132;">
- playState_onchange = "JScript:onPlayStateChange();"
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- downTooltip="Disable Repeat"
- down="jscript:player.settings.getMode('loop');"
- onClick="player.settings.setMode('loop',down);"
- cursor="hand"
- >
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- downTooltip="Disable Shuffle"
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- down = "JScript:player.Settings.getMode('shuffle');"
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- <!-- END Playlist Subview -->
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- PositionImage="ProgressMap.gif"
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- value_onchange="player.settings.volume = value"
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- foregroundProgress="wmpprop:player.network.downloadProgress"
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- <!-- EQ Subview -->
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- BackgroundImage = "EqBG.gif"
- Left="131" Top="153"
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- thumbImage="EqKnob.gif"
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- left="jscript:eq6.left+16;"
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- toolTip="Graphic equalizer control"
- backgroundimage="EqBar.gif"
- thumbImage="EqKnob.gif"
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- value_onchange="eq.gainLevel7=value;"
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- top="jscript:eq1.top;"
- toolTip="Graphic equalizer control"
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- thumbImage="EqKnob.gif"
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- toolTip="Graphic equalizer control"
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- left="jscript:eq9.left+16;"
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- min="-14" max="14" direction="vertical"
- value="wmpprop:eq.gainLevel10"
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- image="reset.gif"
- HoverImage="resetho.gif"
- enabled="true"
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- zIndex="1" value="reset"
- toolTip="Reset graphic equalizer controls"
- onClick="eq.reset();"
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- justification="Center" fontSize="8" ForegroundColor = "#97D0E9"
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- onMouseDown="eq.nextPreset();"
- uptooltip="Next Preset"
- cursor="hand"
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- <!-- END EQ Subview -->
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- value="Clay Bergus (guitar):"
- ForegroundColor = "#21445E" fontSmoothing="true"
- fontSize="8" FontType="Verdana" FontStyle="bold"
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- onclick="player.launchURL('mailto:clay@deepbluesomething.com');" cursor="hand"
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- value="Todd Pipes (vocals/bass):"
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- value="Toby Pipes (guitar/ vocals):"
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