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- {$INCLUDE ..\cDefines.inc}
- unit cUtils;
- { }
- { Miscellaneous utility functions v3.29 }
- { }
- { This unit is copyright ⌐ 2000-2002 by David Butler (david@e.co.za) }
- { }
- { This unit is part of Delphi Fundamentals. }
- { Its original file name is cUtils.pas }
- { It was generated 29 Oct 2002 02:37. }
- { The latest version is available from the Fundamentals home page }
- { http://fundementals.sourceforge.net/ }
- { }
- { I invite you to use this unit, free of charge. }
- { I invite you to distibute this unit, but it must be for free. }
- { I also invite you to contribute to its development, }
- { but do not distribute a modified copy of this file. }
- { }
- { A forum is available on SourceForge for general discussion }
- { http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=2117 }
- { }
- { }
- { Revision history: }
- { 2000/02/02 v0.01 Initial version }
- { 2000/03/08 v1.02 Moved RealArray / IntegerArray functions from cMaths. }
- { 2000/04/10 v1.03 Added Append, Renamed Delete to Remove and added }
- { StringArrays. }
- { 2000/05/03 v1.04 Added Path functions. }
- { Added locked integer manipulation functions. }
- { 2000/05/08 v1.05 Cleaned up unit. }
- { 188 lines interface. 1171 lines implementation. }
- { 2000/06/01 v1.06 Added Range and Dup constructors for dynamic arrays. }
- { 2000/06/03 v1.07 Added ArrayInsert functions. }
- { 2000/06/06 v1.08 Moved bit functions from cMaths. }
- { 2000/06/08 v1.09 Removed TInteger, TReal, TRealArray, TIntegerArray. }
- { 299 lines interface. 2019 lines implementations. }
- { 2000/06/10 v1.10 Added linked lists for Integer, Int64, Extended and }
- { String. }
- { 518 lines interface. 3396 lines implementation. }
- { 2000/06/14 v1.11 cUtils now generated from a template using a source }
- { pre-processor that uses cUtils. }
- { 560 lines interface. 1328 lines implementation. }
- { Produced source: 644 lines interface, 4716 lines }
- { implementation. }
- { 2000/07/04 v1.12 Revision for Fundamentals release. }
- { 2000/07/24 v1.13 Added TrimArray functions. }
- { 2000/07/26 v1.14 Added Difference functions. }
- { 2000/09/02 v1.15 Added RemoveDuplicates functions. }
- { Added Count functions. }
- { Fixed bug in Sort. }
- { 2000/09/27 v1.16 Fixed bug in ArrayInsert. }
- { 2000/11/29 v1.17 Moved SetFPUPrecision to cSysUtils. }
- { 2001/05/03 v1.18 Improved bit functions. Added Pascal versions of }
- { assembly routines. }
- { Templ: 867 lines interface, 2886 lines implementation. }
- { Source: 939 lines interface, 9796 lines implementation. }
- { 2001/05/13 v1.19 Added CharCount. }
- { 2001/05/15 v1.20 Added PosNext (ClassType, ObjectArray). }
- { 2001/05/18 v1.21 Added hashing functions from cMaths. }
- { 2001/07/07 v1.22 Added TBinaryTreeNode. }
- { 2001/11/11 v2.23 Revision. }
- { 2002/01/03 v2.24 Moved EncodeBase64, DecodeBase64 from cMaths and }
- { optimized. Added LongWordToHex, HexToLongWord. }
- { 2002/03/30 v2.25 Fixed bug in DecodeBase64. }
- { 2002/04/02 v2.26 Removed dependencies on all other units (incl. Delphi )
- { units) to remove initialization code associated with }
- { SysUtils. This allows usage of cUtils in projects }
- { and still have very small binaries. }
- { Fixed bug in LongWordToHex. }
- { 2002/05/31 v3.27 Refactored for Fundamentals 3. }
- { Moved linked lists to cLinkedLists. }
- { 2002/08/09 v3.28 Added HashInteger. }
- { 2002/10/06 v3.29 Renamed Cond to iif. }
- { }
- interface
- const
- UnitName = 'cUtils';
- UnitVersion = '3.29';
- UnitDesc = 'Miscelleanous utility functions';
- UnitCopyright = '(c) 2000-2002 David J Butler';
- { }
- { Integer types }
- { Byte unsigned 8 bits }
- { Word unsigned 16 bits }
- { LongWord unsigned 32 bits }
- { ShortInt signed 8 bits }
- { SmallInt signed 16 bits }
- { LongInt signed 32 bits }
- { Int64 signed 64 bits }
- { Integer signed system word }
- { Cardinal unsigned system word }
- { }
- type
- Int8 = ShortInt;
- Int16 = SmallInt;
- Int32 = LongInt;
- PBoolean = ^Boolean;
- PByte = ^Byte;
- PWord = ^Word;
- PLongWord = ^LongWord;
- PShortInt = ^ShortInt;
- PSmallInt = ^SmallInt;
- PLongInt = ^LongInt;
- PInteger = ^Integer;
- PInt64 = ^Int64;
- {$ENDIF}
- const
- MinByte = Low (Byte);
- MaxByte = High (Byte);
- MinWord = Low (Word);
- MaxWord = High (Word);
- MinLongWord = Low (LongWord);
- MaxLongWord = High (LongWord);
- MinShortInt = Low (ShortInt);
- MaxShortInt = High (ShortInt);
- MinSmallInt = Low (SmallInt);
- MaxSmallInt = High (SmallInt);
- MinLongInt = Low (LongInt);
- MaxLongInt = High (LongInt);
- MaxInt64 = High (Int64);
- MinInt64 = Low (Int64);
- MinInteger = Low (Integer);
- MaxInteger = High (Integer);
- MinCardinal = Low (Cardinal);
- MaxCardinal = High (Cardinal);
- BitsPerByte = 8;
- BitsPerWord = 16;
- BitsPerLongWord = 32;
- BytesPerCardinal = Sizeof (Cardinal);
- BitsPerCardinal = BytesPerCardinal * 8;
- Function MinI (const A, B : Integer) : Integer;
- Function MaxI (const A, B : Integer) : Integer;
- Function Clip (const Value : Integer; const Low, High : Integer) : Integer; overload;
- Function ClipByte (const Value : Integer) : Integer;
- Function ClipWord (const Value : Integer) : Integer;
- Function RangeAdjacent (const Low1, High1, Low2, High2 : Integer) : Boolean;
- Function RangeOverlap (const Low1, High1, Low2, High2 : Integer) : Boolean;
- { }
- { Floating point types }
- { Single 32 bits }
- { Double 64 bits }
- { Extended 80 bits }
- { }
- const
- MinSingle = 1.5E-45;
- MaxSingle = 3.4E+38;
- MinDouble = 5.0E-324;
- MaxDouble = 1.7E+308;
- MinExtended = 3.4E-4932;
- MaxExtended = 1.1E+4932;
- type
- PSingle = ^Single;
- PDouble = ^Double;
- PExtended = ^Extended;
- {$ENDIF}
- { Approximate comparison functions }
- type
- TCompareResult = (crLess, // <
- crEqual, // =
- crGreater, // >
- crUndefined);
- TCompareResultSet = Set of TCompareResult;
- const
- DefaultCompareEpsilon = 1E-9;
- Function ApproxZero (const Value : Extended; const CompareEpsilon : Double = DefaultCompareEpsilon) : Boolean;
- Function ApproxEqual (const A, B : Extended; const CompareEpsilon : Double = DefaultCompareEpsilon) : Boolean;
- Function ApproxCompare (const A, B : Extended; const CompareEpsilon : Double = DefaultCompareEpsilon) : TCompareResult;
- { }
- { Bit functions }
- { All bit functions work on 32-bit values (LongWord). }
- { }
- Function ClearBit (const Value : LongWord; const BitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Function SetBit (const Value : LongWord; const BitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Function IsBitSet (const Value : LongWord; const BitIndex : LongWord) : Boolean;
- Function ToggleBit (const Value : LongWord; const BitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Function IsHighBitSet (const Value : LongWord) : Boolean;
- Function SetBitScanForward (const Value : LongWord) : Integer; overload;
- Function SetBitScanForward (const Value : LongWord; const StartBitIndex : LongWord) : Integer; overload;
- Function SetBitScanReverse (const Value : LongWord) : Integer; overload;
- Function SetBitScanReverse (const Value : LongWord; const StartBitIndex : LongWord) : Integer; overload;
- Function ClearBitScanForward (const Value : LongWord) : Integer; overload;
- Function ClearBitScanForward (const Value : LongWord; const StartBitIndex : LongWord) : Integer; overload;
- Function ClearBitScanReverse (const Value : LongWord) : Integer; overload;
- Function ClearBitScanReverse (const Value : LongWord; const StartBitIndex : LongWord) : Integer; overload;
- Function ReverseBits (const Value : LongWord) : LongWord; overload;
- Function ReverseBits (const Value : LongWord; const BitCount : Integer) : LongWord; overload;
- Function SwapEndian (const Value : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Procedure SwapEndianBuf (var Buf; const Count : Integer);
- Function TwosComplement (const Value : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Function RotateLeftBits (const Value : LongWord; const Bits : Byte) : LongWord;
- Function RotateRightBits (const Value : LongWord; const Bits : Byte) : LongWord;
- Function BitCount (const Value : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Function IsPowerOfTwo (const Value : LongWord) : Boolean;
- Function LowBitMask (const HighBitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Function HighBitMask (const LowBitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Function RangeBitMask (const LowBitIndex, HighBitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Function SetBitRange (const Value : LongWord; const LowBitIndex, HighBitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Function ClearBitRange (const Value : LongWord; const LowBitIndex, HighBitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Function ToggleBitRange (const Value : LongWord; const LowBitIndex, HighBitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Function IsBitRangeSet (const Value : LongWord; const LowBitIndex, HighBitIndex : LongWord) : Boolean;
- Function IsBitRangeClear (const Value : LongWord; const LowBitIndex, HighBitIndex : LongWord) : Boolean;
- const
- BitMaskTable : array [0..31] of LongWord =
- ($00000001, $00000002, $00000004, $00000008, $00000010, $00000020, $00000040, $00000080,
- $00000100, $00000200, $00000400, $00000800, $00001000, $00002000, $00004000, $00008000,
- $00010000, $00020000, $00040000, $00080000, $00100000, $00200000, $00400000, $00800000,
- $01000000, $02000000, $04000000, $08000000, $10000000, $20000000, $40000000, $80000000);
- { }
- { Sets }
- { }
- type
- CharSet = Set of Char;
- ByteSet = Set of Byte;
- PCharSet = ^CharSet;
- PByteSet = ^ByteSet;
- const
- CompleteCharSet = [#0..#255];
- CompleteByteSet = [0..255];
- Function AsCharSet (const C : Array of Char) : CharSet;
- Function AsByteSet (const C : Array of Byte) : ByteSet;
- Procedure ComplementChar (var C : CharSet; const Ch : Char);
- Procedure ClearCharSet (var C : CharSet);
- Procedure FillCharSet (var C : CharSet);
- Procedure ComplementCharSet (var C : CharSet);
- Procedure AssignCharSet (var DestSet : CharSet; const SourceSet : CharSet); overload;
- Procedure Union (var DestSet : CharSet; const SourceSet : CharSet); overload;
- Procedure Difference (var DestSet : CharSet; const SourceSet : CharSet); overload;
- Procedure Intersection (var DestSet : CharSet; const SourceSet : CharSet); overload;
- Procedure XORCharSet (var DestSet : CharSet; const SourceSet : CharSet);
- Function IsSubSet (const A, B : CharSet) : Boolean;
- Function IsEqual (const A, B : CharSet) : Boolean; overload;
- Function IsEmpty (const C : CharSet) : Boolean;
- Function IsComplete (const C : CharSet) : Boolean;
- Function CharCount (const C : CharSet) : Integer; overload;
- Procedure ConvertCaseInsensitive (var C : CharSet);
- Function CaseInsensitiveCharSet (const C : CharSet) : CharSet;
- { }
- { Swap }
- { }
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : Boolean); overload;
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : Byte); overload;
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : Word); overload;
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : LongWord); overload;
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : ShortInt); overload;
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : SmallInt); overload;
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : LongInt); overload;
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : Int64); overload;
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : Single); overload;
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : Double); overload;
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : Extended); overload;
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : String); overload;
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : Pointer); overload;
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : TObject); overload;
- Procedure SwapObjects (var X, Y);
- { }
- { iif }
- { iif (inline if) returns TrueValue if Expr is True, otherwise it returns }
- { FalseValue. }
- { }
- Function iif (const Expr : Boolean; const TrueValue : LongWord; const FalseValue : LongWord = 0) : LongWord; overload;
- Function iif (const Expr : Boolean; const TrueValue : Int64; const FalseValue : Int64 = 0) : Int64; overload;
- Function iif (const Expr : Boolean; const TrueValue : Single; const FalseValue : Single = 0.0) : Single; overload;
- Function iif (const Expr : Boolean; const TrueValue : Double; const FalseValue : Double = 0.0) : Double; overload;
- Function iif (const Expr : Boolean; const TrueValue : Extended; const FalseValue : Extended = 0.0) : Extended; overload;
- Function iif (const Expr : Boolean; const TrueValue : String; const FalseValue : String = '') : String; overload;
- Function iif (const Expr : Boolean; const TrueValue : Pointer; const FalseValue : Pointer = nil) : Pointer; overload;
- Function iif (const Expr : Boolean; const TrueValue : TObject; const FalseValue : TObject = nil) : TObject; overload;
- { }
- { Compare }
- { }
- Function Compare (const I1, I2 : Boolean) : TCompareResult; overload;
- Function Compare (const I1, I2 : Integer) : TCompareResult; overload;
- Function Compare (const I1, I2 : Int64) : TCompareResult; overload;
- Function Compare (const I1, I2 : Single) : TCompareResult; overload;
- Function Compare (const I1, I2 : Double) : TCompareResult; overload;
- Function Compare (const I1, I2 : Extended) : TCompareResult; overload;
- Function Compare (const I1, I2 : String) : TCompareResult; overload;
- Function Compare (const I1, I2 : TObject) : TCompareResult; overload;
- Function NegatedCompareResult (const C : TCompareResult) : TCompareResult;
- { }
- { Base Conversion }
- { EncodeBase64 converts a binary string (S) to a base 64 string using }
- { Alphabet. if Pad is True, the result will be padded with PadChar to be a }
- { multiple of PadMultiple. }
- { DecodeBase64 converts a base 64 string using Alphabet (64 characters for }
- { values 0-63) to a binary string. }
- { }
- const
- s_HexDigitsUpper : String [16] = '0123456789ABCDEF';
- s_HexDigitsLower : String [16] = '0123456789abcdef';
- Function HexCharValue (const Ch : Char) : Byte;
- Function LongWordToBin (const I : LongWord; const Digits : Byte = 0) : String;
- Function LongWordToOct (const I : LongWord; const Digits : Byte = 0) : String;
- Function LongWordToHex (const I : LongWord; const Digits : Byte = 0) : String;
- Function LongWordToStr (const I : LongWord; const Digits : Byte = 0) : String;
- Function BinToLongWord (const S : String) : LongWord;
- Function OctToLongWord (const S : String) : LongWord;
- Function HexToLongWord (const S : String) : LongWord;
- Function StrToLongWord (const S : String) : LongWord;
- Function EncodeBase64 (const S, Alphabet : String; const Pad : Boolean = False;
- const PadMultiple : Integer = 4; const PadChar : Char = '=') : String;
- Function DecodeBase64 (const S, Alphabet : String; const PadSet : CharSet = []) : String;
- const
- b64_MIMEBase64 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
- b64_UUEncode = ' !"#$%&''()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_';
- b64_XXEncode = '+-0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
- Function MIMEBase64Decode (const S : String) : String;
- Function MIMEBase64Encode (const S : String) : String;
- Function UUDecode (const S : String) : String;
- Function XXDecode (const S : String) : String;
- Function BytesToHex (const P : Pointer; const Count : Integer) : String;
- { }
- { Type conversion }
- { }
- Function PointerToStr (const P : Pointer) : String;
- Function StrToPointer (const S : String) : Pointer;
- Function ObjectClassName (const O : TObject) : String;
- Function ClassClassName (const C : TClass) : String;
- Function ObjectToStr (const O : TObject) : String;
- Function ClassToStr (const C : TClass) : String;
- Function CharSetToStr (const C : CharSet) : String;
- Function StrToCharSet (const S : String) : CharSet;
- { }
- { Hash functions }
- { }
- Function HashBuf (const Buf; const BufSize : Integer;
- const Slots : LongWord = 0) : LongWord;
- Function HashStr (const StrBuf : Pointer; const StrLength : Integer;
- const Slots : LongWord = 0; const CaseSensitive : Boolean = True) : LongWord; overload;
- Function HashStr (const S : String; const Slots : LongWord = 0;
- const CaseSensitive : Boolean = True) : LongWord; overload;
- Function HashInteger (const I : Integer; const Slots : LongWord = 0) : LongWord;
- { }
- { Memory }
- { }
- Procedure MoveMem (const Source; var Dest; const Count : Integer);
- Function CompareMem (const Buf1; const Buf2; const Count : Integer) : Boolean;
- Function CompareMemNoCase (const Buf1; const Buf2; const Count : Integer) : Boolean;
- Procedure ReverseMem (var Buf; const Size : Integer);
- { }
- { Dynamic Arrays }
- { }
- type
- ByteArray = Array of Byte;
- WordArray = Array of Word;
- LongWordArray = Array of LongWord;
- ShortIntArray = Array of ShortInt;
- SmallIntArray = Array of SmallInt;
- LongIntArray = Array of LongInt;
- Int64Array = Array of Int64;
- SingleArray = Array of Single;
- DoubleArray = Array of Double;
- ExtendedArray = Array of Extended;
- StringArray = Array of String;
- PointerArray = Array of Pointer;
- ObjectArray = Array of TObject;
- BooleanArray = Array of Boolean;
- CharSetArray = Array of CharSet;
- ByteSetArray = Array of ByteSet;
- IntegerArray = LongIntArray;
- CardinalArray = LongWordArray;
- Function Append (var V : ByteArray; const R : Byte) : Integer; overload;
- Function Append (var V : WordArray; const R : Word) : Integer; overload;
- Function Append (var V : LongWordArray; const R : LongWord) : Integer; overload;
- Function Append (var V : ShortIntArray; const R : ShortInt) : Integer; overload;
- Function Append (var V : SmallIntArray; const R : SmallInt) : Integer; overload;
- Function Append (var V : LongIntArray; const R : LongInt) : Integer; overload;
- Function Append (var V : Int64Array; const R : Int64) : Integer; overload;
- Function Append (var V : SingleArray; const R : Single) : Integer; overload;
- Function Append (var V : DoubleArray; const R : Double) : Integer; overload;
- Function Append (var V : ExtendedArray; const R : Extended) : Integer; overload;
- Function Append (var V : StringArray; const R : String) : Integer; overload;
- Function Append (var V : BooleanArray; const R : Boolean) : Integer; overload;
- Function Append (var V : PointerArray; const R : Pointer) : Integer; overload;
- Function Append (var V : ObjectArray; const R : TObject) : Integer; overload;
- Function Append (var V : ByteSetArray; const R : ByteSet) : Integer; overload;
- Function Append (var V : CharSetArray; const R : CharSet) : Integer; overload;
- Function AppendByteArray (var V : ByteArray; const R : Array of Byte) : Integer; overload;
- Function AppendWordArray (var V : WordArray; const R : Array of Word) : Integer; overload;
- Function AppendCardinalArray (var V : CardinalArray; const R : Array of LongWord) : Integer; overload;
- Function AppendShortIntArray (var V : ShortIntArray; const R : Array of ShortInt) : Integer; overload;
- Function AppendSmallIntArray (var V : SmallIntArray; const R : Array of SmallInt) : Integer; overload;
- Function AppendIntegerArray (var V : IntegerArray; const R : Array of LongInt) : Integer; overload;
- Function AppendInt64Array (var V : Int64Array; const R : Array of Int64) : Integer; overload;
- Function AppendSingleArray (var V : SingleArray; const R : Array of Single) : Integer; overload;
- Function AppendDoubleArray (var V : DoubleArray; const R : Array of Double) : Integer; overload;
- Function AppendExtendedArray (var V : ExtendedArray; const R : Array of Extended) : Integer; overload;
- Function AppendStringArray (var V : StringArray; const R : Array of String) : Integer; overload;
- Function AppendPointerArray (var V : PointerArray; const R : Array of Pointer) : Integer; overload;
- Function AppendObjectArray (var V : ObjectArray; const R : Array of TObject) : Integer; overload;
- Function AppendCharSetArray (var V : CharSetArray; const R : Array of CharSet) : Integer; overload;
- Function AppendByteSetArray (var V : ByteSetArray; const R : Array of ByteSet) : Integer; overload;
- Function Remove (var V : ByteArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1) : Integer; overload;
- Function Remove (var V : WordArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1) : Integer; overload;
- Function Remove (var V : LongWordArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1) : Integer; overload;
- Function Remove (var V : ShortIntArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1) : Integer; overload;
- Function Remove (var V : SmallIntArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1) : Integer; overload;
- Function Remove (var V : LongIntArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1) : Integer; overload;
- Function Remove (var V : Int64Array; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1) : Integer; overload;
- Function Remove (var V : SingleArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1) : Integer; overload;
- Function Remove (var V : DoubleArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1) : Integer; overload;
- Function Remove (var V : ExtendedArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1) : Integer; overload;
- Function Remove (var V : StringArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1) : Integer; overload;
- Function Remove (var V : PointerArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1) : Integer; overload;
- Function Remove (var V : ObjectArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1;
- const FreeObjects : Boolean = False) : Integer; overload;
- Procedure RemoveDuplicates (var V : ByteArray; const IsSorted : Boolean); overload;
- Procedure RemoveDuplicates (var V : WordArray; const IsSorted : Boolean); overload;
- Procedure RemoveDuplicates (var V : LongWordArray; const IsSorted : Boolean); overload;
- Procedure RemoveDuplicates (var V : ShortIntArray; const IsSorted : Boolean); overload;
- Procedure RemoveDuplicates (var V : SmallIntArray; const IsSorted : Boolean); overload;
- Procedure RemoveDuplicates (var V : LongIntArray; const IsSorted : Boolean); overload;
- Procedure RemoveDuplicates (var V : Int64Array; const IsSorted : Boolean); overload;
- Procedure RemoveDuplicates (var V : SingleArray; const IsSorted : Boolean); overload;
- Procedure RemoveDuplicates (var V : DoubleArray; const IsSorted : Boolean); overload;
- Procedure RemoveDuplicates (var V : ExtendedArray; const IsSorted : Boolean); overload;
- Procedure RemoveDuplicates (var V : StringArray; const IsSorted : Boolean); overload;
- Procedure RemoveDuplicates (var V : PointerArray; const IsSorted : Boolean); overload;
- Procedure TrimArrayLeft (var S : ByteArray; const TrimList : Array of Byte); overload;
- Procedure TrimArrayLeft (var S : WordArray; const TrimList : Array of Word); overload;
- Procedure TrimArrayLeft (var S : LongWordArray; const TrimList : Array of LongWord); overload;
- Procedure TrimArrayLeft (var S : ShortIntArray; const TrimList : Array of ShortInt); overload;
- Procedure TrimArrayLeft (var S : SmallIntArray; const TrimList : Array of SmallInt); overload;
- Procedure TrimArrayLeft (var S : LongIntArray; const TrimList : Array of LongInt); overload;
- Procedure TrimArrayLeft (var S : Int64Array; const TrimList : Array of Int64); overload;
- Procedure TrimArrayLeft (var S : SingleArray; const TrimList : Array of Single); overload;
- Procedure TrimArrayLeft (var S : DoubleArray; const TrimList : Array of Double); overload;
- Procedure TrimArrayLeft (var S : ExtendedArray; const TrimList : Array of Extended); overload;
- Procedure TrimArrayLeft (var S : StringArray; const TrimList : Array of String); overload;
- Procedure TrimArrayLeft (var S : PointerArray; const TrimList : Array of Pointer); overload;
- Procedure TrimArrayRight (var S : ByteArray; const TrimList : Array of Byte); overload;
- Procedure TrimArrayRight (var S : WordArray; const TrimList : Array of Word); overload;
- Procedure TrimArrayRight (var S : LongWordArray; const TrimList : Array of LongWord); overload;
- Procedure TrimArrayRight (var S : ShortIntArray; const TrimList : Array of ShortInt); overload;
- Procedure TrimArrayRight (var S : SmallIntArray; const TrimList : Array of SmallInt); overload;
- Procedure TrimArrayRight (var S : LongIntArray; const TrimList : Array of LongInt); overload;
- Procedure TrimArrayRight (var S : Int64Array; const TrimList : Array of Int64); overload;
- Procedure TrimArrayRight (var S : SingleArray; const TrimList : Array of Single); overload;
- Procedure TrimArrayRight (var S : DoubleArray; const TrimList : Array of Double); overload;
- Procedure TrimArrayRight (var S : ExtendedArray; const TrimList : Array of Extended); overload;
- Procedure TrimArrayRight (var S : StringArray; const TrimList : Array of String); overload;
- Procedure TrimArrayRight (var S : PointerArray; const TrimList : Array of Pointer); overload;
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : ByteArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer; overload;
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : WordArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer; overload;
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : LongWordArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer; overload;
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : ShortIntArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer; overload;
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : SmallIntArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer; overload;
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : LongIntArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer; overload;
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : Int64Array; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer; overload;
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : SingleArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer; overload;
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : DoubleArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer; overload;
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : ExtendedArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer; overload;
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : StringArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer; overload;
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : PointerArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer; overload;
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : ObjectArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer; overload;
- Procedure FreeObjectArray (var V); overload;
- Procedure FreeObjectArray (var V; const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer); overload;
- Procedure FreeAndNilObjectArray (var V : ObjectArray);
- Function PosNext (const Find : Byte; const V : ByteArray; const PrevPos : Integer = -1;
- const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; overload;
- Function PosNext (const Find : Word; const V : WordArray; const PrevPos : Integer = -1;
- const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; overload;
- Function PosNext (const Find : LongWord; const V : LongWordArray; const PrevPos : Integer = -1;
- const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; overload;
- Function PosNext (const Find : ShortInt; const V : ShortIntArray; const PrevPos : Integer = -1;
- const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; overload;
- Function PosNext (const Find : SmallInt; const V : SmallIntArray; const PrevPos : Integer = -1;
- const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; overload;
- Function PosNext (const Find : LongInt; const V : LongIntArray; const PrevPos : Integer = -1;
- const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; overload;
- Function PosNext (const Find : Int64; const V : Int64Array; const PrevPos : Integer = -1;
- const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; overload;
- Function PosNext (const Find : Single; const V : SingleArray; const PrevPos : Integer = -1;
- const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; overload;
- Function PosNext (const Find : Double; const V : DoubleArray; const PrevPos : Integer = -1;
- const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; overload;
- Function PosNext (const Find : Extended; const V : ExtendedArray; const PrevPos : Integer = -1;
- const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; overload;
- Function PosNext (const Find : Boolean; const V : BooleanArray; const PrevPos : Integer = -1;
- const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; overload;
- Function PosNext (const Find : String; const V : StringArray; const PrevPos : Integer = -1;
- const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; overload;
- Function PosNext (const Find : Pointer; const V : PointerArray; const PrevPos : Integer = -1) : Integer; overload;
- Function PosNext (const Find : TObject; const V : ObjectArray; const PrevPos : Integer = -1) : Integer; overload;
- Function PosNext (const ClassType : TClass; const V : ObjectArray; const PrevPos : Integer = -1) : Integer; overload;
- Function PosNext (const ClassName : String; const V : ObjectArray; const PrevPos : Integer = -1) : Integer; overload;
- Function Count (const Find : Byte; const V : ByteArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; overload;
- Function Count (const Find : Word; const V : WordArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; overload;
- Function Count (const Find : LongWord; const V : LongWordArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; overload;
- Function Count (const Find : ShortInt; const V : ShortIntArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; overload;
- Function Count (const Find : SmallInt; const V : SmallIntArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; overload;
- Function Count (const Find : LongInt; const V : LongIntArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; overload;
- Function Count (const Find : Int64; const V : Int64Array; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; overload;
- Function Count (const Find : Single; const V : SingleArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; overload;
- Function Count (const Find : Double; const V : DoubleArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; overload;
- Function Count (const Find : Extended; const V : ExtendedArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; overload;
- Function Count (const Find : String; const V : StringArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; overload;
- Function Count (const Find : Boolean; const V : BooleanArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; overload;
- Procedure RemoveAll (const Find : Byte; var V : ByteArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False); overload;
- Procedure RemoveAll (const Find : Word; var V : WordArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False); overload;
- Procedure RemoveAll (const Find : LongWord; var V : LongWordArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False); overload;
- Procedure RemoveAll (const Find : ShortInt; var V : ShortIntArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False); overload;
- Procedure RemoveAll (const Find : SmallInt; var V : SmallIntArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False); overload;
- Procedure RemoveAll (const Find : LongInt; var V : LongIntArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False); overload;
- Procedure RemoveAll (const Find : Int64; var V : Int64Array; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False); overload;
- Procedure RemoveAll (const Find : Single; var V : SingleArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False); overload;
- Procedure RemoveAll (const Find : Double; var V : DoubleArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False); overload;
- Procedure RemoveAll (const Find : Extended; var V : ExtendedArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False); overload;
- Procedure RemoveAll (const Find : String; var V : StringArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False); overload;
- Function Intersection (const V1, V2 : ByteArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : ByteArray; overload;
- Function Intersection (const V1, V2 : WordArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : WordArray; overload;
- Function Intersection (const V1, V2 : LongWordArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : LongWordArray; overload;
- Function Intersection (const V1, V2 : ShortIntArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : ShortIntArray; overload;
- Function Intersection (const V1, V2 : SmallIntArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : SmallIntArray; overload;
- Function Intersection (const V1, V2 : LongIntArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : LongIntArray; overload;
- Function Intersection (const V1, V2 : Int64Array; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Int64Array; overload;
- Function Intersection (const V1, V2 : SingleArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : SingleArray; overload;
- Function Intersection (const V1, V2 : DoubleArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : DoubleArray; overload;
- Function Intersection (const V1, V2 : ExtendedArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : ExtendedArray; overload;
- Function Intersection (const V1, V2 : StringArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : StringArray; overload;
- Function Difference (const V1, V2 : ByteArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : ByteArray; overload;
- Function Difference (const V1, V2 : WordArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : WordArray; overload;
- Function Difference (const V1, V2 : LongWordArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : LongWordArray; overload;
- Function Difference (const V1, V2 : ShortIntArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : ShortIntArray; overload;
- Function Difference (const V1, V2 : SmallIntArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : SmallIntArray; overload;
- Function Difference (const V1, V2 : LongIntArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : LongIntArray; overload;
- Function Difference (const V1, V2 : Int64Array; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Int64Array; overload;
- Function Difference (const V1, V2 : SingleArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : SingleArray; overload;
- Function Difference (const V1, V2 : DoubleArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : DoubleArray; overload;
- Function Difference (const V1, V2 : ExtendedArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : ExtendedArray; overload;
- Function Difference (const V1, V2 : StringArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : StringArray; overload;
- Procedure Reverse (var V : ByteArray); overload;
- Procedure Reverse (var V : WordArray); overload;
- Procedure Reverse (var V : LongWordArray); overload;
- Procedure Reverse (var V : ShortIntArray); overload;
- Procedure Reverse (var V : SmallIntArray); overload;
- Procedure Reverse (var V : LongIntArray); overload;
- Procedure Reverse (var V : Int64Array); overload;
- Procedure Reverse (var V : SingleArray); overload;
- Procedure Reverse (var V : DoubleArray); overload;
- Procedure Reverse (var V : ExtendedArray); overload;
- Procedure Reverse (var V : StringArray); overload;
- Procedure Reverse (var V : PointerArray); overload;
- Procedure Reverse (var V : ObjectArray); overload;
- Function AsBooleanArray (const V : Array of Boolean) : BooleanArray; overload;
- Function AsByteArray (const V : Array of Byte) : ByteArray; overload;
- Function AsWordArray (const V : Array of Word) : WordArray; overload;
- Function AsLongWordArray (const V : Array of LongWord) : LongWordArray; overload;
- Function AsCardinalArray (const V : Array of Cardinal) : CardinalArray; overload;
- Function AsShortIntArray (const V : Array of ShortInt) : ShortIntArray; overload;
- Function AsSmallIntArray (const V : Array of SmallInt) : SmallIntArray; overload;
- Function AsLongIntArray (const V : Array of LongInt) : LongIntArray; overload;
- Function AsIntegerArray (const V : Array of Integer) : IntegerArray; overload;
- Function AsInt64Array (const V : Array of Int64) : Int64Array; overload;
- Function AsSingleArray (const V : Array of Single) : SingleArray; overload;
- Function AsDoubleArray (const V : Array of Double) : DoubleArray; overload;
- Function AsExtendedArray (const V : Array of Extended) : ExtendedArray; overload;
- Function AsStringArray (const V : Array of String) : StringArray; overload;
- Function AsPointerArray (const V : Array of Pointer) : PointerArray; overload;
- Function AsCharSetArray (const V : Array of CharSet) : CharSetArray; overload;
- Function AsObjectArray (const V : Array of TObject) : ObjectArray; overload;
- Function RangeByte (const First : Byte; const Count : Integer; const Increment : Byte = 1) : ByteArray;
- Function RangeWord (const First : Word; const Count : Integer; const Increment : Word = 1) : WordArray;
- Function RangeLongWord (const First : LongWord; const Count : Integer; const Increment : LongWord = 1) : LongWordArray;
- Function RangeCardinal (const First : Cardinal; const Count : Integer; const Increment : Cardinal = 1) : CardinalArray;
- Function RangeShortInt (const First : ShortInt; const Count : Integer; const Increment : ShortInt = 1) : ShortIntArray;
- Function RangeSmallInt (const First : SmallInt; const Count : Integer; const Increment : SmallInt = 1) : SmallIntArray;
- Function RangeLongInt (const First : LongInt; const Count : Integer; const Increment : LongInt = 1) : LongIntArray;
- Function RangeInteger (const First : Integer; const Count : Integer; const Increment : Integer = 1) : IntegerArray;
- Function RangeInt64 (const First : Int64; const Count : Integer; const Increment : Int64 = 1) : Int64Array;
- Function RangeSingle (const First : Single; const Count : Integer; const Increment : Single = 1) : SingleArray;
- Function RangeDouble (const First : Double; const Count : Integer; const Increment : Double = 1) : DoubleArray;
- Function RangeExtended (const First : Extended; const Count : Integer; const Increment : Extended = 1) : ExtendedArray;
- Function DupByte (const V : Byte; const Count : Integer) : ByteArray;
- Function DupWord (const V : Word; const Count : Integer) : WordArray;
- Function DupLongWord (const V : LongWord; const Count : Integer) : LongWordArray;
- Function DupCardinal (const V : Cardinal; const Count : Integer) : CardinalArray;
- Function DupShortInt (const V : ShortInt; const Count : Integer) : ShortIntArray;
- Function DupSmallInt (const V : SmallInt; const Count : Integer) : SmallIntArray;
- Function DupLongInt (const V : LongInt; const Count : Integer) : LongIntArray;
- Function DupInteger (const V : Integer; const Count : Integer) : IntegerArray;
- Function DupInt64 (const V : Int64; const Count : Integer) : Int64Array;
- Function DupSingle (const V : Single; const Count : Integer) : SingleArray;
- Function DupDouble (const V : Double; const Count : Integer) : DoubleArray;
- Function DupExtended (const V : Extended; const Count : Integer) : ExtendedArray;
- Function DupString (const V : String; const Count : Integer) : StringArray;
- Function DupCharSet (const V : CharSet; const Count : Integer) : CharSetArray;
- Function DupObject (const V : TObject; const Count : Integer) : ObjectArray;
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : ByteArray; const NewLength : Integer); overload;
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : WordArray; const NewLength : Integer); overload;
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : LongWordArray; const NewLength : Integer); overload;
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : ShortIntArray; const NewLength : Integer); overload;
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : SmallIntArray; const NewLength : Integer); overload;
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : LongIntArray; const NewLength : Integer); overload;
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : Int64Array; const NewLength : Integer); overload;
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : SingleArray; const NewLength : Integer); overload;
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : DoubleArray; const NewLength : Integer); overload;
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : ExtendedArray; const NewLength : Integer); overload;
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : CharSetArray; const NewLength : Integer); overload;
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : BooleanArray; const NewLength : Integer); overload;
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : ObjectArray; const NewLength : Integer;
- const FreeObjects : Boolean = False); overload;
- Function IsEqual (const V1, V2 : ByteArray) : Boolean; overload;
- Function IsEqual (const V1, V2 : WordArray) : Boolean; overload;
- Function IsEqual (const V1, V2 : LongWordArray) : Boolean; overload;
- Function IsEqual (const V1, V2 : ShortIntArray) : Boolean; overload;
- Function IsEqual (const V1, V2 : SmallIntArray) : Boolean; overload;
- Function IsEqual (const V1, V2 : LongIntArray) : Boolean; overload;
- Function IsEqual (const V1, V2 : Int64Array) : Boolean; overload;
- Function IsEqual (const V1, V2 : SingleArray) : Boolean; overload;
- Function IsEqual (const V1, V2 : DoubleArray) : Boolean; overload;
- Function IsEqual (const V1, V2 : ExtendedArray) : Boolean; overload;
- Function IsEqual (const V1, V2 : StringArray) : Boolean; overload;
- Function IsEqual (const V1, V2 : CharSetArray) : Boolean; overload;
- Function ByteArrayToLongIntArray (const V : ByteArray) : LongIntArray;
- Function WordArrayToLongIntArray (const V : WordArray) : LongIntArray;
- Function ShortIntArrayToLongIntArray (const V : ShortIntArray) : LongIntArray;
- Function SmallIntArrayToLongIntArray (const V : SmallIntArray) : LongIntArray;
- Function LongIntArrayToInt64Array (const V : LongIntArray) : Int64Array;
- Function LongIntArrayToSingleArray (const V : LongIntArray) : SingleArray;
- Function LongIntArrayToDoubleArray (const V : LongIntArray) : DoubleArray;
- Function LongIntArrayToExtendedArray (const V : LongIntArray) : ExtendedArray;
- Function SingleArrayToExtendedArray (const V : SingleArray) : ExtendedArray;
- Function SingleArrayToDoubleArray (const V : SingleArray) : DoubleArray;
- Function SingleArrayToLongIntArray (const V : SingleArray) : LongIntArray;
- Function SingleArrayToInt64Array (const V : SingleArray) : Int64Array;
- Function DoubleArrayToSingleArray (const V : DoubleArray) : SingleArray;
- Function DoubleArrayToExtendedArray (const V : DoubleArray) : ExtendedArray;
- Function DoubleArrayToLongIntArray (const V : DoubleArray) : LongIntArray;
- Function DoubleArrayToInt64Array (const V : DoubleArray) : Int64Array;
- Function ExtendedArrayToSingleArray (const V : ExtendedArray) : SingleArray;
- Function ExtendedArrayToDoubleArray (const V : ExtendedArray) : DoubleArray;
- Function ExtendedArrayToLongIntArray (const V : ExtendedArray) : LongIntArray;
- Function ExtendedArrayToInt64Array (const V : ExtendedArray) : Int64Array;
- Function ByteArrayFromIndexes (const V : ByteArray; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : ByteArray;
- Function WordArrayFromIndexes (const V : WordArray; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : WordArray;
- Function LongWordArrayFromIndexes (const V : LongWordArray; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : LongWordArray;
- Function CardinalArrayFromIndexes (const V : CardinalArray; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : CardinalArray;
- Function ShortIntArrayFromIndexes (const V : ShortIntArray; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : ShortIntArray;
- Function SmallIntArrayFromIndexes (const V : SmallIntArray; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : SmallIntArray;
- Function LongIntArrayFromIndexes (const V : LongIntArray; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : LongIntArray;
- Function IntegerArrayFromIndexes (const V : IntegerArray; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : IntegerArray;
- Function Int64ArrayFromIndexes (const V : Int64Array; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : Int64Array;
- Function SingleArrayFromIndexes (const V : SingleArray; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : SingleArray;
- Function DoubleArrayFromIndexes (const V : DoubleArray; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : DoubleArray;
- Function ExtendedArrayFromIndexes (const V : ExtendedArray; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : ExtendedArray;
- Function StringArrayFromIndexes (const V : StringArray; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : StringArray;
- Procedure Sort (var V : ByteArray); overload;
- Procedure Sort (var V : WordArray); overload;
- Procedure Sort (var V : LongWordArray); overload;
- Procedure Sort (var V : ShortIntArray); overload;
- Procedure Sort (var V : SmallIntArray); overload;
- Procedure Sort (var V : LongIntArray); overload;
- Procedure Sort (var V : Int64Array); overload;
- Procedure Sort (var V : SingleArray); overload;
- Procedure Sort (var V : DoubleArray); overload;
- Procedure Sort (var V : ExtendedArray); overload;
- Procedure Sort (var V : StringArray); overload;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : IntegerArray; var Data : IntegerArray); overload;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : IntegerArray; var Data : Int64Array); overload;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : IntegerArray; var Data : StringArray); overload;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : IntegerArray; var Data : ExtendedArray); overload;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : IntegerArray; var Data : PointerArray); overload;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : StringArray; var Data : IntegerArray); overload;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : StringArray; var Data : Int64Array); overload;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : StringArray; var Data : StringArray); overload;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : StringArray; var Data : ExtendedArray); overload;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : StringArray; var Data : PointerArray); overload;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : ExtendedArray; var Data : IntegerArray); overload;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : ExtendedArray; var Data : Int64Array); overload;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : ExtendedArray; var Data : StringArray); overload;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : ExtendedArray; var Data : ExtendedArray); overload;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : ExtendedArray; var Data : PointerArray); overload;
- { }
- { Self testing code }
- { }
- Procedure SelfTest;
- implementation
- { }
- { Integer }
- { }
- Function MinI (const A, B : Integer) : Integer;
- Begin
- if A < B then
- Result := A else
- Result := B;
- End;
- Function MaxI (const A, B : Integer) : Integer;
- Begin
- if A > B then
- Result := A else
- Result := B;
- End;
- Function Clip (const Value : Integer; const Low, High : Integer) : Integer;
- Begin
- if Value < Low then
- Result := Low else
- if Value > High then
- Result := High else
- Result := Value;
- End;
- Function ClipByte (const Value : Integer) : Integer;
- Begin
- if Value < MinByte then
- Result := MinByte else
- if Value > MaxByte then
- Result := MaxByte else
- Result := Value;
- End;
- Function ClipWord (const Value : Integer) : Integer;
- Begin
- if Value < MinWord then
- Result := MinWord else
- if Value > MaxWord then
- Result := MaxWord else
- Result := Value;
- End;
- Function RangeAdjacent (const Low1, High1, Low2, High2 : Integer) : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := ((Low2 > MinInteger) and (High1 = Low2 - 1)) or
- ((High2 < MaxInteger) and (Low1 = High2 + 1));
- End;
- Function RangeOverlap (const Low1, High1, Low2, High2 : Integer) : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := ((Low1 >= Low2) and (Low1 <= High2)) or
- ((Low2 >= Low1) and (Low2 <= High1));
- End;
- { }
- { Float }
- { }
- { Approximate comparison functions taken from FltMath by Tempest Software as }
- { taken from Knuth, Seminumerical Algorithms, 2nd ed., Addison-Wesley, }
- { 1981, pp. 217-20. }
- type
- TExtended = packed record
- Case Boolean of
- True : (
- Mantissa : packed Array [0..1] of LongWord; { MSB of [1] is the normalized 1 bit }
- Exponent : Word; { MSB is the sign bit }
- );
- False:
- (Value: Extended);
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- Function ApproxEqual (const A, B : Extended; const CompareEpsilon : Double) : Boolean;
- var ExtA : TExtended absolute A;
- ExtB : TExtended absolute B;
- ExpA, ExpB : Word;
- Exp : TExtended;
- Begin
- ExpA := ExtA.Exponent and $7FFF;
- ExpB := ExtB.Exponent and $7FFF;
- if (ExpA = $7FFF) and ((ExtA.Mantissa[1] <> $80000000) or (ExtA.Mantissa[0] <> 0)) then
- { A is NaN }
- Result := False else
- if (ExpB = $7FFF) and ((ExtB.Mantissa[1] <> $80000000) or (ExtB.Mantissa[0] <> 0)) then
- { B is NaN }
- Result := False else
- if (ExpA = $7FFF) or (ExpB = $7FFF) then
- { A or B is infinity. Use the builtin comparison, which will }
- { properly account for signed infinities, comparing infinity with }
- { infinity, or comparing infinity with a finite value. }
- Result := A = B else
- begin
- { We are comparing two finite values, so take the difference and }
- { compare that against the scaled Epsilon. }
- Exp.Value := 1.0;
- if ExpA < ExpB then
- Exp.Exponent := ExpB else
- Exp.Exponent := ExpA;
- Result := Abs (A - B) <= (CompareEpsilon * Exp.Value);
- end;
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Function ApproxEqual (const A, B : Extended; const CompareEpsilon : Double) : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := Abs (A - B) <= CompareEpsilon;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Function ApproxCompare (const A, B : Extended; const CompareEpsilon : Double = DefaultCompareEpsilon) : TCompareResult;
- var ExtA : TExtended absolute A;
- ExtB : TExtended absolute B;
- ExpA, ExpB : Word;
- Exp : TExtended;
- V : Extended;
- Begin
- ExpA := ExtA.Exponent and $7FFF;
- ExpB := ExtB.Exponent and $7FFF;
- if (ExpA = $7FFF) and ((ExtA.Mantissa[1] <> $80000000) or (ExtA.Mantissa[0] <> 0)) then
- { A is NaN }
- Result := crUndefined else
- if (ExpB = $7FFF) and ((ExtB.Mantissa[1] <> $80000000) or (ExtB.Mantissa[0] <> 0)) then
- { B is NaN }
- Result := crUndefined else
- if (ExpA = $7FFF) or (ExpB = $7FFF) then
- { A or B is infinity. Use the builtin comparison, which will }
- { properly account for signed infinities, comparing infinity with }
- { infinity, or comparing infinity with a finite value. }
- Result := Compare (A, B) else
- begin
- { We are comparing two finite values, so take the difference and }
- { compare that against the scaled Epsilon. }
- Exp.Value := 1.0;
- if ExpA < ExpB then
- Exp.Exponent := ExpB else
- Exp.Exponent := ExpA;
- V := CompareEpsilon * Exp.Value;
- if Abs (A - B) <= V then
- Result := crEqual else
- if A - B >= V then
- Result := crGreater else
- Result := crLess;
- end;
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Function ApproxCompare (const A, B : Extended; const CompareEpsilon : Double = DefaultCompareEpsilon) : TCompareResult;
- var V : Extended;
- Begin
- V := A - B;
- if Abs (V) <= CompareEpsilon then
- Result := crEqual else
- if V >= CompareEpsilon
- Result := crGreater else
- Result := crLess;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Function ApproxZero (const Value : Extended; const CompareEpsilon : Double) : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := ApproxEqual (Value, 0.0, CompareEpsilon);
- End;
- { }
- { Bit functions }
- { }
- { Assembly versions of ReverseBits and SwapEndian taken from the }
- { Delphi Encryption Compendium 3.0 by Hagen Reddmann (HaReddmann@AOL.COM) }
- Function ReverseBits (const Value : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Asm
- SHR EAX, 1
- AND EDX, 055555555h
- SHL EDX, 1
- SHR EAX, 2
- AND EDX, 033333333h
- SHL EDX, 2
- AND EAX, 0F0F0F0F0h
- SHR EAX, 4
- AND EDX, 00F0F0F0Fh
- SHL EDX, 4
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Function ReverseBits (const Value : LongWord) : LongWord;
- var I : Byte;
- Begin
- Result := 0;
- For I := 0 to 31 do
- if Value and BitMaskTable [I] <> 0 then
- Result := Result or BitMaskTable [31 - I];
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Function ReverseBits (const Value : LongWord; const BitCount : Integer) : LongWord;
- var I : Integer;
- V : LongWord;
- Begin
- V := Value;
- Result := 0;
- For I := 0 to MinI (BitCount, BitsPerLongWord) - 1 do
- begin
- Result := (Result shl 1) or (V and 1);
- V := V shr 1;
- end;
- End;
- Function SwapEndian (const Value : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Asm
- ROL EAX, 16
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Function SwapEndian (const Value : LongWord) : LongWord;
- type Bytes4 = packed record
- B1, B2, B3, B4 : Byte;
- end;
- var Val : Bytes4 absolute Value;
- Res : Bytes4 absolute Result;
- Begin
- Res.B4 := Val.B1;
- Res.B3 := Val.B2;
- Res.B2 := Val.B3;
- Res.B1 := Val.B4;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Procedure SwapEndianBuf (var Buf; const Count : Integer);
- var P : PLongWord;
- I : Integer;
- Begin
- P := @Buf;
- For I := 1 to Count do
- begin
- P^ := SwapEndian (P^);
- Inc (P);
- end;
- End;
- Function TwosComplement (const Value : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Asm
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Function TwosComplement (const Value : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Begin
- Result := not Value + 1;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Function RotateLeftBits (const Value : LongWord; const Bits : Byte) : LongWord;
- Asm
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Function RotateLeftBits (const Value : LongWord; const Bits : Byte) : LongWord;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Value;
- For I := 1 to Bits do
- if Value and $80000000 = 0 then
- Result := Value shl 1 else
- Result := (Value shl 1) or 1;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Function RotateRightBits (const Value : LongWord; const Bits : Byte) : LongWord;
- Asm
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Function RotateRightBits (const Value : LongWord; const Bits : Byte) : LongWord;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Value;
- For I := 1 to Bits do
- if Value and 1 = 0 then
- Result := Value shr 1 else
- Result := (Value shr 1) or $80000000;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Function SetBit (const Value : LongWord; const BitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Asm
- {$IFOPT R+}
- CMP BitIndex, BitsPerLongWord
- JAE @Fin
- {$ENDIF}
- OR EAX, DWORD PTR [BitIndex * 4 + BitMaskTable]
- @Fin:
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Function SetBit (const Value : LongWord; const BitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Begin
- Result := Value or BitMaskTable [BitIndex];
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Function ClearBit (const Value : LongWord; const BitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Asm
- {$IFOPT R+}
- CMP BitIndex, BitsPerLongWord
- JAE @Fin
- {$ENDIF}
- MOV ECX, DWORD PTR [BitIndex * 4 + BitMaskTable]
- @Fin:
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Function ClearBit (const Value : LongWord; const BitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Begin
- Result := Value and not BitMaskTable [BitIndex];
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Function ToggleBit (const Value : LongWord; const BitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Asm
- {$IFOPT R+}
- CMP BitIndex, BitsPerLongWord
- JAE @Fin
- {$ENDIF}
- XOR EAX, DWORD PTR [BitIndex * 4 + BitMaskTable]
- @Fin:
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Function ToggleBit (const Value : LongWord; const BitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Begin
- Result := Value xor BitMaskTable [BitIndex];
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Function IsHighBitSet (const Value : LongWord) : Boolean;
- Asm
- TEST Value, $80000000
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Function IsHighBitSet (const Value : LongWord) : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := Value and $80000000 <> 0;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Function IsBitSet (const Value : LongWord; const BitIndex : LongWord) : Boolean;
- Asm
- {$IFOPT R+}
- CMP BitIndex, BitsPerLongWord
- JAE @Fin
- {$ENDIF}
- MOV ECX, DWORD PTR BitMaskTable [BitIndex * 4]
- TEST Value, ECX
- @Fin:
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Function IsBitSet (const Value : LongWord; const BitIndex : LongWord) : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := Value and BitMaskTable [BitIndex] <> 0;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Function SetBitScanForward (const Value : LongWord) : Integer;
- Asm
- JZ @NoBits
- @NoBits:
- MOV EAX, -1
- End;
- Function SetBitScanForward (const Value : LongWord; const StartBitIndex : LongWord) : Integer;
- Asm
- {$IFOPT R+}
- CMP StartBitIndex, BitsPerLongWord
- JAE @@zq
- {$ENDIF}
- MOV ECX, StartBitIndex
- JE @@zq
- @@zq: MOV EAX, -1
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Function SetBitScanForward (const Value : LongWord; const StartBitIndex : LongWord) : Integer;
- var I : Byte;
- Begin
- For I := StartBitIndex to 31 do
- if Value and BitMaskTable [I] <> 0 then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- End;
- Function SetBitScanForward (const Value : LongWord) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := SetBitScanForward (Value, 0);
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Function SetBitScanReverse (const Value : LongWord) : Integer;
- Asm
- JZ @NoBits
- @NoBits:
- MOV EAX, -1
- End;
- Function SetBitScanReverse (const Value : LongWord; const StartBitIndex : LongWord) : Integer;
- Asm
- {$IFOPT R+}
- CMP EDX, BitsPerLongWord
- JAE @@zq
- {$ENDIF}
- LEA ECX, [EDX-31]
- JE @@zq
- @@zq: MOV EAX, -1
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Function SetBitScanReverse (const Value : LongWord; const StartBitIndex : LongWord) : Integer;
- var I : Byte;
- Begin
- For I := StartBitIndex downto 0 do
- if Value and BitMaskTable [I] <> 0 then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- End;
- Function SetBitScanReverse (const Value : LongWord) : Integer;
- Begin
- SetBitScanReverse (Value, 31);
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Function ClearBitScanForward (const Value : LongWord) : Integer;
- Asm
- JZ @NoBits
- @NoBits:
- MOV EAX, -1
- End;
- Function ClearBitScanForward (const Value : LongWord; const StartBitIndex : LongWord) : Integer;
- Asm
- {$IFOPT R+}
- CMP EDX, BitsPerLongWord
- JAE @@zq
- {$ENDIF}
- JE @@zq
- @@zq: MOV EAX, -1
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Function ClearBitScanForward (const Value : LongWord; const StartBitIndex : LongWord) : Integer;
- var I : Byte;
- Begin
- For I := StartBitIndex to 31 do
- if Value and BitMaskTable [I] = 0 then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- End;
- Function ClearBitScanForward (const Value : LongWord) : Integer;
- Begin
- ClearBitScanForward (Value, 0);
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Function ClearBitScanReverse (const Value : LongWord) : Integer;
- Asm
- JZ @NoBits
- @NoBits:
- MOV EAX, -1
- End;
- Function ClearBitScanReverse (const Value : LongWord; const StartBitIndex : LongWord) : Integer;
- Asm
- {$IFOPT R+}
- CMP EDX, BitsPerLongWord
- JAE @@zq
- {$ENDIF}
- LEA ECX, [EDX-31]
- JE @@zq
- @@zq: MOV EAX, -1
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Function ClearBitScanReverse (const Value : LongWord; const StartBitIndex : LongWord) : Integer;
- var I : Byte;
- Begin
- For I := StartBitIndex downto 0 do
- if Value and BitMaskTable [I] = 0 then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- End;
- Function ClearBitScanReverse (const Value : LongWord) : Integer;
- Begin
- ClearBitScanReverse (Value, 31);
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- const
- BitCountTable : array [0..255] of Byte =
- (0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5,
- 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6,
- 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6,
- 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7,
- 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6,
- 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7,
- 2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7,
- 3, 4, 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 6, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7, 4, 5, 5, 6, 5, 6, 6, 7, 5, 6, 6, 7, 6, 7, 7, 8);
- Function BitCount (const Value : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Asm
- MOVZX EDX, BYTE PTR [EDX + BitCountTable]
- ADD DL, BYTE PTR [ECX + BitCountTable]
- SHR EAX, 16
- ADD DL, BYTE PTR [ECX + BitCountTable]
- ADD DL, BYTE PTR [EAX + BitCountTable]
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Function BitCount (const Value : LongWord) : LongWord;
- var V : Array [0..3] of Byte absolute Value;
- Begin
- Result := BitCountTable [V [0]] + BitCountTable [V [1]] +
- BitCountTable [V [2]] + BitCountTable [V [3]];
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Function IsPowerOfTwo (const Value : LongWord) : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := BitCount (Value) = 1;
- End;
- Function LowBitMask (const HighBitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if HighBitIndex >= BitsPerLongWord then
- Result := 0 else
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := BitMaskTable [HighBitIndex] - 1;
- End;
- Function HighBitMask (const LowBitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if LowBitIndex >= BitsPerLongWord then
- Result := 0 else
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := not BitMaskTable [LowBitIndex] + 1;
- End;
- Function RangeBitMask (const LowBitIndex, HighBitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (LowBitIndex >= BitsPerLongWord) and (HighBitIndex >= BitsPerLongWord) then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := $FFFFFFFF;
- if LowBitIndex > 0 then
- Result := Result xor (BitMaskTable [LowBitIndex] - 1);
- if HighBitIndex < 31 then
- Result := Result xor (not BitMaskTable [HighBitIndex + 1] + 1);
- End;
- Function SetBitRange (const Value : LongWord; const LowBitIndex, HighBitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Begin
- Result := Value or RangeBitMask (LowBitIndex, HighBitIndex);
- End;
- Function ClearBitRange (const Value : LongWord; const LowBitIndex, HighBitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Begin
- Result := Value and not RangeBitMask (LowBitIndex, HighBitIndex);
- End;
- Function ToggleBitRange (const Value : LongWord; const LowBitIndex, HighBitIndex : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Begin
- Result := Value xor RangeBitMask (LowBitIndex, HighBitIndex);
- End;
- Function IsBitRangeSet (const Value : LongWord; const LowBitIndex, HighBitIndex : LongWord) : Boolean;
- var M : LongWord;
- Begin
- M := RangeBitMask (LowBitIndex, HighBitIndex);
- Result := Value and M = M;
- End;
- Function IsBitRangeClear (const Value : LongWord; const LowBitIndex, HighBitIndex : LongWord) : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := Value and RangeBitMask (LowBitIndex, HighBitIndex) = 0;
- End;
- { }
- { Sets }
- { }
- Function AsCharSet (const C : Array of Char) : CharSet;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := [];
- For I := 0 to High (C) do
- Result := Result + [C [I]];
- End;
- Function AsByteSet (const C : Array of Byte) : ByteSet;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := [];
- For I := 0 to High (C) do
- Result := Result + [C [I]];
- End;
- Procedure ComplementChar (var C : CharSet; const Ch : Char);
- Asm
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Procedure ComplementChar (var C : CharSet; const Ch : Char);
- Begin
- if Ch in C then
- Exclude (C, Ch) else
- Include (C, Ch);
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Procedure ClearCharSet (var C : CharSet);
- Asm
- MOV [EAX + 4], EDX
- MOV [EAX + 8], EDX
- MOV [EAX + 12], EDX
- MOV [EAX + 16], EDX
- MOV [EAX + 20], EDX
- MOV [EAX + 24], EDX
- MOV [EAX + 28], EDX
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Procedure ClearCharSet (var C : CharSet);
- Begin
- C := [];
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Procedure FillCharSet (var C : CharSet);
- Asm
- MOV [EAX + 4], EDX
- MOV [EAX + 8], EDX
- MOV [EAX + 12], EDX
- MOV [EAX + 16], EDX
- MOV [EAX + 20], EDX
- MOV [EAX + 24], EDX
- MOV [EAX + 28], EDX
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Procedure FillCharSet (var C : CharSet);
- Begin
- C := [#0..#255];
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Procedure ComplementCharSet (var C : CharSet);
- Asm
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Procedure ComplementCharSet (var C : CharSet);
- Begin
- C := [#0..#255] - C;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Procedure AssignCharSet (var DestSet : CharSet; const SourceSet : CharSet);
- Asm
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 4]
- MOV [EAX + 4], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 8]
- MOV [EAX + 8], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 12]
- MOV [EAX + 12], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 16]
- MOV [EAX + 16], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 20]
- MOV [EAX + 20], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 24]
- MOV [EAX + 24], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 28]
- MOV [EAX + 28], ECX
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Procedure AssignCharSet (var DestSet : CharSet; const SourceSet : CharSet);
- Begin
- DestSet := SourceSet;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Procedure Union (var DestSet : CharSet; const SourceSet : CharSet);
- Asm
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 4]
- OR [EAX + 4], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 8]
- OR [EAX + 8], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 12]
- OR [EAX + 12], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 16]
- OR [EAX + 16], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 20]
- OR [EAX + 20], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 24]
- OR [EAX + 24], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 28]
- OR [EAX + 28], ECX
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Procedure Union (var DestSet : CharSet; const SourceSet : CharSet);
- Begin
- DestSet := DestSet + SourceSet;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Procedure Difference (var DestSet : CharSet; const SourceSet : CharSet);
- Asm
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 4]
- AND [EAX + 4], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 8]
- AND [EAX + 8],ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 12]
- AND [EAX + 12], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 16]
- AND [EAX + 16], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 20]
- AND [EAX + 20], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 24]
- AND [EAX + 24], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 28]
- AND [EAX + 28], ECX
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Procedure Difference (var DestSet : CharSet; const SourceSet : CharSet);
- Begin
- DestSet := DestSet - SourceSet;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Procedure Intersection (var DestSet : CharSet; const SourceSet : CharSet);
- Asm
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 4]
- AND [EAX + 4], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 8]
- AND [EAX + 8], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 12]
- AND [EAX + 12], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 16]
- AND [EAX + 16], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 20]
- AND [EAX + 20], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 24]
- AND [EAX + 24], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 28]
- AND [EAX + 28], ECX
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Procedure Intersection (var DestSet : CharSet; const SourceSet : CharSet);
- Begin
- DestSet := DestSet * SourceSet;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Procedure XORCharSet (var DestSet : CharSet; const SourceSet : CharSet);
- Asm
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 4]
- XOR [EAX + 4], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 8]
- XOR [EAX + 8], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 12]
- XOR [EAX + 12], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 16]
- XOR [EAX + 16], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 20]
- XOR [EAX + 20], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 24]
- XOR [EAX + 24], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 28]
- XOR [EAX + 28], ECX
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Procedure XORCharSet (var DestSet : CharSet; const SourceSet : CharSet);
- var Ch : Char;
- Begin
- For Ch := #0 to #255 do
- if Ch in DestSet then
- begin
- if Ch in SourceSet then
- Exclude (DestSet, Ch);
- end else
- if Ch in SourceSet then
- Include (DestSet, Ch);
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Function IsSubSet (const A, B : CharSet) : Boolean;
- Asm
- JNE @Fin0
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 4]
- AND ECX, [EAX + 4]
- JNE @Fin0
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 8]
- AND ECX, [EAX + 8]
- JNE @Fin0
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 12]
- AND ECX, [EAX + 12]
- JNE @Fin0
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 16]
- AND ECX, [EAX + 16]
- JNE @Fin0
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 20]
- AND ECX, [EAX + 20]
- JNE @Fin0
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 24]
- AND ECX, [EAX + 24]
- JNE @Fin0
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 28]
- AND ECX, [EAX + 28]
- JNE @Fin0
- MOV EAX, 1
- @Fin0: XOR EAX, EAX
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Function IsSubSet (const A, B : CharSet) : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := A <= B;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Function IsEqual (const A, B : CharSet) : Boolean;
- Asm
- JNE @Fin0
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 4]
- XOR ECX, [EAX + 4]
- JNE @Fin0
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 8]
- XOR ECX, [EAX + 8]
- JNE @Fin0
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 12]
- XOR ECX, [EAX + 12]
- JNE @Fin0
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 16]
- XOR ECX, [EAX + 16]
- JNE @Fin0
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 20]
- XOR ECX, [EAX + 20]
- JNE @Fin0
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 24]
- XOR ECX, [EAX + 24]
- JNE @Fin0
- MOV ECX, [EDX + 28]
- XOR ECX, [EAX + 28]
- JNE @Fin0
- MOV EAX, 1
- @Fin0: XOR EAX, EAX
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Function IsEqual (const A, B : CharSet) : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := A = B;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Function IsEmpty (const C : CharSet) : Boolean;
- Asm
- OR EDX, [EAX + 4]
- OR EDX, [EAX + 8]
- OR EDX, [EAX + 12]
- OR EDX, [EAX + 16]
- OR EDX, [EAX + 20]
- OR EDX, [EAX + 24]
- OR EDX, [EAX + 28]
- JNE @Fin0
- MOV EAX, 1
- @Fin0: XOR EAX,EAX
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Function IsEmpty (const C : CharSet) : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := C = [];
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Function IsComplete (const C : CharSet) : Boolean;
- Asm
- AND EDX, [EAX + 4]
- AND EDX, [EAX + 8]
- AND EDX, [EAX + 12]
- AND EDX, [EAX + 16]
- AND EDX, [EAX + 20]
- AND EDX, [EAX + 24]
- AND EDX, [EAX + 28]
- JNE @Fin0
- MOV EAX, 1
- @Fin0: XOR EAX, EAX
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Function IsComplete (const C : CharSet) : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := C = CompleteCharSet;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Function CharCount (const C : CharSet) : Integer;
- Asm
- CALL BitCount
- MOV EAX, [EBX + 4]
- CALL BitCount
- MOV EAX, [EBX + 8]
- CALL BitCount
- MOV EAX, [EBX + 12]
- CALL BitCount
- MOV EAX, [EBX + 16]
- CALL BitCount
- MOV EAX, [EBX + 20]
- CALL BitCount
- MOV EAX, [EBX + 24]
- CALL BitCount
- MOV EAX, [EBX + 28]
- CALL BitCount
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Function CharCount (const C : CharSet) : Integer;
- var I : Char;
- Begin
- Result := 0;
- For I := #0 to #255 do
- if I in C then
- Inc (Result);
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Procedure ConvertCaseInsensitive (var C : CharSet);
- Asm
- MOV ECX, [EAX + 12]
- OR [EAX + 8], ECX
- MOV ECX, [EAX + 8]
- OR [EAX + 12], ECX
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Procedure ConvertCaseInsensitive (var C : CharSet);
- var Ch : Char;
- Begin
- For Ch := 'A' to 'Z' do
- if Ch in C then
- Include (C, Char (Byte (Ch) + 32));
- For Ch := 'a' to 'z' do
- if Ch in C then
- Include (C, Char (Byte (Ch) - 32));
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Function CaseInsensitiveCharSet (const C : CharSet) : CharSet;
- Begin
- AssignCharSet (Result, C);
- ConvertCaseInsensitive (Result);
- End;
- { }
- { Swap }
- { }
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : Boolean);
- Asm
- mov cl, [edx]
- xchg byte ptr [eax], cl
- mov [edx], cl
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : Boolean);
- var F : Boolean;
- Begin
- F := X;
- X := Y;
- Y := F;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : Byte);
- Asm
- mov cl, [edx]
- xchg byte ptr [eax], cl
- mov [edx], cl
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : Byte);
- var F : Byte;
- Begin
- F := X;
- X := Y;
- Y := F;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : ShortInt);
- Asm
- mov cl, [edx]
- xchg byte ptr [eax], cl
- mov [edx], cl
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : ShortInt);
- var F : ShortInt;
- Begin
- F := X;
- X := Y;
- Y := F;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : Word);
- Asm
- mov cx, [edx]
- xchg word ptr [eax], cx
- mov [edx], cx
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : Word);
- var F : Word;
- Begin
- F := X;
- X := Y;
- Y := F;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : SmallInt);
- Asm
- mov cx, [edx]
- xchg word ptr [eax], cx
- mov [edx], cx
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : SmallInt);
- var F : SmallInt;
- Begin
- F := X;
- X := Y;
- Y := F;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : LongInt);
- Asm
- mov ecx, [edx]
- xchg [eax], ecx
- mov [edx], ecx
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : LongInt);
- var F : LongInt;
- Begin
- F := X;
- X := Y;
- Y := F;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : LongWord);
- Asm
- mov ecx, [edx]
- xchg [eax], ecx
- mov [edx], ecx
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : LongWord);
- var F : LongWord;
- Begin
- F := X;
- X := Y;
- Y := F;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : Pointer);
- Asm
- mov ecx, [edx]
- xchg [eax], ecx
- mov [edx], ecx
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : Pointer);
- var F : Pointer;
- Begin
- F := X;
- X := Y;
- Y := F;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : TObject);
- Asm
- mov ecx, [edx]
- xchg [eax], ecx
- mov [edx], ecx
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : TObject);
- var F : TObject;
- Begin
- F := X;
- X := Y;
- Y := F;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : Int64);
- var F : Int64;
- Begin
- F := X;
- X := Y;
- Y := F;
- End;
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : Single);
- var F : Single;
- Begin
- F := X;
- X := Y;
- Y := F;
- End;
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : Double);
- var F : Double;
- Begin
- F := X;
- X := Y;
- Y := F;
- End;
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : Extended);
- var F : Extended;
- Begin
- F := X;
- X := Y;
- Y := F;
- End;
- Procedure Swap (var X, Y : String);
- var F : String;
- Begin
- F := X;
- X := Y;
- Y := F;
- End;
- Procedure SwapObjects (var X, Y);
- Asm
- mov ecx, [edx]
- xchg [eax], ecx
- mov [edx], ecx
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Procedure SwapObjects (var X, Y);
- var F : TObject;
- Begin
- F := TObject (X);
- TObject (X) := TObject (Y);
- TObject (Y) := F;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- { }
- { iif }
- { }
- Function iif (const Expr : Boolean; const TrueValue, FalseValue : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Begin
- if Expr then
- Result := TrueValue else
- Result := FalseValue;
- End;
- Function iif (const Expr : Boolean; const TrueValue, FalseValue : Int64) : Int64;
- Begin
- if Expr then
- Result := TrueValue else
- Result := FalseValue;
- End;
- Function iif (const Expr : Boolean; const TrueValue, FalseValue : Single) : Single;
- Begin
- if Expr then
- Result := TrueValue else
- Result := FalseValue;
- End;
- Function iif (const Expr : Boolean; const TrueValue, FalseValue : Double) : Double;
- Begin
- if Expr then
- Result := TrueValue else
- Result := FalseValue;
- End;
- Function iif (const Expr : Boolean; const TrueValue, FalseValue : Extended) : Extended;
- Begin
- if Expr then
- Result := TrueValue else
- Result := FalseValue;
- End;
- Function iif (const Expr : Boolean; const TrueValue, FalseValue : String) : String;
- Begin
- if Expr then
- Result := TrueValue else
- Result := FalseValue;
- End;
- Function iif (const Expr : Boolean; const TrueValue, FalseValue : Pointer) : Pointer;
- Begin
- if Expr then
- Result := TrueValue else
- Result := FalseValue;
- End;
- Function iif (const Expr : Boolean; const TrueValue, FalseValue : TObject) : TObject;
- Begin
- if Expr then
- Result := TrueValue else
- Result := FalseValue;
- End;
- { }
- { Compare }
- { }
- Function Compare (const I1, I2 : Integer) : TCompareResult;
- Begin
- if I1 < I2 then
- Result := crLess else
- if I1 > I2 then
- Result := crGreater else
- Result := crEqual;
- End;
- Function Compare (const I1, I2 : Int64) : TCompareResult;
- Begin
- if I1 < I2 then
- Result := crLess else
- if I1 > I2 then
- Result := crGreater else
- Result := crEqual;
- End;
- Function Compare (const I1, I2 : Single) : TCompareResult;
- Begin
- if I1 < I2 then
- Result := crLess else
- if I1 > I2 then
- Result := crGreater else
- Result := crEqual;
- End;
- Function Compare (const I1, I2 : Double) : TCompareResult;
- Begin
- if I1 < I2 then
- Result := crLess else
- if I1 > I2 then
- Result := crGreater else
- Result := crEqual;
- End;
- Function Compare (const I1, I2 : Extended) : TCompareResult;
- Begin
- if I1 < I2 then
- Result := crLess else
- if I1 > I2 then
- Result := crGreater else
- Result := crEqual;
- End;
- Function Compare (const I1, I2 : Boolean) : TCompareResult;
- Begin
- if I1 = I2 then
- Result := crEqual else
- if I1 then
- Result := crGreater else
- Result := crLess;
- End;
- Function Compare (const I1, I2 : String) : TCompareResult;
- Begin
- if I1 = I2 then
- Result := crEqual else
- if I1 > I2 then
- Result := crGreater else
- Result := crLess;
- End;
- Function Compare (const I1, I2 : TObject) : TCompareResult;
- Begin
- Result := Compare (Integer (I1), Integer (I2));
- End;
- Function NegatedCompareResult (const C : TCompareResult) : TCompareResult;
- Begin
- if C = crLess then
- Result := crGreater else
- if C = crGreater then
- Result := crLess else
- Result := C;
- End;
- { }
- { Base Conversion }
- { }
- Function LongWordToBase (const I : LongWord; const Digits, Base : Byte) : String;
- var D : LongWord;
- L : Byte;
- P : PChar;
- Begin
- Assert (Base <= 16, 'Base <= 16');
- if I = 0 then
- begin
- if Digits = 0 then
- L := 1 else
- L := Digits;
- SetLength (Result, L);
- FillChar (Pointer (Result)^, L, '0');
- exit;
- end;
- L := 0;
- D := I;
- While D > 0 do
- begin
- Inc (L);
- D := D div Base;
- end;
- if L < Digits then
- L := Digits;
- SetLength (Result, L);
- P := Pointer (Result);
- Inc (P, L - 1);
- D := I;
- While D > 0 do
- begin
- P^ := s_HexDigitsUpper [D mod Base + 1];
- Dec (P);
- Dec (L);
- D := D div Base;
- end;
- While L > 0 do
- begin
- P^ := '0';
- Dec (P);
- Dec (L);
- end;
- End;
- Function LongWordToBin (const I : LongWord; const Digits : Byte) : String;
- Begin
- Result := LongWordToBase (I, Digits, 2);
- End;
- Function LongWordToOct (const I : LongWord; const Digits : Byte) : String;
- Begin
- Result := LongWordToBase (I, Digits, 8);
- End;
- Function LongWordToHex (const I : LongWord; const Digits : Byte) : String;
- Begin
- Result := LongWordToBase (I, Digits, 16);
- End;
- Function LongWordToStr (const I : LongWord; const Digits : Byte) : String;
- Begin
- Result := LongWordToBase (I, Digits, 10);
- End;
- const
- HexLookup : Array [0..255] of Byte = (
- $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF,
- $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF,
- $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF,
- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF,
- $FF, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF,
- $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF,
- $FF, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF,
- $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF,
- $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF,
- $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF,
- $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF,
- $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF,
- $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF,
- $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF,
- $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF,
- $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF, $FF);
- Function HexCharValue (const Ch : Char) : Byte;
- Begin
- Result := HexLookup [Byte (Ch)];
- End;
- Function BaseToLongWord (const S : String; const BaseLog2 : Byte) : LongWord;
- var L : LongWord;
- P : Byte;
- C : Byte;
- Q : PChar;
- Begin
- Assert (BaseLog2 <= 4, 'BaseLog2 <= 4');
- P := Length (S);
- if P = 0 then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- L := 0;
- Result := 0;
- Q := Pointer (S);
- Inc (Q, P - 1);
- Repeat
- C := HexLookup [Ord (Q^)];
- if C <> $FF then
- Inc (Result, LongWord (C) shl L);
- Inc (L, BaseLog2);
- Dec (P);
- Dec (Q);
- Until (P = 0) or (L = 32);
- End;
- Function BinToLongWord (const S : String) : LongWord;
- Begin
- Result := BaseToLongWord (S, 1);
- End;
- Function OctToLongWord (const S : String) : LongWord;
- Begin
- Result := BaseToLongWord (S, 3);
- End;
- Function HexToLongWord (const S : String) : LongWord;
- Begin
- Result := BaseToLongWord (S, 4);
- End;
- Function StrToLongWord (const S : String) : LongWord;
- var L : Integer;
- P : PChar;
- C : Char;
- F : LongWord;
- Begin
- L := Length (S);
- if L = 0 then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := 0;
- F := 1;
- P := Pointer (S);
- Inc (P, L - 1);
- Repeat
- C := P^;
- if C in ['0'..'9'] then
- Inc (Result, Byte (Ord (C) - Ord ('0')) * F);
- if F = 1000000000 then
- exit;
- F := F * 10;
- Dec (P);
- Dec (L);
- Until L = 0;
- End;
- Function EncodeBase64 (const S, Alphabet : String; const Pad : Boolean; const PadMultiple : Integer; const PadChar : Char) : String;
- var R, C : Byte;
- F, L, M, N, U : Integer;
- P : PChar;
- T : Boolean;
- Begin
- Assert (Length (Alphabet) = 64, 'Alphabet must contain 64 characters.');
- L := Length (S);
- if L = 0 then
- begin
- Result := '';
- exit;
- end;
- M := L mod 3;
- N := (L div 3) * 4 + M;
- if M > 0 then
- Inc (N);
- T := Pad and (PadMultiple > 1);
- if T then
- begin
- U := N mod PadMultiple;
- if U > 0 then
- begin
- U := PadMultiple - U;
- Inc (N, U);
- end;
- end else
- U := 0;
- SetLength (Result, N);
- P := Pointer (Result);
- R := 0;
- For F := 0 to L - 1 do
- begin
- C := Byte (S [F + 1]);
- Case F mod 3 of
- 0 : begin
- P^ := Alphabet [C shr 2 + 1];
- Inc (P);
- R := (C and 3) shl 4;
- end;
- 1 : begin
- P^ := Alphabet [C shr 4 + R + 1];
- Inc (P);
- R := (C and $0F) shl 2;
- end;
- 2 : begin
- P^ := Alphabet [C shr 6 + R + 1];
- Inc (P);
- P^ := Alphabet [C and $3F + 1];
- Inc (P);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if M > 0 then
- begin
- P^ := Alphabet [R + 1];
- Inc (P);
- end;
- For F := 1 to U do
- begin
- P^ := PadChar;
- Inc (P);
- end;
- End;
- Function DecodeBase64 (const S, Alphabet : String; const PadSet : CharSet) : String;
- var F, L, M, P : Integer;
- B : Byte;
- OutPos : Byte;
- OutB : Array [1..3] of Byte;
- Lookup : Array [0..255] of Byte;
- R : PChar;
- Begin
- Assert (Length (Alphabet) = 64, 'Alphabet must contain 64 characters.');
- L := Length (S);
- P := 0;
- if PadSet <> [] then
- While (L - P > 0) and (S [L - P] in PadSet) do
- Inc (P);
- M := L - P;
- if M = 0 then
- begin
- Result := '';
- exit;
- end;
- SetLength (Result, (M * 3) div 4);
- FillChar (Lookup, Sizeof (Lookup), #0);
- For F := 0 to 63 do
- Lookup [Ord (Alphabet [F + 1])] := F;
- R := Pointer (Result);
- OutPos := 0;
- For F := 1 to L - P do
- begin
- B := Lookup [Ord (S [F])];
- Case OutPos of
- 0 : OutB [1] := B shl 2;
- 1 : begin
- OutB [1] := OutB [1] or (B shr 4);
- R^ := Char (OutB [1]);
- Inc (R);
- OutB [2] := (B shl 4) and $FF;
- end;
- 2 : begin
- OutB [2] := OutB [2] or (B shr 2);
- R^ := Char (OutB [2]);
- Inc (R);
- OutB [3] := (B shl 6) and $FF;
- end;
- 3 : begin
- OutB [3] := OutB [3] or B;
- R^ := Char (OutB [3]);
- Inc (R);
- end;
- end;
- OutPos := (OutPos + 1) mod 4;
- end;
- if (OutPos > 0) and (P = 0) then // incomplete encoding, add the partial byte if not 0
- if OutB [OutPos] <> 0 then
- Result := Result + Char (OutB [OutPos]);
- End;
- Function MIMEBase64Encode (const S : String) : String;
- Begin
- Result := EncodeBase64 (S, b64_MIMEBase64, True, 4, '=');
- End;
- Function UUDecode (const S : String) : String;
- Begin
- // Line without size indicator (first byte = length + 32)
- Result := DecodeBase64 (S, b64_UUEncode, ['`']);
- End;
- Function MIMEBase64Decode (const S : String) : String;
- Begin
- Result := DecodeBase64 (S, b64_MIMEBase64, ['=']);
- End;
- Function XXDecode (const S : String) : String;
- Begin
- Result := DecodeBase64 (S, b64_XXEncode, []);
- End;
- Function BytesToHex (const P : Pointer; const Count : Integer) : String;
- var Q : PByte;
- D : PChar;
- L : Integer;
- Begin
- Q := P;
- L := Count;
- if (L <= 0) or not Assigned (Q) then
- begin
- Result := '';
- exit;
- end;
- SetLength (Result, Count * 2);
- D := Pointer (Result);
- While L > 0 do
- begin
- D^ := s_HexDigitsUpper [Q^ shr 4 + 1];
- Inc (D);
- D^ := s_HexDigitsUpper [Q^ and $F + 1];
- Inc (D);
- Inc (Q);
- Dec (L);
- end;
- End;
- { }
- { Type conversion }
- { }
- Function PointerToStr (const P : Pointer) : String;
- Begin
- Result := '$' + LongWordToHex (LongWord (P), 8);
- End;
- Function StrToPointer (const S : String) : Pointer;
- Begin
- Result := Pointer (HexToLongWord (S));
- End;
- Function ObjectClassName (const O : TObject) : String;
- Begin
- if not Assigned (O) then
- Result := 'nil' else
- Result := O.ClassName;
- End;
- Function ClassClassName (const C : TClass) : String;
- Begin
- if not Assigned (C) then
- Result := 'nil' else
- Result := C.ClassName;
- End;
- Function ObjectToStr (const O : TObject) : String;
- Begin
- if not Assigned (O) then
- Result := 'nil' else
- Result := O.ClassName + '@' + LongWordToHex (LongWord (O), 8);
- End;
- Function ClassToStr (const C : TClass) : String;
- Begin
- if not Assigned (C) then
- Result := 'nil' else
- Result := C.ClassName + '@' + LongWordToHex (LongWord (C), 8);
- End;
- Function CharSetToStr (const C : CharSet) : String; // Andrew N. Driazgov
- Asm
- MOV ECX, $100
- @@lp: BT [EBX], EDX
- JC @@mm
- @@nx: INC EDX
- JNE @@lp
- CALL System.@LStrFromPCharLen
- ADD ESP, $100
- @@mm: MOV [ESP + ESI], DL
- JMP @@nx
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Function CharSetToStr (const C : CharSet) : String;
- // Implemented recursively to avoid multiple memory allocations
- Procedure CharMatch (const Start : Char; const Count : Integer);
- var Ch : Char;
- Begin
- For Ch := Start to #255 do
- if Ch in C then
- begin
- if Ch = #255 then
- SetLength (Result, Count + 1) else
- CharMatch (Char (Byte (Ch) + 1), Count + 1);
- Result [Count + 1] := Ch;
- exit;
- end;
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- End;
- Begin
- CharMatch (#0, 0);
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Function StrToCharSet (const S : String) : CharSet; // Andrew N. Driazgov
- Asm
- MOV [EDX + 4], ECX
- MOV [EDX + 8], ECX
- MOV [EDX + 12], ECX
- MOV [EDX + 16], ECX
- MOV [EDX + 20], ECX
- MOV [EDX + 24], ECX
- MOV [EDX + 28], ECX
- JE @@qt
- MOV ECX, [EAX - 4]
- SUB ECX, 8
- JS @@nx
- ADD EAX, 8
- SUB ECX, 8
- JNS @@lp
- @@nx: JMP DWORD PTR @@tV[ECX * 4 + 32]
- @@tV: DD @@ex, @@t1, @@t2, @@t3
- DD @@t4, @@t5, @@t6, @@t7
- @@t7: MOVZX EBX, BYTE PTR [EAX + 6]
- @@t6: MOVZX EBX, BYTE PTR [EAX + 5]
- @@t5: MOVZX EBX, BYTE PTR [EAX + 4]
- @@t4: MOVZX EBX, BYTE PTR [EAX + 3]
- @@t3: MOVZX EBX, BYTE PTR [EAX + 2]
- @@t2: MOVZX EBX, BYTE PTR [EAX + 1]
- @@ex: POP EBX
- @@qt:
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Function StrToCharSet (const S : String) : CharSet;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- ClearCharSet (Result);
- For I := 1 to Length (S) do
- Include (Result, S [I]);
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- { }
- { Hash functions }
- { Based on CRC32 algorithm }
- { }
- var
- CRC32TableInit : Boolean = False;
- CRC32Table : Array [Byte] of LongWord;
- CRC32Poly : LongWord = $EDB88320;
- Procedure InitCRC32Table;
- var I, J : Byte;
- R : LongWord;
- Begin
- For I := $00 to $FF do
- begin
- R := I;
- For J := 8 downto 1 do
- if R and 1 <> 0 then
- R := (R shr 1) xor CRC32Poly else
- R := R shr 1;
- CRC32Table [I] := R;
- end;
- CRC32TableInit := True;
- End;
- Procedure SetCRC32Poly (const Poly : LongWord);
- Begin
- CRC32Poly := Poly;
- CRC32TableInit := False;
- End;
- Function CalcCRC32Byte (const CRC32 : LongWord; const Octet : Byte) : LongWord;
- Begin
- Result := CRC32Table [Byte (CRC32) xor Octet] xor ((CRC32 shr 8) and $00FFFFFF);
- End;
- Function CRC32Byte (const CRC32 : LongWord; const Octet : Byte) : LongWord;
- Begin
- if not CRC32TableInit then
- InitCRC32Table;
- Result := CalcCRC32Byte (CRC32, Octet);
- End;
- Function CRC32Buf (const CRC32 : LongWord; const Buf; const BufSize : Integer) : LongWord;
- var P : PByte;
- I : Integer;
- Begin
- if not CRC32TableInit then
- InitCRC32Table;
- P := @Buf;
- Result := CRC32;
- For I := 1 to BufSize do
- begin
- Result := CalcCRC32Byte (Result, P^);
- Inc (P);
- end;
- End;
- Function CRC32BufNoCase (const CRC32 : LongWord; const Buf; const BufSize : Integer) : LongWord;
- var P : PByte;
- I : Integer;
- C : Byte;
- Begin
- if not CRC32TableInit then
- InitCRC32Table;
- P := @Buf;
- Result := CRC32;
- For I := 1 to BufSize do
- begin
- C := P^;
- if Char (C) in ['A'..'Z'] then
- C := C or 32;
- Result := CalcCRC32Byte (Result, C);
- Inc (P);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure CRC32Init (var CRC32 : LongWord);
- Begin
- End;
- Function CalcCRC32 (const Buf; const BufSize : Integer) : LongWord; overload;
- Begin
- CRC32Init (Result);
- Result := not CRC32Buf (Result, Buf, BufSize);
- End;
- Function CalcCRC32 (const Buf : String) : LongWord; overload;
- Begin
- Result := CalcCRC32 (Pointer (Buf)^, Length (Buf));
- End;
- Function HashBuf (const Buf; const BufSize : Integer; const Slots : LongWord) : LongWord;
- Begin
- if BufSize <= 0 then
- Result := 0 else
- Result := CalcCRC32 (Buf, BufSize);
- // Mod into slots
- if (Slots <> 0) and (Slots <> High (LongWord)) then
- Result := Result mod Slots;
- End;
- Function HashStr (const StrBuf : Pointer; const StrLength : Integer; const Slots : LongWord; const CaseSensitive : Boolean) : LongWord;
- var P : PChar;
- I, J : Integer;
- Procedure CRC32StrBuf (const Size : Integer);
- Begin
- if CaseSensitive then
- Result := CRC32Buf (Result, P^, Size) else
- Result := CRC32BufNoCase (Result, P^, Size);
- End;
- Begin
- // Return 0 for an empty string
- Result := 0;
- if (StrLength <= 0) or not Assigned (StrBuf) then
- exit;
- if not CRC32TableInit then
- InitCRC32Table;
- Result := $FFFFFFFF;
- P := StrBuf;
- if StrLength <= 48 then // Hash everything for short strings
- CRC32StrBuf (StrLength) else
- begin
- // Hash first 16 bytes
- CRC32StrBuf (16);
- // Hash last 16 bytes
- Inc (P, StrLength - 16);
- CRC32StrBuf (16);
- // Hash 16 bytes sampled from rest of string
- I := (StrLength - 48) div 16;
- P := StrBuf;
- Inc (P, 16);
- For J := 1 to 16 do
- begin
- CRC32StrBuf (1);
- Inc (P, I + 1);
- end;
- end;
- // Mod into slots
- if (Slots <> 0) and (Slots <> High (LongWord)) then
- Result := Result mod Slots;
- End;
- Function HashStr (const S : String; const Slots : LongWord; const CaseSensitive : Boolean) : LongWord;
- Begin
- Result := HashStr (Pointer (S), Length (S), Slots, CaseSensitive);
- End;
- { HashInteger based on the CRC32 algorithm. It is a very good all purpose hash }
- { with a highly uniform distribution of results. }
- Function HashInteger (const I : Integer; const Slots : LongWord) : LongWord;
- var P : PByte;
- F : Integer;
- Hash : LongWord;
- Begin
- if not CRC32TableInit then
- InitCRC32Table;
- Hash := $FFFFFFFF;
- P := @I;
- For F := 1 to Sizeof (Integer) do
- begin
- Hash := CalcCRC32Byte (Hash, P^);
- Inc (P);
- end;
- Hash := not Hash;
- if (Slots <> 0) and (Slots <> High (LongWord)) then
- Hash := Hash mod Slots;
- Result := Hash;
- End;
- { }
- { Memory }
- { }
- Procedure MoveMem (const Source; var Dest; const Count : Integer);
- Asm
- CMP ECX, 4
- JA @GeneralMove
- JE @Move4
- JLE @Fin
- JZ @Move1
- JZ @Move2
- @Move3:
- MOV AL, [EAX + 2]
- MOV [EDX + 2], AL
- @Move4:
- @Move1:
- @Move2:
- @GeneralMove:
- CALL Move
- @Fin:
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Procedure MoveMem (const Source; var Dest; const Count : Integer);
- Begin
- if Count <= 0 then
- exit;
- if Count > 4 then
- Move (Source, Dest, Count) else
- Case Count of // optimization for small moves
- 1 : PByte (@Source)^ := PByte (@Dest)^;
- 2 : PWord (@Source)^ := PWord (@Dest)^;
- 4 : PLongWord (@Source)^ := PLongWord (@Dest)^;
- else
- Move (Source, Dest, Count);
- end;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Function CompareMem (const Buf1; const Buf2; const Count : Integer) : Boolean; assembler;
- Asm
- MOV ESI, Buf1
- MOV EDI, Buf2
- AND EDX, 3
- SHR ECX, 1
- SHR ECX, 1
- JNE @Fin
- JNE @Fin
- @Fin:
- End;
- {$ELSE}
- Function CompareMem (const Buf1; const Buf2; const Count : Integer) : Boolean;
- var P, Q : Pointer;
- D, I : Integer;
- Begin
- if Count <= 0 then
- begin
- Result := True;
- exit;
- end;
- P := @Buf1;
- Q := @Buf2;
- D := LongWord (Count) div 4;
- For I := 1 to D do
- if PLongWord (P)^ = PLongWord (Q)^ then
- begin
- Inc (PLongWord (P));
- Inc (PLongWord (Q));
- end else
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- D := LongWord (Count) and 3;
- For I := 1 to D do
- if PByte (P)^ = PByte (Q)^ then
- begin
- Inc (PByte (P));
- Inc (PByte (Q));
- end else
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := True;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- Function CompareMemNoCase (const Buf1; const Buf2; const Count : Integer) : Boolean;
- var P, Q : Pointer;
- I : Integer;
- C, D : Byte;
- Begin
- if Count <= 0 then
- begin
- Result := True;
- exit;
- end;
- P := @Buf1;
- Q := @Buf2;
- For I := 1 to Count do
- begin
- C := PByte (P)^;
- D := PByte (Q)^;
- if C in [Ord ('A')..Ord ('Z')] then
- C := C or 32;
- if D in [Ord ('A')..Ord ('Z')] then
- D := D or 32;
- if C = D then
- begin
- Inc (PByte (P));
- Inc (PByte (Q));
- end else
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := True;
- End;
- Procedure ReverseMem (var Buf; const Size : Integer);
- var I : Integer;
- P : PByte;
- Q : PByte;
- T : Byte;
- Begin
- P := @Buf;
- Q := P;
- Inc (Q, Size - 1);
- For I := 1 to Size div 2 do
- begin
- T := P^;
- P^ := Q^;
- Q^ := T;
- Inc (P);
- Dec (Q);
- end;
- End;
- { }
- { Append }
- { }
- Function Append (var V : ByteArray; const R : Byte) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- SetLength (V, Result + 1);
- V [Result] := R;
- End;
- Function Append (var V : WordArray; const R : Word) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- SetLength (V, Result + 1);
- V [Result] := R;
- End;
- Function Append (var V : LongWordArray; const R : LongWord) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- SetLength (V, Result + 1);
- V [Result] := R;
- End;
- Function Append (var V : ShortIntArray; const R : ShortInt) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- SetLength (V, Result + 1);
- V [Result] := R;
- End;
- Function Append (var V : SmallIntArray; const R : SmallInt) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- SetLength (V, Result + 1);
- V [Result] := R;
- End;
- Function Append (var V : LongIntArray; const R : LongInt) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- SetLength (V, Result + 1);
- V [Result] := R;
- End;
- Function Append (var V : Int64Array; const R : Int64) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- SetLength (V, Result + 1);
- V [Result] := R;
- End;
- Function Append (var V : SingleArray; const R : Single) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- SetLength (V, Result + 1);
- V [Result] := R;
- End;
- Function Append (var V : DoubleArray; const R : Double) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- SetLength (V, Result + 1);
- V [Result] := R;
- End;
- Function Append (var V : ExtendedArray; const R : Extended) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- SetLength (V, Result + 1);
- V [Result] := R;
- End;
- Function Append (var V : StringArray; const R : String) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- SetLength (V, Result + 1);
- V [Result] := R;
- End;
- Function Append (var V : BooleanArray; const R : Boolean) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- SetLength (V, Result + 1);
- V [Result] := R;
- End;
- Function Append (var V : PointerArray; const R : Pointer) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- SetLength (V, Result + 1);
- V [Result] := R;
- End;
- Function Append (var V : ObjectArray; const R : TObject) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- SetLength (V, Result + 1);
- V [Result] := R;
- End;
- Function Append (var V : ByteSetArray; const R : ByteSet) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- SetLength (V, Result + 1);
- V [Result] := R;
- End;
- Function Append (var V : CharSetArray; const R : CharSet) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- SetLength (V, Result + 1);
- V [Result] := R;
- End;
- Function AppendByteArray (var V : ByteArray; const R : Array of Byte) : Integer;
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- L := Length (R);
- if L > 0 then
- begin
- SetLength (V, Result + L);
- Move (R [0], V [Result], Sizeof (R [0]) * L);
- end;
- End;
- Function AppendWordArray (var V : WordArray; const R : Array of Word) : Integer;
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- L := Length (R);
- if L > 0 then
- begin
- SetLength (V, Result + L);
- Move (R [0], V [Result], Sizeof (R [0]) * L);
- end;
- End;
- Function AppendCardinalArray (var V : CardinalArray; const R : Array of LongWord) : Integer;
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- L := Length (R);
- if L > 0 then
- begin
- SetLength (V, Result + L);
- Move (R [0], V [Result], Sizeof (R [0]) * L);
- end;
- End;
- Function AppendShortIntArray (var V : ShortIntArray; const R : Array of ShortInt) : Integer;
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- L := Length (R);
- if L > 0 then
- begin
- SetLength (V, Result + L);
- Move (R [0], V [Result], Sizeof (R [0]) * L);
- end;
- End;
- Function AppendSmallIntArray (var V : SmallIntArray; const R : Array of SmallInt) : Integer;
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- L := Length (R);
- if L > 0 then
- begin
- SetLength (V, Result + L);
- Move (R [0], V [Result], Sizeof (R [0]) * L);
- end;
- End;
- Function AppendIntegerArray (var V : IntegerArray; const R : Array of LongInt) : Integer;
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- L := Length (R);
- if L > 0 then
- begin
- SetLength (V, Result + L);
- Move (R [0], V [Result], Sizeof (R [0]) * L);
- end;
- End;
- Function AppendInt64Array (var V : Int64Array; const R : Array of Int64) : Integer;
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- L := Length (R);
- if L > 0 then
- begin
- SetLength (V, Result + L);
- Move (R [0], V [Result], Sizeof (R [0]) * L);
- end;
- End;
- Function AppendSingleArray (var V : SingleArray; const R : Array of Single) : Integer;
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- L := Length (R);
- if L > 0 then
- begin
- SetLength (V, Result + L);
- Move (R [0], V [Result], Sizeof (R [0]) * L);
- end;
- End;
- Function AppendDoubleArray (var V : DoubleArray; const R : Array of Double) : Integer;
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- L := Length (R);
- if L > 0 then
- begin
- SetLength (V, Result + L);
- Move (R [0], V [Result], Sizeof (R [0]) * L);
- end;
- End;
- Function AppendExtendedArray (var V : ExtendedArray; const R : Array of Extended) : Integer;
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- L := Length (R);
- if L > 0 then
- begin
- SetLength (V, Result + L);
- Move (R [0], V [Result], Sizeof (R [0]) * L);
- end;
- End;
- Function AppendPointerArray (var V : PointerArray; const R : Array of Pointer) : Integer;
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- L := Length (R);
- if L > 0 then
- begin
- SetLength (V, Result + L);
- Move (R [0], V [Result], Sizeof (R [0]) * L);
- end;
- End;
- Function AppendCharSetArray (var V : CharSetArray; const R : Array of CharSet) : Integer;
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- L := Length (R);
- if L > 0 then
- begin
- SetLength (V, Result + L);
- Move (R [0], V [Result], Sizeof (R [0]) * L);
- end;
- End;
- Function AppendByteSetArray (var V : ByteSetArray; const R : Array of ByteSet) : Integer;
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- L := Length (R);
- if L > 0 then
- begin
- SetLength (V, Result + L);
- Move (R [0], V [Result], Sizeof (R [0]) * L);
- end;
- End;
- Function AppendObjectArray (var V : ObjectArray; const R : Array of TObject) : Integer;
- var I, LR : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- LR := Length (R);
- if LR > 0 then
- begin
- SetLength (V, Result + LR);
- For I := 0 to LR - 1 do
- V [Result + I] := R [I];
- end;
- End;
- Function AppendStringArray (var V : StringArray; const R : Array of String) : Integer;
- var I, LR : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Length (V);
- LR := Length (R);
- if LR > 0 then
- begin
- SetLength (V, Result + LR);
- For I := 0 to LR - 1 do
- V [Result + I] := R [I];
- end;
- End;
- { }
- { FreeAndNil }
- { }
- Procedure FreeAndNil (var Obj);
- var Temp : TObject;
- Begin
- Temp := TObject (Obj);
- Pointer (Obj) := nil;
- Temp.Free;
- End;
- { }
- { Remove }
- { }
- Function Remove (var V : ByteArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer;
- var I, J, L, M : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx >= L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (L = 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- J := MinI (Count, L - I);
- M := L - J - I;
- if M > 0 then
- Move (V [I + J], V [I], M * SizeOf (Byte));
- SetLength (V, L - J);
- Result := J;
- End;
- Function Remove (var V : WordArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer;
- var I, J, L, M : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx >= L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (L = 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- J := MinI (Count, L - I);
- M := L - J - I;
- if M > 0 then
- Move (V [I + J], V [I], M * SizeOf (Word));
- SetLength (V, L - J);
- Result := J;
- End;
- Function Remove (var V : LongWordArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer;
- var I, J, L, M : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx >= L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (L = 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- J := MinI (Count, L - I);
- M := L - J - I;
- if M > 0 then
- Move (V [I + J], V [I], M * SizeOf (LongWord));
- SetLength (V, L - J);
- Result := J;
- End;
- Function Remove (var V : ShortIntArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer;
- var I, J, L, M : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx >= L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (L = 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- J := MinI (Count, L - I);
- M := L - J - I;
- if M > 0 then
- Move (V [I + J], V [I], M * SizeOf (ShortInt));
- SetLength (V, L - J);
- Result := J;
- End;
- Function Remove (var V : SmallIntArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer;
- var I, J, L, M : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx >= L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (L = 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- J := MinI (Count, L - I);
- M := L - J - I;
- if M > 0 then
- Move (V [I + J], V [I], M * SizeOf (SmallInt));
- SetLength (V, L - J);
- Result := J;
- End;
- Function Remove (var V : LongIntArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer;
- var I, J, L, M : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx >= L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (L = 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- J := MinI (Count, L - I);
- M := L - J - I;
- if M > 0 then
- Move (V [I + J], V [I], M * SizeOf (LongInt));
- SetLength (V, L - J);
- Result := J;
- End;
- Function Remove (var V : Int64Array; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer;
- var I, J, L, M : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx >= L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (L = 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- J := MinI (Count, L - I);
- M := L - J - I;
- if M > 0 then
- Move (V [I + J], V [I], M * SizeOf (Int64));
- SetLength (V, L - J);
- Result := J;
- End;
- Function Remove (var V : SingleArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer;
- var I, J, L, M : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx >= L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (L = 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- J := MinI (Count, L - I);
- M := L - J - I;
- if M > 0 then
- Move (V [I + J], V [I], M * SizeOf (Single));
- SetLength (V, L - J);
- Result := J;
- End;
- Function Remove (var V : DoubleArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer;
- var I, J, L, M : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx >= L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (L = 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- J := MinI (Count, L - I);
- M := L - J - I;
- if M > 0 then
- Move (V [I + J], V [I], M * SizeOf (Double));
- SetLength (V, L - J);
- Result := J;
- End;
- Function Remove (var V : ExtendedArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer;
- var I, J, L, M : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx >= L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (L = 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- J := MinI (Count, L - I);
- M := L - J - I;
- if M > 0 then
- Move (V [I + J], V [I], M * SizeOf (Extended));
- SetLength (V, L - J);
- Result := J;
- End;
- Function Remove (var V : PointerArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer;
- var I, J, L, M : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx >= L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (L = 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- J := MinI (Count, L - I);
- M := L - J - I;
- if M > 0 then
- Move (V [I + J], V [I], M * SizeOf (Pointer));
- SetLength (V, L - J);
- Result := J;
- End;
- Function Remove (var V : ObjectArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer; const FreeObjects : Boolean) : Integer;
- var I, J, K, L, M : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx >= L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (L = 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- J := MinI (Count, L - I);
- if FreeObjects then
- For K := I to I + J - 1 do
- FreeAndNil (V [K]);
- M := L - J - I;
- if M > 0 then
- Move (V [I + J], V [I], M * SizeOf (Pointer));
- SetLength (V, L - J);
- Result := J;
- End;
- Function Remove (var V : StringArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer;
- var I, J, K, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx >= L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (L = 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- J := MinI (Count, L - I);
- For K := I to L - J - 1 do
- V [K] := V [K + J];
- SetLength (V, L - J);
- Result := J;
- End;
- Procedure FreeObjectArray (var V);
- var I : Integer;
- A : ObjectArray absolute V;
- Begin
- For I := Length (A) - 1 downto 0 do
- FreeAndNil (A [I]);
- End;
- Procedure FreeObjectArray (var V; const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer);
- var I : Integer;
- A : ObjectArray absolute V;
- Begin
- For I := HiIdx downto LoIdx do
- FreeAndNil (A [I]);
- End;
- // Note: The parameter can not be changed to be untyped and then typecasted
- // using an absolute variable, as in FreeObjectArray. The reference counting
- // will be done incorrectly.
- Procedure FreeAndNilObjectArray (var V : ObjectArray);
- var W : ObjectArray;
- Begin
- W := V;
- V := nil;
- FreeObjectArray (W);
- End;
- { }
- { RemoveDuplicates }
- { }
- Procedure RemoveDuplicates (var V : ByteArray; const IsSorted : Boolean);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- F : Byte;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if L = 0 then
- exit;
- if IsSorted then
- begin
- J := 0;
- Repeat
- F := V [J];
- I := J + 1;
- While (I < L) and (V [I] = F) do
- Inc (I);
- C := I - J;
- if C > 1 then
- begin
- Remove (V, J + 1, C - 1);
- Dec (L, C - 1);
- Inc (J);
- end else
- J := I;
- Until J >= L;
- end else
- begin
- J := 0;
- Repeat
- Repeat
- I := PosNext (V [J], V, J);
- if I >= 0 then
- Remove (V, I, 1);
- Until I < 0;
- Inc (J);
- Until J >= Length (V);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure RemoveDuplicates (var V : WordArray; const IsSorted : Boolean);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- F : Word;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if L = 0 then
- exit;
- if IsSorted then
- begin
- J := 0;
- Repeat
- F := V [J];
- I := J + 1;
- While (I < L) and (V [I] = F) do
- Inc (I);
- C := I - J;
- if C > 1 then
- begin
- Remove (V, J + 1, C - 1);
- Dec (L, C - 1);
- Inc (J);
- end else
- J := I;
- Until J >= L;
- end else
- begin
- J := 0;
- Repeat
- Repeat
- I := PosNext (V [J], V, J);
- if I >= 0 then
- Remove (V, I, 1);
- Until I < 0;
- Inc (J);
- Until J >= Length (V);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure RemoveDuplicates (var V : LongWordArray; const IsSorted : Boolean);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- F : LongWord;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if L = 0 then
- exit;
- if IsSorted then
- begin
- J := 0;
- Repeat
- F := V [J];
- I := J + 1;
- While (I < L) and (V [I] = F) do
- Inc (I);
- C := I - J;
- if C > 1 then
- begin
- Remove (V, J + 1, C - 1);
- Dec (L, C - 1);
- Inc (J);
- end else
- J := I;
- Until J >= L;
- end else
- begin
- J := 0;
- Repeat
- Repeat
- I := PosNext (V [J], V, J);
- if I >= 0 then
- Remove (V, I, 1);
- Until I < 0;
- Inc (J);
- Until J >= Length (V);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure RemoveDuplicates (var V : ShortIntArray; const IsSorted : Boolean);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- F : ShortInt;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if L = 0 then
- exit;
- if IsSorted then
- begin
- J := 0;
- Repeat
- F := V [J];
- I := J + 1;
- While (I < L) and (V [I] = F) do
- Inc (I);
- C := I - J;
- if C > 1 then
- begin
- Remove (V, J + 1, C - 1);
- Dec (L, C - 1);
- Inc (J);
- end else
- J := I;
- Until J >= L;
- end else
- begin
- J := 0;
- Repeat
- Repeat
- I := PosNext (V [J], V, J);
- if I >= 0 then
- Remove (V, I, 1);
- Until I < 0;
- Inc (J);
- Until J >= Length (V);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure RemoveDuplicates (var V : SmallIntArray; const IsSorted : Boolean);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- F : SmallInt;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if L = 0 then
- exit;
- if IsSorted then
- begin
- J := 0;
- Repeat
- F := V [J];
- I := J + 1;
- While (I < L) and (V [I] = F) do
- Inc (I);
- C := I - J;
- if C > 1 then
- begin
- Remove (V, J + 1, C - 1);
- Dec (L, C - 1);
- Inc (J);
- end else
- J := I;
- Until J >= L;
- end else
- begin
- J := 0;
- Repeat
- Repeat
- I := PosNext (V [J], V, J);
- if I >= 0 then
- Remove (V, I, 1);
- Until I < 0;
- Inc (J);
- Until J >= Length (V);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure RemoveDuplicates (var V : LongIntArray; const IsSorted : Boolean);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- F : LongInt;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if L = 0 then
- exit;
- if IsSorted then
- begin
- J := 0;
- Repeat
- F := V [J];
- I := J + 1;
- While (I < L) and (V [I] = F) do
- Inc (I);
- C := I - J;
- if C > 1 then
- begin
- Remove (V, J + 1, C - 1);
- Dec (L, C - 1);
- Inc (J);
- end else
- J := I;
- Until J >= L;
- end else
- begin
- J := 0;
- Repeat
- Repeat
- I := PosNext (V [J], V, J);
- if I >= 0 then
- Remove (V, I, 1);
- Until I < 0;
- Inc (J);
- Until J >= Length (V);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure RemoveDuplicates (var V : Int64Array; const IsSorted : Boolean);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- F : Int64;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if L = 0 then
- exit;
- if IsSorted then
- begin
- J := 0;
- Repeat
- F := V [J];
- I := J + 1;
- While (I < L) and (V [I] = F) do
- Inc (I);
- C := I - J;
- if C > 1 then
- begin
- Remove (V, J + 1, C - 1);
- Dec (L, C - 1);
- Inc (J);
- end else
- J := I;
- Until J >= L;
- end else
- begin
- J := 0;
- Repeat
- Repeat
- I := PosNext (V [J], V, J);
- if I >= 0 then
- Remove (V, I, 1);
- Until I < 0;
- Inc (J);
- Until J >= Length (V);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure RemoveDuplicates (var V : SingleArray; const IsSorted : Boolean);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- F : Single;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if L = 0 then
- exit;
- if IsSorted then
- begin
- J := 0;
- Repeat
- F := V [J];
- I := J + 1;
- While (I < L) and (V [I] = F) do
- Inc (I);
- C := I - J;
- if C > 1 then
- begin
- Remove (V, J + 1, C - 1);
- Dec (L, C - 1);
- Inc (J);
- end else
- J := I;
- Until J >= L;
- end else
- begin
- J := 0;
- Repeat
- Repeat
- I := PosNext (V [J], V, J);
- if I >= 0 then
- Remove (V, I, 1);
- Until I < 0;
- Inc (J);
- Until J >= Length (V);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure RemoveDuplicates (var V : DoubleArray; const IsSorted : Boolean);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- F : Double;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if L = 0 then
- exit;
- if IsSorted then
- begin
- J := 0;
- Repeat
- F := V [J];
- I := J + 1;
- While (I < L) and (V [I] = F) do
- Inc (I);
- C := I - J;
- if C > 1 then
- begin
- Remove (V, J + 1, C - 1);
- Dec (L, C - 1);
- Inc (J);
- end else
- J := I;
- Until J >= L;
- end else
- begin
- J := 0;
- Repeat
- Repeat
- I := PosNext (V [J], V, J);
- if I >= 0 then
- Remove (V, I, 1);
- Until I < 0;
- Inc (J);
- Until J >= Length (V);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure RemoveDuplicates (var V : ExtendedArray; const IsSorted : Boolean);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- F : Extended;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if L = 0 then
- exit;
- if IsSorted then
- begin
- J := 0;
- Repeat
- F := V [J];
- I := J + 1;
- While (I < L) and (V [I] = F) do
- Inc (I);
- C := I - J;
- if C > 1 then
- begin
- Remove (V, J + 1, C - 1);
- Dec (L, C - 1);
- Inc (J);
- end else
- J := I;
- Until J >= L;
- end else
- begin
- J := 0;
- Repeat
- Repeat
- I := PosNext (V [J], V, J);
- if I >= 0 then
- Remove (V, I, 1);
- Until I < 0;
- Inc (J);
- Until J >= Length (V);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure RemoveDuplicates (var V : StringArray; const IsSorted : Boolean);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- F : String;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if L = 0 then
- exit;
- if IsSorted then
- begin
- J := 0;
- Repeat
- F := V [J];
- I := J + 1;
- While (I < L) and (V [I] = F) do
- Inc (I);
- C := I - J;
- if C > 1 then
- begin
- Remove (V, J + 1, C - 1);
- Dec (L, C - 1);
- Inc (J);
- end else
- J := I;
- Until J >= L;
- end else
- begin
- J := 0;
- Repeat
- Repeat
- I := PosNext (V [J], V, J);
- if I >= 0 then
- Remove (V, I, 1);
- Until I < 0;
- Inc (J);
- Until J >= Length (V);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure RemoveDuplicates (var V : PointerArray; const IsSorted : Boolean);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- F : Pointer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if L = 0 then
- exit;
- if IsSorted then
- begin
- J := 0;
- Repeat
- F := V [J];
- I := J + 1;
- While (I < L) and (V [I] = F) do
- Inc (I);
- C := I - J;
- if C > 1 then
- begin
- Remove (V, J + 1, C - 1);
- Dec (L, C - 1);
- Inc (J);
- end else
- J := I;
- Until J >= L;
- end else
- begin
- J := 0;
- Repeat
- Repeat
- I := PosNext (V [J], V, J);
- if I >= 0 then
- Remove (V, I, 1);
- Until I < 0;
- Inc (J);
- Until J >= Length (V);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure TrimArrayLeft (var S : ByteArray; const TrimList : Array of Byte); overload;
- var I, J : Integer;
- R : Boolean;
- Begin
- I := 0;
- R := True;
- While R and (I < Length (S)) do
- begin
- R := False;
- For J := 0 to High (TrimList) do
- if S [I] = TrimList [J] then
- begin
- R := True;
- Inc (I);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if I > 0 then
- Remove (S, 0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure TrimArrayLeft (var S : WordArray; const TrimList : Array of Word); overload;
- var I, J : Integer;
- R : Boolean;
- Begin
- I := 0;
- R := True;
- While R and (I < Length (S)) do
- begin
- R := False;
- For J := 0 to High (TrimList) do
- if S [I] = TrimList [J] then
- begin
- R := True;
- Inc (I);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if I > 0 then
- Remove (S, 0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure TrimArrayLeft (var S : LongWordArray; const TrimList : Array of LongWord); overload;
- var I, J : Integer;
- R : Boolean;
- Begin
- I := 0;
- R := True;
- While R and (I < Length (S)) do
- begin
- R := False;
- For J := 0 to High (TrimList) do
- if S [I] = TrimList [J] then
- begin
- R := True;
- Inc (I);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if I > 0 then
- Remove (S, 0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure TrimArrayLeft (var S : ShortIntArray; const TrimList : Array of ShortInt); overload;
- var I, J : Integer;
- R : Boolean;
- Begin
- I := 0;
- R := True;
- While R and (I < Length (S)) do
- begin
- R := False;
- For J := 0 to High (TrimList) do
- if S [I] = TrimList [J] then
- begin
- R := True;
- Inc (I);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if I > 0 then
- Remove (S, 0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure TrimArrayLeft (var S : SmallIntArray; const TrimList : Array of SmallInt); overload;
- var I, J : Integer;
- R : Boolean;
- Begin
- I := 0;
- R := True;
- While R and (I < Length (S)) do
- begin
- R := False;
- For J := 0 to High (TrimList) do
- if S [I] = TrimList [J] then
- begin
- R := True;
- Inc (I);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if I > 0 then
- Remove (S, 0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure TrimArrayLeft (var S : LongIntArray; const TrimList : Array of LongInt); overload;
- var I, J : Integer;
- R : Boolean;
- Begin
- I := 0;
- R := True;
- While R and (I < Length (S)) do
- begin
- R := False;
- For J := 0 to High (TrimList) do
- if S [I] = TrimList [J] then
- begin
- R := True;
- Inc (I);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if I > 0 then
- Remove (S, 0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure TrimArrayLeft (var S : Int64Array; const TrimList : Array of Int64); overload;
- var I, J : Integer;
- R : Boolean;
- Begin
- I := 0;
- R := True;
- While R and (I < Length (S)) do
- begin
- R := False;
- For J := 0 to High (TrimList) do
- if S [I] = TrimList [J] then
- begin
- R := True;
- Inc (I);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if I > 0 then
- Remove (S, 0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure TrimArrayLeft (var S : SingleArray; const TrimList : Array of Single); overload;
- var I, J : Integer;
- R : Boolean;
- Begin
- I := 0;
- R := True;
- While R and (I < Length (S)) do
- begin
- R := False;
- For J := 0 to High (TrimList) do
- if S [I] = TrimList [J] then
- begin
- R := True;
- Inc (I);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if I > 0 then
- Remove (S, 0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure TrimArrayLeft (var S : DoubleArray; const TrimList : Array of Double); overload;
- var I, J : Integer;
- R : Boolean;
- Begin
- I := 0;
- R := True;
- While R and (I < Length (S)) do
- begin
- R := False;
- For J := 0 to High (TrimList) do
- if S [I] = TrimList [J] then
- begin
- R := True;
- Inc (I);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if I > 0 then
- Remove (S, 0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure TrimArrayLeft (var S : ExtendedArray; const TrimList : Array of Extended); overload;
- var I, J : Integer;
- R : Boolean;
- Begin
- I := 0;
- R := True;
- While R and (I < Length (S)) do
- begin
- R := False;
- For J := 0 to High (TrimList) do
- if S [I] = TrimList [J] then
- begin
- R := True;
- Inc (I);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if I > 0 then
- Remove (S, 0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure TrimArrayLeft (var S : StringArray; const TrimList : Array of String); overload;
- var I, J : Integer;
- R : Boolean;
- Begin
- I := 0;
- R := True;
- While R and (I < Length (S)) do
- begin
- R := False;
- For J := 0 to High (TrimList) do
- if S [I] = TrimList [J] then
- begin
- R := True;
- Inc (I);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if I > 0 then
- Remove (S, 0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure TrimArrayLeft (var S : PointerArray; const TrimList : Array of Pointer); overload;
- var I, J : Integer;
- R : Boolean;
- Begin
- I := 0;
- R := True;
- While R and (I < Length (S)) do
- begin
- R := False;
- For J := 0 to High (TrimList) do
- if S [I] = TrimList [J] then
- begin
- R := True;
- Inc (I);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if I > 0 then
- Remove (S, 0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure TrimArrayRight (var S : ByteArray; const TrimList : Array of Byte); overload;
- var I, J : Integer;
- R : Boolean;
- Begin
- I := Length (S) - 1;
- R := True;
- While R and (I >= 0) do
- begin
- R := False;
- For J := 0 to High (TrimList) do
- if S [I] = TrimList [J] then
- begin
- R := True;
- Dec (I);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if I < Length (S) - 1 then
- SetLength (S, I + 1);
- End;
- Procedure TrimArrayRight (var S : WordArray; const TrimList : Array of Word); overload;
- var I, J : Integer;
- R : Boolean;
- Begin
- I := Length (S) - 1;
- R := True;
- While R and (I >= 0) do
- begin
- R := False;
- For J := 0 to High (TrimList) do
- if S [I] = TrimList [J] then
- begin
- R := True;
- Dec (I);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if I < Length (S) - 1 then
- SetLength (S, I + 1);
- End;
- Procedure TrimArrayRight (var S : LongWordArray; const TrimList : Array of LongWord); overload;
- var I, J : Integer;
- R : Boolean;
- Begin
- I := Length (S) - 1;
- R := True;
- While R and (I >= 0) do
- begin
- R := False;
- For J := 0 to High (TrimList) do
- if S [I] = TrimList [J] then
- begin
- R := True;
- Dec (I);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if I < Length (S) - 1 then
- SetLength (S, I + 1);
- End;
- Procedure TrimArrayRight (var S : ShortIntArray; const TrimList : Array of ShortInt); overload;
- var I, J : Integer;
- R : Boolean;
- Begin
- I := Length (S) - 1;
- R := True;
- While R and (I >= 0) do
- begin
- R := False;
- For J := 0 to High (TrimList) do
- if S [I] = TrimList [J] then
- begin
- R := True;
- Dec (I);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if I < Length (S) - 1 then
- SetLength (S, I + 1);
- End;
- Procedure TrimArrayRight (var S : SmallIntArray; const TrimList : Array of SmallInt); overload;
- var I, J : Integer;
- R : Boolean;
- Begin
- I := Length (S) - 1;
- R := True;
- While R and (I >= 0) do
- begin
- R := False;
- For J := 0 to High (TrimList) do
- if S [I] = TrimList [J] then
- begin
- R := True;
- Dec (I);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if I < Length (S) - 1 then
- SetLength (S, I + 1);
- End;
- Procedure TrimArrayRight (var S : LongIntArray; const TrimList : Array of LongInt); overload;
- var I, J : Integer;
- R : Boolean;
- Begin
- I := Length (S) - 1;
- R := True;
- While R and (I >= 0) do
- begin
- R := False;
- For J := 0 to High (TrimList) do
- if S [I] = TrimList [J] then
- begin
- R := True;
- Dec (I);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if I < Length (S) - 1 then
- SetLength (S, I + 1);
- End;
- Procedure TrimArrayRight (var S : Int64Array; const TrimList : Array of Int64); overload;
- var I, J : Integer;
- R : Boolean;
- Begin
- I := Length (S) - 1;
- R := True;
- While R and (I >= 0) do
- begin
- R := False;
- For J := 0 to High (TrimList) do
- if S [I] = TrimList [J] then
- begin
- R := True;
- Dec (I);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if I < Length (S) - 1 then
- SetLength (S, I + 1);
- End;
- Procedure TrimArrayRight (var S : SingleArray; const TrimList : Array of Single); overload;
- var I, J : Integer;
- R : Boolean;
- Begin
- I := Length (S) - 1;
- R := True;
- While R and (I >= 0) do
- begin
- R := False;
- For J := 0 to High (TrimList) do
- if S [I] = TrimList [J] then
- begin
- R := True;
- Dec (I);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if I < Length (S) - 1 then
- SetLength (S, I + 1);
- End;
- Procedure TrimArrayRight (var S : DoubleArray; const TrimList : Array of Double); overload;
- var I, J : Integer;
- R : Boolean;
- Begin
- I := Length (S) - 1;
- R := True;
- While R and (I >= 0) do
- begin
- R := False;
- For J := 0 to High (TrimList) do
- if S [I] = TrimList [J] then
- begin
- R := True;
- Dec (I);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if I < Length (S) - 1 then
- SetLength (S, I + 1);
- End;
- Procedure TrimArrayRight (var S : ExtendedArray; const TrimList : Array of Extended); overload;
- var I, J : Integer;
- R : Boolean;
- Begin
- I := Length (S) - 1;
- R := True;
- While R and (I >= 0) do
- begin
- R := False;
- For J := 0 to High (TrimList) do
- if S [I] = TrimList [J] then
- begin
- R := True;
- Dec (I);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if I < Length (S) - 1 then
- SetLength (S, I + 1);
- End;
- Procedure TrimArrayRight (var S : StringArray; const TrimList : Array of String); overload;
- var I, J : Integer;
- R : Boolean;
- Begin
- I := Length (S) - 1;
- R := True;
- While R and (I >= 0) do
- begin
- R := False;
- For J := 0 to High (TrimList) do
- if S [I] = TrimList [J] then
- begin
- R := True;
- Dec (I);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if I < Length (S) - 1 then
- SetLength (S, I + 1);
- End;
- Procedure TrimArrayRight (var S : PointerArray; const TrimList : Array of Pointer); overload;
- var I, J : Integer;
- R : Boolean;
- Begin
- I := Length (S) - 1;
- R := True;
- While R and (I >= 0) do
- begin
- R := False;
- For J := 0 to High (TrimList) do
- if S [I] = TrimList [J] then
- begin
- R := True;
- Dec (I);
- break;
- end;
- end;
- if I < Length (S) - 1 then
- SetLength (S, I + 1);
- End;
- { }
- { ArrayInsert }
- { }
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : ByteArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer;
- var I, L, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx > L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := -1;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- SetLength (V, L + Count);
- C := Count * Sizeof (Byte);
- if I < L then
- Move (V [I], V [I + Count], (L - I) * Sizeof (Byte));
- FillChar (V [I], C, #0);
- Result := I;
- End;
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : WordArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer;
- var I, L, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx > L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := -1;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- SetLength (V, L + Count);
- C := Count * Sizeof (Word);
- if I < L then
- Move (V [I], V [I + Count], (L - I) * Sizeof (Word));
- FillChar (V [I], C, #0);
- Result := I;
- End;
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : LongWordArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer;
- var I, L, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx > L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := -1;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- SetLength (V, L + Count);
- C := Count * Sizeof (LongWord);
- if I < L then
- Move (V [I], V [I + Count], (L - I) * Sizeof (LongWord));
- FillChar (V [I], C, #0);
- Result := I;
- End;
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : ShortIntArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer;
- var I, L, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx > L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := -1;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- SetLength (V, L + Count);
- C := Count * Sizeof (ShortInt);
- if I < L then
- Move (V [I], V [I + Count], (L - I) * Sizeof (ShortInt));
- FillChar (V [I], C, #0);
- Result := I;
- End;
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : SmallIntArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer;
- var I, L, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx > L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := -1;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- SetLength (V, L + Count);
- C := Count * Sizeof (SmallInt);
- if I < L then
- Move (V [I], V [I + Count], (L - I) * Sizeof (SmallInt));
- FillChar (V [I], C, #0);
- Result := I;
- End;
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : LongIntArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer;
- var I, L, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx > L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := -1;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- SetLength (V, L + Count);
- C := Count * Sizeof (LongInt);
- if I < L then
- Move (V [I], V [I + Count], (L - I) * Sizeof (LongInt));
- FillChar (V [I], C, #0);
- Result := I;
- End;
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : Int64Array; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer;
- var I, L, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx > L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := -1;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- SetLength (V, L + Count);
- C := Count * Sizeof (Int64);
- if I < L then
- Move (V [I], V [I + Count], (L - I) * Sizeof (Int64));
- FillChar (V [I], C, #0);
- Result := I;
- End;
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : SingleArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer;
- var I, L, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx > L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := -1;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- SetLength (V, L + Count);
- C := Count * Sizeof (Single);
- if I < L then
- Move (V [I], V [I + Count], (L - I) * Sizeof (Single));
- FillChar (V [I], C, #0);
- Result := I;
- End;
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : DoubleArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer;
- var I, L, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx > L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := -1;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- SetLength (V, L + Count);
- C := Count * Sizeof (Double);
- if I < L then
- Move (V [I], V [I + Count], (L - I) * Sizeof (Double));
- FillChar (V [I], C, #0);
- Result := I;
- End;
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : ExtendedArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer;
- var I, L, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx > L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := -1;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- SetLength (V, L + Count);
- C := Count * Sizeof (Extended);
- if I < L then
- Move (V [I], V [I + Count], (L - I) * Sizeof (Extended));
- FillChar (V [I], C, #0);
- Result := I;
- End;
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : StringArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer;
- var I, L, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx > L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := -1;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- SetLength (V, L + Count);
- C := Count * Sizeof (String);
- if I < L then
- Move (V [I], V [I + Count], (L - I) * Sizeof (String));
- FillChar (V [I], C, #0);
- Result := I;
- End;
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : PointerArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer;
- var I, L, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx > L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := -1;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- SetLength (V, L + Count);
- C := Count * Sizeof (Pointer);
- if I < L then
- Move (V [I], V [I + Count], (L - I) * Sizeof (Pointer));
- FillChar (V [I], C, #0);
- Result := I;
- End;
- Function ArrayInsert (var V : ObjectArray; const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer) : Integer;
- var I, L, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if (Idx > L) or (Idx + Count <= 0) or (Count = 0) then
- begin
- Result := -1;
- exit;
- end;
- I := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- SetLength (V, L + Count);
- C := Count * Sizeof (Pointer);
- if I < L then
- Move (V [I], V [I + Count], (L - I) * Sizeof (Pointer));
- FillChar (V [I], C, #0);
- Result := I;
- End;
- { }
- { PosNext }
- { PosNext finds the next occurance of Find in V, -1 if it was not found. }
- { Searches from item [PrevPos + 1], ie PrevPos = -1 to find first }
- { occurance. }
- { }
- Function PosNext (const Find : Byte; const V : ByteArray; const PrevPos : Integer; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : Integer;
- var I, L, H : Integer;
- D : Byte;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then // binary search
- begin
- if MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) = 0 then // find first
- begin
- L := 0;
- H := Length (V) - 1;
- Repeat
- I := (L + H) div 2;
- D := V [I];
- if Find = D then
- begin
- While (I > 0) and (V [I - 1] = Find) do
- Dec (I);
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end else
- if D > Find then
- H := I - 1 else
- L := I + 1;
- Until L > H;
- Result := -1;
- end else // find next
- if PrevPos >= Length (V) - 1 then
- Result := -1 else
- if V [PrevPos + 1] = Find then
- Result := PrevPos + 1 else
- Result := -1;
- end else
- begin // linear search
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Length (V) - 1 do
- if V [I] = Find then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Function PosNext (const Find : Word; const V : WordArray; const PrevPos : Integer; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : Integer;
- var I, L, H : Integer;
- D : Word;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then // binary search
- begin
- if MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) = 0 then // find first
- begin
- L := 0;
- H := Length (V) - 1;
- Repeat
- I := (L + H) div 2;
- D := V [I];
- if Find = D then
- begin
- While (I > 0) and (V [I - 1] = Find) do
- Dec (I);
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end else
- if D > Find then
- H := I - 1 else
- L := I + 1;
- Until L > H;
- Result := -1;
- end else // find next
- if PrevPos >= Length (V) - 1 then
- Result := -1 else
- if V [PrevPos + 1] = Find then
- Result := PrevPos + 1 else
- Result := -1;
- end else
- begin // linear search
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Length (V) - 1 do
- if V [I] = Find then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Function PosNext (const Find : LongWord; const V : LongWordArray; const PrevPos : Integer; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : Integer;
- var I, L, H : Integer;
- D : LongWord;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then // binary search
- begin
- if MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) = 0 then // find first
- begin
- L := 0;
- H := Length (V) - 1;
- Repeat
- I := (L + H) div 2;
- D := V [I];
- if Find = D then
- begin
- While (I > 0) and (V [I - 1] = Find) do
- Dec (I);
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end else
- if D > Find then
- H := I - 1 else
- L := I + 1;
- Until L > H;
- Result := -1;
- end else // find next
- if PrevPos >= Length (V) - 1 then
- Result := -1 else
- if V [PrevPos + 1] = Find then
- Result := PrevPos + 1 else
- Result := -1;
- end else
- begin // linear search
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Length (V) - 1 do
- if V [I] = Find then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Function PosNext (const Find : ShortInt; const V : ShortIntArray; const PrevPos : Integer; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : Integer;
- var I, L, H : Integer;
- D : ShortInt;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then // binary search
- begin
- if MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) = 0 then // find first
- begin
- L := 0;
- H := Length (V) - 1;
- Repeat
- I := (L + H) div 2;
- D := V [I];
- if Find = D then
- begin
- While (I > 0) and (V [I - 1] = Find) do
- Dec (I);
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end else
- if D > Find then
- H := I - 1 else
- L := I + 1;
- Until L > H;
- Result := -1;
- end else // find next
- if PrevPos >= Length (V) - 1 then
- Result := -1 else
- if V [PrevPos + 1] = Find then
- Result := PrevPos + 1 else
- Result := -1;
- end else
- begin // linear search
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Length (V) - 1 do
- if V [I] = Find then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Function PosNext (const Find : SmallInt; const V : SmallIntArray; const PrevPos : Integer; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : Integer;
- var I, L, H : Integer;
- D : SmallInt;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then // binary search
- begin
- if MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) = 0 then // find first
- begin
- L := 0;
- H := Length (V) - 1;
- Repeat
- I := (L + H) div 2;
- D := V [I];
- if Find = D then
- begin
- While (I > 0) and (V [I - 1] = Find) do
- Dec (I);
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end else
- if D > Find then
- H := I - 1 else
- L := I + 1;
- Until L > H;
- Result := -1;
- end else // find next
- if PrevPos >= Length (V) - 1 then
- Result := -1 else
- if V [PrevPos + 1] = Find then
- Result := PrevPos + 1 else
- Result := -1;
- end else
- begin // linear search
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Length (V) - 1 do
- if V [I] = Find then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Function PosNext (const Find : LongInt; const V : LongIntArray; const PrevPos : Integer; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : Integer;
- var I, L, H : Integer;
- D : LongInt;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then // binary search
- begin
- if MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) = 0 then // find first
- begin
- L := 0;
- H := Length (V) - 1;
- Repeat
- I := (L + H) div 2;
- D := V [I];
- if Find = D then
- begin
- While (I > 0) and (V [I - 1] = Find) do
- Dec (I);
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end else
- if D > Find then
- H := I - 1 else
- L := I + 1;
- Until L > H;
- Result := -1;
- end else // find next
- if PrevPos >= Length (V) - 1 then
- Result := -1 else
- if V [PrevPos + 1] = Find then
- Result := PrevPos + 1 else
- Result := -1;
- end else
- begin // linear search
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Length (V) - 1 do
- if V [I] = Find then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Function PosNext (const Find : Int64; const V : Int64Array; const PrevPos : Integer; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : Integer;
- var I, L, H : Integer;
- D : Int64;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then // binary search
- begin
- if MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) = 0 then // find first
- begin
- L := 0;
- H := Length (V) - 1;
- Repeat
- I := (L + H) div 2;
- D := V [I];
- if Find = D then
- begin
- While (I > 0) and (V [I - 1] = Find) do
- Dec (I);
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end else
- if D > Find then
- H := I - 1 else
- L := I + 1;
- Until L > H;
- Result := -1;
- end else // find next
- if PrevPos >= Length (V) - 1 then
- Result := -1 else
- if V [PrevPos + 1] = Find then
- Result := PrevPos + 1 else
- Result := -1;
- end else
- begin // linear search
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Length (V) - 1 do
- if V [I] = Find then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Function PosNext (const Find : Single; const V : SingleArray; const PrevPos : Integer; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : Integer;
- var I, L, H : Integer;
- D : Single;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then // binary search
- begin
- if MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) = 0 then // find first
- begin
- L := 0;
- H := Length (V) - 1;
- Repeat
- I := (L + H) div 2;
- D := V [I];
- if Find = D then
- begin
- While (I > 0) and (V [I - 1] = Find) do
- Dec (I);
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end else
- if D > Find then
- H := I - 1 else
- L := I + 1;
- Until L > H;
- Result := -1;
- end else // find next
- if PrevPos >= Length (V) - 1 then
- Result := -1 else
- if V [PrevPos + 1] = Find then
- Result := PrevPos + 1 else
- Result := -1;
- end else
- begin // linear search
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Length (V) - 1 do
- if V [I] = Find then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Function PosNext (const Find : Double; const V : DoubleArray; const PrevPos : Integer; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : Integer;
- var I, L, H : Integer;
- D : Double;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then // binary search
- begin
- if MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) = 0 then // find first
- begin
- L := 0;
- H := Length (V) - 1;
- Repeat
- I := (L + H) div 2;
- D := V [I];
- if Find = D then
- begin
- While (I > 0) and (V [I - 1] = Find) do
- Dec (I);
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end else
- if D > Find then
- H := I - 1 else
- L := I + 1;
- Until L > H;
- Result := -1;
- end else // find next
- if PrevPos >= Length (V) - 1 then
- Result := -1 else
- if V [PrevPos + 1] = Find then
- Result := PrevPos + 1 else
- Result := -1;
- end else
- begin // linear search
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Length (V) - 1 do
- if V [I] = Find then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Function PosNext (const Find : Extended; const V : ExtendedArray; const PrevPos : Integer; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : Integer;
- var I, L, H : Integer;
- D : Extended;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then // binary search
- begin
- if MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) = 0 then // find first
- begin
- L := 0;
- H := Length (V) - 1;
- Repeat
- I := (L + H) div 2;
- D := V [I];
- if Find = D then
- begin
- While (I > 0) and (V [I - 1] = Find) do
- Dec (I);
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end else
- if D > Find then
- H := I - 1 else
- L := I + 1;
- Until L > H;
- Result := -1;
- end else // find next
- if PrevPos >= Length (V) - 1 then
- Result := -1 else
- if V [PrevPos + 1] = Find then
- Result := PrevPos + 1 else
- Result := -1;
- end else
- begin // linear search
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Length (V) - 1 do
- if V [I] = Find then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Function PosNext (const Find : Boolean; const V : BooleanArray; const PrevPos : Integer; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : Integer;
- var I, L, H : Integer;
- D : Boolean;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then // binary search
- begin
- if MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) = 0 then // find first
- begin
- L := 0;
- H := Length (V) - 1;
- Repeat
- I := (L + H) div 2;
- D := V [I];
- if Find = D then
- begin
- While (I > 0) and (V [I - 1] = Find) do
- Dec (I);
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end else
- if D > Find then
- H := I - 1 else
- L := I + 1;
- Until L > H;
- Result := -1;
- end else // find next
- if PrevPos >= Length (V) - 1 then
- Result := -1 else
- if V [PrevPos + 1] = Find then
- Result := PrevPos + 1 else
- Result := -1;
- end else
- begin // linear search
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Length (V) - 1 do
- if V [I] = Find then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Function PosNext (const Find : String; const V : StringArray; const PrevPos : Integer; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : Integer;
- var I, L, H : Integer;
- D : String;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then // binary search
- begin
- if MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) = 0 then // find first
- begin
- L := 0;
- H := Length (V) - 1;
- Repeat
- I := (L + H) div 2;
- D := V [I];
- if Find = D then
- begin
- While (I > 0) and (V [I - 1] = Find) do
- Dec (I);
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end else
- if D > Find then
- H := I - 1 else
- L := I + 1;
- Until L > H;
- Result := -1;
- end else // find next
- if PrevPos >= Length (V) - 1 then
- Result := -1 else
- if V [PrevPos + 1] = Find then
- Result := PrevPos + 1 else
- Result := -1;
- end else
- begin // linear search
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Length (V) - 1 do
- if V [I] = Find then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Function PosNext (const Find : TObject; const V : ObjectArray; const PrevPos : Integer) : Integer;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Length (V) - 1 do
- if V [I] = Find then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- End;
- Function PosNext (const ClassType : TClass; const V : ObjectArray; const PrevPos : Integer) : Integer;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Length (V) - 1 do
- if V [I] is ClassType then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- End;
- Function PosNext (const ClassName : String; const V : ObjectArray; const PrevPos : Integer) : Integer;
- var I : Integer;
- T : TObject;
- Begin
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Length (V) - 1 do
- begin
- T := V [I];
- if Assigned (T) and (T.ClassName = ClassName) then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- End;
- Function PosNext (const Find : Pointer; const V : PointerArray; const PrevPos : Integer) : Integer;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Length (V) - 1 do
- if V [I] = Find then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- End;
- { }
- { Count }
- { }
- Function Count (const Find : Byte; const V : ByteArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer;
- var I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := PosNext (Find, V, -1, True);
- if I = -1 then
- Result := 0 else
- begin
- Result := 1;
- J := Length (V);
- While (I + Result < J) and (V [I + Result] = Find) do
- Inc (Result);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- J := -1;
- Result := 0;
- Repeat
- I := PosNext (Find, V, J, False);
- if I >= 0 then
- begin
- Inc (Result);
- J := I;
- end;
- Until I < 0;
- end;
- End;
- Function Count (const Find : Word; const V : WordArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer;
- var I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := PosNext (Find, V, -1, True);
- if I = -1 then
- Result := 0 else
- begin
- Result := 1;
- J := Length (V);
- While (I + Result < J) and (V [I + Result] = Find) do
- Inc (Result);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- J := -1;
- Result := 0;
- Repeat
- I := PosNext (Find, V, J, False);
- if I >= 0 then
- begin
- Inc (Result);
- J := I;
- end;
- Until I < 0;
- end;
- End;
- Function Count (const Find : LongWord; const V : LongWordArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer;
- var I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := PosNext (Find, V, -1, True);
- if I = -1 then
- Result := 0 else
- begin
- Result := 1;
- J := Length (V);
- While (I + Result < J) and (V [I + Result] = Find) do
- Inc (Result);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- J := -1;
- Result := 0;
- Repeat
- I := PosNext (Find, V, J, False);
- if I >= 0 then
- begin
- Inc (Result);
- J := I;
- end;
- Until I < 0;
- end;
- End;
- Function Count (const Find : ShortInt; const V : ShortIntArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer;
- var I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := PosNext (Find, V, -1, True);
- if I = -1 then
- Result := 0 else
- begin
- Result := 1;
- J := Length (V);
- While (I + Result < J) and (V [I + Result] = Find) do
- Inc (Result);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- J := -1;
- Result := 0;
- Repeat
- I := PosNext (Find, V, J, False);
- if I >= 0 then
- begin
- Inc (Result);
- J := I;
- end;
- Until I < 0;
- end;
- End;
- Function Count (const Find : SmallInt; const V : SmallIntArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer;
- var I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := PosNext (Find, V, -1, True);
- if I = -1 then
- Result := 0 else
- begin
- Result := 1;
- J := Length (V);
- While (I + Result < J) and (V [I + Result] = Find) do
- Inc (Result);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- J := -1;
- Result := 0;
- Repeat
- I := PosNext (Find, V, J, False);
- if I >= 0 then
- begin
- Inc (Result);
- J := I;
- end;
- Until I < 0;
- end;
- End;
- Function Count (const Find : LongInt; const V : LongIntArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer;
- var I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := PosNext (Find, V, -1, True);
- if I = -1 then
- Result := 0 else
- begin
- Result := 1;
- J := Length (V);
- While (I + Result < J) and (V [I + Result] = Find) do
- Inc (Result);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- J := -1;
- Result := 0;
- Repeat
- I := PosNext (Find, V, J, False);
- if I >= 0 then
- begin
- Inc (Result);
- J := I;
- end;
- Until I < 0;
- end;
- End;
- Function Count (const Find : Int64; const V : Int64Array; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer;
- var I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := PosNext (Find, V, -1, True);
- if I = -1 then
- Result := 0 else
- begin
- Result := 1;
- J := Length (V);
- While (I + Result < J) and (V [I + Result] = Find) do
- Inc (Result);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- J := -1;
- Result := 0;
- Repeat
- I := PosNext (Find, V, J, False);
- if I >= 0 then
- begin
- Inc (Result);
- J := I;
- end;
- Until I < 0;
- end;
- End;
- Function Count (const Find : Single; const V : SingleArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer;
- var I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := PosNext (Find, V, -1, True);
- if I = -1 then
- Result := 0 else
- begin
- Result := 1;
- J := Length (V);
- While (I + Result < J) and (V [I + Result] = Find) do
- Inc (Result);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- J := -1;
- Result := 0;
- Repeat
- I := PosNext (Find, V, J, False);
- if I >= 0 then
- begin
- Inc (Result);
- J := I;
- end;
- Until I < 0;
- end;
- End;
- Function Count (const Find : Double; const V : DoubleArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer;
- var I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := PosNext (Find, V, -1, True);
- if I = -1 then
- Result := 0 else
- begin
- Result := 1;
- J := Length (V);
- While (I + Result < J) and (V [I + Result] = Find) do
- Inc (Result);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- J := -1;
- Result := 0;
- Repeat
- I := PosNext (Find, V, J, False);
- if I >= 0 then
- begin
- Inc (Result);
- J := I;
- end;
- Until I < 0;
- end;
- End;
- Function Count (const Find : Extended; const V : ExtendedArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer;
- var I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := PosNext (Find, V, -1, True);
- if I = -1 then
- Result := 0 else
- begin
- Result := 1;
- J := Length (V);
- While (I + Result < J) and (V [I + Result] = Find) do
- Inc (Result);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- J := -1;
- Result := 0;
- Repeat
- I := PosNext (Find, V, J, False);
- if I >= 0 then
- begin
- Inc (Result);
- J := I;
- end;
- Until I < 0;
- end;
- End;
- Function Count (const Find : String; const V : StringArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer;
- var I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := PosNext (Find, V, -1, True);
- if I = -1 then
- Result := 0 else
- begin
- Result := 1;
- J := Length (V);
- While (I + Result < J) and (V [I + Result] = Find) do
- Inc (Result);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- J := -1;
- Result := 0;
- Repeat
- I := PosNext (Find, V, J, False);
- if I >= 0 then
- begin
- Inc (Result);
- J := I;
- end;
- Until I < 0;
- end;
- End;
- Function Count (const Find : Boolean; const V : BooleanArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer;
- var I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := PosNext (Find, V, -1, True);
- if I = -1 then
- Result := 0 else
- begin
- Result := 1;
- J := Length (V);
- While (I + Result < J) and (V [I + Result] = Find) do
- Inc (Result);
- end;
- end else
- begin
- J := -1;
- Result := 0;
- Repeat
- I := PosNext (Find, V, J, False);
- if I >= 0 then
- begin
- Inc (Result);
- J := I;
- end;
- Until I < 0;
- end;
- End;
- { }
- { RemoveAll }
- { }
- Procedure RemoveAll (const Find : Byte; var V : ByteArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False);
- var I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- I := PosNext (Find, V, -1, IsSortedAscending);
- While I >= 0 do
- begin
- J := 1;
- While (I + J < Length (V)) and (V [I + J] = Find) do
- Inc (J);
- Remove (V, I, J);
- I := PosNext (Find, V, I, IsSortedAscending);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure RemoveAll (const Find : Word; var V : WordArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False);
- var I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- I := PosNext (Find, V, -1, IsSortedAscending);
- While I >= 0 do
- begin
- J := 1;
- While (I + J < Length (V)) and (V [I + J] = Find) do
- Inc (J);
- Remove (V, I, J);
- I := PosNext (Find, V, I, IsSortedAscending);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure RemoveAll (const Find : LongWord; var V : LongWordArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False);
- var I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- I := PosNext (Find, V, -1, IsSortedAscending);
- While I >= 0 do
- begin
- J := 1;
- While (I + J < Length (V)) and (V [I + J] = Find) do
- Inc (J);
- Remove (V, I, J);
- I := PosNext (Find, V, I, IsSortedAscending);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure RemoveAll (const Find : ShortInt; var V : ShortIntArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False);
- var I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- I := PosNext (Find, V, -1, IsSortedAscending);
- While I >= 0 do
- begin
- J := 1;
- While (I + J < Length (V)) and (V [I + J] = Find) do
- Inc (J);
- Remove (V, I, J);
- I := PosNext (Find, V, I, IsSortedAscending);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure RemoveAll (const Find : SmallInt; var V : SmallIntArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False);
- var I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- I := PosNext (Find, V, -1, IsSortedAscending);
- While I >= 0 do
- begin
- J := 1;
- While (I + J < Length (V)) and (V [I + J] = Find) do
- Inc (J);
- Remove (V, I, J);
- I := PosNext (Find, V, I, IsSortedAscending);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure RemoveAll (const Find : LongInt; var V : LongIntArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False);
- var I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- I := PosNext (Find, V, -1, IsSortedAscending);
- While I >= 0 do
- begin
- J := 1;
- While (I + J < Length (V)) and (V [I + J] = Find) do
- Inc (J);
- Remove (V, I, J);
- I := PosNext (Find, V, I, IsSortedAscending);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure RemoveAll (const Find : Int64; var V : Int64Array; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False);
- var I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- I := PosNext (Find, V, -1, IsSortedAscending);
- While I >= 0 do
- begin
- J := 1;
- While (I + J < Length (V)) and (V [I + J] = Find) do
- Inc (J);
- Remove (V, I, J);
- I := PosNext (Find, V, I, IsSortedAscending);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure RemoveAll (const Find : Single; var V : SingleArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False);
- var I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- I := PosNext (Find, V, -1, IsSortedAscending);
- While I >= 0 do
- begin
- J := 1;
- While (I + J < Length (V)) and (V [I + J] = Find) do
- Inc (J);
- Remove (V, I, J);
- I := PosNext (Find, V, I, IsSortedAscending);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure RemoveAll (const Find : Double; var V : DoubleArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False);
- var I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- I := PosNext (Find, V, -1, IsSortedAscending);
- While I >= 0 do
- begin
- J := 1;
- While (I + J < Length (V)) and (V [I + J] = Find) do
- Inc (J);
- Remove (V, I, J);
- I := PosNext (Find, V, I, IsSortedAscending);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure RemoveAll (const Find : Extended; var V : ExtendedArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False);
- var I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- I := PosNext (Find, V, -1, IsSortedAscending);
- While I >= 0 do
- begin
- J := 1;
- While (I + J < Length (V)) and (V [I + J] = Find) do
- Inc (J);
- Remove (V, I, J);
- I := PosNext (Find, V, I, IsSortedAscending);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure RemoveAll (const Find : String; var V : StringArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False);
- var I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- I := PosNext (Find, V, -1, IsSortedAscending);
- While I >= 0 do
- begin
- J := 1;
- While (I + J < Length (V)) and (V [I + J] = Find) do
- Inc (J);
- Remove (V, I, J);
- I := PosNext (Find, V, I, IsSortedAscending);
- end;
- End;
- { }
- { Intersection }
- { If both arrays are sorted ascending then time is o(n) instead of o(n^2). }
- { }
- Function Intersection (const V1, V2 : SingleArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : SingleArray;
- var I, J, L, LV : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, 0);
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := 0;
- J := 0;
- L := Length (V1);
- LV := Length (V2);
- While (I < L) and (J < LV) do
- begin
- While (I < L) and (V1 [I] < V2 [J]) do
- Inc (I);
- if I < L then
- begin
- if V1 [I] = V2 [J] then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- While (J < LV) and (V2 [J] <= V1 [I]) do
- Inc (J);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- For I := 0 to Length (V1) - 1 do
- if (PosNext (V1 [I], V2) >= 0) and (PosNext (V1 [I], Result) = -1) then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- End;
- Function Intersection (const V1, V2 : DoubleArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : DoubleArray;
- var I, J, L, LV : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, 0);
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := 0;
- J := 0;
- L := Length (V1);
- LV := Length (V2);
- While (I < L) and (J < LV) do
- begin
- While (I < L) and (V1 [I] < V2 [J]) do
- Inc (I);
- if I < L then
- begin
- if V1 [I] = V2 [J] then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- While (J < LV) and (V2 [J] <= V1 [I]) do
- Inc (J);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- For I := 0 to Length (V1) - 1 do
- if (PosNext (V1 [I], V2) >= 0) and (PosNext (V1 [I], Result) = -1) then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- End;
- Function Intersection (const V1, V2 : ExtendedArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : ExtendedArray;
- var I, J, L, LV : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, 0);
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := 0;
- J := 0;
- L := Length (V1);
- LV := Length (V2);
- While (I < L) and (J < LV) do
- begin
- While (I < L) and (V1 [I] < V2 [J]) do
- Inc (I);
- if I < L then
- begin
- if V1 [I] = V2 [J] then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- While (J < LV) and (V2 [J] <= V1 [I]) do
- Inc (J);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- For I := 0 to Length (V1) - 1 do
- if (PosNext (V1 [I], V2) >= 0) and (PosNext (V1 [I], Result) = -1) then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- End;
- Function Intersection (const V1, V2 : ByteArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : ByteArray;
- var I, J, L, LV : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, 0);
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := 0;
- J := 0;
- L := Length (V1);
- LV := Length (V2);
- While (I < L) and (J < LV) do
- begin
- While (I < L) and (V1 [I] < V2 [J]) do
- Inc (I);
- if I < L then
- begin
- if V1 [I] = V2 [J] then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- While (J < LV) and (V2 [J] <= V1 [I]) do
- Inc (J);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- For I := 0 to Length (V1) - 1 do
- if (PosNext (V1 [I], V2) >= 0) and (PosNext (V1 [I], Result) = -1) then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- End;
- Function Intersection (const V1, V2 : WordArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : WordArray;
- var I, J, L, LV : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, 0);
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := 0;
- J := 0;
- L := Length (V1);
- LV := Length (V2);
- While (I < L) and (J < LV) do
- begin
- While (I < L) and (V1 [I] < V2 [J]) do
- Inc (I);
- if I < L then
- begin
- if V1 [I] = V2 [J] then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- While (J < LV) and (V2 [J] <= V1 [I]) do
- Inc (J);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- For I := 0 to Length (V1) - 1 do
- if (PosNext (V1 [I], V2) >= 0) and (PosNext (V1 [I], Result) = -1) then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- End;
- Function Intersection (const V1, V2 : LongWordArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : LongWordArray;
- var I, J, L, LV : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, 0);
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := 0;
- J := 0;
- L := Length (V1);
- LV := Length (V2);
- While (I < L) and (J < LV) do
- begin
- While (I < L) and (V1 [I] < V2 [J]) do
- Inc (I);
- if I < L then
- begin
- if V1 [I] = V2 [J] then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- While (J < LV) and (V2 [J] <= V1 [I]) do
- Inc (J);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- For I := 0 to Length (V1) - 1 do
- if (PosNext (V1 [I], V2) >= 0) and (PosNext (V1 [I], Result) = -1) then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- End;
- Function Intersection (const V1, V2 : ShortIntArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : ShortIntArray;
- var I, J, L, LV : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, 0);
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := 0;
- J := 0;
- L := Length (V1);
- LV := Length (V2);
- While (I < L) and (J < LV) do
- begin
- While (I < L) and (V1 [I] < V2 [J]) do
- Inc (I);
- if I < L then
- begin
- if V1 [I] = V2 [J] then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- While (J < LV) and (V2 [J] <= V1 [I]) do
- Inc (J);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- For I := 0 to Length (V1) - 1 do
- if (PosNext (V1 [I], V2) >= 0) and (PosNext (V1 [I], Result) = -1) then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- End;
- Function Intersection (const V1, V2 : SmallIntArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : SmallIntArray;
- var I, J, L, LV : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, 0);
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := 0;
- J := 0;
- L := Length (V1);
- LV := Length (V2);
- While (I < L) and (J < LV) do
- begin
- While (I < L) and (V1 [I] < V2 [J]) do
- Inc (I);
- if I < L then
- begin
- if V1 [I] = V2 [J] then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- While (J < LV) and (V2 [J] <= V1 [I]) do
- Inc (J);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- For I := 0 to Length (V1) - 1 do
- if (PosNext (V1 [I], V2) >= 0) and (PosNext (V1 [I], Result) = -1) then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- End;
- Function Intersection (const V1, V2 : LongIntArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : LongIntArray;
- var I, J, L, LV : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, 0);
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := 0;
- J := 0;
- L := Length (V1);
- LV := Length (V2);
- While (I < L) and (J < LV) do
- begin
- While (I < L) and (V1 [I] < V2 [J]) do
- Inc (I);
- if I < L then
- begin
- if V1 [I] = V2 [J] then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- While (J < LV) and (V2 [J] <= V1 [I]) do
- Inc (J);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- For I := 0 to Length (V1) - 1 do
- if (PosNext (V1 [I], V2) >= 0) and (PosNext (V1 [I], Result) = -1) then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- End;
- Function Intersection (const V1, V2 : Int64Array; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : Int64Array;
- var I, J, L, LV : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, 0);
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := 0;
- J := 0;
- L := Length (V1);
- LV := Length (V2);
- While (I < L) and (J < LV) do
- begin
- While (I < L) and (V1 [I] < V2 [J]) do
- Inc (I);
- if I < L then
- begin
- if V1 [I] = V2 [J] then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- While (J < LV) and (V2 [J] <= V1 [I]) do
- Inc (J);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- For I := 0 to Length (V1) - 1 do
- if (PosNext (V1 [I], V2) >= 0) and (PosNext (V1 [I], Result) = -1) then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- End;
- Function Intersection (const V1, V2 : StringArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : StringArray;
- var I, J, L, LV : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, 0);
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := 0;
- J := 0;
- L := Length (V1);
- LV := Length (V2);
- While (I < L) and (J < LV) do
- begin
- While (I < L) and (V1 [I] < V2 [J]) do
- Inc (I);
- if I < L then
- begin
- if V1 [I] = V2 [J] then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- While (J < LV) and (V2 [J] <= V1 [I]) do
- Inc (J);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- For I := 0 to Length (V1) - 1 do
- if (PosNext (V1 [I], V2) >= 0) and (PosNext (V1 [I], Result) = -1) then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- End;
- { }
- { Difference }
- { Returns elements in V1 but not in V2. }
- { If both arrays are sorted ascending then time is o(n) instead of o(n^2). }
- { }
- Function Difference (const V1, V2 : SingleArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : SingleArray;
- var I, J, L, LV : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, 0);
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := 0;
- J := 0;
- L := Length (V1);
- LV := Length (V2);
- While (I < L) and (J < LV) do
- begin
- While (I < L) and (V1 [I] < V2 [J]) do
- Inc (I);
- if I < L then
- begin
- if V1 [I] <> V2 [J] then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- While (J < LV) and (V2 [J] <= V1 [I]) do
- Inc (J);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- For I := 0 to Length (V1) - 1 do
- if (PosNext (V1 [I], V2) = -1) and (PosNext (V1 [I], Result) = -1) then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- End;
- Function Difference (const V1, V2 : DoubleArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : DoubleArray;
- var I, J, L, LV : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, 0);
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := 0;
- J := 0;
- L := Length (V1);
- LV := Length (V2);
- While (I < L) and (J < LV) do
- begin
- While (I < L) and (V1 [I] < V2 [J]) do
- Inc (I);
- if I < L then
- begin
- if V1 [I] <> V2 [J] then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- While (J < LV) and (V2 [J] <= V1 [I]) do
- Inc (J);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- For I := 0 to Length (V1) - 1 do
- if (PosNext (V1 [I], V2) = -1) and (PosNext (V1 [I], Result) = -1) then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- End;
- Function Difference (const V1, V2 : ExtendedArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : ExtendedArray;
- var I, J, L, LV : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, 0);
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := 0;
- J := 0;
- L := Length (V1);
- LV := Length (V2);
- While (I < L) and (J < LV) do
- begin
- While (I < L) and (V1 [I] < V2 [J]) do
- Inc (I);
- if I < L then
- begin
- if V1 [I] <> V2 [J] then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- While (J < LV) and (V2 [J] <= V1 [I]) do
- Inc (J);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- For I := 0 to Length (V1) - 1 do
- if (PosNext (V1 [I], V2) = -1) and (PosNext (V1 [I], Result) = -1) then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- End;
- Function Difference (const V1, V2 : ByteArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : ByteArray;
- var I, J, L, LV : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, 0);
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := 0;
- J := 0;
- L := Length (V1);
- LV := Length (V2);
- While (I < L) and (J < LV) do
- begin
- While (I < L) and (V1 [I] < V2 [J]) do
- Inc (I);
- if I < L then
- begin
- if V1 [I] <> V2 [J] then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- While (J < LV) and (V2 [J] <= V1 [I]) do
- Inc (J);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- For I := 0 to Length (V1) - 1 do
- if (PosNext (V1 [I], V2) = -1) and (PosNext (V1 [I], Result) = -1) then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- End;
- Function Difference (const V1, V2 : WordArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : WordArray;
- var I, J, L, LV : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, 0);
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := 0;
- J := 0;
- L := Length (V1);
- LV := Length (V2);
- While (I < L) and (J < LV) do
- begin
- While (I < L) and (V1 [I] < V2 [J]) do
- Inc (I);
- if I < L then
- begin
- if V1 [I] <> V2 [J] then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- While (J < LV) and (V2 [J] <= V1 [I]) do
- Inc (J);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- For I := 0 to Length (V1) - 1 do
- if (PosNext (V1 [I], V2) = -1) and (PosNext (V1 [I], Result) = -1) then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- End;
- Function Difference (const V1, V2 : LongWordArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : LongWordArray;
- var I, J, L, LV : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, 0);
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := 0;
- J := 0;
- L := Length (V1);
- LV := Length (V2);
- While (I < L) and (J < LV) do
- begin
- While (I < L) and (V1 [I] < V2 [J]) do
- Inc (I);
- if I < L then
- begin
- if V1 [I] <> V2 [J] then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- While (J < LV) and (V2 [J] <= V1 [I]) do
- Inc (J);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- For I := 0 to Length (V1) - 1 do
- if (PosNext (V1 [I], V2) = -1) and (PosNext (V1 [I], Result) = -1) then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- End;
- Function Difference (const V1, V2 : ShortIntArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : ShortIntArray;
- var I, J, L, LV : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, 0);
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := 0;
- J := 0;
- L := Length (V1);
- LV := Length (V2);
- While (I < L) and (J < LV) do
- begin
- While (I < L) and (V1 [I] < V2 [J]) do
- Inc (I);
- if I < L then
- begin
- if V1 [I] <> V2 [J] then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- While (J < LV) and (V2 [J] <= V1 [I]) do
- Inc (J);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- For I := 0 to Length (V1) - 1 do
- if (PosNext (V1 [I], V2) = -1) and (PosNext (V1 [I], Result) = -1) then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- End;
- Function Difference (const V1, V2 : SmallIntArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : SmallIntArray;
- var I, J, L, LV : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, 0);
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := 0;
- J := 0;
- L := Length (V1);
- LV := Length (V2);
- While (I < L) and (J < LV) do
- begin
- While (I < L) and (V1 [I] < V2 [J]) do
- Inc (I);
- if I < L then
- begin
- if V1 [I] <> V2 [J] then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- While (J < LV) and (V2 [J] <= V1 [I]) do
- Inc (J);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- For I := 0 to Length (V1) - 1 do
- if (PosNext (V1 [I], V2) = -1) and (PosNext (V1 [I], Result) = -1) then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- End;
- Function Difference (const V1, V2 : LongIntArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : LongIntArray;
- var I, J, L, LV : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, 0);
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := 0;
- J := 0;
- L := Length (V1);
- LV := Length (V2);
- While (I < L) and (J < LV) do
- begin
- While (I < L) and (V1 [I] < V2 [J]) do
- Inc (I);
- if I < L then
- begin
- if V1 [I] <> V2 [J] then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- While (J < LV) and (V2 [J] <= V1 [I]) do
- Inc (J);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- For I := 0 to Length (V1) - 1 do
- if (PosNext (V1 [I], V2) = -1) and (PosNext (V1 [I], Result) = -1) then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- End;
- Function Difference (const V1, V2 : Int64Array; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : Int64Array;
- var I, J, L, LV : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, 0);
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := 0;
- J := 0;
- L := Length (V1);
- LV := Length (V2);
- While (I < L) and (J < LV) do
- begin
- While (I < L) and (V1 [I] < V2 [J]) do
- Inc (I);
- if I < L then
- begin
- if V1 [I] <> V2 [J] then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- While (J < LV) and (V2 [J] <= V1 [I]) do
- Inc (J);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- For I := 0 to Length (V1) - 1 do
- if (PosNext (V1 [I], V2) = -1) and (PosNext (V1 [I], Result) = -1) then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- End;
- Function Difference (const V1, V2 : StringArray; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : StringArray;
- var I, J, L, LV : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, 0);
- if IsSortedAscending then
- begin
- I := 0;
- J := 0;
- L := Length (V1);
- LV := Length (V2);
- While (I < L) and (J < LV) do
- begin
- While (I < L) and (V1 [I] < V2 [J]) do
- Inc (I);
- if I < L then
- begin
- if V1 [I] <> V2 [J] then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- While (J < LV) and (V2 [J] <= V1 [I]) do
- Inc (J);
- end;
- end;
- end else
- For I := 0 to Length (V1) - 1 do
- if (PosNext (V1 [I], V2) = -1) and (PosNext (V1 [I], Result) = -1) then
- Append (Result, V1 [I]);
- End;
- { }
- { Reverse }
- { }
- Procedure Reverse (var V : ByteArray);
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- For I := 1 to L div 2 do
- Swap (V [I - 1], V [L - I]);
- End;
- Procedure Reverse (var V : WordArray);
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- For I := 1 to L div 2 do
- Swap (V [I - 1], V [L - I]);
- End;
- Procedure Reverse (var V : LongWordArray);
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- For I := 1 to L div 2 do
- Swap (V [I - 1], V [L - I]);
- End;
- Procedure Reverse (var V : ShortIntArray);
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- For I := 1 to L div 2 do
- Swap (V [I - 1], V [L - I]);
- End;
- Procedure Reverse (var V : SmallIntArray);
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- For I := 1 to L div 2 do
- Swap (V [I - 1], V [L - I]);
- End;
- Procedure Reverse (var V : LongIntArray);
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- For I := 1 to L div 2 do
- Swap (V [I - 1], V [L - I]);
- End;
- Procedure Reverse (var V : Int64Array);
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- For I := 1 to L div 2 do
- Swap (V [I - 1], V [L - I]);
- End;
- Procedure Reverse (var V : StringArray);
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- For I := 1 to L div 2 do
- Swap (V [I - 1], V [L - I]);
- End;
- Procedure Reverse (var V : PointerArray);
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- For I := 1 to L div 2 do
- Swap (V [I - 1], V [L - I]);
- End;
- Procedure Reverse (var V : ObjectArray);
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- For I := 1 to L div 2 do
- Swap (V [I - 1], V [L - I]);
- End;
- Procedure Reverse (var V : SingleArray);
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- For I := 1 to L div 2 do
- Swap (V [I - 1], V [L - I]);
- End;
- Procedure Reverse (var V : DoubleArray);
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- For I := 1 to L div 2 do
- Swap (V [I - 1], V [L - I]);
- End;
- Procedure Reverse (var V : ExtendedArray);
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- For I := 1 to L div 2 do
- Swap (V [I - 1], V [L - I]);
- End;
- { }
- { Returns an open array (V) as a dynamic array. }
- { }
- Function AsBooleanArray (const V : Array of Boolean) : BooleanArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, High (V) + 1);
- For I := 0 to High (V) do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function AsByteArray (const V : Array of Byte) : ByteArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, High (V) + 1);
- For I := 0 to High (V) do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function AsWordArray (const V : Array of Word) : WordArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, High (V) + 1);
- For I := 0 to High (V) do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function AsLongWordArray (const V : Array of LongWord) : LongWordArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, High (V) + 1);
- For I := 0 to High (V) do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function AsCardinalArray (const V : Array of Cardinal) : CardinalArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, High (V) + 1);
- For I := 0 to High (V) do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function AsShortIntArray (const V : Array of ShortInt) : ShortIntArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, High (V) + 1);
- For I := 0 to High (V) do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function AsSmallIntArray (const V : Array of SmallInt) : SmallIntArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, High (V) + 1);
- For I := 0 to High (V) do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function AsLongIntArray (const V : Array of LongInt) : LongIntArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, High (V) + 1);
- For I := 0 to High (V) do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function AsIntegerArray (const V : Array of Integer) : IntegerArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, High (V) + 1);
- For I := 0 to High (V) do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function AsInt64Array (const V : Array of Int64) : Int64Array;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, High (V) + 1);
- For I := 0 to High (V) do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function AsSingleArray (const V : Array of Single) : SingleArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, High (V) + 1);
- For I := 0 to High (V) do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function AsDoubleArray (const V : Array of Double) : DoubleArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, High (V) + 1);
- For I := 0 to High (V) do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function AsExtendedArray (const V : Array of Extended) : ExtendedArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, High (V) + 1);
- For I := 0 to High (V) do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function AsStringArray (const V : Array of String) : StringArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, High (V) + 1);
- For I := 0 to High (V) do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function AsPointerArray (const V : Array of Pointer) : PointerArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, High (V) + 1);
- For I := 0 to High (V) do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function AsCharSetArray (const V : Array of CharSet) : CharSetArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, High (V) + 1);
- For I := 0 to High (V) do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function AsObjectArray (const V : Array of TObject) : ObjectArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, High (V) + 1);
- For I := 0 to High (V) do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function RangeByte (const First : Byte; const Count : Integer; const Increment : Byte) : ByteArray;
- var I : Integer;
- J : Byte;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- J := First;
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- begin
- Result [I] := J;
- J := J + Increment;
- end;
- End;
- Function RangeWord (const First : Word; const Count : Integer; const Increment : Word) : WordArray;
- var I : Integer;
- J : Word;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- J := First;
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- begin
- Result [I] := J;
- J := J + Increment;
- end;
- End;
- Function RangeLongWord (const First : LongWord; const Count : Integer; const Increment : LongWord) : LongWordArray;
- var I : Integer;
- J : LongWord;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- J := First;
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- begin
- Result [I] := J;
- J := J + Increment;
- end;
- End;
- Function RangeCardinal (const First : Cardinal; const Count : Integer; const Increment : Cardinal) : CardinalArray;
- var I : Integer;
- J : Cardinal;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- J := First;
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- begin
- Result [I] := J;
- J := J + Increment;
- end;
- End;
- Function RangeShortInt (const First : ShortInt; const Count : Integer; const Increment : ShortInt) : ShortIntArray;
- var I : Integer;
- J : ShortInt;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- J := First;
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- begin
- Result [I] := J;
- J := J + Increment;
- end;
- End;
- Function RangeSmallInt (const First : SmallInt; const Count : Integer; const Increment : SmallInt) : SmallIntArray;
- var I : Integer;
- J : SmallInt;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- J := First;
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- begin
- Result [I] := J;
- J := J + Increment;
- end;
- End;
- Function RangeLongInt (const First : LongInt; const Count : Integer; const Increment : LongInt) : LongIntArray;
- var I : Integer;
- J : LongInt;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- J := First;
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- begin
- Result [I] := J;
- J := J + Increment;
- end;
- End;
- Function RangeInteger (const First : Integer; const Count : Integer; const Increment : Integer) : IntegerArray;
- var I : Integer;
- J : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- J := First;
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- begin
- Result [I] := J;
- J := J + Increment;
- end;
- End;
- Function RangeInt64 (const First : Int64; const Count : Integer; const Increment : Int64) : Int64Array;
- var I : Integer;
- J : Int64;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- J := First;
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- begin
- Result [I] := J;
- J := J + Increment;
- end;
- End;
- Function RangeSingle (const First : Single; const Count : Integer; const Increment : Single) : SingleArray;
- var I : Integer;
- J : Single;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- J := First;
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- begin
- Result [I] := J;
- J := J + Increment;
- end;
- End;
- Function RangeDouble (const First : Double; const Count : Integer; const Increment : Double) : DoubleArray;
- var I : Integer;
- J : Double;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- J := First;
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- begin
- Result [I] := J;
- J := J + Increment;
- end;
- End;
- Function RangeExtended (const First : Extended; const Count : Integer; const Increment : Extended) : ExtendedArray;
- var I : Integer;
- J : Extended;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- J := First;
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- begin
- Result [I] := J;
- J := J + Increment;
- end;
- End;
- { }
- { Dup }
- { }
- Function DupByte (const V : Byte; const Count : Integer) : ByteArray;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- FillChar (Result [0], Count, V);
- End;
- Function DupWord (const V : Word; const Count : Integer) : WordArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- Result [I] := V;
- End;
- Function DupLongWord (const V : LongWord; const Count : Integer) : LongWordArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- Result [I] := V;
- End;
- Function DupCardinal (const V : Cardinal; const Count : Integer) : CardinalArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- Result [I] := V;
- End;
- Function DupShortInt (const V : ShortInt; const Count : Integer) : ShortIntArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- Result [I] := V;
- End;
- Function DupSmallInt (const V : SmallInt; const Count : Integer) : SmallIntArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- Result [I] := V;
- End;
- Function DupLongInt (const V : LongInt; const Count : Integer) : LongIntArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- Result [I] := V;
- End;
- Function DupInteger (const V : Integer; const Count : Integer) : IntegerArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- Result [I] := V;
- End;
- Function DupInt64 (const V : Int64; const Count : Integer) : Int64Array;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- Result [I] := V;
- End;
- Function DupSingle (const V : Single; const Count : Integer) : SingleArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- Result [I] := V;
- End;
- Function DupDouble (const V : Double; const Count : Integer) : DoubleArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- Result [I] := V;
- End;
- Function DupExtended (const V : Extended; const Count : Integer) : ExtendedArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- Result [I] := V;
- End;
- Function DupString (const V : String; const Count : Integer) : StringArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- Result [I] := V;
- End;
- Function DupCharSet (const V : CharSet; const Count : Integer) : CharSetArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- Result [I] := V;
- End;
- Function DupObject (const V : TObject; const Count : Integer) : ObjectArray;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, Count);
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- Result [I] := V;
- End;
- { }
- { SetLengthAndZero }
- { }
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : ByteArray; const NewLength : Integer);
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if L = NewLength then
- exit;
- SetLength (V, NewLength);
- if L > NewLength then
- exit;
- FillChar (V [L], Sizeof (Byte) * (NewLength - L), #0);
- End;
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : WordArray; const NewLength : Integer);
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if L = NewLength then
- exit;
- SetLength (V, NewLength);
- if L > NewLength then
- exit;
- FillChar (V [L], Sizeof (Word) * (NewLength - L), #0);
- End;
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : LongWordArray; const NewLength : Integer);
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if L = NewLength then
- exit;
- SetLength (V, NewLength);
- if L > NewLength then
- exit;
- FillChar (V [L], Sizeof (LongWord) * (NewLength - L), #0);
- End;
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : ShortIntArray; const NewLength : Integer);
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if L = NewLength then
- exit;
- SetLength (V, NewLength);
- if L > NewLength then
- exit;
- FillChar (V [L], Sizeof (ShortInt) * (NewLength - L), #0);
- End;
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : SmallIntArray; const NewLength : Integer);
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if L = NewLength then
- exit;
- SetLength (V, NewLength);
- if L > NewLength then
- exit;
- FillChar (V [L], Sizeof (SmallInt) * (NewLength - L), #0);
- End;
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : LongIntArray; const NewLength : Integer);
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if L = NewLength then
- exit;
- SetLength (V, NewLength);
- if L > NewLength then
- exit;
- FillChar (V [L], Sizeof (LongInt) * (NewLength - L), #0);
- End;
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : Int64Array; const NewLength : Integer);
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if L = NewLength then
- exit;
- SetLength (V, NewLength);
- if L > NewLength then
- exit;
- FillChar (V [L], Sizeof (Int64) * (NewLength - L), #0);
- End;
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : SingleArray; const NewLength : Integer);
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if L = NewLength then
- exit;
- SetLength (V, NewLength);
- if L > NewLength then
- exit;
- FillChar (V [L], Sizeof (Single) * (NewLength - L), #0);
- End;
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : DoubleArray; const NewLength : Integer);
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if L = NewLength then
- exit;
- SetLength (V, NewLength);
- if L > NewLength then
- exit;
- FillChar (V [L], Sizeof (Double) * (NewLength - L), #0);
- End;
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : ExtendedArray; const NewLength : Integer);
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if L = NewLength then
- exit;
- SetLength (V, NewLength);
- if L > NewLength then
- exit;
- FillChar (V [L], Sizeof (Extended) * (NewLength - L), #0);
- End;
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : CharSetArray; const NewLength : Integer);
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if L = NewLength then
- exit;
- SetLength (V, NewLength);
- if L > NewLength then
- exit;
- FillChar (V [L], Sizeof (CharSet) * (NewLength - L), #0);
- End;
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : BooleanArray; const NewLength : Integer);
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if L = NewLength then
- exit;
- SetLength (V, NewLength);
- if L > NewLength then
- exit;
- FillChar (V [L], Sizeof (Boolean) * (NewLength - L), #0);
- End;
- Procedure SetLengthAndZero (var V : ObjectArray; const NewLength : Integer; const FreeObjects : Boolean);
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- if L = NewLength then
- exit;
- if (L > NewLength) and FreeObjects then
- For I := NewLength to L - 1 do
- FreeAndNil (V [I]);
- SetLength (V, NewLength);
- if L > NewLength then
- exit;
- FillChar (V [L], Sizeof (Pointer) * (NewLength - L), #0);
- End;
- { }
- { IsEqual }
- { }
- Function IsEqual (const V1, V2 : ByteArray) : Boolean;
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V1);
- if L <> Length (V2) then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := CompareMem (Pointer (V1)^, Pointer (V2)^, Sizeof (Byte) * L);
- End;
- Function IsEqual (const V1, V2 : WordArray) : Boolean;
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V1);
- if L <> Length (V2) then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := CompareMem (Pointer (V1)^, Pointer (V2)^, Sizeof (Word) * L);
- End;
- Function IsEqual (const V1, V2 : LongWordArray) : Boolean;
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V1);
- if L <> Length (V2) then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := CompareMem (Pointer (V1)^, Pointer (V2)^, Sizeof (LongWord) * L);
- End;
- Function IsEqual (const V1, V2 : ShortIntArray) : Boolean;
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V1);
- if L <> Length (V2) then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := CompareMem (Pointer (V1)^, Pointer (V2)^, Sizeof (ShortInt) * L);
- End;
- Function IsEqual (const V1, V2 : SmallIntArray) : Boolean;
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V1);
- if L <> Length (V2) then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := CompareMem (Pointer (V1)^, Pointer (V2)^, Sizeof (SmallInt) * L);
- End;
- Function IsEqual (const V1, V2 : LongIntArray) : Boolean;
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V1);
- if L <> Length (V2) then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := CompareMem (Pointer (V1)^, Pointer (V2)^, Sizeof (LongInt) * L);
- End;
- Function IsEqual (const V1, V2 : Int64Array) : Boolean;
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V1);
- if L <> Length (V2) then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := CompareMem (Pointer (V1)^, Pointer (V2)^, Sizeof (Int64) * L);
- End;
- Function IsEqual (const V1, V2 : SingleArray) : Boolean;
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V1);
- if L <> Length (V2) then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := CompareMem (Pointer (V1)^, Pointer (V2)^, Sizeof (Single) * L);
- End;
- Function IsEqual (const V1, V2 : DoubleArray) : Boolean;
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V1);
- if L <> Length (V2) then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := CompareMem (Pointer (V1)^, Pointer (V2)^, Sizeof (Double) * L);
- End;
- Function IsEqual (const V1, V2 : ExtendedArray) : Boolean;
- var L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V1);
- if L <> Length (V2) then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := CompareMem (Pointer (V1)^, Pointer (V2)^, Sizeof (Extended) * L);
- End;
- Function IsEqual (const V1, V2 : StringArray) : Boolean;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V1);
- if L <> Length (V2) then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- if V1 [I] <> V2 [I] then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := True;
- End;
- Function IsEqual (const V1, V2 : CharSetArray) : Boolean;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V1);
- if L <> Length (V2) then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- if V1 [I] <> V2 [I] then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := True;
- End;
- { }
- { Dynamic array to Dynamic array }
- { }
- Function ByteArrayToLongIntArray (const V : ByteArray) : LongIntArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function WordArrayToLongIntArray (const V : WordArray) : LongIntArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function ShortIntArrayToLongIntArray (const V : ShortIntArray) : LongIntArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function SmallIntArrayToLongIntArray (const V : SmallIntArray) : LongIntArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function LongIntArrayToInt64Array (const V : LongIntArray) : Int64Array;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function LongIntArrayToSingleArray (const V : LongIntArray) : SingleArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function LongIntArrayToDoubleArray (const V : LongIntArray) : DoubleArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function LongIntArrayToExtendedArray (const V : LongIntArray) : ExtendedArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function SingleArrayToExtendedArray (const V : SingleArray) : ExtendedArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function SingleArrayToDoubleArray (const V : SingleArray) : DoubleArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function SingleArrayToLongIntArray (const V : SingleArray) : LongIntArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := Trunc (V [I]);
- End;
- Function SingleArrayToInt64Array (const V : SingleArray) : Int64Array;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := Trunc (V [I]);
- End;
- Function DoubleArrayToSingleArray (const V : DoubleArray) : SingleArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function DoubleArrayToExtendedArray (const V : DoubleArray) : ExtendedArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function DoubleArrayToLongIntArray (const V : DoubleArray) : LongIntArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := Trunc (V [I]);
- End;
- Function DoubleArrayToInt64Array (const V : DoubleArray) : Int64Array;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := Trunc (V [I]);
- End;
- Function ExtendedArrayToSingleArray (const V : ExtendedArray) : SingleArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function ExtendedArrayToDoubleArray (const V : ExtendedArray) : DoubleArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function ExtendedArrayToLongIntArray (const V : ExtendedArray) : LongIntArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := Trunc (V [I]);
- End;
- Function ExtendedArrayToInt64Array (const V : ExtendedArray) : Int64Array;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (V);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := Trunc (V [I]);
- End;
- { }
- { Array from indexes }
- { }
- Function ByteArrayFromIndexes (const V : ByteArray; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : ByteArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (Indexes);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [Indexes [I]];
- End;
- Function WordArrayFromIndexes (const V : WordArray; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : WordArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (Indexes);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [Indexes [I]];
- End;
- Function LongWordArrayFromIndexes (const V : LongWordArray; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : LongWordArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (Indexes);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [Indexes [I]];
- End;
- Function CardinalArrayFromIndexes (const V : CardinalArray; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : CardinalArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (Indexes);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [Indexes [I]];
- End;
- Function ShortIntArrayFromIndexes (const V : ShortIntArray; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : ShortIntArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (Indexes);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [Indexes [I]];
- End;
- Function SmallIntArrayFromIndexes (const V : SmallIntArray; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : SmallIntArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (Indexes);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [Indexes [I]];
- End;
- Function LongIntArrayFromIndexes (const V : LongIntArray; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : LongIntArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (Indexes);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [Indexes [I]];
- End;
- Function IntegerArrayFromIndexes (const V : IntegerArray; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : IntegerArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (Indexes);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [Indexes [I]];
- End;
- Function Int64ArrayFromIndexes (const V : Int64Array; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : Int64Array;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (Indexes);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [Indexes [I]];
- End;
- Function SingleArrayFromIndexes (const V : SingleArray; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : SingleArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (Indexes);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [Indexes [I]];
- End;
- Function DoubleArrayFromIndexes (const V : DoubleArray; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : DoubleArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (Indexes);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [Indexes [I]];
- End;
- Function ExtendedArrayFromIndexes (const V : ExtendedArray; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : ExtendedArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (Indexes);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [Indexes [I]];
- End;
- Function StringArrayFromIndexes (const V : StringArray; const Indexes : IntegerArray) : StringArray;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (Indexes);
- SetLength (Result, L);
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Result [I] := V [Indexes [I]];
- End;
- { }
- { Dynamic array Sort }
- { }
- Procedure Sort (var V : ByteArray);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While V [I] < V [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While V [J] > V [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (V [I], V [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- I := Length (V);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure Sort (var V : WordArray);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While V [I] < V [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While V [J] > V [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (V [I], V [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- I := Length (V);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure Sort (var V : LongWordArray);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While V [I] < V [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While V [J] > V [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (V [I], V [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- I := Length (V);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure Sort (var V : ShortIntArray);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While V [I] < V [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While V [J] > V [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (V [I], V [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- I := Length (V);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure Sort (var V : SmallIntArray);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While V [I] < V [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While V [J] > V [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (V [I], V [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- I := Length (V);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure Sort (var V : LongIntArray);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While V [I] < V [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While V [J] > V [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (V [I], V [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- I := Length (V);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure Sort (var V : Int64Array);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While V [I] < V [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While V [J] > V [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (V [I], V [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- I := Length (V);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure Sort (var V : SingleArray);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While V [I] < V [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While V [J] > V [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (V [I], V [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- I := Length (V);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure Sort (var V : DoubleArray);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While V [I] < V [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While V [J] > V [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (V [I], V [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- I := Length (V);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure Sort (var V : ExtendedArray);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While V [I] < V [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While V [J] > V [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (V [I], V [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- I := Length (V);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure Sort (var V : StringArray);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While V [I] < V [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While V [J] > V [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (V [I], V [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- I := Length (V);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : IntegerArray; var Data : IntegerArray);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While Key [I] < Key [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While Key [J] > Key [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (Key [I], Key [J]);
- Swap (Data [I], Data [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- Assert (Length (Key) = Length (Data), 'Sort pair must be of equal length.');
- I := Length (Key);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : IntegerArray; var Data : Int64Array);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While Key [I] < Key [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While Key [J] > Key [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (Key [I], Key [J]);
- Swap (Data [I], Data [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- Assert (Length (Key) = Length (Data), 'Sort pair must be of equal length.');
- I := Length (Key);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : IntegerArray; var Data : StringArray);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While Key [I] < Key [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While Key [J] > Key [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (Key [I], Key [J]);
- Swap (Data [I], Data [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- Assert (Length (Key) = Length (Data), 'Sort pair must be of equal length.');
- I := Length (Key);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : IntegerArray; var Data : ExtendedArray);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While Key [I] < Key [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While Key [J] > Key [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (Key [I], Key [J]);
- Swap (Data [I], Data [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- Assert (Length (Key) = Length (Data), 'Sort pair must be of equal length.');
- I := Length (Key);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : IntegerArray; var Data : PointerArray);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While Key [I] < Key [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While Key [J] > Key [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (Key [I], Key [J]);
- Swap (Data [I], Data [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- Assert (Length (Key) = Length (Data), 'Sort pair must be of equal length.');
- I := Length (Key);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : StringArray; var Data : IntegerArray);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While Key [I] < Key [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While Key [J] > Key [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (Key [I], Key [J]);
- Swap (Data [I], Data [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- Assert (Length (Key) = Length (Data), 'Sort pair must be of equal length.');
- I := Length (Key);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : StringArray; var Data : Int64Array);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While Key [I] < Key [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While Key [J] > Key [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (Key [I], Key [J]);
- Swap (Data [I], Data [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- Assert (Length (Key) = Length (Data), 'Sort pair must be of equal length.');
- I := Length (Key);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : StringArray; var Data : StringArray);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While Key [I] < Key [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While Key [J] > Key [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (Key [I], Key [J]);
- Swap (Data [I], Data [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- Assert (Length (Key) = Length (Data), 'Sort pair must be of equal length.');
- I := Length (Key);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : StringArray; var Data : ExtendedArray);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While Key [I] < Key [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While Key [J] > Key [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (Key [I], Key [J]);
- Swap (Data [I], Data [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- Assert (Length (Key) = Length (Data), 'Sort pair must be of equal length.');
- I := Length (Key);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : StringArray; var Data : PointerArray);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While Key [I] < Key [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While Key [J] > Key [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (Key [I], Key [J]);
- Swap (Data [I], Data [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- Assert (Length (Key) = Length (Data), 'Sort pair must be of equal length.');
- I := Length (Key);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : ExtendedArray; var Data : IntegerArray);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While Key [I] < Key [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While Key [J] > Key [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (Key [I], Key [J]);
- Swap (Data [I], Data [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- Assert (Length (Key) = Length (Data), 'Sort pair must be of equal length.');
- I := Length (Key);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : ExtendedArray; var Data : Int64Array);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While Key [I] < Key [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While Key [J] > Key [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (Key [I], Key [J]);
- Swap (Data [I], Data [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- Assert (Length (Key) = Length (Data), 'Sort pair must be of equal length.');
- I := Length (Key);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : ExtendedArray; var Data : StringArray);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While Key [I] < Key [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While Key [J] > Key [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (Key [I], Key [J]);
- Swap (Data [I], Data [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- Assert (Length (Key) = Length (Data), 'Sort pair must be of equal length.');
- I := Length (Key);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : ExtendedArray; var Data : ExtendedArray);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While Key [I] < Key [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While Key [J] > Key [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (Key [I], Key [J]);
- Swap (Data [I], Data [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- Assert (Length (Key) = Length (Data), 'Sort pair must be of equal length.');
- I := Length (Key);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure Sort (var Key : ExtendedArray; var Data : PointerArray);
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J, M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While Key [I] < Key [M] do
- Inc (I);
- While Key [J] > Key [M] do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- Swap (Key [I], Key [J]);
- Swap (Data [I], Data [J]);
- if M = I then
- M := J else
- if M = J then
- M := I;
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- Assert (Length (Key) = Length (Data), 'Sort pair must be of equal length.');
- I := Length (Key);
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- { }
- { Test cases }
- { }
- Procedure Test_Misc;
- var A, B : String;
- Begin
- { iif }
- Assert (iif (True, 1, 2) = 1, 'iif');
- Assert (iif (False, 1, 2) = 2, 'iif');
- Assert (iif (True, '1', '2') = '1', 'iif');
- Assert (iif (False, '1', '2') = '2', 'iif');
- Assert (iif (True, 1.1, 2.2) = 1.1, 'iif');
- Assert (iif (False, 1.1, 2.2) = 2.2, 'iif');
- { CharSet }
- Assert (CharCount ([]) = 0, 'CharCount');
- Assert (CharCount (['a'..'z']) = 26, 'CharCount');
- Assert (CharCount ([#0, #255]) = 2, 'CharCount');
- { MoveMem }
- A := '12345';
- B := ' ';
- MoveMem (A [1], B [1], 0);
- Assert (B = ' ', 'MoveMem');
- MoveMem (A [1], B [1], 1);
- Assert (B = '1 ', 'MoveMem');
- MoveMem (A [1], B [1], 2);
- Assert (B = '12 ', 'MoveMem');
- MoveMem (A [1], B [1], 3);
- Assert (B = '123 ', 'MoveMem');
- MoveMem (A [1], B [1], 4);
- Assert (B = '1234 ', 'MoveMem');
- MoveMem (A [1], B [1], 5);
- Assert (B = '12345', 'MoveMem');
- End;
- Procedure Test_BitFunctions;
- Begin
- { Bits }
- Assert (SetBit ($100F, 5) = $102F, 'SetBit');
- Assert (ClearBit ($102F, 5) = $100F, 'ClearBit');
- Assert (ToggleBit ($102F, 5) = $100F, 'ToggleBit');
- Assert (ToggleBit ($100F, 5) = $102F, 'ToggleBit');
- Assert (IsBitSet ($102F, 5), 'IsBitSet');
- Assert (not IsBitSet ($100F, 5), 'IsBitSet');
- Assert (SetBitScanForward (0) = -1, 'SetBitScanForward');
- Assert (SetBitScanForward ($1020) = 5, 'SetBitScanForward');
- Assert (SetBitScanReverse ($1020) = 12, 'SetBitScanForward');
- Assert (SetBitScanForward ($1020, 6) = 12, 'SetBitScanForward');
- Assert (SetBitScanReverse ($1020, 11) = 5, 'SetBitScanForward');
- Assert (ClearBitScanForward ($FFFFFFFF) = -1, 'ClearBitScanForward');
- Assert (ClearBitScanForward ($1020) = 0, 'ClearBitScanForward');
- Assert (ClearBitScanReverse ($1020) = 31, 'ClearBitScanForward');
- Assert (ClearBitScanForward ($1020, 5) = 6, 'ClearBitScanForward');
- Assert (ClearBitScanReverse ($1020, 12) = 11, 'ClearBitScanForward');
- Assert (ReverseBits ($12345678) = $1E6A2C48, 'ReverseBits');
- Assert (SwapEndian ($12345678) = $78563412, 'SwapEndian');
- Assert (BitCount ($12341234) = 10, 'BitCount');
- Assert (LowBitMask (10) = $3FF, 'LowBitMask');
- Assert (HighBitMask (28) = $F0000000, 'HighBitMask');
- Assert (RangeBitMask (2, 6) = $7C, 'RangeBitMask');
- Assert (SetBitRange ($101, 2, 6) = $17D, 'SetBitRange');
- Assert (ClearBitRange ($17D, 2, 6) = $101, 'ClearBitRange');
- Assert (ToggleBitRange ($17D, 2, 6) = $101, 'ToggleBitRange');
- Assert (IsBitRangeSet ($17D, 2, 6), 'IsBitRangeSet');
- Assert (not IsBitRangeSet ($101, 2, 6), 'IsBitRangeSet');
- Assert (not IsBitRangeClear ($17D, 2, 6), 'IsBitRangeClear');
- Assert (IsBitRangeClear ($101, 2, 6), 'IsBitRangeClear');
- End;
- Procedure Test_IntegerArray;
- var S, T : IntegerArray;
- F : Integer;
- Begin
- { IntegerArray }
- S := nil;
- For F := 1 to 100 do
- begin
- Append (S, F);
- Assert (Length (S) = F, 'Append');
- Assert (S [F - 1] = F, 'Append');
- end;
- T := Copy (S);
- AppendIntegerArray (S, T);
- For F := 1 to 100 do
- Assert (S [F + 99] = F, 'Append');
- Assert (PosNext (60, S) = 59, 'PosNext');
- Assert (PosNext (60, T) = 59, 'PosNext');
- Assert (PosNext (60, S, 59) = 159, 'PosNext');
- Assert (PosNext (60, T, 59) = -1, 'PosNext');
- Assert (PosNext (60, T, -1, True) = 59, 'PosNext');
- Assert (PosNext (60, T, 59, True) = -1, 'PosNext');
- For F := 1 to 100 do
- begin
- Remove (S, PosNext (F, S), 1);
- Assert (Length (S) = 200 - F, 'Remove');
- end;
- For F := 99 downto 0 do
- begin
- Remove (S, PosNext (F xor 3 + 1, S), 1);
- Assert (Length (S) = F, 'Remove');
- end;
- S := AsIntegerArray ([3, 1, 2, 5, 4]);
- Sort (S);
- Assert (S [0] = 1, 'Sort');
- Assert (S [1] = 2, 'Sort');
- Assert (S [2] = 3, 'Sort');
- Assert (S [3] = 4, 'Sort');
- Assert (S [4] = 5, 'Sort');
- End;
- Procedure SelfTest;
- Begin
- Test_Misc;
- Test_BitFunctions;
- Test_IntegerArray;
- End;
- end.