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- {$INCLUDE ..\cDefines.inc}
- unit cRandom;
- { }
- { Revision history: }
- { 1999/11/07 v0.01 Added RandomSeed. }
- { 1999/12/01 v0.02 Added RandomUniform. }
- { 2000/01/23 v1.03 Added RandomPseudoWord. }
- { 2000/07/13 v1.04 Fixed bug in RandomUniform reported by Andrew Driazgov }
- { <andrey@asp.tstu.ru> }
- { 2000/08/22 v1.05 Added RandomHex. }
- { 2000/09/20 v1.06 Added more random states to RandomSeed. }
- { 2002/06/01 v3.07 Created cRandom unit from cSysUtils and cMaths. }
- { }
- interface
- { }
- { RandomSeed }
- { Returns a random seed value, based on the Windows counter, the CPU counter }
- { and the current date/time and other 'random' states. }
- { }
- Function RandomSeed : LongWord;
- type
- TGUID128 = Array [0..3] of LongWord;
- Function GenerateGUID32 : LongWord;
- Function GenerateGUID64 : Int64;
- Function GenerateGUID128 : TGUID128;
- { }
- { Uniform random number generator }
- { Returns a random number from a uniform density distribution (ie all number }
- { have an equal probability of being 'chosen') }
- { RandomFloat returns an random floating point value between 0 and 1. }
- { RandomPseudoWord returns a random word-like string. }
- { }
- Function RandomUniform : LongWord; overload;
- Function RandomUniform (const N : Integer) : Integer; overload;
- Function RandomBoolean : Boolean;
- Function RandomInt64 : Int64;
- Function RandomHex (const Digits : Integer = 8) : String;
- Function RandomFloat : Extended;
- Function RandomPseudoWord (const Length : Integer) : String;
- implementation
- uses
- // Delphi
- Windows,
- SysUtils;
- { }
- { RandomSeed }
- { }
- Function RandomSeed : LongWord;
- var I : Int64;
- Ye, Mo, Da : Word;
- H, Mi, S, S1 : Word;
- Begin
- Result := $A5F04182;
- // Date
- DecodeDate (Date, Ye, Mo, Da);
- Result := Result xor Ye xor (Mo shl 16) xor (Da shl 24);
- // Time
- DecodeTime (Time, H, Mi, S, S1);
- Result := Result xor H xor (Mi shl 8) xor (S1 shl 16) xor (S shl 24);
- // Ticks since start-up
- Result := Result xor GetTickCount;
- // CPU Frequency
- if QueryPerformanceFrequency (I) then
- Result := Result xor LongWord (I) xor LongWord (I shr 32);
- // CPU Counter
- if QueryPerformanceCounter (I) then
- Result := Result xor LongWord (I) xor LongWord (I shr 32);
- // Process
- Result := Result xor GetCurrentProcess xor GetCurrentThread;
- {$ENDIF}
- End;
- var
- GUIDInit : Boolean = False;
- GUIDBase : TGUID128 = (0, 0, 0, 0);
- Procedure InitGUID;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- GUIDBase [0] := RandomSeed;
- For I := 1 to 3 do
- GUIDBase [I] := RandomUniform;
- GUIDInit := True;
- End;
- Function GenerateGUID32 : LongWord;
- Begin
- if not GUIDInit then
- InitGUID;
- Result := GUIDBase [3];
- GUIDBase [3] := LongWord (GUIDBase [3] + 1);
- End;
- Function GenerateGUID64 : Int64;
- Begin
- if not GUIDInit then
- InitGUID;
- Int64Rec (Result).Hi := GUIDBase [2];
- Int64Rec (Result).Lo := GUIDBase [3];
- GUIDBase [3] := LongWord (GUIDBase [3] + 1);
- End;
- Function GenerateGUID128 : TGUID128;
- Begin
- if not GUIDInit then
- InitGUID;
- Result := GUIDBase;
- GUIDBase [3] := LongWord (GUIDBase [3] + 1);
- if GUIDBase [3] = 0 then
- GUIDBase [2] := LongWord (GUIDBase [2] + 1);
- GUIDBase [1] := RandomUniform;
- End;
- { Random number generator from ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer }
- { Simulation 8(1) 3-30, 1990. Supposedly it has a period of -1 + 2^19937. }
- { The original was in C; this translation returns the same values as the }
- { original. It is called the Mersenne Twister. }
- { The following code was written by Toby Ewing <ewing@iastate.edu>, slightly }
- { modified by Frank Heckenbach <frank@pascal.gnu.de>, again slightly modified }
- { by David Butler <david@e.co.za> for use in Delphi. Bug fixes with reference }
- { to the original code http://www.math.keio.ac.jp/~matumoto/emt.html, by }
- { Andrew Driazgov <andrey@asp.tstu.ru>. }
- { It was inspired by C code, released under the GNU Library General Public }
- { License, written by Makoto Matsumoto <matumoto@math.keio.ac.jp> and }
- { Takuji Nishimura, considering the suggestions by Topher Cooper and }
- { Marc Rieffel in July-Aug 97. }
- const
- N = 624; // Period parameters
- M = 397;
- var
- mti : Integer;
- mt : Array [0..N - 1] of LongWord; // the array for the state vector
- RandomUniformInitialized : Boolean = False;
- { Set initial seeds to mt [N] using the generator Line 25 of Table 1 in }
- { [KNUTH 1981, The Art of Computer Programming Vol. 2 (2nd Ed.), pp 102]. }
- Procedure RandomUniformInit (const Seed : LongWord);
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- mt [0] := Seed;
- For I := 1 to N - 1 do
- mt [I] := LongWord (Int64 (69069) * mt [I - 1]);
- mti := N;
- RandomUniformInitialized := True
- End;
- Function RandomUniform : LongWord;
- const
- Matrix_A = $9908B0DF; // constant vector a
- T_Mask_B = $9D2C5680; // Tempering parameters
- T_Mask_C = $EFC60000;
- Up_Mask = $80000000; // most significant w-r bits
- Low_Mask = $7FFFFFFF; // least significant r bits
- mag01 : Array [0..1] of LongWord = (0, Matrix_A);
- var
- y : LongWord;
- kk : Integer;
- Begin
- if not RandomUniformInitialized then
- RandomUniformInit (RandomSeed);
- if mti >= N then { generate N words at one time }
- begin
- For kk := 0 to N - M - 1 do
- begin
- y := (mt [kk] and Up_Mask) or (mt [kk + 1] and Low_Mask);
- mt [kk] := mt [kk + M] xor (y shr 1) xor mag01 [y and 1]
- end;
- For kk := N - M to N - 2 do
- begin
- y := (mt [kk] and Up_Mask) or (mt [kk + 1] and Low_Mask);
- mt [kk] := mt [kk + M - N] xor (y shr 1) xor mag01 [y and 1]
- end;
- y := (mt [N - 1] and Up_Mask) or (mt [0] and Low_Mask);
- mt [N - 1] := mt [M - 1] xor (y shr 1) xor mag01 [y and 1];
- mti := 0
- end;
- y := mt [mti];
- Inc (mti);
- y := y xor (y shr 11);
- y := y xor ((y shl 7) and T_Mask_B);
- y := y xor ((y shl 15) and T_Mask_C);
- y := y xor (y shr 18);
- Result := y;
- End;
- Function RandomUniform (const N : Integer) : Integer;
- Begin
- if N = 0 then
- Result := 0 else
- Result := Integer (Int64 (RandomUniform) mod N);
- End;
- Function RandomBoolean : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := RandomUniform and 1 = 1;
- End;
- Function RandomFloat : Extended;
- Begin
- Result := RandomUniform / High (LongWord);
- End;
- Function RandomInt64 : Int64;
- Begin
- Int64Rec (Result).Lo := RandomUniform;
- Int64Rec (Result).Hi := RandomUniform;
- End;
- Function RandomHex (const Digits : Integer) : String;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := '';
- Repeat
- I := Digits - Length (Result);
- if I > 0 then
- Result := Result + IntToHex (RandomUniform, 8);
- Until I <= 0;
- SetLength (Result, Digits);
- End;
- Function RandomPseudoWord (const Length : Integer) : String;
- const Vowels = 'AEIOUY';
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- Assert (Length >= 0, 'RandomPseudoWord: Invalid Length parameter');
- SetLength (Result, Length);
- For I := 1 to Length do
- Case RandomUniform (2) of
- 0 : Result [I] := Vowels [RandomUniform (6) + 1];
- 1 : Result [I] := Consonants [RandomUniform (20) + 1];
- end;
- End;
- end.