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- {$INCLUDE ..\cDefines.inc}
- unit cUnicodeCodecs;
- { }
- { Unicode codecs v3.03 }
- { }
- { This unit is copyright ⌐ 2002 by David Butler (david@e.co.za) }
- { }
- { This unit is part of Delphi Fundamentals. }
- { Its original file name is cUnicodeCodecs.pas }
- { The latest version is available from the Fundamentals home page }
- { http://fundementals.sourceforge.net/ }
- { }
- { I invite you to use this unit, free of charge. }
- { I invite you to distibute this unit, but it must be for free. }
- { I also invite you to contribute to its development, }
- { but do not distribute a modified copy of this file. }
- { }
- { A forum is available on SourceForge for general discussion }
- { http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=2117 }
- { }
- { }
- { Description: }
- { Codecs (encoders/decoders) for Unicode text. }
- { }
- { Revision history: }
- { 17/04/2002 0.01 Initial version. }
- { ISO8859-1 to ISO8859-15, Mac, Win1250-Win1252, UTF-8, }
- { UTF-16. }
- { 20/04/2002 0.02 Added EBCDIC-US. }
- { 424 lines interface. 2359 lines implementation. }
- { 28/10/2002 3.03 Refactored for Fundamentals 3. }
- { }
- interface
- const
- UnitName = 'cUnicodeCodecs';
- UnitVersion = '3.03';
- UnitDesc = 'Unicode codecs';
- UnitCopyright = '(c) 2002 by David Butler';
- { }
- { WideChar character conversion functions }
- { }
- function ASCIIToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- function ISO8859_1ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- function ISO8859_2ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- function ISO8859_3ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- function ISO8859_4ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- function ISO8859_5ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- function ISO8859_6ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- function ISO8859_7ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- function ISO8859_8ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- function ISO8859_9ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- function ISO8859_10ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- function ISO8859_13ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- function ISO8859_14ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- function ISO8859_15ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- function KOI8_RToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- function MacLatin2ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- function MacRomanToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- function MacCyrillicToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- function CP437ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- function Win1250ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- function Win1251ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- function Win1252ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- function EBCDIC_USToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- type
- TUTF8Error = (
- UTF8ErrorNone,
- UTF8ErrorInvalidEncoding,
- UTF8ErrorIncompleteEncoding,
- UTF8ErrorInvalidBuffer,
- UTF8ErrorOutOfRange);
- function UTF8ToUCS4Char(const P: PChar; const Size: Integer;
- var SeqSize: Integer; var Ch: UCS4Char): TUTF8Error;
- function UTF8ToWideChar(const P: PChar; const Size: Integer;
- var SeqSize: Integer; var Ch: WideChar): TUTF8Error;
- function WideCharToASCII(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- function WideCharToISO8859_1(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- function WideCharToISO8859_2(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- function WideCharToISO8859_3(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- function WideCharToISO8859_4(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- function WideCharToISO8859_5(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- function WideCharToISO8859_6(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- function WideCharToISO8859_7(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- function WideCharToISO8859_8(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- function WideCharToISO8859_9(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- function WideCharToISO8859_10(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- function WideCharToISO8859_13(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- function WideCharToISO8859_14(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- function WideCharToISO8859_15(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- function WideCharToKOI8_R(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- function WideCharToMacLatin2(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- function WideCharToMacRoman(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- function WideCharToMacCyrillic(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- function WideCharToCP437(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- function WideCharToWin1250(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- function WideCharToWin1251(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- function WideCharToWin1252(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- function WideCharToEBCDIC_US(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- procedure UCS4CharToUTF8(const Ch: UCS4Char; const Dest: Pointer;
- const DestSize: Integer; var SeqSize: Integer);
- procedure WideCharToUTF8(const Ch: WideChar; const Dest: Pointer;
- const DestSize: Integer; var SeqSize: Integer);
- { }
- { UTF 16 functions }
- { }
- function DetectUTF16Encoding(const P: PChar; const Size: Integer;
- var SwapEndian: Boolean; var HeaderSize: Integer): Boolean;
- function SwapUTF16Endian(const P: WideChar): WideChar;
- { }
- { Unicode codec classes }
- { AUnicodeCodec is the base class for Unicode Codec implementations. }
- { }
- type
- TUnicodeCodecType = (
- ucCustom,
- ucASCII,
- ucISO8859_1, ucISO8859_2, ucISO8859_3, ucISO8859_4, ucISO8859_5,
- ucISO8859_6, ucISO8859_7, ucISO8859_8, ucISO8859_9, ucISO8859_10,
- ucISO8859_13, ucISO8859_14, ucISO8859_15,
- ucKOI8_R,
- ucMacLatin2, ucMacRoman, ucMacCyrillic,
- ucCP437,
- ucWin1250, ucWin1251, ucWin1252,
- ucUTF8, ucUTF16, ucUTF16RE);
- TCodecErrorAction = (eaException, eaStop, eaIgnore, eaSkip, eaReplace);
- AUnicodeCodec = class
- protected
- FErrorAction : TCodecErrorAction;
- FDecodeReplaceChar : WideChar;
- procedure Init; virtual;
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; virtual; abstract;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; virtual; abstract;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; virtual; abstract;
- constructor Create;
- property ErrorAction: TCodecErrorAction read FErrorAction write FErrorAction;
- property DecodeReplaceChar: WideChar read FDecodeReplaceChar write FDecodeReplaceChar;
- procedure Decode(const Buf: Pointer; const BufSize: Integer;
- const DestBuf: Pointer; const DestSize: Integer;
- var ProcessedBytes, DestLength: Integer); virtual; abstract;
- function Encode(const S: PWideChar; const Length: Integer;
- var ProcessedChars: Integer): String; virtual; abstract;
- function DecodeStr(const Buf: Pointer; const BufSize: Integer;
- var ProcessedBytes: Integer): WideString;
- function EncodeStr(const S: WideString;
- var ProcessedChars: Integer): String;
- end;
- TUnicodeCodecClass = class of AUnicodeCodec;
- { }
- { Unicode codec classes }
- { }
- type
- AByteCodec = class(AUnicodeCodec)
- public
- function DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar; virtual; abstract;
- function EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char; virtual; abstract;
- procedure Decode(const Buf: Pointer; const BufSize: Integer;
- const DestBuf: Pointer; const DestSize: Integer;
- var ProcessedBytes, DestLength: Integer); override;
- function Encode(const S: PWideChar; const Length: Integer;
- var ProcessedChars: Integer): String; override;
- end;
- TASCIICodec = class(AByteCodec)
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; override;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; override;
- function DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar; override;
- function EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char; override;
- end;
- TISO8859_1Codec = class(AByteCodec)
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; override;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; override;
- function DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar; override;
- function EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char; override;
- end;
- TISO8859_2Codec = class(AByteCodec)
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; override;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; override;
- function DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar; override;
- function EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char; override;
- end;
- TISO8859_3Codec = class(AByteCodec)
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; override;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; override;
- function DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar; override;
- function EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char; override;
- end;
- TISO8859_4Codec = class(AByteCodec)
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; override;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; override;
- function DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar; override;
- function EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char; override;
- end;
- TISO8859_5Codec = class(AByteCodec)
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; override;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; override;
- function DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar; override;
- function EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char; override;
- end;
- TISO8859_6Codec = class(AByteCodec)
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; override;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; override;
- function DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar; override;
- function EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char; override;
- end;
- TISO8859_7Codec = class(AByteCodec)
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; override;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; override;
- function DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar; override;
- function EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char; override;
- end;
- TISO8859_8Codec = class(AByteCodec)
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; override;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; override;
- function DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar; override;
- function EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char; override;
- end;
- TISO8859_9Codec = class(AByteCodec)
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; override;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; override;
- function DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar; override;
- function EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char; override;
- end;
- TISO8859_10Codec = class(AByteCodec)
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; override;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; override;
- function DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar; override;
- function EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char; override;
- end;
- TISO8859_13Codec = class(AByteCodec)
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; override;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; override;
- function DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar; override;
- function EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char; override;
- end;
- TISO8859_14Codec = class(AByteCodec)
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; override;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; override;
- function DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar; override;
- function EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char; override;
- end;
- TISO8859_15Codec = class(AByteCodec)
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; override;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; override;
- function DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar; override;
- function EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char; override;
- end;
- TKOI8_RCodec = class(AByteCodec)
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; override;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; override;
- function DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar; override;
- function EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char; override;
- end;
- TMacLatin2Codec = class(AByteCodec)
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; override;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; override;
- function DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar; override;
- function EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char; override;
- end;
- TMacRomanCodec = class(AByteCodec)
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; override;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; override;
- function DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar; override;
- function EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char; override;
- end;
- TMacCyrillicCodec = class(AByteCodec)
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; override;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; override;
- function DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar; override;
- function EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char; override;
- end;
- TCP437Codec = class(AByteCodec)
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; override;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; override;
- function DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar; override;
- function EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char; override;
- end;
- TWin1250Codec = class(AByteCodec)
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; override;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; override;
- function DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar; override;
- function EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char; override;
- end;
- TWin1251Codec = class(AByteCodec)
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; override;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; override;
- function DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar; override;
- function EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char; override;
- end;
- TWin1252Codec = class(AByteCodec)
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; override;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; override;
- function DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar; override;
- function EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char; override;
- end;
- TEBCDIC_USCodec = class(AByteCodec)
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; override;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; override;
- function DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar; override;
- function EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char; override;
- end;
- TUTF8Codec = class(AUnicodeCodec)
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; override;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; override;
- procedure Decode(const Buf: Pointer; const BufSize: Integer;
- const DestBuf: Pointer; const DestSize: Integer;
- var ProcessedBytes, DestLength: Integer); override;
- function Encode(const S: PWideChar; const Length: Integer;
- var ProcessedChars: Integer): String; override;
- end;
- TUTF16Codec = class(AUnicodeCodec) // UTF-16 System Endian
- protected
- FSwapEndian : Boolean;
- procedure Init; override;
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- class function GetAliasCount: Integer; override;
- class function GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String; override;
- procedure Decode(const Buf: Pointer; const BufSize: Integer;
- const DestBuf: Pointer; const DestSize: Integer;
- var ProcessedBytes, DestLength: Integer); override;
- function Encode(const S: PWideChar; const Length: Integer;
- var ProcessedChars: Integer): String; override;
- end;
- TUTF16RECodec = class(TUTF16Codec) // UTF-16 Reverse Endian
- protected
- procedure Init; override;
- public
- class function GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType; override;
- end;
- function GetUnicodeCodecClassByType(const CodecType: TUnicodeCodecType): TUnicodeCodecClass;
- function GetUnicodeCodecClassByName(const Name: String): TUnicodeCodecClass;
- { }
- { Unicode conversion functions }
- { }
- function DecodeUnicodeEncoding(const Codec: TUnicodeCodecType; const Buf: Pointer;
- const BufSize: Integer; var ProcessedBytes: Integer): WideString;
- function EncodeUnicodeEncoding(const Codec: TUnicodeCodecType; const S: WideString;
- var ProcessedChars: Integer): String;
- { }
- { Character-set conversion functions }
- { }
- function IsASCIIStr(const S: String): Boolean;
- function ISO8859_1ToUTF8(const S: String): String;
- function UTF8ToWideString(const S: String): WideString;
- function WideStringToUTF8(const S: WideString): String;
- function UCS4CharToUTF8Str(const Ch: UCS4Char): String;
- function ASCIIToWideString(const S: String): WideString;
- implementation
- uses
- // Delphi
- SysUtils;
- { }
- { AUnicodeCodec }
- { }
- constructor AUnicodeCodec.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- Init;
- end;
- procedure AUnicodeCodec.Init;
- begin
- FErrorAction := eaException;
- FDecodeReplaceChar := WideChar(#$FFFD);
- end;
- function AUnicodeCodec.DecodeStr(const Buf: Pointer; const BufSize: Integer;
- var ProcessedBytes: Integer): WideString;
- var P: PChar;
- Q: PWideChar;
- L, M, I, J: Integer;
- begin
- P := Buf;
- L := BufSize;
- if not Assigned(P) or (L <= 0) then
- begin
- ProcessedBytes := 0;
- Result := '';
- exit;
- end;
- SetLength(Result, BufSize);
- M := 0;
- Repeat
- Q := Pointer(Result);
- Inc(Q, M);
- Decode(P, L, Q, BufSize, I, J);
- Dec(L, I);
- Inc(P, I);
- Inc(M, J);
- if L > 0 then
- SetLength(Result, M + BufSize);
- Until L = 0;
- SetLength(Result, M);
- end;
- function AUnicodeCodec.EncodeStr(const S: WideString; var ProcessedChars: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := Encode(Pointer(S), Length(S), ProcessedChars);
- end;
- { }
- { AByteCodec }
- { }
- procedure AByteCodec.Decode(const Buf: Pointer; const BufSize: Integer; const DestBuf: Pointer; const DestSize: Integer; var ProcessedBytes, DestLength: Integer);
- var P: PChar;
- Q: PWideChar;
- I, L, M, C: Integer;
- begin
- P := Buf;
- Q := DestBuf;
- C := DestSize div Sizeof(WideChar);
- if not Assigned(P) or (BufSize <= 0) or not Assigned(Q) or (C <= 0) then
- begin
- ProcessedBytes := 0;
- DestLength := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- L := 0;
- M := 0;
- For I := 1 to BufSize do
- try
- if L >= C then
- break;
- Q^ := DecodeChar(P^);
- Inc(P);
- Inc(Q);
- Inc(L);
- Inc(M);
- except
- Case FErrorAction of
- eaException: raise;
- eaSkip:
- begin
- Inc(P);
- Inc(M);
- end;
- eaIgnore:
- begin
- Q^ := WideChar(P^);
- Inc(P);
- Inc(Q);
- Inc(L);
- Inc(M);
- end;
- eaReplace:
- begin
- Q^ := FDecodeReplaceChar;
- Inc(P);
- Inc(Q);
- Inc(L);
- Inc(M);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- DestLength := L;
- ProcessedBytes := M;
- end;
- function AByteCodec.Encode(const S: PWideChar; const Length: Integer;
- var ProcessedChars: Integer): String;
- var P: PChar;
- Q: PWideChar;
- I, L: Integer;
- begin
- Q := S;
- if not Assigned(Q) or (Length <= 0) then
- begin
- ProcessedChars := 0;
- Result := '';
- exit;
- end;
- SetLength(Result, Length);
- L := 0;
- P := Pointer(Result);
- For I := 1 to Length do
- try
- P^ := EncodeChar(Q^);
- Inc(P);
- Inc(Q);
- Inc(L);
- except
- Case FErrorAction of
- eaException : raise;
- eaStop : break;
- eaSkip:
- begin
- Inc(Q);
- Inc(L);
- end;
- eaIgnore:
- begin
- P^ := Char(Q^);
- Inc(P);
- Inc(Q);
- Inc(L);
- end;
- eaReplace:
- begin
- P^ := Char(FDecodeReplaceChar);
- Inc(P);
- Inc(Q);
- Inc(L);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- ProcessedChars := L;
- end;
- { }
- { ASCII }
- { }
- const
- ASCIIAliases = 15;
- ASCIIAlias: Array[1..ASCIIAliases] of String = (
- 'ANSI_X3.4-1968', 'ANSI_X3.4-1986', 'iso-ir-6',
- 'ISO_646.irv:1991', 'ISO_646.irv', 'ISO_646',
- 'ISO-646', 'ISO646', 'ISO646-US',
- 'ASCII', 'US-ASCII', 'us',
- 'IBM367', 'cp367', 'csASCII');
- function ASCIIToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- if Ord(P) >= $80 then
- raise EConvertError.Create('Invalid ASCII encoding');
- Result := WideChar(Ord(P));
- end;
- function WideCharToASCII(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- if Ord(Ch) >= $80 then
- raise EConvertError.Create('Can not convert to ASCII');
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch));
- end;
- class function TASCIICodec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucASCII;
- end;
- class function TASCIICodec.GetAliasCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := ASCIIAliases;
- end;
- class function TASCIICodec.GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := ASCIIAlias[Idx];
- end;
- function TASCIICodec.DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Result := ASCIIToWideChar(P);
- end;
- function TASCIICodec.EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Result := WideCharToASCII(Ch);
- end;
- { }
- { ISO-8859-1 - Latin 1 }
- { Western Europe and Americas: Afrikaans, Basque, Catalan, Danish, Dutch, }
- { English, Faeroese, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Icelandic, Irish, }
- { Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish. }
- { Default for HTTP Protocol }
- { }
- const
- ISO8859_1Aliases = 8;
- ISO8859_1Alias: Array[1..ISO8859_1Aliases] of String = (
- 'iso-ir-100', 'ISO_8859-1:1987', 'ISO_8859-1', 'ISO-8859-1',
- 'latin1', 'l1', 'IBM819', 'cp819');
- function ISO8859_1ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Result := WideChar(Ord(P));
- end;
- function WideCharToISO8859_1(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- if Ord(Ch) >= $100 then
- raise EConvertError.Create('Can not convert to ISO-8859-1');
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch));
- end;
- class function TISO8859_1Codec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucISO8859_1;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_1Codec.GetAliasCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_1Aliases;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_1Codec.GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_1Alias[Idx];
- end;
- function TISO8859_1Codec.DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_1ToWideChar(P);
- end;
- function TISO8859_1Codec.EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Result := WideCharToISO8859_1(Ch);
- end;
- { }
- { ISO-8859-2 Latin 2 }
- { Latin-written Slavic and Central European languages: Czech, German, }
- { Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Croatian, Slovak, Slovene. }
- { }
- const
- ISO8859_2Aliases = 6;
- ISO8859_2Alias: Array[1..ISO8859_2Aliases] of String = (
- 'iso-ir-101', 'ISO_8859-2:1987', 'ISO_8859-2', 'ISO-8859-2',
- 'latin2', 'l2');
- const
- ISO8859_2Map: Array[$A0..$FF] of WideChar = (
- #$00A0, #$0104, #$02D8, #$0141, #$00A4, #$013D, #$015A, #$00A7,
- #$00A8, #$0160, #$015E, #$0164, #$0179, #$00AD, #$017D, #$017B,
- #$00B0, #$0105, #$02DB, #$0142, #$00B4, #$013E, #$015B, #$02C7,
- #$00B8, #$0161, #$015F, #$0165, #$017A, #$02DD, #$017E, #$017C,
- #$0154, #$00C1, #$00C2, #$0102, #$00C4, #$0139, #$0106, #$00C7,
- #$010C, #$00C9, #$0118, #$00CB, #$011A, #$00CD, #$00CE, #$010E,
- #$0110, #$0143, #$0147, #$00D3, #$00D4, #$0150, #$00D6, #$00D7,
- #$0158, #$016E, #$00DA, #$0170, #$00DC, #$00DD, #$0162, #$00DF,
- #$0155, #$00E1, #$00E2, #$0103, #$00E4, #$013A, #$0107, #$00E7,
- #$010D, #$00E9, #$0119, #$00EB, #$011B, #$00ED, #$00EE, #$010F,
- #$0111, #$0144, #$0148, #$00F3, #$00F4, #$0151, #$00F6, #$00F7,
- #$0159, #$016F, #$00FA, #$0171, #$00FC, #$00FD, #$0163, #$02D9);
- function ISO8859_2ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- if Ord(P) >= $A0 then
- Result := ISO8859_2Map[Ord(P)] else
- Result := WideChar(Ord(P));
- end;
- function WideCharToISO8859_2(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- var I: Byte;
- begin
- if Ord(Ch) < $A0 then
- begin
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch));
- exit;
- end;
- For I := $A0 to $FF do
- if ISO8859_2Map[I] = Ch then
- begin
- Result := Char(I);
- exit;
- end;
- raise EConvertError.Create('Can not convert to ISO-8859-2');
- end;
- class function TISO8859_2Codec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucISO8859_2;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_2Codec.GetAliasCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_2Aliases;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_2Codec.GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_2Alias[Idx];
- end;
- function TISO8859_2Codec.DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_2ToWideChar(P);
- end;
- function TISO8859_2Codec.EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Result := WideCharToISO8859_2(Ch);
- end;
- { }
- { ISO-8859-3 - Latin 3 }
- { Esperanto, Galician, Maltese, and Turkish. }
- { }
- const
- ISO8859_3Aliases = 6;
- ISO8859_3Alias: Array[1..ISO8859_3Aliases] of String = (
- 'iso-ir-109', 'ISO_8859-3:1988', 'ISO_8859-3', 'ISO-8859-3',
- 'latin3', 'l3');
- const
- ISO8859_3Map: Array[$A0..$FF] of WideChar = (
- #$00A0, #$0126, #$02D8, #$00A3, #$00A4, #$0000, #$0124, #$00A7,
- #$00A8, #$0130, #$015E, #$011E, #$0134, #$00AD, #$0000, #$017B,
- #$00B0, #$0127, #$00B2, #$00B3, #$00B4, #$00B5, #$0125, #$00B7,
- #$00B8, #$0131, #$015F, #$011F, #$0135, #$00BD, #$0000, #$017C,
- #$00C0, #$00C1, #$00C2, #$0000, #$00C4, #$010A, #$0108, #$00C7,
- #$00C8, #$00C9, #$00CA, #$00CB, #$00CC, #$00CD, #$00CE, #$00CF,
- #$0000, #$00D1, #$00D2, #$00D3, #$00D4, #$0120, #$00D6, #$00D7,
- #$011C, #$00D9, #$00DA, #$00DB, #$00DC, #$016C, #$015C, #$00DF,
- #$00E0, #$00E1, #$00E2, #$0000, #$00E4, #$010B, #$0109, #$00E7,
- #$00E8, #$00E9, #$00EA, #$00EB, #$00EC, #$00ED, #$00EE, #$00EF,
- #$0000, #$00F1, #$00F2, #$00F3, #$00F4, #$0121, #$00F6, #$00F7,
- #$011D, #$00F9, #$00FA, #$00FB, #$00FC, #$016D, #$015D, #$02D9);
- function ISO8859_3ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- if Ord(P) >= $A0 then
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_3Map[Ord(P)];
- if Result = #$0000 then
- raise EConvertError.Create('Invalid ISO-8859-3 encoding');
- end else
- Result := WideChar(Ord(P));
- end;
- function WideCharToISO8859_3(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- var I: Byte;
- begin
- if Ord(Ch) < $A0 then
- begin
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch));
- exit;
- end;
- For I := $A0 to $FF do
- if ISO8859_3Map[I] = Ch then
- begin
- Result := Char(I);
- exit;
- end;
- raise EConvertError.Create('Can not convert to ISO-8859-3');
- end;
- class function TISO8859_3Codec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucISO8859_3;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_3Codec.GetAliasCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_3Aliases;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_3Codec.GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_3Alias[Idx];
- end;
- function TISO8859_3Codec.DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_3ToWideChar(P);
- end;
- function TISO8859_3Codec.EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Result := WideCharToISO8859_3(Ch);
- end;
- { }
- { ISO-8859-4 - Latin 4 }
- { Scandinavia/Baltic (mostly covered by 8859-1 also): Estonian, Latvian, and }
- { Lithuanian. It is an incomplete predecessor of Latin 6. }
- { }
- const
- ISO8859_4Aliases = 6;
- ISO8859_4Alias: Array[1..ISO8859_4Aliases] of String = (
- 'iso-ir-110', 'ISO_8859-4:1988', 'ISO_8859-4', 'ISO-8859-4',
- 'latin4', 'l4');
- const
- ISO8859_4Map: Array[$A0..$FF] of WideChar = (
- #$00A0, #$0104, #$0138, #$0156, #$00A4, #$0128, #$013B, #$00A7,
- #$00A8, #$0160, #$0112, #$0122, #$0166, #$00AD, #$017D, #$00AF,
- #$00B0, #$0105, #$02DB, #$0157, #$00B4, #$0129, #$013C, #$02C7,
- #$00B8, #$0161, #$0113, #$0123, #$0167, #$014A, #$017E, #$014B,
- #$0100, #$00C1, #$00C2, #$00C3, #$00C4, #$00C5, #$00C6, #$012E,
- #$010C, #$00C9, #$0118, #$00CB, #$0116, #$00CD, #$00CE, #$012A,
- #$0110, #$0145, #$014C, #$0136, #$00D4, #$00D5, #$00D6, #$00D7,
- #$00D8, #$0172, #$00DA, #$00DB, #$00DC, #$0168, #$016A, #$00DF,
- #$0101, #$00E1, #$00E2, #$00E3, #$00E4, #$00E5, #$00E6, #$012F,
- #$010D, #$00E9, #$0119, #$00EB, #$0117, #$00ED, #$00EE, #$012B,
- #$0111, #$0146, #$014D, #$0137, #$00F4, #$00F5, #$00F6, #$00F7,
- #$00F8, #$0173, #$00FA, #$00FB, #$00FC, #$0169, #$016B, #$02D9);
- function ISO8859_4ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- if Ord(P) >= $A0 then
- Result := ISO8859_4Map[Ord(P)] else
- Result := WideChar(Ord(P));
- end;
- function WideCharToISO8859_4(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- var I: Byte;
- begin
- if Ord(Ch) < $A0 then
- begin
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch));
- exit;
- end;
- For I := $A0 to $FF do
- if ISO8859_4Map[I] = Ch then
- begin
- Result := Char(I);
- exit;
- end;
- raise EConvertError.Create('Can not convert to ISO-8859-4');
- end;
- class function TISO8859_4Codec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucISO8859_4;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_4Codec.GetAliasCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_4Aliases;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_4Codec.GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_4Alias[Idx];
- end;
- function TISO8859_4Codec.DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_4ToWideChar(P);
- end;
- function TISO8859_4Codec.EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Result := WideCharToISO8859_4(Ch);
- end;
- { }
- { ISO-8859-5 - Cyrillic }
- { Bulgarian, Byelorussian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbian and Ukrainian. }
- { }
- const
- ISO8859_5Aliases = 5;
- ISO8859_5Alias: Array[1..ISO8859_5Aliases] of String = (
- 'iso-ir-144', 'ISO_8859-5:1988', 'ISO_8859-5', 'ISO-8859-5',
- 'cyrillic');
- function ISO8859_5ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Case Ord(P) of
- $00..$A0, $AD : Result := WideChar(Ord(P));
- $F0 : Result := #$2116;
- $FD : Result := #$00A7;
- else
- Result := WideChar(Ord(P) + $0360);
- end;
- end;
- function WideCharToISO8859_5(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- if Ord(Ch) <= $A0 then
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch)) else
- Case Ch of
- #$2116 : Result := #$F0;
- #$00A7 : Result := #$FD;
- #$00AD : Result := #$AD;
- #$0401..#$045F :
- Case Ch of
- #$0450, #$045D, #$040D :
- raise EConvertError.Create('Can not convert to ISO-8859-5');
- else
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch) - $0360);
- end;
- else
- raise EConvertError.Create('Can not convert to ISO-8859-5');
- end;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_5Codec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucISO8859_5;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_5Codec.GetAliasCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_5Aliases;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_5Codec.GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_5Alias[Idx];
- end;
- function TISO8859_5Codec.DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_5ToWideChar(P);
- end;
- function TISO8859_5Codec.EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Result := WideCharToISO8859_5(Ch);
- end;
- { }
- { ISO-8859-6 - Arabic }
- { Non-accented Arabic. }
- { }
- const
- ISO8859_6Aliases = 7;
- ISO8859_6Alias: Array[1..ISO8859_6Aliases] of String = (
- 'iso-ir-127', 'ISO_8859-6:1987', 'ISO_8859-6', 'ISO-8859-6',
- 'ECMA-114', 'ASMO-708', 'arabic');
- function ISO8859_6ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Case Ord(P) of
- $00..$A0, $A4, $AD : Result := WideChar(Ord(P));
- $AC, $BB, $BF, $C1..$DA, $E0..$F2 : Result := WideChar(Ord(P) + $0580);
- else
- raise EConvertError.Create('Invalid ISO-8859-6 encoding');
- end;
- end;
- function WideCharToISO8859_6(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- if Ord(Ch) <= $A0 then
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch)) else
- Case Ch of
- #$00A4 : Result := #$A4;
- #$00AD : Result := #$AD;
- #$062C, #$063B, #$063F, #$0641..#$065A, #$0660..#$0672 :
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch) - $0580);
- else
- raise EConvertError.Create('Can not convert to ISO-8859-6');
- end;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_6Codec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucISO8859_6;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_6Codec.GetAliasCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_6Aliases;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_6Codec.GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_6Alias[Idx];
- end;
- function TISO8859_6Codec.DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_6ToWideChar(P);
- end;
- function TISO8859_6Codec.EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Result := WideCharToISO8859_6(Ch);
- end;
- { }
- { ISO-8859-7 - Modern Greek }
- { Greek. }
- { }
- const
- ISO8859_7Aliases = 8;
- ISO8859_7Alias: Array[1..ISO8859_7Aliases] of String = (
- 'iso-ir-126', 'ISO_8859-7:1987', 'ISO_8859-7', 'ISO-8859-7',
- 'ELOT_928', 'ECMA-118', 'greek', 'greek8');
- function ISO8859_7ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Case Ord(P) of
- $00..$A0, $A6..$A9, $AB..$AD, $B0..$B3, $B7, $BB, $BD :
- Result := WideChar(Ord(P));
- $A1 : Result := #$2018;
- $A2 : Result := #$2019;
- $AF : Result := #$2015;
- $D2, $FF : raise EConvertError.Create('Invalid ISO-8859-7 encoding');
- else
- Result := WideChar(Ord(P) + $02D0);
- end;
- end;
- function WideCharToISO8859_7(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- if Ord(Ch) <= $A0 then
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch)) else
- Case Ch of
- #$00A6..#$00A9, #$00AB..#$00AD, #$00B0..#$00B3, #$00B7, #$00BB, #$00BD :
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch));
- #$2018 : Result := #$A1;
- #$2019 : Result := #$A2;
- #$2015 : Result := #$AF;
- else
- raise EConvertError.Create('Can not convert to ISO-8859-7');
- end;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_7Codec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucISO8859_7;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_7Codec.GetAliasCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_7Aliases;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_7Codec.GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_7Alias[Idx];
- end;
- function TISO8859_7Codec.DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_7ToWideChar(P);
- end;
- function TISO8859_7Codec.EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Result := WideCharToISO8859_7(Ch);
- end;
- { }
- { ISO-8859-8 - Hebrew }
- { Non-accented Hebrew. }
- { }
- const
- ISO8859_8Aliases = 5;
- ISO8859_8Alias: Array[1..ISO8859_8Aliases] of String = (
- 'iso-ir-138', 'ISO_8859-8:1988', 'ISO_8859-8', 'ISO-8859-8',
- 'hebrew');
- function ISO8859_8ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Case Ord(P) of
- $00..$A0, $A2..$A9, $AB..$AE, $B0..$B9, $BB..$BE :
- Result := WideChar(Ord(P));
- $AA : Result := #$00D7;
- $AF : Result := #$203E;
- $BA : Result := #$00F7;
- $DF : Result := #$2017;
- $E0..$FA :
- Result := WideChar(Ord(P) + $04E0);
- else
- raise EConvertError.Create('Invalid ISO-8859-8 encoding')
- end;
- end;
- function WideCharToISO8859_8(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- if Ord(Ch) <= $A0 then
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch)) else
- Case Ch of
- #$00A2..#$00A9, #$00AB..#$00AE, #$00B0..#$00B9, #$00BB..#$00BE :
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch));
- #$00D7 : Result := #$AA;
- #$203E : Result := #$AF;
- #$00F7 : Result := #$BA;
- #$2017 : Result := #$DF;
- #$05C0..#$05DA : Result := Char(Ord(Ch) - $04E0);
- else
- raise EConvertError.Create('Can not convert to ISO-8859-8');
- end;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_8Codec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucISO8859_8;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_8Codec.GetAliasCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_8Aliases;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_8Codec.GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_8Alias[Idx];
- end;
- function TISO8859_8Codec.DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_8ToWideChar(P);
- end;
- function TISO8859_8Codec.EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Result := WideCharToISO8859_8(Ch);
- end;
- { }
- { ISO-8859-9 - Latin 5 }
- { Same as 8859-1 except for Turkish instead of Icelandic }
- { }
- const
- ISO8859_9Aliases = 6;
- ISO8859_9Alias: Array[1..ISO8859_9Aliases] of String = (
- 'iso-ir-148', 'ISO_8859-9:1989', 'ISO_8859-9', 'ISO-8859-9',
- 'latin5', 'l5');
- function ISO8859_9ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Case Ord(P) of
- $D0 : Result := #$011E;
- $DD : Result := #$0130;
- $DE : Result := #$015E;
- $F0 : Result := #$011F;
- $FD : Result := #$0131;
- $FE : Result := #$015F;
- else
- Result := WideChar(Ord(P));
- end;
- end;
- function WideCharToISO8859_9(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Case Ch of
- #$011E : Result := #$D0;
- #$0130 : Result := #$DD;
- #$015E : Result := #$DE;
- #$011F : Result := #$F0;
- #$0131 : Result := #$FD;
- #$015F : Result := #$FE;
- else
- if Ord(Ch) <= $00FF then
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch)) else
- raise EConvertError.Create('Can not convert to ISO-8859-9');
- end;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_9Codec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucISO8859_9;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_9Codec.GetAliasCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_9Aliases;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_9Codec.GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_9Alias[Idx];
- end;
- function TISO8859_9Codec.DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_9ToWideChar(P);
- end;
- function TISO8859_9Codec.EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Result := WideCharToISO8859_9(Ch);
- end;
- { }
- { ISO-8859-10 - Latin 6 }
- { Latin6, for Lappish/Nordic/Eskimo languages: Adds the last Inuit }
- { (Greenlandic) and Sami (Lappish) letters that were missing in Latin 4 to }
- { cover the entire Nordic area. }
- { }
- const
- ISO8859_10Aliases = 6;
- ISO8859_10Alias: Array[1..ISO8859_10Aliases] of String = (
- 'iso-ir-157', 'ISO_8859-10:1992', 'ISO_8859-10', 'ISO-8859-10',
- 'latin6', 'l6');
- const
- ISO8859_10Map: Array[$A0..$FF] of WideChar = (
- #$00A0, #$0104, #$0112, #$0122, #$012A, #$0128, #$0136, #$00A7,
- #$013B, #$0110, #$0160, #$0166, #$017D, #$00AD, #$016A, #$014A,
- #$00B0, #$0105, #$0113, #$0123, #$012B, #$0129, #$0137, #$00B7,
- #$013C, #$0111, #$0161, #$0167, #$017E, #$2014, #$016B, #$014B,
- #$0100, #$00C1, #$00C2, #$00C3, #$00C4, #$00C5, #$00C6, #$012E,
- #$010C, #$00C9, #$0118, #$00CB, #$0116, #$00CD, #$00CE, #$00CF,
- #$00D0, #$0145, #$014C, #$00D3, #$00D4, #$00D5, #$00D6, #$0168,
- #$00D8, #$0172, #$00DA, #$00DB, #$00DC, #$00DD, #$00DE, #$00DF,
- #$0101, #$00E1, #$00E2, #$00E3, #$00E4, #$00E5, #$00E6, #$012F,
- #$010D, #$00E9, #$0119, #$00EB, #$0117, #$00ED, #$00EE, #$00EF,
- #$00F0, #$0146, #$014D, #$00F3, #$00F4, #$00F5, #$00F6, #$0169,
- #$00F8, #$0173, #$00FA, #$00FB, #$00FC, #$00FD, #$00FE, #$0138);
- function ISO8859_10ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- if Ord(P) >= $A0 then
- Result := ISO8859_10Map[Ord(P)] else
- Result := WideChar(Ord(P));
- end;
- function WideCharToISO8859_10(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- var I: Byte;
- begin
- if Ord(Ch) < $A0 then
- begin
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch));
- exit;
- end;
- For I := $A0 to $FF do
- if ISO8859_10Map[I] = Ch then
- begin
- Result := Char(I);
- exit;
- end;
- raise EConvertError.Create('Can not convert to ISO-8859-10');
- end;
- class function TISO8859_10Codec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucISO8859_10;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_10Codec.GetAliasCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_10Aliases;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_10Codec.GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_10Alias[Idx];
- end;
- function TISO8859_10Codec.DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_10ToWideChar(P);
- end;
- function TISO8859_10Codec.EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Result := WideCharToISO8859_10(Ch);
- end;
- { }
- { ISO-8859-13 - Latin 7 }
- { }
- const
- ISO8859_13Aliases = 4;
- ISO8859_13Alias: Array[1..ISO8859_13Aliases] of String = (
- 'ISO_8859-13', 'ISO-8859-13', 'latin7', 'l7');
- const
- ISO8859_13Map: Array[$A0..$FF] of WideChar = (
- #$00A0, #$201D, #$00A2, #$00A3, #$00A4, #$201E, #$00A6, #$00A7,
- #$00D8, #$00A9, #$0156, #$00AB, #$00AC, #$00AD, #$00AE, #$00C6,
- #$00B0, #$00B1, #$00B2, #$00B3, #$201C, #$00B5, #$00B6, #$00B7,
- #$00F8, #$00B9, #$0157, #$00BB, #$00BC, #$00BD, #$00BE, #$00E6,
- #$0104, #$012E, #$0100, #$0106, #$00C4, #$00C5, #$0118, #$0112,
- #$010C, #$00C9, #$0179, #$0116, #$0122, #$0136, #$012A, #$013B,
- #$0160, #$0143, #$0145, #$00D3, #$014C, #$00D5, #$00D6, #$00D7,
- #$0172, #$0141, #$015A, #$016A, #$00DC, #$017B, #$017D, #$00DF,
- #$0105, #$012F, #$0101, #$0107, #$00E4, #$00E5, #$0119, #$0113,
- #$010D, #$00E9, #$017A, #$0117, #$0123, #$0137, #$012B, #$013C,
- #$0161, #$0144, #$0146, #$00F3, #$014D, #$00F5, #$00F6, #$00F7,
- #$0173, #$0142, #$015B, #$016B, #$00FC, #$017B, #$017E, #$2019);
- function ISO8859_13ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- if Ord(P) >= $A0 then
- Result := ISO8859_13Map[Ord(P)] else
- Result := WideChar(Ord(P));
- end;
- function WideCharToISO8859_13(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- var I: Byte;
- begin
- if Ord(Ch) < $A0 then
- begin
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch));
- exit;
- end;
- For I := $A0 to $FF do
- if ISO8859_13Map[I] = Ch then
- begin
- Result := Char(I);
- exit;
- end;
- raise EConvertError.Create('Can not convert to ISO-8859-13');
- end;
- class function TISO8859_13Codec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucISO8859_13;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_13Codec.GetAliasCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_13Aliases;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_13Codec.GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_13Alias[Idx];
- end;
- function TISO8859_13Codec.DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_13ToWideChar(P);
- end;
- function TISO8859_13Codec.EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Result := WideCharToISO8859_13(Ch);
- end;
- { }
- { ISO-8859-14 - Latin 8 }
- { }
- const
- ISO8859_14Aliases = 7;
- ISO8859_14Alias: Array[1..ISO8859_14Aliases] of String = (
- 'iso-ir-199', 'ISO_8859-14:1998', 'ISO_8859-14', 'ISO-8859-14',
- 'latin8', 'l8', 'iso-celtic');
- const
- ISO8859_14Map: Array[$A0..$FF] of WideChar = (
- #$00A0, #$1E02, #$1E03, #$00A3, #$010A, #$010B, #$1E0A, #$00A7,
- #$1E80, #$00A9, #$1E82, #$1E0B, #$1EF2, #$00AD, #$00AE, #$0178,
- #$1E1E, #$1E1F, #$0120, #$0121, #$1E40, #$1E41, #$00B6, #$1E56,
- #$1E81, #$1E57, #$1E83, #$1E60, #$1EF3, #$1E84, #$1E85, #$1E61,
- #$00C0, #$00C1, #$00C2, #$00C3, #$00C4, #$00C5, #$00C6, #$00C7,
- #$00C8, #$00C9, #$00CA, #$00CB, #$00CC, #$00CD, #$00CE, #$00CF,
- #$0174, #$00D1, #$00D2, #$00D3, #$00D4, #$00D5, #$00D6, #$1E6A,
- #$00D8, #$00D9, #$00DA, #$00DB, #$00DC, #$00DD, #$0176, #$00DF,
- #$00E0, #$00E1, #$00E2, #$00E3, #$00E4, #$00E5, #$00E6, #$00E7,
- #$00E8, #$00E9, #$00EA, #$00EB, #$00EC, #$00ED, #$00EE, #$00EF,
- #$0175, #$00F1, #$00F2, #$00F3, #$00F4, #$00F5, #$00F6, #$1E6B,
- #$00F8, #$00F9, #$00FA, #$00FB, #$00FC, #$00FD, #$0177, #$00FF);
- function ISO8859_14ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- if Ord(P) >= $A0 then
- Result := ISO8859_14Map[Ord(P)] else
- Result := WideChar(Ord(P));
- end;
- function WideCharToISO8859_14(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- var I: Byte;
- begin
- if Ord(Ch) < $A0 then
- begin
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch));
- exit;
- end;
- For I := $A0 to $FF do
- if ISO8859_14Map[I] = Ch then
- begin
- Result := Char(I);
- exit;
- end;
- raise EConvertError.Create('Can not convert to ISO-8859-14');
- end;
- class function TISO8859_14Codec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucISO8859_14;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_14Codec.GetAliasCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_14Aliases;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_14Codec.GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_14Alias[Idx];
- end;
- function TISO8859_14Codec.DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_14ToWideChar(P);
- end;
- function TISO8859_14Codec.EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Result := WideCharToISO8859_14(Ch);
- end;
- { }
- { ISO-8859-15 - Latin 9 }
- { }
- const
- ISO8859_15Aliases = 6;
- ISO8859_15Alias: Array[1..ISO8859_15Aliases] of String = (
- 'ISO_8859-15', 'ISO-8859-15',
- 'latin9', 'l9', 'latin0', 'l0');
- function ISO8859_15ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Case Ord(P) of
- $A4 : Result := #$20AC;
- $A6 : Result := #$00A6;
- $A8 : Result := #$0161;
- $B4 : Result := #$017D;
- $B8 : Result := #$017E;
- $BC : Result := #$0152;
- $BD : Result := #$0153;
- $BE : Result := #$0178;
- else
- Result := WideChar(Ord(P));
- end;
- end;
- function WideCharToISO8859_15(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Case Ch of
- #$20AC : Result := #$A4;
- #$00A6 : Result := #$A6;
- #$0161 : Result := #$A8;
- #$017D : Result := #$B4;
- #$017E : Result := #$B8;
- #$0152 : Result := #$BC;
- #$0153 : Result := #$BD;
- #$0178 : Result := #$BE;
- else
- if Ord(Ch) <= $00FF then
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch)) else
- raise EConvertError.Create('Can not convert to ISO-8859-15');
- end;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_15Codec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucISO8859_15;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_15Codec.GetAliasCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_15Aliases;
- end;
- class function TISO8859_15Codec.GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_15Alias[Idx];
- end;
- function TISO8859_15Codec.DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Result := ISO8859_15ToWideChar(P);
- end;
- function TISO8859_15Codec.EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Result := WideCharToISO8859_15(Ch);
- end;
- { }
- { KOI8-R }
- { }
- const
- KOI8_RAliases = 1;
- KOI8_RAlias: Array[1..KOI8_RAliases] of String = (
- 'KOI8-R');
- const
- KOI8_RMap: Array[$80..$FF] of WideChar = (
- #$2500, #$2502, #$250C, #$2510, #$2514, #$2518, #$251C, #$2524,
- #$252C, #$2534, #$253C, #$2580, #$2584, #$2588, #$258C, #$2590,
- #$2591, #$2592, #$2593, #$2320, #$25A0, #$2219, #$221A, #$2248,
- #$2264, #$2265, #$00A0, #$2321, #$00B0, #$00B2, #$00B7, #$00F7,
- #$2550, #$2551, #$2552, #$0451, #$2553, #$2554, #$2555, #$2556,
- #$2557, #$2558, #$2559, #$255A, #$255B, #$255C, #$255D, #$255E,
- #$255F, #$2560, #$2561, #$0401, #$2562, #$2563, #$2564, #$2565,
- #$2566, #$2567, #$2568, #$2569, #$256A, #$256B, #$256C, #$00A9,
- #$044E, #$0430, #$0431, #$0446, #$0434, #$0435, #$0444, #$0433,
- #$0445, #$0438, #$0439, #$043A, #$043B, #$043C, #$043D, #$043E,
- #$043F, #$044F, #$0440, #$0441, #$0442, #$0443, #$0436, #$0432,
- #$044C, #$044B, #$0437, #$0448, #$044D, #$0449, #$0447, #$044A,
- #$042E, #$0410, #$0411, #$0426, #$0414, #$0415, #$0424, #$0413,
- #$0425, #$0418, #$0419, #$041A, #$041B, #$041C, #$041D, #$041E,
- #$041F, #$042F, #$0420, #$0421, #$0422, #$0423, #$0416, #$0412,
- #$042C, #$042B, #$0417, #$0428, #$042D, #$0429, #$0427, #$042A);
- function KOI8_RToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- if Ord(P) >= $80 then
- Result := KOI8_RMap[Ord(P)] else
- Result := WideChar(Ord(P));
- end;
- function WideCharToKOI8_R(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- var I: Byte;
- begin
- if Ord(Ch) < $80 then
- begin
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch));
- exit;
- end;
- For I := $80 to $FF do
- if KOI8_RMap[I] = Ch then
- begin
- Result := Char(I);
- exit;
- end;
- raise EConvertError.Create('Can not convert to KOI8-R');
- end;
- class function TKOI8_RCodec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucKOI8_R;
- end;
- class function TKOI8_RCodec.GetAliasCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := KOI8_RAliases;
- end;
- class function TKOI8_RCodec.GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := KOI8_RAlias[Idx];
- end;
- function TKOI8_RCodec.DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Result := KOI8_RToWideChar(P);
- end;
- function TKOI8_RCodec.EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Result := WideCharToKOI8_R(Ch);
- end;
- { }
- { Mac Latin-2 }
- { }
- const
- MacLatin2Aliases = 3;
- MacLatin2Alias: Array[1..MacLatin2Aliases] of String = (
- 'MacLatin2', 'Mac', 'Macintosh');
- const
- MacLatin2Map: Array[$80..$FF] of WideChar = (
- #$00C4, #$0100, #$0101, #$00C9, #$0104, #$00D6, #$00DC, #$00E1,
- #$0105, #$010C, #$00E4, #$010D, #$0106, #$0107, #$00E9, #$0179,
- #$017A, #$010E, #$00ED, #$010F, #$0112, #$0113, #$0116, #$00F3,
- #$0117, #$00F4, #$00F6, #$00F5, #$00FA, #$011A, #$011B, #$00FC,
- #$2020, #$00B0, #$0118, #$00A3, #$00A7, #$2022, #$00B6, #$00DF,
- #$00AE, #$00A9, #$2122, #$0119, #$00A8, #$2260, #$0123, #$012E,
- #$012F, #$012A, #$2264, #$2265, #$012B, #$0136, #$2202, #$2211,
- #$0142, #$013B, #$013C, #$013D, #$013E, #$0139, #$013A, #$0145,
- #$0146, #$0143, #$00AC, #$221A, #$0144, #$0147, #$2206, #$00AB,
- #$00BB, #$2026, #$00A0, #$0148, #$0150, #$00D5, #$0151, #$014C,
- #$2013, #$2014, #$201C, #$201D, #$2018, #$2019, #$00F7, #$25CA,
- #$014D, #$0154, #$0155, #$0158, #$2039, #$203A, #$0159, #$0156,
- #$0157, #$0160, #$201A, #$201E, #$0161, #$015A, #$015B, #$00C1,
- #$0164, #$0165, #$00CD, #$017D, #$017E, #$016A, #$00D3, #$00D4,
- #$016B, #$016E, #$00DA, #$016F, #$0170, #$0171, #$0172, #$0173,
- #$00DD, #$00FD, #$0137, #$017B, #$0141, #$017C, #$0122, #$02C7);
- function MacLatin2ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- if Ord(P) >= $80 then
- Result := MacLatin2Map[Ord(P)] else
- Result := WideChar(Ord(P));
- end;
- function WideCharToMacLatin2(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- var I: Byte;
- begin
- if Ord(Ch) < $80 then
- begin
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch));
- exit;
- end;
- For I := $80 to $FF do
- if MacLatin2Map[I] = Ch then
- begin
- Result := Char(I);
- exit;
- end;
- raise EConvertError.Create('Can not convert to MacLatin2');
- end;
- class function TMacLatin2Codec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucMacLatin2;
- end;
- class function TMacLatin2Codec.GetAliasCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := MacLatin2Aliases;
- end;
- class function TMacLatin2Codec.GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := MacLatin2Alias[Idx];
- end;
- function TMacLatin2Codec.DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Result := MacLatin2ToWideChar(P);
- end;
- function TMacLatin2Codec.EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Result := WideCharToMacLatin2(Ch);
- end;
- { }
- { Mac Roman }
- { }
- const
- MacRomanAliases = 1;
- MacRomanAlias: Array[1..MacRomanAliases] of String = (
- 'MacRoman');
- const
- MacRomanMap: Array[$80..$FF] of WideChar = (
- #$00C4, #$00C5, #$00C7, #$00C9, #$00D1, #$00D6, #$00DC, #$00E1,
- #$00E0, #$00E2, #$00E4, #$00E3, #$00E5, #$00E7, #$00E9, #$00E8,
- #$00EA, #$00EB, #$00ED, #$00EC, #$00EE, #$00EF, #$00F1, #$00F3,
- #$00F2, #$00F4, #$00F6, #$00F5, #$00FA, #$00F9, #$00FB, #$00FC,
- #$2020, #$00B0, #$00A2, #$00A3, #$00A7, #$2022, #$00B6, #$00DF,
- #$00AE, #$00A9, #$2122, #$00B4, #$00A8, #$2260, #$00C6, #$00D8,
- #$221E, #$00B1, #$2264, #$2265, #$00A5, #$00B5, #$2202, #$2211,
- #$220F, #$03C0, #$222B, #$00AA, #$00BA, #$2126, #$00E6, #$00F8,
- #$00BF, #$00A1, #$00AC, #$221A, #$0192, #$2248, #$2206, #$00AB,
- #$00BB, #$2026, #$00A0, #$00C0, #$00C3, #$00D5, #$0152, #$0153,
- #$2013, #$2014, #$201C, #$201D, #$2018, #$2019, #$00F7, #$25CA,
- #$00FF, #$0178, #$2044, #$00A4, #$2039, #$203A, #$FB01, #$FB02,
- #$2021, #$00B7, #$201A, #$201E, #$2030, #$00C2, #$00CA, #$00C1,
- #$00CB, #$00C8, #$00CD, #$00CE, #$00CF, #$00CC, #$00D3, #$00D4,
- #$0000, #$00D2, #$00DA, #$00DB, #$00D9, #$0131, #$02C6, #$02DC,
- #$00AF, #$02D8, #$02D9, #$02DA, #$00B8, #$02DD, #$02DB, #$02C7);
- function MacRomanToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- if Ord(P) >= $80 then
- begin
- Result := MacRomanMap[Ord(P)];
- if Result = #$0000 then
- raise EConvertError.Create('Invalid Mac Roman encoding');
- end else
- Result := WideChar(Ord(P));
- end;
- function WideCharToMacRoman(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- var I: Byte;
- begin
- if Ord(Ch) < $80 then
- begin
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch));
- exit;
- end;
- For I := $80 to $FF do
- if MacRomanMap[I] = Ch then
- begin
- Result := Char(I);
- exit;
- end;
- raise EConvertError.Create('Can not convert to MacRoman');
- end;
- class function TMacRomanCodec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucMacRoman;
- end;
- class function TMacRomanCodec.GetAliasCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := MacRomanAliases;
- end;
- class function TMacRomanCodec.GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := MacRomanAlias[Idx];
- end;
- function TMacRomanCodec.DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Result := MacRomanToWideChar(P);
- end;
- function TMacRomanCodec.EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Result := WideCharToMacRoman(Ch);
- end;
- { }
- { Mac Cyrillic }
- { }
- const
- MacCyrillicAliases = 1;
- MacCyrillicAlias: Array[1..MacCyrillicAliases] of String = (
- 'MacCyrillic');
- const
- MacCyrillicMap: Array[$80..$FF] of WideChar = (
- #$0410, #$0411, #$0412, #$0413, #$0414, #$0415, #$0416, #$0417,
- #$0418, #$0419, #$041A, #$041B, #$041C, #$041D, #$041E, #$041F,
- #$0420, #$0421, #$0422, #$0423, #$0424, #$0425, #$0426, #$0427,
- #$0428, #$0429, #$042A, #$042B, #$042C, #$042D, #$042E, #$042F,
- #$2020, #$00B0, #$00A2, #$00A3, #$00A7, #$2022, #$00B6, #$0406,
- #$00AE, #$00A9, #$2122, #$0402, #$0452, #$2260, #$0403, #$0453,
- #$221E, #$00B1, #$2264, #$2265, #$0456, #$00B5, #$2202, #$0408,
- #$0404, #$0454, #$0407, #$0457, #$0409, #$0459, #$040A, #$045A,
- #$0458, #$0405, #$00AC, #$221A, #$0192, #$2248, #$2206, #$00AB,
- #$00BB, #$2026, #$00A0, #$040B, #$045B, #$040C, #$045C, #$0455,
- #$2013, #$2014, #$201C, #$201D, #$2018, #$2019, #$00F7, #$201E,
- #$040E, #$045E, #$040F, #$045F, #$2116, #$0401, #$0451, #$044F,
- #$0430, #$0431, #$0432, #$0433, #$0434, #$0435, #$0436, #$0437,
- #$0438, #$0439, #$043A, #$043B, #$043C, #$043D, #$043E, #$043F,
- #$0440, #$0441, #$0442, #$0443, #$0444, #$0445, #$0446, #$0447,
- #$0448, #$0449, #$044A, #$044B, #$044C, #$044D, #$044E, #$00A4);
- function MacCyrillicToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- if Ord(P) >= $80 then
- Result := MacCyrillicMap[Ord(P)] else
- Result := WideChar(Ord(P));
- end;
- function WideCharToMacCyrillic(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- var I: Byte;
- begin
- if Ord(Ch) < $80 then
- begin
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch));
- exit;
- end;
- For I := $80 to $FF do
- if MacCyrillicMap[I] = Ch then
- begin
- Result := Char(I);
- exit;
- end;
- raise EConvertError.Create('Can not convert to MacCyrillic');
- end;
- class function TMacCyrillicCodec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucMacCyrillic;
- end;
- class function TMacCyrillicCodec.GetAliasCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := MacCyrillicAliases;
- end;
- class function TMacCyrillicCodec.GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := MacCyrillicAlias[Idx];
- end;
- function TMacCyrillicCodec.DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Result := MacCyrillicToWideChar(P);
- end;
- function TMacCyrillicCodec.EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Result := WideCharToMacCyrillic(Ch);
- end;
- { }
- { CP437 - DOSLatinUS }
- { Original IBM PC encoding }
- { }
- const
- CP437Aliases = 2;
- CP437Alias: Array[1..CP437Aliases] of String = (
- 'cp437', 'IBM437');
- const
- CP437Map: Array[$80..$FF] of WideChar = (
- #$00C7, #$00FC, #$00E9, #$00E2, #$00E4, #$00E0, #$00E5, #$00E7,
- #$00EA, #$00EB, #$00E8, #$00EF, #$00EE, #$00EC, #$00C4, #$00C5,
- #$00C9, #$00E6, #$00C6, #$00F4, #$00F6, #$00F2, #$00FB, #$00F9,
- #$00FF, #$00D6, #$00DC, #$00A2, #$00A3, #$00A5, #$20A7, #$0192,
- #$00E1, #$00ED, #$00F3, #$00FA, #$00F1, #$00D1, #$00AA, #$00BA,
- #$00BF, #$2310, #$00AC, #$00BD, #$00BC, #$00A1, #$00AB, #$00BB,
- #$2591, #$2592, #$2593, #$2502, #$2524, #$2561, #$2562, #$2556,
- #$2555, #$2563, #$2551, #$2557, #$255D, #$255C, #$255B, #$2510,
- #$2514, #$2534, #$252C, #$251C, #$2500, #$253C, #$255E, #$255F,
- #$255A, #$2554, #$2569, #$2566, #$2560, #$2550, #$256C, #$2567,
- #$2568, #$2564, #$2565, #$2559, #$2558, #$2552, #$2553, #$256B,
- #$256A, #$2518, #$250C, #$2588, #$2584, #$258C, #$2590, #$2580,
- #$03B1, #$00DF, #$0393, #$03C0, #$03A3, #$03C3, #$00B5, #$03C4,
- #$03A6, #$0398, #$03A9, #$03B4, #$221E, #$03C6, #$03B5, #$2229,
- #$2261, #$00B1, #$2265, #$2264, #$2320, #$2321, #$00F7, #$2248,
- #$00B0, #$2219, #$00B7, #$221A, #$207F, #$00B2, #$25A0, #$00A0);
- function CP437ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- if Ord(P) >= $80 then
- Result := MacCyrillicMap[Ord(P)] else
- Result := WideChar(Ord(P));
- end;
- function WideCharToCP437(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- var I: Byte;
- begin
- if Ord(Ch) < $80 then
- begin
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch));
- exit;
- end;
- For I := $80 to $FF do
- if CP437Map[I] = Ch then
- begin
- Result := Char(I);
- exit;
- end;
- raise EConvertError.Create('Can not convert to CP437');
- end;
- class function TCP437Codec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucCP437;
- end;
- class function TCP437Codec.GetAliasCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := CP437Aliases;
- end;
- class function TCP437Codec.GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := CP437Alias[Idx];
- end;
- function TCP437Codec.DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Result := CP437ToWideChar(P);
- end;
- function TCP437Codec.EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Result := WideCharToCP437(Ch);
- end;
- { }
- { Windows-1250 }
- { }
- const
- Win1250Aliases = 3;
- Win1250Alias: Array[1..Win1250Aliases] of String = (
- 'windows-1250', 'cp1250', 'WinLatin2');
- const
- Win1250Map: Array[$80..$FF] of WideChar = (
- #$20AC, #$0000, #$201A, #$0000, #$201E, #$2026, #$2020, #$2021,
- #$0000, #$2030, #$0160, #$2039, #$015A, #$0164, #$017D, #$0179,
- #$0000, #$2018, #$2019, #$201C, #$201D, #$2022, #$2013, #$2014,
- #$0000, #$2122, #$0161, #$203A, #$015B, #$0165, #$017E, #$017A,
- #$00A0, #$02C7, #$02D8, #$0141, #$00A4, #$0104, #$00A6, #$00A7,
- #$00A8, #$00A9, #$015E, #$00AB, #$00AC, #$00AD, #$00AE, #$017B,
- #$00B0, #$00B1, #$02DB, #$0142, #$00B4, #$00B5, #$00B6, #$00B7,
- #$00B8, #$0105, #$015F, #$00BB, #$013D, #$02DD, #$013E, #$017C,
- #$0154, #$00C1, #$00C2, #$0102, #$00C4, #$0139, #$0106, #$00C7,
- #$010C, #$00C9, #$0118, #$00CB, #$011A, #$00CD, #$00CE, #$010E,
- #$0110, #$0143, #$0147, #$00D3, #$00D4, #$0150, #$00D6, #$00D7,
- #$0158, #$016E, #$00DA, #$0170, #$00DC, #$00DD, #$0162, #$00DF,
- #$0155, #$00E1, #$00E2, #$0103, #$00E4, #$013A, #$0107, #$00E7,
- #$010D, #$00E9, #$0119, #$00EB, #$011B, #$00ED, #$00EE, #$010F,
- #$0111, #$0144, #$0148, #$00F3, #$00F4, #$0151, #$00F6, #$00F7,
- #$0159, #$016F, #$00FA, #$0171, #$00FC, #$00FD, #$0163, #$02D9);
- function Win1250ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- if Ord(P) >= $80 then
- begin
- Result := Win1250Map[Ord(P)];
- if Result = #$0000 then
- raise EConvertError.Create('Invalid Windows-1250 encoding');
- end else
- Result := WideChar(Ord(P));
- end;
- function WideCharToWin1250(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- var I: Byte;
- begin
- if Ord(Ch) < $80 then
- begin
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch));
- exit;
- end;
- For I := $80 to $FF do
- if Win1250Map[I] = Ch then
- begin
- Result := Char(I);
- exit;
- end;
- raise EConvertError.Create('Can not convert to Windows-1250');
- end;
- class function TWin1250Codec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucWin1250;
- end;
- class function TWin1250Codec.GetAliasCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Win1250Aliases;
- end;
- class function TWin1250Codec.GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := Win1250Alias[Idx];
- end;
- function TWin1250Codec.DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Result := Win1250ToWideChar(P);
- end;
- function TWin1250Codec.EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Result := WideCharToWin1250(Ch);
- end;
- { }
- { Windows-1251 }
- { }
- const
- Win1251Aliases = 3;
- Win1251Alias: Array[1..Win1251Aliases] of String = (
- 'windows-1251', 'cp1251', 'WinCyrillic');
- const
- Win1251Map: Array[$80..$BF] of WideChar = (
- #$0402, #$0403, #$201A, #$0453, #$201E, #$2026, #$2020, #$2021,
- #$20AC, #$2030, #$0409, #$2039, #$040A, #$040C, #$040B, #$040F,
- #$0452, #$2018, #$2019, #$201C, #$201D, #$2022, #$2013, #$2014,
- #$0000, #$2122, #$0459, #$203A, #$045A, #$045C, #$045B, #$045F,
- #$00A0, #$040E, #$045E, #$0408, #$00A4, #$0490, #$00A6, #$00A7,
- #$0401, #$00A9, #$0404, #$00AB, #$00AC, #$00AD, #$00AE, #$0407,
- #$00B0, #$00B1, #$0406, #$0456, #$0491, #$00B5, #$00B6, #$00B7,
- #$0451, #$2116, #$0454, #$00BB, #$0458, #$0405, #$0455, #$0457);
- function Win1251ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Case Ord(P) of
- $00..$7F : Result := WideChar(Ord(P));
- $80..$BF :
- begin
- Result := Win1251Map[Ord(P)];
- if Result = #$0000 then
- raise EConvertError.Create('Invalid Windows-1251 encoding');
- end;
- $C0..$FF :
- Result := WideChar(Ord(P) + $0350);
- else
- raise EConvertError.Create('Invalid Windows-1251 encoding');
- end;
- end;
- function WideCharToWin1251(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- var I: Byte;
- begin
- if Ord(Ch) < $80 then
- begin
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch));
- exit;
- end;
- Case Ch of
- #$0410..#$044F : Result := Char(Ord(Ch) - $0350);
- else
- begin
- For I := $80 to $BF do
- if Win1251Map[I] = Ch then
- begin
- Result := Char(I);
- exit;
- end;
- raise EConvertError.Create('Can not convert to Windows-1251');
- end;
- end;
- end;
- class function TWin1251Codec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucWin1251;
- end;
- class function TWin1251Codec.GetAliasCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Win1251Aliases;
- end;
- class function TWin1251Codec.GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := Win1251Alias[Idx];
- end;
- function TWin1251Codec.DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Result := Win1251ToWideChar(P);
- end;
- function TWin1251Codec.EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Result := WideCharToWin1251(Ch);
- end;
- { }
- { Windows-1252 }
- { }
- const
- Win1252Aliases = 3;
- Win1252Alias: Array[1..Win1252Aliases] of String = (
- 'windows-1252', 'cp1252', 'WinLatin1');
- const
- Win1252Map: Array[$80..$9F] of WideChar = (
- #$20AC, #$0000, #$201A, #$0192, #$201E, #$2026, #$2020, #$2021,
- #$02C6, #$2030, #$0160, #$2039, #$0152, #$0000, #$017D, #$0000,
- #$0000, #$2018, #$2019, #$201C, #$201D, #$2022, #$2013, #$2014,
- #$02DC, #$2122, #$0161, #$203A, #$0153, #$0000, #$017E, #$0178);
- function Win1252ToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- if Ord(P) in [$80..$9F] then
- begin
- Result := Win1252Map[Ord(P)];
- if Result = #$0000 then
- raise EConvertError.Create('Invalid Windows-1252 encoding');
- end else
- Result := WideChar(Ord(P));
- end;
- function WideCharToWin1252(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- var I: Byte;
- begin
- if Ord(Ch) < $80 then
- begin
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch));
- exit;
- end;
- if (Ord(Ch) < $100) and (Ord(Ch) > $9F) then
- begin
- Result := Char(Ord(Ch));
- exit;
- end;
- For I := $80 to $9F do
- if Win1252Map[I] = Ch then
- begin
- Result := Char(I);
- exit;
- end;
- raise EConvertError.Create('Can not convert to Windows-1252');
- end;
- class function TWin1252Codec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucWin1252;
- end;
- class function TWin1252Codec.GetAliasCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := Win1252Aliases;
- end;
- class function TWin1252Codec.GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := Win1252Alias[Idx];
- end;
- function TWin1252Codec.DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Result := Win1252ToWideChar(P);
- end;
- function TWin1252Codec.EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Result := WideCharToWin1252(Ch);
- end;
- { }
- { }
- const
- EBCDIC_USAliases = 2;
- EBCDIC_USAlias: Array[1..EBCDIC_USAliases] of String = (
- 'ebcdic-us', 'ebcdic');
- function EBCDIC_USToWideChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Case Ord(P) of
- $40 : Result := #$0020; // SPACE
- $4A : Result := #$00A2; // CENT SIGN
- $4B : Result := #$002E; // FULL STOP
- $4C : Result := #$003C; // LESS-THAN SIGN
- $4D : Result := #$0028; // LEFT PARENTHESIS
- $4E : Result := #$002B; // PLUS SIGN
- $4F : Result := #$007C; // VERTICAL LINE
- $50 : Result := #$0026; // AMPERSAND
- $5A : Result := #$0021; // EXCLAMATION MARK
- $5B : Result := #$0024; // DOLLAR SIGN
- $5C : Result := #$002A; // ASTERISK
- $5D : Result := #$0029; // RIGHT PARENTHESIS
- $5E : Result := #$003B; // SEMICOLON
- $5F : Result := #$00AC; // NOT SIGN
- $60 : Result := #$002D; // HYPHEN-MINUS
- $61 : Result := #$002F; // SOLIDUS
- $6A : Result := #$00A6; // BROKEN BAR
- $6B : Result := #$002C; // COMMA
- $6C : Result := #$0025; // PERCENT SIGN
- $6D : Result := #$005F; // LOW LINE
- $6E : Result := #$003E; // GREATER-THAN SIGN
- $6F : Result := #$003F; // QUESTION MARK
- $79 : Result := #$0060; // GRAVE ACCENT
- $7A : Result := #$003A; // COLON
- $7B : Result := #$0023; // NUMBER SIGN
- $7C : Result := #$0040; // COMMERCIAL AT
- $7D : Result := #$0027; // APOSTROPHE
- $7E : Result := #$003D; // EQUALS SIGN
- $7F : Result := #$0022; // QUOTATION MARK
- $81..$89 : Result := WideChar(Ord(P) - $81 + $0061); // LATIN SMALL LETTER A..I
- $91..$99 : Result := WideChar(Ord(P) - $91 + $006A); // LATIN SMALL LETTER J..R
- $A1 : Result := #$007E; // TILDE
- $A2..$A9 : Result := WideChar(Ord(P) - $A2 + $0073); // LATIN SMALL LETTER S..Z
- $C0 : Result := #$007B; // LEFT CURLY BRACKET
- $C1..$C9 : Result := WideChar(Ord(P) - $C1 + $0041); // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A..I
- $D0 : Result := #$007D; // RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
- $D1..$D9 : Result := WideChar(Ord(P) - $D1 + $004A); // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J..R
- $E0 : Result := #$005C; // REVERSE SOLIDUS
- $E2..$E9 : Result := WideChar(Ord(P) - $E2 + $0053); // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S
- $F0..$F9 : Result := WideChar(Ord(P) - $F0 + $0030); // DIGIT ZERO
- else
- raise EConvertError.Create('Invalid EBCDIC-US encoding');
- end;
- end;
- function WideCharToEBCDIC_US(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Case Ord(Ch) of
- $0020 : Result := #$40; // SPACE
- $0021 : Result := #$5A; // EXCLAMATION MARK
- $0022 : Result := #$7F; // QUOTATION MARK
- $0023 : Result := #$7B; // NUMBER SIGN
- $0024 : Result := #$5B; // DOLLAR SIGN
- $0025 : Result := #$6C; // PERCENT SIGN
- $0026 : Result := #$50; // AMPERSAND
- $0027 : Result := #$7D; // APOSTROPHE
- $0028 : Result := #$4D; // LEFT PARENTHESIS
- $0029 : Result := #$5D; // RIGHT PARENTHESIS
- $002A : Result := #$5C; // ASTERISK
- $002B : Result := #$4E; // PLUS SIGN
- $002C : Result := #$6B; // COMMA
- $002D : Result := #$60; // HYPHEN-MINUS
- $002E : Result := #$4B; // FULL STOP
- $002F : Result := #$61; // SOLIDUS
- $0030..$0039 : Result := Char(Ord(Ch) - $0030 + $F0); // DIGIT ZERO-NINE
- $003A : Result := #$7A; // COLON
- $003B : Result := #$5E; // SEMICOLON
- $003C : Result := #$4C; // LESS-THAN SIGN
- $003D : Result := #$7E; // EQUALS SIGN
- $003E : Result := #$6E; // GREATER-THAN SIGN
- $003F : Result := #$6F; // QUESTION MARK
- $0040 : Result := #$7C; // COMMERCIAL AT
- $0041..$0049 : Result := Char(Ord(Ch) - $0041 + $C1); // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A..I
- $004A..$0052 : Result := Char(Ord(Ch) - $004A + $D1); // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J..R
- $0053..$005A : Result := Char(Ord(Ch) - $0053 + $E2); // LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S..Z
- $005C : Result := #$E0; // REVERSE SOLIDUS
- $005F : Result := #$6D; // LOW LINE
- $0060 : Result := #$79; // GRAVE ACCENT
- $0061..$0069 : Result := Char(Ord(Ch) - $0061 + $81); // LATIN SMALL LETTER A..I
- $006A..$0072 : Result := Char(Ord(Ch) - $006A + $91); // LATIN SMALL LETTER J..R
- $0073..$007A : Result := Char(Ord(Ch) - $0073 + $A2); // LATIN SMALL LETTER S..Z
- $007B : Result := #$C0; // LEFT CURLY BRACKET
- $007C : Result := #$4F; // VERTICAL LINE
- $007D : Result := #$D0; // RIGHT CURLY BRACKET
- $007E : Result := #$A1; // TILDE
- $00A2 : Result := #$4A; // CENT SIGN
- $00A6 : Result := #$6A; // BROKEN BAR
- $00AC : Result := #$5F; // NOT SIGN
- else
- raise EConvertError.Create('Can not convert to EBCDIC-US');
- end;
- end;
- class function TEBCDIC_USCodec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucEBCDIC_US;
- end;
- class function TEBCDIC_USCodec.GetAliasCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := EBCDIC_USAliases;
- end;
- class function TEBCDIC_USCodec.GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := EBCDIC_USAlias[Idx];
- end;
- function TEBCDIC_USCodec.DecodeChar(const P: Char): WideChar;
- begin
- Result := EBCDIC_USToWideChar(P);
- end;
- function TEBCDIC_USCodec.EncodeChar(const Ch: WideChar): Char;
- begin
- Result := WideCharToEBCDIC_US(Ch);
- end;
- { }
- { UTF-8 }
- { }
- const
- UTF8Aliases = 2;
- UTF8Alias: Array[1..UTF8Aliases] of String = (
- 'utf8', 'UTF-8');
- { UTF8ToUCS4Char returns UTF8ErrorNone if a valid UTF-8 sequence was decoded }
- { (and Ch contains the decoded UCS4 character and SeqSize contains the size }
- { of the UTF-8 sequence). If an incomplete UTF-8 sequence is encountered, the }
- { function returns UTF8ErrorIncompleteEncoding and SeqSize > Size. If an }
- { invalid UTF-8 sequence is encountered, the function returns }
- { UTF8ErrorInvalidEncoding and SeqSize (<= Size) is the size of the }
- { invalid sequence, and Ch may be the intended character. }
- function UTF8ToUCS4Char(const P: PChar; const Size: Integer;
- var SeqSize: Integer; var Ch: UCS4Char): TUTF8Error;
- var C, D: Byte;
- V: LongWord;
- I: Integer;
- begin
- if not Assigned(P) or (Size <= 0) then
- begin
- SeqSize := 0;
- Ch := 0;
- Result := UTF8ErrorInvalidBuffer;
- exit;
- end;
- C := Ord(P^);
- if C < $80 then
- begin
- SeqSize := 1;
- Ch := C;
- Result := UTF8ErrorNone;
- exit;
- end;
- if C and $C0 = $80 then
- begin
- SeqSize := 1;
- Ch := C;
- Result := UTF8ErrorInvalidEncoding;
- exit;
- end;
- if C and $20 = 0 then
- begin
- SeqSize := 2;
- V := C and $1F;
- end else
- if C and $10 = 0 then
- begin
- SeqSize := 3;
- V := C and $0F;
- end else
- if C and $08 = 0 then
- begin
- SeqSize := 4;
- V := C and $07;
- end else
- begin
- SeqSize := 1;
- Ch := C;
- Result := UTF8ErrorInvalidEncoding;
- exit;
- end;
- if Size < SeqSize then
- begin
- Ch := C;
- Result := UTF8ErrorIncompleteEncoding;
- exit;
- end;
- For I := 1 to SeqSize - 1 do
- begin
- D := Ord(P[I]);
- if D and $C0 <> $80 then
- begin
- SeqSize := 1;
- Ch := C;
- Result := UTF8ErrorInvalidEncoding;
- exit;
- end;
- V := (V shl 6) or (D and $3F);
- end;
- Ch := V;
- Result := UTF8ErrorNone;
- end;
- function UTF8ToWideChar(const P: PChar; const Size: Integer; var SeqSize: Integer; var Ch: WideChar): TUTF8Error;
- var Ch4: UCS4Char;
- begin
- Result := UTF8ToUCS4Char(P, Size, SeqSize, Ch4);
- if Ch4 > $FFFF then
- begin
- Result := UTF8ErrorOutOfRange;
- Ch := #$0000;
- end else
- Ch := WideChar(Ch4);
- end;
- { UCS4CharToUTF8 transforms the UCS4 char Ch to UTF-8 encoding. SeqSize }
- { returns the number of bytes needed to transform Ch. Up to DestSize }
- { bytes of the UTF-8 encoding will be placed in Dest. }
- procedure UCS4CharToUTF8(const Ch: UCS4Char; const Dest: Pointer; const DestSize: Integer; var SeqSize: Integer);
- var P: PByte;
- begin
- P := Dest;
- if Ch < $80 then
- begin
- SeqSize := 1;
- if not Assigned(P) or (DestSize <= 0) then
- exit;
- P^ := Byte(Ch);
- end else
- if Ch < $800 then
- begin
- SeqSize := 2;
- if not Assigned(P) or (DestSize <= 0) then
- exit;
- P^ := $C0 or Byte(Ch shr 6);
- if DestSize = 1 then
- exit;
- Inc(P);
- P^ := $80 or (Ch and $3F);
- end else
- if Ch < $10000 then
- begin
- SeqSize := 3;
- if not Assigned(P) or (DestSize <= 0) then
- exit;
- P^ := $E0 or Byte(Ch shr 12);
- if DestSize = 1 then
- exit;
- Inc(P);
- P^ := $80 or ((Ch shr 6) and $3F);
- if DestSize = 2 then
- exit;
- Inc(P);
- P^ := Ch and $3F;
- end else
- if Ch < $200000 then
- begin
- SeqSize := 4;
- if not Assigned(P) or (DestSize <= 0) then
- exit;
- P^ := $F0 or Byte(Ch shr 18);
- if DestSize = 1 then
- exit;
- Inc(P);
- P^ := $80 or ((Ch shr 12) and $3F);
- if DestSize = 2 then
- exit;
- Inc(P);
- P^ := $80 or ((Ch shr 6) and $3F);
- if DestSize = 3 then
- exit;
- Inc(P);
- P^ := Ch and $3F;
- end else
- raise EConvertError.Create('Character out of UTF-8 range');
- end;
- procedure WideCharToUTF8(const Ch: WideChar; const Dest: Pointer; const DestSize: Integer; var SeqSize: Integer);
- begin
- UCS4CharToUTF8(Ord(Ch), Dest, DestSize, SeqSize);
- end;
- class function TUTF8Codec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucUTF8;
- end;
- class function TUTF8Codec.GetAliasCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := UTF8Aliases;
- end;
- class function TUTF8Codec.GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := UTF8Alias[Idx];
- end;
- procedure TUTF8Codec.Decode(const Buf: Pointer; const BufSize: Integer; const DestBuf: Pointer; const DestSize: Integer; var ProcessedBytes, DestLength: Integer);
- var P: PChar;
- Q: PWideChar;
- L, I, M, N: Integer;
- R: TUTF8Error;
- C: WideChar;
- begin
- P := Buf;
- L := BufSize;
- Q := DestBuf;
- N := DestSize div Sizeof(WideChar);
- if not Assigned(P) or (L <= 0) or not Assigned(Q) or (N <= 0) then
- begin
- ProcessedBytes := 0;
- DestLength := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- M := 0;
- Repeat
- if M >= N then
- break;
- try
- R := UTF8ToWideChar(P, L, I, C);
- Case R of
- UTF8ErrorNone:
- begin
- Q^ := C;
- Inc(Q);
- Inc(M);
- Inc(P, I);
- Dec(L, I);
- end;
- UTF8ErrorInvalidEncoding:
- raise EConvertError.Create('Invalid UTF-8 encoding');
- UTF8ErrorIncompleteEncoding:
- begin
- ProcessedBytes := BufSize - L;
- DestLength := M;
- exit;
- end;
- UTF8ErrorOutOfRange :
- raise EConvertError.Create('UTF-8 encoding out of range');
- else
- raise EConvertError.Create('UTF-8 error (' + IntToStr(Ord(R)) + ')');
- end;
- except
- Case FErrorAction of
- eaException : raise;
- eaSkip:
- begin
- Inc(P, I);
- Dec(L, I);
- end;
- eaIgnore:
- begin
- Q^ := C;
- Inc(Q);
- Inc(M);
- Inc(P, I);
- Dec(L, I);
- end;
- eaReplace:
- begin
- Q^ := FDecodeReplaceChar;
- Inc(Q);
- Inc(M);
- Inc(P, I);
- Dec(L, I);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Until L = 0;
- ProcessedBytes := BufSize - L;
- DestLength := M;
- end;
- function TUTF8Codec.Encode(const S: PWideChar; const Length: Integer;
- var ProcessedChars: Integer): String;
- var P: PWideChar;
- Q: PChar;
- I, L, M, J: Integer;
- begin
- P := S;
- if not Assigned(P) or (Length <= 0) then
- begin
- ProcessedChars := 0;
- Result := '';
- exit;
- end;
- L := Length * 3;
- SetLength(Result, L);
- Q := Pointer(Result);
- M := 0;
- For I := 1 to Length do
- begin
- WideCharToUTF8(P^, Q, L, J);
- Inc(P);
- Inc(Q, J);
- Dec(L, J);
- Inc(M, J);
- end;
- ProcessedChars := Length;
- SetLength(Result, M);
- end;
- { }
- { UTF-16 }
- { }
- const
- UTF16Aliases = 4;
- UTF16Alias: Array[1..UTF16Aliases] of String = (
- 'utf16', 'UTF-16', 'UTF-16BE', 'UTF-16LE');
- { DetectUTF16Encoding returns True if the encoding was confirmed to be UTF-16. }
- { SwapEndian is True if it was detected that the UTF-16 data is in reverse }
- { endian from that used by the cpu. }
- function DetectUTF16Encoding(const P: PChar; const Size: Integer; var SwapEndian: Boolean; var HeaderSize: Integer): Boolean;
- begin
- if not Assigned(P) or (Size < 2) then
- begin
- SwapEndian := False;
- HeaderSize := 0;
- Result := False;
- end else
- if PWideChar(P)^ = WideChar($FEFF) then
- begin
- SwapEndian := False;
- HeaderSize := Sizeof(WideChar);
- Result := True;
- end else
- if PWideChar(P)^ = WideChar($FFFE) then
- begin
- SwapEndian := True;
- HeaderSize := Sizeof(WideChar);
- Result := True;
- end else
- begin
- SwapEndian := False;
- HeaderSize := 0;
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- function SwapUTF16Endian(const P: WideChar): WideChar;
- begin
- Result := WideChar(((Ord(P) and $FF) shl 8) or (Ord(P) shr 8));
- end;
- procedure TUTF16Codec.Init;
- begin
- inherited Init;
- FSwapEndian := False;
- end;
- class function TUTF16Codec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucUTF16;
- end;
- class function TUTF16Codec.GetAliasCount: Integer;
- begin
- Result := UTF16Aliases;
- end;
- class function TUTF16Codec.GetAliasByIndex(const Idx: Integer): String;
- begin
- Result := UTF16Alias[Idx];
- end;
- procedure TUTF16Codec.Decode(const Buf: Pointer; const BufSize: Integer; const DestBuf: Pointer; const DestSize: Integer; var ProcessedBytes, DestLength: Integer);
- var I, L, M: Integer;
- P, Q: PWideChar;
- begin
- L := BufSize;
- if L > DestSize then
- L := DestSize;
- if L <= 1 then
- begin
- ProcessedBytes := 0;
- DestLength := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- Dec(L, L mod Sizeof(WideChar));
- M := L div Sizeof(WideChar);
- P := Buf;
- Q := DestBuf;
- if not FSwapEndian then
- Move(P^, Q^, L) else
- For I := 1 to M do
- begin
- Q^ := SwapUTF16Endian(P^);
- Inc(P);
- Inc(Q);
- end;
- DestLength := M;
- ProcessedBytes := L;
- end;
- function TUTF16Codec.Encode(const S: PWideChar; const Length: Integer;
- var ProcessedChars: Integer): String;
- var I, L: Integer;
- P, Q: PWideChar;
- begin
- if Length <= 0 then
- begin
- ProcessedChars := 0;
- Result := '';
- exit;
- end;
- L := Length * 2;
- SetLength(Result, L);
- if not FSwapEndian then
- Move(S^, Pointer(Result)^, L) else
- begin
- P := S;
- Q := Pointer(Result);
- For I := 1 to Length do
- begin
- Q^ := SwapUTF16Endian(P^);
- Inc(P);
- Inc(Q);
- end;
- end;
- ProcessedChars := Length;
- end;
- class function TUTF16RECodec.GetUnicodeCodecType: TUnicodeCodecType;
- begin
- Result := ucUTF16RE;
- end;
- procedure TUTF16RECodec.Init;
- begin
- inherited Init;
- FSwapEndian := True;
- end;
- { }
- { TUnicodeCodecType }
- { }
- const
- UnicodeCodecMap: Array[TUnicodeCodecType] of TUnicodeCodecClass = (nil,
- TASCIICodec,
- TISO8859_1Codec, TISO8859_2Codec, TISO8859_3Codec, TISO8859_4Codec, TISO8859_5Codec,
- TISO8859_6Codec, TISO8859_7Codec, TISO8859_8Codec, TISO8859_9Codec, TISO8859_10Codec,
- TISO8859_13Codec, TISO8859_14Codec, TISO8859_15Codec,
- TKOI8_RCodec,
- TMacLatin2Codec, TMacRomanCodec, TMacCyrillicCodec,
- TCP437Codec,
- TWin1250Codec, TWin1251Codec, TWin1252Codec,
- TUTF8Codec, TUTF16Codec, TUTF16RECodec);
- function GetUnicodeCodecClassByType(const CodecType: TUnicodeCodecType): TUnicodeCodecClass;
- begin
- Result := UnicodeCodecMap[CodecType];
- end;
- function GetUnicodeCodecClassByName(const Name: String): TUnicodeCodecClass;
- var I: TUnicodeCodecType;
- C, J: Integer;
- D: TUnicodeCodecClass;
- begin
- For I := Low(TUnicodeCodecType) to High(TUnicodeCodecType) do
- begin
- D := UnicodeCodecMap[I];
- C := D.GetAliasCount;
- For J := 0 to C - 1 do
- if AnsiCompareText(Name, D.GetAliasByIndex(J)) = 0 then
- begin
- Result := D;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- Result := nil;
- end;
- { }
- { Unicode conversion functions }
- { }
- function DecodeUnicodeEncoding(const Codec: TUnicodeCodecType; const Buf: Pointer; const BufSize: Integer; var ProcessedBytes: Integer): WideString;
- var C: TUnicodeCodecClass;
- D: AUnicodeCodec;
- begin
- C := UnicodeCodecMap[Codec];
- if not Assigned(C) then
- begin
- Result := '';
- exit;
- end;
- D := C.Create;
- try
- Result := D.DecodeStr(Buf, BufSize, ProcessedBytes);
- finally
- D.Free;
- end;
- end;
- function EncodeUnicodeEncoding(const Codec: TUnicodeCodecType; const S: WideString;
- var ProcessedChars: Integer): String;
- var C: TUnicodeCodecClass;
- D: AUnicodeCodec;
- begin
- C := UnicodeCodecMap[Codec];
- if not Assigned(C) then
- begin
- ProcessedChars := 0;
- Result := '';
- exit;
- end;
- D := C.Create;
- try
- Result := D.Encode(Pointer(S), Length(S), ProcessedChars);
- finally
- D.Free;
- end;
- end;
- { }
- { Character-set conversion functions }
- { }
- function IsASCIIStr(const S: String): Boolean;
- var I: Integer;
- P: PChar;
- begin
- P := Pointer(S);
- For I := 1 to Length(S) do
- if Ord(P^) >= $80 then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end else
- Inc(P);
- Result := True;
- end;
- function ISO8859_1ToUTF8(const S: String): String;
- var P, Q: PChar;
- L, I, M, J: Integer;
- begin
- L := Length(S);
- if L = 0 then
- begin
- Result := '';
- exit;
- end;
- // Calculate size
- M := L;
- P := Pointer(S);
- For I := 1 to L do
- begin
- if Ord(P^) >= $80 then
- Inc(M); // 2 bytes required for #$80-#$FF
- Inc(P);
- end;
- // Check if conversion is required
- if M = L then // All characters are ASCII
- begin
- Result := S;
- exit;
- end;
- // Convert
- SetLength(Result, M);
- Q := Pointer(Result);
- P := Pointer(S);
- For I := 1 to L do
- begin
- WideCharToUTF8(ISO8859_1ToWideChar(P^), Q, M, J);
- Inc(P);
- Inc(Q, J);
- Dec(M, J);
- end;
- end;
- function UTF8ToWideString(const S: String): WideString;
- var P: PChar;
- Q: PWideChar;
- L, M, I: Integer;
- C: WideChar;
- begin
- L := Length(S);
- if L = 0 then
- begin
- Result := '';
- exit;
- end;
- P := Pointer(S);
- SetLength(Result, L); // maximum size
- Q := Pointer(Result);
- M := 0;
- Repeat
- UTF8ToWideChar(P, L, I, C);
- Assert(I > 0, 'I > 0');
- Q^ := C;
- Inc(Q);
- Inc(M);
- Inc(P, I);
- Dec(L, I);
- Until L = 0;
- SetLength(Result, M); // actual size
- end;
- function WideStringToUTF8(const S: WideString): String;
- var P: PWideChar;
- Q: PChar;
- I, L, M, N, J: Integer;
- begin
- L := Length(S);
- if L = 0 then
- begin
- Result := '';
- exit;
- end;
- N := L * 3;
- SetLength(Result, N); // maximum size
- P := Pointer(S);
- Q := Pointer(Result);
- M := 0;
- For I := 1 to L do
- begin
- UCS4CharToUTF8(UCS4Char(P^), Q, N, J);
- Inc(P);
- Inc(Q, J);
- Dec(N, J);
- Inc(M, J);
- end;
- SetLength(Result, M); // actual size
- end;
- function UCS4CharToUTF8Str(const Ch: UCS4Char): String;
- var Buf: Array[0..3] of Byte;
- Size, I: Integer;
- P, Q: PChar;
- begin
- Size := 0;
- UCS4CharToUTF8(Ch, @Buf, Sizeof(Buf), Size);
- SetLength(Result, Size);
- if Size > 0 then
- begin
- P := Pointer(Result);
- Q := @Buf;
- For I := 0 to Size - 1 do
- begin
- P^ := Q^;
- Inc(P);
- Inc(Q);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function ASCIIToWideString(const S: String): WideString;
- var L, I: Integer;
- P: PChar;
- Q: PWideChar;
- begin
- L := Length(S);
- SetLength(Result, L);
- if L = 0 then
- exit;
- P := Pointer(S);
- Q := Pointer(Result);
- For I := 1 to L do
- begin
- Q^ := WideChar(P^);
- Inc(P);
- Inc(Q);
- end;
- end;
- end.