home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- {$INCLUDE ..\cDefines.inc}
- unit cWindows;
- { }
- { Windows functions v3.05 }
- { }
- { This unit is copyright ⌐ 2000-2002 by David Butler (david@e.co.za) }
- { }
- { This unit is part of Delphi Fundamentals. }
- { Its original file name is cWindows.pas }
- { The latest version is available from the Fundamentals home page }
- { http://fundementals.sourceforge.net/ }
- { }
- { I invite you to use this unit, free of charge. }
- { I invite you to distibute this unit, but it must be for free. }
- { I also invite you to contribute to its development, }
- { but do not distribute a modified copy of this file. }
- { }
- { A forum is available on SourceForge for general discussion }
- { http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=2117 }
- { }
- { Description: }
- { MS Windows specific functions. }
- { }
- { Revision history: }
- { 2000/10/01 v1.01 Initial version spawned from cUtils. }
- { 2001/12/12 v2.02 Added AWindowHandle. }
- { 2002/03/15 v2.03 Added GetWinOSType. }
- { 2002/06/26 v3.04 Refactored for Fundamentals 3. }
- { 2002/09/22 v3.05 Moved Registry functions to unit cRegistry. }
- { }
- interface
- uses
- // Delphi
- Windows,
- Messages,
- SysUtils,
- Classes,
- // Fundamentals
- cUtils;
- { }
- { Windows API }
- { }
- Function GetWindowsTemporaryPath : String;
- Function GetWindowsPath : String;
- Function GetWindowsSystemPath : String;
- Function GetProgramFilesPath : String;
- Function GetApplicationPath : String;
- Function GetUserName : String;
- Function GetLocalComputerName : String;
- Function GetLocalHostName : String;
- Function GetEnvironmentStrings : StringArray;
- Function ContentTypeFromExtention (Extention : String) : String;
- Function IsApplicationAutoRun (const Name : String) : Boolean;
- Procedure SetApplicationAutoRun (const Name : String; const AutoRun : Boolean);
- Function GetWinPortNames : StringArray;
- Function GetKeyPressed (const VKeyCode : Integer) : Boolean;
- Function WinExecute (const ExeName, Params : String;
- const ShowWin : Word = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
- const Wait : Boolean = True) : Boolean;
- Function GetHardDiskSerialNumber (const DriveLetter : Char) : String;
- Function GetWindowsProductID : String;
- Function GetMACAdresses (var Adresses : StringArray;
- const MachineName : String = '') : Integer;
- { }
- { Windows Version Info }
- { }
- type
- TWinOSType = (win31,
- win32_95, win32_98, win32_ME,
- win32_NT, win32_2000, win32_XP,
- win_UnknownPlatform);
- Function GetWinOSType : TWinOSType;
- Function IsWinNTFamily : Boolean;
- Function IsWin95Family : Boolean;
- { }
- { Application Version Info }
- { }
- type
- TVersionInfo = (viFileVersion, viFileDescription, viLegalCopyright,
- viComments, viCompanyName, viInternalName,
- viLegalTrademarks, viOriginalFilename, viProductName,
- viProductVersion);
- Function GetAppVersionInfo (const VersionInfo : TVersionInfo) : String;
- { }
- { Window Handle }
- { Base class for allocation of a new Window handle that can process its own }
- { messages. }
- { }
- type
- TWindowHandleMessageEvent = Function (const Msg : Cardinal; const wParam, lParam : Integer;
- var Handled : Boolean) : Integer of object;
- TWindowHandle = class;
- TWindowHandleErrorEvent = Procedure (const Sender : TWindowHandle;
- const E : Exception) of object;
- TWindowHandle = class (TComponent)
- protected
- FWindowHandle : HWND;
- FTerminated : Boolean;
- FOnMessage : TWindowHandleMessageEvent;
- FOnException : TWindowHandleErrorEvent;
- Procedure RaiseError (const Msg : String);
- Function AllocateWindowHandle : HWND; virtual;
- Function HandleWM (const Msg : Cardinal; const wParam, lParam : Integer) : Integer; virtual;
- public
- Destructor Destroy; override;
- Procedure DestroyWindowHandle; virtual;
- Property WindowHandle : HWND read FWindowHandle;
- Function GetWindowHandle : HWND;
- Function ProcessMessage : Boolean;
- Procedure ProcessMessages;
- Function HandleMessage : Boolean;
- Procedure MessageLoop;
- Property OnMessage : TWindowHandleMessageEvent read FOnMessage write FOnMessage;
- Property OnException : TWindowHandleErrorEvent read FOnException write FOnException;
- Property Terminated : Boolean read FTerminated;
- Procedure Terminate; virtual;
- end;
- EWindowHandle = class (Exception);
- { TfndWindowHandle }
- TfndWindowHandle = class (TWindowHandle)
- published
- Property OnMessage;
- Property OnException;
- end;
- { }
- { TTimerHandle }
- { }
- type
- TTimerHandle = class;
- TTimerEvent = Procedure (const Sender : TTimerHandle) of object;
- TTimerHandle = class (TWindowHandle)
- protected
- FTimerInterval : Integer;
- FTimerActive : Boolean;
- FOnTimer : TTimerEvent;
- Function HandleWM (const Msg : Cardinal; const wParam, lParam : Integer) : Integer; override;
- Function DoSetTimer : Boolean;
- Procedure TriggerTimer; virtual;
- Procedure SetTimerActive (const TimerActive : Boolean); virtual;
- Procedure Loaded; override;
- public
- Constructor Create (AOwner : TComponent); override;
- Procedure DestroyWindowHandle; override;
- Property TimerInterval : Integer read FTimerInterval write FTimerInterval;
- Property TimerActive : Boolean read FTimerActive write SetTimerActive;
- Property OnTimer : TTimerEvent read FOnTimer write FOnTimer;
- end;
- { TfndTimerHandle }
- TfndTimerHandle = class (TTimerHandle)
- published
- Property OnMessage;
- Property OnException;
- Property TimerInterval;
- Property TimerActive;
- Property OnTimer;
- end;
- { }
- { RaiseLastOSError }
- { }
- Procedure RaiseLastOSError;
- {$ENDIF}
- { }
- { Component Register }
- { }
- Procedure Register;
- implementation
- uses
- // Delphi
- WinSock,
- WinSpool,
- NB30,
- // Fundamentals
- cStrings,
- cRegistry;
- { }
- { RaiseLastOSError }
- { }
- Procedure RaiseLastOSError;
- Begin
- RaiseLastWin32Error;
- End;
- {$ENDIF}
- { }
- { Windows API }
- { }
- Function GetWindowsTemporaryPath : String;
- const MaxTempPathLen = MAX_PATH + 1;
- var I : LongWord;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, MaxTempPathLen);
- I := GetTempPath (MaxTempPathLen, PChar (Result));
- if I > 0 then
- SetLength (Result, I) else
- Result := '';
- End;
- Function GetWindowsPath : String;
- const MaxWinPathLen = MAX_PATH + 1;
- var I : LongWord;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, MaxWinPathLen);
- I := GetWindowsDirectory (PChar (Result), MaxWinPathLen);
- if I > 0 then
- SetLength (Result, I) else
- Result := '';
- End;
- Function GetWindowsSystemPath : String;
- const MaxWinSysPathLen = MAX_PATH + 1;
- var I : LongWord;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, MaxWinSysPathLen);
- I := GetSystemDirectory (PChar (Result), MaxWinSysPathLen);
- if I > 0 then
- SetLength (Result, I) else
- Result := '';
- End;
- Function GetProgramFilesPath : String;
- Begin
- Result := GetRegistryString (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
- 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion', 'ProgramFilesDir');
- End;
- Function GetApplicationPath : String;
- Begin
- Result := ExtractFilePath (ParamStr (0));
- EnsureSuffix (Result, '\');
- End;
- Function GetUserName : String;
- const MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH = 256;
- var L : LongWord;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, L);
- if Windows.GetUserName (PChar (Result), L) and (L > 0) then
- SetLength (Result, StrLen (PChar (Result))) else
- Result := '';
- End;
- Function GetLocalComputerName : String;
- var L : LongWord;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, L);
- if Windows.GetComputerName (PChar (Result), L) and (L > 0) then
- SetLength (Result, StrLen (PChar (Result))) else
- Result := '';
- End;
- Function GetLocalHostName : String;
- var WSAData : TWSAData;
- L : LongWord;
- Begin
- if WSAStartup ($0101, WSAData) = 0 then
- try
- SetLengthAndZero (Result, L);
- if GetHostName (PChar (Result), L) = 0 then
- SetLength (Result, StrLen (PChar (Result))) else
- Result := '';
- finally
- WSACleanup;
- end;
- End;
- Function GetEnvironmentStrings : StringArray;
- var P, Q : PChar;
- I : Integer;
- S : String;
- Begin
- P := PChar (Windows.GetEnvironmentStrings);
- try
- if P^ <> #0 then
- Repeat
- Q := P;
- I := 0;
- While Q^ <> #0 do
- begin
- Inc (Q);
- Inc (I);
- end;
- SetLength (S, I);
- if I > 0 then
- Move (P^, Pointer (S)^, I);
- Append (Result, S);
- P := Q;
- Inc (P);
- Until P^ = #0;
- finally
- FreeEnvironmentStrings (P);
- end;
- End;
- Function ContentTypeFromExtention (Extention : String) : String;
- Begin
- Result := GetRegistryString (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, '\' + Extention, 'Content Type');
- End;
- const
- AutoRunRegistryKey = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run';
- Function IsApplicationAutoRun (const Name : String) : Boolean;
- var S : String;
- Begin
- S := ParamStr (0);
- Result := (S <> '') and (Name <> '') and
- IsEqualNoCase (GetRegistryString (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, AutoRunRegistryKey, Name), S);
- End;
- Procedure SetApplicationAutoRun (const Name : String; const AutoRun : Boolean);
- Begin
- if Name = '' then
- exit;
- if AutoRun then
- SetRegistryString (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, AutoRunRegistryKey, Name, ParamStr (0)) else
- DeleteRegistryValue (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, AutoRunRegistryKey, Name);
- End;
- Function GetWinPortNames : StringArray;
- var BytesNeeded, N, I : LongWord;
- Buf : Pointer;
- InfoPtr : PPortInfo1;
- TempStr : String;
- Begin
- Result := nil;
- if EnumPorts (nil, 1, nil, 0, BytesNeeded, N) then
- exit;
- RaiseLastOSError;
- GetMem (Buf, BytesNeeded);
- try
- if not EnumPorts (nil, 1, Buf, BytesNeeded, BytesNeeded, N) then
- RaiseLastOSError;
- For I := 0 to N - 1 do
- begin
- InfoPtr := PPortInfo1 (LongWord (Buf) + I * SizeOf (TPortInfo1));
- TempStr := InfoPtr^.pName;
- Append (Result, TempStr);
- end;
- finally
- FreeMem(Buf);
- end;
- End;
- Function GetKeyPressed (const VKeyCode : Integer) : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := GetKeyState (VKeyCode) and $80 <> 0;
- End;
- { }
- { Windows Version Info }
- { }
- Function GetWinOSType : TWinOSType;
- Begin
- Case Win32Platform of
- Result := win31;
- begin
- Result := win32_95;
- if Win32MajorVersion = 4 then
- if Win32MinorVersion >= 90 then
- Result := win32_ME else
- if Win32MinorVersion >= 10 then
- Result := win32_98;
- end;
- begin
- Result := win32_nt;
- if Win32MajorVersion = 5 then
- if Win32MinorVersion >= 1 then
- Result := win32_xp else
- Result := win32_2000;
- end;
- else
- Result := win_UnknownPlatform;
- end;
- End;
- Function IsWinNTFamily : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT;
- End;
- Function IsWin95Family : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS;
- End;
- { }
- { Application Version Info }
- { }
- var
- VersionInfoBuf : Pointer = nil;
- VerTransStr : String;
- Procedure LoadAppVersionInfo;
- type TTransBuffer = Array [1..4] of SmallInt;
- PTransBuffer = ^TTransBuffer;
- var InfoSize : Integer;
- Size, H : LongWord;
- EXEName : String;
- Trans : PTransBuffer;
- Begin
- if Assigned (VersionInfoBuf) then
- exit;
- EXEName := ParamStr (0);
- InfoSize := GetFileVersionInfoSize (PChar (EXEName), H);
- if InfoSize = 0 then
- exit;
- GetMem (VersionInfoBuf, InfoSize);
- if not GetFileVersionInfo (PChar (EXEName), H, InfoSize, VersionInfoBuf) then
- begin
- FreeMem (VersionInfoBuf);
- VersionInfoBuf := nil;
- exit;
- end;
- VerQueryValue (VersionInfoBuf, PChar ('\VarFileInfo\Translation'),
- Pointer (Trans), Size);
- VerTransStr := IntToHex (Trans^ [1], 4) + IntToHex (Trans^ [2], 4);
- End;
- const
- VersionInfoStr : Array [TVersionInfo] of String =
- ('FileVersion', 'FileDescription', 'LegalCopyright', 'Comments',
- 'CompanyName', 'InternalName', 'LegalTrademarks',
- 'OriginalFilename', 'ProductName', 'ProductVersion');
- Function GetAppVersionInfo (const VersionInfo : TVersionInfo) : String;
- var S : String;
- Size : LongWord;
- Value : PChar;
- Begin
- LoadAppVersionInfo;
- S := 'StringFileInfo\' + VerTransStr + '\' + VersionInfoStr [VersionInfo];
- if not VerQueryvalue (VersionInfoBuf, PChar (S), Pointer (Value), Size) then
- Result := '' else
- Result := Value;
- End;
- Function WinExecute (const ExeName, Params : String; const ShowWin : Word; const Wait : Boolean) : Boolean;
- var StartUpInfo : TStartupInfo;
- ProcessInfo : TProcessInformation;
- Cmd : String;
- Begin
- if Params = '' then
- Cmd := ExeName else
- Cmd := ExeName + ' ' + Params;
- FillChar (StartUpInfo, SizeOf (StartUpInfo), #0);
- StartUpInfo.cb := SizeOf (StartUpInfo);
- StartUpInfo.dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
- StartUpInfo.wShowWindow := ShowWin;
- Result := CreateProcess(
- nil, PChar (Cmd), nil, nil, False,
- PChar (ExtractFilePath (ExeName)), StartUpInfo, ProcessInfo);
- if Wait then
- WaitForSingleObject (ProcessInfo.hProcess, INFINITE);
- End;
- Function GetHardDiskSerialNumber (const DriveLetter : Char) : String;
- var N, F, S : DWORD;
- Begin
- S := 0;
- GetVolumeInformation (PChar (DriveLetter + ':\'), nil, MAX_PATH + 1, @S,
- N, F, nil, 0);
- Result := LongWordToHex (S, 8);
- End;
- Function GetWindowsProductID : String;
- var S : String;
- Begin
- if IsWinNTFamily then
- S := 'Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion' else
- S := 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion';
- Result := GetRegistryString (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, S, 'ProductID');
- End;
- Function GetMACAdresses (var Adresses : StringArray; const MachineName : String) : Integer;
- Function NetBiosCheck (const B : Char) : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := B = Char (NRC_GOODRET);
- End;
- Procedure MachineNameToAdapter (const Name : String; var AdapterName : Array of char);
- var S : String;
- Begin
- if Name = '' then
- S := '*' else
- S := UpperCase (Name);
- FillChar (AdapterName, Length (AdapterName), #0);
- Move (Pointer (S)^, AdapterName [0], Length (S));
- End;
- Function AdapterToString (const Adapter : PAdapterStatus) : String;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := '';
- With Adapter^ do
- For I := 0 to 5 do
- Result := Result + LongWordToHex (Ord (adapter_address [I]), 2);
- end;
- var I : Integer;
- Adapter : TAdapterStatus;
- Lenum : TLanaEnum;
- RetCode:char;
- Begin
- Adresses := nil;
- FillChar (NCB, SizeOf (TNCB), #0);
- FillChar (Lenum, SizeOf (TLanaEnum), #0);
- NCB.ncb_command := char (NCBENUM);
- NCB.ncb_buffer := @Lenum;
- NCB.ncb_length := SizeOf (Pointer);
- if not NetBiosCheck (Netbios (@NCB)) then
- begin
- Result := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := Ord (Lenum.Length);
- for i := 0 to Result - 1 do
- begin
- FillChar (NCB, SizeOf (TNCB), #0);
- Ncb.ncb_command := Char (NCBRESET);
- Ncb.ncb_lana_num := lenum.lana [i];
- if NetBiosCheck (Netbios (@NCB)) then
- begin
- FillChar (NCB, SizeOf (TNCB), #0);
- FillChar (Adapter, SizeOf (TAdapterStatus), #0);
- Ncb.ncb_command := Char (NCBASTAT);
- Ncb.ncb_lana_num := lenum.lana [i];
- MachineNameToAdapter (MachineName, Ncb.ncb_callname);
- Ncb.ncb_buffer := @Adapter;
- Ncb.ncb_length := SizeOf (TAdapterStatus);
- RetCode := Netbios (@NCB);
- if RetCode in [Char (NRC_GOODRET), Char (NRC_INCOMP)] then
- Append (Adresses, AdapterToString (@Adapter));
- end;
- end;
- End;
- { }
- { TWindowHandle }
- { }
- Function WindowHandleMessageProc (const WindowHandle : HWND; const Msg : Cardinal;
- const wParam, lParam : Integer) : Integer; stdcall;
- var V : TObject;
- Begin
- V := TObject (GetWindowLong (WindowHandle, 0)); // Get user data
- if V is TWindowHandle then
- Result := TWindowHandle (V).HandleWM (Msg, wParam, lParam) else
- Result := DefWindowProc (WindowHandle, Msg, wParam, lParam); // Default handler
- End;
- var
- WindowClass : TWndClass = (
- style : 0;
- lpfnWndProc : @WindowHandleMessageProc;
- cbClsExtra : 0;
- cbWndExtra : SizeOf (Pointer); // Size of extra user data
- hInstance : 0;
- hIcon : 0;
- hCursor : 0;
- hbrBackground : 0;
- lpszMenuName : nil;
- lpszClassName : 'FundamentalsWindowClass');
- Destructor TWindowHandle.Destroy;
- Begin
- DestroyWindowHandle;
- inherited Destroy;
- End;
- Procedure TWindowHandle.RaiseError (const Msg : String);
- Begin
- raise EWindowHandle.Create (Msg);
- End;
- Function TWindowHandle.AllocateWindowHandle : HWND;
- var C : TWndClass;
- Begin
- WindowClass.hInstance := HInstance;
- // Register class
- if not GetClassInfo (HInstance, WindowClass.lpszClassName, C) then
- if Windows.RegisterClass (WindowClass) = 0 then
- RaiseError ('Window class registration failed: Windows error #' + IntToStr (GetLastError));
- // Allocate handle
- Result := CreateWindowEx (WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW,
- WindowClass.lpszClassName,
- '', { Window name }
- WS_POPUP, { Window Style }
- 0, 0, { X, Y }
- 0, 0, { Width, Height }
- 0, { hWndParent }
- 0, { hMenu }
- HInstance, { hInstance }
- nil); { CreateParam }
- if Result = 0 then
- RaiseError ('Window handle allocation failed: Windows error #' + IntToStr (GetLastError));
- // Set user data
- SetWindowLong (Result, 0, Integer (self));
- End;
- Function TWindowHandle.HandleWM (const Msg : Cardinal; const wParam, lParam : Integer) : Integer;
- var Handled : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := 0;
- Handled := False;
- try
- if Assigned (FOnMessage) then
- Result := FOnMessage (Msg, wParam, lParam, Handled);
- if not Handled then
- Result := DefWindowProc (FWindowHandle, Msg, wParam, lParam); // Default handler
- except
- on E : Exception do
- begin
- if Assigned (FOnException) then
- FOnException (self, E);
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- End;
- Function TWindowHandle.GetWindowHandle : HWND;
- Begin
- Result := FWindowHandle;
- if Result = 0 then
- begin
- FWindowHandle := AllocateWindowHandle;
- Result := FWindowHandle;
- end;
- End;
- Procedure TWindowHandle.DestroyWindowHandle;
- Begin
- if FWindowHandle = 0 then
- exit;
- // Clear user data
- SetWindowLong (FWindowHandle, 0, 0);
- DestroyWindow (FWindowHandle);
- FWindowHandle := 0;
- End;
- Function TWindowHandle.ProcessMessage : Boolean;
- var Msg : TMsg;
- Begin
- if FTerminated then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := PeekMessage (Msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE);
- if Result then
- if Msg.Message = WM_QUIT then
- FTerminated := True else
- if FTerminated then
- Result := False else
- begin
- TranslateMessage (Msg);
- DispatchMessage (Msg);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure TWindowHandle.ProcessMessages;
- Begin
- While ProcessMessage do ;
- End;
- Function TWindowHandle.HandleMessage : Boolean;
- var Msg : TMsg;
- Begin
- if FTerminated then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := GetMessage (Msg, 0, 0, 0);
- if not Result then
- FTerminated := True else
- if FTerminated then
- Result := False else
- begin
- TranslateMessage (Msg);
- DispatchMessage (Msg)
- end;
- End;
- Procedure TWindowHandle.MessageLoop;
- Begin
- While HandleMessage do ;
- End;
- Procedure TWindowHandle.Terminate;
- Begin
- FTerminated := True;
- End;
- { }
- { TTimerHandle }
- { }
- Constructor TTimerHandle.Create (AOwner : TComponent);
- Begin
- inherited Create (AOwner);
- FTimerInterval := 1000;
- End;
- Procedure TTimerHandle.DestroyWindowHandle;
- Begin
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and (FWindowHandle <> 0) and
- FTimerActive then
- KillTimer (FWindowHandle, 1);
- inherited DestroyWindowHandle;
- End;
- Function TTimerHandle.DoSetTimer : Boolean;
- Begin
- if FTimerInterval <= 0 then
- Result := False else
- Result := SetTimer (GetWindowHandle, 1, FTimerInterval, nil) = 0;
- End;
- Procedure TTimerHandle.Loaded;
- Begin
- inherited Loaded;
- if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and FTimerActive then
- DoSetTimer;
- End;
- Procedure TTimerHandle.TriggerTimer;
- Begin
- if Assigned (FOnTimer) then
- FOnTimer (self);
- End;
- Procedure TTimerHandle.SetTimerActive (const TimerActive : Boolean);
- Begin
- if FTimerActive = TimerActive then
- exit;
- if [csDesigning, csLoading] * ComponentState = [] then
- if TimerActive then
- begin
- if not DoSetTimer then
- exit;
- end else
- KillTimer (FWindowHandle, 1);
- FTimerActive := TimerActive;
- End;
- Function TTimerHandle.HandleWM (const Msg : Cardinal; const wParam, lParam : Integer) : Integer;
- Begin
- if Msg = WM_TIMER then
- try
- Result := 0;
- TriggerTimer;
- except
- on E : Exception do
- begin
- Result := 0;
- if Assigned (FOnException) then
- FOnException (self, E);
- exit;
- end;
- end else
- Result := inherited HandleWM (Msg, wParam, lParam);
- End;
- { }
- { Component Register }
- { }
- Procedure Register;
- Begin
- RegisterComponents ('Fundamentals', [TfndWindowHandle, TfndTimerHandle]);
- End;
- initialization
- finalization
- if Assigned (VersionInfoBuf) then
- FreeMem (VersionInfoBuf);
- end.