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- {$INCLUDE ..\cDefines.inc}
- unit cLinkedLists;
- { }
- { Data structures: Linked lists v3.02 }
- { }
- { This unit is copyright ⌐ 2000-2002 by David Butler (david@e.co.za) }
- { }
- { This unit is part of Delphi Fundamentals. }
- { Its original file name is cLinkedLists.pas }
- { It was generated 29 Oct 2002 02:22. }
- { The latest version is available from the Fundamentals home page }
- { http://fundementals.sourceforge.net/ }
- { }
- { I invite you to use this unit, free of charge. }
- { I invite you to distibute this unit, but it must be for free. }
- { I also invite you to contribute to its development, }
- { but do not distribute a modified copy of this file. }
- { }
- { A forum is available on SourceForge for general discussion }
- { http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=2117 }
- { }
- { }
- { Revision history: }
- { [ cUtils ] }
- { 2000/06/10 1.01 Added linked lists. }
- { [ cLinkedLists ] }
- { 2002/05/31 3.02 Created cLinkedLists from cUtils. }
- { }
- interface
- const
- UnitName = 'cLinkedLists';
- UnitVersion = '3.02';
- UnitDesc = 'Miscelleanous utility functions';
- UnitCopyright = '(c) 2000-2002 David J Butler';
- { }
- { Linked lists }
- { }
- type
- TLinkedItem = class
- Next : TLinkedItem;
- Function HasNext : Boolean;
- Function Last : TLinkedItem;
- Function Count : Integer;
- Function RemoveNext : TLinkedItem;
- Procedure DeleteNext;
- Procedure InsertAfter (const Item : TLinkedItem);
- Destructor DestroyList;
- end;
- TDoublyLinkedItem = class
- Next : TDoublyLinkedItem;
- Prev : TDoublyLinkedItem;
- Function HasNext : Boolean;
- Function HasPrev : Boolean;
- Function Last : TDoublyLinkedItem;
- Function First : TDoublyLinkedItem;
- Function Count : Integer;
- Procedure Remove;
- Function RemoveNext : TDoublyLinkedItem;
- Procedure DeleteNext;
- Function RemovePrev : TDoublyLinkedItem;
- Procedure DeletePrev;
- Procedure InsertAfter (const Item : TDoublyLinkedItem);
- Procedure InsertBefore (const Item : TDoublyLinkedItem);
- Procedure Delete;
- Destructor DestroyList;
- end;
- TLinkedInteger = class (TLinkedItem)
- Value : Integer;
- Constructor Create (const V : Integer);
- Procedure InsertAfter (const V : Integer); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure Append (const V : Integer);
- Function FindNext (const Find : Integer) : TLinkedInteger;
- end;
- TDoublyLinkedInteger = class (TDoublyLinkedItem)
- Value : Integer;
- Constructor Create (const V : Integer);
- Procedure InsertAfter (const V : Integer); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure InsertBefore (const V : Integer); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure InsertFirst (const V : Integer);
- Procedure Append (const V : Integer);
- Function FindNext (const Find : Integer) : TDoublyLinkedInteger;
- Function FindPrev (const Find : Integer) : TDoublyLinkedInteger;
- end;
- TLinkedInt64 = class (TLinkedItem)
- Value : Int64;
- Constructor Create (const V : Int64);
- Procedure InsertAfter (const V : Int64); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure Append (const V : Int64);
- Function FindNext (const Find : Int64) : TLinkedInt64;
- end;
- TDoublyLinkedInt64 = class (TDoublyLinkedItem)
- Value : Int64;
- Constructor Create (const V : Int64);
- Procedure InsertAfter (const V : Int64); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure InsertBefore (const V : Int64); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure InsertFirst (const V : Int64);
- Procedure Append (const V : Int64);
- Function FindNext (const Find : Int64) : TDoublyLinkedInt64;
- Function FindPrev (const Find : Int64) : TDoublyLinkedInt64;
- end;
- TLinkedSingle = class (TLinkedItem)
- Value : Single;
- Constructor Create (const V : Single);
- Procedure InsertAfter (const V : Single); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure Append (const V : Single);
- Function FindNext (const Find : Single) : TLinkedSingle;
- end;
- TDoublyLinkedSingle = class (TDoublyLinkedItem)
- Value : Single;
- Constructor Create (const V : Single);
- Procedure InsertAfter (const V : Single); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure InsertBefore (const V : Single); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure InsertFirst (const V : Single);
- Procedure Append (const V : Single);
- Function FindNext (const Find : Single) : TDoublyLinkedSingle;
- Function FindPrev (const Find : Single) : TDoublyLinkedSingle;
- end;
- TLinkedDouble = class (TLinkedItem)
- Value : Double;
- Constructor Create (const V : Double);
- Procedure InsertAfter (const V : Double); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure Append (const V : Double);
- Function FindNext (const Find : Double) : TLinkedDouble;
- end;
- TDoublyLinkedDouble = class (TDoublyLinkedItem)
- Value : Double;
- Constructor Create (const V : Double);
- Procedure InsertAfter (const V : Double); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure InsertBefore (const V : Double); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure InsertFirst (const V : Double);
- Procedure Append (const V : Double);
- Function FindNext (const Find : Double) : TDoublyLinkedDouble;
- Function FindPrev (const Find : Double) : TDoublyLinkedDouble;
- end;
- TLinkedExtended = class (TLinkedItem)
- Value : Extended;
- Constructor Create (const V : Extended);
- Procedure InsertAfter (const V : Extended); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure Append (const V : Extended);
- Function FindNext (const Find : Extended) : TLinkedExtended;
- end;
- TDoublyLinkedExtended = class (TDoublyLinkedItem)
- Value : Extended;
- Constructor Create (const V : Extended);
- Procedure InsertAfter (const V : Extended); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure InsertBefore (const V : Extended); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure InsertFirst (const V : Extended);
- Procedure Append (const V : Extended);
- Function FindNext (const Find : Extended) : TDoublyLinkedExtended;
- Function FindPrev (const Find : Extended) : TDoublyLinkedExtended;
- end;
- TLinkedString = class (TLinkedItem)
- Value : String;
- Constructor Create (const V : String);
- Procedure InsertAfter (const V : String); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure Append (const V : String);
- Function FindNext (const Find : String) : TLinkedString;
- end;
- TDoublyLinkedString = class (TDoublyLinkedItem)
- Value : String;
- Constructor Create (const V : String);
- Procedure InsertAfter (const V : String); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure InsertBefore (const V : String); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure InsertFirst (const V : String);
- Procedure Append (const V : String);
- Function FindNext (const Find : String) : TDoublyLinkedString;
- Function FindPrev (const Find : String) : TDoublyLinkedString;
- end;
- TLinkedObject = class (TLinkedItem)
- Value : TObject;
- Constructor Create (const V : TObject);
- Procedure InsertAfter (const V : TObject); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure Append (const V : TObject);
- Function FindNext (const Find : TObject) : TLinkedObject;
- end;
- TDoublyLinkedObject = class (TDoublyLinkedItem)
- Value : TObject;
- Constructor Create (const V : TObject);
- Procedure InsertAfter (const V : TObject); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure InsertBefore (const V : TObject); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure InsertFirst (const V : TObject);
- Procedure Append (const V : TObject);
- Function FindNext (const Find : TObject) : TDoublyLinkedObject;
- Function FindPrev (const Find : TObject) : TDoublyLinkedObject;
- end;
- Function AsLinkedIntegerList (const V : Array of Integer) : TLinkedInteger;
- Function AsLinkedInt64List (const V : Array of Int64) : TLinkedInt64;
- Function AsLinkedSingleList (const V : Array of Single) : TLinkedSingle;
- Function AsLinkedDoubleList (const V : Array of Double) : TLinkedDouble;
- Function AsLinkedExtendedList (const V : Array of Extended) : TLinkedExtended;
- Function AsLinkedStringList (const V : Array of String) : TLinkedString;
- Function AsDoublyLinkedIntegerList (const V : Array of Integer) : TDoublyLinkedInteger;
- Function AsDoublyLinkedInt64List (const V : Array of Int64) : TDoublyLinkedInt64;
- Function AsDoublyLinkedSingleList (const V : Array of Single) : TDoublyLinkedSingle;
- Function AsDoublyLinkedDoubleList (const V : Array of Double) : TDoublyLinkedDouble;
- Function AsDoublyLinkedExtendedList (const V : Array of Extended) : TDoublyLinkedExtended;
- Function AsDoublyLinkedStringList (const V : Array of String) : TDoublyLinkedString;
- { }
- { TDoublyLinkedList }
- { }
- type
- TDoublyLinkedList = class
- protected
- FFirst, FLast : TDoublyLinkedItem;
- FCount : Integer;
- public
- Destructor Destroy; override;
- Property First : TDoublyLinkedItem read FFirst;
- Property Last : TDoublyLinkedItem read FLast;
- Function IsEmpty : Boolean;
- Function Count : Integer;
- Procedure Remove (const Item : TDoublyLinkedItem);
- Function RemoveFirst : TDoublyLinkedItem;
- Function RemoveLast : TDoublyLinkedItem;
- Procedure Delete (const Item : TDoublyLinkedItem);
- Procedure DeleteFirst;
- Procedure DeleteLast;
- Procedure Append (const Item : TDoublyLinkedItem);
- Procedure InsertFront (const Item : TDoublyLinkedItem);
- end;
- implementation
- { }
- { TLinkedItem }
- { }
- Function TLinkedItem.HasNext : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := Assigned (Next);
- End;
- Function TLinkedItem.Last : TLinkedItem;
- var P : TLinkedItem;
- Begin
- P := self;
- Repeat
- Result := P;
- P := P.Next;
- Until not Assigned (P);
- End;
- Function TLinkedItem.Count : Integer;
- var N : TLinkedItem;
- Begin
- Result := 1;
- N := self.Next;
- While Assigned (N) do
- begin
- Inc (Result);
- N := N.Next;
- end;
- End;
- Function TLinkedItem.RemoveNext : TLinkedItem;
- Begin
- Result := Next;
- if Assigned (Result) then
- Next := Result.Next;
- End;
- Procedure TLinkedItem.DeleteNext;
- Begin
- RemoveNext.Free;
- End;
- Procedure TLinkedItem.InsertAfter (const Item : TLinkedItem);
- Begin
- Item.Next := Next;
- Next := Item;
- End;
- Destructor TLinkedItem.DestroyList;
- var N : TLinkedItem;
- Begin
- While Assigned (Next) do
- begin
- N := Next;
- Next := N.Next;
- N.Free;
- end;
- inherited Destroy;
- End;
- { }
- { TDoublyLinkedItem }
- { }
- Function TDoublyLinkedItem.HasNext : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := Assigned (Next);
- End;
- Function TDoublyLinkedItem.Last : TDoublyLinkedItem;
- var P : TDoublyLinkedItem;
- Begin
- P := self;
- Repeat
- Result := P;
- P := P.Next;
- Until not Assigned (P);
- End;
- Function TDoublyLinkedItem.Count : Integer;
- var N : TDoublyLinkedItem;
- Begin
- Result := 1;
- N := self.Next;
- While Assigned (N) do
- begin
- Inc (Result);
- N := N.Next;
- end;
- End;
- Function TDoublyLinkedItem.HasPrev : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := Assigned (Prev);
- End;
- Function TDoublyLinkedItem.First : TDoublyLinkedItem;
- var P : TDoublyLinkedItem;
- Begin
- P := self;
- Repeat
- Result := P;
- P := P.Prev;
- Until not Assigned (P);
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedItem.Delete;
- Begin
- Remove;
- Free;
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedItem.Remove;
- Begin
- if Assigned (Next) then
- Next.Prev := Prev;
- if Assigned (Prev) then
- Prev.Next := Next;
- End;
- Function TDoublyLinkedItem.RemoveNext : TDoublyLinkedItem;
- Begin
- Result := Next;
- if Assigned (Result) then
- begin
- Next := Result.Next;
- if Assigned (Next) then
- Next.Prev := self;
- end;
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedItem.DeleteNext;
- Begin
- RemoveNext.Free;
- End;
- Function TDoublyLinkedItem.RemovePrev : TDoublyLinkedItem;
- Begin
- Result := Prev;
- if Assigned (Result) then
- begin
- Prev := Result.Prev;
- if Assigned (Prev) then
- Prev.Next := self;
- end;
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedItem.DeletePrev;
- Begin
- RemovePrev.Free;
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedItem.InsertAfter (const Item : TDoublyLinkedItem);
- Begin
- Item.Next := Next;
- Item.Prev := self;
- Next := Item;
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedItem.InsertBefore (const Item : TDoublyLinkedItem);
- Begin
- Item.Next := self;
- Item.Prev := Prev;
- Prev := Item;
- End;
- Destructor TDoublyLinkedItem.DestroyList;
- var N : TDoublyLinkedItem;
- Begin
- While Assigned (Next) do
- begin
- N := Next;
- Next := N.Next;
- N.Free;
- end;
- inherited Destroy;
- End;
- { }
- { TLinkedInteger }
- { }
- Constructor TLinkedInteger.Create (const V : Integer);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- Value := V;
- End;
- Procedure TLinkedInteger.InsertAfter (const V : Integer);
- Begin
- inherited InsertAfter (TLinkedInteger.Create (V));
- End;
- Procedure TLinkedInteger.Append (const V : Integer);
- Begin
- TLinkedInteger (Last).InsertAfter (V);
- End;
- Function TLinkedInteger.FindNext (const Find : Integer) : TLinkedInteger;
- Begin
- Result := self;
- Repeat
- if Result.Value = Find then
- exit;
- Result := TLinkedInteger (Result.Next);
- Until not Assigned (Result);
- End;
- { }
- { TDoublyLinkedInteger }
- { }
- Constructor TDoublyLinkedInteger.Create (const V : Integer);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- Value := V;
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedInteger.InsertAfter (const V : Integer);
- Begin
- inherited InsertAfter (TDoublyLinkedInteger.Create (V));
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedInteger.InsertBefore (const V : Integer);
- Begin
- inherited InsertBefore (TDoublyLinkedInteger.Create (V));
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedInteger.InsertFirst (const V : Integer);
- Begin
- TDoublyLinkedInteger (First).InsertBefore (V);
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedInteger.Append (const V : Integer);
- Begin
- TDoublyLinkedInteger (Last).InsertAfter (V);
- End;
- Function TDoublyLinkedInteger.FindNext (const Find : Integer) : TDoublyLinkedInteger;
- Begin
- Result := self;
- Repeat
- if Result.Value = Find then
- exit;
- Result := TDoublyLinkedInteger (Result.Next);
- Until not Assigned (Result);
- End;
- Function TDoublyLinkedInteger.FindPrev (const Find : Integer) : TDoublyLinkedInteger;
- Begin
- Result := self;
- Repeat
- if Result.Value = Find then
- exit;
- Result := TDoublyLinkedInteger (Result.Prev);
- Until not Assigned (Result);
- End;
- { }
- { TLinkedInt64 }
- { }
- Constructor TLinkedInt64.Create (const V : Int64);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- Value := V;
- End;
- Procedure TLinkedInt64.InsertAfter (const V : Int64);
- Begin
- inherited InsertAfter (TLinkedInt64.Create (V));
- End;
- Procedure TLinkedInt64.Append (const V : Int64);
- Begin
- TLinkedInt64 (Last).InsertAfter (V);
- End;
- Function TLinkedInt64.FindNext (const Find : Int64) : TLinkedInt64;
- Begin
- Result := self;
- Repeat
- if Result.Value = Find then
- exit;
- Result := TLinkedInt64 (Result.Next);
- Until not Assigned (Result);
- End;
- { }
- { TDoublyLinkedInt64 }
- { }
- Constructor TDoublyLinkedInt64.Create (const V : Int64);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- Value := V;
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedInt64.InsertAfter (const V : Int64);
- Begin
- inherited InsertAfter (TDoublyLinkedInt64.Create (V));
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedInt64.InsertBefore (const V : Int64);
- Begin
- inherited InsertBefore (TDoublyLinkedInt64.Create (V));
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedInt64.InsertFirst (const V : Int64);
- Begin
- TDoublyLinkedInt64 (First).InsertBefore (V);
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedInt64.Append (const V : Int64);
- Begin
- TDoublyLinkedInt64 (Last).InsertAfter (V);
- End;
- Function TDoublyLinkedInt64.FindNext (const Find : Int64) : TDoublyLinkedInt64;
- Begin
- Result := self;
- Repeat
- if Result.Value = Find then
- exit;
- Result := TDoublyLinkedInt64 (Result.Next);
- Until not Assigned (Result);
- End;
- Function TDoublyLinkedInt64.FindPrev (const Find : Int64) : TDoublyLinkedInt64;
- Begin
- Result := self;
- Repeat
- if Result.Value = Find then
- exit;
- Result := TDoublyLinkedInt64 (Result.Prev);
- Until not Assigned (Result);
- End;
- { }
- { TLinkedSingle }
- { }
- Constructor TLinkedSingle.Create (const V : Single);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- Value := V;
- End;
- Procedure TLinkedSingle.InsertAfter (const V : Single);
- Begin
- inherited InsertAfter (TLinkedSingle.Create (V));
- End;
- Procedure TLinkedSingle.Append (const V : Single);
- Begin
- TLinkedSingle (Last).InsertAfter (V);
- End;
- Function TLinkedSingle.FindNext (const Find : Single) : TLinkedSingle;
- Begin
- Result := self;
- Repeat
- if Result.Value = Find then
- exit;
- Result := TLinkedSingle (Result.Next);
- Until not Assigned (Result);
- End;
- { }
- { TDoublyLinkedSingle }
- { }
- Constructor TDoublyLinkedSingle.Create (const V : Single);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- Value := V;
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedSingle.InsertAfter (const V : Single);
- Begin
- inherited InsertAfter (TDoublyLinkedSingle.Create (V));
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedSingle.InsertBefore (const V : Single);
- Begin
- inherited InsertBefore (TDoublyLinkedSingle.Create (V));
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedSingle.InsertFirst (const V : Single);
- Begin
- TDoublyLinkedSingle (First).InsertBefore (V);
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedSingle.Append (const V : Single);
- Begin
- TDoublyLinkedSingle (Last).InsertAfter (V);
- End;
- Function TDoublyLinkedSingle.FindNext (const Find : Single) : TDoublyLinkedSingle;
- Begin
- Result := self;
- Repeat
- if Result.Value = Find then
- exit;
- Result := TDoublyLinkedSingle (Result.Next);
- Until not Assigned (Result);
- End;
- Function TDoublyLinkedSingle.FindPrev (const Find : Single) : TDoublyLinkedSingle;
- Begin
- Result := self;
- Repeat
- if Result.Value = Find then
- exit;
- Result := TDoublyLinkedSingle (Result.Prev);
- Until not Assigned (Result);
- End;
- { }
- { TLinkedDouble }
- { }
- Constructor TLinkedDouble.Create (const V : Double);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- Value := V;
- End;
- Procedure TLinkedDouble.InsertAfter (const V : Double);
- Begin
- inherited InsertAfter (TLinkedDouble.Create (V));
- End;
- Procedure TLinkedDouble.Append (const V : Double);
- Begin
- TLinkedDouble (Last).InsertAfter (V);
- End;
- Function TLinkedDouble.FindNext (const Find : Double) : TLinkedDouble;
- Begin
- Result := self;
- Repeat
- if Result.Value = Find then
- exit;
- Result := TLinkedDouble (Result.Next);
- Until not Assigned (Result);
- End;
- { }
- { TDoublyLinkedDouble }
- { }
- Constructor TDoublyLinkedDouble.Create (const V : Double);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- Value := V;
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedDouble.InsertAfter (const V : Double);
- Begin
- inherited InsertAfter (TDoublyLinkedDouble.Create (V));
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedDouble.InsertBefore (const V : Double);
- Begin
- inherited InsertBefore (TDoublyLinkedDouble.Create (V));
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedDouble.InsertFirst (const V : Double);
- Begin
- TDoublyLinkedDouble (First).InsertBefore (V);
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedDouble.Append (const V : Double);
- Begin
- TDoublyLinkedDouble (Last).InsertAfter (V);
- End;
- Function TDoublyLinkedDouble.FindNext (const Find : Double) : TDoublyLinkedDouble;
- Begin
- Result := self;
- Repeat
- if Result.Value = Find then
- exit;
- Result := TDoublyLinkedDouble (Result.Next);
- Until not Assigned (Result);
- End;
- Function TDoublyLinkedDouble.FindPrev (const Find : Double) : TDoublyLinkedDouble;
- Begin
- Result := self;
- Repeat
- if Result.Value = Find then
- exit;
- Result := TDoublyLinkedDouble (Result.Prev);
- Until not Assigned (Result);
- End;
- { }
- { TLinkedExtended }
- { }
- Constructor TLinkedExtended.Create (const V : Extended);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- Value := V;
- End;
- Procedure TLinkedExtended.InsertAfter (const V : Extended);
- Begin
- inherited InsertAfter (TLinkedExtended.Create (V));
- End;
- Procedure TLinkedExtended.Append (const V : Extended);
- Begin
- TLinkedExtended (Last).InsertAfter (V);
- End;
- Function TLinkedExtended.FindNext (const Find : Extended) : TLinkedExtended;
- Begin
- Result := self;
- Repeat
- if Result.Value = Find then
- exit;
- Result := TLinkedExtended (Result.Next);
- Until not Assigned (Result);
- End;
- { }
- { TDoublyLinkedExtended }
- { }
- Constructor TDoublyLinkedExtended.Create (const V : Extended);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- Value := V;
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedExtended.InsertAfter (const V : Extended);
- Begin
- inherited InsertAfter (TDoublyLinkedExtended.Create (V));
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedExtended.InsertBefore (const V : Extended);
- Begin
- inherited InsertBefore (TDoublyLinkedExtended.Create (V));
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedExtended.InsertFirst (const V : Extended);
- Begin
- TDoublyLinkedExtended (First).InsertBefore (V);
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedExtended.Append (const V : Extended);
- Begin
- TDoublyLinkedExtended (Last).InsertAfter (V);
- End;
- Function TDoublyLinkedExtended.FindNext (const Find : Extended) : TDoublyLinkedExtended;
- Begin
- Result := self;
- Repeat
- if Result.Value = Find then
- exit;
- Result := TDoublyLinkedExtended (Result.Next);
- Until not Assigned (Result);
- End;
- Function TDoublyLinkedExtended.FindPrev (const Find : Extended) : TDoublyLinkedExtended;
- Begin
- Result := self;
- Repeat
- if Result.Value = Find then
- exit;
- Result := TDoublyLinkedExtended (Result.Prev);
- Until not Assigned (Result);
- End;
- { }
- { TLinkedString }
- { }
- Constructor TLinkedString.Create (const V : String);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- Value := V;
- End;
- Procedure TLinkedString.InsertAfter (const V : String);
- Begin
- inherited InsertAfter (TLinkedString.Create (V));
- End;
- Procedure TLinkedString.Append (const V : String);
- Begin
- TLinkedString (Last).InsertAfter (V);
- End;
- Function TLinkedString.FindNext (const Find : String) : TLinkedString;
- Begin
- Result := self;
- Repeat
- if Result.Value = Find then
- exit;
- Result := TLinkedString (Result.Next);
- Until not Assigned (Result);
- End;
- { }
- { TDoublyLinkedString }
- { }
- Constructor TDoublyLinkedString.Create (const V : String);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- Value := V;
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedString.InsertAfter (const V : String);
- Begin
- inherited InsertAfter (TDoublyLinkedString.Create (V));
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedString.InsertBefore (const V : String);
- Begin
- inherited InsertBefore (TDoublyLinkedString.Create (V));
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedString.InsertFirst (const V : String);
- Begin
- TDoublyLinkedString (First).InsertBefore (V);
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedString.Append (const V : String);
- Begin
- TDoublyLinkedString (Last).InsertAfter (V);
- End;
- Function TDoublyLinkedString.FindNext (const Find : String) : TDoublyLinkedString;
- Begin
- Result := self;
- Repeat
- if Result.Value = Find then
- exit;
- Result := TDoublyLinkedString (Result.Next);
- Until not Assigned (Result);
- End;
- Function TDoublyLinkedString.FindPrev (const Find : String) : TDoublyLinkedString;
- Begin
- Result := self;
- Repeat
- if Result.Value = Find then
- exit;
- Result := TDoublyLinkedString (Result.Prev);
- Until not Assigned (Result);
- End;
- { }
- { TLinkedObject }
- { }
- Constructor TLinkedObject.Create (const V : TObject);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- Value := V;
- End;
- Procedure TLinkedObject.InsertAfter (const V : TObject);
- Begin
- inherited InsertAfter (TLinkedObject.Create (V));
- End;
- Procedure TLinkedObject.Append (const V : TObject);
- Begin
- TLinkedObject (Last).InsertAfter (V);
- End;
- Function TLinkedObject.FindNext (const Find : TObject) : TLinkedObject;
- Begin
- Result := self;
- Repeat
- if Result.Value = Find then
- exit;
- Result := TLinkedObject (Result.Next);
- Until not Assigned (Result);
- End;
- { }
- { TDoublyLinkedObject }
- { }
- Constructor TDoublyLinkedObject.Create (const V : TObject);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- Value := V;
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedObject.InsertAfter (const V : TObject);
- Begin
- inherited InsertAfter (TDoublyLinkedObject.Create (V));
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedObject.InsertBefore (const V : TObject);
- Begin
- inherited InsertBefore (TDoublyLinkedObject.Create (V));
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedObject.InsertFirst (const V : TObject);
- Begin
- TDoublyLinkedObject (First).InsertBefore (V);
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedObject.Append (const V : TObject);
- Begin
- TDoublyLinkedObject (Last).InsertAfter (V);
- End;
- Function TDoublyLinkedObject.FindNext (const Find : TObject) : TDoublyLinkedObject;
- Begin
- Result := self;
- Repeat
- if Result.Value = Find then
- exit;
- Result := TDoublyLinkedObject (Result.Next);
- Until not Assigned (Result);
- End;
- Function TDoublyLinkedObject.FindPrev (const Find : TObject) : TDoublyLinkedObject;
- Begin
- Result := self;
- Repeat
- if Result.Value = Find then
- exit;
- Result := TDoublyLinkedObject (Result.Prev);
- Until not Assigned (Result);
- End;
- { }
- { Open array to Linked list }
- { }
- Function AsLinkedIntegerList (const V : Array of Integer) : TLinkedInteger;
- var I, L : TLinkedInteger;
- F : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := nil;
- L := nil;
- For F := 0 to High (V) do
- begin
- I := TLinkedInteger.Create (V [F]);
- if not Assigned (L) then
- begin
- L := I;
- Result := I;
- end else
- begin
- L.InsertAfter (I);
- L := I;
- end;
- end;
- End;
- Function AsLinkedInt64List (const V : Array of Int64) : TLinkedInt64;
- var I, L : TLinkedInt64;
- F : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := nil;
- L := nil;
- For F := 0 to High (V) do
- begin
- I := TLinkedInt64.Create (V [F]);
- if not Assigned (L) then
- begin
- L := I;
- Result := I;
- end else
- begin
- L.InsertAfter (I);
- L := I;
- end;
- end;
- End;
- Function AsLinkedSingleList (const V : Array of Single) : TLinkedSingle;
- var I, L : TLinkedSingle;
- F : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := nil;
- L := nil;
- For F := 0 to High (V) do
- begin
- I := TLinkedSingle.Create (V [F]);
- if not Assigned (L) then
- begin
- L := I;
- Result := I;
- end else
- begin
- L.InsertAfter (I);
- L := I;
- end;
- end;
- End;
- Function AsLinkedDoubleList (const V : Array of Double) : TLinkedDouble;
- var I, L : TLinkedDouble;
- F : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := nil;
- L := nil;
- For F := 0 to High (V) do
- begin
- I := TLinkedDouble.Create (V [F]);
- if not Assigned (L) then
- begin
- L := I;
- Result := I;
- end else
- begin
- L.InsertAfter (I);
- L := I;
- end;
- end;
- End;
- Function AsLinkedExtendedList (const V : Array of Extended) : TLinkedExtended;
- var I, L : TLinkedExtended;
- F : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := nil;
- L := nil;
- For F := 0 to High (V) do
- begin
- I := TLinkedExtended.Create (V [F]);
- if not Assigned (L) then
- begin
- L := I;
- Result := I;
- end else
- begin
- L.InsertAfter (I);
- L := I;
- end;
- end;
- End;
- Function AsLinkedStringList (const V : Array of String) : TLinkedString;
- var I, L : TLinkedString;
- F : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := nil;
- L := nil;
- For F := 0 to High (V) do
- begin
- I := TLinkedString.Create (V [F]);
- if not Assigned (L) then
- begin
- L := I;
- Result := I;
- end else
- begin
- L.InsertAfter (I);
- L := I;
- end;
- end;
- End;
- Function AsDoublyLinkedIntegerList (const V : Array of Integer) : TDoublyLinkedInteger;
- var I, L : TDoublyLinkedInteger;
- F : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := nil;
- L := nil;
- For F := 0 to High (V) do
- begin
- I := TDoublyLinkedInteger.Create (V [F]);
- if not Assigned (L) then
- begin
- L := I;
- Result := I;
- end else
- begin
- L.InsertAfter (I);
- L := I;
- end;
- end;
- End;
- Function AsDoublyLinkedInt64List (const V : Array of Int64) : TDoublyLinkedInt64;
- var I, L : TDoublyLinkedInt64;
- F : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := nil;
- L := nil;
- For F := 0 to High (V) do
- begin
- I := TDoublyLinkedInt64.Create (V [F]);
- if not Assigned (L) then
- begin
- L := I;
- Result := I;
- end else
- begin
- L.InsertAfter (I);
- L := I;
- end;
- end;
- End;
- Function AsDoublyLinkedSingleList (const V : Array of Single) : TDoublyLinkedSingle;
- var I, L : TDoublyLinkedSingle;
- F : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := nil;
- L := nil;
- For F := 0 to High (V) do
- begin
- I := TDoublyLinkedSingle.Create (V [F]);
- if not Assigned (L) then
- begin
- L := I;
- Result := I;
- end else
- begin
- L.InsertAfter (I);
- L := I;
- end;
- end;
- End;
- Function AsDoublyLinkedDoubleList (const V : Array of Double) : TDoublyLinkedDouble;
- var I, L : TDoublyLinkedDouble;
- F : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := nil;
- L := nil;
- For F := 0 to High (V) do
- begin
- I := TDoublyLinkedDouble.Create (V [F]);
- if not Assigned (L) then
- begin
- L := I;
- Result := I;
- end else
- begin
- L.InsertAfter (I);
- L := I;
- end;
- end;
- End;
- Function AsDoublyLinkedExtendedList (const V : Array of Extended) : TDoublyLinkedExtended;
- var I, L : TDoublyLinkedExtended;
- F : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := nil;
- L := nil;
- For F := 0 to High (V) do
- begin
- I := TDoublyLinkedExtended.Create (V [F]);
- if not Assigned (L) then
- begin
- L := I;
- Result := I;
- end else
- begin
- L.InsertAfter (I);
- L := I;
- end;
- end;
- End;
- Function AsDoublyLinkedStringList (const V : Array of String) : TDoublyLinkedString;
- var I, L : TDoublyLinkedString;
- F : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := nil;
- L := nil;
- For F := 0 to High (V) do
- begin
- I := TDoublyLinkedString.Create (V [F]);
- if not Assigned (L) then
- begin
- L := I;
- Result := I;
- end else
- begin
- L.InsertAfter (I);
- L := I;
- end;
- end;
- End;
- { }
- { TDoublyLinkedList }
- { }
- Destructor TDoublyLinkedList.Destroy;
- Begin
- if Assigned (FFirst) then
- FFirst.DestroyList;
- FFirst := nil;
- FLast := nil;
- inherited Destroy;
- End;
- Function TDoublyLinkedList.Count : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := FCount;
- End;
- Function TDoublyLinkedList.IsEmpty : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := not Assigned (FFirst);
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedList.Append (const Item : TDoublyLinkedItem);
- Begin
- if not Assigned (FFirst) then
- begin
- FFirst := Item;
- FLast := Item;
- end else
- begin
- FLast.InsertAfter (Item);
- FLast := Item;
- end;
- Inc (FCount);
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedList.InsertFront (const Item : TDoublyLinkedItem);
- Begin
- if not Assigned (FFirst) then
- begin
- FFirst := Item;
- FLast := Item;
- end else
- begin
- FFirst.InsertBefore (Item);
- FFirst := Item;
- end;
- Inc (FCount);
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedList.Remove (const Item : TDoublyLinkedItem);
- Begin
- if not Assigned (Item) then
- exit;
- if FFirst = Item then
- FFirst := Item.Next;
- if FLast = Item then
- FLast := Item.Prev;
- Item.Remove;
- Dec (FCount);
- End;
- Function TDoublyLinkedList.RemoveFirst : TDoublyLinkedItem;
- Begin
- Result := FFirst;
- if not Assigned (Result) then
- exit;
- if Result = FLast then
- begin
- FFirst := nil;
- FLast := nil;
- end else
- begin
- Result.Remove;
- FFirst := Result.Next;
- end;
- Dec (FCount);
- End;
- Function TDoublyLinkedList.RemoveLast : TDoublyLinkedItem;
- Begin
- Result := FLast;
- if not Assigned (Result) then
- exit;
- if Result = FFirst then
- begin
- FFirst := nil;
- FLast := nil;
- end else
- begin
- Result.Remove;
- FLast := Result.Prev;
- end;
- Dec (FCount);
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedList.Delete (const Item : TDoublyLinkedItem);
- Begin
- Remove (Item);
- Item.Free;
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedList.DeleteFirst;
- Begin
- RemoveFirst.Free;
- End;
- Procedure TDoublyLinkedList.DeleteLast;
- Begin
- RemoveLast.Free;
- End;
- end.