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- {$INCLUDE ..\cDefines.inc}
- unit cArrays;
- { }
- { Data structures: Arrays v3.13 }
- { }
- { This unit is copyright ⌐ 1999-2002 by David Butler (david@e.co.za) }
- { }
- { This unit is part of Delphi Fundamentals. }
- { Its original file name is cArrays.pas }
- { It was generated 29 Oct 2002 02:22. }
- { The latest version is available from the Fundamentals home page }
- { http://fundementals.sourceforge.net/ }
- { }
- { I invite you to use this unit, free of charge. }
- { I invite you to distibute this unit, but it must be for free. }
- { I also invite you to contribute to its development, }
- { but do not distribute a modified copy of this file. }
- { }
- { A forum is available on SourceForge for general discussion }
- { http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?forum_id=2117 }
- { }
- { }
- { Revision history: }
- { [ cDataStructs ] }
- { 1999/11/12 0.01 Split cTypes from cDataStruct and cHolder. }
- { 1999/11/14 0.02 Added AListType. }
- { 2000/02/08 1.03 Initial version. AArray, TArray and TStreamArray. }
- { 2000/06/07 1.04 Base classes (AIntegerArray, ASet). }
- { 2000/06/08 1.05 Added AObjectArray. }
- { 2000/06/03 1.06 Added AArray, AIntegerArray, AExtendedArray, }
- { AStringArray and ABitArray (formerly ASet) with some }
- { implementations. }
- { 2000/06/06 1.07 TFlatBitArray implementation. }
- { Added AInt64Array. }
- { 2000/06/08 1.08 Added TObjectArray. }
- { 2000/06/14 1.09 Converted cDataStructs to template. }
- { 2001/07/15 1.10 Changed memory arrays to pre-allocate when growing. }
- { 2001/08/20 2.11 Merged cTypes and cDataStructs to allow object }
- { interface implementation in base classes. }
- { [ cArrays ] }
- { 2002/05/15 3.12 Created cArrays unit from cDataStructs. }
- { Refactored for Fundamentals 3. }
- { 2002/09/30 3.13 Moved stream array classes to unit cStreamArrays. }
- { }
- interface
- uses
- // Delphi
- SysUtils,
- // Fundamentals
- cUtils,
- cTypes;
- const
- UnitName = 'cArrays';
- UnitVersion = '3.13';
- UnitDesc = 'Data structures: Arrays';
- UnitCopyright = '(c) 1999-2002 David Butler';
- { }
- { Classes with the A-prefix are abstract base classes. They define the }
- { interface for the type and must never be instanciated. }
- { Instead, create one of the implementation classes (T-prefix). }
- { }
- { }
- { AArray }
- { }
- type
- AArray = class (AType)
- protected
- Procedure IndexError (const Idx : Integer); virtual;
- Function GetCount : Integer; virtual; abstract;
- Procedure SetCount (const NewCount : Integer); virtual; abstract;
- public
- Procedure Clear; override;
- Property Count : Integer read GetCount write SetCount;
- Function CompareItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer) : TCompareResult; virtual; abstract;
- Procedure ExchangeItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer); virtual; abstract;
- Procedure Sort; virtual;
- Procedure ReverseOrder; virtual;
- Function DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray; virtual; abstract;
- Procedure Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); virtual; abstract;
- Procedure Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); virtual; abstract;
- Function AddArray (const V : AArray) : Integer; virtual; abstract;
- end;
- EArray = class (Exception);
- ArrayClass = class of AArray;
- { }
- { ALongIntArray }
- { Base class for an array of LongInt's. }
- { }
- type
- ALongIntArray = class (AArray)
- protected
- Procedure SetItem (const Idx : Integer; const Value : LongInt); virtual; abstract;
- Function GetItem (const Idx : Integer) : LongInt; virtual; abstract;
- Function GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : LongIntArray; virtual;
- Procedure SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : LongIntArray); virtual;
- Function GetAsString : String; override;
- Procedure SetAsString (const S : String); override;
- public
- { AType implementations }
- Procedure Assign (const Source : TObject); override;
- Function IsEqual (const V : TObject) : Boolean; override;
- { AArray implementations }
- Procedure ExchangeItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer); override;
- Function CompareItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer) : TCompareResult; override;
- Function AddArray (const V : AArray) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; override;
- Function DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray; override;
- Procedure Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- Procedure Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- { ALongIntArray interface }
- Property Item [const Idx : Integer] : LongInt read GetItem write SetItem; default;
- Property Range [const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer] : LongIntArray read GetRange write SetRange;
- Procedure Fill (const Idx, Count : Integer; const Value : LongInt); virtual;
- Function AddItem (const Value : LongInt) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; virtual;
- Function AddArray (const V : LongIntArray) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; virtual;
- Function PosNext (const Find : LongInt; const PrevPos : Integer = -1;
- const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; virtual;
- end;
- ELongIntArray = class (EArray);
- { }
- { AIntegerArray }
- { }
- type
- AIntegerArray = ALongIntArray;
- EIntegerArray = ELongIntArray;
- { }
- { ALongWordArray }
- { Base class for an array of LongWord's. }
- { }
- type
- ALongWordArray = class (AArray)
- protected
- Procedure SetItem (const Idx : Integer; const Value : LongWord); virtual; abstract;
- Function GetItem (const Idx : Integer) : LongWord; virtual; abstract;
- Function GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : LongWordArray; virtual;
- Procedure SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : LongWordArray); virtual;
- Function GetAsString : String; override;
- Procedure SetAsString (const S : String); override;
- public
- { AType implementations }
- Procedure Assign (const Source : TObject); override;
- Function IsEqual (const V : TObject) : Boolean; override;
- { AArray implementations }
- Procedure ExchangeItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer); override;
- Function CompareItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer) : TCompareResult; override;
- Function AddArray (const V : AArray) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; override;
- Function DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray; override;
- Procedure Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- Procedure Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- { ALongWordArray interface }
- Property Item [const Idx : Integer] : LongWord read GetItem write SetItem; default;
- Property Range [const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer] : LongWordArray read GetRange write SetRange;
- Procedure Fill (const Idx, Count : Integer; const Value : LongWord); virtual;
- Function AddItem (const Value : LongWord) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; virtual;
- Function AddArray (const V : LongWordArray) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; virtual;
- Function PosNext (const Find : LongWord; const PrevPos : Integer = -1;
- const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; virtual;
- end;
- ELongWordArray = class (EArray);
- { }
- { ACardinalArray }
- { }
- type
- ACardinalArray = ALongWordArray;
- ECardinalArray = ELongWordArray;
- { }
- { AInt64Array }
- { Base class for an array of Int64's. }
- { }
- type
- AInt64Array = class (AArray)
- protected
- Procedure SetItem (const Idx : Integer; const Value : Int64); virtual; abstract;
- Function GetItem (const Idx : Integer) : Int64; virtual; abstract;
- Function GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : Int64Array; virtual;
- Procedure SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : Int64Array); virtual;
- Function GetAsString : String; override;
- Procedure SetAsString (const S : String); override;
- public
- { AType implementations }
- Procedure Assign (const Source : TObject); override;
- Function IsEqual (const V : TObject) : Boolean; override;
- { AArray implementations }
- Procedure ExchangeItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer); override;
- Function CompareItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer) : TCompareResult; override;
- Function AddArray (const V : AArray) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; override;
- Function DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray; override;
- Procedure Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- Procedure Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- { AInt64Array interface }
- Property Item [const Idx : Integer] : Int64 read GetItem write SetItem; default;
- Property Range [const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer] : Int64Array read GetRange write SetRange;
- Procedure Fill (const Idx, Count : Integer; const Value : Int64); virtual;
- Function AddItem (const Value : Int64) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; virtual;
- Function AddArray (const V : Int64Array) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; virtual;
- Function PosNext (const Find : Int64; const PrevPos : Integer = -1;
- const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; virtual;
- end;
- EInt64Array = class (EArray);
- { }
- { ASingleArray }
- { Base class for an array of Single's. }
- { }
- type
- ASingleArray = class (AArray)
- protected
- Procedure SetItem (const Idx : Integer; const Value : Single); virtual; abstract;
- Function GetItem (const Idx : Integer) : Single; virtual; abstract;
- Function GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : SingleArray; virtual;
- Procedure SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : SingleArray); virtual;
- Function GetAsString : String; override;
- Procedure SetAsString (const S : String); override;
- public
- { AType implementations }
- Procedure Assign (const Source : TObject); override;
- Function IsEqual (const V : TObject) : Boolean; override;
- { AArray implementations }
- Procedure ExchangeItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer); override;
- Function CompareItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer) : TCompareResult; override;
- Function AddArray (const V : AArray) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; override;
- Function DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray; override;
- Procedure Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- Procedure Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- { ASingleArray interface }
- Property Item [const Idx : Integer] : Single read GetItem write SetItem; default;
- Property Range [const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer] : SingleArray read GetRange write SetRange;
- Procedure Fill (const Idx, Count : Integer; const Value : Single); virtual;
- Function AddItem (const Value : Single) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; virtual;
- Function AddArray (const V : SingleArray) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; virtual;
- Function PosNext (const Find : Single; const PrevPos : Integer = -1;
- const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; virtual;
- end;
- ESingleArray = class (EArray);
- { }
- { ADoubleArray }
- { Base class for an array of Double's. }
- { }
- type
- ADoubleArray = class (AArray)
- protected
- Procedure SetItem (const Idx : Integer; const Value : Double); virtual; abstract;
- Function GetItem (const Idx : Integer) : Double; virtual; abstract;
- Function GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : DoubleArray; virtual;
- Procedure SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : DoubleArray); virtual;
- Function GetAsString : String; override;
- Procedure SetAsString (const S : String); override;
- public
- { AType implementations }
- Procedure Assign (const Source : TObject); override;
- Function IsEqual (const V : TObject) : Boolean; override;
- { AArray implementations }
- Procedure ExchangeItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer); override;
- Function CompareItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer) : TCompareResult; override;
- Function AddArray (const V : AArray) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; override;
- Function DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray; override;
- Procedure Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- Procedure Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- { ADoubleArray interface }
- Property Item [const Idx : Integer] : Double read GetItem write SetItem; default;
- Property Range [const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer] : DoubleArray read GetRange write SetRange;
- Procedure Fill (const Idx, Count : Integer; const Value : Double); virtual;
- Function AddItem (const Value : Double) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; virtual;
- Function AddArray (const V : DoubleArray) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; virtual;
- Function PosNext (const Find : Double; const PrevPos : Integer = -1;
- const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; virtual;
- end;
- EDoubleArray = class (EArray);
- { }
- { AExtendedArray }
- { Base class for an array of Extended's. }
- { }
- type
- AExtendedArray = class (AArray)
- protected
- Procedure SetItem (const Idx : Integer; const Value : Extended); virtual; abstract;
- Function GetItem (const Idx : Integer) : Extended; virtual; abstract;
- Function GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : ExtendedArray; virtual;
- Procedure SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : ExtendedArray); virtual;
- Function GetAsString : String; override;
- Procedure SetAsString (const S : String); override;
- public
- { AType implementations }
- Procedure Assign (const Source : TObject); override;
- Function IsEqual (const V : TObject) : Boolean; override;
- { AArray implementations }
- Procedure ExchangeItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer); override;
- Function CompareItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer) : TCompareResult; override;
- Function AddArray (const V : AArray) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; override;
- Function DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray; override;
- Procedure Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- Procedure Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- { AExtendedArray interface }
- Property Item [const Idx : Integer] : Extended read GetItem write SetItem; default;
- Property Range [const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer] : ExtendedArray read GetRange write SetRange;
- Procedure Fill (const Idx, Count : Integer; const Value : Extended); virtual;
- Function AddItem (const Value : Extended) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; virtual;
- Function AddArray (const V : ExtendedArray) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; virtual;
- Function PosNext (const Find : Extended; const PrevPos : Integer = -1;
- const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; virtual;
- end;
- EExtendedArray = class (EArray);
- { }
- { APointerArray }
- { Base class for an array of Pointer's. }
- { }
- type
- APointerArray = class (AArray)
- protected
- Procedure SetItem (const Idx : Integer; const Value : Pointer); virtual; abstract;
- Function GetItem (const Idx : Integer) : Pointer; virtual; abstract;
- Function GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : PointerArray; virtual;
- Procedure SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : PointerArray); virtual;
- Function GetAsString : String; override;
- Procedure SetAsString (const S : String); override;
- public
- { AType implementations }
- Procedure Assign (const Source : TObject); override;
- Function IsEqual (const V : TObject) : Boolean; override;
- { AArray implementations }
- Procedure ExchangeItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer); override;
- Function AddArray (const V : AArray) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; override;
- Function DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray; override;
- Procedure Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- Procedure Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- { APointerArray interface }
- Property Item [const Idx : Integer] : Pointer read GetItem write SetItem; default;
- Property Range [const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer] : PointerArray read GetRange write SetRange;
- Procedure Fill (const Idx, Count : Integer; const Value : Pointer); virtual;
- Function AddItem (const Value : Pointer) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; virtual;
- Function AddArray (const V : PointerArray) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; virtual;
- Function PosNext (const Find : Pointer; const PrevPos : Integer = -1) : Integer; virtual;
- end;
- EPointerArray = class (EArray);
- { }
- { AStringArray }
- { Base class for an array of Strings. }
- { }
- type
- EStringArray = class (EArray);
- AStringArray = class (AArray)
- protected
- Procedure SetItem (const Idx : Integer; const Value : String); virtual; abstract;
- Function GetItem (const Idx : Integer) : String; virtual; abstract;
- Function GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : StringArray; virtual;
- Procedure SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : StringArray); virtual;
- Function GetAsString : String; override;
- Procedure SetAsString (const S : String); override;
- public
- { AType implementations }
- Procedure Assign (const Source : TObject); override;
- Function IsEqual (const V : TObject) : Boolean; override;
- { AArray implementations }
- Procedure ExchangeItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer); override;
- Function CompareItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer) : TCompareResult; override;
- Function AddArray (const V : AArray) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; override;
- Function DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray; override;
- Procedure Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- Procedure Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- { AStringArray interface }
- Property Item [const Idx : Integer] : String read GetItem write SetItem; default;
- Property Range [const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer] : StringArray read GetRange write SetRange;
- Procedure Fill (const Idx, Count : Integer; const Value : String = ''); virtual;
- Function AddItem (const Value : String) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; virtual;
- Function AddArray (const V : StringArray) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; virtual;
- Function PosNext (const Find : String; const PrevPos : Integer = -1;
- const IsSortedAscending : Boolean = False) : Integer; virtual;
- end;
- { }
- { AObjectArray }
- { Base class for an array of objects. }
- { }
- type
- EObjectArray = class (EArray);
- AObjectArray = class (AArray)
- protected
- Procedure SetItem (const Idx : Integer; const Value : TObject); virtual; abstract;
- Function GetItem (const Idx : Integer) : TObject; virtual; abstract;
- Function GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : ObjectArray; virtual;
- Procedure SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : ObjectArray); virtual;
- Function GetAsString : String; override;
- Function GetIsItemOwner : Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- Procedure SetIsItemOwner (const IsItemOwner : Boolean); virtual; abstract;
- public
- { AType implementations }
- Procedure Clear; override;
- Procedure Assign (const Source : TObject); override;
- Function IsEqual (const V : TObject) : Boolean; override;
- Function Compare (const V : TObject) : TCompareResult; override;
- { AArray implementations }
- Procedure ExchangeItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer); override;
- Function CompareItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer) : TCompareResult; override;
- Function AddArray (const V : AArray) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; override;
- Procedure Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- { AObjectArray interface }
- Property Item [const Idx : Integer] : TObject read GetItem write SetItem; default;
- Property Range [const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer] : ObjectArray read GetRange write SetRange;
- Function AddItem (const Value : TObject) : Integer; virtual;
- Function AddArray (const V : ObjectArray) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; virtual;
- Function PosNext (const Find : TObject; const PrevPos : Integer) : Integer; overload; virtual;
- Function PosNext (var Item : TObject; const ClassType : TClass; const PrevPos : Integer = -1) : Integer; overload; virtual;
- Function PosNext (var Item : TObject; const ClassName : String; const PrevPos : Integer = -1) : Integer; overload; virtual;
- Function Find (const ClassType : TClass; const Count : Integer = 1) : TObject; overload; virtual;
- Function Find (const ClassName : String; const Count : Integer = 1) : TObject; overload; virtual;
- Function FindAll (const ClassType : TClass) : ObjectArray; overload;
- Function FindAll (const ClassName : String) : ObjectArray; overload;
- Function CountItems (const ClassType : TClass) : Integer; overload; virtual;
- Function CountItems (const ClassName : String) : Integer; overload; virtual;
- Property IsItemOwner : Boolean read GetIsItemOwner write SetIsItemOwner;
- Procedure ReleaseItems; virtual; abstract;
- Procedure FreeItems; virtual; abstract;
- Function ReleaseItem (const Idx : Integer) : TObject; virtual; abstract;
- end;
- { }
- { ABitArray }
- { Base class for a bit array (a set) implementations. }
- { Bits are defined as False at initialization. }
- { FindRange finds Count consequetive bits set to Value, starting at Start. }
- { It returns the index of the leftmost bit or -1 if not found. }
- { }
- type
- EBitArray = class (EArray);
- ABitArray = class (AArray)
- protected
- Function GetBit (const Idx : Integer) : Boolean; virtual; abstract;
- Procedure SetBit (const Idx : Integer; const Value : Boolean); virtual; abstract;
- Function GetRange (const Idx : Integer) : LongWord; virtual;
- Procedure SetRange (const Idx : Integer; const Value : LongWord); virtual;
- public
- { AType implementations }
- Procedure Assign (const Source : TObject); override;
- { AArray implementations }
- Procedure Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- Procedure Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- Function AddArray (const V : AArray) : Integer; override;
- Procedure ExchangeItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer); override;
- Function CompareItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer) : TCompareResult; override;
- Function DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray; override;
- { ABitArray interface }
- Property Bit [const Idx : Integer] : Boolean read GetBit write SetBit; default;
- Property Range [const Idx : Integer] : LongWord read GetRange write SetRange;
- Function CompareRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const Value : Boolean) : Boolean; virtual;
- Procedure Fill (const Idx, Count : Integer; const Value : Boolean); virtual;
- Function IsEqual (const V : TObject) : Boolean; override;
- Function AddItem (const Value : Boolean) : Integer; reintroduce; overload; virtual;
- Procedure Invert; virtual;
- Function Find (const Value : Boolean = False; const Start : Integer = 0;
- const FindForward : Boolean = True) : Integer; virtual;
- Function FindRange (const Value : Boolean = False; const Start : Integer = 0;
- const Count : Integer = 1; const FindForward : Boolean = True) : Integer; virtual;
- end;
- { }
- { }
- { }
- { TLongIntArray }
- { ALongIntArray implemented using a dynamic array. }
- { }
- type
- TLongIntArray = class (ALongIntArray)
- protected
- FData : LongIntArray;
- FCount : Integer;
- { ACollection implementations }
- Function GetCount : Integer; override;
- Procedure SetCount (const NewCount : Integer); override;
- { ALongIntArray implementations }
- Procedure SetItem (const Idx : Integer; const Value : LongInt); override;
- Function GetItem (const Idx : Integer) : LongInt; override;
- Function GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : LongIntArray; override;
- Procedure SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : LongIntArray); override;
- Procedure SetData (const Data : LongIntArray);
- public
- Constructor Create (const V : LongIntArray = nil);
- { AType implementations }
- class Function CreateInstance : AType; override;
- Procedure Assign (const Source : TObject); reintroduce; overload; override;
- { AArray implementations }
- Function DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray; override;
- Procedure Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- Procedure Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- { ALongIntArray implementations }
- Procedure Assign (const V : LongIntArray); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure Assign (const V : array of LongInt); reintroduce; overload;
- Property Data : LongIntArray read FData write SetData;
- end;
- { }
- { TIntegerArray }
- { }
- type
- TIntegerArray = TLongIntArray;
- { }
- { TLongWordArray }
- { ALongWordArray implemented using a dynamic array. }
- { }
- type
- TLongWordArray = class (ALongWordArray)
- protected
- FData : LongWordArray;
- FCount : Integer;
- { ACollection implementations }
- Function GetCount : Integer; override;
- Procedure SetCount (const NewCount : Integer); override;
- { ALongWordArray implementations }
- Procedure SetItem (const Idx : Integer; const Value : LongWord); override;
- Function GetItem (const Idx : Integer) : LongWord; override;
- Function GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : LongWordArray; override;
- Procedure SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : LongWordArray); override;
- Procedure SetData (const Data : LongWordArray);
- public
- Constructor Create (const V : LongWordArray = nil);
- { AType implementations }
- class Function CreateInstance : AType; override;
- Procedure Assign (const Source : TObject); reintroduce; overload; override;
- { AArray implementations }
- Function DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray; override;
- Procedure Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- Procedure Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- { ALongWordArray implementations }
- Procedure Assign (const V : LongWordArray); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure Assign (const V : array of LongWord); reintroduce; overload;
- Property Data : LongWordArray read FData write SetData;
- end;
- { }
- { TCardinalArray }
- { }
- type
- TCardinalArray = TLongWordArray;
- { }
- { TInt64Array }
- { AInt64Array implemented using a dynamic array. }
- { }
- type
- TInt64Array = class (AInt64Array)
- protected
- FData : Int64Array;
- FCount : Integer;
- { ACollection implementations }
- Function GetCount : Integer; override;
- Procedure SetCount (const NewCount : Integer); override;
- { AInt64Array implementations }
- Procedure SetItem (const Idx : Integer; const Value : Int64); override;
- Function GetItem (const Idx : Integer) : Int64; override;
- Function GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : Int64Array; override;
- Procedure SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : Int64Array); override;
- Procedure SetData (const Data : Int64Array);
- public
- Constructor Create (const V : Int64Array = nil);
- { AType implementations }
- class Function CreateInstance : AType; override;
- Procedure Assign (const Source : TObject); reintroduce; overload; override;
- { AArray implementations }
- Function DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray; override;
- Procedure Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- Procedure Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- { AInt64Array implementations }
- Procedure Assign (const V : Int64Array); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure Assign (const V : array of Int64); reintroduce; overload;
- Property Data : Int64Array read FData write SetData;
- end;
- { }
- { TSingleArray }
- { ASingleArray implemented using a dynamic array. }
- { }
- type
- TSingleArray = class (ASingleArray)
- protected
- FData : SingleArray;
- FCount : Integer;
- { ACollection implementations }
- Function GetCount : Integer; override;
- Procedure SetCount (const NewCount : Integer); override;
- { ASingleArray implementations }
- Procedure SetItem (const Idx : Integer; const Value : Single); override;
- Function GetItem (const Idx : Integer) : Single; override;
- Function GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : SingleArray; override;
- Procedure SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : SingleArray); override;
- Procedure SetData (const Data : SingleArray);
- public
- Constructor Create (const V : SingleArray = nil);
- { AType implementations }
- class Function CreateInstance : AType; override;
- Procedure Assign (const Source : TObject); reintroduce; overload; override;
- { AArray implementations }
- Function DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray; override;
- Procedure Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- Procedure Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- { ASingleArray implementations }
- Procedure Assign (const V : SingleArray); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure Assign (const V : array of Single); reintroduce; overload;
- Property Data : SingleArray read FData write SetData;
- end;
- { }
- { TDoubleArray }
- { ADoubleArray implemented using a dynamic array. }
- { }
- type
- TDoubleArray = class (ADoubleArray)
- protected
- FData : DoubleArray;
- FCount : Integer;
- { ACollection implementations }
- Function GetCount : Integer; override;
- Procedure SetCount (const NewCount : Integer); override;
- { ADoubleArray implementations }
- Procedure SetItem (const Idx : Integer; const Value : Double); override;
- Function GetItem (const Idx : Integer) : Double; override;
- Function GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : DoubleArray; override;
- Procedure SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : DoubleArray); override;
- Procedure SetData (const Data : DoubleArray);
- public
- Constructor Create (const V : DoubleArray = nil);
- { AType implementations }
- class Function CreateInstance : AType; override;
- Procedure Assign (const Source : TObject); reintroduce; overload; override;
- { AArray implementations }
- Function DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray; override;
- Procedure Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- Procedure Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- { ADoubleArray implementations }
- Procedure Assign (const V : DoubleArray); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure Assign (const V : array of Double); reintroduce; overload;
- Property Data : DoubleArray read FData write SetData;
- end;
- { }
- { TExtendedArray }
- { AExtendedArray implemented using a dynamic array. }
- { }
- type
- TExtendedArray = class (AExtendedArray)
- protected
- FData : ExtendedArray;
- FCount : Integer;
- { ACollection implementations }
- Function GetCount : Integer; override;
- Procedure SetCount (const NewCount : Integer); override;
- { AExtendedArray implementations }
- Procedure SetItem (const Idx : Integer; const Value : Extended); override;
- Function GetItem (const Idx : Integer) : Extended; override;
- Function GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : ExtendedArray; override;
- Procedure SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : ExtendedArray); override;
- Procedure SetData (const Data : ExtendedArray);
- public
- Constructor Create (const V : ExtendedArray = nil);
- { AType implementations }
- class Function CreateInstance : AType; override;
- Procedure Assign (const Source : TObject); reintroduce; overload; override;
- { AArray implementations }
- Function DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray; override;
- Procedure Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- Procedure Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- { AExtendedArray implementations }
- Procedure Assign (const V : ExtendedArray); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure Assign (const V : array of Extended); reintroduce; overload;
- Property Data : ExtendedArray read FData write SetData;
- end;
- { }
- { TStringArray }
- { AStringArray implemented using a dynamic array. }
- { }
- type
- TStringArray = class (AStringArray)
- protected
- FData : StringArray;
- FCount : Integer;
- { ACollection implementations }
- Function GetCount : Integer; override;
- Procedure SetCount (const NewCount : Integer); override;
- { AStringArray implementations }
- Procedure SetItem (const Idx : Integer; const Value : String); override;
- Function GetItem (const Idx : Integer) : String; override;
- Function GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : StringArray; override;
- Procedure SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : StringArray); override;
- Procedure SetData (const Data : StringArray);
- public
- Constructor Create (const V : StringArray = nil);
- { AType implementations }
- class Function CreateInstance : AType; override;
- Procedure Assign (const Source : TObject); reintroduce; overload; override;
- { AArray implementations }
- Function DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray; override;
- Procedure Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- Procedure Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- { AStringArray implementations }
- Procedure Assign (const V : StringArray); reintroduce; overload;
- Procedure Assign (const V : array of String); reintroduce; overload;
- Property Data : StringArray read FData write SetData;
- end;
- { }
- { TObjectArray }
- { AObjectArray implemented using a dynamic array. }
- { }
- type
- TObjectArray = class (AObjectArray)
- protected
- FData : ObjectArray;
- FCount : Integer;
- FIsItemOwner : Boolean;
- Procedure SetData (const Data : ObjectArray); virtual;
- Function GetIsItemOwner : Boolean; override;
- Procedure SetIsItemOwner (const IsItemOwner : Boolean); override;
- { AArray implementations }
- Function GetCount : Integer; override;
- Procedure SetCount (const NewCount : Integer); override;
- { AObjectArray implementations }
- Procedure SetItem (const Idx : Integer; const Value : TObject); override;
- Function GetItem (const Idx : Integer) : TObject; override;
- Function GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : ObjectArray; override;
- public
- { TObjectArray interface }
- Constructor Create (const V : ObjectArray = nil; const IsItemOwner : Boolean = False);
- Destructor Destroy; override;
- Property Data : ObjectArray read FData write SetData;
- Property IsItemOwner : Boolean read FIsItemOwner write FIsItemOwner;
- Procedure FreeItems; override;
- Procedure ReleaseItems; override;
- Function ReleaseItem (const Idx : Integer) : TObject; override;
- { AType implementations }
- class Function CreateInstance : AType; override;
- { AArray implementations }
- Function DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray; override;
- Procedure Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- Procedure Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1); override;
- end;
- { }
- { TFlatBitArray }
- { ABitArray stored as an array of LongWords. }
- { GetBit and SetBit is very fast. }
- { }
- type
- TFlatBitArray = class (ABitArray)
- protected
- FData : LongWordArray;
- FCount : Integer;
- { AArray implementations }
- Function GetCount : Integer; override;
- Procedure SetCount (const NewCount : Integer); override;
- { ABitArray implementations }
- Function GetBit (const Idx : Integer) : Boolean; override;
- Procedure SetBit (const Idx : Integer; const Value : Boolean); override;
- Function GetRange (const Idx : Integer) : LongWord; override;
- Procedure SetRange (const Idx : Integer; const Value : LongWord); override;
- public
- { AType implementations }
- class Function CreateInstance : AType; override;
- { ABitArray implementations }
- Procedure Fill (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const Value : Boolean); override;
- Function CompareRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const Value : Boolean) : Boolean; override;
- end;
- TBitArray = TFlatBitArray;
- { }
- { Self testing code }
- { }
- Procedure SelfTest;
- implementation
- uses
- // Fundamentals
- cStrings;
- { }
- { }
- { }
- { }
- { }
- { AArray }
- { }
- Procedure AArray.IndexError (const Idx : Integer);
- Begin
- raise EArray.Create ({$IFDEF DEBUG}ObjectClassName (self) + ': ' + {$ENDIF}
- 'Array index out of bounds'
- {$IFDEF DEBUG} + ': ' + IntToStr (Idx) + '/' + IntToStr (GetCount){$ENDIF});
- End;
- Procedure AArray.Clear;
- Begin
- Count := 0;
- End;
- Procedure AArray.Sort;
- Procedure QuickSort (L, R : Integer);
- var I, J : Integer;
- M : Integer;
- Begin
- Repeat
- I := L;
- J := R;
- M := (L + R) shr 1;
- Repeat
- While CompareItems (I, M) = crLess do
- Inc (I);
- While CompareItems (J, M) = crGreater do
- Dec (J);
- if I <= J then
- begin
- ExchangeItems (I, J);
- Inc (I);
- Dec (J);
- end;
- Until I > J;
- if L < J then
- QuickSort (L, J);
- L := I;
- Until I >= R;
- End;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- I := Count;
- if I > 0 then
- QuickSort (0, I - 1);
- End;
- Procedure AArray.ReverseOrder;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Count;
- For I := 1 to L div 2 do
- ExchangeItems (I - 1, L - I);
- End;
- { }
- { ALongIntArray }
- { }
- Procedure ALongIntArray.ExchangeItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer);
- var I : LongInt;
- Begin
- I := Item [Idx1];
- Item [Idx1] := Item [Idx2];
- Item [Idx2] := I;
- End;
- Function ALongIntArray.AddItem (const Value : LongInt) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Count;
- Count := Result + 1;
- Item [Result] := Value;
- End;
- Function ALongIntArray.GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : LongIntArray;
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := H - L + 1;
- SetLength (Result, C);
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- Result [I] := Item [L + I];
- End;
- Function ALongIntArray.DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray;
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := ALongIntArray (CreateInstance);
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := H - L + 1;
- ALongIntArray (Result).Count := C;
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- ALongIntArray (Result) [I] := Item [L + I];
- End;
- Procedure ALongIntArray.SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : LongIntArray);
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := MinI (Length (V), H - L + 1);
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- Item [L + I] := V [I];
- End;
- Procedure ALongIntArray.Fill (const Idx, Count : Integer; const Value : LongInt);
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- For I := Idx to Idx + Count - 1 do
- Item [I] := Value;
- End;
- Function ALongIntArray.AddArray (const V : LongIntArray) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Count;
- Count := Result + Length (V);
- Range [Result, Count - 1] := V;
- End;
- Function ALongIntArray.CompareItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer) : TCompareResult;
- var I, J : LongInt;
- Begin
- I := Item [Idx1];
- J := Item [Idx2];
- if I < J then
- Result := crLess else
- if I > J then
- Result := crGreater else
- Result := crEqual;
- End;
- Function ALongIntArray.PosNext (const Find : LongInt; const PrevPos : Integer; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : Integer;
- var I, L, H : Integer;
- D : LongInt;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then // binary search
- begin
- if MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) = 0 then // find first
- begin
- L := 0;
- H := Count - 1;
- Repeat
- I := (L + H) div 2;
- D := Item [I];
- if D = Find then
- begin
- While (I > 0) and (Item [I - 1] = Find) do
- Dec (I);
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end else
- if D > Find then
- H := I - 1 else
- L := I + 1;
- Until L > H;
- Result := -1;
- end else // find next
- if PrevPos >= Count - 1 then
- Result := -1 else
- if Item [PrevPos + 1] = Find then
- Result := PrevPos + 1 else
- Result := -1;
- end else // linear search
- begin
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Count - 1 do
- if Item [I] = Find then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Function ALongIntArray.GetAsString : String;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Count;
- if L = 0 then
- begin
- Result := '';
- exit;
- end;
- Result := IntToStr (Item [0]);
- For I := 1 to L - 1 do
- Result := Result + ',' + IntToStr (Item [I]);
- Result := Result;
- End;
- Procedure ALongIntArray.SetAsString (const S : String);
- var F, G, L, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (S);
- if L = 0 then
- begin
- Count := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- L := 0;
- F := 2;
- C := Length (S);
- While F < C do
- begin
- G := 0;
- While (F + G < C) and (S [F + G] <> ',') do
- Inc (G);
- Inc (L);
- Count := L;
- if G = 0 then
- Item [L - 1] := 0 else
- Item [L - 1] := StrToInt (Copy (S, F, G));
- Inc (F, G + 1);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure ALongIntArray.Assign (const Source : TObject);
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if Source is ALongIntArray then
- begin
- L := ALongIntArray (Source).Count;
- Count := L;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Item [I] := ALongIntArray (Source).Item [I];
- end else
- inherited Assign (Source);
- End;
- Function ALongIntArray.IsEqual (const V : TObject) : Boolean;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if V is ALongIntArray then
- begin
- L := ALongIntArray (V).Count;
- Result := L = Count;
- if not Result then
- exit;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- if Item [I] <> ALongIntArray (V).Item [I] then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- end else
- Result := inherited IsEqual (V);
- End;
- Function ALongIntArray.AddArray (const V : AArray) : Integer;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if V is ALongIntArray then
- begin
- Result := Count;
- L := V.Count;
- Count := Result + L;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Item [Result + I] := ALongIntArray (V) [I];
- end else
- begin
- TypeError (ObjectClassName (self) + ' can not add array ' + ObjectClassName (V));
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Procedure ALongIntArray.Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- Begin
- J := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- C := GetCount;
- L := MinI (Count, C - J);
- if L > 0 then
- begin
- For I := J to J + C - 1 do
- SetItem (I, GetItem (I + Count));
- SetCount (C - L);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure ALongIntArray.Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if Count <= 0 then
- exit;
- C := GetCount;
- SetCount (C + Count);
- J := MinI (MaxI (Idx, 0), C);
- L := C - J;
- For I := C - 1 downto C - L do
- SetItem (I + Count, GetItem (I));
- End;
- { }
- { ALongWordArray }
- { }
- Procedure ALongWordArray.ExchangeItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer);
- var I : LongWord;
- Begin
- I := Item [Idx1];
- Item [Idx1] := Item [Idx2];
- Item [Idx2] := I;
- End;
- Function ALongWordArray.AddItem (const Value : LongWord) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Count;
- Count := Result + 1;
- Item [Result] := Value;
- End;
- Function ALongWordArray.GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : LongWordArray;
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := H - L + 1;
- SetLength (Result, C);
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- Result [I] := Item [L + I];
- End;
- Function ALongWordArray.DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray;
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := ALongWordArray (CreateInstance);
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := H - L + 1;
- ALongWordArray (Result).Count := C;
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- ALongWordArray (Result) [I] := Item [L + I];
- End;
- Procedure ALongWordArray.SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : LongWordArray);
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := MinI (Length (V), H - L + 1);
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- Item [L + I] := V [I];
- End;
- Procedure ALongWordArray.Fill (const Idx, Count : Integer; const Value : LongWord);
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- For I := Idx to Idx + Count - 1 do
- Item [I] := Value;
- End;
- Function ALongWordArray.AddArray (const V : LongWordArray) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Count;
- Count := Result + Length (V);
- Range [Result, Count - 1] := V;
- End;
- Function ALongWordArray.CompareItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer) : TCompareResult;
- var I, J : LongWord;
- Begin
- I := Item [Idx1];
- J := Item [Idx2];
- if I < J then
- Result := crLess else
- if I > J then
- Result := crGreater else
- Result := crEqual;
- End;
- Function ALongWordArray.PosNext (const Find : LongWord; const PrevPos : Integer; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : Integer;
- var I, L, H : Integer;
- D : LongWord;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then // binary search
- begin
- if MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) = 0 then // find first
- begin
- L := 0;
- H := Count - 1;
- Repeat
- I := (L + H) div 2;
- D := Item [I];
- if D = Find then
- begin
- While (I > 0) and (Item [I - 1] = Find) do
- Dec (I);
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end else
- if D > Find then
- H := I - 1 else
- L := I + 1;
- Until L > H;
- Result := -1;
- end else // find next
- if PrevPos >= Count - 1 then
- Result := -1 else
- if Item [PrevPos + 1] = Find then
- Result := PrevPos + 1 else
- Result := -1;
- end else // linear search
- begin
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Count - 1 do
- if Item [I] = Find then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Function ALongWordArray.GetAsString : String;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Count;
- if L = 0 then
- begin
- Result := '';
- exit;
- end;
- Result := IntToStr (Item [0]);
- For I := 1 to L - 1 do
- Result := Result + ',' + IntToStr (Item [I]);
- Result := Result;
- End;
- Procedure ALongWordArray.SetAsString (const S : String);
- var F, G, L, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (S);
- if L = 0 then
- begin
- Count := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- L := 0;
- F := 2;
- C := Length (S);
- While F < C do
- begin
- G := 0;
- While (F + G < C) and (S [F + G] <> ',') do
- Inc (G);
- Inc (L);
- Count := L;
- if G = 0 then
- Item [L - 1] := 0 else
- Item [L - 1] := StrToInt (Copy (S, F, G));
- Inc (F, G + 1);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure ALongWordArray.Assign (const Source : TObject);
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if Source is ALongWordArray then
- begin
- L := ALongWordArray (Source).Count;
- Count := L;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Item [I] := ALongWordArray (Source).Item [I];
- end else
- inherited Assign (Source);
- End;
- Function ALongWordArray.IsEqual (const V : TObject) : Boolean;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if V is ALongWordArray then
- begin
- L := ALongWordArray (V).Count;
- Result := L = Count;
- if not Result then
- exit;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- if Item [I] <> ALongWordArray (V).Item [I] then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- end else
- Result := inherited IsEqual (V);
- End;
- Function ALongWordArray.AddArray (const V : AArray) : Integer;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if V is ALongWordArray then
- begin
- Result := Count;
- L := V.Count;
- Count := Result + L;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Item [Result + I] := ALongWordArray (V) [I];
- end else
- begin
- TypeError (ObjectClassName (self) + ' can not add array ' + ObjectClassName (V));
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Procedure ALongWordArray.Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- Begin
- J := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- C := GetCount;
- L := MinI (Count, C - J);
- if L > 0 then
- begin
- For I := J to J + C - 1 do
- SetItem (I, GetItem (I + Count));
- SetCount (C - L);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure ALongWordArray.Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if Count <= 0 then
- exit;
- C := GetCount;
- SetCount (C + Count);
- J := MinI (MaxI (Idx, 0), C);
- L := C - J;
- For I := C - 1 downto C - L do
- SetItem (I + Count, GetItem (I));
- End;
- { }
- { AInt64Array }
- { }
- Procedure AInt64Array.ExchangeItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer);
- var I : Int64;
- Begin
- I := Item [Idx1];
- Item [Idx1] := Item [Idx2];
- Item [Idx2] := I;
- End;
- Function AInt64Array.AddItem (const Value : Int64) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Count;
- Count := Result + 1;
- Item [Result] := Value;
- End;
- Function AInt64Array.GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : Int64Array;
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := H - L + 1;
- SetLength (Result, C);
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- Result [I] := Item [L + I];
- End;
- Function AInt64Array.DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray;
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := AInt64Array (CreateInstance);
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := H - L + 1;
- AInt64Array (Result).Count := C;
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- AInt64Array (Result) [I] := Item [L + I];
- End;
- Procedure AInt64Array.SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : Int64Array);
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := MinI (Length (V), H - L + 1);
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- Item [L + I] := V [I];
- End;
- Procedure AInt64Array.Fill (const Idx, Count : Integer; const Value : Int64);
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- For I := Idx to Idx + Count - 1 do
- Item [I] := Value;
- End;
- Function AInt64Array.AddArray (const V : Int64Array) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Count;
- Count := Result + Length (V);
- Range [Result, Count - 1] := V;
- End;
- Function AInt64Array.CompareItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer) : TCompareResult;
- var I, J : Int64;
- Begin
- I := Item [Idx1];
- J := Item [Idx2];
- if I < J then
- Result := crLess else
- if I > J then
- Result := crGreater else
- Result := crEqual;
- End;
- Function AInt64Array.PosNext (const Find : Int64; const PrevPos : Integer; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : Integer;
- var I, L, H : Integer;
- D : Int64;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then // binary search
- begin
- if MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) = 0 then // find first
- begin
- L := 0;
- H := Count - 1;
- Repeat
- I := (L + H) div 2;
- D := Item [I];
- if D = Find then
- begin
- While (I > 0) and (Item [I - 1] = Find) do
- Dec (I);
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end else
- if D > Find then
- H := I - 1 else
- L := I + 1;
- Until L > H;
- Result := -1;
- end else // find next
- if PrevPos >= Count - 1 then
- Result := -1 else
- if Item [PrevPos + 1] = Find then
- Result := PrevPos + 1 else
- Result := -1;
- end else // linear search
- begin
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Count - 1 do
- if Item [I] = Find then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Function AInt64Array.GetAsString : String;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Count;
- if L = 0 then
- begin
- Result := '';
- exit;
- end;
- Result := IntToStr (Item [0]);
- For I := 1 to L - 1 do
- Result := Result + ',' + IntToStr (Item [I]);
- Result := Result;
- End;
- Procedure AInt64Array.SetAsString (const S : String);
- var F, G, L, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (S);
- if L = 0 then
- begin
- Count := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- L := 0;
- F := 2;
- C := Length (S);
- While F < C do
- begin
- G := 0;
- While (F + G < C) and (S [F + G] <> ',') do
- Inc (G);
- Inc (L);
- Count := L;
- if G = 0 then
- Item [L - 1] := 0 else
- Item [L - 1] := StrToInt (Copy (S, F, G));
- Inc (F, G + 1);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure AInt64Array.Assign (const Source : TObject);
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if Source is AInt64Array then
- begin
- L := AInt64Array (Source).Count;
- Count := L;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Item [I] := AInt64Array (Source).Item [I];
- end else
- inherited Assign (Source);
- End;
- Function AInt64Array.IsEqual (const V : TObject) : Boolean;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if V is AInt64Array then
- begin
- L := AInt64Array (V).Count;
- Result := L = Count;
- if not Result then
- exit;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- if Item [I] <> AInt64Array (V).Item [I] then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- end else
- Result := inherited IsEqual (V);
- End;
- Function AInt64Array.AddArray (const V : AArray) : Integer;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if V is AInt64Array then
- begin
- Result := Count;
- L := V.Count;
- Count := Result + L;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Item [Result + I] := AInt64Array (V) [I];
- end else
- begin
- TypeError (ObjectClassName (self) + ' can not add array ' + ObjectClassName (V));
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Procedure AInt64Array.Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- Begin
- J := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- C := GetCount;
- L := MinI (Count, C - J);
- if L > 0 then
- begin
- For I := J to J + C - 1 do
- SetItem (I, GetItem (I + Count));
- SetCount (C - L);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure AInt64Array.Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if Count <= 0 then
- exit;
- C := GetCount;
- SetCount (C + Count);
- J := MinI (MaxI (Idx, 0), C);
- L := C - J;
- For I := C - 1 downto C - L do
- SetItem (I + Count, GetItem (I));
- End;
- { }
- { ASingleArray }
- { }
- Procedure ASingleArray.ExchangeItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer);
- var I : Single;
- Begin
- I := Item [Idx1];
- Item [Idx1] := Item [Idx2];
- Item [Idx2] := I;
- End;
- Function ASingleArray.AddItem (const Value : Single) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Count;
- Count := Result + 1;
- Item [Result] := Value;
- End;
- Function ASingleArray.GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : SingleArray;
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := H - L + 1;
- SetLength (Result, C);
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- Result [I] := Item [L + I];
- End;
- Function ASingleArray.DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray;
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := ASingleArray (CreateInstance);
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := H - L + 1;
- ASingleArray (Result).Count := C;
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- ASingleArray (Result) [I] := Item [L + I];
- End;
- Procedure ASingleArray.SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : SingleArray);
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := MinI (Length (V), H - L + 1);
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- Item [L + I] := V [I];
- End;
- Procedure ASingleArray.Fill (const Idx, Count : Integer; const Value : Single);
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- For I := Idx to Idx + Count - 1 do
- Item [I] := Value;
- End;
- Function ASingleArray.AddArray (const V : SingleArray) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Count;
- Count := Result + Length (V);
- Range [Result, Count - 1] := V;
- End;
- Function ASingleArray.CompareItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer) : TCompareResult;
- var I, J : Single;
- Begin
- I := Item [Idx1];
- J := Item [Idx2];
- if I < J then
- Result := crLess else
- if I > J then
- Result := crGreater else
- Result := crEqual;
- End;
- Function ASingleArray.PosNext (const Find : Single; const PrevPos : Integer; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : Integer;
- var I, L, H : Integer;
- D : Single;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then // binary search
- begin
- if MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) = 0 then // find first
- begin
- L := 0;
- H := Count - 1;
- Repeat
- I := (L + H) div 2;
- D := Item [I];
- if D = Find then
- begin
- While (I > 0) and (Item [I - 1] = Find) do
- Dec (I);
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end else
- if D > Find then
- H := I - 1 else
- L := I + 1;
- Until L > H;
- Result := -1;
- end else // find next
- if PrevPos >= Count - 1 then
- Result := -1 else
- if Item [PrevPos + 1] = Find then
- Result := PrevPos + 1 else
- Result := -1;
- end else // linear search
- begin
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Count - 1 do
- if Item [I] = Find then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Function ASingleArray.GetAsString : String;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Count;
- if L = 0 then
- begin
- Result := '';
- exit;
- end;
- Result := FloatToStr (Item [0]);
- For I := 1 to L - 1 do
- Result := Result + ',' + FloatToStr (Item [I]);
- Result := Result;
- End;
- Procedure ASingleArray.SetAsString (const S : String);
- var F, G, L, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (S);
- if L = 0 then
- begin
- Count := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- L := 0;
- F := 2;
- C := Length (S);
- While F < C do
- begin
- G := 0;
- While (F + G < C) and (S [F + G] <> ',') do
- Inc (G);
- Inc (L);
- Count := L;
- if G = 0 then
- Item [L - 1] := 0.0 else
- Item [L - 1] := StrToFloat (Copy (S, F, G));
- Inc (F, G + 1);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure ASingleArray.Assign (const Source : TObject);
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if Source is ASingleArray then
- begin
- L := ASingleArray (Source).Count;
- Count := L;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Item [I] := ASingleArray (Source).Item [I];
- end else
- inherited Assign (Source);
- End;
- Function ASingleArray.IsEqual (const V : TObject) : Boolean;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if V is ASingleArray then
- begin
- L := ASingleArray (V).Count;
- Result := L = Count;
- if not Result then
- exit;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- if Item [I] <> ASingleArray (V).Item [I] then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- end else
- Result := inherited IsEqual (V);
- End;
- Function ASingleArray.AddArray (const V : AArray) : Integer;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if V is ASingleArray then
- begin
- Result := Count;
- L := V.Count;
- Count := Result + L;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Item [Result + I] := ASingleArray (V) [I];
- end else
- begin
- TypeError (ObjectClassName (self) + ' can not add array ' + ObjectClassName (V));
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Procedure ASingleArray.Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- Begin
- J := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- C := GetCount;
- L := MinI (Count, C - J);
- if L > 0 then
- begin
- For I := J to J + C - 1 do
- SetItem (I, GetItem (I + Count));
- SetCount (C - L);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure ASingleArray.Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if Count <= 0 then
- exit;
- C := GetCount;
- SetCount (C + Count);
- J := MinI (MaxI (Idx, 0), C);
- L := C - J;
- For I := C - 1 downto C - L do
- SetItem (I + Count, GetItem (I));
- End;
- { }
- { ADoubleArray }
- { }
- Procedure ADoubleArray.ExchangeItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer);
- var I : Double;
- Begin
- I := Item [Idx1];
- Item [Idx1] := Item [Idx2];
- Item [Idx2] := I;
- End;
- Function ADoubleArray.AddItem (const Value : Double) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Count;
- Count := Result + 1;
- Item [Result] := Value;
- End;
- Function ADoubleArray.GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : DoubleArray;
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := H - L + 1;
- SetLength (Result, C);
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- Result [I] := Item [L + I];
- End;
- Function ADoubleArray.DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray;
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := ADoubleArray (CreateInstance);
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := H - L + 1;
- ADoubleArray (Result).Count := C;
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- ADoubleArray (Result) [I] := Item [L + I];
- End;
- Procedure ADoubleArray.SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : DoubleArray);
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := MinI (Length (V), H - L + 1);
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- Item [L + I] := V [I];
- End;
- Procedure ADoubleArray.Fill (const Idx, Count : Integer; const Value : Double);
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- For I := Idx to Idx + Count - 1 do
- Item [I] := Value;
- End;
- Function ADoubleArray.AddArray (const V : DoubleArray) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Count;
- Count := Result + Length (V);
- Range [Result, Count - 1] := V;
- End;
- Function ADoubleArray.CompareItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer) : TCompareResult;
- var I, J : Double;
- Begin
- I := Item [Idx1];
- J := Item [Idx2];
- if I < J then
- Result := crLess else
- if I > J then
- Result := crGreater else
- Result := crEqual;
- End;
- Function ADoubleArray.PosNext (const Find : Double; const PrevPos : Integer; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : Integer;
- var I, L, H : Integer;
- D : Double;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then // binary search
- begin
- if MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) = 0 then // find first
- begin
- L := 0;
- H := Count - 1;
- Repeat
- I := (L + H) div 2;
- D := Item [I];
- if D = Find then
- begin
- While (I > 0) and (Item [I - 1] = Find) do
- Dec (I);
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end else
- if D > Find then
- H := I - 1 else
- L := I + 1;
- Until L > H;
- Result := -1;
- end else // find next
- if PrevPos >= Count - 1 then
- Result := -1 else
- if Item [PrevPos + 1] = Find then
- Result := PrevPos + 1 else
- Result := -1;
- end else // linear search
- begin
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Count - 1 do
- if Item [I] = Find then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Function ADoubleArray.GetAsString : String;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Count;
- if L = 0 then
- begin
- Result := '';
- exit;
- end;
- Result := FloatToStr (Item [0]);
- For I := 1 to L - 1 do
- Result := Result + ',' + FloatToStr (Item [I]);
- Result := Result;
- End;
- Procedure ADoubleArray.SetAsString (const S : String);
- var F, G, L, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (S);
- if L = 0 then
- begin
- Count := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- L := 0;
- F := 2;
- C := Length (S);
- While F < C do
- begin
- G := 0;
- While (F + G < C) and (S [F + G] <> ',') do
- Inc (G);
- Inc (L);
- Count := L;
- if G = 0 then
- Item [L - 1] := 0.0 else
- Item [L - 1] := StrToFloat (Copy (S, F, G));
- Inc (F, G + 1);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure ADoubleArray.Assign (const Source : TObject);
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if Source is ADoubleArray then
- begin
- L := ADoubleArray (Source).Count;
- Count := L;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Item [I] := ADoubleArray (Source).Item [I];
- end else
- inherited Assign (Source);
- End;
- Function ADoubleArray.IsEqual (const V : TObject) : Boolean;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if V is ADoubleArray then
- begin
- L := ADoubleArray (V).Count;
- Result := L = Count;
- if not Result then
- exit;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- if Item [I] <> ADoubleArray (V).Item [I] then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- end else
- Result := inherited IsEqual (V);
- End;
- Function ADoubleArray.AddArray (const V : AArray) : Integer;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if V is ADoubleArray then
- begin
- Result := Count;
- L := V.Count;
- Count := Result + L;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Item [Result + I] := ADoubleArray (V) [I];
- end else
- begin
- TypeError (ObjectClassName (self) + ' can not add array ' + ObjectClassName (V));
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Procedure ADoubleArray.Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- Begin
- J := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- C := GetCount;
- L := MinI (Count, C - J);
- if L > 0 then
- begin
- For I := J to J + C - 1 do
- SetItem (I, GetItem (I + Count));
- SetCount (C - L);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure ADoubleArray.Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if Count <= 0 then
- exit;
- C := GetCount;
- SetCount (C + Count);
- J := MinI (MaxI (Idx, 0), C);
- L := C - J;
- For I := C - 1 downto C - L do
- SetItem (I + Count, GetItem (I));
- End;
- { }
- { AExtendedArray }
- { }
- Procedure AExtendedArray.ExchangeItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer);
- var I : Extended;
- Begin
- I := Item [Idx1];
- Item [Idx1] := Item [Idx2];
- Item [Idx2] := I;
- End;
- Function AExtendedArray.AddItem (const Value : Extended) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Count;
- Count := Result + 1;
- Item [Result] := Value;
- End;
- Function AExtendedArray.GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : ExtendedArray;
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := H - L + 1;
- SetLength (Result, C);
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- Result [I] := Item [L + I];
- End;
- Function AExtendedArray.DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray;
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := AExtendedArray (CreateInstance);
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := H - L + 1;
- AExtendedArray (Result).Count := C;
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- AExtendedArray (Result) [I] := Item [L + I];
- End;
- Procedure AExtendedArray.SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : ExtendedArray);
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := MinI (Length (V), H - L + 1);
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- Item [L + I] := V [I];
- End;
- Procedure AExtendedArray.Fill (const Idx, Count : Integer; const Value : Extended);
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- For I := Idx to Idx + Count - 1 do
- Item [I] := Value;
- End;
- Function AExtendedArray.AddArray (const V : ExtendedArray) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Count;
- Count := Result + Length (V);
- Range [Result, Count - 1] := V;
- End;
- Function AExtendedArray.CompareItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer) : TCompareResult;
- var I, J : Extended;
- Begin
- I := Item [Idx1];
- J := Item [Idx2];
- if I < J then
- Result := crLess else
- if I > J then
- Result := crGreater else
- Result := crEqual;
- End;
- Function AExtendedArray.PosNext (const Find : Extended; const PrevPos : Integer; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : Integer;
- var I, L, H : Integer;
- D : Extended;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then // binary search
- begin
- if MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) = 0 then // find first
- begin
- L := 0;
- H := Count - 1;
- Repeat
- I := (L + H) div 2;
- D := Item [I];
- if D = Find then
- begin
- While (I > 0) and (Item [I - 1] = Find) do
- Dec (I);
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end else
- if D > Find then
- H := I - 1 else
- L := I + 1;
- Until L > H;
- Result := -1;
- end else // find next
- if PrevPos >= Count - 1 then
- Result := -1 else
- if Item [PrevPos + 1] = Find then
- Result := PrevPos + 1 else
- Result := -1;
- end else // linear search
- begin
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Count - 1 do
- if Item [I] = Find then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Function AExtendedArray.GetAsString : String;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Count;
- if L = 0 then
- begin
- Result := '';
- exit;
- end;
- Result := FloatToStr (Item [0]);
- For I := 1 to L - 1 do
- Result := Result + ',' + FloatToStr (Item [I]);
- Result := Result;
- End;
- Procedure AExtendedArray.SetAsString (const S : String);
- var F, G, L, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (S);
- if L = 0 then
- begin
- Count := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- L := 0;
- F := 2;
- C := Length (S);
- While F < C do
- begin
- G := 0;
- While (F + G < C) and (S [F + G] <> ',') do
- Inc (G);
- Inc (L);
- Count := L;
- if G = 0 then
- Item [L - 1] := 0.0 else
- Item [L - 1] := StrToFloat (Copy (S, F, G));
- Inc (F, G + 1);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure AExtendedArray.Assign (const Source : TObject);
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if Source is AExtendedArray then
- begin
- L := AExtendedArray (Source).Count;
- Count := L;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Item [I] := AExtendedArray (Source).Item [I];
- end else
- inherited Assign (Source);
- End;
- Function AExtendedArray.IsEqual (const V : TObject) : Boolean;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if V is AExtendedArray then
- begin
- L := AExtendedArray (V).Count;
- Result := L = Count;
- if not Result then
- exit;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- if Item [I] <> AExtendedArray (V).Item [I] then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- end else
- Result := inherited IsEqual (V);
- End;
- Function AExtendedArray.AddArray (const V : AArray) : Integer;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if V is AExtendedArray then
- begin
- Result := Count;
- L := V.Count;
- Count := Result + L;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Item [Result + I] := AExtendedArray (V) [I];
- end else
- begin
- TypeError (ObjectClassName (self) + ' can not add array ' + ObjectClassName (V));
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Procedure AExtendedArray.Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- Begin
- J := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- C := GetCount;
- L := MinI (Count, C - J);
- if L > 0 then
- begin
- For I := J to J + C - 1 do
- SetItem (I, GetItem (I + Count));
- SetCount (C - L);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure AExtendedArray.Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if Count <= 0 then
- exit;
- C := GetCount;
- SetCount (C + Count);
- J := MinI (MaxI (Idx, 0), C);
- L := C - J;
- For I := C - 1 downto C - L do
- SetItem (I + Count, GetItem (I));
- End;
- { }
- { APointerArray }
- { }
- Procedure APointerArray.ExchangeItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer);
- var I : Pointer;
- Begin
- I := Item [Idx1];
- Item [Idx1] := Item [Idx2];
- Item [Idx2] := I;
- End;
- Function APointerArray.AddItem (const Value : Pointer) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Count;
- Count := Result + 1;
- Item [Result] := Value;
- End;
- Function APointerArray.GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : PointerArray;
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := H - L + 1;
- SetLength (Result, C);
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- Result [I] := Item [L + I];
- End;
- Function APointerArray.DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray;
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := APointerArray (CreateInstance);
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := H - L + 1;
- APointerArray (Result).Count := C;
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- APointerArray (Result) [I] := Item [L + I];
- End;
- Procedure APointerArray.SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : PointerArray);
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := MinI (Length (V), H - L + 1);
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- Item [L + I] := V [I];
- End;
- Procedure APointerArray.Fill (const Idx, Count : Integer; const Value : Pointer);
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- For I := Idx to Idx + Count - 1 do
- Item [I] := Value;
- End;
- Function APointerArray.AddArray (const V : PointerArray) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Count;
- Count := Result + Length (V);
- Range [Result, Count - 1] := V;
- End;
- Function APointerArray.PosNext (const Find : Pointer; const PrevPos : Integer) : Integer;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Count - 1 do
- if Item [I] = Find then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- End;
- Function APointerArray.GetAsString : String;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Count;
- if L = 0 then
- begin
- Result := '';
- exit;
- end;
- Result := PointerToStr (Item [0]);
- For I := 1 to L - 1 do
- Result := Result + ',' + PointerToStr (Item [I]);
- Result := Result;
- End;
- Procedure APointerArray.SetAsString (const S : String);
- var F, G, L, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (S);
- if L = 0 then
- begin
- Count := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- L := 0;
- F := 2;
- C := Length (S);
- While F < C do
- begin
- G := 0;
- While (F + G < C) and (S [F + G] <> ',') do
- Inc (G);
- Inc (L);
- Count := L;
- if G = 0 then
- Item [L - 1] := nil else
- Item [L - 1] := StrToPointer (Copy (S, F, G));
- Inc (F, G + 1);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure APointerArray.Assign (const Source : TObject);
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if Source is APointerArray then
- begin
- L := APointerArray (Source).Count;
- Count := L;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Item [I] := APointerArray (Source).Item [I];
- end else
- inherited Assign (Source);
- End;
- Function APointerArray.IsEqual (const V : TObject) : Boolean;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if V is APointerArray then
- begin
- L := APointerArray (V).Count;
- Result := L = Count;
- if not Result then
- exit;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- if Item [I] <> APointerArray (V).Item [I] then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- end else
- Result := inherited IsEqual (V);
- End;
- Function APointerArray.AddArray (const V : AArray) : Integer;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if V is APointerArray then
- begin
- Result := Count;
- L := V.Count;
- Count := Result + L;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Item [Result + I] := APointerArray (V) [I];
- end else
- begin
- TypeError (ObjectClassName (self) + ' can not add array ' + ObjectClassName (V));
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Procedure APointerArray.Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- Begin
- J := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- C := GetCount;
- L := MinI (Count, C - J);
- if L > 0 then
- begin
- For I := J to J + C - 1 do
- SetItem (I, GetItem (I + Count));
- SetCount (C - L);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure APointerArray.Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if Count <= 0 then
- exit;
- C := GetCount;
- SetCount (C + Count);
- J := MinI (MaxI (Idx, 0), C);
- L := C - J;
- For I := C - 1 downto C - L do
- SetItem (I + Count, GetItem (I));
- End;
- { }
- { AStringArray }
- { }
- Procedure AStringArray.ExchangeItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer);
- var I : String;
- Begin
- I := Item [Idx1];
- Item [Idx1] := Item [Idx2];
- Item [Idx2] := I;
- End;
- Function AStringArray.AddItem (const Value : String) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Count;
- Count := Result + 1;
- Item [Result] := Value;
- End;
- Function AStringArray.GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : StringArray;
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := H - L + 1;
- SetLength (Result, C);
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- Result [I] := Item [L + I];
- End;
- Function AStringArray.DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray;
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := AStringArray (CreateInstance);
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := H - L + 1;
- AStringArray (Result).Count := C;
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- AStringArray (Result) [I] := Item [L + I];
- End;
- Procedure AStringArray.SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : StringArray);
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := MinI (Length (V), H - L + 1);
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- Item [L + I] := V [I];
- End;
- Procedure AStringArray.Fill (const Idx, Count : Integer; const Value : String);
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- For I := Idx to Idx + Count - 1 do
- Item [I] := Value;
- End;
- Function AStringArray.AddArray (const V : StringArray) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Count;
- Count := Result + Length (V);
- Range [Result, Count - 1] := V;
- End;
- Function AStringArray.CompareItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer) : TCompareResult;
- var I, J : String;
- Begin
- I := Item [Idx1];
- J := Item [Idx2];
- if I < J then
- Result := crLess else
- if I > J then
- Result := crGreater else
- Result := crEqual;
- End;
- Function AStringArray.PosNext (const Find : String; const PrevPos : Integer; const IsSortedAscending : Boolean) : Integer;
- var I, L, H : Integer;
- D : String;
- Begin
- if IsSortedAscending then // binary search
- begin
- if MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) = 0 then // find first
- begin
- L := 0;
- H := Count - 1;
- Repeat
- I := (L + H) div 2;
- D := Item [I];
- if D = Find then
- begin
- While (I > 0) and (Item [I - 1] = Find) do
- Dec (I);
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end else
- if D > Find then
- H := I - 1 else
- L := I + 1;
- Until L > H;
- Result := -1;
- end else // find next
- if PrevPos >= Count - 1 then
- Result := -1 else
- if Item [PrevPos + 1] = Find then
- Result := PrevPos + 1 else
- Result := -1;
- end else // linear search
- begin
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Count - 1 do
- if Item [I] = Find then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Function AStringArray.GetAsString : String;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Count;
- if L = 0 then
- begin
- Result := '';
- exit;
- end;
- Result := UnquoteText (Item [0]);
- For I := 1 to L - 1 do
- Result := Result + ',' + UnquoteText (Item [I]);
- Result := Result;
- End;
- Procedure AStringArray.SetAsString (const S : String);
- var F, G, L, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := Length (S);
- if L = 0 then
- begin
- Count := 0;
- exit;
- end;
- L := 0;
- F := 2;
- C := Length (S);
- While F < C do
- begin
- G := 0;
- While (F + G < C) and (S [F + G] <> ',') do
- Inc (G);
- Inc (L);
- Count := L;
- if G = 0 then
- Item [L - 1] := '' else
- Item [L - 1] := QuoteText (Copy (S, F, G));
- Inc (F, G + 1);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure AStringArray.Assign (const Source : TObject);
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if Source is AStringArray then
- begin
- L := AStringArray (Source).Count;
- Count := L;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Item [I] := AStringArray (Source).Item [I];
- end else
- inherited Assign (Source);
- End;
- Function AStringArray.IsEqual (const V : TObject) : Boolean;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if V is AStringArray then
- begin
- L := AStringArray (V).Count;
- Result := L = Count;
- if not Result then
- exit;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- if Item [I] <> AStringArray (V).Item [I] then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- end else
- Result := inherited IsEqual (V);
- End;
- Function AStringArray.AddArray (const V : AArray) : Integer;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if V is AStringArray then
- begin
- Result := Count;
- L := V.Count;
- Count := Result + L;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Item [Result + I] := AStringArray (V) [I];
- end else
- begin
- TypeError (ObjectClassName (self) + ' can not add array ' + ObjectClassName (V));
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- Procedure AStringArray.Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- Begin
- J := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- C := GetCount;
- L := MinI (Count, C - J);
- if L > 0 then
- begin
- For I := J to J + C - 1 do
- SetItem (I, GetItem (I + Count));
- SetCount (C - L);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure AStringArray.Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if Count <= 0 then
- exit;
- C := GetCount;
- SetCount (C + Count);
- J := MinI (MaxI (Idx, 0), C);
- L := C - J;
- For I := C - 1 downto C - L do
- SetItem (I + Count, GetItem (I));
- End;
- { }
- { ABitArray }
- { }
- Function ABitArray.GetRange (const Idx : Integer) : LongWord;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := 0;
- For I := 0 to BitsPerLongWord - 1 do
- if Bit [Idx + I] then
- Result := Result or BitMaskTable [I];
- End;
- Procedure ABitArray.SetRange (const Idx : Integer; const Value : LongWord);
- var I : Integer;
- C : LongWord;
- Begin
- C := 1;
- For I := Idx to Idx + BitsPerLongWord - 1 do
- begin
- Bit [I] := Value and C <> 0;
- C := C shl 1;
- end;
- End;
- Procedure ABitArray.Fill (const Idx, Count : Integer; const Value : Boolean);
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- For I := Idx to Idx + Count - 1 do
- Bit [I] := Value;
- End;
- Function ABitArray.CompareRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const Value : Boolean) : Boolean;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- For I := LoIdx to HiIdx do
- if Bit [I] <> Value then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := True;
- End;
- Procedure ABitArray.Assign (const Source : TObject);
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if Source is ABitArray then
- begin
- L := AArray (Source).Count;
- Count := L;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Bit [I] := ABitArray (Source) [I];
- end else
- inherited Assign (Source);
- End;
- Function ABitArray.IsEqual (const V : TObject) : Boolean;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if V is ABitArray then
- begin
- L := AArray (V).Count;
- if Count <> L then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- if Bit [I] <> ABitArray (V) [I] then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := True;
- end else
- Result := inherited IsEqual (V);
- End;
- Procedure ABitArray.ExchangeItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer);
- var I : Boolean;
- Begin
- I := Bit [Idx1];
- Bit [Idx1] := Bit [Idx2];
- Bit [Idx2] := I;
- End;
- Function ABitArray.AddItem (const Value : Boolean) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Count;
- Count := Result + 1;
- Bit [Result] := Value;
- End;
- Function ABitArray.CompareItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer) : TCompareResult;
- Begin
- Result := cUtils.Compare (Bit [Idx1], Bit [Idx2]);
- End;
- Procedure ABitArray.Invert;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- For I := 0 to Count - 1 do
- Bit [I] := not Bit [I];
- End;
- Function ABitArray.Find (const Value : Boolean; const Start : Integer; const FindForward : Boolean) : Integer;
- var I, C : Integer;
- Begin
- I := Start;
- C := Count;
- if FindForward then
- begin
- While (I < C) and (Bit [I] <> Value) do
- Inc (I);
- if I < C then
- Result := I else
- Result := -1;
- end else
- begin
- I := MinI (I, C);
- While (I >= 0) and (Bit [I] <> Value) do
- Dec (I);
- Result := I;
- end;
- End;
- Function ABitArray.FindRange (const Value : Boolean; const Start : Integer; const Count : Integer; const FindForward : Boolean) : Integer;
- var I, C, F : Integer;
- Begin
- I := Start;
- if FindForward then
- begin
- C := self.Count;
- F := 0;
- While (I + F < C) and (F < Count) do
- if Bit [I + F] = Value then
- Inc (F) else
- begin
- Inc (I, F + 1);
- F := 0;
- end;
- if F < Count then
- Result := -1 else
- Result := I;
- end else
- begin
- F := 0;
- While (I - F >= 0) and (F < Count) do
- if Bit [I - F] = Value then
- Inc (F) else
- begin
- Dec (I, F + 1);
- F := 0;
- end;
- if F < Count then
- Result := -1 else
- Result := I - F + 1;
- end;
- End;
- Procedure ABitArray.Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer);
- var I, C : Integer;
- Begin
- C := GetCount;
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (Idx < 0) or (Idx + Count > C) then
- IndexError (Idx);
- {$ENDIF}
- For I := Idx + Count to C - 1 do
- SetBit (I - Count, GetBit (I));
- SetCount (C - Count);
- End;
- Procedure ABitArray.Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer);
- var I, C : Integer;
- Begin
- C := GetCount;
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (Idx < 0) or (Idx > C) then
- IndexError (Idx);
- {$ENDIF}
- SetCount (C + Count);
- For I := Idx to C - 1 do
- SetBit (I + Count, GetBit (I));
- Fill (Idx, Idx + Count - 1, False);
- End;
- Function ABitArray.DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray;
- var I, C : Integer;
- Begin
- C := GetCount;
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (LoIdx < 0) or (LoIdx > HiIdx) or (HiIdx >= C) then
- IndexError (HiIdx);
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := ABitArray (CreateInstance);
- C := HiIdx - LoIdx + 1;
- Result.Count := C;
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- ABitArray (Result) [I] := GetBit (LoIdx + I);
- End;
- Function ABitArray.AddArray (const V : AArray) : Integer;
- var I, C : Integer;
- Begin
- if V is ABitArray then
- begin
- Result := Count;
- C := ABitArray (V).Count;
- if C = 0 then
- exit;
- SetCount (Result + C);
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- SetBit (Result + I, ABitArray (V).GetBit (I));
- end else
- begin
- TypeError (ObjectClassName (self) + ' can not add array ' + ObjectClassName (V));
- Result := -1;
- end;
- End;
- { }
- { AObjectArray }
- { }
- Procedure AObjectArray.Clear;
- Begin
- if IsItemOwner then
- FreeItems else
- ReleaseItems;
- End;
- Procedure AObjectArray.Assign (const Source : TObject);
- var I, L : Integer;
- V, S : TObject;
- Begin
- S := Source;
- if S is AObjectArray then
- begin
- FreeItems;
- IsItemOwner := AObjectArray (S).IsItemOwner;
- L := AArray (S).Count;
- Count := L;
- if GetIsItemOwner then
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- begin
- V := AObjectArray (S) [I];
- if V is AArray then
- Item [I] := AArray (V).Duplicate else
- Item [I] := V;
- end
- else
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Item [I] := AObjectArray (S) [I];
- end else
- inherited Assign (Source);
- End;
- Function AObjectArray.IsEqual (const V : TObject) : Boolean;
- var I, L : Integer;
- A, B : TObject;
- Begin
- if V is AObjectArray then
- begin
- L := AArray (V).Count;
- if Count <> L then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- begin
- A := Item [I];
- B := AObjectArray (V) [I];
- Result := A = B;
- if not Result then
- exit;
- end;
- Result := True;
- end else
- Result := inherited IsEqual (V);
- End;
- Function AObjectArray.Compare (const V : TObject) : TCompareResult;
- var I, C1, C2 : Integer;
- A, B : TObject;
- Begin
- if V is AObjectArray then
- begin
- C1 := GetCount;
- C2 := AObjectArray (V).GetCount;
- if C1 < C2 then
- Result := crLess else
- if C1 > C2 then
- Result := crGreater else
- begin
- Result := crEqual;
- For I := 0 to GetCount - 1 do
- begin
- A := Item [I];
- B := AObjectArray (V) [I];
- if A <> B then
- begin
- Result := crUndefined;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end else
- Result := inherited Compare (V);
- End;
- Procedure AObjectArray.ExchangeItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer);
- var I : TObject;
- Begin
- I := Item [Idx1];
- Item [Idx1] := Item [Idx2];
- Item [Idx2] := I;
- End;
- Function AObjectArray.AddItem (const Value : TObject) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Count;
- Count := Result + 1;
- Item [Result] := Value;
- End;
- Function AObjectArray.AddArray (const V : ObjectArray) : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := Count;
- Count := Result + Length (V);
- Range [Result, Count - 1] := V;
- End;
- Function AObjectArray.AddArray (const V : AArray) : Integer;
- var I, L : Integer;
- Begin
- if V is AObjectArray then
- begin
- Result := Count;
- L := V.Count;
- Count := Result + L;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- Item [Result + I] := AObjectArray (V) [I];
- end else
- Result := inherited AddArray (V);
- End;
- Procedure AObjectArray.Delete (const Idx, Count : Integer);
- var I, C, J, L : Integer;
- Begin
- J := MaxI (Idx, 0);
- C := GetCount;
- L := MinI (Count, C - J);
- if L > 0 then
- begin
- For I := J to J + C - 1 do
- SetItem (Idx + I, GetItem (Idx + Count + I));
- SetCount (C - L);
- end;
- End;
- Function AObjectArray.PosNext (const Find : TObject; const PrevPos : Integer) : Integer;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Count - 1 do
- if Find = Item [I] then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := -1;
- End;
- Function AObjectArray.PosNext (var Item : TObject; const ClassType : TClass; const PrevPos : Integer) : Integer;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Count - 1 do
- begin
- Item := GetItem (I);
- if Item.InheritsFrom (ClassType) then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- Item := nil;
- Result := -1;
- End;
- Function AObjectArray.PosNext (var Item : TObject; const ClassName : String; const PrevPos : Integer) : Integer;
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- For I := MaxI (PrevPos + 1, 0) to Count - 1 do
- begin
- Item := GetItem (I);
- if Assigned (Item) and Item.ClassNameIs (ClassName) then
- begin
- Result := I;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- Item := nil;
- Result := -1;
- End;
- Function AObjectArray.Find (const ClassType : TClass; const Count : Integer) : TObject;
- var I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- I := -1;
- For J := 1 to Count do
- begin
- I := PosNext (Result, ClassType, I);
- if I = -1 then
- break;
- end;
- if I = -1 then
- Result := nil;
- End;
- Function AObjectArray.Find (const ClassName : String; const Count : Integer) : TObject;
- var I, J : Integer;
- Begin
- I := -1;
- For J := 1 to Count do
- begin
- I := PosNext (Result, ClassName, I);
- if I = -1 then
- break;
- end;
- if I = -1 then
- Result := nil;
- End;
- Function AObjectArray.FindAll (const ClassType : TClass) : ObjectArray;
- var I : Integer;
- V : TObject;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, 0);
- I := PosNext (V, ClassType);
- While I >= 0 do
- begin
- Append (Result, V);
- I := PosNext (V, ClassType, I);
- end;
- End;
- Function AObjectArray.FindAll (const ClassName : String) : ObjectArray;
- var I : Integer;
- V : TObject;
- Begin
- SetLength (Result, 0);
- I := PosNext (V, ClassName);
- While I >= 0 do
- begin
- Append (Result, V);
- I := PosNext (V, ClassName, I);
- end;
- End;
- Function AObjectArray.CountItems (const ClassType : TClass) : Integer;
- var I : Integer;
- V : TObject;
- Begin
- Result := 0;
- I := PosNext (V, ClassType);
- While I >= 0 do
- begin
- Inc (Result);
- I := PosNext (V, ClassType, I);
- end;
- End;
- Function AObjectArray.CountItems (const ClassName : String) : Integer;
- var I : Integer;
- V : TObject;
- Begin
- Result := 0;
- I := PosNext (V, ClassName);
- While I >= 0 do
- begin
- Inc (Result);
- I := PosNext (V, ClassName, I);
- end;
- End;
- Function AObjectArray.CompareItems (const Idx1, Idx2 : Integer) : TCompareResult;
- var A, B : TObject;
- Begin
- A := Item [Idx1];
- B := Item [Idx2];
- if A = B then
- Result := crEqual else
- Result := crUndefined;
- End;
- Function AObjectArray.GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : ObjectArray;
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := H - L + 1;
- SetLength (Result, C);
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- Result [L + I] := Item [I];
- End;
- Procedure AObjectArray.SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : ObjectArray);
- var I, L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (Count - 1, HiIdx);
- C := MinI (Length (V), H - L + 1);
- For I := 0 to C - 1 do
- Item [L + I] := V [I];
- End;
- Function AObjectArray.GetAsString : String;
- var I, L : Integer;
- V : TObject;
- Begin
- Result := '';
- L := Count;
- For I := 0 to L - 1 do
- begin
- V := Item [I];
- Result := Result + PointerToStr (V);
- if I < L - 1 then
- Result := Result + ',';
- end;
- End;
- { }
- { }
- { }
- { Allocation strategy used in array implementations to reduce memory copies: }
- { i) For Count <= 16 or for the first allocation: allocate the exact size. }
- { ii) For growing blocks: pre-allocate 1/8th of NewCount. }
- { iii) For shrinking blocks: shrink actual allocation when Count is less }
- { than half of the allocated size. }
- { }
- { }
- { TIntegerArray }
- { }
- Procedure TIntegerArray.SetItem (const Idx : Integer; const Value : Integer);
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= FCount) then
- IndexError (Idx);
- {$ENDIF}
- FData [Idx] := Value;
- End;
- Function TIntegerArray.GetItem (const Idx : Integer) : Integer;
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= FCount) then
- IndexError (Idx);
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := FData [Idx];
- End;
- Function TIntegerArray.GetCount : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := FCount;
- End;
- Procedure TIntegerArray.SetCount (const NewCount : Integer);
- var L, N : Integer;
- Begin
- if FCount = NewCount then
- exit;
- FCount := NewCount;
- N := NewCount;
- L := Length (FData);
- if (N > 16) and (L > 0) then
- if N > L then
- N := N + N shr 3 else
- if N > L shr 1 then
- exit;
- if N <> L then
- SetLengthAndZero (FData, N);
- End;
- Procedure TIntegerArray.Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1);
- Begin
- FCount := MaxI (FCount - Remove (FData, Idx, Count), 0);
- if FCount = 0 then
- FData := nil;
- End;
- Procedure TIntegerArray.Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1);
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- I := ArrayInsert (FData, Idx, Count);
- if I >= 0 then
- Inc (FCount, Count);
- End;
- Function TIntegerArray.GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : IntegerArray;
- var L, H : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (HiIdx, FCount);
- if H >= L then
- Result := Copy (FData, L, H - L + 1) else
- Result := nil;
- End;
- Procedure TIntegerArray.SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : IntegerArray);
- var L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (HiIdx, FCount);
- C := MaxI (MinI (Length (V), H - L + 1), 0);
- if C > 0 then
- Move (V [0], FData [L], C * Sizeof (Integer));
- End;
- Constructor TIntegerArray.Create (const V : IntegerArray);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- SetData (V);
- End;
- class Function TIntegerArray.CreateInstance : AType;
- Begin
- Result := TIntegerArray.Create;
- End;
- Procedure TIntegerArray.SetData (const Data : IntegerArray);
- Begin
- FData := Data;
- FCount := Length (FData);
- End;
- Function TIntegerArray.DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray;
- var L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (HiIdx, FCount);
- C := MaxI (0, H - L + 1);
- Result := CreateInstance as TIntegerArray;
- TIntegerArray (Result).FCount := C;
- if C > 0 then
- TIntegerArray (Result).FData := Copy (FData, L, C);
- End;
- Procedure TIntegerArray.Assign (const V : IntegerArray);
- Begin
- FData := Copy (V);
- FCount := Length (FData);
- End;
- Procedure TIntegerArray.Assign (const V : array of Integer);
- Begin
- FData := AsIntegerArray (V);
- FCount := Length (FData);
- End;
- Procedure TIntegerArray.Assign (const Source : TObject);
- Begin
- if Source is TIntegerArray then
- begin
- FCount := TIntegerArray (Source).FCount;
- FData := Copy (TIntegerArray (Source).FData, 0, FCount);
- end else
- inherited Assign (Source);
- End;
- { }
- { TCardinalArray }
- { }
- Procedure TCardinalArray.SetItem (const Idx : Integer; const Value : Cardinal);
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= FCount) then
- IndexError (Idx);
- {$ENDIF}
- FData [Idx] := Value;
- End;
- Function TCardinalArray.GetItem (const Idx : Integer) : Cardinal;
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= FCount) then
- IndexError (Idx);
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := FData [Idx];
- End;
- Function TCardinalArray.GetCount : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := FCount;
- End;
- Procedure TCardinalArray.SetCount (const NewCount : Integer);
- var L, N : Integer;
- Begin
- if FCount = NewCount then
- exit;
- FCount := NewCount;
- N := NewCount;
- L := Length (FData);
- if (N > 16) and (L > 0) then
- if N > L then
- N := N + N shr 3 else
- if N > L shr 1 then
- exit;
- if N <> L then
- SetLengthAndZero (FData, N);
- End;
- Procedure TCardinalArray.Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1);
- Begin
- FCount := MaxI (FCount - Remove (FData, Idx, Count), 0);
- if FCount = 0 then
- FData := nil;
- End;
- Procedure TCardinalArray.Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1);
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- I := ArrayInsert (FData, Idx, Count);
- if I >= 0 then
- Inc (FCount, Count);
- End;
- Function TCardinalArray.GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : CardinalArray;
- var L, H : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (HiIdx, FCount);
- if H >= L then
- Result := Copy (FData, L, H - L + 1) else
- Result := nil;
- End;
- Procedure TCardinalArray.SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : CardinalArray);
- var L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (HiIdx, FCount);
- C := MaxI (MinI (Length (V), H - L + 1), 0);
- if C > 0 then
- Move (V [0], FData [L], C * Sizeof (Cardinal));
- End;
- Constructor TCardinalArray.Create (const V : CardinalArray);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- SetData (V);
- End;
- class Function TCardinalArray.CreateInstance : AType;
- Begin
- Result := TCardinalArray.Create;
- End;
- Procedure TCardinalArray.SetData (const Data : CardinalArray);
- Begin
- FData := Data;
- FCount := Length (FData);
- End;
- Function TCardinalArray.DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray;
- var L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (HiIdx, FCount);
- C := MaxI (0, H - L + 1);
- Result := CreateInstance as TCardinalArray;
- TCardinalArray (Result).FCount := C;
- if C > 0 then
- TCardinalArray (Result).FData := Copy (FData, L, C);
- End;
- Procedure TCardinalArray.Assign (const V : CardinalArray);
- Begin
- FData := Copy (V);
- FCount := Length (FData);
- End;
- Procedure TCardinalArray.Assign (const V : array of Cardinal);
- Begin
- FData := AsCardinalArray (V);
- FCount := Length (FData);
- End;
- Procedure TCardinalArray.Assign (const Source : TObject);
- Begin
- if Source is TCardinalArray then
- begin
- FCount := TCardinalArray (Source).FCount;
- FData := Copy (TCardinalArray (Source).FData, 0, FCount);
- end else
- inherited Assign (Source);
- End;
- { }
- { TInt64Array }
- { }
- Procedure TInt64Array.SetItem (const Idx : Integer; const Value : Int64);
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= FCount) then
- IndexError (Idx);
- {$ENDIF}
- FData [Idx] := Value;
- End;
- Function TInt64Array.GetItem (const Idx : Integer) : Int64;
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= FCount) then
- IndexError (Idx);
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := FData [Idx];
- End;
- Function TInt64Array.GetCount : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := FCount;
- End;
- Procedure TInt64Array.SetCount (const NewCount : Integer);
- var L, N : Integer;
- Begin
- if FCount = NewCount then
- exit;
- FCount := NewCount;
- N := NewCount;
- L := Length (FData);
- if (N > 16) and (L > 0) then
- if N > L then
- N := N + N shr 3 else
- if N > L shr 1 then
- exit;
- if N <> L then
- SetLengthAndZero (FData, N);
- End;
- Procedure TInt64Array.Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1);
- Begin
- FCount := MaxI (FCount - Remove (FData, Idx, Count), 0);
- if FCount = 0 then
- FData := nil;
- End;
- Procedure TInt64Array.Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1);
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- I := ArrayInsert (FData, Idx, Count);
- if I >= 0 then
- Inc (FCount, Count);
- End;
- Function TInt64Array.GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : Int64Array;
- var L, H : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (HiIdx, FCount);
- if H >= L then
- Result := Copy (FData, L, H - L + 1) else
- Result := nil;
- End;
- Procedure TInt64Array.SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : Int64Array);
- var L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (HiIdx, FCount);
- C := MaxI (MinI (Length (V), H - L + 1), 0);
- if C > 0 then
- Move (V [0], FData [L], C * Sizeof (Int64));
- End;
- Constructor TInt64Array.Create (const V : Int64Array);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- SetData (V);
- End;
- class Function TInt64Array.CreateInstance : AType;
- Begin
- Result := TInt64Array.Create;
- End;
- Procedure TInt64Array.SetData (const Data : Int64Array);
- Begin
- FData := Data;
- FCount := Length (FData);
- End;
- Function TInt64Array.DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray;
- var L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (HiIdx, FCount);
- C := MaxI (0, H - L + 1);
- Result := CreateInstance as TInt64Array;
- TInt64Array (Result).FCount := C;
- if C > 0 then
- TInt64Array (Result).FData := Copy (FData, L, C);
- End;
- Procedure TInt64Array.Assign (const V : Int64Array);
- Begin
- FData := Copy (V);
- FCount := Length (FData);
- End;
- Procedure TInt64Array.Assign (const V : array of Int64);
- Begin
- FData := AsInt64Array (V);
- FCount := Length (FData);
- End;
- Procedure TInt64Array.Assign (const Source : TObject);
- Begin
- if Source is TInt64Array then
- begin
- FCount := TInt64Array (Source).FCount;
- FData := Copy (TInt64Array (Source).FData, 0, FCount);
- end else
- inherited Assign (Source);
- End;
- { }
- { TSingleArray }
- { }
- Procedure TSingleArray.SetItem (const Idx : Integer; const Value : Single);
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= FCount) then
- IndexError (Idx);
- {$ENDIF}
- FData [Idx] := Value;
- End;
- Function TSingleArray.GetItem (const Idx : Integer) : Single;
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= FCount) then
- IndexError (Idx);
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := FData [Idx];
- End;
- Function TSingleArray.GetCount : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := FCount;
- End;
- Procedure TSingleArray.SetCount (const NewCount : Integer);
- var L, N : Integer;
- Begin
- if FCount = NewCount then
- exit;
- FCount := NewCount;
- N := NewCount;
- L := Length (FData);
- if (N > 16) and (L > 0) then
- if N > L then
- N := N + N shr 3 else
- if N > L shr 1 then
- exit;
- if N <> L then
- SetLengthAndZero (FData, N);
- End;
- Procedure TSingleArray.Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1);
- Begin
- FCount := MaxI (FCount - Remove (FData, Idx, Count), 0);
- if FCount = 0 then
- FData := nil;
- End;
- Procedure TSingleArray.Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1);
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- I := ArrayInsert (FData, Idx, Count);
- if I >= 0 then
- Inc (FCount, Count);
- End;
- Function TSingleArray.GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : SingleArray;
- var L, H : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (HiIdx, FCount);
- if H >= L then
- Result := Copy (FData, L, H - L + 1) else
- Result := nil;
- End;
- Procedure TSingleArray.SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : SingleArray);
- var L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (HiIdx, FCount);
- C := MaxI (MinI (Length (V), H - L + 1), 0);
- if C > 0 then
- Move (V [0], FData [L], C * Sizeof (Single));
- End;
- Constructor TSingleArray.Create (const V : SingleArray);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- SetData (V);
- End;
- class Function TSingleArray.CreateInstance : AType;
- Begin
- Result := TSingleArray.Create;
- End;
- Procedure TSingleArray.SetData (const Data : SingleArray);
- Begin
- FData := Data;
- FCount := Length (FData);
- End;
- Function TSingleArray.DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray;
- var L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (HiIdx, FCount);
- C := MaxI (0, H - L + 1);
- Result := CreateInstance as TSingleArray;
- TSingleArray (Result).FCount := C;
- if C > 0 then
- TSingleArray (Result).FData := Copy (FData, L, C);
- End;
- Procedure TSingleArray.Assign (const V : SingleArray);
- Begin
- FData := Copy (V);
- FCount := Length (FData);
- End;
- Procedure TSingleArray.Assign (const V : array of Single);
- Begin
- FData := AsSingleArray (V);
- FCount := Length (FData);
- End;
- Procedure TSingleArray.Assign (const Source : TObject);
- Begin
- if Source is TSingleArray then
- begin
- FCount := TSingleArray (Source).FCount;
- FData := Copy (TSingleArray (Source).FData, 0, FCount);
- end else
- inherited Assign (Source);
- End;
- { }
- { TDoubleArray }
- { }
- Procedure TDoubleArray.SetItem (const Idx : Integer; const Value : Double);
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= FCount) then
- IndexError (Idx);
- {$ENDIF}
- FData [Idx] := Value;
- End;
- Function TDoubleArray.GetItem (const Idx : Integer) : Double;
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= FCount) then
- IndexError (Idx);
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := FData [Idx];
- End;
- Function TDoubleArray.GetCount : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := FCount;
- End;
- Procedure TDoubleArray.SetCount (const NewCount : Integer);
- var L, N : Integer;
- Begin
- if FCount = NewCount then
- exit;
- FCount := NewCount;
- N := NewCount;
- L := Length (FData);
- if (N > 16) and (L > 0) then
- if N > L then
- N := N + N shr 3 else
- if N > L shr 1 then
- exit;
- if N <> L then
- SetLengthAndZero (FData, N);
- End;
- Procedure TDoubleArray.Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1);
- Begin
- FCount := MaxI (FCount - Remove (FData, Idx, Count), 0);
- if FCount = 0 then
- FData := nil;
- End;
- Procedure TDoubleArray.Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1);
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- I := ArrayInsert (FData, Idx, Count);
- if I >= 0 then
- Inc (FCount, Count);
- End;
- Function TDoubleArray.GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : DoubleArray;
- var L, H : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (HiIdx, FCount);
- if H >= L then
- Result := Copy (FData, L, H - L + 1) else
- Result := nil;
- End;
- Procedure TDoubleArray.SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : DoubleArray);
- var L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (HiIdx, FCount);
- C := MaxI (MinI (Length (V), H - L + 1), 0);
- if C > 0 then
- Move (V [0], FData [L], C * Sizeof (Double));
- End;
- Constructor TDoubleArray.Create (const V : DoubleArray);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- SetData (V);
- End;
- class Function TDoubleArray.CreateInstance : AType;
- Begin
- Result := TDoubleArray.Create;
- End;
- Procedure TDoubleArray.SetData (const Data : DoubleArray);
- Begin
- FData := Data;
- FCount := Length (FData);
- End;
- Function TDoubleArray.DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray;
- var L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (HiIdx, FCount);
- C := MaxI (0, H - L + 1);
- Result := CreateInstance as TDoubleArray;
- TDoubleArray (Result).FCount := C;
- if C > 0 then
- TDoubleArray (Result).FData := Copy (FData, L, C);
- End;
- Procedure TDoubleArray.Assign (const V : DoubleArray);
- Begin
- FData := Copy (V);
- FCount := Length (FData);
- End;
- Procedure TDoubleArray.Assign (const V : array of Double);
- Begin
- FData := AsDoubleArray (V);
- FCount := Length (FData);
- End;
- Procedure TDoubleArray.Assign (const Source : TObject);
- Begin
- if Source is TDoubleArray then
- begin
- FCount := TDoubleArray (Source).FCount;
- FData := Copy (TDoubleArray (Source).FData, 0, FCount);
- end else
- inherited Assign (Source);
- End;
- { }
- { TExtendedArray }
- { }
- Procedure TExtendedArray.SetItem (const Idx : Integer; const Value : Extended);
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= FCount) then
- IndexError (Idx);
- {$ENDIF}
- FData [Idx] := Value;
- End;
- Function TExtendedArray.GetItem (const Idx : Integer) : Extended;
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= FCount) then
- IndexError (Idx);
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := FData [Idx];
- End;
- Function TExtendedArray.GetCount : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := FCount;
- End;
- Procedure TExtendedArray.SetCount (const NewCount : Integer);
- var L, N : Integer;
- Begin
- if FCount = NewCount then
- exit;
- FCount := NewCount;
- N := NewCount;
- L := Length (FData);
- if (N > 16) and (L > 0) then
- if N > L then
- N := N + N shr 3 else
- if N > L shr 1 then
- exit;
- if N <> L then
- SetLengthAndZero (FData, N);
- End;
- Procedure TExtendedArray.Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1);
- Begin
- FCount := MaxI (FCount - Remove (FData, Idx, Count), 0);
- if FCount = 0 then
- FData := nil;
- End;
- Procedure TExtendedArray.Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1);
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- I := ArrayInsert (FData, Idx, Count);
- if I >= 0 then
- Inc (FCount, Count);
- End;
- Function TExtendedArray.GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : ExtendedArray;
- var L, H : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (HiIdx, FCount);
- if H >= L then
- Result := Copy (FData, L, H - L + 1) else
- Result := nil;
- End;
- Procedure TExtendedArray.SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : ExtendedArray);
- var L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (HiIdx, FCount);
- C := MaxI (MinI (Length (V), H - L + 1), 0);
- if C > 0 then
- Move (V [0], FData [L], C * Sizeof (Extended));
- End;
- Constructor TExtendedArray.Create (const V : ExtendedArray);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- SetData (V);
- End;
- class Function TExtendedArray.CreateInstance : AType;
- Begin
- Result := TExtendedArray.Create;
- End;
- Procedure TExtendedArray.SetData (const Data : ExtendedArray);
- Begin
- FData := Data;
- FCount := Length (FData);
- End;
- Function TExtendedArray.DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray;
- var L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (HiIdx, FCount);
- C := MaxI (0, H - L + 1);
- Result := CreateInstance as TExtendedArray;
- TExtendedArray (Result).FCount := C;
- if C > 0 then
- TExtendedArray (Result).FData := Copy (FData, L, C);
- End;
- Procedure TExtendedArray.Assign (const V : ExtendedArray);
- Begin
- FData := Copy (V);
- FCount := Length (FData);
- End;
- Procedure TExtendedArray.Assign (const V : array of Extended);
- Begin
- FData := AsExtendedArray (V);
- FCount := Length (FData);
- End;
- Procedure TExtendedArray.Assign (const Source : TObject);
- Begin
- if Source is TExtendedArray then
- begin
- FCount := TExtendedArray (Source).FCount;
- FData := Copy (TExtendedArray (Source).FData, 0, FCount);
- end else
- inherited Assign (Source);
- End;
- { }
- { TStringArray }
- { }
- Procedure TStringArray.SetItem (const Idx : Integer; const Value : String);
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= FCount) then
- IndexError (Idx);
- {$ENDIF}
- FData [Idx] := Value;
- End;
- Function TStringArray.GetItem (const Idx : Integer) : String;
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= FCount) then
- IndexError (Idx);
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := FData [Idx];
- End;
- Function TStringArray.GetCount : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := FCount;
- End;
- Procedure TStringArray.SetCount (const NewCount : Integer);
- var L, N : Integer;
- Begin
- if FCount = NewCount then
- exit;
- FCount := NewCount;
- N := NewCount;
- L := Length (FData);
- if (N > 16) and (L > 0) then
- if N > L then
- N := N + N shr 3 else
- if N > L shr 1 then
- exit;
- if N <> L then
- SetLength (FData, N);
- End;
- Procedure TStringArray.Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1);
- Begin
- FCount := MaxI (FCount - Remove (FData, Idx, Count), 0);
- if FCount = 0 then
- FData := nil;
- End;
- Procedure TStringArray.Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1);
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- I := ArrayInsert (FData, Idx, Count);
- if I >= 0 then
- Inc (FCount, Count);
- End;
- Function TStringArray.GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : StringArray;
- var L, H : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (HiIdx, FCount);
- if H >= L then
- Result := Copy (FData, L, H - L + 1) else
- Result := nil;
- End;
- Procedure TStringArray.SetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const V : StringArray);
- var L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (HiIdx, FCount);
- C := MaxI (MinI (Length (V), H - L + 1), 0);
- if C > 0 then
- Move (V [0], FData [L], C * Sizeof (String));
- End;
- Constructor TStringArray.Create (const V : StringArray);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- SetData (V);
- End;
- class Function TStringArray.CreateInstance : AType;
- Begin
- Result := TStringArray.Create;
- End;
- Procedure TStringArray.SetData (const Data : StringArray);
- Begin
- FData := Data;
- FCount := Length (FData);
- End;
- Function TStringArray.DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray;
- var L, H, C : Integer;
- Begin
- L := MaxI (0, LoIdx);
- H := MinI (HiIdx, FCount);
- C := MaxI (0, H - L + 1);
- Result := CreateInstance as TStringArray;
- TStringArray (Result).FCount := C;
- if C > 0 then
- TStringArray (Result).FData := Copy (FData, L, C);
- End;
- Procedure TStringArray.Assign (const V : StringArray);
- Begin
- FData := Copy (V);
- FCount := Length (FData);
- End;
- Procedure TStringArray.Assign (const V : array of String);
- Begin
- FData := AsStringArray (V);
- FCount := Length (FData);
- End;
- Procedure TStringArray.Assign (const Source : TObject);
- Begin
- if Source is TStringArray then
- begin
- FCount := TStringArray (Source).FCount;
- FData := Copy (TStringArray (Source).FData, 0, FCount);
- end else
- inherited Assign (Source);
- End;
- { }
- { TObjectArray }
- { }
- Procedure TObjectArray.FreeItems;
- Begin
- FreeObjectArray (FData);
- FData := nil;
- FCount := 0;
- End;
- Procedure TObjectArray.ReleaseItems;
- Begin
- FData := nil;
- FCount := 0;
- End;
- Function TObjectArray.GetIsItemOwner : Boolean;
- Begin
- Result := FIsItemOwner;
- End;
- Procedure TObjectArray.SetIsItemOwner (const IsItemOwner : Boolean);
- Begin
- FIsItemOwner := IsItemOwner;
- End;
- Procedure TObjectArray.SetItem (const Idx : Integer; const Value : TObject);
- var V : TObject;
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= FCount) then
- IndexError (Idx);
- {$ENDIF}
- if FIsItemOwner then
- begin
- V := FData [Idx];
- if V = Value then
- exit;
- FreeAndNil (V);
- end;
- FData [Idx] := Value;
- End;
- Function TObjectArray.GetItem (const Idx : Integer) : TObject;
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= FCount) then
- IndexError (Idx);
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := FData [Idx];
- End;
- Function TObjectArray.ReleaseItem (const Idx : Integer) : TObject;
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= FCount) then
- IndexError (Idx);
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := FData [Idx];
- if Assigned (Result) and FIsItemOwner then
- FData [Idx] := nil;
- End;
- Function TObjectArray.GetCount : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := FCount;
- End;
- Procedure TObjectArray.SetCount (const NewCount : Integer);
- var L, N : Integer;
- Begin
- if NewCount = FCount then
- exit;
- if (NewCount < FCount) and FIsItemOwner then
- FreeObjectArray (FData, NewCount, FCount - 1);
- FCount := NewCount;
- L := Length (FData);
- N := NewCount;
- if (N > 16) and (L > 0) then
- if N > L then
- N := N + N shr 3 else
- if N > L shr 1 then
- exit;
- if N <> L then
- SetLengthAndZero (FData, N);
- End;
- Function TObjectArray.GetRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : ObjectArray;
- Begin
- Result := Copy (FData, LoIdx, MinI (HiIdx, FCount - 1) - LoIdx + 1);
- End;
- Procedure TObjectArray.SetData (const Data : ObjectArray);
- Begin
- if FIsItemOwner then
- FreeItems;
- FData := Data;
- FCount := Length (FData);
- End;
- Constructor TObjectArray.Create (const V : ObjectArray; const IsItemOwner : Boolean);
- Begin
- inherited Create;
- FData := V;
- FIsItemOwner := IsItemOwner;
- FCount := Length (FData);
- End;
- class Function TObjectArray.CreateInstance : AType;
- Begin
- Result := TObjectArray.Create;
- End;
- Destructor TObjectArray.Destroy;
- Begin
- if FIsItemOwner then
- FreeItems;
- inherited Destroy;
- End;
- Function TObjectArray.DuplicateRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer) : AArray;
- var I : Integer;
- V : TObject;
- Begin
- Result := CreateInstance as TObjectArray;
- For I := LoIdx to MinI (HiIdx, FCount - 1) do
- begin
- V := FData [I];
- if V is AType then
- V := AType (V).Duplicate;
- TObjectArray (Result).AddItem (V);
- end;
- End;
- Procedure TObjectArray.Delete (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1);
- Begin
- FCount := MaxI (FCount - Remove (FData, Idx, Count, FIsItemOwner), 0);
- if FCount = 0 then
- FData := nil;
- End;
- Procedure TObjectArray.Insert (const Idx : Integer; const Count : Integer = 1);
- var I : Integer;
- Begin
- I := ArrayInsert (FData, Idx, Count);
- if I >= 0 then
- Inc (FCount, Count);
- End;
- { }
- { TFlatBitArray }
- { }
- const
- TrueLongWord : LongWord = $FFFFFFFF;
- FalseLongWord : LongWord = $00000000;
- class Function TFlatBitArray.CreateInstance : AType;
- Begin
- Result := TFlatBitArray.Create;
- End;
- Function TFlatBitArray.GetBit (const Idx : Integer) : Boolean;
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= FCount) then
- IndexError (Idx);
- {$ENDIF}
- Result := cUtils.IsBitSet (FData [Idx shr 5], Idx and 31);
- End;
- Procedure TFlatBitArray.SetBit (const Idx : Integer; const Value : Boolean);
- var L : ^LongWord;
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= FCount) then
- IndexError (Idx);
- {$ENDIF}
- L := @FData [Idx shr 5];
- if Value then
- L^ := cUtils.SetBit (L^, Idx and 31) else
- L^ := cUtils.ClearBit (L^, Idx and 31);
- End;
- Function TFlatBitArray.GetCount : Integer;
- Begin
- Result := FCount;
- End;
- Procedure TFlatBitArray.SetCount (const NewCount : Integer);
- Begin
- if NewCount = FCount then
- exit;
- SetLengthAndZero (FData, (NewCount + BitsPerLongWord - 1) div BitsPerLongWord);
- FCount := NewCount;
- End;
- Function TFlatBitArray.GetRange (const Idx : Integer) : LongWord;
- var F : Byte;
- I : Integer;
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= FCount) then
- IndexError (Idx);
- {$ENDIF}
- F := Idx and 31;
- I := Idx shr 5;
- if F = 0 then
- Result := FData [I] else
- begin
- Result := FData [I] shr F;
- if I + 1 < Length (FData) then
- Result := Result or (FData [I + 1] shl (BitsPerLongWord - F));
- end;
- End;
- Procedure TFlatBitArray.SetRange (const Idx : Integer; const Value : LongWord);
- var F : Byte;
- I : Integer;
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (Idx < 0) or (Idx >= FCount) then
- IndexError (Idx);
- {$ENDIF}
- F := Idx and 31;
- I := Idx shr 5;
- if F = 0 then
- FData [I] := Value else
- begin
- FData [I] := (FData [I] and LowBitMask (F))
- or (Value shl F);
- if I + 1 < Length (FData) then
- FData [I + 1] := (FData [I + 1] and HighBitMask (F))
- or (Value shr (BitsPerLongWord - F));
- end;
- End;
- Function TFlatBitArray.CompareRange (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const Value : Boolean) : Boolean;
- var B, I : LongWord;
- IL, IH : Integer;
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (LoIdx < 0) or (LoIdx > HiIdx) or (HiIdx >= FCount) then
- IndexError (HiIdx);
- {$ENDIF}
- // Check bits in FData [IL]
- IL := LoIdx shr 5;
- IH := HiIdx shr 5;
- B := HighBitMask (LoIdx and 31);
- I := FData [IL];
- if Value then
- Result := I or B = I else
- Result := I and not B = I;
- if not Result or (IL = IH) then
- exit;
- // Check bits in FData [IH]
- B := LowBitMask (HiIdx and 31);
- I := FData [IH];
- if Value then
- Result := I or B = I else
- Result := I and not B = I;
- if not Result or (IH = IL + 1) then
- exit;
- // Check bits in FStore [IL + 1..IR - 1]
- For I := IL + 1 to IH - 1 do
- if (Value and (FData [I] <> TrueLongWord)) or
- (not Value and (FData [I] <> FalseLongWord)) then
- begin
- Result := False;
- exit;
- end;
- Result := True;
- End;
- Procedure TFlatBitArray.Fill (const LoIdx, HiIdx : Integer; const Value : Boolean);
- var B, I : LongWord;
- IL, IH : Integer;
- Begin
- {$IFOPT R+}
- if (LoIdx < 0) or (LoIdx > HiIdx) or (HiIdx >= FCount) then
- IndexError (HiIdx);
- {$ENDIF}
- IL := LoIdx shr 5;
- IH := HiIdx shr 5;
- // Set bits in FData [IL]
- if IH = IL then
- B := RangeBitMask (LoIdx and 31, HiIdx and 31) else
- B := HighBitMask (LoIdx and 31);
- I := FData [IL];
- if Value then
- FData [IL] := I or B else
- FData [IL] := I and not B;
- if IH = IL then
- exit;
- // Set bits in FData [IH]
- B := LowBitMask (HiIdx and 31);
- I := FData [IH];
- if Value then
- FData [IH] := I or B else
- FData [IH] := I and not B;
- if IH = IL + 1 then
- exit;
- // Set bits in FData [IL + 1..IR - 1]
- For I := IL + 1 to IH - 1 do
- if Value then
- FData [I] := TrueLongWord else
- FData [I] := FalseLongWord;
- End;
- { }
- { Self testing code }
- { }
- Procedure SelfTest;
- var I : Integer;
- F : TIntegerArray;
- Begin
- // TIntegerArray
- F := TIntegerArray.Create;
- For I := 0 to 16384 do
- Assert (F.AddItem (I) = I, 'Array.Add');
- Assert (F.Count = 16385, 'Array.Count');
- For I := 0 to 16384 do
- Assert (F [I] = I, 'Array.GetItem');
- For I := 0 to 16384 do
- F [I] := I + 1;
- For I := 0 to 16384 do
- Assert (F [I] = I + 1, 'Array.SetItem');
- F.Delete (0, 1);
- Assert (F.Count = 16384, 'Array.Delete');
- For I := 0 to 16383 do
- Assert (F [I] = I + 2, 'Array.Delete');
- F.Insert (0, 2);
- F [0] := 0;
- F [1] := 1;
- For I := 0 to 16384 do
- Assert (F [I] = I, 'Array.Insert');
- F.Count := 4;
- Assert (F.Count = 4, 'Array.SetCount');
- F [0] := 9;
- F [1] := -2;
- F [2] := 3;
- F [3] := 4;
- F.Sort;
- Assert (F [0] = -2, 'Array.Sort');
- Assert (F [1] = 3, 'Array.Sort');
- Assert (F [2] = 4, 'Array.Sort');
- Assert (F [3] = 9, 'Array.Sort');
- F.Clear;
- Assert (F.Count = 0, 'Array.Clear');
- F.Free;
- End;
- end.