home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- unit UXlsRowColEntries;
- interface
- uses Classes, SysUtils, UXlsBaseRecords, UXlsBaseRecordLists, UXlsOtherRecords,
- XlsMessages, UXlsRangeRecords, UXlsBaseList, UXlsCellRecords, UXlsFormula,
- {$IFDEF ConditionalExpressions}{$if CompilerVersion >= 14} variants,{$IFEND}{$ENDIF} //Delphi 6 or above
- UXlsSST, UFlxMessages, UXlsColInfo;
- type
- TListClass= class of TBaseRowColRecordList;
- TBaseRowColList = class(TBaseList) //records are TBaseRowColRecordList
- {$INCLUDE TBaseRowColListHdr.inc}
- protected
- ListClass: TListClass;
- public
- procedure AddRecord(const aRecord: TBaseRowColRecord; const aRow: integer);
- procedure CopyFrom(const aList: TBaseRowColList);
- procedure SaveToStream(const DataStream: TStream);
- function TotalSize: int64;
- procedure InsertAndCopyRows(const FirstRow, LastRow, DestRow, aCount: integer; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo; const OnlyFormulas: boolean);
- procedure DeleteRows(const aRow, aCount: word; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);
- procedure ArrangeInsert(const InsPos, InsCount: integer; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);
- constructor Create(const aListClass: TListClass);
- end;
- TCellList = class (TBaseRowColList)//records are TCellRecordList
- private
- FRowRecordList: TRowRecordList;
- FColInfoList: TColInfoList;
- function GetValue(Row, Col: integer): TXlsCellValue;
- procedure SetValue(Row, Col: integer; const Value: TXlsCellValue);
- procedure FixFormulaTokens(const Formula: TFormulaRecord; const ShrFmlas: TShrFmlaRecordList);
- function GetMaxCol(Row: integer): integer;
- {$INCLUDE TCellListHdr.inc}
- public
- constructor Create(const aSST: TSST; const aRowRecordList: TRowRecordList; const aColInfoList: TColInfoList);
- property Value[Row,Col:integer]:TXlsCellValue read GetValue write SetValue;
- property MaxCol[Row: integer]: integer read GetMaxCol;
- procedure FixFormulas(const ShrFmlas: TShrFmlaRecordList);
- end;
- TCells = class
- private
- FRowList: TRowRecordList;
- FCellList: TCellList;
- public
- constructor Create(const aSST: TSST; const aColInfoList: TColInfoList);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure Clear;
- procedure CopyFrom(const aList: TCells);
- procedure SaveToStream(const DataStream: TStream);
- function TotalSize: int64;
- procedure InsertAndCopyRows(const FirstRow, LastRow, DestRow, aCount: integer; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo; const OnlyFormulas: boolean);
- procedure DeleteRows(const aRow, aCount: word; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);
- procedure ArrangeInsert(const InsPos, InsCount: integer; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);
- procedure AddRow(const aRecord: TRowRecord);
- procedure AddCell(const aRecord: TCellRecord; const aRow: integer);
- procedure AddMultipleCells(const aRecord: TMultipleValueRecord);
- property CellList: TCellList read FCellList;
- property RowList: TRowRecordList read FRowList;
- end;
- TRangeList = class(TBaseList) //records are TRangeEntry
- {$INCLUDE TRangeListHdr.inc}
- procedure CopyFrom(const aRangeList: TRangeList);
- procedure SaveToStream(const DataStream: TStream);
- function TotalSize: int64;
- procedure InsertAndCopyRows(const FirstRow, LastRow, DestRow, aCount: integer; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);
- procedure DeleteRows(const aRow, aCount: word; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);
- end;
- implementation
- { TBaseRowColList }
- {$INCLUDE TBaseRowColListImp.inc}
- procedure TBaseRowColList.AddRecord(const aRecord: TBaseRowColRecord; const aRow: integer);
- var
- i:integer;
- begin
- for i:= Count to aRow do Add(ListClass.Create);
- Items[aRow].Add(aRecord);
- end;
- procedure TBaseRowColList.ArrangeInsert(const InsPos, InsCount: integer; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);
- var
- i:integer;
- begin
- for i:=0 to Count-1 do Items[i].ArrangeInsert(InsPos, InsCount, SheetInfo);
- end;
- procedure TBaseRowColList.CopyFrom(const aList: TBaseRowColList);
- var
- i: integer;
- Tr: TBaseRowColRecordList;
- begin
- for i:=0 to aList.Count - 1 do
- begin
- Tr:= ListClass.Create;
- Tr.CopyFrom(aList[i]);
- Add(Tr);
- end;
- end;
- constructor TBaseRowColList.Create(const aListClass: TListClass);
- begin
- inherited Create(true);
- ListClass:=aListClass;
- end;
- procedure TBaseRowColList.DeleteRows(const aRow, aCount: word; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);
- var
- i, Max: integer;
- begin
- Max:=aRow+aCount ; if Max>Count then Max:= Count;
- for i:= Max-1 downto aRow do Delete(i);
- //Delete the cells. we have to look at all the formulas, not only those below arow
- ArrangeInsert(aRow, -aCount, SheetInfo);
- end;
- procedure TBaseRowColList.InsertAndCopyRows(const FirstRow, LastRow, DestRow,
- aCount: integer; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo; const OnlyFormulas: boolean);
- var
- i, k, z, a, CopyOffs, MyDestRow: integer;
- aRecordList: TBaseRowColRecordList;
- begin
- // Insert the cells. we have to look at all the formulas, not only those below destrow
- ArrangeInsert(DestRow, aCount*(LastRow-FirstRow+1), SheetInfo);
- //Copy the cells
- MyDestRow:=DestRow;
- CopyOffs:=0;
- for k:=1 to aCount do
- for i:=FirstRow to LastRow do
- begin
- aRecordList:= ListClass.Create;
- try
- if i+CopyOffs<Count then
- begin
- if OnlyFormulas then
- begin
- for a:=0 to Items[i+CopyOffs].Count-1 do
- if (Items[i+CopyOffs][a] is TFormulaRecord) then
- aRecordList.Add(Items[i+CopyOffs][a].CopyTo as TBaseRowColRecord);
- end else aRecordList.CopyFrom(Items[i+CopyOffs]);
- aRecordList.ArrangeCopyRows(MyDestRow);
- end;
- for z:= Count to MyDestRow-1 do Add(ListClass.Create);
- Insert(MyDestRow, aRecordList);
- aRecordList:=nil;
- finally
- FreeAndNil(aRecordList);
- end; //finally
- Inc(MyDestRow);
- if FirstRow>=DestRow then Inc(CopyOffs);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TBaseRowColList.SaveToStream(const DataStream: TStream);
- var
- i:integer;
- begin
- for i:=0 to Count-1 do Items[i].SaveToStream(DataStream);
- end;
- function TBaseRowColList.TotalSize: int64;
- var
- i:integer;
- begin
- Result:=0;
- for i:=0 to Count-1 do Result:=Result+Items[i].TotalSize;
- end;
- { TCellList }
- {$INCLUDE TCellListImp.inc}
- constructor TCellList.Create(const aSST: TSST; const aRowRecordList: TRowRecordList; const aColInfoList: TColInfoList);
- begin
- inherited Create(TCellRecordList);
- FSST:= aSST;
- FRowRecordList:=aRowRecordList;
- FColInfoList:=aColInfoList;
- end;
- function TCellList.GetValue(Row, Col: integer): TXlsCellValue;
- var
- Index: integer;
- begin
- if (Row<0) or (Row>Max_Rows) then raise Exception.CreateFmt(ErrInvalidRow,[Row]);
- if (Col>Max_Columns)or (Col<0) then raise Exception.CreateFmt(ErrInvalidCol,[Col]);
- if Row>=Count then begin; Result.Value:=Unassigned; Result.XF:=-1; Result.IsFormula:=false; exit; end;
- if Items[Row].Find(Col,Index) then
- begin
- Result.Value:=Items[Row][Index].Value;
- Result.XF:=Items[Row][Index].XF;
- Result.IsFormula:=Items[Row][Index] is TFormulaRecord;
- end else
- begin
- Result.Value:=Unassigned;
- Result.XF:=-1;
- Result.IsFormula:=false;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TCellList.SetValue(Row, Col: integer; const Value: TXlsCellValue);
- var
- Index: integer;
- XF, DefaultXF: integer;
- Found: boolean;
- Cell: TCellRecord;
- begin
- if (Row<0) or (Row>Max_Rows) then raise Exception.CreateFmt(ErrInvalidRow,[Row]);
- if (Col>Max_Columns)or (Col<0) then raise Exception.CreateFmt(ErrInvalidCol,[Col]);
- FRowRecordList.AddRow(Row);
- DefaultXF:=FRowRecordList[Row].XF;
- if DefaultXF<=0 then if FColInfoList.Find(Col, Index) then DefaultXF:=FColInfoList[Index].XF;
- Cell:=nil;
- Found:=(Row<Count) and Items[Row].Find(Col,Index);
- XF:=DefaultXF;
- if Found then XF:=Items[Row][Index].XF;
- if Value.XF>=0 then XF:=Value.XF;
- case VarType(Value.Value) of
- varEmpty,
- varNull : if (XF<>DefaultXF) then Cell:= TBlankRecord.CreateFromData(Row,Col,XF);
- varByte,
- varSmallint,
- varInteger,
- varSingle,
- varDouble,
- {$IFDEF ConditionalExpressions}{$if CompilerVersion >= 14} varInt64,{$IFEND}{$ENDIF} //Delphi 6 or above
- varCurrency : if IsRK(Value.Value) then Cell:= TRKRecord.CreateFromData(Row,Col,XF)
- else Cell:= TNumberRecord.CreateFromData(Row,Col,XF);
- varDate : Cell:= TLabelSSTRecord.CreateFromData(Row,Col,XF,FSST);
- varOleStr,
- varStrArg,
- varString : if (Value.Value='') then
- begin
- if (XF<>DefaultXF) then Cell:= TBlankRecord.CreateFromData(Row,Col,XF);
- end
- else Cell:= TLabelSSTRecord.CreateFromData(Row,Col,XF,FSST);
- varBoolean : Cell:= TBoolErrRecord.CreateFromData(Row,Col,XF);
- end; //case
- if Found then Items[Row].Delete(Index);
- if Cell=nil then exit;
- if Col+1> FRowRecordList[Row].MaxCol then FRowRecordList[Row].MaxCol:=Col+1;
- if Col< FRowRecordList[Row].MinCol then FRowRecordList[Row].MinCol:=Col;
- Cell.Value:=Value.Value;
- if Row>=Count then AddRecord(Cell, Row) else Items[Row].Insert(Index, Cell);
- end;
- procedure TCellList.FixFormulaTokens(const Formula: TFormulaRecord; const ShrFmlas: TShrFmlaRecordList);
- var
- Key: Cardinal;
- Index: integer;
- begin
- if not Formula.IsExp(Key) then exit;
- if not ShrFmlas.Find(Key, Index) then raise Exception.Create(ErrShrFmlaNotFound);
- Formula.MixShared(ShrFmlas[Index].Data, ShrFmlas[Index].DataSize);
- end;
- procedure TCellList.FixFormulas(const ShrFmlas: TShrFmlaRecordList);
- var
- i, k: integer;
- it: TCellRecordList;
- OldFormulaSize: integer;
- begin
- for i:=0 to Count-1 do
- begin
- it:=Items[i];
- for k:=0 to it.Count-1 do
- if it.Items[k] is TFormulaRecord then
- begin
- OldFormulaSize:=(it.Items[k] as TFormulaRecord).DataSize;
- FixFormulaTokens(it.Items[k] as TFormulaRecord, ShrFmlas);
- it.AdaptSize((it.Items[k] as TFormulaRecord).DataSize-OldFormulaSize);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function TCellList.GetMaxCol(Row: integer): integer;
- begin
- if (Row>=Count) or (Row<0) or (Items[Row].Count<=0)then begin; Result:=0; exit; end;
- Result:= Items[Row][Items[Row].Count-1].Column;
- end;
- { TCells }
- procedure TCells.AddCell(const aRecord: TCellRecord; const aRow: integer);
- begin
- FCellList.AddRecord(aRecord, aRow);
- end;
- procedure TCells.AddMultipleCells(const aRecord: TMultipleValueRecord);
- var
- OneRec: TCellRecord;
- begin
- while not aRecord.Eof do
- begin
- OneRec:=aRecord.ExtractOneRecord;
- FCellList.AddRecord( OneRec, OneRec.Row);
- end;
- end;
- procedure TCells.AddRow(const aRecord: TRowRecord);
- begin
- FRowList.AddRecord(aRecord);
- end;
- procedure TCells.ArrangeInsert(const InsPos, InsCount: integer;
- const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);
- begin
- FRowList.ArrangeInsert(InsPos, InsCount, SheetInfo);
- FCellList.ArrangeInsert(InsPos, InsCount, SheetInfo);
- end;
- procedure TCells.Clear;
- begin
- if FRowList<>nil then FRowList.Clear;
- if FCellList<>nil then FCellList.Clear;
- end;
- procedure TCells.CopyFrom(const aList: TCells);
- begin
- FRowList.CopyFrom(aList.FRowList);
- FCellList.CopyFrom(aList.FCellList);
- end;
- constructor TCells.Create(const aSST: TSST; const aColInfoList: TColInfoList);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FRowList:=TRowRecordList.Create;
- FCellList:=TCellList.Create(aSST, FRowList, aColInfoList);
- end;
- procedure TCells.DeleteRows(const aRow, aCount: word; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);
- begin
- FRowList.DeleteRows(aRow, aCount, SheetInfo);
- FCellList.DeleteRows(aRow, aCount, SheetInfo);
- end;
- destructor TCells.Destroy;
- begin
- FreeAndNil(FRowList);
- FreeAndNil(FCellList);
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TCells.InsertAndCopyRows(const FirstRow, LastRow, DestRow,
- aCount: integer; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo; const OnlyFormulas: boolean);
- begin
- FRowList.InsertAndCopyRows(FirstRow, LastRow, DestRow, aCount, SheetInfo);
- FCellList.InsertAndCopyRows(FirstRow, LastRow, DestRow, aCount, SheetInfo, OnlyFormulas);
- end;
- procedure TCells.SaveToStream(const DataStream: TStream);
- var
- i,k,j, Written :integer;
- begin
- if FRowList.Count< FCellList.Count then raise Exception.Create(ErrBadRowCount);
- if FRowList.Count=0 then exit;
- i:=0;
- while (i<FrowList.Count) do
- begin
- k:=0;Written:=0;
- while (Written<32) and (k+i<FRowList.Count) do
- begin
- if FRowList.HasRow(k+i) then
- begin
- FRowList[k+i].SaveToStream(DataStream);
- inc(Written);
- end;
- inc(k);
- end;
- for j:= i to k+i-1 do
- if (j<FCellList.Count) then FCellList[j].SaveToStream(DataStream);
- inc(i, k);
- end;
- end;
- function TCells.TotalSize: int64;
- begin
- TotalSize:= FRowList.TotalSize + FCellList.TotalSize;
- end;
- { TRangeList }
- {$INCLUDE TRangeListImp.inc}
- procedure TRangeList.CopyFrom(const aRangeList: TRangeList);
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- for i:=0 to aRangeList.Count - 1 do
- Add(aRangeList.Items[i].CopyTo);
- end;
- procedure TRangeList.DeleteRows(const aRow, aCount: word;
- const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- for i:=0 to Count-1 do Items[i].DeleteRows(aRow, aCount, SheetInfo);
- end;
- procedure TRangeList.InsertAndCopyRows(const FirstRow, LastRow, DestRow,
- aCount: integer; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- for i:=0 to Count-1 do Items[i].InsertAndCopyRows(FirstRow, LastRow, DestRow, aCount, SheetInfo);
- end;
- procedure TRangeList.SaveToStream(const DataStream: TStream);
- var
- i:integer;
- begin
- for i:=0 to Count-1 do Items[i].SaveToStream(DataStream);
- end;
- function TRangeList.TotalSize: int64;
- var
- i:integer;
- begin
- Result:=0;
- for i:=0 to Count-1 do Result:=Result+Items[i].TotalSize;
- end;
- end.