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- unit UXlsNotes;
- interface
- uses SysUtils, UXlsBaseRecords, UXlsRowColEntries, UxlsBaseRecordLists,
- UXlsEscher, UEscherRecords, XlsMessages;
- type
- TNoteRecord = class (TBaseRowColRecord)
- private
- Dwg: TEscherClientDataRecord;
- function GetText: Widestring;
- procedure SetText(const Value: Widestring);
- protected
- function DoCopyTo: TBaseRecord; override;
- public
- destructor Destroy;override;
- procedure ArrangeCopy(const NewRow: Word);override;
- procedure ArrangeInsert(const aPos, aCount: integer; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo); override;
- procedure FixDwgIds(const Drawing: TDrawing);
- property Text: Widestring read GetText write SetText;
- end;
- TNoteRecordList = class (TBaseRowColRecordList)
- {$INCLUDE TNoteRecordListHdr.inc}
- procedure FixDwgIds(const Drawing: TDrawing);
- end;
- TNoteList = class (TBaseRowColList) //records are TNoteRecordList
- {$INCLUDE TNoteListHdr.inc}
- constructor Create;
- procedure FixDwgIds(const Drawing: TDrawing);
- end;
- implementation
- uses UXlsClientData, UEscherOtherRecords;
- { TNoteRecord }
- procedure TNoteRecord.ArrangeCopy(const NewRow: Word);
- begin
- if Dwg<>nil then
- begin
- //We only copy DWG if we are copying rows, when we copy sheets we dont have to
- Dwg:=Dwg.CopyDwg(NewRow-Row) as TEscherClientDataRecord;
- SetWord(Data, 6, Dwg.ObjId);
- end;
- inherited; //This must be last, so we dont modify row
- end;
- procedure TNoteRecord.ArrangeInsert(const aPos, aCount: integer;
- const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);
- begin
- inherited;
- if (Dwg<>nil) and (Dwg.FindRoot<>nil) then Dwg.FindRoot.ArrangeInsert(aPos, aCount, SheetInfo, true);
- end;
- destructor TNoteRecord.Destroy;
- begin
- if Dwg<>nil then
- begin
- if (Dwg.Patriarch=nil) then raise Exception.Create(ErrLoadingEscher);
- Dwg.Patriarch.ContainedRecords.Remove(Dwg.FindRoot);
- end;
- inherited;
- end;
- function TNoteRecord.DoCopyTo: TBaseRecord;
- begin
- Result:=Inherited DoCopyTo;
- (Result as TNoteRecord).Dwg:=Dwg;
- end;
- procedure TNoteRecord.FixDwgIds(const Drawing: TDrawing);
- begin
- Dwg:= Drawing.FindObjId(GetWord(Data, 6));
- end;
- function TNoteRecord.GetText: Widestring;
- var
- R:TEscherRecord;
- begin
- if (Dwg=nil) then Result:='' else
- begin
- R:=Dwg.FindRoot;
- if R=nil then Result:='' else
- begin
- R:= Dwg.FindRoot.FindRec(TEscherClientTextBoxRecord);
- if R=nil then Result:='' else Result:= (R as TEscherClientTextBoxRecord).Value;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TNoteRecord.SetText(const Value: Widestring);
- var
- R:TEscherRecord;
- begin
- if (Dwg=nil) then exit else
- begin
- R:=Dwg.FindRoot;
- if R=nil then exit else
- begin
- R:= Dwg.FindRoot.FindRec(TEscherClientTextBoxRecord);
- if R=nil then exit else (R as TEscherClientTextBoxRecord).Value:=Value;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- { TNoteRecordList }
- {$INCLUDE TNoteRecordListImp.inc}
- procedure TNoteRecordList.FixDwgIds(const Drawing: TDrawing);
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- for i:=0 to Count-1 do Items[i].FixDwgIds(Drawing);
- end;
- { TNoteList }
- {$INCLUDE TNoteListImp.inc}
- constructor TNoteList.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create(TNoteRecordList);
- end;
- procedure TNoteList.FixDwgIds(const Drawing: TDrawing);
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- for i:=0 to Count-1 do Items[i].FixDwgIds(Drawing);
- end;
- end.