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- unit UXlsEscher;
- interface
- uses UXlsBaseRecords, UXlsBaseRecordLists, UXlsOtherRecords,
- XlsMessages, UFlxMessages, Classes, SysUtils, UEscherRecords, UXlsSST, UBreakList,
- UEscherOtherRecords;
- type
- TXlsEscherRecord = class (TBaseRecord)
- end;
- TDrawingGroupRecord = class (TXlsEscherRecord)
- end;
- TDrawingRecord = class (TXlsEscherRecord)
- end;
- TDrawingSelectionRecord = class (TXlsEscherRecord)
- end;
- TDrawingGroup= class
- private
- FDggContainer: TEscherContainerRecord;
- FRecordCache: TEscherDwgGroupCache;
- function GetRecordCache: PEscherDwgGroupCache;
- public
- property RecordCache: PEscherDwgGroupCache read GetRecordCache;
- constructor Create;
- procedure Clear;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure LoadFromStream(const DataStream: TStream; const First: TDrawingGroupRecord);
- procedure SaveToStream(const DataStream: TStream);
- function TotalSize: int64;
- procedure AddDwg;
- end;
- TDrawing=class
- private
- FDgContainer: TEscherContainerRecord;
- FRecordCache: TEscherDwgCache;
- FDrawingGroup: TDrawingGroup;
- function GetDrawingName(index: integer): widestring;
- function GetDrawingRow(index: integer): integer;
- public
- procedure Clear;
- constructor Create(const aDrawingGroup: TDrawingGroup);
- destructor Destroy; override;
- procedure CopyFrom(const aDrawing: TDrawing);
- procedure LoadFromStream(const DataStream: TStream; const First: TDrawingRecord; const SST: TSST);
- procedure SaveToStream(const DataStream: TStream);
- function TotalSize: int64;
- procedure ArrangeInsert(const aPos, aCount:integer; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);
- procedure ArrangeCopySheet(const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);
- procedure InsertAndCopyRows(const FirstRow, LastRow, DestRow, aCount: integer; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);
- procedure DeleteRows(const aRow, aCount: word;const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);
- function FindObjId(const ObjId: word): TEscherClientDataRecord;
- function DrawingCount: integer;
- procedure AssignDrawing(const Index: integer; const Data: string; const DataType: TXlsImgTypes);
- function GetAnchor(const Index: integer): TClientAnchor;
- procedure GetDrawingFromStream(const Index: integer; const Data: TStream; var DataType: TXlsImgTypes);
- property DrawingRow[index: integer]: integer read GetDrawingRow;
- property DrawingName[index: integer]: widestring read GetDrawingName;
- end;
- implementation
- uses UXlsBaseClientData, UXlsClientData;
- { TDrawingGroup }
- procedure TDrawingGroup.AddDwg;
- begin
- if FRecordCache.Dgg<>nil then inc(FRecordCache.Dgg.FDgg.DwgSaved);
- //PENDING: fix sheets
- end;
- procedure TDrawingGroup.Clear;
- begin
- FreeAndNil(FDggContainer);
- end;
- constructor TDrawingGroup.Create;
- begin
- inherited Create;
- end;
- destructor TDrawingGroup.Destroy;
- begin
- Clear;
- inherited;
- end;
- function TDrawingGroup.GetRecordCache: PEscherDwgGroupCache;
- begin
- Result:=@FRecordCache;
- end;
- procedure TDrawingGroup.LoadFromStream(const DataStream: TStream; const First: TDrawingGroupRecord);
- const
- DwgCache: TEscherDwgCache= ( MaxObjId:0; Dg: nil; Solver: nil; Patriarch:nil; Anchor: nil; Shape: nil; Obj: nil; Blip: nil);
- var
- aPos: integer;
- EscherHeader: TEscherRecordHeader;
- RecordHeader: TRecordHeader;
- MyRecord, CurrentRecord: TBaseRecord;
- begin
- if FDggContainer<>nil then raise Exception.Create(ErrExcelInvalid);
- aPos:=0;
- MyRecord:= First; CurrentRecord:= First;
- try
- ReadMem(MyRecord, aPos, SizeOf(EscherHeader), @EscherHeader);
- FDggContainer:= TEscherContainerRecord.Create(EscherHeader, RecordCache, @DwgCache ,nil);
- while not FDggContainer.Loaded do
- begin
- if (MyRecord.Continue=nil) and (aPos=MyRecord.DataSize) then
- begin
- if CurrentRecord<> First then FreeAndNil(CurrentRecord);
- if (DataStream.Read(RecordHeader, sizeof(RecordHeader)) <> sizeof(RecordHeader)) then
- raise Exception.Create(ErrExcelInvalid);
- CurrentRecord:=LoadRecord(DataStream, RecordHeader);
- MyRecord:= CurrentRecord;
- aPos:=0;
- if not(MyRecord is TDrawingGroupRecord) then raise Exception.Create(ErrExcelInvalid);
- end;
- FDggContainer.Load(MyRecord, aPos);
- end; //while
- finally
- if CurrentRecord<>First then FreeAndNil(CurrentRecord);
- end; //finally
- First.Free; //last statment
- end;
- procedure TDrawingGroup.SaveToStream(const DataStream: TStream);
- var
- BreakList: TBreakList;
- NextPos, RealSize, NewDwg: integer;
- begin
- if FDggContainer=nil then exit;
- BreakList:= TBreakList.Create(DataStream.Position);
- try
- NextPos:=0;
- RealSize:=0;
- FDggContainer.SplitRecords(NextPos, RealSize, NewDwg, BreakList);
- BreakList.Add(0, NextPos);
- FDggContainer.SaveToStream(DataStream, BreakList);
- finally
- FreeAndNil(BreakList);
- end; //finally
- end;
- function TDrawingGroup.TotalSize: int64;
- var
- NextPos, RealSize, NewDwg: integer;
- begin
- if FDggContainer=nil then begin Result:=0; exit;end;
- NextPos:=0; RealSize:=0; NewDwg:= xlr_MSODRAWINGGROUP;
- FDggContainer.SplitRecords(NextPos, RealSize, NewDwg, nil);
- Result:=RealSize;
- end;
- { TDrawing }
- procedure TDrawing.ArrangeCopySheet(const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);
- begin
- if (FRecordCache.Obj<> nil) then
- FRecordCache.Obj.ArrangeCopySheet(SheetInfo);
- end;
- procedure TDrawing.ArrangeInsert(const aPos, aCount: integer; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);
- begin
- if (FRecordCache.Anchor<> nil) and (SheetInfo.FormulaSheet= SheetInfo.InsSheet)then
- FRecordCache.Anchor.ArrangeInsert(aPos, aCount, SheetInfo, false);
- if (FRecordCache.Obj<> nil) then
- FRecordCache.Obj.ArrangeInsert(aPos, aCount, SheetInfo, false);
- end;
- procedure TDrawing.AssignDrawing(const Index: integer; const Data: string;
- const DataType: TXlsImgTypes);
- begin
- FRecordCache.Blip[Index].ReplaceImg(Data, DataType);
- end;
- procedure TDrawing.Clear;
- begin
- FreeAndNil(FDgContainer);
- //Order is important... Cache should be freed after DgContainer
- FreeAndNil(FRecordCache.Anchor);
- FreeAndNil(FRecordCache.Obj);
- FreeAndNil(FRecordCache.Shape);
- FreeAndNil(FRecordCache.Blip);
- end;
- procedure TDrawing.CopyFrom(const aDrawing: TDrawing);
- begin
- Clear;
- FRecordCache.MaxObjId:=0;
- FRecordCache.Dg:=nil; FRecordCache.Patriarch:=nil;
- if aDrawing.FRecordCache.Anchor<>nil then
- begin
- FRecordCache.Anchor:= TEscherAnchorCache.Create;
- FRecordCache.Obj:= TEscherObjCache.Create;
- FRecordCache.Shape:= TEscherShapeCache.Create;
- FRecordCache.Blip:=TEscherOPTCache.Create;
- end;
- if aDrawing.FDgContainer=nil then FreeAndNil(FDgcontainer) else
- begin
- aDrawing.FDgContainer.ClearCopiedTo;
- FDgContainer:=aDrawing.FDgContainer.CopyTo(@FRecordCache, 0) as TEscherContainerRecord;
- FRecordCache.Shape.Sort; // only here the values are loaded...
- if FRecordCache.Solver<>nil then FRecordCache.Solver.CheckMax(aDrawing.FRecordCache.Solver.MaxRuleId);
- FDrawingGroup.AddDwg;
- end;
- //MADE: change cache
- end;
- constructor TDrawing.Create(const aDrawingGroup: TDrawingGroup);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FDrawingGroup:=aDrawingGroup;
- FRecordCache.Destroying:=false;
- end;
- procedure TDrawing.DeleteRows(const aRow, aCount: word;
- const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);
- var i: integer;
- begin
- //MADE: delete rows
- //MADE: Arreglar los continues...
- //MADE: Conectores
- if FRecordcache.Anchor=nil then exit;
- for i:= FRecordCache.Anchor.Count-1 downto 0 do
- if FRecordCache.Anchor[i].AllowDelete(aRow, aRow+aCount-1)then
- begin
- if (FRecordCache.Patriarch=nil) then raise Exception.Create(ErrLoadingEscher);
- FRecordCache.Patriarch.ContainedRecords.Remove(FRecordCache.Anchor[i].FindRoot);
- end;
- ArrangeInsert(aRow, -aCount, SheetInfo);
- end;
- destructor TDrawing.Destroy;
- begin
- FRecordCache.Destroying:=true;
- Clear;
- inherited;
- end;
- function TDrawing.DrawingCount: integer;
- begin
- if FRecordCache.Blip<>nil then Result:=FRecordCache.Blip.Count else Result:=0;
- end;
- function TDrawing.FindObjId(const ObjId: word): TEscherClientDataRecord;
- var
- i: integer;
- begin
- for i:=0 to FRecordCache.Obj.Count-1 do if FRecordCache.Obj[i].ObjId=ObjId then
- begin
- Result:=FRecordCache.Obj[i];
- exit;
- end;
- Result:=nil;
- end;
- function TDrawing.GetAnchor(const Index: integer): TClientAnchor;
- begin
- Assert(Index<FRecordCache.Blip.Count,'Index out of range');
- Result:=FRecordCache.Blip[index].GetAnchor;
- end;
- procedure TDrawing.GetDrawingFromStream(const Index: integer; const Data: TStream; var DataType: TXlsImgTypes);
- begin
- Assert(Index<FRecordCache.Blip.Count,'Index out of range');
- FRecordCache.Blip[index].GetImageFromStream(Data, DataType);
- end;
- function TDrawing.GetDrawingName(index: integer): widestring;
- begin
- Assert(Index<FRecordCache.Blip.Count,'Index out of range');
- Result:=FRecordCache.Blip[index].ShapeName;
- end;
- function TDrawing.GetDrawingRow(index: integer): integer;
- begin
- Assert(Index<FRecordCache.Blip.Count,'Index out of range');
- Result:=FRecordCache.Blip[index].Row;
- end;
- procedure TDrawing.InsertAndCopyRows(const FirstRow, LastRow, DestRow,
- aCount: integer; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);
- var
- i,k, myDestRow, myFirstRow, myLastRow: integer;
- begin
- if (FDgContainer=nil) or (FRecordCache.Anchor= nil) then exit; //no drawings on this sheet
- if DestRow>FirstRow then
- begin
- myFirstRow:=FirstRow; myLastRow:=LastRow;
- end else
- begin
- myFirstRow:=FirstRow+aCount*(LastRow-FirstRow+1);
- myLastRow:=LastRow+aCount*(LastRow-FirstRow+1);
- end;
- //Insert cells
- ArrangeInsert(DestRow, aCount*(LastRow-FirstRow+1), SheetInfo);
- //Copy the images
- myDestRow:=DestRow;
- for k:= 0 to aCount-1 do
- begin
- FDgContainer.ClearCopiedTo;
- for i:= 0 to FRecordCache.Anchor.Count-1 do
- if FRecordCache.Anchor[i].AllowCopy(myFirstRow, myLastRow)then
- begin
- FRecordCache.Anchor[i].CopyDwg(myDestRow-myFirstRow);
- end;
- inc(myDestRow, (LastRow-FirstRow+1));
- if FRecordCache.Solver<>nil then FRecordCache.Solver.ArrangeCopyRows;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TDrawing.LoadFromStream(const DataStream: TStream;
- const First: TDrawingRecord; const SST: TSST);
- var
- aPos, CdPos: integer;
- EscherHeader: TEscherRecordHeader;
- RecordHeader: TRecordHeader;
- MyRecord, CurrentRecord, R, CdRecord: TBaseRecord;
- FClientData: TBaseClientData;
- ClientType: ClassOfTBaseClientData;
- begin
- Assert (FDrawingGroup<>nil,'DrawingGroup can''t be nil');
- if FDgContainer<>nil then raise Exception.Create(ErrExcelInvalid);
- FRecordCache.MaxObjId:=0;
- FRecordCache.Dg:=nil; FRecordCache.Patriarch:=nil; FRecordCache.Solver:=nil;
- FRecordCache.Anchor:= TEscherAnchorCache.Create;
- FRecordCache.Obj:= TEscherObjCache.Create;
- FRecordCache.Shape:= TEscherShapeCache.Create;
- FRecordCache.Blip:= TEscherOPTCache.Create;
- aPos:=0;
- MyRecord:= First; CurrentRecord:= First;
- try
- ReadMem(MyRecord, aPos, SizeOf(EscherHeader), @EscherHeader);
- FDgContainer:= TEscherContainerRecord.Create(EscherHeader, FDrawingGroup.RecordCache, @FRecordCache ,nil);
- while (not FDgContainer.Loaded) or FDgContainer.WaitingClientData(ClientType) do
- begin
- if not FDgContainer.WaitingClientData(ClientType) then
- begin
- if (MyRecord.Continue=nil) and (aPos=MyRecord.DataSize) then
- begin
- if CurrentRecord<> First then FreeAndNil(CurrentRecord);
- if (DataStream.Read(RecordHeader, sizeof(RecordHeader)) <> sizeof(RecordHeader)) then
- raise Exception.Create(ErrExcelInvalid);
- CurrentRecord:=LoadRecord(DataStream, RecordHeader);
- MyRecord:= CurrentRecord;
- aPos:=0;
- if not(MyRecord is TDrawingRecord) then raise Exception.Create(ErrExcelInvalid);
- end;
- FDgContainer.Load(MyRecord, aPos);
- end else
- begin
- if not ((MyRecord.Continue=nil) and (aPos=MyRecord.DataSize)) then raise Exception.Create(ErrExcelInvalid);
- if (DataStream.Read(RecordHeader, sizeof(RecordHeader)) <> sizeof(RecordHeader)) then
- raise Exception.Create(ErrExcelInvalid);
- R:=LoadRecord(DataStream, RecordHeader);
- try
- if (R is ClientType.ObjRecord) then
- begin
- FClientData:= ClientType.Create;
- try
- FClientData.LoadFromStream(DataStream, R , SST);
- FDgContainer.AssignClientData(FClientData);
- if FClientData.RemainingData<>nil then
- begin
- CdRecord:=FClientData.RemainingData; //we dont have to free this
- CdPos:=0;
- FDgContainer.Load(CdRecord, CdPos);
- end;
- except
- FreeAndNil(FClientData);
- raise;
- end; //except
- end else raise Exception.Create(ErrInvalidDrawing);
- except
- FreeAndNil(R);
- raise;
- end; //Except
- end;
- end; //while
- finally
- if CurrentRecord<>First then FreeAndNil(CurrentRecord);
- end; //finally
- FRecordCache.Shape.Sort; // only here the values are loaded...
- if FRecordCache.Solver <>nil then FRecordCache.Solver.FixPointers;
- //PENDING: Wmf, emf
- First.Free; //last statment
- end;
- procedure TDrawing.SaveToStream(const DataStream: TStream);
- var
- BreakList: TBreakList;
- NextPos, RealSize, NewDwg: integer;
- begin
- if FDgContainer=nil then exit;
- BreakList:= TBreakList.Create(DataStream.Position);
- try
- NextPos:=0;
- RealSize:=0;
- NewDwg:= xlr_MSODRAWING;
- FDgContainer.SplitRecords(NextPos, RealSize, NewDwg, BreakList);
- BreakList.Add(0, NextPos);
- FDgContainer.SaveToStream(DataStream, BreakList);
- finally
- FreeAndNil(BreakList);
- end; //finally
- end;
- function TDrawing.TotalSize: int64;
- var
- NextPos, RealSize, NewDwg: integer;
- begin
- if FDgContainer=nil then begin Result:=0; exit;end;
- NextPos:=0; RealSize:=0; NewDwg:= xlr_MSODRAWINGGROUP;
- FDgContainer.SplitRecords(NextPos, RealSize, NewDwg, nil);
- Result:=RealSize;
- end;
- end.