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unit UXlsClientData; interface uses Classes, SysUtils, UXlsBaseRecords, UXlsBaseRecordLists, UXlsOtherRecords, UXlsChart, UXlsSST, XlsMessages, UXlsSheet, UXlsBaseClientData; type TMsObj = class(TBaseClientData) private FObjRecord: TObjRecord; FChart: TChart; HasPictFmla: boolean; protected function GetId: Word; override; procedure SetId(const Value: Word); override; procedure ScanRecord( myRecord: TBaseRecord); public procedure ArrangeId(var MaxId: word);override; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Clear; override; function CopyTo: TBaseClientData; override; procedure LoadFromStream(const DataStream: TStream; const First: TBaseRecord; const SST: TSST); override; procedure SaveToStream(const DataStream: TStream); override; function TotalSize: int64;override; procedure ArrangeInsert(const aPos, aCount:integer; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);override; procedure ArrangeCopySheet(const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);override; class function ObjRecord: ClassOfTBaseRecord; override; end; TTXO= class (TBaseClientData) private FTXO: TTXORecord; function GetValue: WideString; procedure SetValue(const aValue: WideString); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Clear; override; function CopyTo: TBaseClientData; override; procedure LoadFromStream(const DataStream: TStream; const First: TBaseRecord; const SST: TSST); override; procedure SaveToStream(const DataStream: TStream); override; function TotalSize: int64;override; procedure ArrangeInsert(const aPos, aCount:integer; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);override; procedure ArrangeCopySheet(const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo);override; class function ObjRecord: ClassOfTBaseRecord; override; property Value: WideString read GetValue write SetValue; end; implementation { TMsObj } procedure TMsObj.Clear; begin FreeAndNil(FObjRecord); FreeAndNil(FChart); FreeAndNil(RemainingData); end; function TMsObj.CopyTo: TBaseClientData; begin if HasPictFmla then Raise Exception.Create(ErrCantCopyPictFmla); Result:= TMsObj.Create; (Result as TMsObj).FObjRecord:= FObjRecord.CopyTo as TObjRecord; if FChart<>nil then (Result as TMsObj).FChart:= FChart.CopyTo as TChart; end; constructor TMsObj.Create; begin inherited; end; destructor TMsObj.Destroy; begin Clear; inherited; end; procedure TMsObj.ArrangeInsert(const aPos, aCount: integer; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo); begin if FChart<>nil then FChart.ArrangeInsert(aPos, aCount, SheetInfo); end; procedure TMsObj.ArrangeCopySheet(const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo); begin if FChart<>nil then FChart.ArrangeCopySheet(SheetInfo); end; procedure TMsObj.LoadFromStream(const DataStream: TStream; const First: TBaseRecord; const SST: TSST); var RecordHeader: TRecordHeader; R: TBaseRecord; begin Clear; if ((First as TObjRecord).ObjId= ftCmo) and ((First as TObjRecord).CmoId = xlCmo_Chart) then begin if (DataStream.Read(RecordHeader, sizeof(RecordHeader)) <> sizeof(RecordHeader)) then raise Exception.Create(ErrExcelInvalid); R:=LoadRecord(DataStream, RecordHeader); try if not(R is TBOFRecord) then raise Exception.Create(ErrExcelInvalid); FChart:= TChart.Create(nil); try FChart.LoadFromStream(DataStream, R as TBOFRecord, SST); except FreeAndNil(FChart); raise end; //except except FreeAndNil(R); raise end; //Except end; ScanRecord(First); //this must be the last statment, so if there is an exception, we dont take First FObjRecord:= First as TObjRecord; end; procedure TMsObj.SaveToStream(const DataStream: TStream); begin if FObjRecord=nil then raise Exception.Create(ErrExcelInvalid); FObjRecord.SaveToStream(DataStream); if FChart<>nil then FChart.SaveToStream(DataStream); end; function TMsObj.TotalSize: int64; begin if FObjRecord=nil then raise Exception.Create(ErrExcelInvalid); Result:=FObjRecord.TotalSize; if FChart<>nil then Result:=Result+FChart.TotalSize; end; class function TMsObj.ObjRecord: ClassOfTBaseRecord; begin Result:= TObjRecord; end; function TMsObj.GetId: Word; begin if FObjRecord<>nil then GetId:=GetWord( FObjRecord.Data, 6) else GetId:=0; end; procedure TMsObj.SetId(const Value: Word); begin if FObjRecord<>nil then SetWord( FObjRecord.Data, 6, Value); end; procedure TMsObj.ArrangeId(var MaxId: word); begin inherited; inc(MaxId); Id:=MaxId; end; procedure TMsObj.ScanRecord( myRecord: TBaseRecord); var RHeader: TRecordHeader; aPos: integer; begin aPos:=0; repeat ReadMem(myRecord, aPos, SizeOf(RHeader), @RHeader); if RHeader.Id= 9 then HasPictFmla:=true; if (Rheader.Size+aPos>myRecord.DataSize) then //This shouldn't be really necessary, but Obj records sometimes don't count right. So, we have to ensure all is in the same Obj record. I assume there are no continues here. begin //Longer than expected??? RemainingData:=myRecord.Continue; MyRecord.Continue:=nil; exit; end; try ReadMem(myRecord, aPos, RHeader.Size, nil); except //Longer than expected??? RemainingData:=nil; exit; end; until RHeader.Id=0; // ftEnd RemainingData:=myRecord.Continue; myRecord.Continue:=nil; end; { TTXO } procedure TTXO.ArrangeCopySheet(const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo); begin //nothing end; procedure TTXO.ArrangeInsert(const aPos, aCount: integer; const SheetInfo: TSheetInfo); begin end; procedure TTXO.Clear; begin FreeAndNil(FTXO); end; function TTXO.CopyTo: TBaseClientData; begin Result:= TTXO.Create; if FTXO <>nil then (Result as TTXO).FTXO:= FTXO.CopyTo as TTXORecord; end; constructor TTXO.Create; begin inherited; end; destructor TTXO.Destroy; begin Clear; inherited; end; function TTXO.GetValue: WideString; var Len: integer; s: string; ws:Widestring; TxtRec: TBaseRecord; aPos: integer; begin Result:=''; if FTXO.Continue=nil then exit; Len:= GetWord(FTXO.Data, 10); if Len=0 then exit; TxtRec:=FTXO.Continue; aPos:=1; case FTXO.Continue.Data[0] of 0: //single byte string begin SetLength(s, Len); ReadMem(TxtRec, aPos, Len, @(s[1])); Result:=s; end; 1: //double byte string begin SetLength(Ws, Len); ReadMem(TxtRec, aPos, Len*2, @(ws[1])); Result:=Ws; end; else Raise Exception.Create(ErrExcelInvalid); end; //case end; procedure TTXO.LoadFromStream(const DataStream: TStream; const First: TBaseRecord; const SST: TSST); begin FTXO:=First as TTXORecord; end; class function TTXO.ObjRecord: ClassOfTBaseRecord; begin Result:= TTXORecord; end; procedure TTXO.SaveToStream(const DataStream: TStream); begin if FTXO<>nil then FTXO.SaveToStream(DataStream); end; procedure TTXO.SetValue(const aValue: WideString); var Len: integer; Dat: PArrayOfByte; s:string; begin Len:=Length(aValue); SetWord(FTXO.Data, 10, Len); //length of text if Len>0 then SetWord(FTXO.Data, 12, 16) else SetWord(FTXO.Data, 12, 0); //length of formatting runs FreeAndNil(FTXO.Continue); if Len>0 then begin if IsWide(aValue) then begin GetMem(Dat, Len*2+1); Dat[0]:=1; move(aValue[1], Dat[1], Len*2); FTXO.Continue:=TContinueRecord.Create(xlr_CONTINUE, Dat, Len*2+1); end else begin GetMem(Dat, Len+1); Dat[0]:=0; s:=aValue; move(s[1], Dat[1], Len); FTXO.Continue:=TContinueRecord.Create(xlr_CONTINUE, Dat, Len+1); end; Len:= 2*8; GetMem(Dat, Len); FillChar(Dat^, Len, 0); SetWord(Dat, 8, Length(aValue)); FTXO.Continue.Continue:= TContinueRecord.Create(xlr_CONTINUE, Dat, Len); end; end; function TTXO.TotalSize: int64; begin Result:= FTXO.TotalSize; end; end.