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- unit KOLE2Import;
- {$A8}{$Z4}
- interface
- uses Libc;
- const
- libgnomeole2 = 'libgnomeole2.so.0';
- //Comment former line and uncomment following 2 lines for static link
- //{$L 'libgnomeole2.o'}
- //libgnomeole2='';
- type
- mode_t = Longword;
- ssize_t = size_t;
- off_t = Longint;
- caddr_t = Longint;
- PPPChar= ^PPChar;
- gboolean= LongBool;
- gint32= Longint;
- guint32= LongWord;
- guint8 = byte;
- pguint8 = ^guint8;
- gint = integer;
- pgint = ^gint;
- TMsOleErr = (
- );
- TMsOleSeek = (
- MsOleSeekSet,
- MsOleSeekCur,
- MsOleSeekEnd
- );
- TMsOleType = (
- MsOleStorageT = 1,
- MsOleStreamT = 2,
- MsOleRootT = 5
- );
- TMsOlePos = guint32;
- TMsOleSPos = gint32;
- _MsOleSysWrappers = record
- { int (*open2) (const char *pathname, int flags);
- int (*open3) (const char *pathname, int flags, mode_t mode);
- ssize_t (*read) (int fd, void *buf, size_t count);
- int (*close) (int fd);
- ssize_t (*write) (int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);
- off_t (*lseek) (int fd, off_t offset, int whence);
- int (*isregfile) (int fd);
- int (*getfilesize) (int fd, guint32 *size);
- /* Optionaly implementable */
- void *(*mmap) (void *start, size_t length, int prot,
- int flags, int fd, off_t offset);
- int (*munmap) (void *start, size_t length);
- } end;
- TMsOleSysWrappers = _MsOleSysWrappers;
- PMsOleSysWrappers = ^TMsOleSysWrappers;
- // **
- // * Structure describing an OLE file
- // **
- PGArray= pointer;
- _MsOle = record
- ref_count: Longint;
- ole_mmap: gboolean;
- mem: ^guint8;
- length: guint32;
- syswrap: PMsOleSysWrappers;
- mode: char;
- file_des: integer;
- dirty: integer;
- bb: PGArray; { Big blocks status }
- sb: PGArray; { Small block status }
- sbf: PGArray; { The small block file }
- num_pps: guint32; { Count of number of property sets }
- pps: pointer; { Property Storage -> struct _PPS, always 1 valid entry or NULL }
- // if memory mapped
- bbattr: pointer; { Pointers to block structures }
- // end if memory mapped
- end;
- _MsOleStat = record
- oleType: TMsOleType;
- size: TMsOlePos;
- end;
- TMsOle = _MsOle;
- PMsOle = ^TMsOle;
- PPMsOle = ^PMsOle;
- TMsOleStat = _MsOleStat;
- PMsOleStat = ^TMsOleStat;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////// Methods ////////////////////
- function ms_ole_open (fs: PPMsOle; const path: PChar): TMsOleErr;
- function ms_ole_open_vfs (fs: PPMsOle; const path: PChar; try_mmap: gboolean; wrappers: PMsOleSysWrappers): TMsOleErr; cdecl; external libgnomeole2;
- function ms_ole_create (fs: PPMsOle; const path: PChar): TMsOleErr;
- function ms_ole_create_vfs (fs: PPMsOle; const path: PChar; try_mmap: gboolean; wrappers: PMsOleSysWrappers): TMsOleErr; cdecl; external libgnomeole2;
- procedure ms_ole_destroy (fs: PPMsOle); cdecl; external libgnomeole2;
- function ms_ole_unlink (fs: PMsOle; const path: PChar): TMsOleErr; cdecl; external libgnomeole2;
- function ms_ole_directory (names: PPPChar; fs: PMsOle; const dirpath: PChar): TMsOleErr; cdecl; external libgnomeole2;
- function ms_ole_stat (stat: PMsOleStat;fs: PMsOle; const dirpath: PChar; const name: PChar): TMsOleErr; cdecl; external libgnomeole2;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////// Streams ///////////////////
- type
- P1MsOleStream = pointer; //until a better way...
- TRead_Copy = function (stream: P1MsOleStream; ptr: Pguint8; length: TMsOlePos): gint; cdecl;
- TRead_Ptr = function (stream: P1MsOleStream; length: TMsOlePos):guint8; cdecl;
- TLSeek = function (stream: P1MsOleStream; bytes: TMsOleSPos; oleType: TMsOleSeek): TMsOleSPos; cdecl;
- TTell = function (stream: P1MsOleStream): TMsOlePos; cdecl;
- TWrite = function (stream: P1MsOleStream; ptr: Pguint8; length: TMsOlePos): TMsOlePos; cdecl;
- _MsOleStream = record
- size: TMsOlePos;
- read_copy: TRead_Copy;
- read_ptr : TRead_Ptr;
- lseek : TLSeek;
- tell : TTell;
- write : TWrite;
- // Private.
- _type: byte;
- afile: PMsOle;
- pps: pointer; // Straight PPS
- blocks: pointer; // A list of the blocks in the file
- // if NULL: no file
- position: TMsOlePos; // Current offset into file.
- // Points to the next byte to read
- end;
- TMsOleStream = _MsOleStream;
- PMsOleStream = ^TMsOleStream;
- PPMsOleStream =^PMsOleStream;
- function ms_ole_stream_open (const stream: PPMsOleStream;fs: PMsOle; const dirpath: PChar; const name: PChar; mode: char): TMsOleErr; cdecl; external libgnomeole2;
- function ms_ole_stream_close (const stream: PPMsOleStream): TMsOleErr; cdecl; external libgnomeole2;
- function ms_ole_stream_duplicate (const stream_copy: PPMsOleStream; const stream: PMsOleStream): TMsOleErr; cdecl; external libgnomeole2;
- procedure ms_ole_dump (const ptr: Pguint8; len: guint32); cdecl; external libgnomeole2;
- procedure ms_ole_ref (fs: PMsOle); cdecl; external libgnomeole2;
- procedure ms_ole_unref (fs: PMsOle); cdecl; external libgnomeole2;
- procedure ms_ole_debug (fs: PMsOle); cdecl; external libgnomeole2;
- implementation
- function ms_ole_open (fs: PPMsOle; const path: PChar): TMsOleErr;
- begin
- Result:=ms_ole_open_vfs (fs, path, True, Nil);
- end;
- function ms_ole_create (fs: PPMsOle; const path: PChar): TMsOleErr;
- begin
- Result:=ms_ole_create_vfs (fs, path, True, Nil);
- end;
- end.