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- unit UFlxNumberFormat;
- interface
- uses SysUtils,
- {$IFDEF ConditionalExpressions}{$if CompilerVersion >= 14} variants,{$IFEND}{$ENDIF} //Delphi 6 or above
- UFlxMessages, Math;
- function XlsFormatValue(const V: variant; const Format: Widestring; var Color: Integer): Widestring;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- implementation
- function FindFrom(const wc: WideChar; const w: WideString; const p: integer): integer;
- begin
- Result:=pos(wc, copy(w, p, Length(w)))
- end;
- function Section(const Index: byte; const Format: Widestring; var SectionExists: boolean):Widestring;
- //split the 4 sections of a format string
- var
- i: integer;
- aPos, TotalPos: integer;
- begin
- aPos:=1; TotalPos:=1;
- for i:=0 to Index-1 do
- if aPos>0 then
- begin
- aPos:=FindFrom(';',Format, TotalPos);
- inc(TotalPos, aPos);
- end;
- SectionExists:=aPos>0;
- if not SectionExists then TotalPos:=1;
- Result:=copy(Format,TotalPos, FindFrom(';',Format+';', TotalPos)-1);
- end;
- //we include this so we don't need to use graphics
- const
- clBlack = $000000;
- clGreen = $008000;
- clRed = $0000FF;
- clYellow = $00FFFF;
- clBlue = $FF0000;
- clFuchsia = $FF00FF;
- clAqua = $FFFF00;
- clWhite = $FFFFFF;
- procedure CheckColor(const Format: Widestring; var Color: integer; var p: integer);
- var
- s: string;
- IgnoreIt: boolean;
- begin
- p:=1;
- if (Length(Format)>0) and (Format[1]='[') and (pos(']', Format)>0) then
- begin
- IgnoreIt:=false;
- s:=copy(Format,2,pos(']', Format)-2);
- if s = 'Black' then Color:=clBlack else
- if s = 'Cyan' then Color:=clAqua else
- if s = 'Blue' then Color:=clBlue else
- if s = 'Green' then Color:=clGreen else
- if s = 'Magenta'then Color:=clFuchsia else
- if s = 'Red' then Color:=clRed else
- if s = 'White' then Color:=clWhite else
- if s = 'Yellow' then Color:=clYellow
- else IgnoreIt:=true;
- if not IgnoreIt then p:= Pos(']', Format)+1;
- end;
- end;
- procedure CheckOptional(const V: Variant; const Format: widestring; var p: integer; var TextOut: widestring);
- var
- p2, p3: integer;
- begin
- if p>Length(Format) then exit;
- if Format[p]='[' then
- begin
- p2:=FindFrom(']', Format, p);
- if (p<Length(Format))and(Format[p+1]='$') then //currency
- begin
- p3:=FindFrom('-', Format+'-', p);
- TextOut:=TextOut + copy(Format, p+2, min(p2,p3)-3);
- end;
- Inc(p, p2);
- end;
- end;
- procedure CheckLiteral(const V: Variant; const Format: widestring; var p: integer; var TextOut: widestring);
- begin
- if p>Length(Format) then exit;
- if (ord(Format[p])<255) and (char(Format[p]) in[' ','$','(',')','!','^','&','''','┤','~','{','}','=','<','>']) then
- begin
- TextOut:=TextOut+Format[p];
- inc(p);
- exit;
- end;
- if (Format[p]='\') or (Format[p]='*')then
- begin
- if p<Length(Format) then TextOut:=TextOut+Format[p+1];
- inc(p,2);
- exit;
- end;
- if Format[p]='_' then
- begin
- if p<Length(Format) then TextOut:=TextOut+' ';
- inc(p,2);
- exit;
- end;
- if Format[p]='"' then
- begin
- inc(p);
- while (p<=Length(Format)) and (Format[p]<>'"') do
- begin
- TextOut:=TextOut+Format[p];
- inc(p);
- end;
- if p<=Length(Format) then inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- procedure CheckDate(const V: Variant; const Format: widestring; var p: integer; var TextOut: widestring; var LastHour: boolean);
- const
- DateChars=['C','D','W','M','Q','Y','H','N','S','T','A','P','/',':','.'];
- var
- Fmt: string;
- begin
- Fmt:='';
- while (p<=Length(Format)) and (ord(Format[p])<255) and (Upcase(char(Format[p])) in DateChars) do
- begin
- if (UpCase(Char(Format[p]))='h') then LastHour:=true;
- if LastHour and (UpCase(Char(Format[p]))='m') then
- begin
- while (p<=Length(Format)) and (UpCase(Char(Format[p]))='m') do
- begin
- Fmt:=Fmt+'n';
- inc(p);
- end;
- LastHour:=false;
- end else
- begin
- Fmt:=Fmt+Format[p];
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- if Fmt<>'' then TextOut:=TextOut+FormatDateTime(Fmt,v);
- end;
- procedure CheckNumber( V: Variant; const Format: widestring; var p: integer; var TextOut: widestring);
- const
- NumberChars=['0','#','.',',','e','E','+','-','%'];
- var
- Fmt: string;
- begin
- Fmt:='';
- while (p<=Length(Format)) and (ord(Format[p])<255) and (char(Format[p]) in NumberChars) do
- begin
- if Format[p]='%' then V:=V*100;
- Fmt:=Fmt+Format[p];
- inc(p);
- end;
- if Fmt<>'' then TextOut:=TextOut+FormatFloat(Fmt,v);
- end;
- procedure CheckText(const V: Variant; const Format: widestring; var p: integer; var TextOut: widestring);
- begin
- if p>Length(Format) then exit;
- if Format[p]='@' then
- begin
- TextOut:=TextOut+v;
- inc(p);
- end;
- end;
- function FormatNumber(const V: Variant; const Format: WideString; var Color: integer): WideString;
- var
- p, p1: integer;
- LastHour: boolean;
- begin
- CheckColor(Format, Color, p);
- Result:=''; LastHour:=false;
- while p<=Length(Format) do
- begin
- p1:=p;
- CheckOptional(V, Format, p, Result);
- CheckLiteral (V, Format, p, Result);
- CheckDate (V, Format, p, Result, LastHour);
- CheckNumber (V, Format, p, Result);
- if p1=p then //not found
- begin
- Result:=V;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function FormatText(const V:Variant; Format: WideString; var Color: integer):Widestring;
- var
- SectionExists: boolean;
- p, p1: integer;
- begin
- Format:=Section(3, Format, SectionExists);
- if not SectionExists and (Pos('@', Format)=0) then
- begin
- Result:=v;
- exit;
- end;
- CheckColor(Format, Color, p);
- Result:='';
- while p<=Length(Format) do
- begin
- p1:=p;
- CheckOptional(V, Format, p, Result);
- CheckLiteral (V, Format, p, Result);
- CheckText (V, Format, p, Result);
- if p1=p then //not found
- begin
- Result:=V;
- exit;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function XlsFormatValue(const V: variant; const Format: Widestring; var Color: Integer): Widestring;
- var
- SectionExists: boolean;
- begin
- if Format='' then //General
- begin
- Result:=v;
- exit;
- end;
- case VarType(V) of
- varByte,
- varSmallint,
- varInteger,
- varSingle,
- varDouble,
- {$IFDEF ConditionalExpressions}{$if CompilerVersion >= 14} varInt64,{$IFEND}{$ENDIF} //Delphi 6 or above
- varCurrency : if V>0 then Result:=FormatNumber(V, Section(0,Format,SectionExists), Color) else
- if V<0 then Result:=FormatNumber(-V, Section(1,Format,SectionExists), Color) else
- Result:=FormatNumber(V, Section(2,Format,SectionExists), Color);
- varDate : if V>0 then Result:=FormatNumber(V, Section(0,Format,SectionExists), Color) else
- if V<0 then Result:='###################' else //Negative dates are shown this way
- Result:=FormatNumber(V, Section(2,Format,SectionExists), Color);
- varOleStr,
- varStrArg,
- varString : Result:=FormatText(V,Format, Color);
- varBoolean : if V then Result:=TxtTrue else Result:=TxtFalse;
- else Result:=V;
- end; //case
- end;
- end.