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- unit UOleDrag;
- // This unit is based on the works of Graham Wideman
- // graham@wideman-one.com
- // www.wideman-one.com
- // Thanks!
- interface
- uses Windows, Activex, SysUtils;
- type
- TFlxDropSource= class(TInterfacedObject, IDropSource)
- function QueryContinueDrag(fEscapePressed: BOOL; grfKeyState: Longint): HResult; stdcall;
- function GiveFeedback(dwEffect: Longint): HResult; stdcall;
- end;
- TFlxEnumformatEtc=class(TInterfacedObject, IEnumFORMATETC)
- private
- FIndex: integer;
- public
- function Next(celt: Longint; out elt; pceltFetched: PLongint): HResult; stdcall;
- function Skip(celt: Longint): HResult; stdcall;
- function Reset: HResult; stdcall;
- function Clone(out Enum: IEnumFormatEtc): HResult; stdcall;
- constructor Create;
- end;
- TFlxDataObject= class(TInterfacedObject, IDataObject)
- private
- FText: string;
- public
- function GetData(const formatetcIn: TFormatEtc; out medium: TStgMedium): HResult; stdcall;
- function GetDataHere(const formatetc: TFormatEtc; out medium: TStgMedium): HResult; stdcall;
- function QueryGetData(const formatetc: TFormatEtc): HResult; stdcall;
- function GetCanonicalFormatEtc(const formatetc: TFormatEtc; out formatetcOut: TFormatEtc): HResult; stdcall;
- function SetData(const formatetc: TFormatEtc; var medium: TStgMedium; fRelease: BOOL): HResult; stdcall;
- function EnumFormatEtc(dwDirection: Longint; out enumFormatEtc: IEnumFormatEtc): HResult; stdcall;
- function DAdvise(const formatetc: TFormatEtc; advf: Longint; const advSink: IAdviseSink; out dwConnection: Longint): HResult; stdcall;
- function DUnadvise(dwConnection: Longint): HResult; stdcall; function EnumDAdvise(out enumAdvise: IEnumStatData): HResult; stdcall;
- constructor Create(const aText: string);
- end;
- implementation
- { TFlxDropSource }
- function TFlxDropSource.GiveFeedback(dwEffect: Integer): HResult;
- begin
- end;
- function TFlxDropSource.QueryContinueDrag(fEscapePressed: BOOL; grfKeyState: Integer): HResult;
- begin
- Result := S_OK;
- If fEscapePressed then Result := DRAGDROP_S_CANCEL else
- if ((grfKeyState and MK_LBUTTON) = 0) then // mouse-up
- Result := DRAGDROP_S_DROP;
- end;
- { TFlxDataObject }
- constructor TFlxDataObject.Create(const aText: string);
- begin
- inherited Create;
- FText:=aText;
- end;
- function TFlxDataObject.DAdvise(const formatetc: TFormatEtc; advf: Integer;
- const advSink: IAdviseSink; out dwConnection: Integer): HResult;
- begin
- end;
- function TFlxDataObject.DUnadvise(dwConnection: Integer): HResult;
- begin
- end;
- function TFlxDataObject.EnumDAdvise(
- out enumAdvise: IEnumStatData): HResult;
- begin
- end;
- function TFlxDataObject.EnumFormatEtc(dwDirection: Integer;
- out enumFormatEtc: IEnumFormatEtc): HResult;
- begin
- if dwDirection <> DATADIR_GET then
- Begin
- enumFormatEtc := nil;
- Result := E_NOTIMPL;
- exit;
- end;
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Finer OLE point: assigning to enumFormatEtc will auto increment the
- // RefCount to 1, since enumFormatEtc is an IEnumFormatEtc.
- // ie: no need to _AddRef, in fact that will lead to enumFormatEtc
- // never getting deleted.
- // Note, this conflicts with Cantu 1998 Delphi Developer Handbook P465
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- enumFormatEtc := TFlxEnumFormatEtc.Create;
- Result := S_OK;
- end;
- function TFlxDataObject.GetCanonicalFormatEtc(const formatetc: TFormatEtc;
- out formatetcOut: TFormatEtc): HResult;
- begin
- formatetcOut.ptd := nil;
- Result := E_NOTIMPL;
- end;
- function TFlxDataObject.GetData(const formatetcIn: TFormatEtc; out medium: TStgMedium): HResult;
- var
- HGlobalData: HGlobal;
- PGlobalData: PChar;
- OutString: string;
- OutStringLen: integer;
- AllocLen: integer;
- begin
- Result := DV_E_FORMATETC;
- if QueryGetData(formatetcIn) <> S_OK then exit;
- // most medium fields are already initialized by this point
- medium.tymed := TYMED_HGLOBAL;
- OutString := FText;
- OutStringLen := Length(OutString);
- case formatetcIn.cfFormat of
- CF_TEXT: AllocLen := OutStringLen + 1;
- CF_UNICODETEXT: AllocLen := OutStringLen * 2 + 2;
- else exit;
- end; //case
- HGlobalData := GlobalAlloc((GMEM_SHARE or GMEM_MOVEABLE or GMEM_ZEROINIT), AllocLen);
- if (HGlobalData <> 0) then
- begin
- PGlobalData := GlobalLock (HGlobalData); // lock while we are using it
- try
- case formatetcIn.cfFormat of
- CF_TEXT: StrCopy(PGlobalData, PChar(OutString));
- CF_UNICODETEXT: StringToWideChar(OutString, PWideChar(PGlobalData), OutStringLen+1);
- end; //case
- finally
- GlobalUnlock (HGlobalData);
- end; //finally
- medium.hGlobal := HGlobalData;
- Result := S_OK;
- end;
- end;
- function TFlxDataObject.GetDataHere(const formatetc: TFormatEtc;
- out medium: TStgMedium): HResult;
- begin
- Result := DV_E_FORMATETC;
- end;
- function TFlxDataObject.QueryGetData(const formatetc: TFormatEtc): HResult;
- begin
- Result := DV_E_FORMATETC;
- if (formatetc.dwAspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT) and
- ((formatetc.cfFormat = CF_TEXT) or (formatetc.cfFormat = CF_UNICODETEXT)) and
- (formatetc.tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL) then Result := S_OK;
- end;
- function TFlxDataObject.SetData(const formatetc: TFormatEtc;
- var medium: TStgMedium; fRelease: BOOL): HResult;
- begin
- Result := E_NOTIMPL;
- end;
- //-----------------------
- { TFlxEnumformat }
- type
- TFormatEtcArray = array[0..19] of TFormatEtc;
- PFormatEtcArray = ^TFormatEtcArray;
- function TFlxEnumformatEtc.Clone(out Enum: IEnumFormatEtc): HResult;
- begin
- Result := S_FALSE;
- end;
- constructor TFlxEnumformatEtc.create;
- begin
- inherited;
- FIndex:=0;
- end;
- function TFlxEnumformatEtc.Next(celt: Integer; out elt;
- pceltFetched: PLongint): HResult;
- var
- N: integer;
- FormatEtcArrayOut: TFormatEtcArray absolute elt;
- begin
- Result := S_FALSE;
- N := 0;
- while (N < celt) and (FIndex < 2) do
- begin
- case FIndex of
- 1: begin
- FormatEtcArrayOut[N].cfFormat := CF_UNICODETEXT;
- FormatEtcArrayOut[N].ptd := nil;
- FormatEtcArrayOut[N].dwAspect := DVASPECT_CONTENT;
- FormatEtcArrayOut[N].lindex := -1;
- FormatEtcArrayOut[N].tymed := TYMED_HGLOBAL;
- end;
- else Begin
- FormatEtcArrayOut[N].cfFormat := CF_TEXT;
- FormatEtcArrayOut[N].ptd := nil;
- FormatEtcArrayOut[N].dwAspect := DVASPECT_CONTENT;
- FormatEtcArrayOut[N].lindex := -1;
- FormatEtcArrayOut[N].tymed := TYMED_HGLOBAL;
- end;
- end; //case
- Inc(FIndex);
- Inc(N);
- end;
- If PceltFetched <> nil then PceltFetched^ := N;
- if N = celt then Result := S_OK;
- end;
- function TFlxEnumformatEtc.Reset: HResult;
- begin
- FIndex := 0;
- Result := S_OK;
- end;
- function TFlxEnumformatEtc.Skip(celt: Integer): HResult;
- begin
- FIndex := FIndex + celt;
- if FIndex > 2 then
- begin
- FIndex := 2;
- Result := S_FALSE;
- end
- else Result := S_OK;
- end;
- initialization
- //-----------------------
- OleInitialize (Nil);
- //-----------------------
- finalization
- //-----------------------
- OleUninitialize;
- end.