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- SlowView History:
- http://www.slowview.at
- ======================
- May 17th 2002 - Version
- ================================
- o Several interfacechanges.
- May 09th 2002 - Version
- ================================
- o Greatly improved speed of Bilinearfiltermethode that is used when using the
- "high quality zoom" option! Works now way faster and uses less memory with big images!
- o Improved Loadingspeed and decreased Memoryrequirement for loading nonanimated
- Giffiles (*.gif).
- April 30th 2002 - Version
- ==================================
- o Browser: Added possibility to store the style (thumbnails, reportview, listview)
- for each folder seperately and permanent. Just rightclick with your mouse into
- the browserwindow and in the popupmenu select
- "Browserstyle->Save Current Style for this Folder"
- o Added Image->Adjust to set Brightness and Contrast with Previewimage.
- o Themesupport on WinXP.
- o Added Language: Malaysian.
- o Added Edit->View Fileinfo (not complete yet though).
- o Speeded up Directorylisting in Browser.
- o Added own MP3Decoder for mp1, mp2 and mostly mp3 playback!
- o Fixed bug loading certain TIFs showing "not enough memory" errormsg.
- o Fixed small menucolorbug on WinXP.
- o Fixed bug in browser with directories starting with "!" and other special signs.
- o Fixed focus bug when switching from fullscreenmode to browser.
- o Fixed foldernames bug with far east languages (dbcs).
- o Added Zoomquality option: allows you to choose high quality zooming (using
- bilinear filtering), greatly improves quality of zoomed in/out images, but
- takes way more cputime and memory, so only use on fast computers (Athlon XP,
- Pentium IV is good).
- o Interfaced with libpng 1.2.2.
- o Some small bugfixes/changes.
- March 10th 2002 - Version 0.9.9:
- ================================
- o Fixed problem with displaying native foldernames in browser with following
- languages: chinese, japanese, russian, turkish.
- o Added Option to disable snap mousecursor automatically to ToolBarButtons.
- o Finally: Greatly improved Loadspeed for animated GIF files with many frames.
- Loading is now as fast as you would expect it.
- o Slightly increased speed of scanforfiles-function.
- o Fixed bugs with the *.tiff extension.
- o In Browsermode with detailsview you can now sort by name, size and date by
- clicking on the appropiate columnheader.
- o Registering Fileextesions to SlowView does now work on a per-user basis in
- multiuser systems (NT4, 2k, XP). Means, different users can have different
- filetypes associated to SlowView on the same System.
- o Added Option to only view with SlowView associated Files. (eg: when only
- images are associated, the browser skips all videos and soundfiles).
- o You can now set your own specified backgroundcolor for the viewer in options.
- o Finally the "Cancel" Button in the Browser is not needed anymore while
- Thumbnails are created. Means, you can now change directory, or close the app,
- while loading images from a directory without receiving any errors
- (like: "Wrong ID") etc.
- o Added full support (Load/Save) for JPEG2000 format (*.jp2, *.j2c).
- o Added Support for relative paths in the commandlineparameters. This is
- required for starting SV from a CD-ROM where driveletter is not constant.
- Some examples how you can now call slowview for starting:
- slowview.exe -t="..\..\IMAGES\GIF" (go 2 levels up, then IMAGES\GIF)
- slowview.exe "IMAGES\PNG\example.png" (go subdirectory IMAGES\PNG)
- slowview.exe -s="\IMAGES" (go to subdirectory IMAGES)
- etc..
- o Redesigned the whole SlowViewMenu. It is now completely ownerdrawn and
- looks quite nice i think ;)
- o Browser can now handle directories with "(" and ")" in the name.
- o Improved some Toolbarbuttons:
- +Open Button has now dropdownfunctionality for showing the 10 recently
- opened mediafiles.
- +Browse Button has now dropdownfunctionality for showing the 200 most
- recently used Directories (the same as shown in ComboBox in browser).
- +Zoom100% Button received additional commands in dropdown menu:
- Fit Screen (best fit), Fit Width, Fit Height
- o Finally: Cropping/Selectionrectangle does now work correct
- on scalesizes other than 100% (so you can zoomin/zoomout and
- crop still works correct). ;-)
- o Exported JBIG Loader as Addon.
- Download here: http://www.slowview.at/addons.shtml
- o Exported DJVU Loader/Saver as Addon. Decreased SlowView.exe filesize by ~100KB.
- Download here: http://www.slowview.at/addons.shtml
- o Exported FPX Loader as Addon. Decreased SlowView.exe filesize by ~220KB.
- Download here: http://www.slowview.at/addons.shtml
- o Added Loadsupport for JBIG2 Files as Addon. (by Oleg Babin)
- Download here: http://www.slowview.at/addons.shtml
- o Added Language: Swedish, Danish, Urainian, Portuguese (Standard), Dutch, Estonian.
- o New Hotkey for Rename is now F2, like in Explorer.
- But Shift+R still works.
- o Holding down SHIFT while pressing the DEL Key does now delete
- the wanted file automatically, without "asking" anymore.
- o Image of up/sub-dirfolder in browser look now better (on NT4 too).
- o Fixed PCXLoader crash with certain invalid PCX.
- o Interfaced with LibTIF 3.5.7.
- o Quite some small bugfixes/changes.
- November 6th 2001 - Version 0.9.8b:
- ===================================
- o Updated Language: Polish, Russian
- o Added Language: Romanian, Catalan, Valencia
- o Tooltips work now when default Englishlanguage is used!
- o SlowView has a birthday! It is now 3 years old!! ;-)
- October 26th 2001 - Version 0.9.8a:
- ===================================
- o Finally fixed crash when loading 32bit image (psd, jpg, tif, etc) and
- Windows runs at 24bit (true color) Displaydepth!!
- o Greatly improved visual quality of pics shown in preview of opendialog.
- o Improved DeleteFunction: When you hold down SHIFT while pressing the
- Deletekey the file will just get deleted, and not moved to the trash,
- even when this option is set.
- o Interfaced with LibPNG 1.2
- o Added Language: Turkish
- October 21st 2001 - Version 0.9.8:
- ==================================
- o Full Support for Quicktime 5! If you have Quicktime installed, just
- play a *.mov file with Slowview and you will see what i mean.
- If you do not have Quicktime installed, nothing will change for you.
- o Improved MP3Player: Now the ID3v1/v2.2/v2.3/v2.4 taginfo is shown when
- its available!
- o BMPs can now be saved in 16 and 32bit format too.
- o Added workaround for limitation on scaling big images into more than
- 2000% on Win9x which resulted in a nice crash.
- o DjVu Loader does now react correct on non/invalid DjVuImages (means it
- does not crash anymore :).
- o Fixed a bug with loading 1bit GIF Images showing only a blank image.
- o Big CMYK TIF Files do now display correct (though a bit too bright).
- o Fixed a WMF/EMF Loadingbug.
- o CMYK JPG's have now correct colors.
- o Added support for the DivX Extension (*.divx).
- o Fixed a bug displaying PrintingPreview on Win9x.
- o Added Preview to the Openfiledialogbox.
- o Fixed a bug in the WBMP Loader.
- o PCD Loader pays now attention to the orientation of the image.
- o Added Tools->Export RAW Imagedata (*.raw).
- o SlowView remembers the last used OpenFilter in the OpenFileDialog.
- o Added options to choose the startdirectory for browser:
- current directory, last used directory, or specified directory.
- o Fixed a refreshbug when switching to fullscreenmode.
- o Fixed that refreshbug where the DirectoryListWindow in Browsemode got overdrawn
- by big images. This bug occured as far as i know only on Win9x.
- o SV does now differ between simplified and traditional chinese.
- o The polish languagefile got updated and revised.
- o Added Language: Galician, Russian.
- o Fixed the bug where when loading an image the filename shown in slowview's
- title bar was always the filename of the first file in the current directory
- and not the filename of the image loaded.
- o Added Function "Refresh" for Thumbnailer. The Hotkey is F5.
- o Finally added support for TWAIN: Get the Images from your Scanner, Digital
- Camera, etc. easily with SlowView! ;-)
- o Added support for Ogg Vorbis Format! Note that you will need to install
- the MediaXW (Media Extension for Windows) codecs to play Ogg files with SlowView.
- Get the free codecs from here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mediaxw
- o Added "Rename Multiple" command to the Thumbnailer! Simply select some
- thumbs/files and right-click to choose "Rename Multiple" and see yourself!
- o SlowView is now fully Windows XP compatible.
- o The Content of the Helpfile got updated :-)
- o Improved internal Fileassociationworks.
- o Interfaced with libmng 1.0.3.
- o Some small bugfixes/changes.
- August 4th 2001 - Version 0.9.7:
- ================================
- o Fixed the bug when after using the batchconverter or catalogcreator a
- messagebox popped up whenever one clicked a button.
- o SlowView is now available with a real installer (including uninstaller etc.).
- The Freeware Inno Setup is used.
- o A real Helpfile (*.chm) (though theres still no updated helpcontent ;-)
- o Added new commandlineparamter "o". This shows the Settings/Options with
- the Filetypestab selected. example: slowview.exe -o will start SV and
- immediately show the options.
- o Fixed the bug with files (especially mpeg) appearing twice in the thumbnailer.
- o A new default toolbar is now chosen when starting SlowView for the first time.
- o Removed the Options: Tools->Restore Original Toolbar. There was no real need
- anymore for this function.
- o Added new Viewmode: Fit only big Images to Window. In this mode, Images
- bigger than the screen resolution will resize to best fit to screen, images
- smaller than the screen resolution will be shown with original size.
- o SlowView does now when started the first time on a system chose the correct
- language for the system (if the language is supported by SlowView of course).
- For example, on a spanish system, SV will detect the userlanguage and
- automatically start with the spanish languagefile chosen. If the found
- language is not supported, SV will default to english.
- o Interfaced with libmng 1.0.2.
- o New Icons for the middle Toolbar!
- o New Fillassociations-icons!
- o Some small bugfixes/changes.
- June 17th 2001 - Version 0.9.6d:
- ================================
- o Added File->Open With (PhotoShop, PhotoPaint, Paint Shop Pro, Media Player).
- o Added Options "Always start in Fullscreenmode" under Options->Appearance->Fullscreen.
- With this enabled, an single image will always be shown in fullscreen, and a doublclick
- on an image in thumbnailsmode will then do the same.
- o Fixed a small displaybug with videofiles in fullscreenmode.
- o Reenabled the GIF Save support which i accidentely disabled in the previous
- version.
- o Additional Languagesupport: Chinese, Korean
- o Interfaced with libpng 1.0.11.
- o Interfaced with libmng 1.0.1.
- May 07th 2001 - Version 0.9.6a:
- ===============================
- o Just a maintenance release: SlowView.exe does not use UPX Compression
- anymore due to numerous problems on different systems.
- April 30th 2001 - Version 0.9.6:
- ================================
- o !IMPORTANT UPDATEINFO!: To avoid any errors, it is important that you when
- first start SlowView clear the caching database (when you have enabled
- Thumbnailcaching that is). Go to Tools->Database Maintenance and select
- "Delete All", then press Yes.
- o All new Languagemanagement: Under "Tools->Set Language" you can now choose
- which of the installed languages you want to use with SV, and you can immediately
- change to that language (no restart needed). Also its possible to add support
- for more languages afterwards (eg: japanese, russian, chinese, etc..).
- o Added Show/Add AlphaChannel command for images containing AlphaChannels.
- Especially for SoftImage Pic Files.
- o Using the "Sent To" command with SlowView works now.
- o Many small bugfixes/improvement/changes done...i cant remember anymore what
- exactly...
- o Some bugfixes in the Dither 4 and 8bit commands.
- o Some bugfixes in the Fullscreenmode.
- o The middle mousebutton toggles now between Fullscreenmode.
- o Rewrote the Directorysearchfunction using a modified version of Sedgewick's
- Quicksort algorithm.
- o Fixed a bug in the "Clear list of Thumbnaildirectories" command in the options.
- o Added quick "getting back to thumbnailsmode". Start Thumbnails, select an
- image, doubleclick with the left mousebutton to view it in singleviewmode,
- then again doubeclick with the left mousebutton, and see... ;)
- o Completely rewritten Imageengine. A bit faster, uses about half of the memory
- previously needed for loading images, and you can now also load really big
- images with SV. (eg: a TIF 18456x13987x1 is now no problem anymore).
- o Added "Lock Zoom" possibility to the viewmenu. When this is enabled,
- the zoom and pan values are kept when loading a new image. This eases
- comparing images at high/low zoomrates.
- o Added Clipboard commands to the Contextmenu fo the Thumbnailer. With
- this you can easily copy the filenames of the selected images to the
- clipboard and for example paste them into texteditors.
- o Rewrote the Printerfunctions. Now with PrintPreview and additonal
- setup parameters.
- o Rewrote the Undomechanism. For storing Undo information, additional
- memory is not required anymore. SV does now store Undoinformation on
- the harddisk.
- o Improved JPG and PNG Loaders.
- o Added Savesupport for AT&T Djvu Images (*.djvu).
- o Added Loadsupport for Softimage PIC Image (*.pic).
- o Added Loadsupport for AT&T Djvu Images (*.djvu).
- o Added Loadsupport for JBIG BiLevel Images (*.jbg).
- o Added Loadsupport for Kodak FlashPix Images (*.fpx).
- o Added Loadsupport for Encapsulated Postscript files (Preview) (*.eps).
- o Added Loadsupport for Paint Shop Pro Images (Preview only) (*.psp).
- o Added Loadsupport for Kodak PhotoCD Images (*.pcd).
- o Added Loadsupport for Wireless Bitmaps (*.wbmp).
- o Added Loadsupport for LView Pro Images (*.lvp).
- o Fixed some bugs in the sharpeneffect.
- o The option "Show Mousecursor" (enable/disable) in fullscreenmode works now ;).
- o Improved Toolbar: Support for Buttonlabels, Gradientbackground and right-click
- on the toolbar, Chevrons, etc ;-).
- o Interfaced with libpng 1.0.9.
- o Interfaced with libmng 1.0.0+. Get it for free at http://www.libmng.com !
- o Some small bugfixes/improvements.
- January 22nd 2001 - Version 0.9.4:
- ==================================
- o New Hotkeys for Next/Prev Image: Space/Backspace.
- Note that PageDn/PageUp still works.
- o Added a 4th Toolbar (Large Toolbar). (Again created by Guillaume ;)
- o Added MenuBitmaps created by Guillaume Obser. Thanks ;-)
- o Improved Scrolling images with the cursorkeys:
- When holding down Shift - Scrolling is slow.
- When holding down Ctrl - Scrolling is fast.
- o Improved Keyboardsupport in Thumbnailer:
- With Tab you can finally switch between the Thumbnails and the Previewpane.
- When holding down Ctrl+ using the arrowkeys, you can scroll the Thumbnails.
- o Added new commandline option:
- -s="Directory" for starting a SlideShow.
- Example: Start SlideShow in Fullscreen with specified Directory:
- Slowview.exe -f -s="C:\MyPicsForExample"
- o Finally all hotkeys work in Thumbnailsmode! ;-)
- o Improved Database Maintenance.
- o SlowView is now also available in italian!
- o Fixed several glinches with the spanish translation.
- o Some modifications in the view menu.
- o Fixed a thumbnailsdisplaybug on Win2k.
- o Removed Thumbnailoption->Show Filename.
- o Changed Fullscreenmodebehavior: The mouse works now the way
- it works in singleviewmode (leftbutton drag images, right button
- contextmenu or selectionrectangle).
- o Added some functions to the contextmenu.
- o A doubleclick with the left mousebutton does now start the
- Thumbnailer or closes it in case it is already open.
- o Finally fixed all bugs in the copy/move/delete/rename functions.
- They should now work on every system.
- o Fixed some displaybugs in Fullscreenmode on
- WinNT4 and Win2k.
- o Quite some small bugfixes/improvements.
- December 31st 2000 - Version 0.9.3:
- ===================================
- o CHANGE:Scrolling big images is now again done with the LEFT mousebutton,
- and the selectionrectanglestuff is now done with the RIGHT mousebutton.
- o Added Select All to Editmenu for Thumbnailer.
- o Reorganized the Hotkeys.
- o Fixed several memoryleaks.
- o Renamed "Options.txt" to "SlowView.ini".
- o Deleted Option: Thumbnails-> ReportView only -> Show Gridlines and Full Row
- Select. Those two styles are now set automatically.
- o Deleted Option: Thumbnails-> Use predefined Thumbnailsizes stuff..
- o Deleted Option: Thumbnails-> Only show registered formats.
- o Deleted Option: Thumbnails-> Show Full Pathname.
- o BUGFIX: For people that use Windows Exlorer and the inbuilt Thumbnails for
- GIF, JPG and BMP images: SlowView does not anymore disable the Thumbnails
- when associating it to GIF, JPG or BMP Files. If you used a previous version
- of SlowView and want to restore the Thumbnails in Explorer, please contact me
- and i will send you some info on how to do this.
- o Added "Fullscreen" option to the Thumbnailercontextmenu for quickly
- viewing Images in Fullscreen. Then you can press Enter or Escape to return
- to the Thumbnailer.
- o Added Option "Options->Viewer->Fullscreen->Show Image Full Size". When this is
- set, the images in Fullscreenmode are shown with their full size, and
- you can scroll them with the cursorkeys, and ZoomIn/Out with the Zoom
- hotkeys. If this flag is not set, Images bigger than the screenresolution
- will get scaled to fit the Screendimensions, and scrolling will not
- be possible.
- o You can now scroll images also with the cursorkeys, not only the
- right mousebutton anymore.
- o Fixed a bug when renaming images in the thumbnailer.
- o Note: The new hotkeys for Next/Prev Image are now: PAGE DOWN/PAGE UP.
- Or use the mousewheel, ya know ;)
- o You can now also Zoom in Thumbnailsmode when using the "no fit/Full Size" view!
- o Switching from Thumbnailsmode to Fullscreen and back to Thumbnailsmode
- (showing the current image) works now.
- o Improved Mousewheelsupport: When you hold down the Ctrl key and move the
- mousewheel, you can zoomin/zoomout the picture.
- o Improved CopyTo and MoveTo dialogs (now with recently used directories list).
- It also shows you the directories you used (and you can delete them when
- no longer needed, too).
- o The thumbnailcaching is now only active on fixed drives (not on
- CD-ROM/removable/network drives).
- o Several small Bugfixes/Improvements/Changes.
- December 17th 2000 - Version 0.9.2:
- ===================================
- o IMPORTANT UPDATE INFO: When first running this version, and you had
- already installed an older version of SlowView, choose "Utils->Restore
- Default Toolbar", then the Toolbarbuttons will look ok again (the reason
- is that this version has 2 new Toolbarbuttons that older versions of
- SlowView of course don't know).
- o Added Effect: Sharpen.
- o Fixed a memoryleak in the Thumbnailer when switching Viewstyles.
- o Improved loading of big images (3000x3000 or higher) on Win9x.
- o Fixed a TGA-Loader bug with 16 and 15bit RLE-packed TGAs.
- o SlowView is now also available in spanish!
- o Added a one-step UNDO for Edit-Paste and all imagemanipulationfunctions
- except Resize and Rotate. Note that Undo requires more memory.
- o Added Options to show/hide Toolbarbackgroundimage.
- o Added Mousewheelsupport for Next/Prev Image.
- o Increased the maximum count of imagesfilenames in the Directorysearch
- from 5000 to 10000 Files.
- o Added a CatalogCreator: With this tool you can scan in images starting
- at a supplied rootdirectory including all subdirectories, and SV will
- generate Thumbnails out of the loaded images and store them in a packed
- SlowView Catalog File (*.svc). You can then later load such a catalog
- file, and view the thumbnails (even if the origial Images aren't
- available). This is perfect for example if you want to scan in a
- CD-ROM containing Images. With the SlowView Catalog File you can then
- always view the images of a CD-ROM even when the CD-ROM is not
- plugged in. So this is the tool for always knowing whats going on
- in your Image or Videocollection. Don't forget to associate *.svc
- Files with SlowView!
- o Added Contextmenu to the thumbnailer (you know, the popupmenu when
- pressing the right mousebutton on a thumbnail).
- o A doubleclick with the leftmousebutton on a thumbnailimage does now
- load the image in single view mode (and thus also closes the thumbnailer).
- o Added Option to set the following commands (in fileassociation options):
- "Browse with SlowView" for Directories and/or Drives. (You can use
- them when rightclicking on a folder in Explorer for example).
- o Added Thumbnailcaching!!! The Thumbnailer now automatically chaches
- the generated thumbnails of a directory and uses them the next time
- this directory gets loaded. He also checks if a file got modified or
- deleted, or a file is new and updates then the database.
- o Added support for Animated GIF Files using local colormaps.
- o Added possibility to use predefined Thumbnailsizes in Options:
- 150x150, 200x200, 250x250, 300x300, 350x350, 400x400 Pixel.
- o Several small Bugfixes/Improvements/Changes.
- November 20th 2000 - Version 0.9.0 (Version 1.90 Dev):
- ======================================================
- o Added LoadSupport for the following Formats:
- Sound: wav, snd, aif, wma, mp1, mp2, mp3, mid, rmi, au.
- o Speeded up DirectoryExtension Search.
- o Deleting multiple files in Thumbnailer now works as fast as it should.
- o Added Save support for 8bit (not only 24bit) for the following formats:
- o Saving GIF Files now works better, when SourceImage has a Bitdepth <= 8bit.
- o Implemented "Use Last Windowposition" mode. (Enable/Disable can be
- found in the View-Menu).
- o Completely rewrote the messaging system for the Thumbnailer. It works
- now better, and you can select a Directory with a Doubleclick, an Image
- with a single Click.
- o Added a DirectoryView to the Thumbnailer ;-).
- o Improved the Thumbails-Report View.
- o Fixed the Batchconverterdisplaybug that occured on some systems.
- o Added full Load/Save support for MNG (Multiple-Image Network Graphics)!!!
- You can also batchconvert animated GIF files to animated MNG!
- MNG is completely patentfree and _WAY_ better than GIF!
- For now you can get an IE/NN Browser Plugin here:
- http://pobox.com/~jason1/imaging/mngplg/
- Note, that future Browser Versions (will) have native MNG Support
- (e.g: Konqueror, Netscape6).
- For MNG Implementation big thanks go to Gerard Juyn for helping so much!
- http://www.libmng.com
- o Fixed the bug with not closed TIFF-Files!
- o Improved Errordisplay when loaderror occured.
- o Added Loadsupport for animated GIFs!!!
- o You can now customize the Toolbar in a seperate tab in Options.
- Just check the Buttons you want to use.
- o MANY small Bugfixes/Improvements/Changes.
- October 3rd 2000 - Version 1.85 Dev (Version 0.85):
- ===================================================
- o Thumbnailer: You can now select multiple files, and move, copy, delete
- them!
- o You won't believe it!!! Finally you can Maximize/Restore the
- Thumbnailswindow when you before minimized it, with just a
- click on the taskbar, as you would usual do ot. One of the
- most annoying bugs is finally gone! ;))
- o Added 2 Items to the Viewmenu: "Fit Image to Window" and "Fit
- Window to Image". This way its faster to switch between the 2
- displaymodes. (You can still change this setting also in the
- Options ).
- o Did some Modifications in the Thumbnailer.
- o Added a 3rd Toolbar created by Guillaume Obser. Now in Options you
- can find a Combo Box to choose the Toolbar you want:
- Small Toolbar, Default (Medium) Toolbar or Big Toolbar.
- o Added Effect: Seamless Image!! (With this you can easily make
- Websitebackgrounds from any image you want).
- o Added Effect: Pixelize.
- o Added Effect: Blur.
- o The default Backgroundcolor for loading transparent ICO Files
- is now white instead of black.
- o Fixed a small GIF-Loading Palette bug.
- o Added commands when right-clicking on an Imagefiletype that is
- associated with SlowView in Explorer (Reassociate Filetypes!):
- "Open" (the default, is the same as doubleclicking on the file).
- "Print with SlowView" (Prints the selected Image).
- "Browse with SlowView" (Loads the Directory into the Thumbnailer).
- "View in Fullscreen" (Loads the Image in Fullscreenmode).
- "Convert Image to..." (Shows SaveAs Dlg and converts the Imagefile).
- o Added Batch Conversion!! (Can be found in the File Menutitem) ;)
- o Added Commandline Support!! (See CmdLine.txt for more info). :)
- o Added Writesupport for Alias/Wavefront PIX Files (*.pix).
- o Added Loadsupport for Alias/Wavefront PIX Files (*.pix).
- o Added Loadsupport for Windows 3.1 and Aldus Placable Metafiles (*.wmf).
- o Fixed a wired Loading-bug with the "Use only one instance" command.
- o Several small Bugfixes/Improvements/Changes.
- September 07th 2000 - Version 1.82 Dev (Version 0.82):
- ======================================================
- o Improved the internal Functions for Fileassociation with SlowView:
- IMPORTANT: ReAssign the Filetypes to SlowView (Options), else it won't work!
- The advantage is that it now works better in one case under Win ME,
- plus its required for future implementation of commandline parameters.
- o Thumbnailer: Improved SubDir and DirUp Pics.
- o Added Hotkeys: Fullscreenmode, ImageAsTilemap, Always maximize Window.
- o Fixed a ClipboardMemoryLeak.
- o Interfaced with LibPNG v1.0.8.
- o Fixed a bug with the Fontwidthdisplay in the StatusBar.
- o Added a Backgroundpicture to the Toolbar.
- o Added Option for "Always Maximize Window". (Can be found in the ViewMenu).
- o Added Support for Alt-Tab commands to the menuitems.
- o Rewrote the Filingfunctions used in MoveTo, CopyTo, Delete and Rename.
- o Smaller Improvments/Bugfixes with the Thumbnail-Report and -ListView Styles.
- o The coordinates of the selection rectangle are now shown relative to the
- upperleft corner of the pic and not the window itself.
- o Added some commands to the Helpmenuitem.
- o Improved Toolbarlook when using "non-flat" style.
- o Added Crop Feature.
- o Fixed a bug when using the "Restore Toolbar" menuitem.
- o Moved GrayScale and Invert menuitems from the Colorsubmenu to the Imagemenu.
- o Several small Bugfixes/Improvements/Changes.
- May 29th 2000 - Version 1.81 Dev (Version 0.81):
- ================================================
- o Improved Toolbarlook.
- o Improved Pics used in Thumbnailer (Dirup and Subdir).
- o Improved Pastefunction a bit when pasting into a rectangle.
- o Fixed a small bug with the Printerdialog (empty Combobox).
- o When using the Big Toolbar and "use minimal windowtrackingsize" is on,
- the window is now never smaller than the toolbarwidth (like it is with
- the small toolbar).
- o Fixed a bug in the Thumbnailer, that could make load a Directory twice in
- some certain situations.
- May 16th 2000 - Version 1.8 Dev (Version 0.8):
- ==============================================
- o Fixed a bug when viewing 24bit interlaced IFF/LBMs.
- o Fixed a bug when viewing 32bit JPEGs.
- o Added Option: Toggle Use minimal WindowSize.
- o Added Option: Show Big Toolbar (shows another bigger sized toolbar).
- o Thumbnailer: Now also 2 different Viewmodes supported: "Original Size" and
- "Fit To Screen"!
- o Added Possibility to rearrange the Buttons in the Toolbar (Hold down SHIFT
- then drag the Buttons to the new Position) ;)
- o ThumbNailer: Moving/Deleting files now works correct (they get erased and the
- next thumb loaded).
- o Added Editfunctions: Cut, Copy, Paste: Now with Rectangleselectionpossibility.
- You can also move, resize the Selectionrectangle afterwards, paste into a
- selection, copy a selection, etc. (Use the LEFT MOUSEBUTTON) (Works not
- correct if the image is scaled, and not in Fullscreen).
- o ATTENTION: Dragging/Scrolling big Images is now done with the RIGHT
- MOUSEBUTTON. (Before it was the left mousebutton).
- o Redesigned the Readme.htm file and the SlowView Homepage.
- o Thumbnailer: Shows now also the Subdirectories, if any, plus a thumb for
- Directory Up!
- o Thumbnailer: Added Option to show FullPathname instead of only the Filename
- for each Thumb.
- o Improved Printingoptions a bit.
- o Added View-ImageAsTilemap: This is perfect if you quickly want to test how
- your tileimage would look like as a Websitebackground or for a tilemap in a
- game. (Best used in Fullscreenmode).
- o Added Options for Deletefile: Delete file to Recycle Bin.
- o Added Fullscreensupport.
- o Added Resize Image Function.
- o Added Option: Use only one instance.
- o The Statusbar is now also visible when the Windows-Taskbar is at the bottom
- and always shown.
- o The MenuItems and Toolbarbuttons are now grayed/disabled or enabled depending
- on if an image is loaded or not, etc.
- o Improved handling of all dialogs.
- o Improved handling with the Renamedialog when rename is not possible.
- o Slightly speeded up Directorysearch function.
- o Thumbnails: Added new option for fontsize: Use Default Font. (Thought for
- Systems, where the Thumbnailfontsize doesn't works correct).
- o You can now in Thumbnailsmode again navigate with the Cursor-left and cursor-
- Right keys.
- o Added Drag'n'Drop support.
- o Improved Filedeletion: Now, when deleting an image, the next image will get
- loaded automatically. If no Image is in the current directory left, a default
- image will get displayed.
- o Added Option to toggle confirm on filedeletion.
- o Added Readsupport for Casio *.cam Format (JPEG Version only).
- March 23rd 2000 - Version 1.76 Dev (Version 0.76):
- ==================================================
- o Added new Option: Toggle Show Filenames in Thumbnailsmode.
- o Fixed a Memorybug in the Thumbnailer.
- March 20th 2000 - Version 1.75 Dev (Version 0.75):
- ==================================================
- o Fixed a bug when displaying icons on NT4.
- o Now the filecreation date and time are also shown in the Statusbar.
- o Added new Option: Only view to SlowView registered Imagefiletypes in
- Thumbnailer.
- o When resizing the window, the Progressbar (if active, e.g: Saving, Loading
- Thumbnails, etc.) )gets now automatically also resized to fit the new
- windowsize.
- o Added a second ViewStyle: Automatically shrink big images to fit into screen,
- and automatically scale Images to the current Windowsize.
- o The new NextImage & PreviousImage Hotkeys are: Cursor Right and Cursor Left.
- o The new Delete-Hotkey is now: "Delete".
- o Added GIF Support (read & write).
- o Fixed some repainting problems in the Thumbnailer.
- o Some small bugfixes in the Thumbnailer.
- o Several minor changes/bugfixes.
- February 26th 2000 - Version 1.71 Dev (Version 0.71):
- =====================================================
- o The Thumbnailer can now store up to 200 directories (before it was 80).
- o New Icons!
- January 21st 2000 - Version 1.7 Dev (Version 0.7):
- ==================================================
- o SlowView is now also available in german!
- o Fixed some bugs in the Rotate-left and Rotate-right routines.
- o Speeded up JPEG Loading in ThumbNailer.
- o Added different ScaleFilters like: Gaussian, Bilinear, ...
- o Added Effect: Gradient Fill.
- o The new Exit-Hotkey is now the "Escape" Key.
- o This Version should be more stable.
- o Added possibility to show/hide the Toolbar and/or the Statusbar immediately.
- o No Installation is required anymore! Just copy SlowView into your desired
- Directory, and it will work! :)
- o Added LoadSupport for Windows NT BMPs using BitField Compression.
- o Added a 5th CopyTo and MoveTo DirectoryStorage Possibility.
- o Improved OptionsDlg (File Associations Menu).
- o Slightly speeded up the JPEG-GrayScale Loader.
- o Fixed a bug when loading 16 or 32bit TGA's and Windows runs in 8bit
- Displaydepth.
- o Added a workaround for a Win32 OpenDlg Shell Bug.
- o Improved PropertiesDlg. Now you need only to press the "Ok" Button, not always
- "Save" :)
- o Fixed a BMP Loading bug, when trying to load a vertically flipped BMP (Height
- is negative).
- o Fixed a 16bit Floyd-Steinberg Dithering Bug.
- o Added Support for Floyd-Steinberg Dithering for 24-8bit ColorQuantization.
- o Completely rewrote the Window/Image Positioning and Resize Function. Works now
- also correct if the user has chosen another Fontsize in Windows than 100% (
- e.g: 125% ).
- o Now the last used OpenDirectory get's stored and used.
- o SlowView now uses LibPNG 1.05 for PNG Loading/Saving.
- o Added another 24-8bit ColorQuantization method: Neural Network Quantization.
- o Improved ImageDisplay on Machines running Windows in 8bit DisplayDepth.
- o PNG's containing Alpha are now displayed much better (Alpha gets combined with
- Background).
- o Speeded up the "DirectoryExtensionSearch" (used in ThumbNailer and SlideShow).
- o Finally: Added ThumbNails/ListView!!!
- o Fixed a Save As Directory bug.
- o Some Minor Bugfixes/changes.
- o Added ReadSupport for DirectDraw TextureSurfaces (*.dds)!
- November 06th 1999 - Version 1.60 Dev (Version 0.6):
- ====================================================
- o Fixed some TGAReader Bugs.
- o Also finally implementd 16bit Floyd-Steinberg dithering.
- o Finally: When moving an Image in the Window, the ToolBar and StatusBar
- Flickering/Overdrawing is gone!!! :)
- o Fixed a MSPReader bug (now support for MSP version 1.x (uncompressed) ).
- o Removed the Icon for the *.ico files. Now, when associating the *.ico files
- with SlowView, their IconImage will be shown as default in Windows.
- o Added better ErrorHandler for PSDLoader - means corrupt PSD files shouldn't
- hang the app anymore.
- o SGI Images received their own icon.
- o Added WriteSupport for Sun Raster Images.
- o Fixed many bugs in the SUN/RAS Reader. Should now work always ok :)
- o Improved JPGSaveing and JPGSaveDialog (support for smoothing, optimize huffman
- tables, progressive encoding).
- o Fixed a PBM-Reader bug.
- o Fixed some BMP-Saver bugs.
- o Fixed some IFF-Reader bugs, but still some left (i'll get them all hehe :) ).
- o Improved StatusBar.
- o Fixed some Sizeing/Repainting Problems.
- o Added OptionsButton to the ToolBar.
- o Improved Dither/Quantize Options.
- o Much better ErrorHandling.
- o When using Save As, SlowView stores now also the different Properties for
- every FileFormat, SlowView can save to.
- o Fixed Bug when viewing 1-8 or 32bit PNGs and Windows runs in 8 or 4bit Depth.
- o Fixed terrible Bugs in the CopyTo, MoveTo and Delete Functions. They should
- work now fully correct.
- o Improved Options. Now nearly everything gets saved automatically - means
- SlowView is now really configurable! :)
- o Improved CopyTo and MoveTo Dialogs.
- o Fixed a WidthBytes Bug in the 16Ditherer that loved to crash the app.
- o Improved the "FileExtensionLinkFunctions", means, now other ImageFileViewers
- like IrfanView32 can live with SlowView on the same System, without haveing to
- be afraid, that their Extensions get grabbed by SlowView :) So SlowView is now
- social to other ImageFileViewers that store their info in the registry :)
- o Added ProgressBars for saving Images and some effects.
- o Now SlowView always stores the last used SaveDirectory (and of course uses it
- :).
- o Fixed LoadingBug with 16bit PSD Images containing 2 channels.
- o Added ReadSupport for OS/2 BMPs.
- o Added ButtonizeEffect.
- o Added SwapRGBOrderCommands.
- o Changed the Colors of some FileIcons.
- o Added WriteSupport for PCX Format.
- o Added WriteSupport for SGI Format(None, RLE, ARLE Compression Types).
- o Greatly improved TIFLoading. It should now work better with most files.
- o Fixed small BMPLoading bug.
- o "Install.exe" doesn't kill any previous installed Associations anymore.
- o EMFLoader can now handle transparent Images too.
- o PNGLoader now can display 8bit files including Alpha correctly.
- o Fixed stupid Bug in PNGSaver that could crash the app when trying to save an
- image in PNG Format.
- September 23rd 1999 - Version 1.60 Dev (Version 0.6) BETA 1:
- ============================================================
- o When viewing images bigger than the screenresolutions, the programwindow is
- now initially fully maximized. No sideborders anymore.
- o Finally: Options (Properties)!!!
- o Ha, a new MainIcon arrived! (devil :)
- o When saving an Image, the saved Image is now immediately loaded and shown
- after the saving is finished.
- o When saving 16bit Images (e.g: Bitmap Format) the images get automatically
- dithered.
- o Added HotKeys for nearly all functions, plus the HotKeys are now displayed in
- the menu, no extra dlg needed anymore.
- o Added Commands for viewing first, last and random Image in a directory.
- o EMF Loading works now a bit better.
- o Added Confirmation Request when deleting Images.
- o Finally added dithering for displaying images in 16, 8, 4bit displaydepth.
- o Reimplemented Read/WriteSupport for PPPFiles version 1 (ascii/RLE) (*.ppp).
- o Added WriteSupport for Truevision Targa Images (*.tga).
- o Added WriteSupport for Portable Network Graphics File Images (*.png).
- o Added WriteSupport for Tagged Image File Images (*.tif).
- o Added WriteSupport for Portable GrayScale Images (*.pgm).
- o Added ReadSupport for Slow Scan Television Format Images (*.hrz).
- o Added ReadSupport for SGI Image File Format Images (*.sgi;*.rgb;*.bw).
- o Added ReadSupport for Pictor PC Paint Format Images (*.pic).
- o Added ReadSupport for GDLib Image Format Images (*.gd2;*.gd).
- o Added ReadSupport for Portable Bitmap Format Images (*.pbm).
- o Added ReadSupport for Portable Network Graphics File Images (*.png).
- o Added ReadSupport for Tagged Image File Format Images (*.tif, *.tiff).
- o Added ReadSupport for Interchange File Format (ILBM) Images (*.lbm; *.iff).
- o Added ReadSupport for GEM Raster Images (*.img; *.gem).
- o Added ReadSupport for Sun Raster Images (*.ras; *.sun).
- o Added ReadSupport for Dr. Halo Images (*.cut).
- o Added ReadSupport for MAC PAINT Images (*.mac).
- o Added ReadSupport for MS PAINT Images (*.msp).
- o Added ReadSupport for Portable Graymap Images (*.pgm) (binary & ascii).
- o Added ReadSupport for X Bitmap Images (*.xbm) Loadsupport.
- o Completely rewrote PSD Loader! Now support for nearly all different types (8 &
- 16bit channel support also! CMYK Support!)
- o Completely rewrote BMP Loader! Now support for RLE4 and RLE8 Bmp's on NT too!
- o Completely rewrote TGA Loader! Support for 1-32bit TGA files!
- o Completely rewrote PCX Loader! Support for 1-24bit PCX files!
- o Completely rewrote PPM Loader!: Now every image is loaded correct, plus
- support for ascii-variants.
- o Fixed a stupid JPGLoadingOffsetbug.
- o Now the Loadtime of an Image is shown in the Statusbar.
- o FileAssocsRegistration now finally works completely with internal
- Registryfunctions and is ten times easier to use!
- o SlowView now uses JpegLib 6.2 for loading/saving Jpegs.
- o Added MinimizeKey: Escape (Bosskey :)
- o Scaled Images can now get scrolled around too!
- o Improved FileassocsDlg.
- o Again speeded up JPEGLoading.
- o Improved Installer.
- o Finally fixed some printerbugs.
- o Added ColorChannelcommands.
- o Added Reload command.
- o Added Clipboardcommands (Copy, Paste).
- o Redesigned MenuItems.
- o Added SetWallPaper commands.
- o Some small bugfixes.
- July 27th 1999 - Version 1.52 Dev (Version 0.52):
- =================================================
- o JPEG Saving for some certain Images works now better. But theres still a
- damned bug left :(
- o Changed InstallerDialogdesign a bit.
- o Grayscale/Flipping functions now work correct with every image!
- o Edge computation when dragging the Image now works correct.
- o Fixed some Repainting problems.
- July 18th 1999 - Version 1.51 Dev (Version 0.51):
- =================================================
- o Changed Optionsdialog style.
- o Added Emailresponse possibility.
- o Flip vertically/horizontally commands.
- o Speeded up PSD Loading about 15%.
- o Speeded up PPM Loading & Saving about 100%.
- o Speeded up JPEG Loading about 20%.
- o GrayScale function is now faster.
- o Fixed bug when viewing an image in a directory, where you can find more than
- 1000 images. Now increased the size to 5000 possible ones. Hope thats enough
- for now :)
- May 5th 1999 - Version 1.5 Dev (Version 0.5):
- =============================================
- o Added SlideShow possibility!
- o Had to remove PNG Support temporary, cause i couldn't write a sufficient
- Loader :-( Perhaps in the following versions i will add good PNG Support.
- o Improved Installer. He has now update possibilty!
- o Added Accelerator commands for Next/Prev Imagefile and changed the look of the
- Keyboard commands Dlg.
- o Improved "Filesizevalueshowing" in the Statusbar.
- o MouseCursor is now placed on the buttons, when using the Scale or
- Next/Previous Image commands, so that you can do that really fast and don't
- have to move the cursor to the new position by yourself.
- o Defined the Minimum size for Windowtracking.
- o Added ToolTips.
- o Finally added "switch to Next/Previous Imagefile" Buttons!
- o Renaming is now easier to use.
- o Scrolling of Images with the Mouse now works correct.
- o Now Images can be saved in DIB Format.
- o Now SlowView uses a "Flat"-ToolBar.
- o Fixed Scaling-Repaint Bug.
- o Changed most ButtonStyles.
- o Smaller ExeSize.
- o General optimized Version.
- March 15th 1999 - Version 1.44 Dev (Version 0.44):
- ==================================================
- o Finally added scrolling for Images, when the ViewWindow is smaller than the
- actual loaded Image.
- March 06th 1999 - Version 1.43 Dev (Version 0.43):
- ==================================================
- o Grayscale function is now a bit faster.
- o Now Images can be saved in PPM Format.
- o Fixed bug with the icons.
- o Fixed small bug in the Grayscale function
- March 03rd 1999 - Version 1.42 Dev (Version 0.42):
- ==================================================
- o Now Iconfiles have an Icon of their own.
- o And again tried a new MainIconLook.
- o Created a small Installprogram for SlowView.
- o Added WaitMessage when saving Images.
- February 17th 1999 - Version 1.41 Dev (Version 0.41):
- =====================================================
- o Added CompressionLevelMenu for saving Punk Files.
- o A bit better PNG support, but lots of things left to do.
- February 12th 1999 - Version 1.4 Dev (Version 0.4):
- ===================================================
- o Added Info in the Exefile.
- o Fixed small bug in PPPLoader.
- o Fixed stupid scaling Bug.
- o Added Updateinfo.
- o Added GrayScale function to EditMenu.
- o Decreased general Memoryusage.
- o Save As Jpeg now works always!
- o Rewrote the JPEGLoader. Now support for progressive ones.
- o Size of File is now shown in the StatusBar.
- o Updated AboutBox.
- o Fixed Bug in Installer.
- o Improved Uninstaller.
- o SaveDialog now works better and is easier to use.
- o Created new Icons.
- o Added support for Portable Network Graphics (*.png).
- o Added support for Portable Pixelmaps (*.ppm).
- February 6th 1999 - Version 1.35 Dev (Version 0.35):
- ====================================================
- o Introducing Punk File Format 2.0!
- o Fixed some Problems with the TopMostWindowStyle.
- o Redesigned centering of Images.
- o Redrawing is now faster.
- o Added a StatusBar.
- o Fixed very small bug in the ZBRReader.
- January 31st 1999 - Version 1.33 Dev (Version 0.33):
- ====================================================
- o Created a new SlowViewMainImage.
- o Added support for jpeg, jfif extensions.
- o Tried a new MainIcon look.
- o fixed some small bugs.
- January 14th 1999 - Version 1.32 Dev (Version 0.32):
- ====================================================
- o Support for Photoshop PSD files.
- January 14th 1999 - Version 1.31 Dev (Version 0.31):
- ====================================================
- o Added CopyTo, MoveTo, DeleteFile and Rename Functions.
- January 12th 1999 - Version 1.30 Dev (Version 0.3):
- ===================================================
- o Changed AboutBoxStyle a bit.
- o Created a new FileExtensionMenu.
- o Most of the files can be saved now in JPGFormat!
- o Support for JPG, GIF, PCX, TGA, DIB Imageformats!
- January 09th 1999 - Version 1.27 Dev (Version 0.27):
- ====================================================
- o Added the list of Keyboardcommands to the Helpmenu.
- December 27th 1998 - Version 1.26 Dev (Version 0.26):
- =====================================================
- o Added Accelerators for the most important functions.
- o Enabled printing of the Images.
- December 25th 1998 - Version 1.25 Dev (Version 0.25):
- =====================================================
- o Support for Enhanced MetaFiles (*.emf).
- o Added a simple ToolBar.
- o Scaling is now faster.
- December 20th 1998 - Version 1.2 Dev (Version 0.2):
- ===================================================
- o SlowView is now always on top.
- o And again fixed a Positioningproblem.
- o Images can be easily stretched and/or shrinked.
- o Support for OS/2 1.x and RLE encoded Bitmaps on Win9X (not NT).
- o And Again fixed a problem when loading Images bigger than the actual
- Desktopresolution.
- o Images can be easily saved as Bitmaps in 16, 24 or 32 BPP!
- o Width, Height and Bitdepth of the Image is passed to the Title.
- o Changed Windowstyle a bit.
- o Now Images are handeled via a MemoryDC!
- o Loaded Files can be easily saved as PPP File.
- o Support for compressed Punk Productions Picture Files (*.ppp) !!!
- o Now the Fileassociations can be easily uninstalled.
- o Support for Iconfiles (*.ico)
- o Again fixed a problem when loading Bitmaps which are bigger than the
- screenresolution.
- o Changed the Bitmaploadroutine. Now on both Win9X and NT the Bitmaps are loaded
- ultra fast!
- o Bitmaps are correct repainted, resizeing of the window doesn't matter anymore.
- November 23rd 1998 - Version 1.10 Dev (Version 0.1):
- ====================================================
- o Fixed Bug when using the Menu Open command. Now it works perfect.
- o Zoner ZBR File Support (*.zbr).
- o Tried a new Iconlook. Now with different Icons for each supported graphics
- file format.
- o Again fixed problem when loading small bitmaps.
- o Fileregistration works! Added menu to choose the fileextensions you want to
- view with SlowView. ( For now this is only *.bmp and *.zbr )
- o Full NT-Compatibility
- o Under NT ultrafast Bitmaploading, don't know why with win9x so slow...
- November 12th 1998 - Version 1.02 Dev (Version 0.02):
- =====================================================
- o Fixed a bug when using fileextension registration, although it doesn't work
- really...
- o Now the correct filename is passed to the Windowtitle when you use the
- OpenMenuItem.
- November 08th 1998 - Version 1.01 Dev (Version 0.02):
- =====================================================
- o Wrote this Readmefile.
- o Fixed bug when loading Bitmaps bigger than the Screenresolution.
- o Fixed bug when centering small bitmaps.
- November 06th 1998 - Version 1.0 Dev (Version 0.0):
- ===================================================
- o Birthday ;)