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- <html>
- <head>
- <title>Getting Started</title>
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- body, td {font-family: verdana, sans-serif; font-size: x-small}
- a:link {color:#000066}
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- <script language=JavaScript>
- function OpenZylox()
- {
- window.external.OpenInExternal('http://www.zylox.com');
- }
- function ShowTasksTab()
- {
- window.external.ShowTasksTab();
- }
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- <body bgcolor=#99CCFF>
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- <h2>Getting Started</h2>
- </center>
- <br>
- <p>This page will help you learn how to use Offline Commander. It lists
- some common tasks that can be accompished with the program.
- <p>Note that the page you are currently reading is loaded into the Offline Commander's
- internal browser. The internal browser can be used to view saved Web pages and to browse
- the Internet. Offline Commander can have many windows open at the same time. Each
- window is loaded in a separate tab within the main window. <b>All functionality of Offline Commander
- can be accessed through the <a href="javascript:ShowTasksTab()">Tasks tab</a>.</b>
- <p><b>Tip:</b> You can close individual tabbed windows by clicking on the <img src="wrinfo://closeicon"></img> button in the top-right
- corner of a tabbed window. You can undock the tabbed windows by clicking on the <img src="wrinfo://dockicon"></img> button.
- If you close this document you will be able to open it again by clicking on the Help button on the main toolbar (which is always
- on the left in the default docking configuration).
- <p><b>Note:</b> Many dialog boxes have a Help button. Click this button if you have difficulties using
- a particular dialog box. The list of Frequently Asked Questions is available on our
- Web site <a href="javascript:OpenZylox()">www.zylox.com</a>. Submit your questions, feature suggestions, or bug reports
- to <a href="mailto:support@zylox.com">support@zylox.com</a>. Upgrades of Offline Commander are posted on our Web site every
- 3-4 months. Your current version of Offline Commander is 1.8.
- <br><br><br>
- <ul style="margin:15">
- <table align=right>
- <tr><td>
- <img src="wrinfo://dropbox2_gif">
- <center>
- <br><b>Dropping links and text <br>selections into the Drop Box</b><br><br>
- </center>
- </td></tr>
- </table>
- <li><a name="save-web-pages"></a>
- <b>Use Offline Commander to save Web pages.</b><br><br>
- With Offline Commander you will be able to save Web pages when a
- conventional browser will not save them or will save them incorrectly.
- Offline Commander can save pages with Flash movies and dynamically
- loaded images. Offline Commander is the only tool that can do this.
- Offline Commander is particularly useful when you want to save many
- Web pages. With Offline Commander you will be able to save Web pages by
- simply dragging the links to the Drop Box.
- <br>
- <a href="wrinfo://savepages">How to Save Web Pages with Offline Commander</a>
- <br><br>
- <li><a name="alternative-browser"></a>
- <b>Use Offline Commander as your alternative very FAST browser.</b><br><br>
- Use Offline Commander as your alternative browser. You can use Offline
- Commander to surf the Internet faster prefetching links with a
- click of the mouse, remove banners, get rid of annoying pop up windows with
- advertisements, and protect yourself from malicious Web sites that open
- dozens of browser windows or open another window when you try to exit the browser.
- Offline Commander will remember every page you have visited and will let you
- find the pages later by keywords. All visited Web pages will be available
- offline after you disconnect from the Internet. By default, browser windows
- open in tabs inside the main window and do not clutter your desktop with windows.<br>
- <a href="wrinfo://browser">How to Use the Built-In Browser</a>
- <br><br>
- <li><a name="copy-web-sites"></a>
- <b>Use Offline Commander to create copies of entire Web sites.</b><br><br>
- Use Offline Commander to automatically download Web pages, entire Web sites,
- or any part of a Web site. Offline Commander will create a browsable copy
- of a site on your hard drive.<br>
- <a href="wrinfo://downloadwebsites">How to download a Web site</a>
- <br><br>
- <li><a name="offline-browser"></a>
- <b>Use Offline Commander to browse Web sites offline.</b><br><br>
- With a few clicks of the mouse you will be able to save tens, hundreds, or even
- thousands of Web pages from your favorite Web sites. Offline Commander will
- let you browse your favorite Web sites and read articles while you are
- on the road or at any other place where access to the Internet is not available.<br>
- <a href="wrinfo://browseoffline">How to Browse Web Sites Offline</a>
- <br><br>
- <li><a name="automate"></a>
- <b>Use Offline Commander to automate your browsing tasks.</b><br><br>
- Offline Commander can automate repetitive browsing tasks. If you are not sure how
- to accomplish this with Offline Commander you may contact us with a detailed description
- of what you want to do and we will try to provide you with a step by step instruction.
- Visit our Web site http://www.zylox.com for more information.
- <br><br>
- <li><a name="organize-research"></a>
- <b>Use Offline Commander to organize your Web research.</b><br><br>
- Use Offline Commander to build large collections
- of Web pages organized by topic. These are not just bookmarks that point
- to Web pages that may disappear, change, or move at any time.
- Instead, the pages will be saved on your PC in your project file.
- Coupled with the powerful search feature this makes Offline Commander
- the ideal tool for Internet research tasks.
- <br><br>
- <li><a name="search"></a>
- <b>Use Offline Commander to search saved or visited Web pages for keywords.</b><br><br>
- How many times did you try to get back to a page you have visited before
- but forgot the address? Make Offline Commander your primary browser and you
- will be able to search through every page you have visited before like you search
- the Web using a search engine like Google or AltaVista.
- <br><br>
- <li><a name="download-images"></a>
- <b>Use Offline Commander to download all images from a Web site to your hard drive.</b><br><br>
- With the help of Offline Commander you will be able to download all images
- from a Web site to your hard drive.<br>
- <a href="wrinfo://downloadimages">How to Download Images from a Web Site</a>
- <br><br>
- <li><a name="dynamic2static"></a>
- <b>Use Offline Commander to create a static copy of a dynamic Web site.</b><br><br>
- Some companies use Offline Commander to create a browsable copy of their
- dynamic Web site for marketing and presentation purposes.
- If your Web site is dynamic (i.e., some or all pages on your Web
- site are generated by server-side scripts such as ASP, PHP, Cold Fusion, Perl, etc.)
- just copying the source pages won't help. In this case you can use Offline Commander to
- create a static copy of your dynamic Web site.
- If your Web site is interactive (e.g. uses Web forms to read user input)
- you can browse to every page on your site and Offline Commander will
- record every response of your Web site in the project database. Offline Commander
- can download Web sites with password protection, Web forms, JavaScript links, and Flash.
- You will be able to browse your Web site later on a computer not connected
- to the Internet.<br>
- <a href="wrinfo://dynamic2static">How to Create a Static Copy of a Dynamic Web Site</a>
- <br><br>
- <li><a name="absolute2relative"></a>
- <b>Use Offline Commander to convert your Web site to use relative links instead of absolute links.</b><br><br>
- If pages on your Web site are linked by absolute links you won't be able
- to move the site to another domain. Offline Commander will relink your site to
- use absolute links instead of relative links. To do this, download your Web site
- with Offline Commander and then export it to the file system.
- <br><br>
- <li><a name="structure"></a>
- <b>Use Offline Commander to view directory and logical structure of a Web site.</b><br><br>
- Offline Commander will show you both the directory structure of a Web site as well
- as its logical structure (how pages on a Web site are linked to each other). To view
- the structure of a Web site, select a task and click the Structure button on the Task
- toolbar.
- <br><br>
- <li><a name="ms-access"></a>
- <b>Use Offline Commander to download Web sites to MS Access database for programmatic manipulation and analysis.</b><br><br>
- Offline Commander uses a standard MS Access 97 database to store downloaded files.
- You will be able to open the database in MS Access (part of MS Office) or access the
- database programmatically from Visual Basic, Visual C++, Delphi or any other programming
- language capable of working with mdb files.
- <br><br>
- <li><a name="link-checker"></a>
- <b>Use Offline Commander to check link integrity on your Web site.</b><br><br>
- Though Offline Commander is not a full-blown link checker it will
- show you such information as broken links on your Web site, untitled pages,
- the total size of your Web site, or the size of a particular page with embedded
- pictures.
- <br><br>
- </ul>
- <br><br><br><br>
- <center>
- <p><b><font color="#000000" size="-1">⌐ Copyright 2001 Zylox, Inc.</font></b>
- </center>
- <br><br>
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- </html>