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- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <!-- edited with XML Spy v3.5 NT (http://www.xmlspy.com) by () -->
- <!--Skin-->
- <Skin>
- <!--Control bar : the downbar that contains the play and stop and all the buttons -->
- <ControlBar>
- <Buttons>
- <!--Align fixed ,left, right, rightfixedleft,-->
- <Play X="182" Y="16" Align="fixed"/>
- <Pause X="182" Y="16" Align="fixed"/>
- <Stop X="233" Y="16" Align="fixed"/>
- <Previous X="279" Y="20" Align="Fixed"/>
- <Next X="316" Y="20" Align="Fixed"/>
- <Record X="150" Y="49" Align="Fixed"/>
- <Mute X="60" Y="21" Align="Fixed"/>
- <FastReverse X="33" Y="3" Align="Fixed"/>
- <FastForward X="379" Y="2" Align="right"/>
- <Shuffle X="45" Y="71" Align="fixed"/>
- <Repeat X="0" Y="71" Align="fixed"/>
- <SkinMode X="2" Y="42" Align="fixed"/>
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- <Font Name="Arial" Height="14" Italic="false" Weight="700" Underline="false"/>
- <Colors FontColor="#FFFFFF" BgColor="#000000"/>
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- <Font Name="Arial" Height="14" Italic="false" Weight="700" Underline="false"/>
- <Colors FontColor="#FFFFFF" BgColor="#0000FF"/>
- </TimeBar>
- </StatusBars>
- <!--Postions : this option will determine the drawing postions and the postions of the slider and volume slider-->
- <Positions LeftWidth="356" RightWidth="108" MidX="356" MidWidth="18" PlayerBarX="50" PlayerBarY="4" PlayerBarCX="327" PlayerBarCY="11" PlayerBarAlign="rightfixedleft" VolumeX="84" VolumeY="24" VolumeCX="69" VolumeCY="11" VolumeAlign="Fixed (UnSupported)"/>
- </ControlBar>
- <!--CateBar : Bar containing the main buttons ,Home,Media CD, My playlist ,My Media Manget etc..-->
- <CateBar>
- <!--Image fill type Tile , Topleft, Topright, Bottomleft , Bottomright -->
- <BackGround UseImage="true" bgcolor="#455066" ImageFillType="Topleft" UsePattern="true" PatternStartY="374"/>
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- </CateBar>
- <!--ListBox : the playlist listbox containing all the playlist items-->
- <Listbox>
- <!--Image fill type Tile , Topleft, Topright, Bottomleft , Bottomright -->
- <Colors BackGround="#6C798B" TextColor="#FFFFFF" HighlightBG="#2C405B" HighlightText="#FFFFFF"/>
- </Listbox>
- <!--Navigation Bar : the bar containing back forward and sub menu items,also includes the mt media lib buttons-->
- <NavigationBar>
- <!--Back, forward and sub cate options-->
- <BackGround UseImage="true"/>
- <Font Name="Arial" Height="14" Italic="false" Weight="400" Underline="false"/>
- <!--SelectButtonText : My lib and folders select background color and text color-->
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- <!--Deisgn information -->
- <Info>
- <ThemeName>Default</ThemeName>
- <AuthorName>Pixel-me</AuthorName>
- <Company>Pixel-me</Company>
- <email>info@pixel-me</email>
- <URL>http://www.pixel-me.com</URL>
- <Comment>Designed by Pixel-me, Theme copyright to Genie-Soft.com</Comment>
- </Info>
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