65026 '/repeat' tag doesn't have matching 'repeat' tag
65027 Error in '/replace' tag declaration.
65028 Can not assign object to translation table list
65029 Index out of range.
65030 Error in '/code' tag declaration
65031 %s Line: %d, Char: %d.
65032 Error.
65033 Can not assign to Translation Table.
65034 Unable to find point to return.
65035 Unable to find point to return. Possible reason is duplicated loop name.
65040 Duplicate loop name '%s'.
65041 Trying to close not opened loop. Internal error.
65042 String in 'replace' tag must be specified.
65043 Embedded translation tables are not allowed.
65044 Name of 'translation' tag must be specified.
65045 Error in '/translation' tag declaration.
65046 Name of '/translation' tag must be specified.
65047 Trying to close not previously opened translation table "%s". ╬µΦΣασ≥± ταΩ≡√≥Φσ "%s".
65048 Error in template: %d loops were not closed.
65049 Error in template: %d conditions were not closed.
65050 Error in template. Not all tags have been closed.
65051 Can not analyze tag
65052 Error in template params declaration.
65053 Invalid char %d (%s) in tag prefix string
65054 Can't change template during execution.
65055 Error in '/if' tag declaration.
65056 Duplicate translation table name.
65057 Can not set default Translation Table. Index out of range.
65058 Name of 'comment' tag must be specified.
65059 Error in '/comment' tag declaration.
65060 Condition was not declared, or closing tag for inner condition is skipped.
65061 Error in 'else' tag declaration.
65062 Name of 'else' tag must be specified.
65063 Error in 'if' tag declaration.
65064 Name of 'if' tag must be specified.
65065 Error in macro declaration.
65066 Name of macro must be specified.
65067 Name of 'param' tag must be specified.
65068 Error in '/param' tag declaration.
65069 Error in '/params' tag declaration.
65070 Error in 'repeat' tag declaration.
65071 Name of 'repeat' tag must be specified.
65072 Can't move Item to one of its subitems.
65073 OLE error %.8x
65074 Method '%s' not supported by automation object
65075 Variant does not reference an automation object
65076 Dispatch methods do not support more than 64 parameters
65077 Can not delete file "%s".
65078 Can not find startup folder.
65079 Invalid string header read from the stream
65080 This control requires version 4.70 or greater of COMCTL32.DLL
65081 Date exceeds maximum of %s
65082 Date is less than minimum of %s
65083 You must be in ShowCheckbox mode to set to this date
65084 Failed to set calendar date or time
65085 Failed to set maximum selection range
65086 Failed to set calendar min/max range
65087 Failed to set calendar selected range
65088 False
65089 This file contained the projects data.\n\nYou can create a new file, specify a new file path, or try to restore or find old file.\n\nGuidelines on restoring:\n- Look files with extension .wc2 on computer. Probably someone has moved this file to other place.\n- Probably that you stored the file on the network device or the removable disk which now is absent.\n
65090 File %s not found.
65091 Backup copy %s found!
65092 Backup copy %s not found!
65093 %d daily backup copies are found. Last is created on %s. Path to latest copy %s
65094 - Try to use one of daily backup copies created by the program (.zip files in the same folder).\n
65095 Daily backup copies is not found.
65096 - Try to restore this file from a backup (only if you make backup copies of your documents).\n
65097 List index [%d] out of bounds...
65098 Error while detecting position in line. Index (%d) out of range (%d).
65099 Show next time
65100 %d seconds left
65101 No scrollbar specified when attempting to create TElScrollBarStyles instance
65102 ElTree item index out of bounds.
65103 ElTree item not specified
65104 Width
65105 Column width
65106 Visible
65107 Lista dei progetti
65108 Column of the project name
65109 Duration
65110 Column of the project duration
65111 Column of the project description
65112 Lista dei lavori
65113 Column of the task name
65114 Column of the task duration
65115 Column of the task description
65116 Periods list
65117 Column of period duration
65118 Column of period description
65119 True
65120 Condition "%s" may be used only inside loop "%s".
65121 Unknown loop name: "%s"
65122 Custom...
65123 Unlimited
65124 Last 90 days
65125 Last 30 days
65126 Last 10 days
65127 Last 7 days
65128 Previous Month
65129 Previous Week
65130 Previous Day
65131 Current Month
65132 Current Week
65133 Ieri
65134 Oggi
65135 Columns
65136 It is impossible to find the owner of the project "%s". Infinite looping is found.
65137 Imported %d
65138 Imported
65139 Can not parse string: %s
65140 Can not import. Beginning of period is not specified. Line: %d.
65141 Can not import. End of period is not specified. Line: %d.
65142 Can not import. Negative duration. Line: %d.
65143 Please wait for completions of import...
65144 Import is completed.
65145 Import is Done.
65146 Today date and time - %s
65147 Today date - %s
65148 Yesterday - %s
65149 Beginning of week - %s
65150 Beginning of month - %s
65151 Tomorrow - %s
65152 Project/Task name
65153 Project/Task UID
65154 Project/Task description
65155 Owner name
65156 Owner UID
65157 Begin date
65158 Begin date and time
65159 End date
65160 End date and time
65161 Period duration
65162 Descrizione periodo
65163 Stop
65164 Aborting. Please wait...
65165 CSV files|*.csv|All files (*.*)|*.*
65166 The column of project UIDs is not specified.
65167 The column of project names is not specified.
65168 For not paid items
65169 For hidden not paid items
65170 Can not save application settings
65171 This configuration can not be deleted because is used in items customizations.
65172 Default item
65173 Hidden item
65174 Not paid item
65175 Hidden not paid item
65176 Projects and tasks
65177 Parameter
65178 Value
65179 Import
65180 not present
65181 Field name
65182 Field number
65183 Format
65184 Release
65185 Please wait. Aborting ...
65186 Close
65187 Report generation is done.
65188 Time: %s
65189 To track time you spend on tasks, you need to add at least one task to the project.<br><br><b>Do you want to add the task with the same name as the project?</b>
65190 No one parameters found.
65191 Can not parse macro.
65192 Unknown condition name: "%s"
65193 Loop %s may be used only inside loop %s.
65194 Macro "%s" may be used only inside loop "%s".
65195 Unknown macro name: "%s".
65196 Can not create folder "%s"
65197 Can not delete file "%s".
65198 For default items
65199 For hidden items
65200 Can not read data. Uknown format.
65201 <b>Task:</b>'%s'
65202 <b>Project:</b>'%s'
65203 <br><b>Description:</b><br><pre>%s</pre>
65204 <b>Project:</b> %s<br>%s <b>- begin time</b><br>%s <b>- end time</b>