Labels:bulletin board | crt screen | dialog box | earth | monitor | plant | sky | web site | window OCR: law Hesla Fulltext account kaunt| Fraze abevance nour account invoice arecord I of money paid or owed adjective law accounts payable money owed to creditors administrative accounts receivable money owed by debtors action for an accoun court action to establish how much money is Admir alty by auo party to another All England Law Rep (copyright aw account of profit assessment showing how much prrr attorney has been made on the sales of goods which infringe copyright or patent black letter law because the plaintiff claims the profit made by the defendant blue laws please sena me your or detailed'or an itemized account blue sky laws (in shop) arrangement which customer has with the shop to buy goods and pay for them at later date (usually the end of the month) customer who does a large armount ...