2000 Thanks for installing Post-it« Software Notes.
2001 Thanks for installing Post-it« Software Notes %1 (Version %2!d!.%3!d!).\n\nIf you already have a previous version, your existing notes and memoboards will be transferred to the new version.
2002 Please enter your name (to be used when sharing and sending notes):
2003 System update cannot be completed correctly without administrator privileges. Please contact your system administrator to install Post-it« Software Notes.
2004 The installer is checking for previous versions, disk space, and components. Please wait...
2005 Please locate your previously installed version of Post-it« Software Notes so your existing notes can be transferred to the new version.
2006 Locate installed Post-it« Software Notes
2007 Press the "Next" button to begin installing the software.
2008 Unable to uninstall older version from read-only directory. Please remove read-only status from "%1" and run Setup again.
2009 This "Try and Buy" trial cannot be installed because you already have a version of the product installed.\n\nPlease visit our website for the most recent upgrade information:\nhttp://www.3M.com/psnotes
2010 You cannot install this "Try and Buy" trial version because you have already installed another trial version.
2011 Unable to install over previously installed newer version of Post-it« Software Notes.
2012 You cannot install this version because you have already installed Post-it« Software Notes Office Edition. You can uninstall the Office Edition and run setup again.
2013 Click the "Accept Licenses" button to continue installation.
2014 Select a directory to install Post-it« Software Notes.
2015 Unable to install in same directory as previous Post-it« Software Notes.\n\nPlease select a new directory to install Post-it« Software Notes.
2016 Unable to install in read-only directory.\n\nPlease select a new directory to install Post-it« Software Notes.
2017 %1!ld!K space needed on drive "%2" with %3!ld!K space available.
2018 Not enough disk space available for installation of Post-it« Software Notes. Please free up disk space and run Setup again.
2019 Directory "%1" could not be created!\nThe directory is not a full path or contains invalid characters or is too long.\n\nPlease select a directory to install Post-it« Software Notes.
2020 To complete the installation, close all other applications (such as browsers, word processors, spreadsheets).
2021 This software is covered by the following license agreements:\n%1\nPlease read each license agreement:
2022 Post-it« Software Notes is being installed. Please wait...
2023 Transferring notes from previous version.
2024 Click the "Try" button on the Post-it« Software Notes "Try and Buy" splash screen, to allow transfer of your previous notes before installation is complete.
2025 The installer was unable to import your previous notes.\nAfter installation is complete, you can import them by selecting \n"Import Memoboard" from the Notepad or Memoboard Options menu (tool icon).\nThe export files will be found in the \bak subdirectory of your \ninstallation directory. They will have a ".psn" suffix.
2026 View contents of README file.
2027 Thanks for installing Post-it« Software Notes %1.\n\nThe current time and date for your computer is:\n%2\n\nTo assure that alarms go off at the correct time, make sure that the time and date are correct.
2028 Error # %1!#X! has occurred.\n%2\nPlease reboot your computer. Then run setup again, after closing all other applications.\n\nContact your system administrator if you do not have the proper authority to install software on your system.\n\nIf this message reappears, contact Technical Support at psnotes@mmm.com.
2029 Installation will continue after reboot. If setup is not automatically restarted after reboot, please run Post-it« Software Notes setup again.
2030 Post-it« Software Notes installation is not complete.\n\nPlease run Setup again.
2031 Not enough disk space available for Post-it« Software Notes \ninstallation in directory "%1".\n%2\nFree up disk space and click "Continue Install" to proceed with the installation.\nClick the "Select Directory" button to choose a directory on an alternate volume.
2032 Setup was unable to locate Post-it« Software Notes version 2 product on your system. You must have this installed on your system before you can install this upgrade version.
2033 Setup was unable to locate Post-it« Software Notes version 2 product on your system. You must have this installed on your system before you can install this upgrade version.
2034 To install this upgrade version of Post-it« Software Notes, you first need to install version 4.01 SP2 or newer of Internet Explorer.
2035 Thanks for installing Post-it« Software Notes %1 (Version %2!d!.%3!d!) upgrade.\n\nYour existing notes and memoboards will be transferred to the new version.
2036 File(s) needed for installation are missing. Download the Post-it« Software Notes installation from the web directly to your computer so it is customized as needed for your system, or run setup from a complete installation source.\n\nIf you still have problems, contact Technical Support at psnotes@mmm.com.
2037 You already have a trial version of Post-it« Software Notes installed on your computer. If you purchased this trial, then you cannot install this new trial. Please visit our website at http://www.3M.com/psnotes for upgrade information.\n\nIf you HAVE NOT purchased the product, then you must uninstall your old trial by clicking on the Add/Remove Programs icon in the Control Panel and selecting Post-it(R) Software Notes from the list of programs. You will lose your old notes when you uninstall. Then rerun this installer.
2038 Unable to install over previously installed version of Post-it« Software Notes.
2039 Setup cannot determine if you have purchased the previous version of Post-it« Software Notes. This version of the Post-it« Software Notes installer can only upgrade a purchased product. Contact Post-it« Software Notes support at psnotes@mmm.com.
2040 Setup cannot determine if you have purchased the previous version of Post-it« Software Notes.\nThis version of the Post-it« Software Notes installer cannot upgrade a purchased product.\n\nIf you continue, your notes will be copied into the trial version of Post-it« Software Notes.\n If you decide not to purchase it, then at the end of the trial your notes will no longer be available.
2041 You already have a version of Post-it« Software Notes installed on your computer. If you continue with this installation, your old notes will be deleted.
2042 Thanks for installing Post-it« Software Notes %1 (Version %2!d!.%3!d!).
2043 Unable to install over previously installed version of Post-it« Software Notes.
2044 Unable to install over previously installed version of Post-it« Software Notes.\n\nYou can uninstall your previous version by clicking on the Add/Remove Programs icon in the Control Panel and selecting Post-it(R) Software Notes from the list of programs. You will lose your old notes when you uninstall. Then rerun this installer.
2045 Operating system is incompatible with this installation. Download the Post-it« Software Notes installation from the web directly to your computer so it is customized as needed for your system, or run setup from a complete installation source.\n\nIf you still have problems, contact Technical Support at psnotes@mmm.com.
2046 Unable to complete installation of Post-it« Software Notes. Please install/upgrade to Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 4.01 SP2 or later) to upgrade your operating system and reboot your computer. Then run setup again, after closing all other applications.\n\nIf this message reappears, contact Technical Support at psnotes@mmm.com.
2047 Please install version 4.01 SP2 or newer of Internet Explorer, then retry Post-it« Software Notes installation.
2048 You must already have a compatible version of Post-it« Software Notes installed on your computer before an additional component can be installed.
2049 Post-it« Software Notes Lite will be installed, but you will not be able to exchange notes. If you want to exchange notes with other users, you should download and install the full version of Post-it« Software Notes Lite. You can download this from http://www.3M.com/psnotes
2050 Problems occurred during installation of the Post-it« Messenger components. You can create and edit Post-it« Notes but you may not be able to send or receive notes from other users. If you are unable to send or receive notes, you should restart your computer and reinstall the software. If you are still unable to exchange notes with other users, contact Post-it« Software Notes support at psnotes@mmm.com.
2051 In order to exchange notes with your MSN Messenger contacts, you must install MSN Messenger 2.0 or newer. You can download the MSN Messenger from http:// www.msn.com. You will need to restart Post-it« Software Notes after installing MSN Messenger.
2052 Additional files are needed to upgrade your system for proper installation of Post-it« Software Notes. Please download a full install from http://www.3M.com/psnotes and run that setup.\n\nIf you still have problems, contact Technical Support at psnotes@mmm.com.
20000 Yes
20001 OK
20002 No
20003 Switch To...
20004 Exit Setup
20005 Continue
20010 Problem registering component "%1".\nResult code = %2!#X!. %3
20011 Problem executing command:\n %1\n\nResult code = %2!#X!. %3
20012 Problem copying file "%1" to file "%2".\nResult code = %3!#X!. %4
20013 Unable to locate file "%1".
20014 Problem unregistering component "%1".\nResult code = %2!#X!. %3
20015 Timeout executing command:\n %1\n\nPress "Switch To" or use Alt-Tab to bring this application on top.\nIf it is waiting on an alert, dismiss the dialog.\nAfter the application has completed, return to this installer and press "Continue".
20016 If the timeout problem has been resolved, press "Continue" to proceed with this installation. If you still have problems, contact Technical Support at psnotes@mmm.com.
20017 You must install the latest version of Post-it« Software Notes -- Lite before installing this add-in. You can get the latest version at http://www.3M.com/psnotes.
20018 You must install the latest version of Post-it« Software Notes before installing this add-in. You can get a FREE upgrade to the latest version at http://www.3M.com/psnotes.
20019 The add-in you are trying to install is not compatible with the version of Post-it« Software Notes you have on your system. before installing this add-in. You can get the latest version at http://www.3M.com/psnotes.