103 You have already opened this shared memoboard file. You can only have one copy of a shared memoboard.
104 - (Shared)
105 Yes
106 No
107 OK
108 This note is no longer at this location, press find again to update the list.
109 Others...
110 &Go to note in:
111 Find notes containing:
112 Notes containing: %1
113 <Untitled>
114 Now
115 15 minutes
116 30 minutes
117 1 hour
118 2 hours
119 4 hours
120 8 hours
121 24 hours
122 The selected note is no longer at this location, press find again to update the list.
123 General
124 Help File Name
125 Your Help String
127 Small alarm
128 Alarms
129 Help File Name
130 Your Help String
131 Small notifier
132 Show results while sending
133 Show results only if send fails
134 Miscellaneous
135 none
136 Help File Name
137 Your Help String
138 Sounds(*.wav)|*.wav|All Files(*.*)|*.*||
139 Select sound file
140 Sent Notes
141 Help File Name
142 Your Help String
143 Backup data files(*.bak)|*.bak|All Files(*.*)|*.*||
144 Select backup data file
145 PSNote.bak
148 Low Notes
149 High Notes
150 Scale
173 Shared Memoboard files (*.smb)|*.smb||
174 Open Shared Memoboard
175 A note from %1
177 Post-it« Software Notes
178 PSNGiveNotes
179 PSNGlue
180 PSNotes
181 ⌐ 1995-2001 3M Company.\nAll Rights Reserved.\n"Post-it" is a registered trademark of 3M.\nCanary yellow is a trademark of 3M.
182 PSNMemoBoard
183 PSNAlarm
184 PSNDisp
185 PSNPrint
186 Version %1!d!.%2!d!.%3!d!.%4!d!
199 http://www.3m.com/psnotes
200 Insert "A note from %1" into sent notes.
201 There was an error backing up the Post-it« Software Notes data file the last time the program exited. Do you want to backup your data file now?
202 Continue
203 Backup Data Now...
204 Finding Notes...
205 %1!d! Notes Found
206 1 Note Found
207 12 hours
208 16 hours
209 20 hours
210 Send Back To:
211 This shared memoboard is read only. You cannot add notes to the memoboard nor change the contents of any notes. You will be able to see changes to notes made by others.
212 Exit and send later
213 Cancel shutdown
214 Cancel the operation and exit
215 You are currently sending a note to another user.
216 You have notes waiting to be sent to other users.
220 This will exit the application.\n\nYou will not have access to your notes and\nyou will not get alarms until you restart.\n\nYour next alarm is set for: %1!s!.
226 A maximum of %1!d! Memoboards may be open at a time.\n\nDelete a memoboard, or close a shared memoboard and try again.
227 PSNMessage
228 You cannot exit Post-it« Software Notes while a dialog is being displayed. Switch to Post-it« Software Notes and close the dialog.
229 Purchase Information
230 Post-it« Software Notes Lite
232 The convenience of Post-it« Notes ... for your computer!\n\nYou can create, find or file notes without ever leaving the program you're running. Notes are saved automatically, so you'll never lose an important thought. Post-it(R) Software Notes - Office Edition has enhanced group communication capabilities such as "send note" and "shared memoboard". With so many additional features for effectively managing your day, you'll wonder how you ever lived without Post-it« Software Notes!\n\nFeatures:\n
233 - Send an instant message to others by popping up a note on their computers.\n- Set alarms to remind yourself of important dates, meetings and events.\n- Jot down reminders, then organize them into memoboards, stick them to your Windows desktop or embed them into OLE documents (e.g. Microsoft« Word).\n- Share notes on common memoboards with others.\n- Color-code notes for enhanced organization.\n- Format the note text (color, font, etc.) to emphasize and organize your information.\n- Find and retrieve notes quickly.\n- Enhanced printing to plain paper or use Post-it« Notes for Ink Jet and Laser Printers.\n\nYou'll find this software as easy to use as paper Post-it« Notes!\n\nTo purchase Post-it« Software Notes - Office Edition just connect to the Internet and press the "Purchase Information" button.\n\n
234 http://www.3m.com/psnotes
235 Post-it« Software Notes
236 Preferences
247 No Message Services Available
248 not found\n
251 If your selection contains many addresses (more than a few hundred), adding it to your send list could take several minutes. Are you sure you want to add this selection?
252 Organize and store your notes off your desktop
253 If you would like to...
254 Print your notes
255 Quickly search for notes
256 Use additional features
257 ...you can purchase the full version of Post-it(R) Software Notes.
258 Error %1!X! occurred while sending the note.
259 Send Note operation has timed out.
261 None of the installed message services provide an address book.