<p class="Head1"><help:key-word value="rulers; in presentations" tag="kw67119_1" xmlns:help="http://openoffice.org/2000/help"/><a name="linealleisten"/><help:link Id="67119" xmlns:help="http://openoffice.org/2000/help">Rulers</help:link></p>
<p class="Paragraph">The rulers on the left and upper margins of the <help:productname xmlns:help="http://openoffice.org/2000/help">%PRODUCTNAME</help:productname> Impress document window inform you about the dimensions of the slide and the position and size of the object currently selected.<a name="ende"/></p>
<p class="Paragraph">The rulers are switched on and off by choosing <help:link Id="67224" xmlns:help="http://openoffice.org/2000/help"><span class="T1">View - Rulers</span></help:link>. The measurement units of the rulers are determined by using the context menu that is called up when positioned on one of the rulers and then <help:switch select="System" xmlns:help="http://openoffice.org/2000/help"><help:case select="MAC">pressing Crtl while </help:case><help:default>right-</help:default></help:switch>clicking with the mouse.</p>
<p class="Paragraph">You are able to read off the measurements of a selected object by consulting the markings on the rulers. If you grabbed such a marking with the mouse and drag it, you can alter the size of the object.</p>
<p class="Paragraph">The slide margins can also be modified by dragging the margins of the white area in the rulers.</p>
<p class="Paragraph"><help:key-word value="rulers; origin of" tag="kw67119_3" xmlns:help="http://openoffice.org/2000/help"/><help:key-word value="zero point; of rulers" tag="kw67119_2" xmlns:help="http://openoffice.org/2000/help"/>To have a different origin for the co-ordinates shown other than the top left corner of a slide (taking slide margins into account), you should drag the point of intersection (button at convergence point of both rulers in the top left corner) of both rulers to another location. The point of origin can be returned to the top left corner by double clicking on the point of intersection button.</p>
<p class="Paragraph">You can position as many <help:link Id="67172" xmlns:help="http://openoffice.org/2000/help">snap lines</help:link> as required so that objects can be snapped to them during moving and scaling. <text:s text:c="" xmlns:text="http://openoffice.org/2000/text"/>Drag a line out of the rulers to determine where the snap lines are to be located.</p>
<p class="Paragraph">If a text object is being edited then its tabulators will be displayed and can be modified in the ruler.</p>