<p class="Head1"><help:help-id value="HID_SC_TOOLBOX_DRAW"/><help:link Id="66761">Object Bar With Selected Object</help:link></p>
<p class="Paragraph"><help:help-text value="visible">The object bar contains important formatting and aligning functions for selected objects.</help:help-text></p>
<p class="Paragraph">This object bar appears after you have selected an object, a graphics or a drawing that has been inserted into the spreadsheet. It is freely configurable. Any number of icons can be added or removed. Choose <span class="T1">View - Toolbars -</span> <help:link Id="65862" xmlns:help="http://openoffice.org/2000/help">Customize</help:link> to perform this task. You can access the same dialog by choosing <span class="T1">Tools - Configure</span> and pressing <span class="T1">Customize</span> on the <span class="T1">Toolbars</span> tab.</p>