home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <!DOCTYPE script:module PUBLIC "-//OpenOffice.org//DTD OfficeDocument 1.0//EN" "module.dtd">
- <script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="FilesModul" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
- Public AbsTemplateFound as Integer
- Public AbsDocuFound as Integer
- Public oLogDocument as Object
- Public oLogTable as Object
- Public bInsertRow as Boolean
- Function ReadApplicationDirectories(ApplIndex as Integer, FilesList(),bIsDocument as Boolean, sFiltername()) as Integer
- Dim bCheckDocuType as Boolean
- Dim FilterIndex as Integer
- Dim bRecursive as Boolean
- Dim sSourceDir as String
- Dim bCheckRealType as Boolean
- Dim a as Integer
- Dim sFileContent() as String
- Dim NewList() as String
- Dim Index as Integer
- Dim sLocExtension as String
- Index = Applications(ApplIndex,SBAPPLKEY)
- sLocExtension = ""
- If bIsDocument Then
- bCheckDocuType = Applications(ApplIndex,SBDOCCONVERT)
- bCheckRealType = False
- bRecursive = Applications(ApplIndex,SBDOCRECURSIVE)
- FilterIndex = Index
- sSourceDir = Applications(ApplIndex,SBDOCSOURCE)
- Else
- ' Templates
- bCheckDocuType = Applications(ApplIndex,SBTEMPLCONVERT)
- ' In SO the documenttype cannot be derived from the extension name
- bCheckRealType = WizardMode = SBXMLMODE
- If bCheckRealType Then
- ' Note: StarOffice-Math-Documents cannot be treated like templates
- bCheckRealType = Index <> 3
- If bCheckRealType Then
- sLocExtension = "vor"
- End If
- bIsDocument = Not bCheckRealType
- End If
- bRecursive = Applications(ApplIndex,SBTEMPLRECURSIVE)
- FilterIndex = Index + MaxApplCount
- sSourceDir = Applications(ApplIndex,SBTEMPLSOURCE)
- End If
- If bCheckDocuType Then
- sFileContent() = GetMimeTypeList(sFilterName(FilterIndex))
- NewList() = ReadDirectories(sSourceDir, bRecursive, bCheckRealType, False, sFileContent(), sLocExtension)
- If Ubound(NewList()) > -1 Then
- AddListtoFilesList(FilesList(), NewList(), ApplIndex)
- ImportDialog.LabelRetrieval.Label = sProgressPage_2 & " " & ReplaceString(sProgressPage_5, Str(Ubound(FilesList()) + 1) & " ", "%1")
- End If
- End If
- ReadApplicationDirectories() = Ubound(NewList(),1) + 1
- End Function
- Sub ShowCurrentProgress(bIsDocument as Boolean, CurFound as Integer)
- If bIsDocument Then
- AbsDocuFound = AbsDocuFound + CurFound
- ImportDialog.LabelCurDocumentRetrieval.Label = sProgressFound & " " & CStr(AbsDocuFound) & " " & sProgressMoreDocs
- Else
- AbsTemplateFound = AbsTemplateFound + CurFound
- ImportDialog.LabelCurTemplateRetrieval.Label = sProgressFound & " " & CStr(AbsTemplateFound) & " " & sProgressMoreTemplates
- End If
- End Sub
- Sub ConvertAllDocuments(sFilterName())
- Dim FileProperties(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
- Dim WriterWebProperties(0) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
- Dim OpenProperties(1) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
- Dim FilesList(0,2) as String
- Dim sViewPath as String
- Dim i as Integer
- Dim FilterIndex as Integer
- Dim sFullName as String
- Dim sFileName as String
- Dim oDocument as Object
- Dim sExtension as String
- Dim OldExtension as String
- Dim CurFound as Integer
- Dim TotFound as Integer
- Dim TargetStemDir as String
- Dim SourceStemDir as String
- Dim TargetDir as String
- Dim TargetFile as String
- Dim CurFilterName as String
- Dim ApplIndex as Integer
- Dim Index as Integer
- Dim bIsDocument as Boolean
- Dim iOverWrite as Integer
- Dim bDoSave as Boolean
- Dim sCurFileExists as String
- Dim oModel as Object
- Dim MaxFileIndex as Integer
- Dim sOldExtension as String
- bConversionIsRunnig = True
- AbsTemplateFound = 0
- AbsDocuFound = 0
- For i = 0 To ApplCount-1
- 'templates
- bIsDocument = False
- CurFound = ReadApplicationDirectories(i, FilesList(), bIsDocument, sFilterName())
- ShowCurrentProgress(bIsDocument, CurFound)
- Next i
- For i = 0 To ApplCount-1
- 'documents
- bIsDocument = True
- CurFound = ReadApplicationDirectories(i, FilesList(), bIsDocument, sFilterName())
- ShowCurrentProgress(bIsDocument, CurFound)
- Next i
- TotFound = AbsTemplateFound + AbsDocuFound
- CreateLogDocument(OpenProperties())
- If TotFound > 0 Then
- InitializeProgressPage(ImportDialog)
- OpenProperties(0).Name = "Hidden"
- OpenProperties(0).Value = True
- OpenProperties(1).Name = "AsTemplate"
- MaxFileIndex = Ubound(FilesList(),1)
- For i = 0 To MaxFileIndex
- If bCancelTask Or RetValue = 0 Then
- bConversionIsRunnig = False
- Exit Sub
- End if
- bDoSave = True
- sFullName = FilesList(i,0)
- CurFiltername = GetFilterName(FilesList(i,1), sFilterName(), sExtension, FilterIndex)
- ApplIndex = FilesList(i,2)
- sViewPath = CutPathView(sFullName, 60)
- ImportDialog.LabelCurDocument.Label = Str(i+1) & "/" & MaxFileIndex + 1 & " (" & sViewPath & ")"
- sOldExtension = GetFileNameExtension(sFullName, "/")
- Select Case sOldExtension
- Case "vor", "dot", "xlt", "pot"
- OpenProperties(1).Value = False
- Case Else
- OpenProperties(1).Value = False
- End Select
- oDocument = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL(sFullName, "_blank", 0, OpenProperties())
- If bSetFonts Then
- CheckScripts(oDocument, 1)
- End If
- If Not IsNull(oDocument) Then
- Select Case sExtension
- Case "sxw", "sxc", "sxi", "sxd", "sxs", "sxm"
- SourceStemDir = RTrimStr(Applications(ApplIndex,SBDOCSOURCE), "/")
- TargetStemDir = RTrimStr(Applications(ApplIndex,SBDOCTARGET), "/")
- Case Else ' Templates and Helper-Applications remain
- SourceStemDir = RTrimStr(Applications(ApplIndex,SBTEMPLSOURCE), "/")
- TargetStemDir = RTrimStr(Applications(ApplIndex,SBTEMPLTARGET), "/")
- End Select
- TargetFile = ReplaceString(sFullname, TargetStemDir, SourceStemDir)
- sFileName = GetFileNameWithoutExtension(TargetFile, "/")
- OldExtension = GetFileNameExtension(TargetFile)
- TargetFile = RTrimStr(TargetFile, OldExtension)
- TargetFile = TargetFile & sExtension
- TargetDir = RTrimStr(TargetFile, sFileName & "." & sExtension)
- If Not oUcb.Exists(TargetDir) Then
- CreateFolder(TargetDir)
- End If
- If oUcb.Exists(TargetFile) Then
- sCurFileExists = ReplaceString(sFileExists, ConvertFromUrl(TargetFile), "<1>")
- sCurFileExists = ReplaceString(sCurFileExists, chr(13), "<CR>")
- iOverWrite = Msgbox (sCurFileExists, 32 + 3, sTitle)
- Select Case iOverWrite
- Case 1 ' OK
- ' In the FileProperty-Bean this is already default
- bDoSave = True
- Case 2 ' Abort
- CancelTask(False)
- bDoSave = False
- Case 7 ' No
- bDoSave = False
- End Select
- End If
- If bDoSave Then
- InsertDocNamesToLogDocument(sFullName, TargetFile)
- On Local Error Resume Next
- FileProperties(0).Name = "FilterName"
- FileProperties(0).Value = CurFilterName
- oDocument.StoreAsUrl(TargetFile,FileProperties())
- oDocument.Dispose()
- On Local Error Goto 0
- End If
- End If
- Next i
- End If
- ImportDialog.cmdCancel.Label = sCloseButton
- ImportDialog.cmdGoOn.Label = sReady
- ImportDialog.cmdGoOn.Enabled = True
- bConversionIsRunnig = False
- Exit Sub
- RTError:
- Msgbox sRTErrorDesc, 16, sRTErrorHeader
- End Sub
- Sub AddListtoFilesList(FirstList(), SecList(), ApplIndex as Integer)
- Dim FirstStart as Integer, FirstEnd as Integer, i as Integer, s as Integer
- If FirstList(0,0) = "" Then
- FirstStart = Ubound(FirstList(),1)
- Else
- FirstStart = Ubound(FirstList(),1) + 1
- End If
- FirstEnd = FirstStart + Ubound(SecList(),1)
- ReDim Preserve FirstList(FirstEnd,2)
- s = 0
- For i = FirstStart To FirstEnd
- FirstList(i,0) = SecList(s,0)
- FirstList(i,1) = SecList(s,1)
- FirstList(i,2) = CStr(ApplIndex)
- s = s + 1
- Next i
- End Sub
- Function GetTargetTemplatePath(Index as Integer)
- Select Case WizardMode
- GetTargetTemplatePath() = SOTemplatePath & "/" & sTemplateGroupName
- If Index = 3 Then
- ' Helper Application
- GetTargetTemplatePath = SOWorkPath
- Else
- GetTargetTemplatePath = SOTemplatePath
- End If
- End Select
- End Function
- ' Retrieves the second value for a next to 'SearchString' in
- ' a two-dimensional string-Array
- Function GetFilterName(sMimetypeorExtension as String, sFilterName(), sExtension as string, FilterIndex as Integer) as String
- Dim i as Integer
- Dim MaxIndex as Integer
- Dim sLocFilterlist() as String
- For i = 0 To Ubound(sFiltername(),1)
- If Instr(1,sFilterName(i,0),sMimeTypeOrExtension) <> 0 Then
- sLocFilterList() = ArrayoutofString(sFiltername(i,0),"|", MaxIndex)
- If MaxIndex = 0 Then
- sExtension = sFiltername(i,2)
- GetFilterName = sFilterName(i,1)
- Else
- Dim a as Integer
- Dim sLocExtensionList() as String
- a = SearchArrayForPartString(sMimetypeOrExtension, sLocFilterList())
- sLocFilterList() = ArrayoutofString(sFiltername(i,1),"|", MaxIndex)
- GetFilterName = sLocFilterList(a)
- sLocExtensionList() = ArrayoutofString(sFilterName(i,2), "|", MaxIndex)
- sExtension = sLocExtensionList(a)
- End If
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- FilterIndex = i
- End Function
- Function SearchArrayforPartString(SearchString as String, LocList()) as Integer
- Dim i as integer
- For i = Lbound(LocList(),1) to Ubound(LocList(),1)
- If Instr(1,LocList(i), SearchString) <> 0 Then
- SearchArrayForPartString() = i
- Exit Function
- End if
- Next
- IndexinArray = -1
- End Function
- Function GetMimeTypeList(BigFiltername as STring)
- Dim sBigList() as String
- Dim sSmallList() as String
- Dim sMimeTypeList()
- Dim BigMaxIndex as Integer
- Dim n as Integer
- sBigList() = ArrayoutofString(BigFilterName,"|", BigMaxIndex)
- For n = 0 To BigMaxIndex
- sSmallList() = ArrayoutofString(sBigList(n),";")
- sMimeTypeList() = AddListToList(sMimeTypeList(), sSmallList())
- Next n
- GetMimetypeList() = sMimeTypeList()
- End Function
- Sub CreateLogDocument(HiddenProperties())
- Dim oTableCursor as Object
- Dim oLogCursor as Object
- Dim oLogRows as Object
- Dim sLogUrl as String
- Dim NoArgs()
- Dim i as Integer
- Dim bLogExists as Boolean
- If ImportDialog.chkLogfile.State = 1 Then
- i = 2
- oLogDocument = StarDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 4, NoArgs())' HiddenProperties()) ' HiddenProperties())
- oLogCursor = oLogDocument.Text.CreateTextCursor
- oLogTable = oLogDocument.CreateInstance("com.sun.star.text.TextTable")
- oLogCursor.Text.InsertTextContent(oLogCursor, oLogTable, True)
- oLogCursor = oLogTable.GetCellbyPosition(0,0).createTextCursor
- oLogCursor.SetString(sSourceDocuments)
- oLogCursor = oLogTable.GetCellbyPosition(1,0).createTextCursor
- oLogCursor.SetString(sTargetDocuments)
- bInsertRow = False
- sLogUrl = SOWorkPath & "/Logfile.sxw"
- Do
- bLogExists = oUcb.Exists(sLogUrl)
- If bLogExists Then
- If i = 2 Then
- sLogUrl = ReplaceString(sLogUrl, "/Logfile_2.sxw", "/Logfile.sxw")
- Else
- sLogUrl = ReplaceString(sLogUrl, "/Logfile_" & cStr(i) & ".sxw", "/Logfile_" & cStr(i-1) & ".sxw")
- End If
- i = i + 1
- End If
- Loop Until Not bLogExists
- oLogDocument.StoreAsUrl(sLogUrl, NoArgs())
- EndIf
- End Sub
- Sub InsertDocNamesToLogDocument(SourceUrl as String, TargetUrl as String)
- Dim oCell as Object
- Dim oLogCursor as Object
- Dim UrlList(1) as String
- Dim LocFileName as String
- Dim LocUrl as String
- Dim i as Integer
- If ImportDialog.chkLogfile.State = 1 Then
- If bInsertRow Then
- oLogTable.Rows.InsertByIndex(oLogTable.Rows.Count,1)
- Else
- bInsertRow = True
- End If
- UrlList(0) = SourceUrl
- UrlList(1) = TargetUrl
- For i = 0 To 1
- oCell = oLogTable.GetCellbyPosition(i,oLogTable.Rows.Count-1)
- oLogCursor = oCell.createTextCursor()
- LocUrl = UrlList(i)
- oLogCursor.HyperLinkURL = LocUrl
- oLogCursor.HyperLinkName = LocUrl
- oLogCursor.HyperLinkTarget = LocUrl
- LocFileName = FileNameOutOfPath(LocUrl)
- oCell.InsertString(oLogCursor, LocFileName,False)
- Next i
- oLogDocument.Store()
- End If
- End Sub</script:module>