home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- !This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
- .rdata
- @.rsrc
- @.reloc
- Asymetrix ToolBook Application
- MINSTB32.dll
- R 4 4 K
- *ClassTbl*
- *ClassEntry*
- Background
- Rectangle
- Ellipse
- RoundedRectangle
- Polygon
- IrregularPolygon
- AngledLine
- Curve
- PaintObject
- Picture
- Hotword
- Group
- Stage
- Button
- Viewer
- ComboBox
- Field
- RecordField
- *TbxBase*
- 4 bxBase*
- R D
- 4 bxBase*
- &17ZLa
- &.;J^
- ".&aaT+
- 5\aa]7
- &Jaa@)^aM)QaW+Caaa
- (GZ!a
- &4AQ]_
- C^^2(].
- .>PZ^
- Zaaa7
- ^aaa@
- ]aaQPa
- ").18>CN\
- "++11277;@ACHJPNWTZ[`
- "\a^&
- \WPGNW5a
- TP]a\PW_
- ^[[^"a
- aaa^F!
- FaY'$*[
- !?^aaa=$$I
- L$$$Sa\
- /YO$$6aa3$$S
- S$$/^
- ?$$?aaa
- 6aaa['
- =aaa^
- [aa^6
- =aaa/
- Vaaa^)
- 'Sa^I
- ?[aY/
- B^aaO
- :[aY/
- !aaa:
- ^$6[aaa'
- ^aaa-
- -aaaV
- ^aaa'
- -aaaV
- -aaaV
- -aaaV
- Yaaa-
- -aaaV
- ^[aaa'
- $[^[^[^Y
- -aaaV
- 6aaa?
- -aaaV
- 6aaa^
- =[[V*
- $^aa[
- 'LSF!
- 3??aaL
- -aaaV
- [aaaF
- 6a^a^
- -aaaV
- '[aa'
- =aaaO
- -aa::
- $=[aaa-
- -aaa[=:=^
- -O^aaa'
- F::=[
- !=[V::FaaB:=Y6
- IaY::?aL*
- 'L^a^?BB
- ]_aaaT
- ^aaa'
- -aaaV
- &^aaaT
- Maaa'
- -aaaI
- 1aaa'
- B**Baaa^'
- ,\aaa7
- aaa?**I
- "(1>P^`
- &File
- &Open... Ctrl+O
- &Save Ctrl+S
- Save &As...
- saveas
- &Import...
- import
- &Export...
- export
- Print Set&up...
- printsetup
- &Print Pages... Ctrl+P
- printpages
- Prin&t Report...
- printreport
- Send &Mail...
- sendmail
- &Run...
- E&xit Alt+F4
- &Edit
- &Undo Ctrl+Z
- Cu&t Ctrl+X
- &Copy Ctrl+C
- &Paste Ctrl+V
- paste
- C&lear Del
- clear
- Select &All Shift+F9
- selectall
- Select Pa&ge Shift+F12
- selectpage
- &Size to Page F11
- sizetopage
- F&ind... F5
- Re&place...
- replace
- Aut&hor F3
- author
- &Text
- &Character... F6
- character
- &Paragraph... F7
- paragraph
- &Regular Ctrl+Space
- regular
- &Bold Ctrl+B
- &Italic Ctrl+I
- italic
- &Underline Ctrl+U
- underline
- Stri&keout Ctrl+K
- strikeout
- Superscrip&t/Subscript
- superscriptSubscript
- &Normal Script
- normalscript
- Su&bscript Ctrl+L
- subscript
- Su&perscript Ctrl+Shift+L
- superscript
- &Show Hotwords F9
- showhotwords
- &Page
- &Next Alt+Right
- &Previous Alt+Left
- previous
- &First Alt+Up
- first
- &Last Alt+Down
- &Back Shift+F2
- &History... Ctrl+F2
- history
- N&ew Page Ctrl+N
- newpage
- &Help
- &Contents F1
- contents
- Status &Bar F12
- statusbar
- erlink"
- if "Add"
- .-+ +L
- .-+ +L
- .-+ +L
- .-+ +L
- .-+ +L
- strNone
- cancel
- oldDir
- *.exe
- RegistryGetKey
- lOpenFileDlgAny
- TBKIniValue
- Choose a Web browser
- ChooseFromTextLinesDlg
- Locate Web Browser
- iexplore.exe
- reg.dll
- GetExeTitle
- tbk_IniFile
- dos.dll
- \ie20.exe
- win.dll
- Programs
- tbfile32.dll
- Web Browser
- dlg.dll
- FindRegAssociation
- GetIniVar
- tbk_CurrentDirectory
- Internet Apps
- The browser to use is %1.
- question
- GetShortFileName32
- _ASYM_ChooseFromTextLinesDlg
- FindModuleExeFiles
- FindNetscapeExe
- WriteBrowserIniEntry
- <another one>
- Custom browser
- FASYM_ProductPrefix
- Correct?
- \iexplore.exe
- AddToAvailableExes
- SetIniVar
- GetIniVar
- getMemBlock
- tbk_getWinPointer
- freeMemBlock
- tbk_freeWinPointer
- prompt
- iniFile
- UpdateIniBrowserInfo
- foundModuleExes
- askList
- win.ini
- FileExists
- netscape.exe
- AddtoAvailableExes
- ASYM_MessageBox
- FindIExploreExe
- Choose Browser
- defaultExename
- OpenFileDlg
- OpenFileDlgAny
- itemOffset
- tbk_itemOffset
- textlineOffset
- tbk_textlineOffset
- ListToTextLine
- SortList
- SortTextLines
- GetDriveList
- GetDriveKind
- GetFileDate
- FileExists
- airmos.exe
- Extensions
- filter
- ASYM_FindExecutableFile
- Confirm browser x
- GetShortFileName32
- GetLongFileName32
- OpenFileDlg32
- OpenFileDlgAny
- GetFileVersion32
- ASYM_GetString
- wsortTextLines
- Choose a default Web browser to use with ToolBook
- ,*.EXE
- YesNoCancel
- knownModules
- *.htm
- Web Browsers
- *tbk_SetCurrentDirectory
- ChooseWebBrowser
- ,,H.,
- TBKIniValue
- Web Browsers
- tbk_IniFile
- oldList
- SetIniVar
- WriteBrowserIniEntry
- UpdateIniBrowserInfo
- airmos.exe
- winClass
- SetIniVar
- iexplore.exe
- GetExeTitle
- tbk_IniFile
- mosaic
- Internet Explorer_Frame
- iniVal
- SPRYMosaicCls
- revOffset
- GetShortFileName32
- GetFileVersion32
- ddeAppName
- WriteBrowserIniEntry
- C3333
- w, #?
- MicrosoftExplorer
- verNo
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\IE40
- resdll.dll
- GetShortFileName32
- pathOfFile
- Build X
- 4.40.3
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Connection Wizard
- iexplore.exe
- Build %1
- netscape.exe
- verMajor
- RegistryGetKey
- Netscape
- Build
- Release Product Version
- strBuild
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer
- Release Product
- ASYM_GetString
- GetLongFileName32
- Microsoft
- Windows(TM) Internet Tools
- strExplorer
- verName
- verInfo
- GetFileVersion32
- Microsoft
- Internet Explorer %1
- 4.40.
- GetFileDate
- Mosaic
- DisplayName
- Microsoft
- GetExeTitle
- \shell\open\command
- RegistryGetKey
- FindRegAssociation
- CurrentVersion\App Paths\IEXPLORE.EXE
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\
- RegistryGetKey
- FindIExploreExe
- CurrentVersion\App Paths\NETSCAPE.EXE
- SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\
- RegistryGetKey
- FindNetscapeExe
- s_twiddleCursor
- twiddleCursor
- FileExists
- mqtbk_itemOffset
- GetShortFileName32
- AddToAvailableExes
- GetModuleFileName
- GetModuleHandle
- r1tbk_FreeWinPointer
- kernel
- GetModuleHandle
- GetModuleFileName
- lpBuff
- tbk_GetWinPointer
- FindModuleExeFiles
- RegistryGetKey
- QueryRegistry32
- tbk_iniFile
- SetIniVar
- Value
- tbk_iniFile
- GetIniVar
- TBKIniValue
- HShortFileName
- GetShortFileName32
- GetShortFileName32
- HShortFileName
- GetLongFileName32
- GetLongFileName32
- .-+ +L
- .-+ +L
- .-+ +L
- IExplore
- TBKIniValue
- GetSystemDirectory
- ,*To3
- MFileNameToURL
- dos.dll
- Navigator
- Internet Apps
- WWW_Activate
- winTitle
- tbfile32.dll
- Microsoft
- Netscape
- iexplore
- GetShortFileName32
- GetLongFileName32
- OpenFileDlg32
- OpenFileDlgAny
- Communicator
- revOffset
- FileExists
- , TList-)
- BringWindowToTop
- netscape
- FindNetscapeExe
- GetIniVar
- getMemBlock
- tbk_getWinPointer
- freeMemBlock
- tbk_freeWinPointer
- FASYM_ProductPrefix
- win.dll
- URLSpecialCharsExpand
- popup
- ShowWindow
- Web Browsers
- iniFile
- ,ASYM_ShortFileName
- FileExists
- airmos
- FindIExploreExe
- tbk_iniFile
- GetShortFileName32
- }gyieldApp
- mosaic
- FindWindowByTitle
- Explorer
- UseNewWindow
- WWW_GetWindowInfo
- `isIconic
- 0xFFFFFFFF,0x0
- kernel
- FindWindow
- FindWindowByTitle
- FindWindow
- FindWindowByClass
- ShowWindow
- BringWindowToTop
- GetWindowLong
- IsIconic
- ShowError
- FindWindowByClass
- ,0,"","",
- oldList
- tbk_ChooseWebBrowser
- winID
- no server
- DisplayURL
- errBrowserWithoutFilename
- ActuallyMaybeBadInstall
- errTemplate
- verify that the browser is installed correctly.
- Error
- ASYM_MessageBox
- ASYM_GetString
- If there is plenty of memory and disk space,
- errBrowserWithFilename
- showError
- 1, #>
- ,(J "
- RemoveFile
- GetTempFileName
- FASYM_ProductPrefix
- aFindExecutable
- GetShortFileName32
- GetTempFileName
- GetShortFileName32
- file32.dll
- win.dll
- fileExists
- tempFn
- lpBuffer
- r1tbk_freeWinPointer
- PathOfFile
- ASYM_CurrentDirectory
- revOffset
- FileExists
- kernel
- shell.dll
- getMemBlock
- tbk_getWinPointer
- freeMemBlock
- tbk_freeWinPointer
- FindExecutable
- RemoveFile
- fileExists
- DOS.dll
- tbk_getWinPointer
- jg080647
- status
- _FindExecutableFile
- revOffset
- URLSpecialCharsContract
- jtbk_trim
- file:///
- file://
- strPrefix
- URLToFileName
- URLHex
- %@h00
- URLSpecialCharsContract
- 1, "j
- 1, "L
- ,(J!"
- or servers. The invalid character(s) will be converted to an escape
- ASYM_GetString
- URLHex
- Invalid character(s) in URL
- Warnings
- Invalid char in URL
- ASYM_MessageBox
- tbk_IniFile
- ...contains character(s) that will cause problems with some browsers
- errFlagged
- capInvalidCharInURL
- %@H00
- GetIniVar
- msgInvalidCharInURL
- sequence such as "%%20".
- URLSpecialCharsExpand
- 1, #>
- GetShortFileName32
- file://
- jtbk_trim
- gopher:
- ASYM_FindPathFile
- hyperPath
- file:///
- URLSpecialCharsExpand
- http:
- strPrefix
- ASYM_HyperPath
- mailto:
- FileNameToURL
- w, #>
- FASYM_ProductPrefix
- ASYM_IniFile
- ASYM_MTBVersion
- tbk_IniFile
- .-+ +L
- deflt
- prompt
- ChooseFromTextLinesDlg
- s_ctb50r_cftldb
- main list
- _ASYM_ChooseFromTextLinesDlg
- ,,H.,
- ,,H.,
- prompt
- customSize
- small
- medium
- large
- main list
- enterPage
- closeThisWindow
- Cancel
- closeThisWindow
- okBtn
- deflt
- main list
- firstIdle
- main list
- closeThisWindow
- s_ctb50r_cftldb
- main list
- cancel
- prompt
- OKbtn
- grpFr
- small
- medium
- Cancelbtn
- large
- dlgframe
- grpList
- fldPrmpt
- main list
- customSize
- 8C6I9
- Z}Pu@'Q
- p\ ]q
- 1, "V
- w, #>
- rBook
- r.sbk
- ASYM_MTBVersion
- myName
- linkSysBook
- URL Stuff
- URLSpecialCharsExpand
- ASYM_URLSpecialCharsExpand
- URLSpecialCharsContract
- URL Stuff
- ASYM_URLSpecialCharsContract
- tranfFx
- z_ASYM_AddLinkToArray
- _ASYM_AddAnswerArrayHyperlink
- false
- ASYM_HasAnsArray
- z_ASYM_AddLinkToArray
- zo_ASYM_HyperlinkIRow
- ASYM_WID_AnsArray
- ASYM_WID_AnsArray
- _ASYM_AddAnswerHyperlink
- false
- z_ASYM_AddLinkToArray
- zo_ASYM_HyperlinkIRow
- _asym_hyperlinks
- _asym_hyperlinks
- E=ASYM_HasHyperlinks
- _ASYM_AddHyperlink
- false
- z_ASYM_AddLinktoArray
- zo_ASYM_HyperlinkIRow
- ASYM_EnableHyperlinks
- _ASYM_AddHyperlinkToArray
- ASYM_GetString
- B. Store the directory with the book file name with the hyperlink. Choose this option for speed, but only
- fName
- to the current book's list of directories to search automatically. Choose this option if you might want
- nASYM_altPgName
- false
- thisBook
- capHyperPathAddYes
- <mainWindow>
- _ASYM_requestRemoveAmpersand
- destBook
- itemOffset
- tbk_itemOffset
- <next>,<previous>,<last>,<first>,<back>
- BASYM_nameOrID
- HshortFileName
- ASYM_FindPathFile
- hyperPath
- &B. Store Directory with Hyperlink
- A. Add the destination directory (as a relative path if it is on the same drive as the current book)
- relPath
- pathOfFile
- mqtbk_itemOffset
- to move the books around at a later date or if your books might be installed into directories different
- capHyperPathAddNo
- V_SetHyperPath
- ASYM_HyperPath
- &A. Add Directory to Search Path
- thisPath
- The destination book is not in a directory that will be searched automatically. You can:
- ASYM_NewRelativePath
- to their current location.
- if you will never move your books and they will never be installed into directories different to their current location.
- destPath
- tbdlg.dll
- msgExplainHyperPath
- _ASYM_AddLinkToArray
- _ASYM_requestRemoveAmpersand
- h#ASYM_FindHyperPage
- _ASYM_BadLinksList
- ,,H.,
- false
- _ASYM_ClearAnsArrayHyperlink
- false
- ASYM_HasAnsArray
- zo_ASYM_HyperlinkIRow
- ASYM_WID_AnsArray
- ASYM_WID_AnsArray
- _ASYM_ClearAnswerHyperlink
- false
- _ASYM_ClearHyperlinkFromArray
- _asym_hyperlinks
- _asym_hyperlinks
- E=ASYM_HasHyperlinks
- _ASYM_ClearHyperlink
- zo_ASYM_HyperlinkIRow
- _ASYM_ClearHyperlinkFromArray
- ,(J,"
- .-+ +L
- false
- ASYM_PopupPage
- ASYM_DisplayURL
- HASYM_GoToPage
- ASYM_BlockSuspend
- <back>
- |ASYM_RestoreSuspend
- cursN
- ASYM_MessageBox
- ASYM_GetString
- ASYM_ResetCursor
- <exit>
- _ASYM_HyperlinkLinkInfo
- Hyperlink
- _ASYM_ExecHyperLink
- _asym_hyperlinks
- _ASYM_HyperlinkCandidates
- pgRef
- ASYM_FindHyperWindow
- zo_ASYM_HyperlinkIRow
- h#ASYM_FindHyperPage
- _ASYM_HyperlinkLinkInfo
- _ASYM_HyperlinkIRow
- s_tbk_popViewers
- There are no viewers available to display the requested page.
- HorizontalDisplayRes
- sysMenu
- thick
- thinCaption
- false
- lScreenFromPage
- asym_resetCursor
- 9VerticalDisplayRes
- tbk_TempViewer
- msgNoPopupViewersAvailable
- ASYM_ResetCursor
- ScreenFromPage
- , Urectg
- VerticalDisplayRes
- TThe -)
- HorizontalDisplayRes
- Tirec-)
- ASYM_MessageBox
- ASYM_GetString
- oldCurs
- magicName
- vtemp
- jtbk_CloseOnEsc
- Close another popup window and try again.
- tbwin.dll
- autoClose
- Do not rename me
- shadow
- Hyperlink
- _ASYM_PopupPage
- oldse
- _ASYM_SysCursor
- hotword button
- _AutoCloseCheck
- <BookDir>
- bkName
- _asym_HyperPath
- deftag
- pathOfFile
- ASYM_CurrentDirectory
- BookDir
- ASYM_NewRelativePath
- thePath
- _SetHyperPath
- _ASYM_AddHyperlink
- _tbk_AddHyperlink
- j_ASYM_AddHyperlinktoArray
- _tbk_AddHyperlinktoArray
- z_ASYM_AddLinkToArray
- _tbk_AddLinkToArray
- _ASYM_BadLinksList
- _tbk_BadLinksList
- j}_ASYM_ClearHyperlink
- _tbk_ClearHyperlink
- _ASYM_ClearHyperlinkFromArray
- _tbk_ClearHyperlinkFromArray
- nX_ASYM_ExecHyperLink
- _tbk_ExecHyperLink
- R_ASYM_HyperlinkCandidates
- _tbk_HyperlinkCandidates
- _ASYM_HyperlinkLinkInfo
- _tbk_HyperlinkLinkInfo
- zo_ASYM_HyperlinkIRow
- _tbk_HyperlinkIRow
- _ASYM_PopupPage
- _tbk_PopupPage
- _ASYM_SysCursor
- _tbk_SysCursor
- 6_ASYM_AddAnswerHyperlink
- ASYM_AddAnswerHyperlink
- _ASYM_AddHyperlink
- ASYM_AddHyperlink
- .-, #?
- pgCaption
- title
- ASYM_AltPgName
- ChooseWebBrowser
- URL Stuff
- ASYM_ChooseWebBrowser
- _ASYM_ClearAnswerHyperlink
- ASYM_ClearAnswerHyperlink
- j}_ASYM_ClearHyperlink
- ASYM_ClearHyperlink
- w, #>
- vGetCurrentDirectory
- GetCurrentDrive
- GetCurrentDrive
- GetCurrentDirectory
- tbDOS.dll
- ASYM_CurrentDirectory
- ASYM_CurrentDirectory
- ASYM_CurrentPath
- URL Stuff
- DisplayURL
- ASYM_DisplayURL
- s_tbk_hypTargetWindow
- ASYM_HasAnsArray
- P#ASYM_WID_SummaryFeedback
- ASYM_WID_AnsArray
- ASYM_HasFBArray
- nX_ASYM_ExecHyperlink
- ASYM_DoAnswerHyperlink
- s_tbk_hypTargetWindow
- false
- _asym_hyperlinks
- E=ASYM_HasHyperlinks
- nX_ASYM_ExecHyperlink
- ASYM_DoHyperlink
- stripBk
- Invalid target viewer for hyperlink: %1.
- s_tbk_hypTargetWindow
- ASYM_FindHyperWindow
- <back>
- <next>
- HshortFileName
- <last>
- s_ASYMI_currentPage
- pathOfFile
- ASYM_GetString
- <previous>
- bCloseViewer
- ASYM_HyperPath
- <exit>
- <first>
- tbk_FindPathFile
- ASYM_FindHyperPage
- of book
- s_tbk_hypTargetWindow
- <parentWindow>
- <mainWindow>
- viewer
- of book "%1"
- <targetWindow>
- ASYM_FindHyperWindow
- ASYM_FindPage
- DOSPath
- false
- ASYM_IsFile
- GetDosEnvironmentString
- I4GetDosEnvironmentString
- pathOfFile
- testName
- ASYM_Trim
- 2,ASYM_ExpandRelPath
- ASYM_FindPathFile
- ASYM_HasAnsArray
- u@ASYM_GetHyperlinks
- ASYM_GetAnswerHyperlinks
- 1,(Fj
- 1,(Fj
- ASYM_HasAnsArray
- _ASYM_Hyperlinks
- ASYM_WID_AnsArray
- E=ASYM_HasHyperlinks
- ASYM_GetHyperlinks
- transPt
- _ASYM_sysCursor
- false
- %sysMousePosition%
- asym_resetCursor
- page id
- transPt
- oldPg
- pgRef
- false
- transfx
- oldCurs
- isURL
- ASYM_GoToPage
- _asym_hyperlinks
- ASYM_HasHyperlinks
- mqtbk_itemOffset
- itemOffset
- tbk_itemOffset
- pathOfFile
- ASYM_CurrentDirectory
- _asym_HyperPath
- ASYM_Trim
- tbdlg.dll
- ASYM_HyperPath
- V_SetHyperPath
- ASYM_HyperPath
- FileExists
- FileExists
- , T2({
- tbdos.dll
- ASYM_IsFile
- ASYM_MakeIntoRelPath
- minorVersion
- ASYM_MTBVersion
- .-, #?
- _ASYM_PopupPage
- ASYM_PopupPage
- ASYM_ProductPrefix
- pathOfFile
- ASYM_RelativePath
- bkPath
- ASYM_RelativePath
- .-+ +L
- ASYM_ResetCursor
- ASYM_Trim
- R_ASYM_hyperlinkCandidates
- s_tbk_hypTargetWindow
- ASYM_DoHyperlink
- buttonClick
- buttonClick
- R_ASYM_hyperlinkCandidates
- s_tbk_hypTargetWindow
- ASYM_DoHyperlink
- buttonClick
- extClick
- s_tbk_hypTargetWindow
- leaveBook
- pathOfFile
- shortFileName
- _ASYM_AddHyperlink
- tbk_AddHyperlink
- nASYM_AltPgName
- tbk_AltPgName
- ASYM_ChooseWebBrowser
- tbk_ChooseWebBrowser
- ASYM_CurrentDirectory
- tbk_CurrentDirectory
- ASYM_CurrentDirectory
- tbk_CurrentPath
- ASYM_DisplayURL
- tbk_DisplayURL
- ASYM_DoHyperlink
- tbk_DoHyperlink
- h#ASYM_FindHyperPage
- tbk_FindHyperPage
- Z4ASYM_FindPage
- tbk_FindPage
- ASYM_FindPathFile
- tbk_FindPathFile
- u@ASYM_GetHyperlinks
- tbk_GetHyperlinks
- HASYM_GoToPage
- tbk_GoToPage
- E=ASYM_HasHyperlinks
- tbk_HasHyperlinks
- ASYM_HyperPath
- tbk_HyperPath
- ASYM_HyperPath
- tbk_HyperPath
- w, #>
- FASYM_ProductPrefix
- tbk_IniFile
- ASYM_IniFile
- ASYM_MTBVersion
- tbk_IniFile
- ASYM_IsFile
- tbk_IsFile
- ASYM_NewRelativePath
- tbk_MakeIntoRelPath
- tbk_NameOrID
- _ASYM_PopupPage
- tbk_PopupPage
- ASYM_NewRelativePath
- tbk_RelativePath
- ASYM_trim
- tbk_trim
- rootPathItem
- ASYM_ConvertPathToList
- rootPathList
- tbfile32.dll
- relPathList
- getLongFileName32
- otherPathItem
- otherPathList
- getLongFileName32
- ASYM_ConvertListToPath
- ASYM_NewRelativePath
- itemOffset
- itemOffset
- ASYM_ConvertPathToList
- tbdlg.dll
- ASYM_ConvertListToPath
- ASYM_ResolvePath
- ASYM_ResolvePath
- ASYM_ExpandRelPath
- ASYM_ConvertPathToList
- ASYM_ConvertListToPath
- groupfieldrecordfieldpagebackgroundbook
- of book
- tbk_Container
- s_tbk_hypTargetWindow
- s_tbk_hypTargetWindow
- saveAs
- ASYM_IsHyperlinkSysBookAdded
- Copyright
- 1999 Asymetrix Learning Systems, Inc.
- -- TB70HYP.SBK
- linkSysBook
- 8= NULL --r
- xpresent
- --
- --find where I am on the
- stack
- --
- --
- 8, without path
- myName =
- ~("\",
- ~("\",
- --
- that
- mySysBookNumber =
- --
- --If I really am on
- --
- 8should be inserted just
- --
- --rBook
- : let
- = "tb" & ASYM_MTBVersion() & "r.sbk"
- --Test
- we can
- --If
- ss =
- & ","
- = TRUE
- & ","
- ASYM_URLSpecialCharsExpand s
- $ Stuff"
- =rsContract s
- URLSpecialCharsContract(s)
- _ASYM_AddAnswerArrayHyperlink
- ansArray[][]
- Hreference,
- iRow, pgRef, transFx, linkType, curs, isURL, vRef
- _ASYM_AddLinkToArray (
- LfFx,
- _ASYM_AddAnswerHyperlink obj, linkName,
- Zhyperlinks[][]
- ASYM_HasAnsArray(
- , = ASYM_WID_AnsArray
- i = _ASYM_HyperlinkIRow(
- i = 0
- ay (hyperLinks, i,
- _ASYM_AddHyperlink
- ASYM_HasHyperlinks(obj)
- = _asym_hyperlinks
- i =
- i = 0
- i =
- dimensions(
- =) + 1
- i = 1
- i][1] =
- _ASYM_AddHyperlinkToArray
- ASYM_EnableHyperlinks()
- n =
- i =
- i = 0
- i = n+1
- i][1] =
- _ASYM_AddLinktoArray(
- , i,
- --**
- HCO 940727
- linkDLL "tbdlg.dll"
- INT tbk_itemOffset =
- = "<
- .>") > 0
- ][2] =
- ][3] =
- ][4] =
- ][2] = ASYM_nameOrID(
- ][3] = ASYM_altPgName(
- thisBook =
- destBook = objectContainer(
- ][4] =
- fName =
- destPath = pathOfFile(
- thisPath =
- "c:\"
- "c:\x\"
- relPath = ASYM_MakeIntoRelPath(
- &NewRelativePath (
- shortFileName(
- hyperPath = ASYM_HyperPath
- inPath = (ASYM_FindPathFile(
- D) <>
- msg = ASYM_GetString("msgExplainHyperPath", \
- "The destination
- a directory
- will be searched automatically. You can:" & \
- CRLF &
- "A. Add
- %a relative
- same drive
- current
- 8)" && \
- 8's list
- directories
- Choose
- option
- you might want" && \
- books around
- )a later
- your
- =be installed
- rdifferent" && \
- their
- location." & \
- "B. Store
- 8file
- speed, but only" && \
- nd they
- cap1 =
- capHyperPathAddYes", "&A.
- Directory
- Search
- cap2 =
- capHyperPathAddNo", "&B.
- = _ASYM_requestRemoveAmpersand(
- _SetHyperPath
- ][4] =
- ][5] = (
- ][6] =
- ][7] =
- ][8] =
- ][9] =
- --removes
- ampersand
- --like "
- " does
- returning
- clicked
- ~("&",
- _ASYM_BadLinksList
- --**
- HCO 940727
- badLinks
- [i][2] <>
- i][2] <> "<"
- ASYM_FindHyperPage (
- [i][2],
- i,3],
- i][4]) =
- i][1]
- _ASYM_ClearAnsArrayHyperlink
- ][i] =
- _ASYM_ClearAnswerHyperlink
- i =
- i <> 0
- i][2] =
- i][3] =
- i][4] =
- i][5] =
- i][6] =
- i][7] =
- _ASYM_ClearHyperlink
- @nkFromArray(
- 1][2] <>
- ) <= 10
- ) = 1
- 1][2] =
- newLinks[][]
- WORD n,i,j,k
- n =
- i =
- IsAnsArray = (
- ) > 10)
- (i > 0
- (n = 1
- i = 1) -- special
- Mbecause
- array assignment bug
- i][j] =
- reset
- i > 0
- j][k] =
- j][k]
- n - 1
- j][k] =
- j+1][k]
- = newlinks
- _ASYM_ExecHyperLink
- _ASYM_HyperlinkLinkInfo(
- cursN =
- isType("
- #> 0
- +<= 44
- ; -- URL
- ASYM_DisplayURL
- ASYM_PopupPage(
- --DG SPR 853:
- necessary
- xisOpen
- 853 cad980822
- ASYM_GoToPage(
- code =
- err = ASYM_BlockSuspend()
- -RestoreSuspend(
- cap =
- ASYM_MessageBox(
- ASYM_ResetCursor
- _ASYM_HyperlinkCandidates
- candidates[]
- obj <>
- En] =
- resolv
- --assumes
- i][8]
- correct
- types
- --cad970606
- i =
- i = 0
- i][2] &
- i][3]) =
- i][2]
- "<" -- keyword
- i][3],
- i][4],
- i][8])
- i][3],
- i][4],
- [i][5],
- i][8])
- i][8]
- = ASYM_FindHyperWindow(
- i][5],
- i][6],
- i][7],
- i][9]
- i][5] = "
- 8") <>
- i][5] = "
- "OK",
- i][3],
- i][4]
- "BAD",
- i][2],
- i][3],
- [i][4]
- n =
- i][1] =
- _ASYM_PopupPage
- popStyle, pos, captn,
- {oldPg
- oldCurs =
- mousePos =
- maxPopups = 5 --** MAGIC NUMBER
- magicName = "Do
- xrename me"
- myBk =
- ss =
- (s_tbk_popViewers) >=
- parentHandle
- close v
- = ss;
- --
- available
- vtemp =
- && i)
- vTemp
- g("msgNoPopupViewersAvailable", \
- "There
- no viewers
- display
- requested
- "Close another popup
- , cap, "
- tbk_TempViewer
- style
- v = "sysMenu"
- imageBuffers
- v = 1
- alwaysReader
- captionBar
- tbk_CloseOnEsc
- c"autoClose"
- c"shadow"
- c"thick"
- v = "thickFrame"
- c"thinCaption"
- v = "thinFrame"
- v = "
- v = "
- v = dialogFrame
- ss =
- --** DEBUG
- X"tbwin.
- ScreenFromPage(
- VerticalDisplayRes()
- HorizontalDisplayRes()
- -- place
- mouseclick
- %possible
- --defaultPosition
- v = "
- 4 = pageUnitsToScreen(
- , targetWindow)
- windowHandle
- ),pageScroll
- defaultPage
- x2 >
- s() - x2,0
- y2 >
- ) - y2
- x1 < 0
- H-x1,0
- y1 < 0
- H0,-y1
- asym_resetCursor
- --
- sharedScript "
- _ASYM_SysCursor
- ;oldse=
- r;oldsen=sysErrorNumber
- _AutoCloseCheck loc
- v =
- . = mousePosition
- objectFromPoint(
- buttonClick
- bk, what
- bk <>
- bk =
- bk =
- bk =
- bkName =
- BookDir =
- ASYM_CurrentDirectory()
- deftag = "<
- tagLen =
- BookDirLen =
- dir =
- <> "\"
- @bookDir
- +) = 1
- ASYM_NewRelativePath (
- ) = 1
- taglen
- thePath = ASYM_RelativePath (dir,
- thepath
- _asym_HyperPath
- _tbk_AddHyperlink
- _tbk_AddHyperlinktoArray
- _ASYM_AddHyperlinktoArray (
- _tbk_AddLinkToArray
- #RL,
- #RL,
- _tbk_BadLinksList
- _tbk_ClearHyperlink
- _tbk_ExecHyperLink
- _tbk_HyperlinkCandidates
- _tbk_HyperlinkLinkInfo
- _tbk_HyperlinkIRow
- _tbk_PopupPage
- r%fx,
- %fx,
- _tbk_SysCursor
- ASYM_AltPgName
- title
- pgCaption
- "ID" &&
- ASYM_ChooseWebBrowser
- X"tbDOS.
- t# GetCurrentDrive()
- # GetCurrentDirectory(
- drv =
- "\" &
- <> "\"
- <& ":" &
- ASYM_CurrentPath
- exeName, url, mode
- ASYM_DoAnswerHyperlink
- 'answerName, IsSpecific
- 4s_tbk_hypTargetWindow
- isSpecific
- xASYM_HasFBArray(
- '= ASYM_WID_SummaryFeedback
- _ASYM_ExecHyperlink (
- ASYM_DoHyperlink
- (triggerName
- 'hlinks[][]
- ow =
- pgName,
- $, bk,
- )Symbol
- 3)i][8]
- s_ASYMI_currentPage
- w(logical ss
- *destbk
- v& refString,vRefString
- #* =
- w(vSymbol)
- -- MF 980827
- r= expandString(
- #Invalid
- 1*: %1."),
- --DG 853:
- need
- banymore
- must be
- b: %1."),
- "<" --
- --DG 853:
- xcurrently
- bCloseViewer =
- pg =
- pg =
- bk =
- Q, =
- --treat <
- -- processed
- message,
- -- navigated
- g- =
- --DG
- we opened
- above
- ss =
- --cad980625 Doppel
- 1033: was
- changed
- .: we
- resolve
- which
- - resides,
- xwhatever
- displayed
- xisObject(
- ow =
- bk <>
- bk already a
- 8) & bk
- 'hyperpath?
- tbk_FindPathFile (bk,
- --
- Jresort: strip
- cad980112
- stripBk =
- I*bk)
- <> bk
- bk =
- "ID"
- `1 =
- " &&
- " &&
- --
- "ID"
- ) = 2
- 22 =
- ]2 =
- r2 =
- / tempRef
- --DG
- 1049 cad980818
- --initialize
- esys var
- ow =
- 6; --MF
- ow =
- ow =
- = "<
- W3 =
- % = "<
- r3 =
- C = "<parentWindow>"
- 8""%1""",
- 8)) \
- k4 =
- ASYM_FindPage pgN
- ss =
- +8, bkPath
- DOSPath =
- c":\"
- ASYM_IsFile(
- 1 GetDosEnvironmentString(
- /PATH")
- p =
- ~("=",
- p > 0
- p =
- ~(";",
- cp <> 0
- U9 = ","
- p =
- ~(";",
- 9 <>
- ASYM_Trim(
- <> "\"
- xsysPluginMode
- qexpandRelPath than handles
- complex
- /paths
- tbk_ExpandRelPath(
- ASYM_ExpandRelPath (
- <> ":"
- testName =
- ss =
- ASYM_GetAnswerHyperlinks
- ASYM_GetHyperlinks(
- ZhLInfo
- T7= _ASYM_Hyperlinks
- n =
- 8i][8]
- 8i][5]
- 8i][9]
- 8i][7]
- 9i][6]
- $9i][4]
- 79i][3]
- J9i][2]
- ]9i][1]
- 9 <>
- n =
- :i][8]
- ":i][5]
- 5:i][9]
- H:i][7]
- [:i][6]
- n:i][4]
- :i][3]
- :i][2]
- :i][1]
- : <>
- ;fx,
- ss=
- < <> "
- $_ASYM_sysCursor()
- #< <>
- transfx <>
- -- ensure
- effect so transition
- _>be seen
- ols = lockScreen
- = False
- p =
- p > 0
- transPt =
- Vp + 4
- --
- old value
- = <>
- q< obj
- ss =
- : result,
- bk =
- bk =
- bk <>
- bk =
- bk <>
- 8) =
- !9) > 0
- FileExists(
- u<os.
- [:h rootPath,longPath
- ) = 1
- p1 = 1;p2 = p1
- cp2 <
- p2 > 0
- dirlen = p2 - p1
- p2 - 1
- ;".."
- p2 = p2 -
- p1 = p2
- B dotFlag, options
- "minorVersion"
- "7.1"
- "7.0"
- ASYM_NameOrID obj
- c"//"
- "ID" &&
- $+n,
- ASYM_ProductPrefix capFlag
- --MAINTENANCE NOTE: This handler may appear
- multiple
- C = "
- nF) = 1
- -- INST65 SPR#1001 SladeM 101498
- txt = SPACE & CR & LF & TAB
- cs <>
- s <=
- cs <>
- s <=
- B$loc
- _ASYM_hyperlinkCandidates(
- ow =
- 0i], "
- extClick
- ow =
- }1i], "
- --DG
- 31049
- leaving
- uHowns
- B htw
- -- MF 980827
- evaluating
- ow =
- U(fn)
- U(fn)
- Vi + 1
- U(fn)
- tbk_AltPgName
- tbk_ChooseWebBrowser
- er()
- tbk_CurrentDirectory
- 'ry()
- tbk_CurrentPath
- &'ry()
- tbk_DisplayURL
- tbk_DoHyperlink
- tbk_FindHyperPage
- C, bk,
- C, bk,
- tbk_FindPage pgN
- tbk_GetHyperlinks
- tbk_GoToPage
- Hfx,
- Ifx,
- tbk_HasHyperlinks obj
- tbk_HyperPath bk
- C(bk)
- tbk_IniFile
- ASYM_IniFile()
- () &
- K ".ini"
- tbk_IsFile
- tbk_MakeIntoRelPath
- fDh (
- tbk_NameOrID obj
- W3n,
- k3n,
- tbk_RelativePath
- A)h (
- tbk_trim s
- ASYM_trim(s)
- -- New
- bN stuff -
- EDon
- DDmade
- )h otherPath,
- -- takes two full
- (including
- Dletter)
- returns
- 4Hfile32.
- H getLongFileName32 (
- rootPathList = ASYM_ConvertPathToList (
- otherPathList =
- relPathList =
- D drives
- rootDirCount =
- otherDirCount =
- otherPathItem =
- rootPathItem =
- ".."
- ASYM_ConvertListToPath (
- ) & "\"
- ASYM_ResolvePath filePath
- pos =
- J("..",
- ,- 1
- J("..",
- <> "\"
- = "\"
- -- converts a
- easier toolbook manipulation
- ~("\",
- R = ","
- ~("\",
- :JpathList
- ~(",",
- ? = "\"
- ~(",",
- tbk_Container
- OobjType
- NnextObj
- wCnt =
- <= "BOOK"
- WCnt
- "groupfieldrecordfieldpagebackgroundbook"
- p =
- p > 0
- Vp+4
- Obj =
- saveAs
- ssm = sysSuspendMessages
- ASYM_IsHyperlinkSysBookAdded
- }7--
- 1997 Asymetrix Learning Systems, Inc.
- ChooseWebBrowser
- -- This function uses redundant methods
- locate
- the browsers installed on
- -- It knows about Explorer
- Netscape, but
- -- also allows definition
- another
- ZexeName, exeTitle, availableExes
- DLLID = ASYM_ProductPrefix() --cad970502
- linkDLL
- 0& "dlg.dll"
- STRING OpenFileDlgAny =
- !,INT)
- tbk_itemOffset =
- $ tbk_textlineOffset =
- oListToTextLine(
- SortList(
- SortTextLines(
- & "dos.
- GetDriveList()
- GetDriveKind(
- GetFileDate(
- FileExists(
- "tbfile32.
- GetShortFileName32 (
- ,WORD)
- GetLongFileName32 (
- ny = OpenFileDlg32(
- GetFileVersion32(
- & "win.
- INT SetIniVar(
- GetIniVar(
- POINTER tbk_getWinPointer = getMemBlock (DWORD)
- tbk_freeWinPointer = freeMemBlock (
- & "reg.
- RegistryGetKey (
- iniFile = tbk_IniFile()
- -- AddToAvailableExes will
- -- list
- does
- xexist
- already
- -- There may be a known
- ,running!
- knownModules = "IEXPLORE.EXE,NETSCAPE.
- foundModuleExes = FindModuleExeFiles(
- FindIExploreExe(),\
- FindNetscapeExe(),\
- -- Look
- a custom
- specified
- Huser
- stored
- .ini
- TBKIniValue("Internet Apps","Custom
- _association
- f.htm
- -- (obsolete
- , but
- give a clue)
- "Extensions","
- -- A more robust way
- Windows API what
- files
- = AddtoAvailableExes(\
- FindRegAssociation(".
- can be slower
- ASYM_FindExecutableFile("*.htm"),\
- previously identified
- "Web Browsers",
- temp =
- ) > 0
- ed default
- http",
- defaultExename =
- -- End
- automatic
- exes
- cntAvail =
- -- For some bogus reason,
- IE 3.0 setup creates
- -- a
- pcalled IE20.
- finds
- earlier version
- L . However,
- just a clone
- iexplore.
- -- so we
- there
- a valid
- present
- "\ie20.
- ^exe"
- -- Update our INI
- result
- -- whatever we
- program title, DDE
- p, etc.
- -- We
- info
- dialog boxes
- communicate
- once launched
- UpdateIniBrowserInfo
- ) = 1
- = GetExeTitle(
- txt = expandString(ASYM_GetString("Confirm
- x",\
- "The
- %1." & CRLF &
- "Correct?"),\
- ASYM_MessageBox(
- "question", "YesNoCancel")
- J" --
- xlocalize
- I" --
- askList =
- 4sortTextLines(
- strNone =
- _ASYM_ChooseFromTextLinesDlg(
- fToolBook") & ":",\
- defaultExeName))\
- objectContainer(
- n = 0
- n = i
- n = 0
- -- If we still don't
- prompt =
- Locate
- filter =
- Programs") && ",*.EXE"
- oldDir = tbk_CurrentDirectory()
- m,"*.
- tbk_SetCurrentDirectory(
- ) = 1
- WriteBrowserIniEntry
- "airmos.
- "netscape.
- oldList =
- sectn, key
- entry
- be a
- -- 1 - full executable
- -- 2 - module
- p(used
- -- 3 - human-readable product
- iniVal =
- winClass =
- ddeAppName =
- revOffset(".",
- Explorer_Frame"
- "SPRYMosaicCls"
- "mosaic"
- winclass =
- -- placeholder
- -- Attempts
- extract
- .EXE
- ZProdName, prodVersion
- strExplorer =
- MicrosoftExplorer",\
- ,%1")
- strBuild = "(%2)"
- verName =
- verInfo =
- verNo =
- (TM)
- Tools"\
- c"4.40.3"
- ,"1.0") &&
- (TM)
- c"4.40."
- ,"2.0") &&
- prodName =
- bld =
- isType("REAL",
- Z>= 41700.6
- -- Try data
- IE 4.x
- Connection Wizard",\
- "Release
- "4.0"
- \CurrentVersion\Uninstall\IE40",\
- "DisplayName")
- ,"4.0")
- -- IE 3.x
- ~("4.7",
- ) = 1
- verMajor = "3.x"
- ~("4.",
- ) = 1
- %1"),
- 0) &&
- pathOfFile(
- ) & "resdll.
- " &&
- Classes\"\
- & "\shell\
- p =
- p > 1
- App Paths\
- twiddleCursor
- 4s_twiddleCursor
- = 36
- ) = 29
- ) > 0
- ) < 1
- knownModuleNames
- -- Assumes tbk_GetWinPointer()
- tbk_FreeWinPointer()
- -- are
- linked
- X"kernel"
- GetModuleHandle(
- GetModuleFileName(
- lpBuff =
- ) > 0
- hMod =
- <> 0
- =<> "0,0"
- R,255)
- QueryRegistry32 MainKey, keyName, valueName
- & "\" & keyname,
- newValue
- ,tbk_iniFile())
- fn, flg
- (fn)
- p = 0
- (fn)
- widget assumes that
- has
- recorded
- widgets
- scripts
- DisplayURL
- url, popup
- ZerrStr,
- , appWinClass,
- FindWindowByTitle =
- FindWindowByClass =
- ShowWindow(
- BringWindowToTop(
- GetWindowLong(
- IsIconic(
- GetSystemDirectory(
- ny =
- UseNewWindow = (
- AppWinClass =
- * =
- I =
- exe) = 1
- !) < 1
- Z! =
- c"Navigator"
- c"Communicator"
- !) < 1
- ! = tbk_ChooseWebBrowser()
- B" =
- d" =
- ://www.asymetrix.com/"
- ShowError("<invalid URL>")
- ASYM_ShortFileName(
- -- We
- DDE, apparently
- useNewWindow
- winID = "0x0"
- = URLSpecialCharsExpand(FileNameToURL(url)) --
- cmd = QUOTE &
- ," &
- & ",0,
- M"WWW_OpenURL"
- yieldApp()
- x"OK"
- FlushMessageQueue()
- "no server"
- ss =
- % &&
- se =
- r, url
- r= se
- -- Give
- a little
- started
- mmyield
- &bit
- code activates
- b&'s
- front
- "0xFFFFFFFF,0x0"
- M"WWW_Activate"
- -- Some
- 'need a
- prodding
- -- their
- }#goose them
- action even
- they
- honor
- p'current
- app hands on
- 'activation a
- hWnd = 0
- DDEAppName
- M"WWW_GetWindowInfo"
- -- Note:
- supported
- HSpry
- --
- causes GPF
- IExplorer
- winTitle =
- isIconic(
- ) <> 0
- showError errorKey, fn
- errorkey
- ActuallyMaybeBadInstall", \
- "If
- plenty
- memory
- disk
- && "verify
- )correctly.")
- errTemplate =
- errBrowserWithFilename", \
- "%1" &
- "%2" &
- "%3")
- errBrowserWithoutFilename", \
- "%1" &
- "%3")
- msg =
- ", fn,
- "), "Stop", "OK")
- -- Win95 compatible
- ZtestFn, f
- q(GetTempFileName(BYTE,
- *& "DOS.
- (RemoveFile(
- INT fileExists(
- (k (
- lpBuffer =
- ((256)
- "0,0"
- c"*"
- fn <>
- fn) < 1
- 0,"TST",0,
- tempFn =
- p =
- p > 0
- f = PathOfFile(
- & "jg080647" &
- U(fn)
- ss =
- f = fn
- status =
- &(f,ASYM_CurrentDirectory(),
- G<= 32
- J-& "
- ,(exe,1)
- < 1))
- s1, s2
- L =
- U(s1) - 1
- U(s2)
- i + L
- URLToFileName fn
- fn = tbk_trim(fn)
- strPrefix = "
- *-:///"
- p =
- , fn)
- p <> 1
- P-://"
- p <> 1
- fn = URLSpecialCharsContract(fn)
- p =
- ~("|", fn)
- p > 0
- fn = ":"
- p =
- ~("/",fn)
- cp > 0
- fn = "\"
- p =
- ~("/",fn)
- ccnt =
- URLHex = "%@h00"
- ss =
- Ri+1
- c =
- -- timb - 12/97 -
- % special
- domain
- startPos = 1
- ~("://", s)
- ~("/",
- errFlagged =
- c =
- c < 33
- c = 45
- --
- 9, hyphen (45)...
- L/"Warnings","Invalid
- &msgInvalidCharInURL", \
- "%1" &
- S(s)
- problems
- servers.
- S(s)
- /be converted
- escape"\
- && "sequence such
- %""%%20"".")
- 'txt, s)
- 'capInvalidCharInURL", "
- S(s)
- s = c
- -- Converts a fully qualified
- fn =
- +:",fn) = 1
- ~("gopher:",fn) = 1
- ~("mailto:",fn) = 1
- ~("ftp:",fn) = 1
- nd(fn)
- e2:///"
- p =
- , fn)
- p = 1
- 2://"
- p =
- , fn)
- p = 1
- hyperPath = ASYM_HyperPath
- p =
- ~("#", fn)
- p > 1
- ASYM_FindPathFile (
- fn =
- U(fn)
- |(fn,
- fn =
- fn =
- fn =
- p =
- ~(":", fn)
- p > 0
- fn = "|"
- p =
- ~("\",fn)
- cp > 0
- fn = "/"
- p =
- ~("\",fn)
- fn =
- nd(fn)
- 4:///"
- ASYM_IniFile()
- %6) & ASYM_MTBVersion() & ".ini"
- _ASYM_ChooseFromTextLinesDlg dlgCaption, prompt, txtLines, deflt
- 4s_ctb50r_cftldb
- v =
- objectContainer (
- defaultPage
- "main list"
- enabled
- B"OK"
- FlushMessageQueue()
- %modal
- & ""
- fld =
- customSize
- = "small"
- = "medium"
- textRightOverflow
- = "large"
- Cancel
- closeThisWindow
- firstIdle
- i = 1
- txt =
- cnt =
- selectedTextLines
- okBtn =
- B"OK"
- B"OK"
- grpFr =
- "dlgframe"
- fldPrmpt =
- grpList =
- OKbtn =
- B"OK"
- Cancelbtn =
- 15,45,2955,2550
- 60,120,3075,570
- 75,585,2880,2490
- 3030,45
- }3030,495
- /= 4575,2595
- 15,45,4800,2550
- 60,120,4740,570
- 75,585,4755,2490
- 4875,45
- 4875,495
- /= 6450,2595
- 15,45,7260,2550
- 60,120,7185,570
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- 10/29/98 2:36:55 PM
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- Slade Mitchell
- Tim Barham
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- Choose Browser
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- ASYM_itemOffset
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- Do not rename me 3
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- ASYM_itemOffset
- closeWindow
- closeWindow
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- ASYM_CloseOnEsc
- Do not rename me 4
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- ASYM_itemOffset
- closeWindow
- closeWindow
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- Do not rename me 5
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- ASYM_itemOffset
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- closeWindow
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- ASYM_TempViewer
- ASYM_CloseOnEsc
- Do not rename me 6
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- ASYM_itemOffset
- closeWindow
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- closeWindow
- closeWindow
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- ASYM_CloseOnEsc
- ASYM_TempViewer
- ASYM_CloseOnEsc
- ASYM_TempViewer
- ASYM_CloseOnEsc
- ASYM_TempViewer
- ASYM_CloseOnEsc
- ASYM_TempViewer
- ASYM_CloseOnEsc
- ASYM_TempViewer
- ASYM_CloseOnEsc
- ASYM_TempViewer
- ASYM_CloseOnEsc
- ASYM_TempViewer
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- P, "minorVersion"))
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- ToolBook II Instructor 7.2
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- 1990-2000 click2learn.com, inc. 1990-1997
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- ASYM_reset
- notifyBefore ASYM_reset
- buttonClick
- .-, "
- keyUp
- buttonClick
- notifyAfter
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