home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- !This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
- .rdata
- @.rsrc
- @.reloc
- Asymetrix ToolBook Application
- MINSTB32.dll
- 00051119562933783638131502523
- narrator
- Idle2_2,acknowledge,congratulate,explain,getAttention,pleased,read,searching,show,surprised,think,write
- agentControl
- extAudioOutput,extCommandsWindow,extConnected,extCharacters,extPropertySheet,extRaiseRequestErrors,extSpeechInput,extSuspended
- animationList
- ASYMI_PropertyList
- *ClassTbl*
- *ClassEntry*
- Background
- Rectangle
- Ellipse
- RoundedRectangle
- Polygon
- IrregularPolygon
- AngledLine
- Curve
- PaintObject
- Picture
- Group
- Stage
- Button
- Viewer
- ComboBox
- Field
- RecordField
- Hotword
- *TbxBase*
- F P F
- Agent
- <D45FD31B-5C6E-11D1-9EC1-00C04FD7081F>
- default
- oldJmeno
- agentID
- extUnload
- agentControl
- JextCharacters
- leaveApplication
- +1, #>
- ,>extLoad
- agentControl
- extBalloon
- agentDir
- agentID
- extUnload
- You must have the .acs files in
- Error in accessing narrator file
- Error in accessing control
- ASYM_IsFile
- oldJmeno
- extAutoPopUpMenu
- agentControl
- to run this application. This directory is automatically created by running merlin.exe and the other character.exe programs from the Microsoft site.
- false
- V=extLanguageID
- extStyle
- viewerID
- narrator
- JextCharacters
- narratorFile
- MSagent\
- extCharacter
- control
- AgentINI
- agentID
- ZextShow
- agentShow
- agentID
- ,QextPlay
- agentPlay
- agentID
- extStopAll
- agentStop
- agentID
- 7extGestureAt
- agentGestureAt
- |extWidth
- extHeight
- agentID
- extMoveTo
- agentMove
- agentID
- 8extHide
- agentHide
- agentID
- rextSpeak
- agentSpeak
- extBalloon
- agentID
- false
- extVisible
- agentBalloonHide
- agentID
- zextThink
- agentThink
- |extWidth
- extHeight
- agentID
- currBook
- agentMoved
- extMove
- currBook
- uagentIdleStart
- extIdleStart
- agentIdleStart
- agentMoved
- currBook
- 3vagentDragStart
- extDragStart
- agentDragStart
- agentDragComplete
- currBook
- extDragComplete
- agentDragComplete
- |extWidth
- extHeight
- [*extTop
- agentID
- GGextLeft
- agentPosition
- &File
- &Open... Ctrl+O
- &Save Ctrl+S
- Save &As...
- saveas
- Print Set&up...
- printsetup
- &Print Pages... Ctrl+P
- printpages
- Prin&t Report...
- printreport
- Send &Mail...
- sendmail
- &Run...
- E&xit Alt+F4
- &Edit
- &Undo Ctrl+Z
- Cu&t Ctrl+X
- &Copy Ctrl+C
- &Paste Ctrl+V
- paste
- C&lear Del
- clear
- Select &All Shift+F9
- selectall
- Select Pa&ge Shift+F12
- selectpage
- &Find... Ctrl+F
- &View
- &Status Bar F12
- statusbar
- Si&ze to Page F11
- sizetopage
- Show &Hotwords F9
- showhotwords
- &Next Page Alt+Right
- &Previous Page Alt+Left
- previous
- &First Page Alt+Up
- first
- &Last Page Alt+Down
- &Back Shift+F2
- &History... Ctrl+F2
- history
- &Text
- &Character... F6
- character
- &Paragraph... F7
- paragraph
- &Regular Ctrl+Space
- regular
- &Bold Ctrl+B
- &Italic Ctrl+I
- italic
- &Underline Ctrl+U
- underline
- Stri&keout Ctrl+K
- strikeout
- Superscrip&t/Subscript
- superscriptSubscript
- &Normal Script
- normalscript
- Su&bscript Ctrl+L
- subscript
- Su&perscript Ctrl+Shift+L
- superscript
- &Help
- &Contents F1
- contents
- narrator
- narrator
- Page id 0
- MS Sans Serif
- lmxfxWhqJu
- narrationList
- _ASYM_EA_Version
- Miroslav Kn
- info_LastSavedBy
- Miroslav Knapek
- info_LastSaved
- Miroslav Knapek
- <BookPath>
- 3:09 do
- 10.10.2001 11:19:31 do
- merlin,genie,robby,peedy
- .2000 20:24:46 od
- <CDROM>Grada2000
- Miroslav Knapek
- 10.10.2001 11:19:23 do