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- LANGUAGE=English
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- ;***************************** W A R N I N G ******************************
- ;* It is strongly recommended that you deinstall all resident virus guards *
- ;* of other vedors before setting the option INSTALLGUARD to TRUE!!! *
- ;* If you do not comply with this recommendation, H+BEDV may not be *
- ;* responsible for possible system damage. Multiple virus guards installed *
- ;* on the same system cause an invalid or instable system in most cases. *
- ;****************************************************************************
- ;
- PROGRAM_DESCRIPTION=AntiVirĀ« for Windows - Personal Edition
- ;****************************************************************************
- ;* The following keywords are predefined by the setup/update system:
- ;*
- ;* <TARGETPATH> = Destination directory without the last '\' !!!!
- ;* <SHORTTARGET> = Destination directory (short pathname) without the last '\' !!!!
- ;* <SOURCEPATH> = Source directory without the last '\' !!!
- ;* <SYSTEMPATH> = Path to Windows' \SYSTEM directory without the last '\' !!
- ;* <SYSTEM32PATH> = Path to Windows' \SYSTEM32 directory without the last '\' !!
- ;* <WINDOWSPATH> = Path to Windows' installation directory without the last '\' !!
- ;* <IOSUBSYSPATH> = Path to Windows' \IOSUBSYS directory without the last '\' !!
- ;*
- ;* The following section contains the copy instructions for the product:
- ;****************************************************************************