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Pascal/Delphi Source File
708 lines
{* DCPcrypt v2.0 written by David Barton (crypto@cityinthesky.co.uk) **********}
{* A binary compatible implementation of Mars *********************************}
{* Copyright (c) 1999-2002 David Barton *}
{* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *}
{* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), *}
{* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *}
{* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *}
{* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *}
{* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *}
{* *}
{* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in *}
{* all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *}
{* *}
unit DCPmars;
Classes, Sysutils, DCPcrypt2, DCPconst, DCPblockciphers;
TDCP_mars= class(TDCP_blockcipher128)
KeyData: array[0..39] of DWord;
procedure InitKey(const Key; Size: longword); override;
class function GetID: integer; override;
class function GetAlgorithm: string; override;
class function GetMaxKeySize: integer; override;
class function SelfTest: boolean; override;
procedure Burn; override;
procedure EncryptECB(const InData; var OutData); override;
procedure DecryptECB(const InData; var OutData); override;
{$I DCPmars.inc}
function LRot32(X: DWord; c: longword): DWord;
LRot32:= (X shl c) or (X shr (32 - c));
function RRot32(X: DWord; c: longword): DWord;
RRot32:= (X shr c) or (X shl (32 - c));
class function TDCP_mars.GetID: integer;
Result:= DCP_mars;
class function TDCP_mars.GetAlgorithm: string;
Result:= 'Mars';
class function TDCP_mars.GetMaxKeySize: integer;
Result:= 1248;
class function TDCP_mars.SelfTest: boolean;
Key1: array[0..3] of dword=
Key2: array[0..5] of dword=
Key3: array[0..7] of dword=
Plain1: array[0..3] of dword= ($deb35132,$83c296de,$39069e6b,$994c2438);
Plain2: array[0..3] of dword= ($2dc46167,$d242613e,$adbf4fa8,$8f1583b3);
Plain3: array[0..3] of dword= ($a4ab4413,$0847c4d3,$1621a7a8,$8493f4d4);
Cipher1: array[0..3] of dword= ($a91245f9,$4e032db4,$042279c4,$9ba608d7);
Cipher2: array[0..3] of dword= ($260334cb,$6d587f45,$e0d2bd54,$bd191c57);
Cipher3: array[0..3] of dword= ($67a1acdd,$be3163e3,$5f9f1c2c,$b8a48fe3);
Cipher: TDCP_mars;
Block: array[0..3] of dword;
Cipher:= TDCP_mars.Create(nil);
Result:= CompareMem(@Cipher1,@Block,Sizeof(Block));
Result:= Result and CompareMem(@Plain1,@Block,Sizeof(Block));
Result:= Result and CompareMem(@Cipher2,@Block,Sizeof(Block));
Result:= Result and CompareMem(@Plain2,@Block,Sizeof(Block));
Result:= Result and CompareMem(@Cipher3,@Block,Sizeof(Block));
Result:= Result and CompareMem(@Plain3,@Block,Sizeof(Block));
procedure gen_mask(var x, m: DWord);
u: DWord;
u:= x and (x shr 1); u:= u and (u shr 2);
u:= u and (u shr 4); u:= u and (u shr 1) and (u shr 2);
m:= u;
u:= (x xor $FFFFFFFF) and ((x xor $FFFFFFFF) shr 1); u:= u and (u shr 2);
u:= u and (u shr 4); u:= u and (u shr 1) and (u shr 2);
u:= u or m;
m:= (u shl 1) or (u shl 2) or (u shl 3)
or (u shl 4) or (u shl 5) or (u shl 6)
or (u shl 7) or (u shl 8);
m:= (m or u or (u shl 9)) and ((x xor $FFFFFFFF) xor (x shl 1)) and ((x xor $FFFFFFFF) xor (x shr 1));
m:= m and $FFFFFFFC;
procedure TDCP_mars.InitKey(const Key; Size: longword);
i, j, m, u, w: DWord;
t: array[-7..39] of DWord;
KeyB: array[0..39] of DWord;
Size:= Size div 8;
Size:= Size div 4;
for i:= 0 to 38 do
u:= t[i-7] xor t[i-2];
t[i]:= LRot32(u,3) xor KeyB[i mod DWord(Size)] xor i;
t[39]:= Size;
for j:= 0 to 6 do
for i:= 1 to 39 do
u:= t[i] + s_box[t[i-1] and $1FF];
t[i]:= LRot32(u,9);
u:= t[0] + s_box[t[39] and $1FF];
t[0]:= LRot32(u,9);
for i:= 0 to 39 do
KeyData[(7*i) mod 40]:= t[i];
i:= 5;
u:= s_box[265+(KeyData[i] and $3)];
j:= KeyData[i+3] and $1f;
w:= KeyData[i] or $3;
KeyData[i]:= w xor (LRot32(u,j) and m);
until i>= 37;
procedure TDCP_mars.Burn;
inherited Burn;
procedure TDCP_mars.EncryptECB(const InData; var OutData);
l, m, r, t: DWord;
blk: array[0..3] of DWord;
if not fInitialized then
raise EDCP_blockcipher.Create('Cipher not initialized');
Blk[0]:= PDWord(@InData)^;
Blk[1]:= PDWord(longword(@InData)+4)^;
Blk[2]:= PDWord(longword(@InData)+8)^;
Blk[3]:= PDWord(longword(@InData)+12)^;
blk[0]:= blk[0] + KeyData[0]; blk[1]:= blk[1] + KeyData[1];
blk[2]:= blk[2] + KeyData[2]; blk[3]:= blk[3] + KeyData[3];
blk[1]:= blk[1] xor s_box[ blk[0] and $FF];
blk[1]:= blk[1] + s_box[((blk[0] shr 8) and $FF) + 256];
blk[2]:= blk[2] + s_box[ (blk[0] shr 16) and $FF];
blk[3]:= blk[3] xor s_box[((blk[0] shr 24) and $FF) + 256];
blk[0]:= RRot32(blk[0], 24); blk[0]:= blk[0] + blk[3];
blk[2]:= blk[2] xor s_box[ blk[1] and $FF];
blk[2]:= blk[2] + s_box[((blk[1] shr 8) and $FF) + 256];
blk[3]:= blk[3] + s_box[ (blk[1] shr 16) and $FF];
blk[0]:= blk[0] xor s_box[((blk[1] shr 24) and $FF) + 256];
blk[1]:= RRot32(blk[1], 24); blk[1]:= blk[1] + blk[2];
blk[3]:= blk[3] xor s_box[ blk[2] and $FF];
blk[3]:= blk[3] + s_box[((blk[2] shr 8) and $FF) + 256];
blk[0]:= blk[0] + s_box[ (blk[2] shr 16) and $FF];
blk[1]:= blk[1] xor s_box[((blk[2] shr 24) and $FF) + 256];
blk[2]:= RRot32(blk[2], 24);
blk[0]:= blk[0] xor s_box[ blk[3] and $FF];
blk[0]:= blk[0] + s_box[((blk[3] shr 8) and $FF) + 256];
blk[1]:= blk[1] + s_box[ (blk[3] shr 16) and $FF];
blk[2]:= blk[2] xor s_box[((blk[3] shr 24) and $FF) + 256];
blk[3]:= RRot32(blk[3], 24);
blk[1]:= blk[1] xor s_box[ blk[0] and $FF];
blk[1]:= blk[1] + s_box[((blk[0] shr 8) and $FF) + 256];
blk[2]:= blk[2] + s_box[ (blk[0] shr 16) and $FF];
blk[3]:= blk[3] xor s_box[((blk[0] shr 24) and $FF) + 256];
blk[0]:= RRot32(blk[0], 24); blk[0]:= blk[0] + blk[3];
blk[2]:= blk[2] xor s_box[ blk[1] and $FF];
blk[2]:= blk[2] + s_box[((blk[1] shr 8) and $FF) + 256];
blk[3]:= blk[3] + s_box[ (blk[1] shr 16) and $FF];
blk[0]:= blk[0] xor s_box[((blk[1] shr 24) and $FF) + 256];
blk[1]:= RRot32(blk[1], 24); blk[1]:= blk[1] + blk[2];
blk[3]:= blk[3] xor s_box[ blk[2] and $FF];
blk[3]:= blk[3] + s_box[((blk[2] shr 8) and $FF) + 256];
blk[0]:= blk[0] + s_box[ (blk[2] shr 16) and $FF];
blk[1]:= blk[1] xor s_box[((blk[2] shr 24) and $FF) + 256];
blk[2]:= RRot32(blk[2], 24);
blk[0]:= blk[0] xor s_box[ blk[3] and $FF];
blk[0]:= blk[0] + s_box[((blk[3] shr 8) and $FF) + 256];
blk[1]:= blk[1] + s_box[ (blk[3] shr 16) and $FF];
blk[2]:= blk[2] xor s_box[((blk[3] shr 24) and $FF) + 256];
blk[3]:= RRot32(blk[3], 24);
m:= blk[0] + KeyData[4];
r:= LRot32(blk[0],13) * KeyData[5];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[0]:= LRot32(blk[0],13);
blk[1]:= blk[1] + l;
blk[2]:= blk[2] + m;
blk[3]:= blk[3] xor r;
m:= blk[1] + KeyData[6];
r:= LRot32(blk[1],13) * KeyData[7];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[1]:= LRot32(blk[1],13);
blk[2]:= blk[2] + l;
blk[3]:= blk[3] + m;
blk[0]:= blk[0] xor r;
m:= blk[2] + KeyData[8];
r:= LRot32(blk[2],13) * KeyData[9];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[2]:= LRot32(blk[2],13);
blk[3]:= blk[3] + l;
blk[0]:= blk[0] + m;
blk[1]:= blk[1] xor r;
m:= blk[3] + KeyData[10];
r:= LRot32(blk[3],13) * KeyData[11];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[3]:= LRot32(blk[3],13);
blk[0]:= blk[0] + l;
blk[1]:= blk[1] + m;
blk[2]:= blk[2] xor r;
m:= blk[0] + KeyData[12];
r:= LRot32(blk[0],13) * KeyData[13];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[0]:= LRot32(blk[0],13);
blk[1]:= blk[1] + l;
blk[2]:= blk[2] + m;
blk[3]:= blk[3] xor r;
m:= blk[1] + KeyData[14];
r:= LRot32(blk[1],13) * KeyData[15];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[1]:= LRot32(blk[1],13);
blk[2]:= blk[2] + l;
blk[3]:= blk[3] + m;
blk[0]:= blk[0] xor r;
m:= blk[2] + KeyData[16];
r:= LRot32(blk[2],13) * KeyData[17];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[2]:= LRot32(blk[2],13);
blk[3]:= blk[3] + l;
blk[0]:= blk[0] + m;
blk[1]:= blk[1] xor r;
m:= blk[3] + KeyData[18];
r:= LRot32(blk[3],13) * KeyData[19];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[3]:= LRot32(blk[3],13);
blk[0]:= blk[0] + l;
blk[1]:= blk[1] + m;
blk[2]:= blk[2] xor r;
m:= blk[0] + KeyData[20];
r:= LRot32(blk[0],13) * KeyData[21];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[0]:= LRot32(blk[0],13);
blk[3]:= blk[3] + l;
blk[2]:= blk[2] + m;
blk[1]:= blk[1] xor r;
m:= blk[1] + KeyData[22];
r:= LRot32(blk[1],13) * KeyData[23];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[1]:= LRot32(blk[1],13);
blk[0]:= blk[0] + l;
blk[3]:= blk[3] + m;
blk[2]:= blk[2] xor r;
m:= blk[2] + KeyData[24];
r:= LRot32(blk[2],13) * KeyData[25];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[2]:= LRot32(blk[2],13);
blk[1]:= blk[1] + l;
blk[0]:= blk[0] + m;
blk[3]:= blk[3] xor r;
m:= blk[3] + KeyData[26];
r:= LRot32(blk[3],13) * KeyData[27];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[3]:= LRot32(blk[3],13);
blk[2]:= blk[2] + l;
blk[1]:= blk[1] + m;
blk[0]:= blk[0] xor r;
m:= blk[0] + KeyData[28];
r:= LRot32(blk[0],13) * KeyData[29];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[0]:= LRot32(blk[0],13);
blk[3]:= blk[3] + l;
blk[2]:= blk[2] + m;
blk[1]:= blk[1] xor r;
m:= blk[1] + KeyData[30];
r:= LRot32(blk[1],13) * KeyData[31];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[1]:= LRot32(blk[1],13);
blk[0]:= blk[0] + l;
blk[3]:= blk[3] + m;
blk[2]:= blk[2] xor r;
m:= blk[2] + KeyData[32];
r:= LRot32(blk[2],13) * KeyData[33];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[2]:= LRot32(blk[2],13);
blk[1]:= blk[1] + l;
blk[0]:= blk[0] + m;
blk[3]:= blk[3] xor r;
m:= blk[3] + KeyData[34];
r:= LRot32(blk[3],13) * KeyData[35];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[3]:= LRot32(blk[3],13);
blk[2]:= blk[2] + l;
blk[1]:= blk[1] + m;
blk[0]:= blk[0] xor r;
blk[1]:= blk[1] xor s_box[ (blk[0] and $FF) + 256];
blk[2]:= blk[2] - s_box[ (blk[0] shr 24) and $FF];
blk[3]:= blk[3] - s_box[((blk[0] shr 16) and $FF) + 256];
blk[3]:= blk[3] xor s_box[ (blk[0] shr 8) and $FF];
blk[0]:= LRot32(blk[0], 24);
blk[2]:= blk[2] xor s_box[ (blk[1] and $FF) + 256];
blk[3]:= blk[3] - s_box[ (blk[1] shr 24) and $FF];
blk[0]:= blk[0] - s_box[((blk[1] shr 16) and $FF) + 256];
blk[0]:= blk[0] xor s_box[ (blk[1] shr 8) and $FF];
blk[1]:= LRot32(blk[1], 24); blk[2]:= blk[2] - blk[1];
blk[3]:= blk[3] xor s_box[ (blk[2] and $FF) + 256];
blk[0]:= blk[0] - s_box[ (blk[2] shr 24) and $FF];
blk[1]:= blk[1] - s_box[((blk[2] shr 16) and $FF) + 256];
blk[1]:= blk[1] xor s_box[ (blk[2] shr 8) and $FF];
blk[2]:= LRot32(blk[2], 24); blk[3]:= blk[3] - blk[0];
blk[0]:= blk[0] xor s_box[ (blk[3] and $FF) + 256];
blk[1]:= blk[1] - s_box[ (blk[3] shr 24) and $FF];
blk[2]:= blk[2] - s_box[((blk[3] shr 16) and $FF) + 256];
blk[2]:= blk[2] xor s_box[ (blk[3] shr 8) and $FF];
blk[3]:= LRot32(blk[3], 24);
blk[1]:= blk[1] xor s_box[ (blk[0] and $FF) + 256];
blk[2]:= blk[2] - s_box[ (blk[0] shr 24) and $FF];
blk[3]:= blk[3] - s_box[((blk[0] shr 16) and $FF) + 256];
blk[3]:= blk[3] xor s_box[ (blk[0] shr 8) and $FF];
blk[0]:= LRot32(blk[0], 24);
blk[2]:= blk[2] xor s_box[ (blk[1] and $FF) + 256];
blk[3]:= blk[3] - s_box[ (blk[1] shr 24) and $FF];
blk[0]:= blk[0] - s_box[((blk[1] shr 16) and $FF) + 256];
blk[0]:= blk[0] xor s_box[ (blk[1] shr 8) and $FF];
blk[1]:= LRot32(blk[1], 24); blk[2]:= blk[2] - blk[1];
blk[3]:= blk[3] xor s_box[ (blk[2] and $FF) + 256];
blk[0]:= blk[0] - s_box[ (blk[2] shr 24) and $FF];
blk[1]:= blk[1] - s_box[((blk[2] shr 16) and $FF) + 256];
blk[1]:= blk[1] xor s_box[ (blk[2] shr 8) and $FF];
blk[2]:= LRot32(blk[2], 24); blk[3]:= blk[3] - blk[0];
blk[0]:= blk[0] xor s_box[ (blk[3] and $FF) + 256];
blk[1]:= blk[1] - s_box[ (blk[3] shr 24) and $FF];
blk[2]:= blk[2] - s_box[((blk[3] shr 16) and $FF) + 256];
blk[2]:= blk[2] xor s_box[ (blk[3] shr 8) and $FF];
blk[3]:= LRot32(blk[3], 24);
blk[0]:= blk[0] - KeyData[36]; blk[1]:= blk[1] - KeyData[37];
blk[2]:= blk[2] - KeyData[38]; blk[3]:= blk[3] - KeyData[39];
PDWord(@OutData)^:= Blk[0];
PDWord(longword(@OutData)+4)^:= Blk[1];
PDWord(longword(@OutData)+8)^:= Blk[2];
PDWord(longword(@OutData)+12)^:= Blk[3];
procedure TDCP_mars.DecryptECB(const InData; var OutData);
l, m, r, t: DWord;
blk: array[0..3] of DWord;
if not fInitialized then
raise EDCP_blockcipher.Create('Cipher not initialized');
Blk[0]:= PDWord(@InData)^;
Blk[1]:= PDWord(longword(@InData)+4)^;
Blk[2]:= PDWord(longword(@InData)+8)^;
Blk[3]:= PDWord(longword(@InData)+12)^;
blk[0]:= blk[0] + KeyData[36]; blk[1]:= blk[1] + KeyData[37];
blk[2]:= blk[2] + KeyData[38]; blk[3]:= blk[3] + KeyData[39];
blk[3]:= RRot32(blk[3], 24);
blk[2]:= blk[2] xor s_box[ (blk[3] shr 8) and $FF];
blk[2]:= blk[2] + s_box[((blk[3] shr 16) and $FF) + 256];
blk[1]:= blk[1] + s_box[ (blk[3] shr 24) and $FF];
blk[0]:= blk[0] xor s_box[ (blk[3] and $FF) + 256];
blk[3]:= blk[3] + blk[0]; blk[2]:= RRot32(blk[2], 24);
blk[1]:= blk[1] xor s_box[ (blk[2] shr 8) and $FF];
blk[1]:= blk[1] + s_box[((blk[2] shr 16) and $FF) + 256];
blk[0]:= blk[0] + s_box[ (blk[2] shr 24) and $FF];
blk[3]:= blk[3] xor s_box[ (blk[2] and $FF) + 256];
blk[2]:= blk[2] + blk[1]; blk[1]:= RRot32(blk[1], 24);
blk[0]:= blk[0] xor s_box[ (blk[1] shr 8) and $FF];
blk[0]:= blk[0] + s_box[((blk[1] shr 16) and $FF) + 256];
blk[3]:= blk[3] + s_box[ (blk[1] shr 24) and $FF];
blk[2]:= blk[2] xor s_box[ (blk[1] and $FF) + 256];
blk[0]:= RRot32(blk[0], 24);
blk[3]:= blk[3] xor s_box[ (blk[0] shr 8) and $FF];
blk[3]:= blk[3] + s_box[((blk[0] shr 16) and $FF) + 256];
blk[2]:= blk[2] + s_box[ (blk[0] shr 24) and $FF];
blk[1]:= blk[1] xor s_box[ (blk[0] and $FF) + 256];
blk[3]:= RRot32(blk[3], 24);
blk[2]:= blk[2] xor s_box[ (blk[3] shr 8) and $FF];
blk[2]:= blk[2] + s_box[((blk[3] shr 16) and $FF) + 256];
blk[1]:= blk[1] + s_box[ (blk[3] shr 24) and $FF];
blk[0]:= blk[0] xor s_box[ (blk[3] and $FF) + 256];
blk[3]:= blk[3] + blk[0]; blk[2]:= RRot32(blk[2], 24);
blk[1]:= blk[1] xor s_box[ (blk[2] shr 8) and $FF];
blk[1]:= blk[1] + s_box[((blk[2] shr 16) and $FF) + 256];
blk[0]:= blk[0] + s_box[ (blk[2] shr 24) and $FF];
blk[3]:= blk[3] xor s_box[ (blk[2] and $FF) + 256];
blk[2]:= blk[2] + blk[1]; blk[1]:= RRot32(blk[1], 24);
blk[0]:= blk[0] xor s_box[ (blk[1] shr 8) and $FF];
blk[0]:= blk[0] + s_box[((blk[1] shr 16) and $FF) + 256];
blk[3]:= blk[3] + s_box[ (blk[1] shr 24) and $FF];
blk[2]:= blk[2] xor s_box[ (blk[1] and $FF) + 256];
blk[0]:= RRot32(blk[0], 24);
blk[3]:= blk[3] xor s_box[ (blk[0] shr 8) and $FF];
blk[3]:= blk[3] + s_box[((blk[0] shr 16) and $FF) + 256];
blk[2]:= blk[2] + s_box[ (blk[0] shr 24) and $FF];
blk[1]:= blk[1] xor s_box[ (blk[0] and $FF) + 256];
blk[3]:= RRot32(blk[3],13);
m:= blk[3] + KeyData[34];
r:= LRot32(blk[3],13) * KeyData[35];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[2]:= blk[2] - l;
blk[1]:= blk[1] - m;
blk[0]:= blk[0] xor r;
blk[2]:= RRot32(blk[2],13);
m:= blk[2] + KeyData[32];
r:= LRot32(blk[2],13) * KeyData[33];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[1]:= blk[1] - l;
blk[0]:= blk[0] - m;
blk[3]:= blk[3] xor r;
blk[1]:= RRot32(blk[1],13);
m:= blk[1] + KeyData[30];
r:= LRot32(blk[1],13) * KeyData[31];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[0]:= blk[0] - l;
blk[3]:= blk[3] - m;
blk[2]:= blk[2] xor r;
blk[0]:= RRot32(blk[0],13);
m:= blk[0] + KeyData[28];
r:= LRot32(blk[0],13) * KeyData[29];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[3]:= blk[3] - l;
blk[2]:= blk[2] - m;
blk[1]:= blk[1] xor r;
blk[3]:= RRot32(blk[3],13);
m:= blk[3] + KeyData[26];
r:= LRot32(blk[3],13) * KeyData[27];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[2]:= blk[2] - l;
blk[1]:= blk[1] - m;
blk[0]:= blk[0] xor r;
blk[2]:= RRot32(blk[2],13);
m:= blk[2] + KeyData[24];
r:= LRot32(blk[2],13) * KeyData[25];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[1]:= blk[1] - l;
blk[0]:= blk[0] - m;
blk[3]:= blk[3] xor r;
blk[1]:= RRot32(blk[1],13);
m:= blk[1] + KeyData[22];
r:= LRot32(blk[1],13) * KeyData[23];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[0]:= blk[0] - l;
blk[3]:= blk[3] - m;
blk[2]:= blk[2] xor r;
blk[0]:= RRot32(blk[0],13);
m:= blk[0] + KeyData[20];
r:= LRot32(blk[0],13) * KeyData[21];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[3]:= blk[3] - l;
blk[2]:= blk[2] - m;
blk[1]:= blk[1] xor r;
blk[3]:= RRot32(blk[3],13);
m:= blk[3] + KeyData[18];
r:= LRot32(blk[3],13) * KeyData[19];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[0]:= blk[0] - l;
blk[1]:= blk[1] - m;
blk[2]:= blk[2] xor r;
blk[2]:= RRot32(blk[2],13);
m:= blk[2] + KeyData[16];
r:= LRot32(blk[2],13) * KeyData[17];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[3]:= blk[3] - l;
blk[0]:= blk[0] - m;
blk[1]:= blk[1] xor r;
blk[1]:= RRot32(blk[1],13);
m:= blk[1] + KeyData[14];
r:= LRot32(blk[1],13) * KeyData[15];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[2]:= blk[2] - l;
blk[3]:= blk[3] - m;
blk[0]:= blk[0] xor r;
blk[0]:= RRot32(blk[0],13);
m:= blk[0] + KeyData[12];
r:= LRot32(blk[0],13) * KeyData[13];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[1]:= blk[1] - l;
blk[2]:= blk[2] - m;
blk[3]:= blk[3] xor r;
blk[3]:= RRot32(blk[3],13);
m:= blk[3] + KeyData[10];
r:= LRot32(blk[3],13) * KeyData[11];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[0]:= blk[0] - l;
blk[1]:= blk[1] - m;
blk[2]:= blk[2] xor r;
blk[2]:= RRot32(blk[2],13);
m:= blk[2] + KeyData[8];
r:= LRot32(blk[2],13) * KeyData[9];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[3]:= blk[3] - l;
blk[0]:= blk[0] - m;
blk[1]:= blk[1] xor r;
blk[1]:= RRot32(blk[1],13);
m:= blk[1] + KeyData[6];
r:= LRot32(blk[1],13) * KeyData[7];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[2]:= blk[2] - l;
blk[3]:= blk[3] - m;
blk[0]:= blk[0] xor r;
blk[0]:= RRot32(blk[0],13);
m:= blk[0] + KeyData[4];
r:= LRot32(blk[0],13) * KeyData[5];
l:= s_box[m and $1FF]; r:= LRot32(r,5);
t:= r and $1f; m:= LRot32(m,t);
l:= l xor r; r:= LRot32(r,5); l:= l xor r;
t:= r and $1f; l:= LRot32(l,t);
blk[1]:= blk[1] - l;
blk[2]:= blk[2] - m;
blk[3]:= blk[3] xor r;
blk[3]:= LRot32(blk[3], 24);
blk[2]:= blk[2] xor s_box[((blk[3] shr 24) and $FF) + 256];
blk[1]:= blk[1] - s_box[ (blk[3] shr 16) and $FF];
blk[0]:= blk[0] - s_box[((blk[3] shr 8) and $FF) + 256];
blk[0]:= blk[0] xor s_box[ blk[3] and $FF];
blk[2]:= LRot32(blk[2], 24);
blk[1]:= blk[1] xor s_box[((blk[2] shr 24) and $FF) + 256];
blk[0]:= blk[0] - s_box[ (blk[2] shr 16) and $FF];
blk[3]:= blk[3] - s_box[((blk[2] shr 8) and $FF) + 256];
blk[3]:= blk[3] xor s_box[ blk[2] and $FF];
blk[1]:= blk[1] - blk[2]; blk[1]:= LRot32(blk[1], 24);
blk[0]:= blk[0] xor s_box[((blk[1] shr 24) and $FF) + 256];
blk[3]:= blk[3] - s_box[ (blk[1] shr 16) and $FF];
blk[2]:= blk[2] - s_box[((blk[1] shr 8) and $FF) + 256];
blk[2]:= blk[2] xor s_box[ blk[1] and $FF];
blk[0]:= blk[0] - blk[3]; blk[0]:= LRot32(blk[0], 24);
blk[3]:= blk[3] xor s_box[((blk[0] shr 24) and $FF) + 256];
blk[2]:= blk[2] - s_box[ (blk[0] shr 16) and $FF];
blk[1]:= blk[1] - s_box[((blk[0] shr 8) and $FF) + 256];
blk[1]:= blk[1] xor s_box[ blk[0] and $FF];
blk[3]:= LRot32(blk[3], 24);
blk[2]:= blk[2] xor s_box[((blk[3] shr 24) and $FF) + 256];
blk[1]:= blk[1] - s_box[ (blk[3] shr 16) and $FF];
blk[0]:= blk[0] - s_box[((blk[3] shr 8) and $FF) + 256];
blk[0]:= blk[0] xor s_box[ blk[3] and $FF];
blk[2]:= LRot32(blk[2], 24);
blk[1]:= blk[1] xor s_box[((blk[2] shr 24) and $FF) + 256];
blk[0]:= blk[0] - s_box[ (blk[2] shr 16) and $FF];
blk[3]:= blk[3] - s_box[((blk[2] shr 8) and $FF) + 256];
blk[3]:= blk[3] xor s_box[ blk[2] and $FF];
blk[1]:= blk[1] - blk[2]; blk[1]:= LRot32(blk[1], 24);
blk[0]:= blk[0] xor s_box[((blk[1] shr 24) and $FF) + 256];
blk[3]:= blk[3] - s_box[ (blk[1] shr 16) and $FF];
blk[2]:= blk[2] - s_box[((blk[1] shr 8) and $FF) + 256];
blk[2]:= blk[2] xor s_box[ blk[1] and $FF];
blk[0]:= blk[0] - blk[3]; blk[0]:= LRot32(blk[0], 24);
blk[3]:= blk[3] xor s_box[((blk[0] shr 24) and $FF) + 256];
blk[2]:= blk[2] - s_box[ (blk[0] shr 16) and $FF];
blk[1]:= blk[1] - s_box[((blk[0] shr 8) and $FF) + 256];
blk[1]:= blk[1] xor s_box[ blk[0] and $FF];
blk[0]:= blk[0] - KeyData[0]; blk[1]:= blk[1] - KeyData[1];
blk[2]:= blk[2] - KeyData[2]; blk[3]:= blk[3] - KeyData[3];
PDWord(@OutData)^:= Blk[0];
PDWord(longword(@OutData)+4)^:= Blk[1];
PDWord(longword(@OutData)+8)^:= Blk[2];
PDWord(longword(@OutData)+12)^:= Blk[3];