Public Property Let EncName(ByVal NewEnc As String)
Name = NewEnc
End Property
Public Property Get EncPrfName() As String
EncPrfName = EncProfile
End Property
Public Property Let EncPrfName(ByVal NewEncPrf As String)
EncProfile = NewEncPrf
End Property
Public Property Get ExistEnc() As WMEncoder
Set ExistEnc = Encoder
End Property
Public Property Get VideoOpt() As Integer
VideoOpt = VidOpt
End Property
Public Property Let VideoOpt(ByVal Opt As Integer)
VidOpt = Opt
End Property
Public Sub Popl_Array(Vid As String, Aud As String, Durationdev As String, Cnt As Integer)
EncPlaylistArray(Cnt).Aud = Aud
EncPlaylistArray(Cnt).Vid = Vid
EncPlaylistArray(Cnt).Duration = Durationdev
End Sub
Public Sub Init_Array(Cnt As Integer)
ReDim EncPlaylistArray(1 To Cnt)
End Sub
Public Property Get PlaylistPos() As Integer
PlaylistPos = PlayCnt
End Property
Public Property Let PlaylistPos(ByVal iNewValue As Integer)
PlayCnt = iNewValue
End Property
Public Property Get Stat() As Integer
Stat = Over
End Property
Public Property Let Stat(ByVal NewValue As Integer)
Over = NewValue
End Property
Public Sub EncInit()
Set Encoder = New WMEncoder
End Sub
Public Property Get LstStop() As Integer
LstStop = LstEnd
End Property
Public Property Let LstStop(ByVal iNewValue As Integer)
LstEnd = iNewValue
End Property
Public Sub PlayElem(Vid As String, Aud As String, Dur As String)
Dim EncPlay As EncPlaylist
Dim LenPlay As Long
EncPlay = EncPlaylistArray(PlayCnt)
Vid = EncPlay.Vid
Aud = EncPlay.Aud
Dur = EncPlay.Duration
If Dur <> "0" And Dur <> "-" Then
LenPlay = Dur
LenPlay = LenPlay - 1
EncPlay.Duration = LenPlay
EncPlaylistArray(PlayCnt) = EncPlay
End If
End Sub
Public Property Get MaxBound() As Integer
On Error GoTo error_handler
MaxBound = UBound(EncPlaylistArray)
Exit Property
MaxBound = 0
End Property
Public Sub AllElem(Vid As String, Aud As String, Dur As String, pos As Integer)
Dim EncList As EncPlaylist
EncList = EncPlaylistArray(pos)
Vid = EncList.Vid
Aud = EncList.Aud
Dur = EncList.Duration
End Sub
Private Sub Encoder_OnSourceStateChange(ByVal enumState As WMEncoderLib.WMENC_SOURCE_STATE, ByVal enumType As WMEncoderLib.WMENC_SOURCE_TYPE, ByVal iIndex As Integer, ByVal bstrSourceGroup As String)