Labels:crt screen | dialog box | monitor | plant | sky | window OCR: greenstreet FontManager x File Fonts Categories Help To ppe or remove an font click or the font's check box To ao ppe remove whole category fonts click on the check box. shaded box means that only some of the fonts within the category are /wil be installed Categories Fonts: AI Fonts Abracadabra 100 Fonts 30 Elegant Fonts Aaptdco 30 Fantastic Font: Accent 30 Professional For lade Bold 2000 Collection Fonts ACCO 1000 Creative Des Accolade-Light 500 Elegant For 500 Fantas stic Accolade-LightIta 1000 Professional Acco] lade- Medium Other Fonts System Adelon- Bold Miscellaneous Adefon -Bofdita Adelon- DemiBold Adelon- -DemiBoldita Space required 0.0KB Space available on 1716.5 Apply Close Press F1 for help. papeus will IFonts Aeaptdco Desig yelon Bofdfta reguired