<DontShowAgain V="Don't show this message again."/>
<E0xC0040404 V="The registration check failed because the system clock has been rolled back."/>
<E0xC0040408 V="The hardware key has changed more than the allowed amount.
A registration key can only be used on one computer.
If you have recently changed your hardware, please email sales@tgtsoft.com."/>
<E0xC0040409 V="The installation key is invalid.
Please make sure you have correctly entered a valid registration key from TGT Soft."/>
<E0xC004040F V="The registration check failed because the key is not for the correct product."/>
<E0xC0040410 V="This operation must be done under an administrator account."/>
<E0xC0040411 V="A problem occurred while checking your current system time.
If you are a registered user, please contact support@tgtsoft.com for help."/>
<SendFeedback V="Click to send feedback"/>
<File V="&File"/>
<Language V="&Language"/>
<Help V="&Help"/>
<SearchThemeXP V="Search www.&themexp.org..."/>
<ReloadSkin V="&Reload skin"/>
<EnableDuringLogoff V="&Enable Style XP even when logged off"/>
<Exit V="E&xit"/>
<TGTOnTheWeb V="TGT Soft on the &Web"/>
<RegisterSoftware V="Register Software..."/>
<AboutStyleXP V="&About StyleXP..."/>
<Open V="&Open"/>
<ConnectionReq V="An internet connection is required to perform this action.
Please establish a connection and try again."/>
<DownloadError V="An error occurred while downloading a file."/>
<CheckForUpdates V="Check For Updates"/>
<HaveMostRecent V="You have the most recent update."/>
<NameAlreadyExists V="The name you have chosen already exists.
You need to pick a new name."/>
<UpdateWithoutVersion V="You successfully retrieved the latest updates.
The update does not include your version.
Please contact support@tgtsoft.com for help."/>
<Uninstall V="&Uninstall"/>
<CreateNewTheme V="Create a New Theme"/>
<ThemeSourceGroup V="How would you like to create your new Theme?"/>
<ThemeFromScratch V="Create a Theme From Scratch"/>
<CopyExistingTheme V="Copy an Existing Theme"/>
<ThemeNameCaption V="Choose a name for your new Theme:"/>
<TipList Value="Windows é╔âìâOâIâôé╡é╜é╞é½é⌐éτ Style XP é≡Æ╩Æmù╠êµüiâVâXâeâÇâgâîâCüjé╔ÅφÆôé│é╣é▄é╖üB, Style XP é≡Æ╩Æmù╠êµüiâVâXâeâÇâgâîâCüjé╔ÅφÆôé│é╣é╕üAâèâ\ü[âXé╠Å┴ö∩é≡é╚é¡é╡é▄é╖üB"/>