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- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // MS Bookmaker
- // Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
- //
- // File: litgen.idl
- //
- // Contents: interface definitions for LIT generator component
- //
- // Interfaces: ILITCallback
- // ILITTag
- // ILITParserHost
- // ILITCSSHost
- // ILITImageHost
- // ILITWriter
- //
- // Notes: See the interface documentation on ILITWriter for a top-level
- // overview of how to use litgen.
- // Every interface pointer that crosses these interfaces is an
- // IUnknown; this is to force the receiver to query for the
- // interface IID they need, since mismatches are possible when
- // relying on the type name alone.
- //
- // Author: Nate Lewis (nlewis@microsoft.com)
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- import "unknwn.idl";
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Interface: ILITCallback
- //
- // Summary: Simple interface for receiving text messages. The litgen
- // client implements this and passes it to ILITWriter::SetCallback();
- // Message() will be called at various times during content prep.
- //
- // Message codes correspond 1:1 to the stringtable entries used to create the text
- // messages sent through ILITCallback. They are intended to allow a client to
- // distinguish classes of codes, to allow more advanced behavior than simply
- // bailing out, and to allow filtering of certain messages if desired. (Hiding
- // warnings from the user without giving them a choice about it is strongly
- // discouraged, however; we suggest a Details>>-style foldup dialog.)
- //
- // In most cases, LITGen has no contextual sense to report in an error; LITGen
- // can't know what line of the source document it's on, for example. The
- // implementation of ILITCallback should retrieve file and line information from
- // the parser, and present it along with the error message that comes from litgen.
- //
- // The message codes are structured; see the comments in litgen_msgcodes.h.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [object, uuid(6BC62165-B91C-4993-8002-5BC30B2D1196)]
- interface ILITCallback : IUnknown
- {
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: Message
- // Description: receives a warning, error, or informational message
- // Parameters: iType - message type indicator:
- // 0: fatal error
- // 1: warning
- // -1: informational message
- // iMessageCode - see above
- // pwszMessage - null-terminated message text
- // Returns: S_OK
- // Notes:
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT Message([in] int iType, [in] int iMessageCode,
- [in, string] const wchar_t* pwszMessage);
- };
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Interface: ILITTag
- //
- // Summary: Write-only interface to a tag. litgen clients should ask
- // ILITParserHost for a blank tag, populate its name and attributes
- // through this interface, then give it back to the host, with Tag().
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [object, uuid(D655ECEB-829A-11d3-929B-00C04F68FC0F)]
- interface ILITTag : IUnknown
- {
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: SetName
- // Description: sets the name of a new tag
- // Parameters: pwchName, cwchName - pointer to and size of tag name
- // Returns: S_OK
- // E_FAIL
- // Notes: pwchName need not be terminated.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT SetName([in, size_is(cwchName)] const wchar_t* pwchName, [in] ULONG cwchName);
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: AddAttribute
- // Description: adds an attribute to a new tag
- // Parameters: pwchName, cwchName - pointer to and size of attribute name
- // pwchValue, cwchValue - pointer to and size of attribute value
- // Returns: S_OK
- // E_FAIL
- // Notes: pwchName and pwchValue need not be terminated.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT AddAttribute([in, size_is(cwchName)] const wchar_t* pwchName, [in] ULONG cwchName,
- [in, size_is(cwchValue)] const wchar_t* pwchValue, [in] ULONG cwchValue);
- };
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Interface: ILITHost
- //
- // Summary: Common interface to the three 'identity' properties implemented on
- // all hosts.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [object, uuid(65E8FC16-8661-11d3-929C-00C04F68FC0F)]
- interface ILITHost : IUnknown
- {
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: GetId
- // Description: returns the manifest ID of the item being parsed
- // Parameters: pbstr - pointer to BSTR to receive the string
- // Returns: S_OK
- // E_FAIL
- // Notes: caller must SysFreeString().
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT GetId([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrId);
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: GetFilename
- // Description: returns the filename of the item being parsed
- // Parameters: pbstr - pointer to BSTR to receive the string
- // Returns: S_OK
- // E_FAIL
- // Notes: caller must SysFreeString().
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT GetFilename([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrFilename);
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: GetMimeType
- // Description: returns the mime type of the item being parsed
- // Parameters: pbstr - pointer to BSTR to receive the string
- // Returns: S_OK
- // E_FAIL
- // Notes: caller must SysFreeString().
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT GetMimeType([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrMimeType);
- };
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Interface: ILITParserHost
- //
- // Summary: Host to a content parser. Both content files and metadata must
- // be parsed by the litgen client, and fed to this interface as a
- // stream of Tag, Text, and EndChildren notifications.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [object, uuid(607A85B7-59C1-4b22-B873-A36334740661)]
- interface ILITParserHost : ILITHost
- {
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: NewTag
- // Description: Creates a new, empty tag.
- // Parameters: ppTag - pointer to interface pointer
- // Returns: S_OK
- // E_FAIL
- // Notes:
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT NewTag([out, retval] IUnknown** ppTag);
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: Tag
- // Description: Accepts notification of a tag in the content stream.
- // Parameters: pTag - the populated tag
- // fChildren - this should be true if the tag has children
- // (either text or nested tags within the tag).
- // Returns: S_OK
- // E_FAIL
- // Notes: If fChildren is true, a matching EndChildren() will be
- // required; if fChildren is false, EndChildren() must not
- // be called for this tag.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT Tag([in] IUnknown* pTag, [in] BOOL fChildren);
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: Text
- // Description: Accepts notification of text in the content stream.
- // Parameters: pwchText, cwchText - pointer to and length of the text.
- // Returns: S_OK
- // E_FAIL
- // Notes: Text need not be null-terminated, nor complete; a text
- // run can be broken up into several sequential calls to
- // Text(), if necessary.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT Text([in] const wchar_t* pwchText, [in] ULONG cwchText);
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: EndChildren
- // Description: Accepts notification of the end of a tag's children.
- // Parameters:
- // Returns: S_OK
- // E_FAIL
- // Notes:
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT EndChildren();
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: ExternalStylesheet
- // Description: Accepts notification of an external stylesheet that is
- // specified more or less independently from the document
- // structure - for example, the <?xml-stylesheet?> PI in
- // OEB documents.
- // Parameters: pTag - a tag populated as if it were a <link> tag
- // Returns: S_OK
- // E_FAIL
- // Notes: Internally, such stylesheets are actually handled as
- // <link> tags; this means that they will be held until
- // a <head> is found (or synthesized for this purpose).
- // As a result, any warnings arising from this call may
- // not be sent to the callback immediately.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT ExternalStylesheet([in] IUnknown* pTag);
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: Finish
- // Description: Finalizes the content
- // Parameters:
- // Returns: S_OK
- // E_FAIL
- // Notes:
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT Finish();
- };
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Interface: ILITCSSHost
- //
- // Summary: Host for receiving CSS stylesheet data. UTF8 and both forms of
- // UTF16 are supported.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [object, uuid(D7426056-FA2D-4d14-B36C-34D49A20D237)]
- interface ILITCSSHost : ILITHost
- {
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: Write
- // Description: receives the text of the stylesheet
- // Parameters: pb, cb - pointer to and size of the data
- // pcbWritten - optional pointer to ULONG to receive the
- // count of bytes actually written
- // Returns: S_OK
- // E_FAIL
- // Notes:
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT Write([in, size_is(cb)] const BYTE* pb, [in] ULONG cb, [out] ULONG* pcbWritten);
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: Finish
- // Description: Finalizes the CSS stream
- // Parameters:
- // Returns: S_OK
- // E_FAIL
- // Notes: The CSS is actually parsed during Finish().
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT Finish();
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: GetCurrentLine
- // Description: In case of error during Finish(), returns the current
- // line of the parser
- // Parameters:
- // Returns: S_OK
- // E_FAIL
- // Notes: Parse warnings and errors are sent during Finish(), when
- // the client may be looking at </style>, for example; this
- // method gives the offset in lines from the beginning of
- // the CSS data. The line number is not always available.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT GetCurrentLine([out, retval] ULONG* pcLine);
- };
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Interface: ILITImageHost
- //
- // Summary: Host for receiving raw image file data. Image files can be copied
- // verbatim into this host.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [object, uuid(D655ECEE-829A-11d3-929B-00C04F68FC0F)]
- interface ILITImageHost : ILITHost
- {
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: Write
- // Description: receives the raw bytes of the image file
- // Parameters: pb, cb - pointer to and size of the data
- // pcbWritten - optional pointer to ULONG to receive the
- // count of bytes actually written
- // Returns: S_OK
- // E_FAIL
- // Notes:
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT Write([in, size_is(cb)] const BYTE* pb, [in] ULONG cb, [out] ULONG* pcbWritten);
- };
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Interface: ILITWriter
- //
- // Summary: This is the main interface to litgen. The client should
- // essentially call these methods in order. The GetNext*Host()
- // methods should be called repeatedly to get hosts for the input
- // files of each type, one at a time. Each host should be released
- // as soon as it has received all its content. The filenames are
- // gathered during the parsing of the package file; litgen will
- // choose the file ordering, and each host returned from the
- // GetNext*Host() methods can be asked what file it is meant to
- // receive.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [object, uuid(9EC81687-D4F9-4b20-969A-222BC00CE50A)]
- interface ILITWriter : IUnknown
- {
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: SetCallback
- // Description: receives a pointer to a client-implemented callback interface
- // Parameters: pCallback - the interface to receive text messages during
- // content preparation
- // Returns: S_OK
- // E_INVALIDARG - pCallback is not an ILITCallback
- // Notes: This call is optional.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT SetCallback([in] IUnknown* pCallback);
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: Create
- // Description: Create a new .LIT file.
- // Parameters: pwszLitFile - the output filename
- // pwszSourceBasePath - the base path to resolve relative
- // links from
- // pwszSource - DRM source (optional)
- // free text, usually publisher or author name
- // iMinimumReaderVersion - one of the following values:
- // 0 - run on all versions
- // 1 - run on all versions except the first Pocket PC
- // ROM release
- // Returns: S_OK
- // E_FAIL
- // Notes: iMinimumReaderVersion can be used to prevent older
- // readers from attempting to open books that are known
- // to render badly or cause other problems. For example,
- // the Pocket PC reader contained a much weaker CSS parser
- // than more recent versions; some CSS constructs,
- // particularly invalid CSS, could cause that version to
- // fail completely. As a result, LITGen will refuse to
- // build a book containing such constructs, unless this
- // value is 1 or above.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT Create([in, string] const wchar_t* pwszLitFile,
- [in, string] const wchar_t* pwszSourceBasePath,
- [in, string] const wchar_t* pwszSource,
- [in] int iMinimumReaderVersion);
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: GetPackageHost
- // Description: returns a parser host to receive the parsed package file
- // Parameters: fEnforceOEB - whether errors should be thrown for non-OEB content
- // ppHost - pointer to interface pointer of new host
- // Returns: S_OK
- // E_FAIL
- // Notes:
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT GetPackageHost([in] BOOL fEnforceOEB, [out, retval] IUnknown** ppHost);
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: GetNextCSSHost
- // Description: returns a CSS host to receive the stylesheet text
- // Parameters: ppHost - pointer to interface pointer of new host
- // Returns: S_OK
- // S_FALSE - all CSS has been written, move on to content
- // E_UNEXPECTED - package file wasn't done
- // E_FAIL
- // Notes:
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT GetNextCSSHost([out, retval] IUnknown** ppHost);
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: GetNextContentHost
- // Description: returns a parser host to receive the parsed content file
- // Parameters: ppHost - pointer to interface pointer of new host
- // Returns: S_OK
- // S_FALSE - all content has been written, move on to images
- // E_UNEXPECTED - not all CSS files were handled
- // E_FAIL
- // Notes:
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT GetNextContentHost([out, retval] IUnknown** ppHost);
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: GetNextImageHost
- // Description: returns an image host to receive the raw image file bytes
- // Parameters: ppHost - pointer to interface pointer of new host
- // Returns: S_OK
- // S_FALSE - everything's been written.
- // E_UNEXPECTED - not all content files were handled
- // E_FAIL
- // Notes:
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT GetNextImageHost([out, retval] IUnknown** ppHost);
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: Finish
- // Description: Wraps and ties the finished file
- // Parameters:
- // Returns: S_OK
- // E_UNEXPECTED - not all input files were handled
- // E_FAIL
- // Notes: This must be called when all content has been written.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT Finish();
- //+-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Function: Fail
- // Description: Cleans up after a failure during content preparation
- // Parameters:
- // Returns: S_OK
- // Notes: Call this after any failure to abort and clean up.
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- HRESULT Fail();
- };
- [
- uuid(1450F9AF-3997-4fc6-B60C-973CAF37D729),
- helpstring("LITGen Type Library"),
- lcid(0x0409)
- ]
- library LITGen
- {
- interface ILITCallback;
- interface ILITTag;
- interface ILITCSSHost;
- interface ILITImageHost;
- interface ILITWriter;
- interface ILITParserHost;
- };