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//***************************************************************************** // // Microsoft Windows Media Player // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2000-2001 // // FileName: wmp.idl // // Abstract: Interface definitions for Windows Media Player // //***************************************************************************** #include <olectl.h> #include "wmpids.h" import "oaidl.idl"; import "ocidl.idl"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PUBLIC ENUM TYPES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef [ helpstring( "State of opening process" ), public ] enum WMPOpenState // wmpos { [ helpstring( "Undefined" ) ] wmposUndefined, [ helpstring( "New Playlist is about to be loaded" ) ] wmposPlaylistChanging, [ helpstring( "Locating the playlist" ) ] wmposPlaylistLocating, [ helpstring( "Connecting to the server holding a playlist" ) ] wmposPlaylistConnecting, [ helpstring( "Loading a playlist" ) ] wmposPlaylistLoading, [ helpstring( "Opening a playlist" ) ] wmposPlaylistOpening, [ helpstring( "Playlist is open" ) ] wmposPlaylistOpenNoMedia, [ helpstring( "Playlist has changed" ) ] wmposPlaylistChanged, [ helpstring( "New media is about to be loaded" ) ] wmposMediaChanging, [ helpstring( "Locating the media" ) ] wmposMediaLocating, [ helpstring( "Connecting to the server holding media" ) ] wmposMediaConnecting, [ helpstring( "Loading media" ) ] wmposMediaLoading, [ helpstring( "Opening a media" ) ] wmposMediaOpening, [ helpstring( "Media is open" ) ] wmposMediaOpen, [ helpstring( "Starting codec acquisition" ) ] wmposBeginCodecAcquisition, [ helpstring( "End codec acquisition" ) ] wmposEndCodecAcquisition, [ helpstring( "Starting license acquisition" ) ] wmposBeginLicenseAcquisition, [ helpstring( "End license acquisition" ) ] wmposEndLicenseAcquisition, [ helpstring( "Starting individualization" ) ] wmposBeginIndividualization, [ helpstring( "End individualization" ) ] wmposEndIndividualization, [ helpstring( "Waiting for media" ) ] wmposMediaWaiting, [ helpstring( "Opening an URL whose type is not known" ) ] wmposOpeningUnknownURL, } WMPOpenState; typedef [ helpstring( "State of playback" ), public ] enum WMPPlayState { [ helpstring( "State is undefined" ) ] wmppsUndefined, [ helpstring( "Playback is stopped" ) ] wmppsStopped, [ helpstring( "Playback is paused" ) ] wmppsPaused, [ helpstring( "Stream is playing" ) ] wmppsPlaying, [ helpstring( "Stream is Scanning forward" ) ] wmppsScanForward, [ helpstring( "Stream is Scanning in reverse" ) ] wmppsScanReverse, [ helpstring( "Media is being buffered" ) ] wmppsBuffering, [ helpstring( "Waiting for streaming data" ) ] wmppsWaiting, [ helpstring( "End of media reached" ) ] wmppsMediaEnded, [ helpstring( "Preparing new media" ) ] wmppsTransitioning, [ helpstring( "Ready to begin playing" ) ] wmppsReady, } WMPPlayState; typedef [ helpstring("WMP Playlist Change Event Type"), public ] enum WMPPlaylistChangeEventType { [ helpstring( "Unknown" ) ] wmplcUnknown = 0, [ helpstring( "Clear" ) ] wmplcClear, [ helpstring( "InfoChange" ) ] wmplcInfoChange, [ helpstring( "Move" ) ] wmplcMove, [ helpstring( "Delete" ) ] wmplcDelete, [ helpstring( "Insert" ) ] wmplcInsert, [ helpstring( "Append" ) ] wmplcAppend, [ helpstring( "Private" ) ] wmplcPrivate, [ helpstring( "NameChange" ) ] wmplcNameChange, [ helpstring( "Morph" ) ] wmplcMorph } WMPPlaylistChangeEventType; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Forward interface declarations ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// interface IWMPPlaylist; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PUBLIC INTERFACES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Error Interfaces ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, uuid(3614C646-3B3B-4de7-A81E-930E3F2127B3), dual, helpstring("IWMPErrorItem interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IWMPErrorItem : IDispatch { [ id(DISPID_WMPERRORITEM_ERRORCODE), propget, helpstring("Returns the error code") ] HRESULT errorCode( [out, retval] long * phr ); [ id(DISPID_WMPERRORITEM_ERRORDESCRIPTION), propget, helpstring("Returns a description of the error") ] HRESULT errorDescription( [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrDescription ); [ id(DISPID_WMPERRORITEM_ERRORCONTEXT), propget, helpstring("Returns context information for the error") ] HRESULT errorContext( [out, retval] VARIANT * pvarContext ); [ id(DISPID_WMPERRORITEM_REMEDY), propget, helpstring("Returns remedy code for the error") ] HRESULT remedy( [out, retval] long * plRemedy ); [ id(DISPID_WMPERRORITEM_CUSTOMURL), propget, helpstring("Returns a custom url for this error (if avail)") ] HRESULT customUrl( [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrCustomUrl ); } [ object, uuid(A12DCF7D-14AB-4c1b-A8CD-63909F06025B), dual, helpstring("IWMPError Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IWMPError : IDispatch { [ id(DISPID_WMPERROR_CLEARERRORQUEUE), helpstring("Clears the error queue") ] HRESULT clearErrorQueue(); [ id(DISPID_WMPERROR_ERRORCOUNT), propget, helpstring("Returns the number of error items") ] HRESULT errorCount( [out, retval] DWORD * pdwNumErrors ); [ id(DISPID_WMPERROR_ITEM), propget, helpstring("Returns an error item object") ] HRESULT item( [in] DWORD dwIndex, [out, retval] IWMPErrorItem ** ppErrorItem ); [ id(DISPID_WMPERROR_WEBHELP), helpstring("Launches WebHelp") ] HRESULT webHelp(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Media Interfaces ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, uuid(94D55E95-3FAC-11d3-B155-00C04F79FAA6), dual, helpstring("IWMPMedia Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IWMPMedia : IDispatch { [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIA_ISIDENTICAL ), propget, helpstring( "Determines if the supplied object is the same as the this one" ) ] HRESULT isIdentical([in] IWMPMedia *pIWMPMedia, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pvbool ); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIA_SOURCEURL ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the media URL" ) ] HRESULT sourceURL( [out, retval] BSTR *pbstrSourceURL ); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIA_NAME ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the name of the media" ) ] HRESULT name( [out, retval] BSTR *pbstrName); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIA_NAME ), propput, helpstring( "Sets the name of the media" ) ] HRESULT name( [in] BSTR bstrName); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIA_IMAGESOURCEWIDTH ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the original width of the source images" ) ] HRESULT imageSourceWidth( [out, retval] long *pWidth ); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIA_IMAGESOURCEHEIGHT ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the original height of the source images" ) ] HRESULT imageSourceHeight( [out, retval] long *pHeight ); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIA_MARKERCOUNT ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the number of markers in the file" ) ] HRESULT markerCount( [out, retval] long *pMarkerCount ); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIA_GETMARKERTIME ), helpstring( "Returns the time of a marker" ) ] HRESULT getMarkerTime( [in] long MarkerNum, [out, retval] double *pMarkerTime ); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIA_GETMARKERNAME ), helpstring( "Returns the name of a marker" ) ] HRESULT getMarkerName( [in] long MarkerNum, [out, retval] BSTR *pbstrMarkerName ); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIA_DURATION ), propget, helpstring( "Returns duration of current media" ) ] HRESULT duration( [out, retval] double * pDuration ); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIA_DURATIONSTRING ), propget, helpstring( "Returns duration of current media as a string" ) ] HRESULT durationString( [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrDuration ); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIA_ATTRIBUTECOUNT ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the count of the attributes associated with this media" ) ] HRESULT attributeCount( [out, retval] long *plCount ); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIA_GETATTRIBUTENAME ), helpstring( "Returns the name of the attribute whose index has been specified" ) ] HRESULT getAttributeName( [in] long lIndex, [out, retval] BSTR *pbstrItemName ); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIA_GETITEMINFO ), helpstring( "Returns the value of specified attribute for this media" ) ] HRESULT getItemInfo( [in] BSTR bstrItemName, [out, retval] BSTR *pbstrVal ); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIA_SETITEMINFO ), helpstring( "Sets the value of specified attribute for this media" ) ] HRESULT setItemInfo( [in] BSTR bstrItemName, [in] BSTR bstrVal ); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIA_GETITEMINFOBYATOM ), helpstring( "Gets an item info by atom" ) ] HRESULT getItemInfoByAtom( [in] long lAtom, [out, retval] BSTR* pbstrVal ); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIA_ISMEMBEROF ), helpstring( "Is the media a member of the given playlist" ) ] HRESULT isMemberOf( [in] IWMPPlaylist* pPlaylist, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pvarfIsMemberOf ); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIA_ISREADONLYITEM ), helpstring( "Is the attribute read only" ) ] HRESULT isReadOnlyItem( [in] BSTR bstrItemName, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pvarfIsReadOnly); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Control Interfaces ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, uuid(74C09E02-F828-11d2-A74B-00A0C905F36E), dual, helpstring("IWMPControls Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IWMPControls : IDispatch { [ id( DISPID_WMPCONTROLS_ISAVAILABLE ), propget, helpstring( "Returns whether or not the specified media functionality is available" ) ] HRESULT isAvailable( [in] BSTR bstrItem, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pIsAvailable ); [ id( DISPID_WMPCONTROLS_PLAY ),helpstring( "Begins playing media" ) ] HRESULT play(); [ id( DISPID_WMPCONTROLS_STOP ),helpstring( "Stops play of media" ) ] HRESULT stop(); [ id( DISPID_WMPCONTROLS_PAUSE ), helpstring( "Pauses play of media" ) ] HRESULT pause(); [ id( DISPID_WMPCONTROLS_FASTFORWARD ), helpstring( "Fast play of media in forward direction" ) ] HRESULT fastForward(); [ id( DISPID_WMPCONTROLS_FASTREVERSE ),helpstring( "Fast play of media in reverse direction" ) ] HRESULT fastReverse(); [ id( DISPID_WMPCONTROLS_CURRENTPOSITION ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the current position in media" ) ] HRESULT currentPosition( [out, retval] double * pdCurrentPosition ); [ id( DISPID_WMPCONTROLS_CURRENTPOSITION ), propput, helpstring( "sets the current position in media" ) ] HRESULT currentPosition( [in] double dCurrentPosition ); [ id( DISPID_WMPCONTROLS_CURRENTPOSITIONSTRING ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the current position in media as a string" ) ] HRESULT currentPositionString( [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrCurrentPosition ); [ id( DISPID_WMPCONTROLS_NEXT ), helpstring( "Sets the current item to the next item in the playlist" ) ] HRESULT next(); [ id( DISPID_WMPCONTROLS_PREVIOUS ), helpstring( "Sets the current item to the previous item in the playlist" ) ] HRESULT previous(); [ id( DISPID_WMPCONTROLS_CURRENTITEM ), propget, helpstring( "Returns/Sets the play item" ) ] HRESULT currentItem( [out, retval] IWMPMedia **ppIWMPMedia); [ id( DISPID_WMPCONTROLS_CURRENTITEM ), propput ] HRESULT currentItem( [in] IWMPMedia *pIWMPMedia ); [ id( DISPID_WMPCONTROLS_CURRENTMARKER ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the current marker" ) ] HRESULT currentMarker( [out, retval] long *plMarker); [ id( DISPID_WMPCONTROLS_CURRENTMARKER ), propput, helpstring( "Sets the current marker" ) ] HRESULT currentMarker( [in] long lMarker); [ id( DISPID_WMPCONTROLS_PLAYITEM ), helpstring( "Sets the current item and plays it" )] HRESULT playItem( [in] IWMPMedia *pIWMPMedia ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Settings Interfaces ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, uuid(9104D1AB-80C9-4fed-ABF0-2E6417A6DF14), dual, helpstring("IWMPSettings Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IWMPSettings : IDispatch { [ id( DISPID_WMPSETTINGS_ISAVAILABLE ), propget, helpstring( "Returns whether or not the specified media functionality is available" ) ] HRESULT isAvailable( [in] BSTR bstrItem, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pIsAvailable ); [ id( DISPID_WMPSETTINGS_AUTOSTART ), propget, helpstring( "Returns whether media should automatically begin playing" ) ] HRESULT autoStart( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pfAutoStart ); [ id( DISPID_WMPSETTINGS_AUTOSTART ), propput, helpstring( "Sets whether media should automatically begin playing" ) ] HRESULT autoStart( [in] VARIANT_BOOL fAutoStart ); [ id( DISPID_WMPSETTINGS_BASEURL ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the base URL used for relative path resolution" ) ] HRESULT baseURL( [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrBaseURL ); [ id( DISPID_WMPSETTINGS_BASEURL ), propput, helpstring( "Sets the base URL used for relative path resolution" ) ] HRESULT baseURL( [in] BSTR bstrBaseURL ); [ id( DISPID_WMPSETTINGS_DEFAULTFRAME ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the frame location that changes when a URL flip occurs" ) ] HRESULT defaultFrame( [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrDefaultFrame ); [ id( DISPID_WMPSETTINGS_DEFAULTFRAME ), propput, helpstring( "Sets the frame location that changes when a URL flip occurs" ) ] HRESULT defaultFrame( [in] BSTR bstrDefaultFrame ); [ id( DISPID_WMPSETTINGS_INVOKEURLS ), propget, helpstring( "Returns whether URL events should spawn a browser." ) ] HRESULT invokeURLs( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pfInvokeURLs ); [ id( DISPID_WMPSETTINGS_INVOKEURLS ), propput, helpstring( "Sets whether URL events should spawn a browser." ) ] HRESULT invokeURLs( [in] VARIANT_BOOL fInvokeURLs ); [ id( DISPID_WMPSETTINGS_MUTE ), propget, helpstring( "Returns whether audio should be muted." ) ] HRESULT mute( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pfMute ); [ id( DISPID_WMPSETTINGS_MUTE ), propput, helpstring( "Sets audio mute." ) ] HRESULT mute( [in] VARIANT_BOOL fMute ); [ id( DISPID_WMPSETTINGS_PLAYCOUNT ), propget, helpstring( "Returns how many times media should play" ) ] HRESULT playCount( [out, retval] long *plCount ); [ id( DISPID_WMPSETTINGS_PLAYCOUNT ), propput, helpstring( "Sets whether media should automatically begin playing" ) ] HRESULT playCount( [in] long lCount ); [ id( DISPID_WMPSETTINGS_RATE ), propget, helpstring( "Returns current playback rate" ) ] HRESULT rate( [out, retval] double * pdRate ); [ id( DISPID_WMPSETTINGS_RATE ), propput, helpstring( "Sets current playback rate" ) ] HRESULT rate( [in] double dRate ); [ id( DISPID_WMPSETTINGS_BALANCE ), propget, helpstring( "Returns current audio Balance" ) ] HRESULT balance( [out, retval] long * plBalance ); [ id( DISPID_WMPSETTINGS_BALANCE ), propput, helpstring( "Sets audio Balance" ) ] HRESULT balance( [in] long lBalance ); [ id( DISPID_WMPSETTINGS_VOLUME ), propget, helpstring( "Returns current audio volume" ) ] HRESULT volume( [out, retval] long * plVolume ); [ id( DISPID_WMPSETTINGS_VOLUME ), propput, helpstring( "Sets audio volume" ) ] HRESULT volume( [in] long lVolume ); [ id( DISPID_WMPSETTINGS_GETMODE ), helpstring( "Returns the mode of the playlist" ) ] HRESULT getMode( [in] BSTR bstrMode, [out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pvarfMode ); [ id( DISPID_WMPSETTINGS_SETMODE ), helpstring( "Sets the mode of the playlist" ) ] HRESULT setMode( [in] BSTR bstrMode, [in] VARIANT_BOOL varfMode ); [ id( DISPID_WMPSETTINGS_ENABLEERRORDIALOGS ), propget, helpstring( "Returns whether error dialogs are shown by default when embedded" ) ] HRESULT enableErrorDialogs( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pfEnableErrorDialogs ); [ id( DISPID_WMPSETTINGS_ENABLEERRORDIALOGS ), propput, helpstring( "Returns whether error dialogs are shown by default when embedded" ) ] HRESULT enableErrorDialogs( [in] VARIANT_BOOL fEnableErrorDialogs ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ClosedCaption Interfaces ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, uuid(4F2DF574-C588-11d3-9ED0-00C04FB6E937), dual, helpstring("IWMPClosedCaption Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IWMPClosedCaption : IDispatch { [ id( DISPID_WMPCLOSEDCAPTION_SAMISTYLE ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the previously set SAMI style" ) ] HRESULT SAMIStyle( [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrSAMIStyle ); [ id( DISPID_WMPCLOSEDCAPTION_SAMISTYLE ), propput, helpstring( "Sets the SAMI style" ) ] HRESULT SAMIStyle( [in] BSTR bstrSAMIStyle ); [ id( DISPID_WMPCLOSEDCAPTION_SAMILANG ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the previously set SAMI language" ) ] HRESULT SAMILang( [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrSAMILang ); [ id( DISPID_WMPCLOSEDCAPTION_SAMILANG ), propput, helpstring( "Sets the SAMI language" ) ] HRESULT SAMILang( [in] BSTR bstrSAMILang ); [ id( DISPID_WMPCLOSEDCAPTION_SAMIFILENAME ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the previously set SAMI file name" ) ] HRESULT SAMIFileName( [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrSAMIFileName ); [ id( DISPID_WMPCLOSEDCAPTION_SAMIFILENAME ), propput, helpstring( "Sets the SAMI file name" ) ] HRESULT SAMIFileName( [in] BSTR bstrSAMIFileName ); [ id( DISPID_WMPCLOSEDCAPTION_CAPTIONINGID ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the previously set Captioning ID" ) ] HRESULT captioningId( [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrCaptioningID ); [ id( DISPID_WMPCLOSEDCAPTION_CAPTIONINGID ), propput, helpstring( "Sets the Captioning ID" ) ] HRESULT captioningId( [in] BSTR bstrCaptioningID ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Playlist Interfaces ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, uuid(D5F0F4F1-130C-11d3-B14E-00C04F79FAA6), dual, helpstring("IWMPPlaylist Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IWMPPlaylist : IDispatch { // properties [ id( DISPID_WMPPLAYLIST_COUNT ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the number of items in the playlist" ) ] HRESULT count( [out, retval] long *plCount ); [ id( DISPID_WMPPLAYLIST_NAME ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the name of the playlist" ) ] HRESULT name( [out, retval] BSTR *pbstrName); [ id( DISPID_WMPPLAYLIST_NAME ), propput, helpstring( "Sets the name of the playlist" ) ] HRESULT name( [in] BSTR bstrName); [ id( DISPID_WMPPLAYLIST_ATTRIBUTECOUNT ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the number of attributes associated with the playlist" ) ] HRESULT attributeCount( [out, retval] long *plCount); [ id( DISPID_WMPPLAYLIST_ATTRIBUTENAME ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the name of an attribute specified by an index") ] HRESULT attributeName( [in] long lIndex, [out, retval] BSTR *pbstrAttributeName); [ id( DISPID_WMPPLAYLIST_ITEM ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the item at the specified index" ) ] HRESULT item( long lIndex, [out, retval] IWMPMedia **ppIWMPMedia ); [ id( DISPID_WMPPLAYLIST_GETITEMINFO ), helpstring( "Returns the value of a playlist attribute" ) ] HRESULT getItemInfo( BSTR bstrName, [out, retval] BSTR *pbstrVal ); [ id( DISPID_WMPPLAYLIST_SETITEMINFO ), helpstring( "Sets the value of a playlist attribute" ) ] HRESULT setItemInfo( [in] BSTR bstrName, [in] BSTR bstrValue ); // methods [ id( DISPID_WMPPLAYLIST_ISIDENTICAL ), propget, helpstring( "Determines if the supplied object is the same as the this one" ) ] HRESULT isIdentical([in] IWMPPlaylist *pIWMPPlaylist, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pvbool ); [ id( DISPID_WMPPLAYLIST_CLEAR ), helpstring( "Removes all items from the playlist" ) ] HRESULT clear(); [ id( DISPID_WMPPLAYLIST_INSERTITEM ), helpstring( "Inserts an item into the playlist at the specified location" ) ] HRESULT insertItem( [in] long lIndex, [in] IWMPMedia *pIWMPMedia ); [ id( DISPID_WMPPLAYLIST_APPENDITEM ), helpstring( "Adds an item to the end of the playlist" ) ] HRESULT appendItem( [in] IWMPMedia *pIWMPMedia ); [ id( DISPID_WMPPLAYLIST_REMOVEITEM ), helpstring( "Removes the specified item from the playlist" ) ] HRESULT removeItem([in] IWMPMedia *pIWMPMedia ); [ id( DISPID_WMPPLAYLIST_MOVEITEM ), helpstring( "Changes the location of an item in the playlist" ) ] HRESULT moveItem(long lIndexOld, long lIndexNew ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDROM Interfaces ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, uuid(cfab6e98-8730-11d3-b388-00c04f68574b), dual, helpstring("IWMPCdrom Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IWMPCdrom : IDispatch { // properties [ id( DISPID_WMPCDROM_DRIVESPECIFIER ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the CDROM drive specifier" ) ] HRESULT driveSpecifier ([out, retval] BSTR* pbstrDrive); [ id( DISPID_WMPCDROM_PLAYLIST ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the playlist of tracks currently in the CDROM drive" ) ] HRESULT playlist ([out, retval] IWMPPlaylist** ppPlaylist); // methods [ id( DISPID_WMPCDROM_EJECT ), helpstring( "Eject the CD in the CDROM drive" ) ] HRESULT eject (); } [ object, uuid(EE4C8FE2-34B2-11d3-A3BF-006097C9B344), dual, helpstring("IWMPCdromCollection Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IWMPCdromCollection : IDispatch { // properties [ id( DISPID_WMPCDROMCOLLECTION_COUNT ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the number of items in the cdrom collection" ) ] HRESULT count( [out, retval] long *plCount ); // methods [ id( DISPID_WMPCDROMCOLLECTION_ITEM ), helpstring( "Returns the CDROM object at the given index" ) ] HRESULT item( [in] long lIndex, [out, retval] IWMPCdrom **ppItem ); [ id( DISPID_WMPCDROMCOLLECTION_GETBYDRIVESPECIFIER ), helpstring( "Returns the CDROM object associated with a particular drive specifier, e.g. F:" ) ] HRESULT getByDriveSpecifier( [in] BSTR bstrDriveSpecifier, [out, retval] IWMPCdrom** ppCdrom ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MediaCollection Interfaces ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, uuid(4a976298-8c0d-11d3-b389-00c04f68574b), dual, helpstring("IWMPStringCollection Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IWMPStringCollection : IDispatch { // properties [ id( DISPID_WMPSTRINGCOLLECTION_COUNT ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the number of items in the string collection" ) ] HRESULT count( [out, retval] long* plCount ); // methods [ id( DISPID_WMPSTRINGCOLLECTION_ITEM ), helpstring( "Returns the string at the given index" ) ] HRESULT item( [in] long lIndex, [out, retval] BSTR* pbstrString ); } [ object, uuid(8363BC22-B4B4-4b19-989D-1CD765749DD1), dual, helpstring("IWMPMediaCollection Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IWMPMediaCollection : IDispatch { // methods [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIACOLLECTION_ADD ), helpstring( "Creates a new media object" ) ] HRESULT add( [in] BSTR bstrURL, [out, retval] IWMPMedia **ppItem ); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIACOLLECTION_GETALL ), helpstring( "Returns a collection of all the items" ) ] HRESULT getAll( [out, retval] IWMPPlaylist** ppMediaItems ); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIACOLLECTION_GETBYNAME ), helpstring( "Returns a collection of items with the given name" ) ] HRESULT getByName( [in] BSTR bstrName, [out, retval] IWMPPlaylist **ppMediaItems ); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIACOLLECTION_GETBYGENRE ), helpstring( "Returns a collection of items with the given genre" ) ] HRESULT getByGenre( [in] BSTR bstrGenre, [out, retval] IWMPPlaylist **ppMediaItems ); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIACOLLECTION_GETBYAUTHOR ), helpstring( "Returns a collection of items by a given author" ) ] HRESULT getByAuthor( [in] BSTR bstrAuthor, [out, retval] IWMPPlaylist **ppMediaItems ); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIACOLLECTION_GETBYALBUM ), helpstring( "Returns a collection of items from the given album" ) ] HRESULT getByAlbum( [in] BSTR bstrAlbum, [out, retval] IWMPPlaylist **ppMediaItems ); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIACOLLECTION_GETBYATTRIBUTE ), helpstring( "Returns a collection of items with the given attribute" ) ] HRESULT getByAttribute( [in] BSTR bstrAttribute, [in] BSTR bstrValue, [out, retval] IWMPPlaylist **ppMediaItems ); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIACOLLECTION_REMOVE ), helpstring( "Removes an item from the media collection" ) ] HRESULT remove( [in] IWMPMedia *pItem, [in] VARIANT_BOOL varfDeleteFile ); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIACOLLECTION_GETATTRIBUTESTRINGCOLLECTION ), helpstring( "Returns the string collection associated with an attribute" ) ] HRESULT getAttributeStringCollection( [in] BSTR bstrAttribute, [in] BSTR bstrMediaType, [out, retval] IWMPStringCollection** ppStringCollection ); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIACOLLECTION_GETMEDIAATOM ), helpstring( "Gets an atom associated with an item name which can be requested from an IWMPMedia out of this collection via getItemInfoByAtom" ) ] HRESULT getMediaAtom( [in] BSTR bstrItemName, [out, retval] long* plAtom); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIACOLLECTION_SETDELETED ), helpstring( "Sets the deleted flag on a media object" ) ] HRESULT setDeleted( [in] IWMPMedia* pItem, [in] VARIANT_BOOL varfIsDeleted ); [ id( DISPID_WMPMEDIACOLLECTION_ISDELETED ), helpstring( "Gets the deleted flag on a media object" ) ] HRESULT isDeleted( [in] IWMPMedia* pItem, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pvarfIsDeleted ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PlaylistCollection Interfaces ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, uuid(679409c0-99f7-11d3-9fb7-00105aa620bb), dual, helpstring("IWMPPlaylistArray Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IWMPPlaylistArray : IDispatch { // properties [ id( DISPID_WMPPLAYLISTARRAY_COUNT ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the number of items in the playlist array" ) ] HRESULT count( [out, retval] long *plCount ); // methods [ id( DISPID_WMPPLAYLISTARRAY_ITEM ), helpstring( "Returns the playlist object at the given index" ) ] HRESULT item( [in] long lIndex, [out, retval] IWMPPlaylist **ppItem ); } [ object, uuid(10A13217-23A7-439b-B1C0-D847C79B7774), dual, helpstring("IWMPPlaylistCollection Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IWMPPlaylistCollection : IDispatch { // methods [ id( DISPID_WMPPLAYLISTCOLLECTION_NEWPLAYLIST ), helpstring( "Creates a new playlist object" ) ] HRESULT newPlaylist( [in] BSTR bstrName, [out, retval] IWMPPlaylist **ppItem ); [ id( DISPID_WMPPLAYLISTCOLLECTION_GETALL ), helpstring( "Returns a playlist array with all the playlists" ) ] HRESULT getAll( [out, retval] IWMPPlaylistArray **ppPlaylistArray ); [ id( DISPID_WMPPLAYLISTCOLLECTION_GETBYNAME ), helpstring( "Returns a playlist array with playlists matching the given name" ) ] HRESULT getByName( [in] BSTR bstrName, [out, retval] IWMPPlaylistArray **ppPlaylistArray ); [ id( DISPID_WMPPLAYLISTCOLLECTION_REMOVE ), helpstring( "Removes an item from the playlist collection" ) ] HRESULT remove( [in] IWMPPlaylist *pItem ); [ id( DISPID_WMPPLAYLISTCOLLECTION_SETDELETED ), helpstring( "Sets the deleted flag on a playlist object" ) ] HRESULT setDeleted( [in] IWMPPlaylist* pItem, [in] VARIANT_BOOL varfIsDeleted ); [ id( DISPID_WMPPLAYLISTCOLLECTION_ISDELETED ), helpstring( "Gets the deleted flag on a playlist object" ) ] HRESULT isDeleted( [in] IWMPPlaylist* pItem, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* pvarfIsDeleted ); [ id( DISPID_WMPPLAYLISTCOLLECTION_IMPORTPLAYLIST ), helpstring( "Imports a playlist object into the library" ) ] HRESULT importPlaylist( [in] IWMPPlaylist* pItem, [out, retval] IWMPPlaylist** ppImportedItem ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Network Interfaces ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, uuid(EC21B779-EDEF-462d-BBA4-AD9DDE2B29A7), dual, helpstring("IWMPNetwork Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IWMPNetwork : IDispatch { // properties [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_BANDWIDTH ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the current bandwidth of the clip." ) ] HRESULT bandWidth( [out, retval] long *plBandwidth ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_RECOVEREDPACKETS ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the number of recovered packets" ) ] HRESULT recoveredPackets( [out, retval] long *plRecoveredPackets ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_SOURCEPROTOCOL ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the source protocol used to receive data." ) ] HRESULT sourceProtocol( [out, retval] BSTR *pbstrSourceProtocol ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_RECEIVEDPACKETS ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the number of packets received." ) ] HRESULT receivedPackets( [out, retval] long *plReceivedPackets ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_LOSTPACKETS ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the number of packets lost." ) ] HRESULT lostPackets( [out, retval] long *plLostPackets ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_RECEPTIONQUALITY ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the percentage of packets received in the last 15 seconds." ) ] HRESULT receptionQuality( [out, retval] long *plReceptionQuality ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_BUFFERINGCOUNT ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the number of times buffering occurred during clip playback." ) ] HRESULT bufferingCount( [out, retval] long *plBufferingCount ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_BUFFERINGPROGRESS ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the percentage of buffering completed." ) ] HRESULT bufferingProgress( [out, retval] long *plBufferingProgress ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_BUFFERINGTIME ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the number of seconds allocated for buffering for this media type." ) ] HRESULT bufferingTime( [out, retval] long *plBufferingTime ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_BUFFERINGTIME ), propput, helpstring( "Sets the amount of time in milliseconds that the player allocates for buffering incoming data." ) ] HRESULT bufferingTime( [in] long lBufferingTime ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_FRAMERATE ), propget, helpstring( "Current video frame rate in frames/second" ) ] HRESULT frameRate( [out, retval] long *plFrameRate ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_MAXBITRATE ), propget, helpstring( "Maximum possible video bit rate" ) ] HRESULT maxBitRate( [out, retval] long *plBitRate ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_BITRATE ), propget, helpstring( "Current video bit rate" ) ] HRESULT bitRate( [out, retval] long *plBitRate ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_GETPROXYSETTINGS ), helpstring( "Returns the proxy settings for the specified protocol" ) ] HRESULT getProxySettings( [in] BSTR bstrProtocol, [out, retval] long *plProxySetting ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_SETPROXYSETTINGS ), helpstring( "Sets the proxy settings for the specified protocol" ) ] HRESULT setProxySettings( [in] BSTR bstrProtocol, [in] long lProxySetting ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_GETPROXYNAME ), helpstring( "Returns the proxy name for the specified protocol" ) ] HRESULT getProxyName( [in] BSTR bstrProtocol, [out, retval] BSTR *pbstrProxyName ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_SETPROXYNAME ), helpstring( "Sets the proxy name for the specified protocol" ) ] HRESULT setProxyName( [in] BSTR bstrProtocol, [in] BSTR bstrProxyName ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_GETPROXYPORT ), helpstring( "Returns the proxy port for the specified protocol" ) ] HRESULT getProxyPort( [in] BSTR bstrProtocol, [out, retval] long * lProxyPort ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_SETPROXYPORT ), helpstring( "Sets the proxy port for the specified protocol" ) ] HRESULT setProxyPort( [in] BSTR bstrProtocol, [in] long lProxyPort ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_GETPROXYEXCEPTIONLIST ), helpstring( "Returns the proxy exception list for the specified protocol" ) ] HRESULT getProxyExceptionList( [in] BSTR bstrProtocol, [out, retval] BSTR *pbstrExceptionList ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_SETPROXYEXCEPTIONLIST ), helpstring( "Sets the proxy exception list for the specified protocol" ) ] HRESULT setProxyExceptionList( [in] BSTR bstrProtocol, [in] BSTR pbstrExceptionList ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_GETPROXYBYPASSFORLOCAL ), helpstring( "Returns whether or not to bypass the proxy for local addresses" ) ] HRESULT getProxyBypassForLocal( [in] BSTR bstrProtocol, [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pfBypassForLocal ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_SETPROXYBYPASSFORLOCAL ), helpstring( "Sets whether or not to by pass the proxy for local addresses" ) ] HRESULT setProxyBypassForLocal( [in] BSTR bstrProtocol, [in] VARIANT_BOOL fBypassForLocal ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_MAXBANDWIDTH ), propget, helpstring( "Returns or sets maximum allowed bandwidth" ) ] HRESULT maxBandwidth( [out, retval] long * lMaxBandwidth ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_MAXBANDWIDTH ), propput ] HRESULT maxBandwidth( [in] long lMaxBandwidth ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_DOWNLOADPROGRESS ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the percentage of download completed." ) ] HRESULT downloadProgress( [out, retval] long *plDownloadProgress ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_ENCODEDFRAMERATE ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the video frame rate, in frames/second, that the file was encoded in" ) ] HRESULT encodedFrameRate( [out, retval] long *plFrameRate ); [ id( DISPID_WMPNETWORK_FRAMESSKIPPED ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the number of skipped frames" ) ] HRESULT framesSkipped( [out, retval] long *plFrames ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Core Interfaces ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, uuid(D84CCA99-CCE2-11d2-9ECC-0000F8085981), dual, helpstring("IWMPCore Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IWMPCore : IDispatch { // methods [ id(DISPID_WMPCORE_CLOSE), helpstring("Closes the media") ] HRESULT close(); // properties [ id( DISPID_WMPCORE_URL ), propget, helpstring( "Returns or sets the URL" ) ] HRESULT URL( [out, retval] BSTR *pbstrURL ); [ id( DISPID_WMPCORE_URL ), propput ] HRESULT URL( [in] BSTR bstrURL ); [ id( DISPID_WMPCORE_OPENSTATE ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the open state of the player" ) ] HRESULT openState( [out, retval] WMPOpenState *pwmpos ); [ id( DISPID_WMPCORE_PLAYSTATE ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the play state of the player" ) ] HRESULT playState( [out, retval] WMPPlayState *pwmpps ); [ id(DISPID_WMPCORE_CONTROLS), propget, helpstring("Returns the control handler")] HRESULT controls([out, retval] IWMPControls **ppControl); [ id(DISPID_WMPCORE_SETTINGS), propget, helpstring("Returns the settings handler")] HRESULT settings([out, retval] IWMPSettings **ppSettings); [ id(DISPID_WMPCORE_CURRENTMEDIA), propget, helpstring("Returns or sets the current media object")] HRESULT currentMedia([out, retval] IWMPMedia **ppMedia); [ id(DISPID_WMPCORE_CURRENTMEDIA), propput] HRESULT currentMedia([in] IWMPMedia *pMedia); [ id(DISPID_WMPCORE_MEDIACOLLECTION), propget, helpstring("Returns the media collection handler")] HRESULT mediaCollection([out, retval] IWMPMediaCollection **ppMediaCollection); [ id(DISPID_WMPCORE_PLAYLISTCOLLECTION), propget, helpstring("Returns the playlist collection handler")] HRESULT playlistCollection([out, retval] IWMPPlaylistCollection **ppPlaylistCollection); [ id( DISPID_WMPCORE_VERSIONINFO ), propget, helpstring( "Returns the version information for the player" ) ] HRESULT versionInfo( [out, retval] BSTR * pbstrVersionInfo ); [id ( DISPID_WMPCORE_LAUNCHURL)] HRESULT launchURL(BSTR bstrURL); [propget, id(DISPID_WMPCORE_NETWORK), helpstring("Returns the network information handler")] HRESULT network([out, retval] IWMPNetwork **ppQNI); [ id( DISPID_WMPCORE_CURRENTPLAYLIST), propget, helpstring( "Returns/sets the current playlist" ) ] HRESULT currentPlaylist( [out, retval] IWMPPlaylist **ppPL ); [ id( DISPID_WMPCORE_CURRENTPLAYLIST), propput, helpstring( "Returns the playlist handler" ) ] HRESULT currentPlaylist( [in] IWMPPlaylist *pPL ); [ id( DISPID_WMPCORE_CDROMCOLLECTION ), propget, helpstring("Get the CDROM drive collection") ] HRESULT cdromCollection ([out, retval] IWMPCdromCollection** ppCdromCollection); [ id(DISPID_WMPCORE_CLOSEDCAPTION), propget, helpstring("Returns the closed caption handler")] HRESULT closedCaption([out, retval] IWMPClosedCaption **ppClosedCaption); [ id(DISPID_WMPCORE_ISONLINE), propget, helpstring( "Returns whether the machine is online." ) ] HRESULT isOnline( [out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pfOnline ); [ id(DISPID_WMPCORE_ERROR), propget, helpstring("Returns the error object")] HRESULT error([out, retval] IWMPError **ppError); [ id(DISPID_WMPCORE_STATUS), propget, helpstring("Returns status string")] HRESULT status([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrStatus); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Player Interfaces ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, uuid(6BF52A4F-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6), dual, helpstring("IWMPPlayer Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IWMPPlayer : IWMPCore { [ id(DISPID_WMPOCX_ENABLED), propget, helpstring("Returns a boolen value specifying whether or not the control is enabled")] HRESULT enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbEnabled); [ id(DISPID_WMPOCX_ENABLED), propput, helpstring("Sets a boolean value specifying whether or not the control is enabled")] HRESULT enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled); [ id(DISPID_WMPOCX_FULLSCREEN), propget, helpstring("Returns a boolean value specifying whether or not the control is in full screen mode")] HRESULT fullScreen([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbFullScreen); [ id(DISPID_WMPOCX_FULLSCREEN), propput, helpstring("Sets a boolean value specifying whether or not the control is in full screen mode")] HRESULT fullScreen(VARIANT_BOOL bFullScreen); [ id(DISPID_WMPOCX_ENABLECONTEXTMENU), propget, helpstring("Returns a boolean value specifying whether or not the context menu is enabled on the control")] HRESULT enableContextMenu([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbEnableContextMenu); [ id(DISPID_WMPOCX_ENABLECONTEXTMENU), propput, helpstring("Sets a boolean value specifying whether or not the context menu is enabled on the control")] HRESULT enableContextMenu(VARIANT_BOOL bEnableContextMenu); [ id(DISPID_WMPOCX_UIMODE), propput, helpstring("Specifies the ui mode to select")] HRESULT uiMode([in] BSTR bstrMode); [ id(DISPID_WMPOCX_UIMODE), propget, helpstring("Returns the currently selected ui mode")] HRESULT uiMode([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrMode); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Player2 Interface ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ object, uuid(0E6B01D1-D407-4c85-BF5F-1C01F6150280), dual, helpstring("IWMPPlayer2 Interface"), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IWMPPlayer2 : IWMPCore { [ id(DISPID_WMPOCX_ENABLED), propget, helpstring("Returns a boolen value specifying whether or not the control is enabled")] HRESULT enabled([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbEnabled); [ id(DISPID_WMPOCX_ENABLED), propput, helpstring("Sets a boolean value specifying whether or not the control is enabled")] HRESULT enabled([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled); [ id(DISPID_WMPOCX_FULLSCREEN), propget, helpstring("Returns a boolean value specifying whether or not the control is in full screen mode")] HRESULT fullScreen([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbFullScreen); [ id(DISPID_WMPOCX_FULLSCREEN), propput, helpstring("Sets a boolean value specifying whether or not the control is in full screen mode")] HRESULT fullScreen(VARIANT_BOOL bFullScreen); [ id(DISPID_WMPOCX_ENABLECONTEXTMENU), propget, helpstring("Returns a boolean value specifying whether or not the context menu is enabled on the control")] HRESULT enableContextMenu([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbEnableContextMenu); [ id(DISPID_WMPOCX_ENABLECONTEXTMENU), propput, helpstring("Sets a boolean value specifying whether or not the context menu is enabled on the control")] HRESULT enableContextMenu(VARIANT_BOOL bEnableContextMenu); [ id(DISPID_WMPOCX_UIMODE), propput, helpstring("Specifies the ui mode to select")] HRESULT uiMode([in] BSTR bstrMode); [ id(DISPID_WMPOCX_UIMODE), propget, helpstring("Returns the currently selected ui mode")] HRESULT uiMode([out, retval] BSTR *pbstrMode); [ id(DISPID_WMPOCX2_STRETCHTOFIT), propget, helpstring("Returns a boolen value specifying whether or not video is stretched")] HRESULT stretchToFit([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbEnabled); [ id(DISPID_WMPOCX2_STRETCHTOFIT), propput, helpstring("Sets a boolean value specifying whether or not video is stretched")] HRESULT stretchToFit([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled); [ id(DISPID_WMPOCX2_WINDOWLESSVIDEO), propget, helpstring("Returns a boolen value specifying whether or not video is windowless")] HRESULT windowlessVideo([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL *pbEnabled); [ id(DISPID_WMPOCX2_WINDOWLESSVIDEO), propput, helpstring("Sets a boolean value specifying whether or not video is windowless")] HRESULT windowlessVideo([in] VARIANT_BOOL bEnabled); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // WMP OCX Object ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// [ uuid(6BF52A50-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6), version(1.0), helpstring("Windows Media Player OCX") ] library WMPOCX { importlib("stdole32.tlb"); importlib("stdole2.tlb"); [ uuid(6BF52A51-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6), helpstring("Event interface for Windows Media Player OCX"), hidden ] dispinterface _WMPOCXEvents { properties: methods: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Events ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Graph creation [ id( DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_OPENSTATECHANGE ), helpstring( "Sent when the control changes OpenState" ) ] void OpenStateChange( [in] long NewState ); // control [ id( DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_PLAYSTATECHANGE ), helpstring( "Sent when the control changes PlayState" ) ] void PlayStateChange( [in] long NewState ); // content [ id( DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_SCRIPTCOMMAND ), helpstring( "Sent when a synchronized command or URL is received" ) ] void ScriptCommand( [in] BSTR scType, [in] BSTR Param ); // network [ id( DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_NEWSTREAM ), helpstring( "Sent when a new stream is started in a channel" ) ] void NewStream(); [ id( DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_DISCONNECT ), helpstring( "Sent when the control is disconnected from the server" ) ] void Disconnect( [in] long Result ); [ id( DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_BUFFERING ), helpstring( "Sent when the control begins or ends buffering" ) ] void Buffering( [in] VARIANT_BOOL Start ); // error [ id( DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_ERROR ), helpstring( "Sent when the control has an error condition" ) ] void Error(); // warning [ id( DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_WARNING ), helpstring( "Sent when the control encounters a problem" ) ] void Warning( [in] long WarningType, [in] long Param, [in] BSTR Description ); // seek [ id( DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_ENDOFSTREAM ), helpstring( "Sent when the end of file is reached" ) ] void EndOfStream( [in] long Result ); [id(DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_POSITIONCHANGE), helpstring("Indicates that the current position of the movie has changed")] void PositionChange([in] double oldPosition, [in] double newPosition); [ id( DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_MARKERHIT ), helpstring( "Sent when a marker is reached" ) ] void MarkerHit( [in] long MarkerNum ); [id(DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_DURATIONUNITCHANGE), helpstring("Indicates that the unit used to express duration and position has changed")] void DurationUnitChange(long NewDurationUnit); // cdrom [id(DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_CDROMMEDIACHANGE), helpstring("Indicates that the CD ROM media has changed") ] void CdromMediaChange( [in] long CdromNum ); // playlist [id(DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_PLAYLISTCHANGE), helpstring("Sent when a playlist changes") ] void PlaylistChange( [in] IDispatch * Playlist, [in] WMPPlaylistChangeEventType change ); [id(DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_CURRENTPLAYLISTCHANGE), helpstring("Sent when the current playlist changes") ] void CurrentPlaylistChange( [in] WMPPlaylistChangeEventType change ); [id(DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_CURRENTPLAYLISTITEMAVAILABLE), helpstring("Sent when a current playlist item becomes available") ] void CurrentPlaylistItemAvailable(BSTR bstrItemName); [id(DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_MEDIACHANGE), helpstring("Sent when a media object changes") ] void MediaChange( [in] IDispatch * Item); [id(DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_CURRENTMEDIAITEMAVAILABLE), helpstring("Sent when a current media item becomes available") ] void CurrentMediaItemAvailable(BSTR bstrItemName); [id(DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_CURRENTITEMCHANGE), helpstring("Sent when the item selection on the current playlist changes") ] void CurrentItemChange( [in] IDispatch *pdispMedia); [id(DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_MEDIACOLLECTIONCHANGE), helpstring("Sent when the media collection needs to be requeried") ] void MediaCollectionChange(); [id(DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_MEDIACOLLECTIONATTRIBUTESTRINGADDED), helpstring("Sent when an attribute string is added in the media collection") ] void MediaCollectionAttributeStringAdded(BSTR bstrAttribName, BSTR bstrAttribVal); [id(DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_MEDIACOLLECTIONATTRIBUTESTRINGREMOVED), helpstring("Sent when an attribute string is removed from the media collection") ] void MediaCollectionAttributeStringRemoved(BSTR bstrAttribName, BSTR bstrAttribVal); [id(DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_PLAYLISTCOLLECTIONCHANGE), helpstring("Sent when playlist collection needs to be requeried") ] void PlaylistCollectionChange(); [id(DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_PLAYLISTCOLLECTIONPLAYLISTADDED), helpstring("Sent when a playlist is added to the playlist collection") ] void PlaylistCollectionPlaylistAdded([in] BSTR bstrPlaylistName); [id(DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_PLAYLISTCOLLECTIONPLAYLISTREMOVED), helpstring("Sent when a playlist is removed from the playlist collection") ] void PlaylistCollectionPlaylistRemoved([in] BSTR bstrPlaylistName); [id(DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_PLAYLISTCOLLECTIONPLAYLISTSETASDELETED), helpstring("Sent when a playlist has been set or reset as deleted")] void PlaylistCollectionPlaylistSetAsDeleted([in] BSTR bstrPlaylistName, [in] VARIANT_BOOL varfIsDeleted); [id(DISPID_WMPCOREEVENT_MODECHANGE), helpstring("Playlist playback mode has changed")] void ModeChange([in] BSTR ModeName, [in] VARIANT_BOOL NewValue); }; [ uuid(6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6), helpstring("Windows Media Player OCX") ] coclass WMPOCX { [default] interface IWMPPlayer; interface IWMPPlayer2; interface IWMPControls; interface IWMPSettings; interface IWMPPlaylist; interface IWMPMedia; interface IWMPMediaCollection; interface IWMPPlaylistCollection; interface IWMPCdromCollection; interface IWMPError; interface IWMPErrorItem; interface IWMPClosedCaption; [default, source] dispinterface _WMPOCXEvents; }; }; //***************************************************************************** // // End of File // //*****************************************************************************