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- @echo off
- @rem $Id: ps2pdfxx.bat,v 1.10 2001/06/22 16:09:22 lpd Exp $
- rem Internal batch file for calling pdfwrite driver.
- rem The files that call this one (ps2pdf*.bat) write the command-line
- rem options into _.at, and then pass the last 2 (or fewer) arguments
- rem to this file.
- call gssetgs.bat
- echo -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE#pdfwrite >_.at2
- if "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" goto nt
- rem Run ps2pdf on any Microsoft OS.
- if %1/==/ goto usage
- if %2/==/ goto usage
- rem Watcom C deletes = signs, so use # instead.
- rem We have to include the options twice because -I only takes effect if it
- rem appears before other options.
- :run
- echo -sOutputFile#%2 >>_.at2
- copy /b /y _.at2+_.at >NUL
- echo -c .setpdfwrite -f %1 >>_.at2
- %GSC% @_.at @_.at2
- goto end
- :usage
- echo Usage: ps2pdf [options...] input.[e]ps output.pdf
- goto end
- rem Run ps2pdf on Windows NT.
- :nt
- if not CMDEXTVERSION 1 goto run
- if %1/==/ goto ntusage
- if %2/==/ goto nooutfile
- goto run
- :ntusage
- echo Usage: ps2pdf input.ps [output.pdf]
- echo or: ps2pdf [options...] input.[e]ps output.pdf
- goto end
- :nooutfile
- rem We don't know why the circumlocution with _1 is needed....
- set _1=%1
- call ps2pdfxx %1 %_1:.PS=.pdf%
- set _1=
- :end
- rem Clean up.
- if exist _.at erase _.at
- if exist _.at2 erase _.at2