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- /* $Id: ps2pdf.cmd,v 1.1 2000/07/05 16:21:13 lpd Exp $ */
- /*
- * This file is maintained by a user: if you have any questions about it,
- * please contact Mark Hale (mark.hale@physics.org).
- */
- /* Convert PostScript to PDF 1.3 (Acrobat 4-and-later compatible). */
- /* The PDF compatibility level may change in the future: */
- /* use ps2pdf12 or ps2pdf13 if you want a specific level. */
- parse arg params
- gs='@gsos2'
- inext='.ps'
- outext='.pdf'
- if params='' then call usage
- options=''
- /* extract options from command line */
- i=1
- param=word(params,i)
- do while substr(param,1,1)='-'
- options=options param
- i=i+1
- param=word(params,i)
- end
- infile=param
- if infile='' then call usage
- outfile=word(params,i+1)
- if outfile='' then do
- outfile=infile''outext
- infile=infile''inext
- end
- gs options '-q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile='outfile options '-c save pop -f' infile
- exit
- usage:
- say 'Usage: ps2pdf [options...] input[.ps output.pdf]'
- exit