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- #!/bin/sh
- # $Id: pj-gs.sh,v 1.1 2000/03/09 08:40:40 lpd Exp $
- # PaintJet driver script for Ghostscript,
- # created by Philippe-Andre Prindeville <philipp@res.enst.fr>
- # PCL level 1 interface
- #
- #=======================================================================#
- # OPTIONS RECOGNIZED: ( all may be preceded with a "-" ) #
- # NOTE: Options marked with a "*" before their descriptions #
- # are provided for backward compatibility with the #
- # former hp2225a, hp2227a and hp3630a printer models - #
- # these models have become links to this model. Consult #
- # your printer reference manual to determine which #
- # options are valid for your particular printer. #
- # #
- # Horizontal Pitch Selection: #
- # c compressed print mode #
- # e * expanded print pitch #
- # 10 * 10 cpi (Pica print pitch) #
- # (expanded compressed on thinkjet and quietjet)#
- # 12 * 12 cpi (Elite print pitch) #
- # #
- # Print Quality Selection #
- # q | lq * near letter quality #
- # #
- # Font Selection #
- # b | bold * set font stroke weight to bold #
- # #
- # Output filtering: (Default Cooked) #
- # r | raw raw mode for plotting mode etc. #
- # #
- # Other: #
- # nb do not output banner page (to save paper) #
- # #
- #=======================================================================#
- PATH="/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/lib:/usr/local/bin"
- export PATH
- # set up redirection of stderr
- log=/usr/spool/lp/log
- exec 2>>$log
- # sec_class=`getconf SECURITY_CLASS`
- sec_class=
- if [ $? -ne 0 ]
- then
- echo "getconf SECURITY_CLASS failed"
- fi
- # Save the arguments to the model
- printer=`basename $0`
- if [ "$sec_class" = "2" ] # B1 Trusted System
- then
- reqid=$1
- user=$2
- dev=$3
- title=$4
- copies=$5
- options=$6
- else
- reqid=$1
- user=$2
- title=$3
- copies=$4
- options=$5
- fi
- # Definitions of functions used within this script
- do_banner()
- {
- # Print the standard header
- echo "$x\n$x\n$x\n$x\n"
- banner `echo $user`
- echo "\n"
- user=`pwget -n $user | line | cut -d: -f5`
- if [ -n "$user" ]
- then
- echo "User: $user\n"
- else
- echo "\n"
- fi
- echo "Request id: $reqid Printer: `basename $0`\n"
- date
- echo "\n"
- if [ -n "$title" ]
- then
- banner "$title"
- fi
- echo "\014\r\c"
- }
- # Set up interface
- if [ -t 1 ]
- then
- stty 9600 opost onlcr -parenb cs8 ixon -istrip clocal tab3 <&1 2>/dev/null
- else
- slp -n -k 2>/dev/null
- fi
- # Handle disable and cancel traps.
- trap "echo 'Terminated: $reqid' >> $log; trap 15; kill -15 0; exit 0 " 15
- # Set up printer default modes
- echo "\033&k0S\c" # reset pitches
- echo "\033(s0B\033)s0B\c" # reset stroke weights
- echo "\033&d@\c" # disable auto-underline
- echo "\033&l6D\c" # reset to 6 lpi
- echo "\033(s0Q\c" # reset print quality
- echo "\033&v0S\c" # reset color
- echo "\033&k2G\c" # Set line termination mode
- # Determine which options have been invoked
- pitch="def"
- weight="def"
- quality="def"
- # outputmode="cooked"
- outputmode="raw"
- # banner="yes"
- banner=
- for i in $options
- do
- case "$i" in
- -c | c) # compressed print
- pitch="c";;
- -e | e) # expanded print
- pitch="e";;
- -10 | 10) # pitch set to 10 cpi
- pitch="10";;
- -12 | 12) # pitch set to 12 cpi
- pitch="12";;
- -q | q | -lq | lq) # near letter quality
- quality=1;;
- -b | b | -bold | bold) # set font weight to bold
- weight=1;;
- r | raw) # raw mode for binary output to printer
- outputmode="raw";;
- -nb | nb) # do not output banner page
- banner="";;
- esac
- done
- shift; shift; shift; shift; shift
- if [ "$sec_class" = "2" ] # B1 Trusted System
- then
- shift
- files="$*"
- Nofilter= Nolabel=
- set -- `getopt fl $options`
- if [ $? != 0 ]
- then
- exit 2
- fi
- for opt in $*
- do
- shift
- case $opt in
- -f) Nofilter=$opt ;;
- -l) Nolabel=$opt ;;
- --) break ;;
- esac
- done
- # Print the sensitivity label of the process
- echo "$x\n$x\n"
- /usr/lib/lpbanner -j $reqid -t "$title" -u $user -p PCL1 -n $printer -d $dev $files
- echo "\n$x\n$x"
- else
- # Assume that the rest of the arguments are files
- files="$*"
- # print the banner if nb option not specified
- if [ -n "$banner" ]
- then
- do_banner
- fi
- fi
- # Print the spooled files
- i=1
- while [ $i -le $copies ]
- do
- for file in $files
- do
- # If raw mode, turn off output processing,
- # set for no tab expansion
- # If cooked mode, uncomment the cooked case if it is
- # desired not to print on the page perforations
- case "$outputmode" in
- raw) if [ -t 1 ]
- then
- stty raw 9600 -opost -parenb cs8 ixon -istrip clocal tab0 <&1 2>/dev/null
- else
- slp -r 2>/dev/null
- fi
- echo "\033&k0G";; # Reset line termination mode
- # cooked) echo "\033&l1L\r\c";;
- esac
- case "$pitch" in
- def);;
- c) echo "\033&k2S\r\c";;
- e) echo "\033&k1S\r\c";;
- 10) echo "\033&k3S\r\c";;
- 12) echo "\033&k0S\r\c"
- echo "\033&k4S\r\c";;
- esac
- case "$quality" in
- def);;
- *) echo "\033(s${quality}Q\r\c";;
- esac
- case "$weight" in
- def) echo "\033(s0B\033)s0B\r\c";;
- *) echo "\033(s${weight}B\r\c";;
- esac
- if [ "$sec_class" = "2" ] # B1 Trusted System
- then
- /usr/lib/lprcat $Nofilter $Nolabel $file PCL1 $user $dev
- else
- type=`file $file | sed 's/^[^:]*..//'`
- case "$type" in
- postscript*)
- #
- # We could do the following, but this would leave gs with a rather large
- # image in memory for (possibly) several minutes. Better to use and
- # intermediate file, since cat is "lightweight"...
- #
- # gs -q -sDEVICE=paintjet -r180 -sOutputFile=- -dDISKFONTS -dNOPAUSE - < $file 2>/tmp/sh$$
- gs -q -sDEVICE=paintjet -r180 -sOutputFile=/tmp/pj$$ -dDISKFONTS -dNOPAUSE - < $file 1>2
- cat /tmp/pj$$
- rm /tmp/pj$$
- needff=
- ;;
- *) cat "$file" 2>/tmp/sh$$
- needff=1
- ;;
- esac
- if [ -s /tmp/sh$$ ]
- then
- # cat /tmp/sh$$ # output any errors
- cat /tmp/sh$$ 1>2 # output any errors
- fi
- rm -f /tmp/sh$$
- if [ $needff ]; then echo "\014\r\c"; fi
- fi
- echo "\033&k0S\r\c" # reset pitches
- echo "\033(s0B\033)s0B\r\c" # reset stroke weights
- echo "\033&d@\r\c" # disable auto-underline
- echo "\033&l6D\r\c" # reset to 6 lpi
- echo "\033(s0Q\c" # reset print quality
- echo "\033&v0S\c" # reset color
- done
- i=`expr $i + 1`
- done
- # Insure all buffers are flushed to printer
- if [ -t 1 ]
- then
- stty 9600 opost onlcr -parenb cs8 ixon -istrip clocal tab3 <&1 2>/dev/null
- fi
- exit 0