This hard disk is formatted with the Mac OS Extended format. Your files and information are still on the hard disk, but you cannot access them with the version of system software you are using.
How can you access your files?
To access your files you must mount this hard disk on a computer that has Mac OS 8.1 or later installed. To determine the version of system software you╒re currently using, choose About This Computer from the Apple menu. If you╒re using a version of the Mac OS earlier than 8.1, you must do one of the following: A) upgrade the system software on your computer, B) start up the computer from a hard disk or CD that has Mac OS 8.1 or later, or C) connect the hard disk to another computer with Mac OS 8.1 or later installed.
If you want to access the files without upgrading your system software, start up your computer with the ╥Mac OS 8.1╙ CD or the ╥Disk Tools PPC╙ disk, then access your files. Apple recommends that you have the ╥Mac OS 8.1╙ CD if you plan to reformat any hard disk using Mac OS Extended format.
To continue to use this hard disk with this computer, you must upgrade your system software to Mac OS 8.1.
How do you upgrade your system software?
If you have a version of system software earlier than Mac OS 8, you can order Mac OS 8.1 on the Internet or buy it at a local Apple software reseller.
If you have Mac OS 8 on your computer, you can download the Mac OS 8.1 update from the Internet at
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