"You should quit all other applications before you start the installation." = "You should quit all other applications before you start the installation.";
"Start" = "Start";
"Cancel" = "Cancel";
"Quit" = "Quit";
"Start uninstallation" = "Start uninstallation";
"You should quit all other applications before you start the uninstallation." = "You should quit all other applications before you start the uninstallation.";
"Installation was successful" = "Installation was successful";
"Now you can activate ASM in the corresponding pane of System Preferences." = "Now you can activate ASM in the corresponding pane of System Preferences.";
"Open Preferences..." = "Open Preferences...";
"Quit Installer" = "Quit Installer";
"Uninstallation was successful" = "Uninstallation was successful";
"Thanks for using ASM." = "Thanks for using ASM.";