Chip 2002 October
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TPlanner 1.6 and TDBPlanner 1.4 for CLX : July 2002
Copyright ⌐ 2001 - 2002 by TMS Software
E-mail: info@tmssoftware.com
Web : http://www.tmssoftware.com
Delphi 6.0, C++Builder 6.0 - Kylix 1.0/2.0 interactive scheduling component
Files :
planclxd6.zip : component files for Delphi 6.0
planclxc6.zip : component files for C++Builder 6.0
tmsplank1.tar.gz : component files for Kylix 1.0
tmsplank2.tar.gz : component files for Kylix 2.0
Release TPlanner 1.6 and TDBPlanner 1.4
Component for interactive scheduling.
Features :
- DB aware in day mode through TDBDaySource
- Items that can be resized / repositioned.
- Inplace multiline editable items
- Items with multiple imagelist images
- Items with caption time indication
- Readonly items
- Various display modes : day (5,6,10,15,30,60 min), week, month, multi day / multi resource mode, custom grid displays.
- Controllable active day start, active day end, day start, day end
- Events for insert, delete, left click, right click of items.
- Overlapped / non overlapped items
- HTML export.
- Save to streams
- Rich text planner items
- 12/24 hrs time format
- Header alignment / images / events
- Printing
- Layers
- HTML formatted items
- Linked items
- Alarms
- Support for spell checkers
Feature Revision history :
1.0 : first release
1.6 : compatibility release with TPlanner 1.6 for VCL and TDBPlanner 1.4 for VCL
Installation :
Delphi 6
Choose Compile & Install from the package editor
Kylix 1
Choose Compile & Install from the package editor
Kylix 2
Choose Compile & Install from the package editor
C++Builder 6
Choose Compile & Install from the package editor
Usage of TDBPlanner with TDBDaySource
Create a database that has at least following fields :
- Start time : full date/time field
- End time : full date/time field
- Key : 40 char unique item key field
Additional fields :
- Notes field : memo field holding the planner item text
- Subject field : character field holding the planner item caption text
- Resource field : numeric field holding the planner item position in dmMultiResource mode
Add a TDBDaySource component on the form and assign a datasource component to your used database.
Set the applicable fields to the TDBDaySource fields properties
Set the Mode property : can be dmMultiDay for displaying multiple day data in multiple positions
or dmMultiResource for multiple resources in multiple positions.
Set the day property to a valid date : this is the first day that will be displayed
in the first position of the planner.
When other database fields need to be mapped to planner items, use the OnFieldsToItem and
OnItemToFields event like below :
procedure TForm1.DBDaySource1FieldsToItem(Sender: TObject; Fields: TFields;
Item: TPlannerItem);
Item.Color := TColor(Fields.FieldByName('COLOR').AsInteger);
Item.CaptionBkg := Item.Color;
Item.ImageID := Fields.FieldByName('IMAGE').AsInteger;
if Fields.FieldByName('CAPTION').AsBoolean then
Item.CaptionType := ctTime
Item.CaptionType := ctNone;
procedure TForm1.DBDaySource1ItemToFields(Sender: TObject; Fields: TFields;
Item: TPlannerItem);
Fields.FieldByName('COLOR').AsInteger := Integer(Item.Color);
Fields.FieldByName('CAPTION').AsBoolean := Item.CaptionType = ctTime;
Fields.FieldByName('IMAGE').AsInteger := Item.ImageID;
After this setup, the planner will automatically display the right items from the database
in the planner and react to the navigator Next/Prev buttons.
To create, delete or update items at runtime use :
TPlanner.CreateItem: TPlannerItem;
Creates a new item in the database and thus also on the planner. Set the properties of
the returned item. The full item settings are updated in the database with the Item.Update method.
TPlanner.FreeItem(APlannerItem: TPlannerItem);
Removes the planner item from the database as well as the planner
After changing the planner item properties, use Item.Update to let the changes reflect in the
License :
This component is free for use in non-commercial applications, that is
any software that is not being sold in one or another way or that does
not generate income in any way by the use of the application.
The component cannot be distruted in any other way except through free
accessible Internet Web pages or ftp servers. The component can only
be distributed on CD-ROM or other media with written autorization of the
Help, hints, tips, bug reports :
Send any remarks to : info@tmssoftware.com
Please clearly state which Delphi or C++Builder version you are using
and which version of the component you are using. In case of doubt,
download the latest version first at http://www.tmssoftware.com
When installing newer versions of the component, make sure to update
all your form files that used the previous version of TPlanner
before recompiling your application to make sure all new properties
are available. You can update the form file by opening it, ignoring
remarks about new properties and save the form.